Question Bank english

FULL MARKS PVT LTD Educational Publishers 4238A/1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi-110002 QUESTION BANK ENGLISH TEACHERS MANUAL CBSE 7

Transcript of Question Bank english

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Full Marks pvt ltdEducational Publishers

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New delhi-110002

Question Bank

englishteacher’s Manual


Page 2: Question Bank english



Section AReading Comprehension

• ReadingPassageType-I .........................................................................3 • ReadingPassageType-II ........................................................................8

Section BWriting & Grammar

Part-A: Writing ..........................................................................................13 1. Letter Writing .......................................................................................13 2. ArticleWriting ......................................................................................21 3. DiaryEntry ...........................................................................................28 4. StoryWriting .......................................................................................35Part-B: Grammar ......................................................................................40 1. TheSentence ........................................................................................40 2. Clauses .................................................................................................42 3. Nouns ...................................................................................................42

4. Pronouns ...............................................................................................42 5. Adjectives .............................................................................................42 6. Verb ......................................................................................................43 7. Adverb ..................................................................................................43

8. Preposition ............................................................................................44 9. Conjunctions .........................................................................................44

10. Tenses ...................................................................................................4511. ReportedSpeech/Narration ..................................................................45

12. Vocabulary ............................................................................................48 •IntegratedExercises ...........................................................................48 •PracticeTestPaper–1 .......................................................................50 •PracticeTestPaper–2 .......................................................................51 •PracticeTestPaper–3 .......................................................................52 •PracticeTestPaper–4 .......................................................................53 •PracticeTestPaper–5 .......................................................................55

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Section A Reading Comprehension

Reading Passage Type-IPassage-1 1.The accepted belief taught in

thepassageisthatifpeoplehadplentyofmoney, theywouldbehappy,andgetmoreoutoflife.

2.One can get more genuinesatisfactioninlifeinthehumblecottageofthepoorman.

3.Because he does not know thehappiness and purity of honestpoverty.


5.‘perplexed’. 6.Theimmortalsarenotborntodie. 7.One gets satisfaction in the

humblecottageofapoorman. 8.Genuinesatisfaction.Passage-2 1.Science is a great blessing to

mankindbecauseithasrelievedus of our “age long” ignorance,sufferinganddarkness.Itservesus in all walks of life like afaithfulservant.


3.Television,computer,aeorplane. 4.Sciencehaslightenedthetoilof

the housewife by placing manydevicesatherdisposal.Cooking,washingandcleaningaredoneinthetwinklingofaneye.

5.Science helps in curing manychronicandincurablediseases.

6.Every form of entertainmenthasbeenbrought toourdoor.A


7.Science has made travelling apleasureasithasconqueredtimeanddistance.


Passage-3 1.Asper thepassage, therewas a

timewhentheworldwassimpler,the animals and humans passedthrougheachother’sworldsandsaw life through each other’seyes.



4.Thelargefieldwassurroundedbystretch of uninhabited propertyovergrownbyvegetation.

5.Lily tripped on a danglingwirefromthefence.

6.Theadventurebeganonacalm,cool,cloudydaywhencuriosityovercame the chores andconcernsofthreechildren.

7.Thistlesandrhododendron. 8.Meadowwentonformileswith

itstangledbeautyandgreenery.Passage-4 1.Inourquietmoments,wethink:

Howfarwe’vecome,orhowfarwe have to go, we think aboutourstrengthsorourweaknesses.

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2.Ourwayof thinking is theonlything that needs to shift us inorder to experience happiness,loveetc.

3.Whatwerefusetoconfront. 4.We should think twice before

reservingaspaceinourheart. 5.Making one person smile can

changetheworld. 6.Saying someone is uglydoesn’t

makeusanyprettier. 7.Sometimes we need to distance

ourselvestoseethingsclearly. 8.Wearestillwayaheadofevery-

onewhoisn’ttrying.Passage-5 1.Themoonisblazedwithstars. 2.Then the sky would blaze with

light. 3.Thebearmauledaman. 4.Thebeartorntheman’sface. 5.Sher Singh lay against a tree

withhiseyesshut. 6.Because he could neither climb

norrunwhilecarryingKunwar. 7.Suddenly all Sher Singh’s

muscles, shrinkingback to theirnaturalposition.

8.(Why was the elephant playinghis trunk to and fro?) He wasplaying his trunk to and fro tolearnwhatever thebreeze couldtellhim.

Passage-6 1.Fibre helps to prevent heart

disease, diabetes, weight gainand some cancers, and can alsoimprovedigestivehealth.

2.ThewoolwhichisobtainedfromAngora goats is called Angorawool.


4.The caterpillar is also calledsilkworm.

5.Silkwormeatsmulberryleaves. 6.The protein fibre of silk is

composedmainlyoffibroin. 7.The rearing of silkworms for

obtaining silk is called seri-culture.

8. (i)Yak(ii)Angora(iii)Goat (iv)Sheep(v)Camel(vi)Alpaca

(vii)Laura.Passage-7 1.Theprocessof takinginfoodis

calledingestion. 2.Hydra uses tentacles with sting

cellstokilltheprey. 3.Bile plays an important role in

thedigestionoffats. 4.Pancreas is located just below

thestomach. 5.The digestion of food is


6.Itslengthisabout7.5meters. 7.Oesophagus is like a flattened

U and is the widest part of thealimentarycanal.

8.Pancreas is a large creamcoloured gland located justbelowthestomach.

Passage-8 1.Thetasteofvinegarissour. 2.Thesubstanceswhichhavesour

tastesarecalledacids. 3.Indicatorsareusedtotestacidor

base. 4.The acids convert blue litmus

intored. 5.The litmus is extracted from

lichens. 6.Turmeric, litmus, china rose

petalsarenaturalindicators. 7.The special type of substances

which are used to test whetherthe given substance is acidic orbasicarecalledIndicators.

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8.The substances which arebitter in taste and felt soapy ontouchingarecalledbase.

Passage-9 1.One of the greatest advances in


2.Computersarecapableofdoingextremely complicated work inallbranchesoflearning.

3.These machines can be usedin varied ways. In the future‘automation’mayenablehumanbeingsformoreleisurethantheydotoday.

4.SirLeonisacomputerexpert. 5.SirLeonpointedout that itwas

a mistake to believe that thesemachinescould‘think’.

6.There is no possibility thathumanbeingswillbe“controlledbymachines”.

7.Computerscouldbepluggedintoa national network and be usedlikeradios.

8.Translating machines helpdoctors to have immediateaccess.

Passage-10 1.TheterroristsattackedinSamba


2.Theymadeanattempttoinfiltratea very large group of terroristthroughKarensector.

3.The twelvemilitary and police/civil casualties occurred in thisattack.

4.Theseattacksprovedtwothings,that we are still ill prepared toward off terrorist attacks andthe enemy based in Pakistanhasacquirednewskillstoattacksecurityforces.

5.The Pakistan has acquired newskills to attack on the securityforces.

6.High-pitched speeches andknee-jerk reactions have beenmentionedinthepassage.

7.They planned to rehash theiractionplanstodealwiththenewkindofPakistaniaggression.

8.The Pakistan army realising itsinability to settle the problemby conventional military ordiplomaticmeans.

Passage-11 1.The increase in population and

more and more vehicles madetheroadsadeathtrap.

2.Last year almost 5006 peoplediedinroadaccidentsinDelhi.

3.The situation ismadeworse byunplannedandencroachedroadsandviolationoftrafficrules.

4.Statistics show that 80% of allroad accidents occur due tohumanerror.

5.Jumping red light is an act ofprideformostofthepeople.

6.Anincompetentpoliceforceandthepowerofpoliticshavemadethe problems of road accidentsstillfurther.

7.Road signs must be installedwherenosignsexists.

8.A revived public awarenessabout the rules of the road andstrictimplementationoflawcanensuretheroadsafety.

Passage-12 1.Becauseitnotonlyhelpsinour

proper growth but also fightsagainst so many fatal diseasesthatcropupinourbody.

2.Our survival is dependent onwater.Becauseitgiveslifetous.

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3.Globalwarmingandthemeltingof glaciers poses a tremendouschallengetoallofus.

4.Itmeansshortageofwater. 5.Only2%waterisworthdrinking. 6.Generally while bathing and

shavingweleavethetapopen. 7.Itisourmoraldutytoharvestthe

rainwater. 8.Toretainthegroundwater,plan-

tationdriveshouldbelaunched.Passage-13 1.People in affluent societies


2.Theword‘shopaholic’describessuchpeoplewhogoonshoppingsprees, buy things far in excessof their needs and most oftenspendmuchmore than theycanafford.

3.It becomes disorder when theycannot control their desire toshop.

4.A forty year old person has apenchant for designer clothesandbrandedshoes.

5.One in thirtyAmerican womensuffer because of compulsiveshopping.

6.Women constitute ninety percentofshopaholics.

7.Male shopaholics hoard powertoolsandcaraccessories.

8.They fill their life with thingsbecausetheyfeelemptyinside.

Passage-14 1.Saurav is the best badminton

playerintheschoolteam. 2.Besides enjoying the game,

Saurav follows a strict regimenofdiet,exerciseandpractice.


4.Whenhis coachannounced thathehadbeenselectedtoattendtheinter-statecamp.


6.He got a little surprise becauseBhasker paid no attention tooutsidenoiseandcalmlywenttotakehispositiononthecourt.

7.Saurav’s partner informed himthat the boy was Bhasker, ahearing impaired boy from thesamestateandagoodcontenderforthetopslot.


Passage-15 1.Thenameoftheworld’ssmallest

dogisChihuahua. 2.TheChihuahuaisnamedaftera

Mexicanstate. 3.This breed is a popular choice

among dog lovers becausethe dogs of this breed need noparticularexercise.


5.They have an inherent curiositythat makes them want to knowwhatgoesonwithinthehouse.

6.Chihuahuas are of two types—the long coated and the smoothcoated.

7.Thelong-coatedoneshaveflatorslightlywavycoats.Thesmooth-coatedonesaresofttexturedandglossy in appearance. They arefound in many colours. Theirheads are apple-shaped and insomeanimalsthefrontalareasoftheskulldonotfuse.

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8.Chihuahuas are very activewithin the house and literallyareburglaralarm.Theyaregoodwith children and are loyal anddevoted to the family. On thewhole, the Chihuahua is quitea pet.At just six inches, it is abundleofenergy.

Passage-16 1.Scientistshavediscoveredfossil-


2.The scientists’ theory confirmsthatNeanderthalsandtheearliestmodern humans were closelyrelated.

3.Earlier it was believed that theNeanderthalmanwasa‘missinglink’ between modern humansand a more primitive ape-likespecies.


5.This passage supports thebiblicalstoryoftheevolutionofthehumanspeciesrelatedtotheFlood and Noah saving humananimals about five thousandyearsago.

6.Anthropologist Marvin L.Lubenow has shown that theNeanderthal man was verysimilar to the earliest modernhuman species, except the onlydifference that the formerhadamuchbiggerskull.

7.We find that these fossils donot date from widely separatedperiodsbutperiodsthatoverlap.

8.The passage shows that the twospecies did not exist at differenttimesbutmoreorlessatthesametime.

Passage-17 1.Somuwasabrightactiveboyof


2.He was always running out toplaywiththeanimalsortowatchhisfatherworkinginthefields.

3.Somu’s mother tried all sortsof tricks to keep him indoorsespecially during the hotafternoons,buttonoavail.


5.The entire household had tobe sent in all directions to lookfor Somu and haul him home,kickingandscreaminginprotestathavinghisplaytimeshortened.

6.She gave him the lollipophopingtocalmhimdown,afteraparticularlytryingtimewithhim.

7.Under the big mango tree hesucked his candy and watchedtheducksswimminginthepond.

8.The monkey swung down andsnatchedthelollipopfromSomu.

Passage-18 1.In today’s world student’s life

is busywith school, homework,tuition,extra-curricularactivitiesandtechnology.

2.The youngsters have forgottenabout books what once used toourbestfriends.

3.By cultivating the habit ofreading we can develop ourrelationshipwithbooks.

4.The world of books containsmore adventure and livelyexperience than any person cansavouratfirsthand.

5.Readingbooksgivesusaestheticpleasure, too much informationandenhancesourlanguageskills.

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6.We derive aesthetic pleasurefromreadingthebooks.

7.Reading a careful selection ofbooksisoneofthebestwaysofenhancingone’slanguageskills.

8.Thispassagesuggeststopickupabookand immerseyourself inthepleasuresofthewrittenword.

Passage-19 1.Researcherssuggestthatluckisa

triumphofnatureovernature. 2.People’s personalities influence

how some people cope withall sorts of adversities and sailthrough problems and unhappysituationswhile others are shat-teredemotionallyandphysicallyinsimilarcircumstances.

3.Psychologists believe thatwhenconfrontedby amajor problem,people fall into two types:internalandexternal.

4.Thefirsttypeofpeopleanalysea connection between action,learningandtheoutcome.

5.Externalists believe that theyhavenocontrolovertheirlives.

6.If theyfallover, theyjustblamebadluckinsteadoftryingtowork


7.Externalist does not learn formpastexperience.

8.Theinternaliststakemattersintotheir hands and tend to becomehighachievers.

Passage-20 1.Thesoil is formed through long


2.Three kinds of rocks are foundontheearth.

3.Igneous rocks are made of themoltenmateriallikegranite.

4.Sedimentary rock is formedwhen the matter brought downby rivers falls to the bottom ofsea, and this sediment is slowlypressedandcementedtogether.

5.Sedimentary rocks are found inallkindsofplaces,evenonhighmountain.

6.Shale, limestone and chalk arekindsofsedimentaryrocks.

7.The third kind of rock is meta-morphic rock, a rockwhich hasbeenmadebychangeduetoheat.

8.Themetamorphicrockisformedwhen the lava is thrown out byvolcanoes affects the materialoverwhichitflows.

Reading Passage Type-IIPassage-1 I.1.Spices brought fame and

fortune to this state. Pepper,cardamom, nutmeg andcinnamonarefoundthere.

2.The Periyar National Parkis situated in district Ikuddiof Kerala. Periyar Lake issurroundedbylushforests.Theparkhasa largepopulationofelephants, gaur, barking deerandover300speciesofbirds.

3.The canals and backwaters ofKumarakom look speciallyspectacularduringthesunset.

4.In the 5th century churchhaving pews, walls paintedwith golden angels and thebeautiful face of JesusChrist,surrounded by angels, statuesof Mary and high ceilingscoveredwithpaintings.

II. 1. (a) 2. (d) 3.(b) 4.(a)

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Passage-2 I.1.Gathers may want a better

lifestyle—a bigger house, aposh area to live in, luxurycars, holidays abroad andshoppingmalls.

2.There is nothing wrong inhaving a desire to get goodmarks,toexcelinsports,todowellinlife.

3.Those who make the effortgrumblingall thewayandarehappyonlywhenthedesire isachievedintheend.


II. 1. (a) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(a)Poem-3I.1.When the Earth was nearly

made it looked like Mom’soven-bakedcake. Its colourswhereblueandgreen.

2.Trees waved their boughs intheair.

3.When the man thought offilling his purse his futurebegantoappeardim.Hisheartfilledwithdistaste.

4.He started planting trees tosave animals, sanctuaries. Onevery 22nd April he started,celebratingEarthDay.

II. 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(a)Passage-4 I.1.Theauthorlikestospendtime

with his family because hisbrothersdonotlivethere,thereareveryfewdaysthathegetstospendwithhisentirefamily.

2.The best moment of author’slife is the moment that hespendswithhisfamily.

3.The favourite books of theauthor are the one written byRoald Dahl, Agatha Christie,andtheregularArchieComics.

4.Theauthorloveseatingchips,ice cream, chocolates and allthejunkfoodintheworld.

II. 1. (a) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(b)Passage-5 I.1.Ghostsintriguedandfascinated

theauthor. 2.TheauthorlivesintheNational

Library. 3.The National Library is the

largest Library in India andwas theWinter House of theBritish.Thereareinnumerablestories about ghosts hauntingthisplace.

4.Chowkidars have claimed tohaveseenEnglishcouplesdanc-ingduringoneoftheirballs.

II. 1. (a)2.(c),3.(d),4.(d),5.(a)Passage-6 I. l.Mr. Greenwent to the barber

onceinamonth. 2.Mr. Green took Philip some-

timeswithhimtothebarber. 3.Philip used to look at the



II. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(c)Passage-7 I.1.AlbertEinsteinwasaGerman-


2.Einstein developed the theoryofrelativity.


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4.In 1889, the Einstein familyinvited a poor Polish medicalstudent,MaxTalmud tocometo their house for Thursdayeveningmeals.

II. 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(b)Passage-8 I.1.The functionof agovernment

of a country is to promoteeconomic growth and properutilizationofresources.

2.The government needs thehelp of scientists who belongtodifferentdisciplines.

3.The author states that acountry’s economy is directlybound up with the efficiencyof its agriculture and industryandthatthisinturnrestsuponthe efforts of scientists andtechnologistsofallkinds.

4.Science and technology areincreasinglycomingunderthecontrol of the government isbest expresses the idea of thepassage.

II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(d)Passage-9 I.1.The man was afraid of the

Bushman for his unkemptappearance. The Bushmangavehimalotofwaterthatheneeded.

2.The Bushman was squattingmotionlesson thehoodof thecar,smilingasusual.

3.The author showed in signlanguagethatheneededwaterforthecar.

4.The authorwas amazedwhenthe man puts his lips aroundthe other end of the stick.Soon, a streamofwater cameoutaroundhismouth.

II. 1. (c) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a)

Passage-10 I.1.It iswrong toassume thatwe

communicate only when wespeakorwrite.


3.In conversation, our facialexpressionscontribute55%tothemeaningmaking;tone38%and spoken words contributeonly7%totheprocess.

4.Eventhephysicalappearance-clothing, gait, postures, etc.helps us to form opinionsandjudgmentsabouttheotherperson.

II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(b)Passage-11 I.1.About2,500millionyearsago

theearthonwhichwelivewasaballofgaswhich,oncooling,grew smaller or shrank andbecameliquid.

2.The crust of the earth is thesolidmatterresultingfromthiscooling.Thecrustonwhichweliveandfromwhichweobtainalmosteverythingisnotrigid.

3.Volcanoes such as Etna andStromboliintheItalianislandsremindusfromtimetotimeofthe force and heat below theground.

4.The study of earthquakes hasshownthattheoriginofmanyofthemisunderthebottomoftheseaandnearthecoastofacontinentoralargeisland.

II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a)Passage-12 I.1.According to the Sinhalese

account, it was crime andbanishment that led to theirsettlementinSriLanka.

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2.Vijaya, the son of a NorthIndian King was ousted fromhiskingdomduetotheactsofassaultandrobbery.

3.Vijaya and his men wereblessedby theBuddhaas theycametolandonthewestcoastofSriLankaontheverydaytheBuddhaattainedenlightenment.

4.Vijaya and his men settledaroundAnuradhapura,formingthe basis of a Sinhalesekingdom that developed thereinthe4thcentury.

II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a)Passage-13 I.1.Apurva and Shruti are very

close friends. Both areintelligent, hardworking andextremely ambitious. Theybothusuallytookthefirst tworanksintheclass.

2.In the summer of theirgrade seven, they decided toappear in theAll IndiaTalentExamination.

3.Apurva realized that theEnglish content was a bit tootough butMathematicswouldbeabreezeforher.

4.Whentheyreachedtheschoolbright and early to check thescoresonthenoticeboard,theysquealedwithjoyastheybothhadmadeittotheHonourslist.

II. 1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a)Passage-14 I.1.The ferocious lion lives in a

huge and dense forest at thefootoftheHimalayas.

2.Thefearoflionwasprevalentin the heart of every animaland human being around. Aneedlealsolivedinonepartoftheforest.

3.The presence of a ferociouslion and his wild attacks onother animals created panicamongthemostanimalsintheforest.

4.The snake advised the needletopushitselfintothelion’sbedand stand erectwith its sharptipfacingupwards.

II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a)Passage-15 I.1.Air pollution can come from

nature.Thesmokeandashfromforestfires,pollenfromplants,salt spray from the ocean andeven a far-off volcano cancauseairpollution.Butmostlyair pollution is caused by thethingshumansdo.

2.Humans operate industrieswithsmokestacks,burnwood,or they drive cars or othervehicles which release smokeintotheair.Thus,airpollutioniscausedbyhumans.

3.Every year over millions ofcars,trucksandothervehiclestravel on the roads across ourcountry and produce carbondioxideemissions.

4.Climatechangeistheincreasein the temperature on ourplanet.Itishappeningbecauseoftheairpollution.

II. 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a)Passage-16 I.1.Any labour below the age of

fourteen is considered to be achild labour.Thewagesgiventothesechildrenaremuchlesscomparedtothewagesofadultlabourers.

2.We often see young boysand girls working in teastalls, roadside restaurants,

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meat shops, grocery shops,small industries and privatehouseholds.

3.Employinglittleboysandgirlsmeans making the boys andgirlsbelowtheageoffourteenwork for longer hours. Itenablestheemployernotonlytosavemoneybutalsotoavoidlabour unrest and otherwork-relateddemands.

4.The abolition of child labourwill only be possible if theeconomic conditions of thepoorfamiliesimproveandtheemployment of adults fromthesefamiliesisensured.

II. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b)Passage-17 I.1.Our life today is dependent

on science and technology asfromwakingupinthemorningtothesoundofanalarmsetonone’smobilephone,togoingtobedafterswitchingonthefan,ourday-to-daylifeisorganizedaround technological devicesof different kinds. Thesedevices are such an importantpart of our daily life that wecannotspendevenafewdayswithoutthem.

2.Technology has certainlymademodern lifemuchmorecomfortable and easy. One ofthe valuable gifts of sciencethathasbecameaninseparablepartofmodernlifeiselectricity.

3.Temporary power failuresmakeusrealizetheimportanceofelectricityinourday-to-daylife.

4.Inthetwenty-firstcenturyitisnot only difficult but alsoimpossible to imagine life

withoutthesupportofscienceand technology. Constantresearch in science andtechnologyisbeingcarriedoutto improve the quality ofhumanlifeonthisplanet.

II. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a)Passage-18 I.1.Amouselivinginafarmhouse

peeped out from his holeand got the shock of his lifewhen he saw the farmer wasdisplaying a mousetrap to hiswife.

2.Whenhegotpanicstricken,heran out to consult his neigh-bours. He sought the help ofthedog, thehenand thegoat.Buttheydidnothelphimandmadefunofhim.

3.Being frightened, the mousestayed back in his hole thatnight, not daring to go outthough he was faint withhunger.

4.Whenthewomandiedalotofrelatives came for the funeraland stayed on. The farmerslaughtered the goat to feedthem. By a twist of irony thetrap had destroyed everyoneexcept the one it had beenintendedfor!

II. 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a)Passage-19 I.1.The unequal distribution of

wealthinsocietyisunjustandunnatural. Everyone shouldhave an equal share in all theproductsofsociallabour.

2.Thesumtotalofwealthshouldbe distributed in the spirit ofloveandsocial service,as theincome of a family is spentamongitsmembersatpresent.

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3.Thewealthofthewholeworldis theheritageof allwho liveontheearth.

4.Thespontaneousfeelingofpitymoves us to give something.Thenincreaseourgiftbyaverysubstantial amount, when weunderstandthatjusticedemandsthe immediate repayment ofotherpeople’smoney.

II. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(a)Passage-20 I.1.Education ought to teach us

how tobe in love always andwhattobeinlovewith.



3.It is commonplace now thatart has ebbed away out ofour ordinary life, out of thethings which we used, andthat it is practiced no longerbyworkmenbutonlybyafewpaintersandsculptors.

4.Beauty is a mere source ofpleasure, and therefore, itmeanstousanornamentaddedtothingsforwhichwecanpayextraaswechoose.Butbeautyis not an ornament to life, orthethingmadebyman.Itisanessentialpartofboth.

II. 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4.(b)

Section B Writing & Grammar

Part A–Writing1. Letter Writing

ExERcIsE 1.B-110,VishalEnclave, NewDelhi 28thAugust,20XX TheEditor TheTimesofIndia Sub:Request to republish the

article. DearSir/Madam, On30August20XXyournews-

paperpublishedanarticle aboutthenotable social activistRahulMehta.InyourarticleMr.Mehtais portrayed as a greedy andcorrupt person. But this is not true.

I know Rahul since our schooldays,andIcantellyouthatheisanhonestpersonwhodeeplycaresforthepoorandtheneedy.Evenas a student he used to activelyengageinsocialwork.Thatisthereason why he decided to workfor an NGO after completinghis management studies. Ifmoney were his priority, hecould have opted for a jobwitha multinational company. ManyMNCs were interested in hiringhim.Buthedidn’tjoinanyMNC.Instead,hechosetoliveandworkfor the underprivileged sectionsofthesociety.

Some politicians are jealous ofhis growing popularity and try

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totarnishhisimagebyspreadingsuchrumours.Arespectednews-paper like yours should havechecked twice before publishingsuchnews.

Hence,Irequestyoutorepublishthe correct news. I think youshould take necessary measurestoconveyhiscleanimageamongthepublic.

Expectingpromptaction. Thankingyou Yoursobediently Rohit Sharma 2.H.No.576 ResidentsWelfareAssociation KarolBagh 5thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheIndianExpress Sub: Indiscriminateuseof

loudspeakers Sir, Through the column of your

esteemednewspaperIwishtodrawthekindattentionofthepublicand the concernedauthoritiestowards indiscriminateuseofloudspeakers.Nowadaysreligiouscelebrationsarenomoreaprivateaffair.Peopleuseloudspeakersindiscriminately.Whenthereisamarriageorjagaran oranynightreligiouscelebration,onecan’tsleepevenduringthenights.Theorganisersdon’t carewhethertherearestudentspreparingfortheirexaminationsoranypatientsuffering fromanydiseaseorseniorcitizensandchildrenbeingdisturbed.Assuch,authoritiesshouldputnecessaryrestrictionsonthemisuseofloudspeakers.

At the same time the publicshouldbeawareofthedifficultiesbeingcausedbythemisuseofloudspeakers.Theyshouldusethe loudspeaker as andwhenhighlynecessarywithoutcausinginconveniencetoanybodyelse.

Thankingyou Yourstruly Gagan Sharma 3.H.No.23 ModelTown,Sonipat 15thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheTribune Sub:Frequentbreakdownof

electricity Sir, Irequestyoutopublishthisletter

in‘LetterstotheEditor’columnof your esteemed newspaper.The supply of electricity in ourtown is quite irregular. Thereare frequent breakdowns ofelectricity.Weknowthatthestateis facing problems regardingthe supply of electricity. Thedisruption of electric supply atthe hours when we most needit isveryannoying.Oldpeople,children and students are theworstsufferers.Theoldandtheyoungcan’tenjoyproperrestorsleep.Thestudentsfeeldisturbedbecausetheycannotconcentrateon their studies due to heavysweatingduringsummers.

Wehaveapproachedtheauthor-ities many times and requestedthem to stick to the scheduledpowercuts.

Iwouldlikeyoutotakeupthisissuewith theelectricity supply

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authorities. Let the supply ofelectricity be regulated andthe hours of cuts published inthe newspapers. It will helpeveryone to plan the hours ofworkandrest.

Thankingyou Yourstruly Ashish Burma 4.H.No.105 Pitampura,NewDelhi 14thJuly,20XX TheEditor, TheIndianExpress Sub: Complaint about frequent

load-sheddinginPitampura. DearSir, Ithasnowbecomeaneveryday

affairinourtownthatthepeoplehavetoliveincompletedarknessfor long hours in absence ofelectricity. The State ElectricityBoard seems to be careless andrather indifferent towards thedifficultiesfacedbythedwellersofthetown.

So I would like to request youto publish the grievances facedby the people due to the load-shedding through the columnof your esteemed newspaper,so that the concerned authoritycomes to its senses and takesimmediate steps to remove thisundesirablehazardousproblem.

During the dark hours of thenight,thestudentswhostudylateat night suffer considerably forwantof light.Theold, thesick,and the children suffer inmanyways.The anti-socials elementsbecome more active, takingadvantageofthedarkness,andit

becomes risky for one to be onthedarkstreetsatnight.

The curse of load-shedding hasbecome like a chronic diseasethat disrupts the normal lifeof the people. Yes, if it werean occasional event, no onewould have bothered about it,becauseasuddenbreakdownofageneratingstationmightcauseit.Butithasnowbecomealmosta regular occurrence, whichgoes to prove mere negligenceand inefficiency of the StateElectricityBoard.Itisnotknownwhatcanbetheirexcuseonthiskindofmajorlapse.

Wemust, by all means, get ridof this kind of load-sheddingthat is going to almost paralyseour normal life, especially afterdark.All of us must be unitedtodosomethingaboutthis.SoIrequestforyourkindinterferenceintothematterwhichisrequiredto be highlighted before thepublic eye with your valuablesuggestionorcriticism.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully N.K. Singh 5.B-106 MalviyaNagar,NewDelhi 10thSeptember,20XX TheEditor TheTimesofIndia Sub: Complaintabouttheheapof

rubbishinourarea. DearSir, Through the column of your

esteemed newspaper I wouldlike to draw the attention of theconcerned authority towards

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a major problem faced by thepeople of the locality. There isa heap of garbage lying in ourareainMalviyaNagarandithasmadeourlifemiserable.Thereisalsoapondofwater thatalwaysstinks. The street at which it islocatedhasbecomeverydirtyandimpassable.Mostoftheresidentsand sweepers throw the garbageon the street and it has becomeafilthdepot. In theday time thegarbagespreadsonthestreetandgivesoutbadsmell.Ithasbecomeabreedinggroundformosquitoesand flies. They carry the germsandspreaddiseases.Myyoungerbrother and sister are always illbecauseofinsanitation.Whenevera complaint is lodged regardingit, the concerned staff of MCD,does not pay any heedwhich isa usual habit or just do nominalwork.Itrequiresapermanentandimmediatesolution.Itisanearnestrequest to publish this issue inyour newspaper without anydelaysothatitcanbehighlighted.I would like to request you toconsider sympathetically andcoin this issue in your esteemednewspaper. I hope itwould helpustoremovethisheapofgarbageand drain the stinky water. Thesweeper must be punctual andregularwhileondutyinourarea.Iwillbegratefultoyouforthisactofkindness.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully Rohit 6.H-96, Mehrauli,NewDelhi 15thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes

Sub:Complaint about the poormaintenanceofpublicparkinourarea.

Sir, Through the column of your

esteemed newspaper, I wouldliketodrawthekindattentionofMunicipalCorporationofDelhitowardsthepoormaintenanceofthepublicparkinourarea.

ThisistheonlyparkinMehrauli.But the park has been turnedinto a dumpingground.Thereare heaps of dirt and litter allaround.Someportionof ithasbeenencroachedbythepropertydealersandlandownersof theadjoining area.Once the parkusedtobewellmaintainedandlush green, having all kindsof seasonal flowers adding toitsbeauty.Butnow itwears adesertedandabandonedlook.

Residents of the area are, to agreat extent, responsible for theneglectedconditionof thepark.Theparkisusedforweddingandothercelebrationsandleft-oversare thrownhere and there.Thisprovides a grazing ground forthestrayanimals.

SoIrequesttheMCDtointervenetocheckthedegenerationofthepark and attempt to bring backthelostbeautyofit.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully Aman 7.D-108, Hazratganj,Lucknow 20Oct20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes Sub:TheEvilsofStreetBegging

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Sir, I would be grateful to you if

you, publish the following fewlinesabout theevilsofbeggingin thecolumnofyouresteemednewspaper.

It is a matter of shame for usthat even after so many yearsof independence our roadsand streets are still infestedwith beggars. They seem to beomnipresent.Itisagreatnuisancetohavebeggarsaroundyouatthebusstops,railwaystation,marketcompound and religious places.Even when one tries to avoidthem, it isdifficult togetoutoftheirclutches.

Sometimesthesebeggarsembar-rassyouandyouhavetopartwithsome coins even against yourwill. If these beggars happen tospotsomeforeigners,theywouldnot leave them until they forcethem to give them alms. Whatimpression of our country theseforeignerswilltakeback.

Someofthebeggarsappeartobequitehealthyandstout.Itseemsthey have found begging to bethe bemost convenientmethodofearningmoney.IfeelthattheGovernment must ban beggingandhaulthebeggars.Thehealthybeggars should be forced towork for their livelihood. If theevil of begging is not checkedimmediately, it will turn out tobeabigsocialmenace in timesto come. Public cooperation issolicited to curb this evil fromoursociety.

Thankingyou Yourstruly Prakash

8.F-116, HauzKhas,NewDelhi 26thJuly,20XX TheEditor TheIndianExpress Sub:Recklessdriving. DearSir, Through the column of your

esteemed newspaper, I wouldliketodrawtheattentionof theconcerned authority towardsthe rising problem of recklessdrivingofcarsandlorriesinthecity.Seeingthebreak-neckspeedat which drivers race along thestreets, one gets the impressionthat the drivers must be drunk.Manyofthemdonotslowdownthespeedevenwhilenegotiatingsuddenturnsontheroad.Itisnotsurprisingthatroadaccidentsareontheincrease.TheotherdayIsaw a lorry knockdown anoldwomanwhowascrossingaroad.Whatwasmoreshockingtomewas that the lorry did not stop,but sped on, as though nothinghadhappened.

The drivers of cars and lorriesmustbecompelledtoobservethespeedlimitlaiddownforvehiclesplyinginacity.Theculpritsmustbegivenpunishment, itwillactasadeterrent.Hencepeoplewillnotindulgeinsuchacts.

Thankingyou Yourstruly Rahul 9.K-86, Mathura,UttarPradesh 20thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheTimesofIndia

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Sir, Theearthistheonlyplanetinthis

vastuniversewherelifeexistsdueto thepresenceofwaterandaironit.Wehavemadetheecologysuffer by the thoughtlessness ofour actions. We have pollutedtheencasingoftheearth,namelythe water and air, far beyondits capacity to cleanse itself.Urgent measures are needed tocheckfurtherdegradationof theenvironmentoradaywillcomewhentheenvironmentarounduswillcollapse tomakesurvivalanear impossibility. Nature hasalreadystartedwarningusintheformofunexpecteddisastersandcalamities.Weshouldnotignorethese warnings signals. Themottoofthedayistoimproveourecologicalconditionorperish intheabsenceofit.

Thankingyou Yourssincerely Umesh 10.M-46, TagoreGarden,NewDelhi 18thJuly,20XX TheEditor TheImpressiveTimes Sub:Encroachmentinthe

parking DearSir, Through the column of your

esteemed newspaper, I wouldliketodrawtheattentionof thepublic as well as the authorityofthisareatowardsthegrowingtensionofparkinginthecity.Theentireareaisblocked,andthereisnolawandregulationoftrafficrules. Due to mismanagement

of parking, the traffic jam hasbecome common. Sometimes itbecomes dangerous if someoneisinacriticalconditionandhastoreachhospitalfortreatment.

Therefore we request the publicas well as the authority to takethis issue into consideration anddotheneedfulassoonaspossible.

Ithankyouinanticipation. Regards Ashok Sharma 11.LIG–12 HousingBoardColony,Patna 10thMarch,20XX TheEditor TheTimesofIndia Sub:Beequippedtohandlebird

fluepidemic. Sir, I want to draw attention of the

public aswell as the concernedauthority towards the columnpublishedinTheTimesofIndiaregarding bird flu epidemic inChina. It is really a shockingnews to us. A lot of birdsare dying due to the bird fluepidemic. But now this diseaseis spreading across the world.India may not be untouched toit.Ifthisspreadstoourcountry,it will create a lot of problemsfor us. A lot of species havealready got extinct. It shouldbe tackled at large scale. Ourcountryshouldbewell-equippedtohandleit.Thegovernmenthasalreadytakenafewmeasurestoovercomethisproblem.

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Besides, the public should alsobe very careful to ward off thefataleffectsofthisdisease.

ThankingYou Yoursfaithfully Mayank 12.D-112,Phase-II Okhla,NewDelhi 15thMarch,20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes Sub:Regardingbrutal treatment

metedouttoawoman. Sir, Recently I read a news item in

your esteemed newspaper inwhich the brutal treatment wasgiven to the wife of an officerinChennaiforwantofdowry.Itis really a very shocking news.Dowrysystemhasjustbecomeabiggestsocialevilinoursociety.Even the educated and the richpeople are not left untouchedfromit.Justforthelureofsomewealth and luxurious item, thein-laws commit atrocities ontheir daughter-in-law. At firsttheydemandmoney, if it isnotfulfilled, the brides are burnt todeath. So called VIPs and bigfamilies are also involved in it.The government has made somany laws but they have notbeenimplementedeffectively.

So, I would like to requestthe government to take toughmeasuresagainsttheculprits.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully Parivartan

13. D-429, Janakpuri,NewDelhi 20thJanuary,20XX TheEditor TheHindu Sub:FemalefoeticideinIndia Sir, Through the column of your

esteemed daily I would liketo draw the attention of theconcerned authorities towardstheproblemsoffemalefoeticideinIndia.Indiahasproducedthegreat women like Rani LaxmiBai, Kiran Bedi, etc. Thesewomen have set an examplebefore the world through theirwork. Female foeticide is acurse to Indiansociety.Even inthis agewomen are given thirddegreetreatment.

When the baby girl is in thewomb of her mother, she iskilled.Itisreallyshocking.Thepracticeoffemalefoeticidemustbe stopped. The governmentmust take tough action againstthe people who commit suchcrime. They must be punishedbyimposingaheavyfineaswellasphysically.

So,IwouldliketorequestevenNGOsandotherorganizationtocome forward to deal with thisproblem.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully Rupesh 14.24,ChhayaApt. Sector-3,Ranchi 20thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheTimesofIndia

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Sub: Neglectofhockeyandothersports

Sir, Through the column of your

esteemeddaily,Iwouldlikedrawthe attention of the governmenttowards neglect of hockey andother sports. Cricket has nowbecomeafavouritegameof thepeople of all age groups. It hasbecomepopularworldwide.Butthe third world countries likeIndia,PakistanandSriLankaaremuch inclined to this game. InIndia,ithasbecometoopopular.Itistruethatgameisagameandmustbeplayedwiththespiritofgame.Buttheneglectofhockeyand other sports at the cost ofcricketisreallyamatterofgraveconcern. Neither governmentnorIndianpublicisinterestedinpromoting this game.Althoughit is thenationalgameof India,yetnobodyisreadytotakecareofit.Hockeyplayersarenotinapositiontomeettheirdailyneeds.They are not motivated andencouraged by our governmenttoperformattheirbest.

So, I would like to request thegovernment and the concernedauthorities to promote hockeyand other games like kho-kho,kabaddi,etc.

Thankingyou Yourssincerely Rakesh Ranjan 15.109,RoopNagar GaliNo.–9 Gumla,Ranchi 30thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes

Sub: Misleading and fake Ad-vertisements

Sir, Through the column of your es-

teemeddaily,Iwouldliketodrawthe attention of the concernedauthorities towards misleadingadvertisements. Advertisementsare themediumofexpressionofideas of any particular products.They make us aware about themeritsanddemeritsofaproduct.That is why companies spendhuge amount of money on ad-vertisementstocatchattentionofthepublic.Iftheadvertisementiseye-catchingthenitwillgethugeresponse.Peoplewillgetinclinedtowards buying the particularproduct.Butnowadayssomemis-leading and fake advertisementsare on display. To pull moneyfrom the customers, they givecatchy slogans. When the cus-tomerscomeintoitstraptheyjustmake falsepromises.Theydon’tstandbywhatevertheypromisedearlier.

Suchmisleadingadvertisementsshould be banned. The govern-ment must take tough actionagainst those companies whobefoolthecustomers.

Thankingyou Yourssincerely Kishan Kumar 16.D-103, Janakpuri,NewDelhi 24thOctober,20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes Sub: Closureoftobacco


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Sir, Through the column of your

esteemed daily, I would like todrawtheattentionofthegovern-ment towards the increasingconsumption of tobacco.We allknowthatchewingoftobaccoisinjurious to health. Even whenwepurchaseanytobaccoproductignoring its caption ‘TobaccoKills’.Althoughafewstatesbanit for some time but later theyignoreit.Becausethegovernmentearnshandsomerevenuethroughtobacco.Butatthecostofhealth,itshouldnotbeopened.Tobaccoindustries must be banned.The employees of the tobaccoindustries should be shifted toothersector. In ruralareas,mostof the people are addicted to it.Itnotonlyharmtheirhealth,butalso disintegrate their families.Whatever they earn, maximumamount is spent on it. It createschaosinthefamily.

So, I would like to request thegovernmenttoclosethetobaccoindustries.Strictmeasureshouldbetakeninthisregard.

Thankingyou Yourssincerely Manav Kumar

2. Article WritingExERcIsE

1. Environment Pollution—Karan

‘Environmental Pollution’ is asubject which is of great concernfor everyone in the modern age.Modern age is an age of science

andindustry.Nodoubt,scienceandindustryhaveblesseduswithmanyamenities which have made ourlife most comfortable.At the sametime theyhave created theproblemof pollution. We face pollution onall sides. The air we breathe in ispolluted by smoke and poisonousgases.Thefoodweeatispollutedbyinsecticidesandpesticides.Thewaterwe drink is polluted by chemicalwaste of factories and garbage ofcities. Indiscriminate expansionof industries has polluted the ruralareasalso.Besides,excessiveuseofchemicalfertilizershascontaminatedthe soil. Noise pollution is theother kind of pollution created byincreasingmachines, industries andvehiculartraffic.Thuswearefacingtheill-effectsofpollution.Strictandseriousmeasuresshouldbetakentocontrolpollution.Industrialwaste should be properly treatedin special treatment plants beforelettingitflowintothewaterbodiesordumpingit.Useoforganicmanuresshould be encouraged instead ofchemicalfertilizers.Plantingoftreesshould be encouraged. The peoplewho violate the environment lawsshouldbepunished.2. Abolishing Public Exams

—PiyushTwenty first century is the ageof computer—the age of skill.Our knowledge is expanding ata very fast rate. The old modesof learning based on memorizingfacts and reproducing them in theexamination are now the things ofthe past. Learning is no longer atedious, boring or frightening task.

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It is becoming more and more fun-filled activity. Consequently school bags are getting smaller and lighter. The monster of homework no longer frightens the students as many progressive schools have abolished it. The stress is now on learning skills and using them in life-like situations. My opponents might point out that public examinations are essential to judge the love of education a student has attained and his capability. I frankly ask them : What are they going to judge? Is it their capacity to learn facts and reproduce them from memory or their acquisition of skills? We should be progressive and practical in our approach. Evaluation should be a constant process. It should not be judged according to performance during three hours of a specific day. I appeal to the authorities to change the outdated education system which gives undue importance to examination. Not knowledge but its application should be the key. We do not want rote learners but skilled and efficient technicians and professionals. 3. A Better World

—Deepak If a person could change three things in this world by simply making a wish, would they take that opportunity or let nature run its course. If I could make a wish that would change the way the world is today, I would. My first wish would be to end all the problems in poverty-stricken countries, and to educate them on the things like medication

and the importance of birth control. I would also set up a place where they could eat a good meal. I think that it would be a great accomplishment. My second wish would be to end all the world’s Racism. This would be a hard task to meet, but would do my utmost to make all people be treated equally, and nobody should made to go through life which is disgraceful and disrespectful. My third wish would be a simple one. I would just want everyone to be ‘themselves’. Then no one would have to wear artificial look to impress others. We should be beautiful from inside not from outside.We should not treat anyone as lower than others. Everybody is equal in the eyes of god than who we are to discriminate amongst people. Life in the service of others is life worth living. That what makes a person truly beautiful.4. Sports

—AshishSports play an important role in our lives. This is the reason that most of the doctors advise us to practice yoga, do exercises, play games and sports, etc. to be fit.From our childhood days we play various games and sports. We play indoor games like Chess, Ludo, Carrom Board, Cards games, etc. and outdoor games like Cricket, Football and Tennis, etc. So there is far brighter side of playing games and sports. In our daily life we spend most of our time within the workplace, then go home and have food and drink and then go to sleep.

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Students spend more time readingbooks and doing homework for thenext day. Women spend their timewithin the home for doing varioushousehold works. When we don’tplay games and sports, we reallydon’t know how badly we areaffecting our health. “Allwork andnoplay”may lead tomoreobesity,sleepless night, indigestion of foodandlotmoreproblemswilldevelopin our body.We should understandthevalueofgamesandsports.That’swhyweneedtoplaysomesportsandgamesinoursparetimetohaveoneofthebestexerciseintheopenair.Open air games and sports giveus fresh air which contains moreoxygen than the air in a confinedroom.Thefreshairrelaxesourbodyandmindwhichhelpsustoincreasethe concentration of our mind,and improve immunity, developpersonality, and helps to acquireleadershipqualities,etc.Indoor games like Chess improvesourthinkingpower.Soitisessentialfor all of us to play any form ofgamesandsportstorefreshourselvesandliveahealthylife.5. Metro Rail: A Dream Come

True —NehaOn 24th December, 2002, Delhitookagiantstep towardsbecomingamodernstate.ItwasthedaywhentheMetroTrainwasinauguratedbythethenPrimeMinisterofIndia.Onthis occasion the Metro train wasbeautifully decorated. Only VVIPstravelledontheinauguralrunof7kmsbetween Tis Hazari and Shahdara.Now theMetro train isbecomingapartofourdailylife.NowMetroisrunningalloverDelhiandinregions

around it. It is a world class train.The compartments are equippedwithairconditioners.Theyareveryneatandclean.Ticketlessjourneyisnot possible. No heavy luggage ispermitted.Assuch,passengersdon’tfind the train journey inconvenient.The train comes and departs at therighttime.Passengersdon’thavetofacethetrafficsnarls.Ithasbecomeacomfortableexperiencetocommute.Daybydaythenetworkofthemetrotrainisincreasing.TheDelhiMetroisatparwithanytrainserviceintheworld.6. Studying Abroad

—NishaStudying abroad is an excitingexperience, giving you theopportunity to learnmoreabout thetraditions and culture of the hostcountry and its people.Apart fromthe excellent education I receivedduring three years in England, Ialso made a wide circle of friendsand improved my language skills.I learnedhowtofaceanddealwithvarious problems, and as a result,havebecomemoreindependentandself-confident.IstudiedEnglishLiteratureandthis,alongwithmakingmanyfriendsbothat university and through the part-time job I had, helped improvemyEnglish. Although I already spokethelanguagequitewell,whenIfirstarrived I had trouble understandingsome accents and the slang orcolloquialisms that are in everydayuse.Now I amamuchmorefluentandnaturalspeaker,andmywritinghasimprovedtoo.

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The biggest problems I faced werefinding a place to live in when Idid not know the areawell, gettingthe electricity and phone connectedandgenerally learning to look aftermyself.Ihadtogetusedtoshopping,cookinganddoingthehousework,aswell as studying andworking, so Iquicklymasteredtheartofplanningmytimesensibly.Althoughadaptingto living in a new country is noteasy, once the initial homesicknessand missing the family has beenovercome, learning to fend foryourselfcertainlymakesyouamoreindependent person, and definitelymoreself-confident.Mytimeabroadhelped me grow as a person and Ifeel I can tackle any problem nowin a calm and confident manner,withouttakingthehelpofothers.7. Save the Planet, Earth

—KanicaThisisacauseofcompleteconcernacross the globe today. The globalwarminghasaccelerated the riseoftemperatureonearth.Thesealevelisrising.Theglaciersaremeltingaway.There has been very less rainfallin the recent years resulting in thescarcity of food around the world.Thedeathrateduetostarvationhasincreasedimmensely.We,thehumanbeings,aresolelyresponsibleforthiscalamity. We pollute our planet inmanyways.Deforestation,industrialpollution, toxic wastes, vehicularpollution and lack of greenery arethechiefcausesofimbalanceintheecosystem.The urgent need of the hour is thateachoneofusmusttakesomestepsto save theplanet in everypossible

way.We shouldprotect our forests,save fuel, plant trees, take care oftoxicpollutants,conservewaterandchangeourlifestyle.Awareness programmes must belaunchedbythestudentsandNGOstomakepeopleawareofenvironmentalproblems. The public should avoidtheuseofpolythenebags.Allofusmuststrivehardtosaveourbeautifulplanetforthefuturegenerations.8. (See Article No.3)9. How to Find Balance

between Life and Work —TarunIn today’s society we are alwayson the go, especially women andmothers.Wearebusytakingcareofkids, elderly parents aswell as ourprofessionalliveswhichcanincludeeducation,business,andcareers.Sohow dowe find a balance betweenour life and work? It is importantnottooverexertourselves,byover-exertingwecancauseourbodiestowearoutandourmentalandspiritualstatescanbecomedrainedleavingusfeelingemotionallyexhausted.Some of the things that we can doin order to find a balance betweenlife and work is to set priorities.This allows us to establish a sortof business plan for our lives bymapping out the aspects of ourlives and establishing an orderof importance. By doing this weare better equipped to choose andmakedecisionsastowhichprojectsto pursue, how to advance in ourcareers,andmostimportantlyhowtocreateandmaintainfamilytime.Another thing that we can do isusing the word “NO” whenever

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need to.Youcan’t be everything toallpeoplesotheremaycomeatimewhenyouhavetorealizethatitisnotinyourbestinteresttoacceptorsayyes toeverything thatcomesalong.Additionally,itisimportanttolearnhowtoseparatelifefromwork.Thiscanbeachievedbysettingguidelinesforyourbusiness,creatingyourworkorofficespace,makingyourfamilyawareofyourworkandnonworkinghours especially if you work fromhome or run a business at home,andnotschedulingworkorbusinessfunctions around your family time.And for women, it is important tofindthetimetoscheduleyourbreaktime or “me time”, where you canstep away to relax, recharge, andrejuvenate,sothatyoucanmaintainyour sanity as well as mental andspiritualwell-being.There are several ways in whichwe can find a balance between ourlife and work and by putting thesepractices to work we put ourselvesin a better position to succeed aswell as enhance our personal andprofessionallives.10. A New Way to Enjoy

Puzzles —Aryan SenSolving puzzles is a great mentalexercise. It enhances our decision-making power. Saying awordwithcorrect spelling and its meaningstartingwith a letter given by yourpartner is a new way to enjoypuzzles. It enhances your wordpower.You can play this puzzle inyour spare time with a great joy.You can play it in your school buswithyourclassmates,atyourhomewithyoursiblingsorevenwithyour

parents. If you want to make thispuzzlemoreeffective,youcanmakea sentence with the word spokenbyyou.Thepersonwhospeaks themost correct words and sentenceswouldbewinner.11. The Need for Sympathy

and Fellow-feeling—Kapil

It is reallyveryshocking tobehaverudely towards thepoorand the ill-clad children of the servants andneglected sections of the society.After all we all are human beings.Only the social and economicaldisparitiesmakethedifferences.Thericharetreatedwithduerespectwhilethepoorarenotgivenanyrespect.Itisnotfair tobehaverudelytowardsthe people only because they arepoor.Studentsmuststudywiththemwithoutanyill-feeling.Theyshouldnotconsiderthemlower.Thosewhoare considered lower may do goodinstudiesinfutureandcanbecomeIAS, IPS, engineers or doctors. Ifsomeoneispoorandneedy,hemustbe helped and given sympathetictreatment so that they may comeinto themainstreamof life and canbecomeagoodcitizenofthecountry.12. How Kids can Help


Kids are quite loving.They are thefuture of the nation. They can bemuchhelp to thecommunity. Ifweprovide them good bringing up,then they will certainly do betterin thefuture.Kidscanbringall thefellowbeingstogetherbytheirlove.Because nobody has any grudge or

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ill will against the kids. Kids mayprove instrumental in sapping ill-will or hatred against one another.Theycandevelopgoodenvironmentin community. There will be notension in the families, if there arekids.Sometimeskidsgiveamessageto the society. What nobody haseven dreamt of, kids can do that.This way kids help communitythrough numerous sources. It maycome through visiting art and craftexhibition, imbibing good thing ofothers, through reputed magazinesandofcoursethroughInternet.13. The Evils of Cramming

—TamishThe word ‘cramming’ means torecite again and again. In schools,studentsaretaughttorecitealphabet,multiplication tables, poems, parrot. They just don’t layemphasis on theirmind but believein reciting the things. The result isthattheydon’thaveclearcutconceptofthesubjectmatter.Theyjustdoitforgettinggoodmarksintheexams.Itistotallywrong.Theymustlearnitforever.Itshouldnotbemomentary.Teachersandevenparentsbelieveinthisconcept.Astheyenterthehigherclasses, they can’t grasp the thingsconceptually, because they don’thave the indepth knowledge of thematter.Thisevilmustbeabolished.Students must be made aware ofthe concept of the matter and itsimplications.14. School Bags Should be

Made Lighter—Ankush

Childrenarethefutureofthenation.But nowadays they are suffering

a lot. Due to the new educationpolicy, there is heavy burden ofbooks on them. School bags havebecomesoheavythat theyget tiredafter carrying them from home toschool and school to their home.Today, thesyllabusisveryvastanda lot of books are prescribed. It isreally burdensome for the growingchildren.Their creativity ismarred.They have no time even to playwhichisessentialtohealth.Fromthemorningtillnight,theyareengagedin studies. Even then they can’tcomplete their work. The Yashpalcommittee had recommended thattheschoolbagsofchildrenmustbemadelighter.Buteventhennothinghasbeendonesofarinthisdirection.Childrencan’tdevotemuch time toany specific subject. They are justbusyincompletingtheirhomework.So overburdening of studies mayhamper their growth.Theymust begiven skill based and professionaleducation from childhood. Schoolbagsmustbemadelighter.15. Importance of Creativity

in Human Life—Roma

Creativityisthegiftofnature.Some-oneiscreativebybirthandsomeoneearnsitthroughhardlabour.RecentlyI visited the exhibition of arts andcrafts at Delhi. I, was surprised toseetheskilloftheartisanswhoweredisplaying how dolls can be made.Someone was making beautifulpaintings.Someonewasmakingtheimage of Mahatma Gandhi usingwax.Itwasreallyapleasantmomenttoseeallthethingsatatime.Somekidswerebusy inmakingcolourful

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candlesandfestoons.Todaywehavedifferentkindsofthingswithusonlybecauseofthecreativenessofartists.So, you should develop the skill ofcreativity.Youshouldcreateathingwhichmaybeusefulforothers.Youmaycreatestory,poem,etc.Onedayyou may become a famous artist,poetorwriter.16. Ill-effects of Deforestation

—GeetaNature has bestowed us withnumerousgifts.Whatevernaturehasgiventousisquitevaluable.Naturehasgivenusforests.Morethanhalfof the Indian land is occupiedwithforests.Duetoforests,rainhappensand irrigate the crops like barley,wheat,etc.Butwiththedevelopmentofmankinda largenumberof treesarebeingcutdown.Itisdonetosetupindustries,buildupbuildingsandforcommercialpurposes.Butitisnotatallfair.Duetodeforestationthereoccursanecologicalimbalance.Duetoit,mankindsuffersalot.Thereisscanty rainfall. Temperature shootsup.Cropsdonotgiveproperyield.People do not get proper drinkingwater.Itisquitehazardoustohealth.Althoughsomanymovementshavebeen launched bymanyNGOs andpeople, but still the cutting of treeshasnotbeenstopped.IfwehavetoprotectourNature,wemustprotectforests.17. The Evils of Dowry

—PriyaDowryisasocialevil. It isreallyabane to Indian society.This systemhas been in practice since ancienttimes.Thosedaysitwasgivenatthewilloftheparents.Butnowadaysit

has become a social norm. Due toit a number of brides are burnt todeath. Event after getting married,the in-law’s families demand hugeamount fromtheparentsofgirls. Iftheirdemandisnotfulfilled,thegirlsarephysicallyandmentallytortured.The demand of each categoryof candidates vary. Doctors andengineersdemand20-25lakhswhileIAS,IPSdemandmorethan50lakhs.Now marriage has not remainedlimited to social negotiations butit has become a hugemarket. Suchpractices must be stopped. Thegovernment must make strict lawstodealwith thissituation.Notonlylawsshouldbemadebutalso thesemust be implemented emphatically.Good sense must prevail amonghumanbeingstoo.18. What Affects the Urban


India is the country of villages.Approximately 50% of populationreside in villages. But for the lastfew decades, the rural populationis shifting to urban areas foremploymentopportunitiesandbetterliving style.Majority of populationisinclinedtowardsurbanareas.Dueto this, urban areas have becomedensely populated. In limited area,alotofpeoplereside.Urbanareaisitselfpolluted.Waterpollution,noisepollution and air pollution havemadethelivesofthepeopleinurbanareas quite miserable. People leaduncomfortable life. There is heavytrafficjamintheurbanarea.Peopleare in a hurry. Life is too difficultto lead. There is lack of adequate

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drinking water. The majority of the population are deprived of this facility. Only a smaller section of people get pure drinking water. Due to factories, pollution level is very high and it badly affects the health of the people. That is why they suffer from a lot of diseases. People live in congested areas where they get neither fresh air nor sufficient light. It is quite hazardous to health. So, all these factors affect our urban population.19. Bias Against the Girl Child

—NamanEven in the 21st century, our thoughts have not changed regarding some issues. There is much discrimination against girls. Nature does not discrimi-nate between a boy and a girl. It is only human beings who do so. The boys are still given much importance in the families in comparison to girls. As per statistics, there has been fall in the proportion of girls to boys. Parents think that boys will remain with them for ever and after marriage, girls will go to other families. Imagine the scenario of the world without women. Dowry system is one of the major obstructions in it. Parents think that they will have to make arrangement of huge sums for their marriage. Some baby girls are still killed in the womb of mothers. Some girls are meted out ill-treatment for being girls. They are not given proper education. For how long will this bias continue? It is really a matter of shame for society. Although women have proved their worth in every field, we can just cite the examples of late Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, Indra Noorie, Sarojini

Naidu and a lot more. So, this sort of discrimination must be stopped.

3. Diary EntryExErcisE

1. New Delhi 15th November, 20XX Monday, 8 pm Dear Diary, We celebrated the Children’s Day,

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Birthday, on November 14 in our school with great enthusiasm. The children ran the school from top to bottom to celebrate this day. Only the clerk office was maintained by the clerical persons. The posts of the Principal and Vice Principal were handled by the senior class students. One of the students acted as a peon and rang the bell. All the students went to their classes. The acting staff and acting Principal were in different dresses. The students acting as teachers went to their respective classes and took the roll call. At the second bell, the students came out of their classes and began to move in line to the morning assembly. Another student acting as physical education teacher successfully conducted the assembly. Then the acting Principal gave some important instructions to the students and the students moved to their classes in a line.

All the acting subject teachers took their classes. It was amazing to see all the students co-operating with them. The subject teachers took the classes confidently. Some of them imitated their original subject

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teachers. The imitation madetheir lessons very interesting.TheactingPrincipalkepttakingrounds to check any mischiefcommitted by students. Theoriginalstaffmemberswerefreeforthewholeday.

Throughout the school hoursthe students behaved in avery disciplined manner. ThePrincipal and other teacherscongratulated the acting stafffor the good show. Runningthe school all by ourselveswasindeedagreatfunforus.

—Tanish 2. Ranchi 6thOctober,20XX Friday,7pm DearDiary, Yesterday was the happiest

day of my life. More than onehappy event took place. Mysister’s result was declared andshe topped the state.This newsthrilledmyfamily.Notonlyourrelativesbutalsoherfriendsandteachers came to congratulateher.Onthisverydaymybrotherwas selected in the prestigiousIAS examination. My parentswere very happy. They werereallyproudofus.TheythankedGod for His grace and prayedforoursuccessandprosperityinlife. It was really a memorabledaywhichIcanneverforget.

—Saurabh 3. Noida 12thApril,20XX Tuesday,8pm DearDiary, When will the reservation

issue end?A replayof the anti-reservation stir is anticipated,

and if it happens, there willbe chaos all over the countryagain.TheAIIMSdoctors havebeenprotestingagainsttheissuesincethelasttendays,buttonoavail. The leaders are showinga callous attitude towards theissue.Whattheydon’trealiseisthat it is their own peoplewhoarebeingaffectedadversely.

I think the increase in thereservationisbrutalandinsensi-tive. The general category ofstudentswill suffer for no faultoftheirs.Reservationshouldnotbe given to the people on thebasis of their castes, instead itshouldbegiventothefinanciallyweaker sections. The poorshould be uplifted by givingreservation,sothattheycanalsoleadadecentlife.

—Rohit 4. NewDelhi 15thApril,20XX Thursday,6pm DearDiary, Iamfeelingveryexcitedtonight.

Iamgoingforapicnictomorrowwithmyclassmates.Someofourteacherswillalsoaccompanyus.We have been planning for thistripeversinceourPrincipalgaveus permission amonth ago.Weare going toNehru Park. It hasa large ground where childrencan run around and play freely.I have packed some food itemsincluding potato chips andchewing gum. My mother hasmadeadozensandwichesandacake.Myfriendswillalsobringsome food, and we all shallshareandeattogether.Iamalsocarryingmycricketbatwithme.

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Weplantoplayamatch.IfeelIjustcannotgotosleeptonight.Ikeepimaginingallthefunthatwearegoingtohavetomorrow.Butmymother came into the roomjust now andwarnedme that ifIdonotgotosleepnow,Imightfallasleepatthepicnic!Maybeshe’sright.So,goodnight!

—Jayashree Malik 5. NewDelhi 10thJanuary,20XX Friday,7pm DearDiary, A beggar is a common figure

in India. He can be seeneverywhere—in metros, cities,towns and villages. He is seenat a cinema hall, near religiousplaces, at bus stand and atrailwaystation.Abeggarmovesfrom street to street, village tovillage and locality to locality.Hebegs foralms,money, food,etc. Sometimes, he asks forclothes. He accepts happilywhatever he is offered. Somebeggars insist for more moneyandcauseirritationtopeople.Heevengoesontopursuethemantofulfillhisdemands.

Peoplegenerallygivealmstothebeggarstowardofftheirdistress.They do not give alms to themoutofpitybuttogetridofftheirtroubles.Generally,womenhavesympathetic attitude towardsthem.Infact,mostofthebeggarsthriveduetothegenerosityofthewomen. Sometimes anti-socialelements disguise themselves asbeggarsandgoout forbegging.Theyhaveabowlandastickintheir hands. Begging is a socialevil.Itneedstobebanned.Itisa

causeofconcernforoursociety.A legislation should be enactedtocheckbegging.Peopleshouldbemadeawarenot togivealmsto those who are able-bodied.However, those who deserve tobe helped should be properlyassisted.Theyshouldbeprovidedsome sort of employment tobecomeself-reliant.

—Kalpana 6. Chandigarh 20thMay,20XX Sunday,6pm DearDiary, Nowthetimehascomewhenmy

holidaybegins,Iamveryglad.TodayIplannedandpreparedmyholiday’stime-tablesothatmyvacationgoesperfectlyandIfillupthisprecioustimeinworking-hardonstudiesandcompletingmyholidayshomeworkontime.Evenduringthevacation,Iwouldbepunctual.Iwouldgetupat6:00inthemorningandgotobedat9:00pm.EverydayIwouldgivetwohourstomaths.OnehourtoscienceandanotheronehourtosubjectslikeSSt.andEnglish.IwouldstudyHindionalternatedays. Sometimes Iwould alsoreadotherbookslikestorybooks,magazines, etc. just to refreshmymind. So that I could getbacktomystudieswithlotmoreenthusiasm.

—Sakshi 7. Delhi 3rdJune,20XX Sunday,8pm DearDiary, TodayIamveryexcitedbecause

tomorrowmorningIwouldcatchmytrainformynativevillage.Iwill visit my hometown after

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three years. I will meet myfriends and relatives there. Mygrandparents are living therewho loveme a lot.My cousinswillplaycricket,chessandothergames with me. I will also gotomyuncle’sorchard. Itwouldbe very exciting to take bathin the river that flows throughmy village and swim in it. Iwill also watch some movieswith my friends.At night afterdinner, my grandmother willtellmeinterestingfolklores.Mycousinswill takemeforawalkaround the ripecornfields.Thecolourful crops in the fieldwillenthrallme.Indeed,IwillenjoytherealbeautyofNature.

—Madhu 8. Delhi 30thJune,20XX Saturday,7pm DearDiary, Todayinthemorning,Ireturned

to Delhi frommy hometown. Ienjoyedalotinmynativeplaceliving with my cousins andgrandparents. But now I feelvery sad thinking about all myrelatives,friendsandneighboursastheyarefarfromme.InDelhi,Ihavemanyfriendsbuttheydon’thavetimetoplaywithme.Theyare bound to study all throughthe day. So I have to spendtime at my home only. I don’tfind such beautiful atmospherein Delhi that I enjoyed in myhometown. I don’t find freshair here. ButDelhi is the placewhere my father is workingand earning money to provideus better life, so, naturally it isbetterthananyotherplace.Ithas


—Ritu 9. Delhi 15thJune,20XX Monday,10pm DearDiary, UntilyesterdayIwasveryhappy

to know that inmy country thebig revolution has begun.Stepswere being taken to eradicatecorruption and black moneyhoarding from the society. It’sinitiator was Baba Ramdevably supportedbyAnnaHazareat Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan.The movement was crushedby theGovernment of India bydeploying Delhi Police at theweehoursofthemorning.Iwasstunned that this way howwillIndia grow and raise its voiceagainstcorruption.ItwasindeedblackdayinthehistoryofIndiandemocracy because too muchforce was applied to stop themovement. This clearly showsthatcorruptandpowerfulpeoplego hand in hand.And commonmanhasnorighttospeakagainstthem. I firmly believe that weshould peacefully give shapeto any kind of agitation.Viewsof common man should not besuppressed.

—Ramesh 10.Ghaziabad 1stJuly,20XX Monday,8pm DearDiary, TodayIamveryexcitedtogoto

schoolafter50daysofvacation.I enjoyed the vacation to thefullestextent.Ispentgooddays

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withmy friends and relatives. Ihave completed my homeworkproperlybutwhenIthinkastheschool re-opens the 1 minutebecomes1hour.Iamsoexcitedthat Iwillmeet all the teachersandfriendsbutatmostIhaveadesiretomeetteachersespeciallymyclassteacherKalpanaMa’amandAditiChaterjeeMa’am.

They will also be glad tomeetme.

—Ritesh 11. Ajmer 2ndFebruary,20XX Monday,7pm DearDiary, Itwasreallyanexcitingmoment

formewhenIgotthenewsthatmy sister, has topped the stateprovincial service exam andmy brother has been selectedin IAS exams. It was really adream come true. It has alwaysbeenthedesireofeachstudenttoget selected in theseprestigiousexams. My parents, relativesand neighbours were excitedtoo.Afterhearingthenews,myparentstoldmetoarrangeaparty.Agrandpartywasarrangedandalltheguestsenjoyeditalot.Forthis success, I thanked God. Itcould all bepossibledue to theblessingsofGod.

—Prateek 12.Delhi 10thJanuary,20XX Tuesday,9pm DearDiary, I reached Shimla on 31st

December. It was noon time. Ialongwithafewfriendshadgoneto Shimla by train.We enjoyedscenic beauty on the way. We

reached there and stayed in agrand hotel. Luckily there wasthe first snowfall of the seasonin the evening. The ridge andsurroundingareaswere coveredwithsnow.Itwasreallyfantastic.A huge crowd of tourists inthe open enjoyed playing withsnowballs.Atnight,therewasawonderfulpartyinthehotel.Wereturned toDelhi on January 5.It was really a memorable tripwhichwill always be etched inourmemory.

—Karan 13.Kanpur 10thOctober,20XX Friday,8pm DearDiary, Ithadalwaysbeenmydesireto

learncycling.ButIdidnotknowhowtopedalacycle.Mymothertoldmyelderbrothertohelpmelearn cycling. He tookme to anearbyground.Hemademesiton the seat with feet on pedalsandheldthecyclefrombehind.I pedalled slowly but tumbleddownmanytimes.ButanyhowIcouldmanagemyself.Ipractisedforanhourforthreetofourdayscontinuously.ThenIwasabletoridebicyclealoneontheroad.Ialsofellanumberoftimes.Igotbruised.Itwasreallyanexcitingmoment forme. I amanexpertcyclistnow.

I not only learnt how to ride abicyclebutalsolearntthatinourlives when we aim to achievesomethingchallenging,wemeetwith failures several times butfinally,Ifwecontinuepractisinginspiteoffallingdowntimeandagain.Weachieveourgoal.


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14.Ranchi 28thFebruary,20XX Monday,9pm DearDiary, Recentlytherewasafireaccident

in my neighbourhood. I wasan eye-witness to it.When firebrokeout,peoplestartedcrying.Jhuggis in the neighbourhoodwere burnt into ashes. A bigcrowdgathered thereand threwwater, dust and some beat thefirewithsticks.Therewasahugelossofproperty.Someonecalledthefirebrigadeimmediately.Firebrigadereachedandtookcontroloveritafter5hours.Thefiremenreceivedburnsandbruises.Fireisbelieved tohavebeencausedbytheburningendofacigarette.Peoplewere running hither andthither.ThankGod, no casualtyhappened. It was really beyondimagination.

—Himanshu 15. Jaipur 5thNovember,20XX Saturday,7pm DearDiary, Recently I read the story of

Moti Guj–The Mutineer. In thestory, there was an elephantnamedMotiGujwhowas veryobedientandloyaltohismaster.Heunderstoodeverywordofhismaster.Oncehismasterhadgonesomewhere. He had promisedthat hewould returnwithin tendays.Butevenafterthepassingof deadline, he did not return.Now he became quite restless.He became disobedient too.Hedid not take notice of anybody.He did not even eat or drink.Throughit,wecanseehoweven

an elephant candevelop a deepattachment towards his master.If you give affection to others,youwillalsogetitinreturn.Thestoryisquitethoughtprovoking.

—Nisha 16.Ajmer 15thMarch,20XX Sunday,6pm DearDiary, Recently I watched the movie

Bajirao Mastani. It was reallya fantastic film. Ranbir SinghandDeepikaPadukoneoutshonein their acting prowess. It isbased on the historical themeof Marathas. Sanjay LeelaBhansali, the director used hisintelligence and astuteness indirectingthisfilm.Costumesandstageswereveryattractive.Thisfilmwasreallyahugehit.RanbirSingh and Deepika received alotof applauseandappreciationfor this film. Music was quiteenchanting.Audiencewerereallyenthralledtowatchthismovie.

—Gagan 17.Agra 16thApril,20XX Monday,8pm DearDiary, It is the thinking of many

people that one must have onechild. In thishectic scheduleoflife, people don’t have muchtime to take care of children.Giving proper nourishment andeducationtoachildisadifficulttask for his/her parents due tothe sky soaring price rise. In anuclear family, there is also thelackofcaretaker.Butonechildnormisnotright.Theremustbe

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atleasttwochildrensothattheycan share their things and livecomfortably.Theycanplaywiththemselvesandavoidloneliness.So to avoid loneliness, theremustbetwochildren.Onechildisquiteobstinate.Iftherearetwochildrentheywilllivehappily.

—Riya 18.Patna 8thMarch,20XX Tuesday,6pm DearDiary, Recently I watched the film

“Tare Zamin Par” along withmy friends.Thefilmwas reallyinteresting. It was producedand directed by Aamir Khan.The film explores the life andimaginationofIshaan,aneight-year-old child. Although heperformsgoodinartbuthispooracademicperformance leadshisparentstosendhimtoaboardingschool. Ishaans’newart teacherunderstands his problems andhelps him to overcome hisdisability. It is reallya fantasticfilm.

—Sohan 19.Chandigarh 10thOctober,20XX Thursday,8pm DearDiary, MyfriendfailedinMathematics

in SA-I. No doubt, he is weakin Mathematics but this typeof result is quite painful. Hewas quite worried. He fearedthat he may fail in SummativeAssessment-II exam as well.

He is excellent in all thesubjects.But he has the phobiaof mathematics. I always helphim in learning Mathematics.He takes tuition too. TheMathematics teacher alwaysmotivates him. He should notbe fearfulof it.Hewillhave totacklethisproblem.Ifhedoesnotovercomehisweakness,hemayfacemoreprobleminfuture.TogetgoodmarksinMathematics,he should practise maths a lot.Beinghisgoodfriend,Iwillalsotellhimsomeeasytips tosolvemathproblems.

—Reema 20.Kolkata 10thAugust,20XX Monday,7pm DearDiary, Everyday I come across many

newsitemsrelatedtoviolenceandmurder.Almostallthenewspapersare filled with such news. Andthe accused are the youths. Theyouthshavebecomesoambitiousthat they want to take comfortin all the things around them.They spend toomuchmoneyonluxurious mobiles, bikes, discoand other things. For this theyneedmoneyand formoney theycommitcrime,theftandrobbery.Theyarealsoinvolvedinthecaseofeve-teasing.Theirparentsmusthave control over such youths.Thegovernmentshouldalsotakesome measures to prevent suchyouthsfrominvolvinginheinouscrimes.


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4. story Writing ExERcIsE

1. The Hidden TreasureAfarmerhadseveralsons.Buttheywere all lazy and did not help himto work on the farm. The farmerbecame ill.He knew that hewoulddie anytime. So he called all hissons together and said to them: “Atreasurelieshiddeninmyfields.Buttofindityoushallhavetodighardforit.”Atoncehissonswenttothefields,anddugeverybitoftheland,buttheyfoundnotreasure.They were very sad. Soon the rainfell and, as theearthhadbeenwelldug,theysowedthecorn.Therewasaveryfinecrop thatyear.Thesonsnow learnt what their father meantby treasure. The treasure could begot only by hard work. Now theirfather also became happy to findthemtobehardworkingmen.2. The Ass in the Lion’s SkinOnce it so happened that an ass,while loitering in a jungle, founda lion’s skin. “If I puton the lion’sskin,”he thought,“theanimalswillthink I am a lion.” So he put onthe lion’s skin, and ran through theforest,frighteningalltheanimalshemet.Theasswashighlypleasedwithhis new appearance. He visited thevillages and threw the farmers intoaterribleconfusion.Onedayhemethismaster.Hewouldhavefrightenedhimalso,butthelion’sskinfelloff,exposinghimtobeanass.Takingacudgelwhichwas lying near by hegave the ass a sound beating andbroughthimbacktohissenses.Theass realized to his bitter experience

that, notwithstanding his beingdressedinalion’sskin,hewasreallynomorethananass.3. The story of Bunny the RabbitBunnyrabbitlivedintheforest.Hehadmanyfriends.Hewasproudofhisfriends.One day Bunny rabbit heard theloud barking ofwild dogs.Hewasvery scared. He decided to ask hisfriendsforhelp.Hequicklywenttohis friend deer. He said: “The dearfriend, somewild dogs are chasingme.Canyouchasethemawaywithyoursharpantlers?”Deersaid:“Thatis right, I can.But now I am busy.Whydon’tyouaskbearforhelp?”Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “Mydearfriendyouareverystrong,pleasehelpme.Somewilddogsarechasingme. Please chase them away,” herequested the bear. Bear replied: “Iam sorry. I am hungry and tired. Ineed to find some food. Please askthe monkey for help”. Poor Bunnywent to the monkey, elephant, goatandallhisfriendsbutnoonehelpedhim.Bunnyfeltsadthatnobodywasreadytohelphim.Heunderstoodthathehimselfhastothinkofawayout.Hehidhimselfunderabush till thewilddogswentback.4. The Greedy Boy There lived a twin brother calledSam andTom.Theywere identicaltwins,eventheirmotherfoundittoohard to differentiate between themduring the initial months of birth.However, theywere like two poleswhen it came to everything otherthan their appearance.They neitheragreed with anything nor did theyshareevenonesingletrait!

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Samhadnofriends,whereasforTomtheworldwasfriendship.Samlovedsweets and Tom loved to eat spicyfoods. Sam was mummy’s pet andTom was daddy’s pet. While Samwasgenerous,Tomwasgreedy!Astheygrewup,theirfatherwantedtoshare his fortune equally.However,Tom did not agree and argued thatwhoever was more intelligent andstrong, would gain higher share ofwealththantheother.Samagreed.Theirfatherdecidedtoorganize a competitionbetween thetwo. They ordered the two sons towalkaslongastheycouldandtheyshould have returned home beforethe sunset. Whoever would coverthelongerdistanceandwouldreturnhome before sunset, would get ahugeamountofwealthproportionateto the distance they covered. Theydidn’tcarrywatchtocalculatetime.Bothstartedtowalkalongwayduringasunnyday.Samwalkedslowlyandsteadily,whileTom,resolvedtowinover Sam, started to run fast. Thedistance they covered until mid-noonwasequaltothedistancetheywould reach homebefore sunset. Itwas mid-noon and Sam decided toturn back as he could reach homeon time. However, Tom, with hisgreediness to get more wealth, didnot turn his way back home evenafter mid-noon. He walked twotimeslongerdistancethanwhatSamhas covered. He turned back forhomeastheSunturnedorangeintheevening.Unfortunately,hecouldnotevenmakehalfwaytohomeandthemoonrose.Helosttheraceandwasdefeatedbecauseofhisgreediness!

5. Sand and StoneJohn and James were best friends.They fought for many reasons butnever gave up their friendship. Insearchofajob,theypassedthroughvarious places, villages, towns,forests,beaches,andweresupportingeach other all the way throughouttheirjourney.One day they reached a desertand they had a very little food andwater. John told James to eat halfthequantityof foodandwhen theywould get very tired and feel liketheycouldnottakeastepahead,theycouldeat anotherhalf.Healso toldhimtosavewater.But,Jamesdisagreed.Hewantedtodrink water as he was very thirsty.They quarrelled with each other tohavewater.JohnslappedJamesandtheywalkedinsilence.Theydecidedto have food and continue theirjourney. Jameswrote on sand, ‘Mybestfriendslappedme!’They shared the meagre amount offood and water and finally reachedanoasis.Theywerevery tired afterpassing through the dry and hotdesert.Jameswasveryhappytoseetheoasisandhadalotoffuninthewater.Whiletheybothwerebathing,Jameswas a bit careless and begantodrown.JohnrushedtosaveJames.Jameshuggedhisfriendandthankedhim.Theyhadalittlenapanddecidedtoleavetheplace.TheywereabouttoleaveandJamescarvedsomethingontherock.Itwas‘Mybestfriendsavedmylife!’Johnasked,‘whywereyoumarkingallthesehereJames?’Jamesreplied,

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‘You slappedme, I wrote it on thesand. It was definitely not good.However,ifyougoandseethesand,youcanfindnoletterwrittenonthesand.NowIcarvedthegoodthingonthestone,anditwillremainforever!’Wehavetoforgetthebadthingsdonetousbyourfriendsandengravethegoodthingsonthestone.6. The Devoted MotherA mother duck and her littleducklings were on their way to alake one day. The ducklings werevery happy following their motherandquackingalongtheway.All of a sudden the mother ducksaw a fox at a distance. She wasfrightened and shouted, “Children,hurrytothelake.There’safox!”The ducklings hurried towards thelake. The mother duck wonderedwhattodo.Shebegantowalkbackandforthdraggingonewingon theground.When the fox saw her he becamehappy.Hesaidtohimself,“Itseemsthat she’s hurt and can’t fly! I caneasily catch and eat her!” Then herantowardsher.Themotherduckran,leadingthefoxawayfromthelake.Thefoxfollowedher.Nowhewasnotbeabletoharmher ducklings. The mother ducklooked towards her ducklings andsaw that theyhad reached the lake.Shewasrelieved,soshestoppedandtookadeepbreath.The fox thought she was tired andhecameclosertoher,butthemotherduck quickly spread her wings androseupintheair.Shelandedinthemiddleofthelakeandherducklingsswamtoher.

The fox stared in disbelief at themother duck andher ducklings.Hecould not reach them because theywereinthemiddleofthelake.7. The Greedy MouseA greedy mouse saw a basket fullof corn.Hewanted to eat it. So hemadeasmallholeinthebasket.Hesqueezedinthroughthehole.Heatealotofcorn.Hisbellywasfull.Nowhewantedtocomeout.Hetriedalottocomeoutthroughthesmallhole.Buthecouldnot.Hetriedagain.Butitwasofnouse.The mouse started crying.A rabbitwaspassingby.Itheardthemouse’scryandasked:“Whyareyoucryingmyfriend?”Themouseexplained:“Imadeasmallholeandcameintothebasket.NowIamnotabletogetoutthrough this hole.”The rabbit said:“Itisbecauseyouatetoomuch.Waittill your belly shrinks”. The rabbitlaughedandwentaway.Themousefellasleepinthebasket.Nextmorninghisbellyhadshrunk.But themouse wanted to eat somemore corn. So he ate and ate. Hisbellywasfullonceagain.Hethought:“Oh!NowIwillgoouttomorrow”.The cat was the next passerby. Hesmelt the mouse in the basket. Helifteditslidandatethemouse.8. The Hare and the Tortoise ThereoncewasaspeedyHarewhobragged about how fast he couldrun.Tiredofhearinghimboast, theTortoisetoldhimtohavearace.Alltheanimalsintheforestgatheredtowatch.TheHarerandowntheroadforawhileandthenpausedtolookback at the Tortoise. He cried out,“Howdoyouexpecttowinthisrace

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whenyouarewalkingatasuchslowpace?” The Hare stretched himselfout alongside the road and fellasleep,thinking,“Thereisplentyoftime to relax.”TheTortoisewalkedand walked; never stopped on thewayuntilhecametothefinishline.The animals who were watching itcheered so loudly for the Tortoise,thattheywokeuptheHare.TheHarestretched and yawned and began torunagain,butitwastoolate.Tortoisewasalreadyovertheline.9. The Goose with Golden EggsOnceuponatime,amanandhiswifehadthegoodfortunetohaveagoosewhich laid a golden egg every day.Lucky though theywere, they soonbegantothinktheywerenotgettingrichfastenough.They imagined that if the birdmustbeabletolaygoldeneggs,itsinsidesmust be made of gold. And theythoughtthatiftheycouldgetallthatprecious metal at once, they wouldgetmightyrichverysoon.Sothemanandhiswifedecidedtokillthegoose.However, upon cutting the gooseopen,theywereshockedtofindthatitsinnardswerelikethatofanyothergoose!10. The Monkey and

the Dolphin Longlongago,somesailorssetoutto sea in their sailing ship. One ofthembroughthispetmonkeyalongforthelongjourney.When they were far out at sea, aterrible stormoverturned their ship.Everyone fell into the sea, and themonkey was sure that he woulddrown.Suddenlyadolphinappearedandpickedhimup.

Soon they reached the island andthe monkey came down from thedolphin’s back. The dolphin askedthe monkey, “Do you know thisplace?”Themonkey replied, “Yes, I do. Infact, the king of the island is mybest friend.Doyouknowthat Iamactuallyaprince?”Knowing that no one lived on theisland,thedolphinsaid,“Well,well,soyouareaprince!Nowyoucanbea king!”Themonkey asked, “HowcanIbeaking?”As the dolphin started swimmingaway,heanswered,“That iseasy.Asyouaretheonlycreatureonthisisland,youwillnaturallybetheking!”11. Three Greedy MenThree men found a bag of moneywith`5000.Theywereveryhappyand excited. They made a plan todivide themoney.Oneof themwassenttovillagetobuysomefood.Hewent there and bought some food.Buthemixedpoisoninthefoodandcamebacktohisplace.Theothertwofriends also wanted all the money.They made a plan to murder him.They murdered him. Then they atethefood.Aftereatingthefood,theydied.Itwastheresultof theirgreedtohaveallthemoneythatledtotheirdeaths.Soweshouldneverbegreedyandgiveotherstheirdueshare.12. The Ungrateful WolfOneday,awolfwaseatinghispreyin the forest.Unfortunately, a bonestruckinhisthroat.So,thewolfwasquitetense.Hewantedtotakeitout.Someoneadvisedthatananimalwithalongbeakmightservethispurpose.The wolf announced a handsomereward for theonewhowould take

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the bone out of his throat in theforest. A crane came and took theboneoutofhisthroat.Nowthecraneaskedthewolfforareward.Thewolflaughedandtoldhim,“Whatkindofreward?Ihaveleftyoualive.Isn’titahandsreward?Icouldhavebittenoffyourhead.”Thecranecamebackdisappointedly.13. No More Eggs in Hen’s

BellyAmanhadahen.Themancollectedten eggs in the ten days. Now hebecame impatient. He wanted tobecomerichinnotime.Sohemadea plan.He thought, “If the hen canlayteneggs in tendays, theremustbemoreeggsinitsbelly.IfIcutitsbelly,IwillbeabletogettoomanyeggsandIcansoonbecomerich.”Inlust,hecutthebellyofthehen.Aftercutting it, the hen died and he gotnothing.Nowhewasrepentingoverhismistakes.Soitissaidthatdon’tbetoogreedy.14. The Proud Jackdaw and

the PeacocksOncetherelivedajackdawinaforest.Hewasveryproudofhissweetvoice.He sawaflockofpeacockat somedistanceaway.Hewasjealousofthebeautyofpeacocks.Sohewentcloseto the peacockwith an intention toinsult it for the ugly feet. He said,“Howuglyyourfeetare!Lookatmyfeet. How beautiful they are.” Thepeacockretortedhim,“Don’t forgetitthatwearethemostbeautifulbirds.Ourbeautifulfeathersmesmerisethepeople.Allpeoplelovetoseeusforbeingsobeautiful.”Thejackdawgotangryatthisandsaid,“Youhavetoacceptitthatpeopleavoidwatchingyou for your ugly feet.”Thus, they

startedquarrelling.Allthepeacocksfellupon the jackdaw.The jackdawgot hurt badly. Now they realizedthatoneshouldnotlookdownuponothers’quality.15. Victory of Good Over EvilOnce a merchant was returninghomefromafairatdusk.Hehadalarge amount of money with him.Suddenly, it started raining. So hegot drenched. He took a shelterunder a tree.As the night wore onit became darker. The merchantstarted grumbling. A robber heardhisgrumblesandcametohim.Aftersometime,therobbercametoknowthatthemerchanthadalotofmoneywith him.So he took out his pistolandpointeditathishead.Hetoldthemerchanttohandoverthemoneytohimreadily.Butthemerchantdidnotgive hismoney to him.The robbertried to fire his pistol but it didn’tworkbecausethecartridgeloadedinthepistolgotwetintherain.Nowthemerchant mustered up his courageand shoved the robber forcefully.Therobberfelldownonthegroundandthemerchantescapedfromtheresafely.Therobber’sheadgotinjuredandalotofbloodwasgushingoutofit.Themerchantescapedandsavedhislife.Thusitisthevictoryofgoodoverevil.16. Honesty Earns Good

RewardGopalwas a poor boy.While goingto townhefoundapursecontainingfive hundred rupees on theway.Hewasveryhonest.Hesawanidentitycardofthepersonwhomitbelongedto. He also got the address. Nowafter walking a lot, he could locatethe owner’s address. He came andhandedover thepurse to theowner.

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Hewasveryhappybecausetherewassome importantdocument in it also.Theownerwassopleasedthathehadnowordsofappreciationforhim.HeaskedGopalwhathewasdoing.Hetold him that he was unemployed.Then thepersonofferedhimthe jobofa supervisor inhis factory.Gopalwas very happy. So, it is said thathonestyisthebestpolicy.17. The faithful Dog and the

Cruel ManTherewasaman.Hehadadog.Helefthisdogtoguardhisbaby.Inthemeantimehewentoutforhunting.Awolf entered into the house. Therewasatusslebetweenthetwo.Inthistussle,thedogkilledthewolf.Whentheman returnedhesaw themouthof thedogcoveredwithblood.Theman didn’t try to know the reasonwhydogkilledthewolf?Buttheman

thought that the dog is dangerous.Thistimehekilledthewolfandthenexttime,hemightkill thebabyortheman himself. In rage, he killedthedog.18. The Dog Loses his BoneThere was a dog with a bone inhismouth.The dogwas crossing astream.Hesawhis reflection in thestream.Hemistook it tobeanotherdog who had a bone in his mouth.The greedy dog wanted to get thatbone also.As he barked upon him,thebonedroppedinthestream.Nowhegotmoreinfuriatedovertheotherdogwhichwashisownreflectionandjumped into the stream to fight theotherdogbuttohisdisappointment,hedidn’tfindanydoginthestream.Herepentedalotoverhisfollyandgreed.Soitissaidthatgreedinessisabadthing.

Part B–Grammar1. The sentence

ExERcIsE 11. Subject Predicate(a)He hittheball.(b)I boughtsome

oranges.(c)Thebook isonthetable.(d)Thetree haslostits

leaves.(e)Someflowers smellsweet.(f)Breadand








(j)Thegirlinblue willhelpyou.

2. (a) This machine (b) The bell (c) He (d) God (e) The priest (f)Theleader’ssupporters(g)toread others’ letters (h) walkingbriskly(i)whatyousaid(j)She.

ExERcIsE 2 (a) The storm (b) The sun


ExERcIsE 3 1.Shehastornmynotebook. 2.There is no electricity in the

house. 3.The soldiers fought the enemy

bravely. 4.Manypeoplewillattendtheparty. 5.Thatshowwasfantastic. 6.Smokingisinjurioustohealth. 7.Allofuslikeice-cream. 8.Itisabeautifulday.

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9.The inspector will make a sur-prisecheck.

10.Pleasedon’tneglectyourstudies.ExERcIsE 4

Subject Predicate1.He livesonthetop

ofthehill.2.Nature isthebest

physician.3.Thechildren makealotof

noise.4.Birds flywiththeir

wings.5.They arrivedatthe

righttime.6.Ravi isanengineer.7.Theboys areplaying

football.8.Themangoes tasteddelicious.9.Thesingingofthebirds


10.Thedewdrops glitterinthesunshine.

ExERcIsE 5 1.I 2.Students 3.Sun 4.JawaharlalNehru 5.Diwali 6.He 7.Monday 8.He 9.Ramesh 10.LifeClassify the sentences: 1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. 3 5. 1 6. 3 7. 3 8. 4 9. 2 10. 1 11. 2 12. 1 13. 3 14. 4 15. 2 16. 3 17. 2 18. 1 19. 4 20. 3Formation of sentences:

ExERcIsE 1 I.1.AmIastudent? 2.Isshepluckingflowers? 3.Haveyoustolenmypen? 4.HadheneverbeentoKashmir? 5.Doeshecallmebyname?

6.Havetheyfinishedtheirwork? 7.Does the wearer only know

wheretheshoespinch? 8.Didyoudeservethishonour? 9.Didhefailtokeephisword? 10.DoIknowhowtoswim? II.1.Acowlivesongrass. 2.Shereachestheofficelate. 3.Youshowedmeyourhome-

work. 4.Ihateliars. 5.Heabuseshisservant. 6.Youmustn’tworkhardnow. 7.Youarefeelingbettertoday. 8.The doctor was feeling the

patient’spulse. 9.Ishallhelpyou. 10.Thetrainisrunninglate.

ExERcIsE 2SamesolutionasinIIexercise1.

ExERcIsE 3 I. 1.winner 2.memento 5.Isareligiousbook 6.right 7.severely 8.happy 9.redhanded 10.honestman II.1.He was running in a wild

manner. 2.Thestudentlearntthelessonwith

lotsof sincerityandgotgoodmarks.

3.Welefttheplaceinamess. 4.I heard them leave the place

roaringwithlaughter. 5.Thesettingsunlookedbeauti-

fulinthehorizon.ExERcIsE 4

1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5. (a) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(d)

ExERcIsE 5 I.1.Hehasgoneoutofstation. 2.Throwthatpaperawayintothe


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4.Can’tyoutellthetruth? 5.Heislyingforsomereason. II.1.Assertive 2.Assertive 3.Interrogative 4.Imperative 5.Exclamatory

2. clausesExERcIsE

I. 1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5. (b) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9. (b) 10.(b)II. 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5. (a) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(b) 10.(c)

3. NounsExERcIsE 1

I. 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5. (a) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9. (a) 10.(d)II. 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5. (d) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9. (c) 10.(d)

ExERcIsE 2 1.teacher 3.lecturer 4.traveller 5.beggar 6.counsellor 7.waiter 8.inspector 9.collector 10.competitor

ExERcIsE 3 1.collection 2.class 3.choir 4.gang 6.battalion 7.board 8.fleet 9.pack 10.convoy

ExERcIsE 4 2.absence 4.excitement 5.length 6.happiness

7.honour 9.honesty 10.anxiety

4. PronounsExERcIsE 1

I. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5. (d) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9. (d) 10.(a)II. 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5. (b) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(d) 9. (d) 10.(c)

ExERcIsE 2,his 2.themselves 3.Iam 5.I 6.he 7.theydid 8.him 9.they 10.she

ExERcIsE 3 1.Reflexive 2.Emphatic 3.Reflexive 4.Reflexive 5.Emphatic 6.Emphatic 7.Emphatic 8.Emphatic 9.Emphatic 10.Emphatic

ExERcIsE 4 5.yourself 6.mine 7.He 8.their 9.Whom 10.that11.whose 12.who13.Who 16.herself17.himself,his 20.They21.I 22.which23.He 24.you25.It

5. AdjectivesExERcIsE 1

I. 1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5. (a) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9. (c) 10. (a)

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II. 1. (b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5. (a) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9. (c) 10.(c)III. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5. (a) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(d) 9. (b) 10.(b) 11.(a) 12.(a) 13. (d) 14.(b) 15.(a)

ExERcIsE 2 1.fatter 2.coldest 3.faster 4.busiest 5.high 6.themoststudious 7.cheerful 8.strongest 9.better 10.worse

ExERcIsE 3 1.Heisthewisestofallmen. 2.Nootherboyisasstudiousasheis. 3.He laughed more loudly than

others. 4.Isthisperson,youareemploying

mostintelligentofallothers? 5.Ramisabetterboyincomparison

toRishabhandGaurav. 6.ThePacificisthebiggestocean. 7.Nootherboyistallasheisas. 8.His daughter looked stronger

thanothers. 9.Allofusareintelligent.10.Raghav is the wealthiest busi-


6. VerbExERcIsE 1

I. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5. (b) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10.(c) II. 1. (d) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5. (a) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10.(a)

ExERcIsE 2 1.Intransitive 2.Transitive 3.Intransitive 4.Intransitive 5.Transitive 6.Intransitive

7.Intransitive 8.Intransitive 9.Intransitive 10.Intransitive

ExERcIsE 3 1.has 3.working 4.loves 5.are 6.purchase 7.was 8.have

ExERcIsE 4 1.Jonathonwould liketobeafire-

fighterwhenhegrowsup. 2.I can jump rope much better

thanI could lastyear. 3.She has practiced hard for her

schoolplay. 4.I could wait until tomorrow to

seemyfriendbutIwill callherinstead.

5.Samantha might trip if shedoesn’t tiehershoe.

6.I must ask my parents forpermissionbeforeIridemybike.

7.Mygrandma can bake thebestcinnamonbread.

8.Mybrother will tryhishardesttobeattherecord.

9.We have gathered all of theingredientsthatwewill need.

10.I am looking forward to ourvacationtoFlorida.

11.Hisfamily was choosingadogfromtheanimalshelter.

12.Nick’s kittens are sleeping ontheporch.

7. AdverbExERcIsE 1

I. 1. (c) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5. (c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(d) 9. (c) 10.(b) II. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5. (d) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10. (b)

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exeRcIsE 2 1.Sita can play the guitar fairly

well. 2.Thebridelookedquitebeautiful 3.Irarelyspeaktohim. 4.Hecutshisnailregularly. 5.She can speak English fairly

fluent. 6.Thetrainhasjustleftthestation. 7.Hewillnevergiveuphope. 8.HaveyoueverbeentoShimla? 9.Doeshecommitmistakes


ExERcIsE 3Adverb of time—never,soon,then,

after, lunch, periodically, today,next day, on week days, everywhere,atnight.

Adverb of place—somewhere, atthevillage,atschool,inhospital,there, at home, in the city, onboard.

Adverb of frequency—rarely, usu-ally,scarcely,hardly.

Adverb of manner—calmly,gladly,slowly,well.

Adverb of degree—almost, nearly,seriously,generously,fast,heavily.

ExERcIsE 4 I.1.Probably 2.Bravely 3.Truly 4.Surely 5.Lazily 6.Carefully 7.Busily 8.Extremely 9.Faithfully 10.Wholly 11.due 12.Widely 13.Foolishly 14.Intelligently 15.Wisely 16.Beautifully II. 1. (d) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5. (a) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9. (d)

8. PrepositionExERcIsE 1

I.1.into,of,in,into,to 4.with,from,to,on,of,in,of 6.outto,on,towards 7.of,down,by,with 8.on,to,from,towards 9.from,of,in,nextto 10.down,out II.1.with,off,at,in,of,nextto 4.ofin,next 5.into,onfor 6.down,towards 7.on,to,down 8.On,with,with,by,by,away,up

ExERcIsE 2 1.over 2.for 3.before 4.during 5.against 6.into 7.under 8.with 10.of

ExERcIsE 3 1.on 2.from,to 4.on 5.into 6.On 8.after 9.since

ExERcIsE 4 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5. (c) 6.(a) 7.(a)

9. conjunctionsExERcIsE 1

I.1.or 2.although 3.and 4.or 5.because 7.but 8.or 9.although 10.orII.1.Ask both Mary and Lucy


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2.You should buy not only thatbluesuitbutalsothecoatandthetrousersthatfityouwell.

3.Either you give me moretime or I shall not be able tocompletethejob.

4.She has not seen the boystodaybecauseneitherRoynorJosephhavebeenhere.


6.Rahul would like to studyabroadbutshecan’taffordit.

7.Do you know if Michael isworkingoronleavetoday?

8.The audience stood up andclappedtheirhands.



ExERcIsE 2 1.I like ice-cream as well as

chocolate. 2.I like neither cucumber nor

tomatoes. 3.He is a good father as well as

teacher. 4.Iwillreadthebookifyouadvice

me. 5.He is not only honest but also

hardworking. 6.He has time neither for family

norforfriends. 7.My mother loves cooking and

myfatherloveswatchingTV. 8.Icalledherandshecameover. 9.The students had finished their

work and teacher came in theclass.

10.He came home and saved hisfather.

ExERcIsE 3 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5. (b) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9. (a) 10. (b)

10. TensesExERcIsE 1

1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5. (c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9. (d) 10.(a)

ExERcIsE 2 1.isselling 2.issleeping 3.areskipping 4.arelearning 5.isteaching 6.iscounting 7.iscleaning 8.arebuying 9.iseating 10.swimming

ExERcIsE 3 1.has,done 2.Have,gone 3.Have,learnt 4.Haslost 5.has,rung 6.havedrawn 7.hasrisen 8.haveread 9.hasgiven 10.havepaid

ExERcIsE 4 1.havebeenbuilding 2.havebeendancing 3.Have,beenwaiting 4.Havebeentaking 5.hasbeenweeping 6.havebeenmaking 7.hasbeenraining 8.hasbeenhelping 9.havebeenliving10.havebeenworking

11. Reported speech/Narration

1.I said that Ashok might comebackintheevening.


3.The teacher said that the Sikhshad defeated the English in thebattle.

4.You said that they had beensolvingsumsonarithmetic.


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7.You said that they might havewonthematch.

8.The mother said that he couldhave helped his friend if hewould.


10.The student said that Shamhad not left the school withoutpermission.

ExERcIsE (Page 110) I.1.Hesaidthathewasfeelingout

ofsortsthatday. 2.I toldhimthatuneasy lies the

headthatwearsthecrown. 3.Youtoldmethatyouwouldnot


4.Theysaid that theywouldnotplaythematchthenextday.

5.Hesaid that thatwas theplaythat those people wanted tostagetherethatnight.

6.She told me that she wouldinviteallofustothefeastthefollowingweek.

7.The Prime Minister toldthe nightingale that she wasexpectedatthecourtthatday.

8.Itoldhimthathisbrotherhadabused me there the previousday.


10.Ramsaid that ithad rained intorrentsthepreviousnight.

II.1.Once Lincoln said that ifelected hewould be thankful,ifnotitwouldbethesame.

2.Gautam told his disciples thatothers if spoke against himor his religion or against theorder, there is no reason why

they (disciples) should havebeenangry.

3.Socrates said that this plainspeakingofhiswas the causeofhispopularity.

4.The old mother told Pasteurthat if he could cure animals,hecouldcureherson.

5.MahatmaGandhisaid thathisquarrelwasnotwiththeBritishpeople, they foughtwith theirimperialism.

6.The voice shouted thatBhimsena might drink onlyafter answering his questionsand he would die if hedisregardedhiswords.

7.Thatoldmantoldhissonthathehadshowntruewisdomandhewas ready tohandoverallhismoneytohim.

8.TheDeviltoldtheImpthathehaddiscoveredafinedrinkandhe had quite made up for hismistakeaboutthebread.

9.I told him that I had lost thebookIhadboughtthepreviousday and I would buy anotherthenextday.

10.WhenMahadevwentoutearlyin themorning, hewould saythatGod is truth and giver ofeverything.ExERcIsE (Page 111)

1.Buddha said, “I must go awaythepoorerbecauseIhave lostafriend.”

2.Theofficersaid,“Iamabsolutelycertain that Ihaveseenhimrunintothecellar.”


4.The Hermit came to me in asmiling way. I said to him, “Ihaveaverylongwalk,andthatIhavetiredout.”

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5.The shopkeeper said to thecustomer, “Yesterday I soldthemfivefora rupee,but todayI cannot sell even three for arupee.”

6.All her maidens who werewatching her said, “You mustweeporyouwilldie.”

7.Thepoorfrightenedlambthoughtfor a moment and then said,“Waterisflowingfrommetoit.”

8.The monkey said to the cats,“YouknowIdon’tlikethingstobe done by halves.” He furthersaid, “Since you have come tome,Imustdofulljusticetoyou.”

9.RavanalookedatSitaandsaidtoher,“Itisnousepiningforyourhusband and that he will nevercometoyourhelp.”

ExERcIsE (Page 113) (Imp) 1.The king asked Daman if he

(Daman) saw what was goingto happen to him through hisfoolishloyaltytohisfriend.


3.The aunt asked her son if hewouldhesitate tosaythehonestthingbecausehefearedaquarrel.

4.The peon asked his sir if hewouldbringthem.Hissirsaidtobring them and got absorbed inreading.

5.Sita Ram asked the officer ifhedidnotwant thegoodof thepeopletoo.

6.Jai Tirath asked Rakesh if hewent toDelhi the previous day.Rakesh replied respectfully thathewentthere.

7.The teacheraskedLal ifhehaddone his home task.Lal repliedrespectfullythathehadnot.

8.ShashiaskedRajeshifhewouldbringtoysforherwhenhecameback from Amritsar. Rajeshrepliedgladlythathewould.

9.Thepeonaskedtheofficer ifhemightgohomethen.Theofficerrepliedthathemightnotgothenandtheywouldleavetogether.

ExERcIsE (Pages 113-114) 1.HeaskedtheInspectorofPolice

whydidhecrossquestionedhimas if he was a thief or robber.He further asked that he wastravelling on a business of hisown and there was no need toquestionhim.


3.The girl asked her father if hehad always been goodwhen hewasaboy.Thefatherrepliedthathe was generally good at leastwhenhewasasleep.

4.Thetraderaskedthemanifhehadany news from his family. Themanrepliedthathehad.Againthetraderanxiouslyaskedhimhowissonwas.

5.The officer asked the merchantwhere he had spent the night.He further asked him if he hadbeenalone,hehadseentheothermerchant thatmorningandwhyhehadlefttheinnbeforedawn.

6.The teacher asked her why shewas late that day. She furtheraskedifshehadbeenpresentthepreviousday.

7.The teacher asked Ashok if hewas not ashamed of what hehaddone.Shefurtheraskedhimwhetherhewouldmendhiswaysor she would report that to theHeadmaster.

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8.ThefirstcitizenaskedDioghnesswhathewaslookingfor.Anotherasked if he had lost something.Thethirdloudlyaskedhimwhyhe carried a lighted lantern inbroaddaylight.

9.Thefatheraskedhissonhowhewasgettingalongatschool.Theson replied that his teacher hadsaidthatifalltheboyshadbeenas good as he, he (the teacher)would soonhave to shut up theschool.

ExERcIsE (Page 115) 1.The superintendent ordered the



3.The father advised Rakesh toalwaysspeakthetruthandnevertrytodeceiveanybody.


5.The teacher ordered the boysthey should not that play thereandgosomewhereelsetoplay.



8.The nightingale requested theEmperor that nobody shouldhave known that he had a birdwhotoldhimeverything.

9.The Imp ordered the Devil towait for what was coming andalso said that they should havebeen allowed to drink anotherglass.


12. VocabularyExERcIsE (Pages 117-118)

I. 1. (b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5. (b) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(c) 9. (d) 10.(b)

ExERcIsE (Page 119) 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5. (b) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10.(a)

ExERcIsE (Pages 120–121) I. 1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5. (c) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10.(c) II. 1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5. (d) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9. (c) 10.(b)

ExERcIsE (Pages 123-124) I. 1. (b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5. (c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9. (d) 10.(a) II. 1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5. (c) 6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9. (d) 10.(b)

Integrated ExercisesI. ERRoR coRREcTIoN

TyPE – 1 I. 1.(a) 2. (a) 3.(d) 4. (a) 5. (b) II. 1.(b) 2. (b) 3.(b) 4. (b) 5. (c) III. 1.(a) 2. (c) 3.(d) 4. (a) 5. (a) IV. 1.(a) 2. (a) 3.(c) 4. (c) 5. (c) V. 1. (a) 2. (c) 3.(a) 4. (b) 5. (c) VI. 1.(c) 2. (a) 3.(b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6.(a) VII. 1.(a) 2. (b) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6.(b)VIII. 1.(b) 2. (a) 3.(d) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6.(b)

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IX. 1.(a) 2. (d) 3.(b) 4. (a) 5. (c) X. 1.(a) 2. (b) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (b)II. sENTENcE comPLETIoN I. 1.(a) 2. (c) 3.(b) 4. (a) 5. (b) II. 1.(c) 2. (a) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (b) III. 1.(a) 2. (c) 3.(c) 4. (a) 5. (b) IV. 1.(a) 2. (b) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (a) V. 1. (b) 2. (a) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (a) VI. 1.(a) 2. (b) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (b) VII. 1.(a) 2. (c) 3.(a) 4. (a) 5. (b)VIII. 1.(b) 2. (a) 3.(b) 4. (b) 5. (a) IX. 1.(b) 2. (a) 3.(a) 4. (b) 5. (b) X. 1.(b) 2. (c) 3.(a) 4. (b) 5. (a)


I.1.standby 2.comesof 3.burnsthemidnightoil 4.amanofparts 5.byandby 6.toplaythesecondfiddle 7.bydintof 8.totakestockof 9.throwingmudat 10.taketotaskII.1.was 2.were 3.are 4.does 5.are 6.did 7.was 8.Do 9.Did 10.shall 11.will 12.were

III.1.worked 2.became 3.wasskiing 4.Doyouhave 5.Haveyoufinished 6.hasbeen 7.doesshehave 8.died 9.donotknow 10.hasbeenwaiting 11.received IV. 1. (d) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5. (b) 6.(b) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9. (c) 10.(d) V.2.with–to 3.about–across 4.At–in 5.onseeing–tosee 6.On–in 7.with–onabout–is VI.1.Theartistworkedatthemaster

piecepainstakingly. 2.Dadwasofferedafreegiftby

thefirm. 3.I read in the paper that the

burglarhadbeencaught. 4.The cricketers began piercing

callsattheirnightfall. 5.He wore a hat on his head

madeofcoconutfibre. 6.Coffeeisverypopularinmany

partsoftheworld. 7.They could not explore the

cavewithoutatorch. 8.Theshedwasdamagedduring

thestorm. 9.James sat next to the dog

talkingtohimself. VII.1.Hasyourbrothergotajob. 2.There are some beautiful

buildingsinthistown. 3.Themother teaches history at

theircollege. 4.I like listening tomusician in

theevening. 5.What are those lights in the

sky? 6.What timedo youfinish your


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7.They were not at schoolyesterday.

8.She did not phone me atweekend.

9.Sometimes I go skiing in thewinter.


Practice Test Paper – 1

section-A: Reading 1.1.Socrateswas a funny looking

person. Because he had bald,dome-shaped head, a roundupturnednoseandalongwavybeard.

2.His ugliness was a standingjokeamonghisfriends.

3.His wife was a complainingwoman who used her tongueasaniratewagondriver.Sohelovedtobeawayfromhome.

4.One of his friends had askedtheOracleatDelphiwhowasthewisestmaninAthens.

5.Socratessaid. 6.The city of Athens has been

describedinthepassage. 7.Socrateswastheevangelistof

clearthinking. 8.Hewouldeatahastybreakfast

of bread dipped in wine, slipona tunicand throwacoarsemantleoverit.

2.I.1.Computers are widely usedin industries and universities.Without computer, nothing ispossibleinthisworld.


3.Leonpointedoutthatitwasamistake to believe that thesemachinescould‘think’.


peoplewill obtain valuableinformationonthemlikeradios.

II. 1. (b) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(a)

section-B: Writing & Grammar

3.Z-30,AzadAptt. A.P.Colony,Gaya 24thFebruary,20XX TheEditor TheHindustanTimes, Sub:Frequentload-shedding Sir, Through your esteemed daily I

wouldliketodrawtheattentionoftheconcernedauthoritiestowardstheproblemof load-shedding inmy town. Due to load-sheddingpeoplefacealotofproblems.Theannualexamsofthestudentsarenear.Ineveninghours,lightiscutandwhen lightwillbesupplied,remains uncertain. The anti-social elements have their hayday.They take advantageof thesituation.Chainsnatcherssnatchthe chains of ladies in eveninghours.

So, I would like to request theconcerned authorities to lookinto the matter and take someeffective steps to resolve thisproblem.

Thankingyou Yourssincerely Ramesh Kumar

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4. (See story No. 15 on Page 38) 5. (i)held(ii)The(iii)over 6. (i)the–an (ii)of–in (iii)tried–trying(iv)with–of (v)ignore–ignoring(vi)her–him (vii)crossed–crossing (viii)confident–confidently

7.1.The storm rocked the shipviolently.

2.The artist worked pains-takinglyathismasterpiece.

3. Dadwasofferedafreegiftbythefirm.

Practice Test Paper – 2

section-A: Reading1.1.The author often thinks that

itwouldbe ablessing if eachhuman being is stricken blindanddeafforafewdaysatsometimeduringhisadultlife.

2.Darkness would make himmoreappreciativeofsightandsilence would teach him thejoyofsound.

3.Recently the author askedherfriendwhatshehadobserved.

4.The author touches thebranchesoftreesinspring.

5.The author passes his handto the smooth skin of a silverbirchortherough,shaggybarkofapine.

6.Theauthorthinkshimselftobefortunateifheplaceshishandgentlyonasmalltreeandfeelsthe happy quiver of a bird infullsong.

7.The author’s heart cries outwith longing to see all thethings.

8.The authorwould like to firstgazeuponthefaceofhisdearteacher, Mr. Anne SullivanMacy.

2.I.1.In the coming years, life inIndiawillbemoreconvenient,comfortableandeasy.

2.With the increasing use ofmodern gadgets, working,

learning, communication andtransportation will becomemucheasier.

3.Manwill becomemoremate-rialistic, comfort-loving andcompetitive in the comingyears.

4.The coming years will bringgreater industrial, economical,scientific and technologicaldevelopments.

II. 1. (c),2.(b),3.(b),4.(b),5.(b)

section-B: Writing & Grammar

3.Kolkata 10thJanuary,20XX Monday,9pm DearDiary, MybosomfriendBajrangifailed

in mathematics exam in SA-I.He got 7 marks out of 20. TheSA-II exam is near.He is quiteworried.He fears that hemightfail in mathematics exam in SA-II.Althoughthemathteacherprovideshimextraclasses,yetheisnotabletopickitup.Beingafriend,Ialsoco-operatewithhima lot. But there is some sort ofmathphobiainhismind.Itmustbe overcome any how. I wishhim all the best for his SA-IIexam.Mayhecomewithflyingcoloursinexam!


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52 n QuesTion Bank english-Vii

4. The Silent Girl One evening itwas raining cats

and dogs. Therewas a pond.Afew frogs and fisheswere therein the pond. I was working onInternet in a cafe. A girl camewithanumbrella.Theplaceinthecafewasfull.Therewasoneseatthatwas empty.The empty seatwasfacingmytable.IhadhalfamindtogetupandcallheroverbutbeforeIcouldsayanythingtoher, the rainfall stoppedand theweathergotcleared.Butanhourlater, it started raining again. Inthemidstoftherainandthunder,I called her name “The LonelyGirl.’She tooknonoticeofmycall.After a few minutes whenI decided to leave, I found thatshewasstandingbythesidewalkandwaitingforme.IknewitasIhadaskedherifshecouldhelp

me.Igotintoherumbrella.Shelooked at me embarrassingly.Eventhebumonthestreetheldbackagrin.Ihadnotevenheardthe lonely girl’s voice. Thishappenedeverydayforamonth.

5. 1. (a)our 2.(c)away 3. (b)amount 4.(b)reduce 5.(a)provide 6.(b)air 6. (i) near a school; caused-

happened(ii)car-andschool (iii)whichwasturning (iv) driven by a (v) control the

speeding(vi)seethecar (vii)wassoserious(viii)head

andchest 7.1. One can finish one’s work

earlyandgoforawalk. 2. Musichasanimportantplace

inourlives. 3. MyuniformissoitchythatI


Practice Test Paper – 3

section-A: Reading 1.1.CaptainSpeedywaslockedup

inhiscabinsohewashelpless. 2.Mr. Fix did not understand

what was going on. He wasnolongerasintimatewithMr.Foggashewasearlier.


4. (a)verystronglanguage (b)Sail (c)infectious (d)Command 5.(a)OntheHenrietta,Mr.Fogg

succeeded in locking upcaptain speedy and com-mandingthevessel.

(b)All past troubles wereforgotten.

6.Hisfutureplanwouldbetogoto some other port where hecould turn pirate and live insafety.

7.Mr.FoggandCaptainSpeedy. 8.Mr. Fogg worked like a hero

andhemadefriendsallround.I.2.1.Many changes in social

conditionshavebroughtabouta change in the institution offamily.

2.Earlier all family membersworked together and earnedmoney but today the familyis not a unit of productionbecausetheproductionisnowundertaken by industrial andcommercialinstitutions.

3.Because even children frompoorfamiliesspendmoretime

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in schools provided by thestate.

4.In the past, women weresupposed to live within thefour walls of their houseand look after the householdwork, children, old and othermembersofthefamily.

II. 1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a)

section-B: Writing & Grammar

3. Security at Tourist Spots Indiaisaplaceoftouristdestination.

Anumberoftouristscomeheretoseetheseplaces.Delhi,Agra,Kashmir,Shimla,Gaya,Varanasietc.areallimportanttouristplaces.Itisalsooneofthemajorsourcesofgovernmentrevenue.Butforthe last fewyears, touristsarefeelingthemselves insecure.Afewtouristshavebeenkilledinterroristactivitiesbytheterrorists.Theyhesitatetocometotheseplaces. So security must beincreasedandtightenedattouristspots.Besides,infrastructurelikeroads,railways,airports,seaports,tele-communications,shouldbemadestate-of-the-art.So,peoplecantravel to theseplaceswithcomfortandease.

4. Impact of fashions on Student Moderneraistheageoffashion.

Changing fashions, clothes andhairstylehavebecometheroutineof the day. Nowadays evenstudentsfrompoorfamiliescopythe students who belong to richfamilies.Most of the parents areshortofmoney.Theyareunabletoaffordsuchthings.Afewstudentswho belong to rich family wearfashionable clothes and makefun of others. The poor studentsborrowmoney from one anotherandalsoquarrelamongthemselvesto get their money back.At lasttheirparentsrepaythemoney.Itisjustaburdenonthepocketoftheguardian. So students must takeinto consideration the financialconditionoftheirparentsandactaccordingly.

5. (i)can(ii)shows(iii)with (iv)of(v)which(vi)and 6. (i)for–to(ii)say–says (iii)causing–cause (iv)damage–damaging (v)stickersandbindis (vi)patch–patches (vii)excess–excessive (viii)pigment–pigments 7. (i) It is important to observe

trafficrules. (ii) Children below eighteen

yearsofagemustnotdrive. (iii) Mobile phone must not be


Practice Test Paper – 4section-A: Reading

1. 1. (a) Whentheasswashappy,hewas enjoying his freedomin the open ground raptlyand did not look towardsfritzandnarrator.

(b) Whenhewasfrightenedhe

produced a strange groanofhopelessnessandlookedtowardsthemsadly.

2.When the ass was frightenedhe produced a strange groanof disappointment and sawtowards Fritz and narratorsadly.

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54 n QuesTion Bank english-Vii

3.Fritz planned to take out hisanimalsforgrazing.

4.The ass was not cooperativeas he dashed away into theopen ground alone.When thenarrator called him back, hedidnotcomeback.

5. (a)reappear(b)choke (c)groan (d)glide 6.Obeyyourmaster 7.Theunhappyasswaswrapped. 8.Thethreedaysofrestandgood

foodmadetheassplayful. 2.I. 1. (a) Godfrey was foolish to

marry the woman whohaddied.Hehadtosuffergreatlybecauseofit.

(b) Godfrey felt happy andwise to live with hissecondwifeNancy.

2.The first thing that Nancyheard form Godfrey was thatDunstan was his brother whohad robbed Silas Marner anddied.Secondly,Eppie’smotherwas his first wife and Eppiewashisdaughter.

3.Whensheheardaboutthetwothings from Godfrey she wasfirst shocked and then angrybutlatershelongedtolivewithEppieashermotherhappily.

4.With the skeleton, GodfreyfoundDunstan’swatchandhisownwhipwithhisnameonitthat Dunstan had taken withhim when he had gone on ahuntwithwildfire.

II. 1. (a) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(a)

section-B: Writing & Grammar

3.18,JBock KalyanPuri,NewDelhi 24thOctober,20XX

TheEditor TheHindustanTimes Sub:Flowoffoulsmellingwater

inthestreet Sir, Through the column of your

esteemed daily I would like todraw the kind attention of theconcerned authorities towardthe flow of foul smelling waterin the street. It causes a lot ofproblem to commuters. It candevelopmanyfataldiseases.Itisthewaterofthesafetytankofthecommunity Hall in street. Evenaftergivingsomanyremaindersto the MCD, nobody has takencognizancetoit.

So I would like to request theconcerned authorities to lookinto the matter without anyfurtherdelay.

Thankingyou Yoursfaithfully Manav Singh 4. Importance of Time Piyush studied in classVII. He

usedtogetuplateintheSundaymorning. He said, “Sunday isthefunday.”hewanted toenjoythe whole Sunday freely. OneSunday, he even did not do hishomework.OnMondaymorningallofasuddenitcametohismindthat he did not do homeworkin any of the subjects. Now hehada fearofpunishmentbyhisteacher.Hesaidittohismother.His mother got very angry forbeing so negligent. When hewent to school, his teacher alsoscolded him. He felt ashamedofhimself in theclass.Thenherealized that the sweetness of

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SundayresultedinsournessandbitternessofMonday.Fromthenonwards, he got up early in themorning on Sundays too andcompleted the homework of allsubjectsontime.

5. (i)on(ii)look(iii)of(iv)through(v)can(vi)after

6. (i)topic,asthe(ii)ofman’s (iii)isquietly(iv)bydelicate

(v)betweenthe(vi)withinthe (vii)hasmarkedly (viii)isaphenomenon 7. (i) Prayers offer a lot of hope

andpeaceofmind. (ii) They give you the faith to

believe that anything canhappen.

(iii) Prayersoughttobeofferedwithanhonestheart.

section-A: Reading 1.1.Parable is a short story

especially told by Jesus thatteaches a moral or spirituallesson.

2.Themenwhodonotgiveanyimportance to spiritual lessonarecomparedwithbirds.Suchmen listen to spiritual lessonsbutabsolutelyignorethem.


4.Here the ‘Sun’ symbolises aSatan.

5.Theyarelikeveryfertilesoil. 6.People with Satan nature do

nothearthespiritualmessages. 7.Jesus teaches us to listen to

spiritual messages and followthem.

8.Some people with narrow-mind hear the messages andreceiveitgladlybuttheysoonforgetthem.

2.I.1.The master entrusted hisproperty to three servants.He wanted to judge theirintelligence.

2.The property was distributedon merit. The first servantgot five thousand pounds, the

Practice Test Paper – 5second one got two thousand,andthirdonegotonethousandpounds.

3.The first and second servantswere rewarded by the masterbecausetheyhadinvestedtheirsharesatrightplace.

4.The first servant said to themaster that he (the master)had given him five thousandspounds.Hefurthersaid to themaster to look another fivethousand pounds that he hadearned.

II. 1. (a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(b)

section-B: Writing & Grammar

3.Jaipur 10thOctober,20XX Monday,8pm DearDiary Recently I attended grand wed-

ding party which was full ofglamourandluxury.Ialongwithmy parents and brothers hadgone to attend the party. It wasa gala party. A few importantpersonalities of the town werepresent their.All kind of dishesveg, non-veg, fast food, dessertetc. were available in the party.

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56 n QuesTion Bank english-Vii

Musicprogrammewasalsogoingon.Wealso enjoyeda lot. I hadneverseensuchapartyinmylife.

—Alok 4. A Visit to a Cinema Anewpicturewasrunningin the

cinema hall. There was a hugecrowdthere.Theyweretalkinganddiscussingfilmsandactorsamongthemselves.Vehicleswererushingin.Therewerelongqueuesbeforethebookingcounter.Someonewastrying to jump the queue. Otherswere shouting. There were hotdiscussionamongthem.Therewasascufflebetweenthebookingclerkandabuyer.Thepolicemancameontimeandsettledtheissue.

5. (i)found(ii)when(iii)their (iv)more(v)But(vi)do 6. (i)tillthe (ii)onorientation (iii)forthe (vi)fortwo (v)thenew (vi)of (vii)toorganize (viii)tostart 7. (i) Therewereevennojellyfish

on earth when dinosaursexisted.

(ii) They breathe through theirskinandneverstopgrowingjellyfish.

(iii) Moresharksthanjellyfisharekilledbypeopleeachyear.
