Question 7

Looking back at you preliminary task, What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

Transcript of Question 7

Looking back at you preliminary task, What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

Comparison The preliminary task compared to our final thriller opening where two complete separate things. This was due to our knowledge of thriller films improving from when we did the preliminary task to when we did our final opening. However saying this we kept some of our techniques we used in our preliminary task in our final opening.

Our planning for our final opening was very different to our preliminary task due to the fact that we had a longer period of time to think about what we wanted in our opening and how we could achieve it. For example one type of planning we did was our location and where we wanted our thriller opening to be. For this task we took about 2 days to agree with the location of using a mates house. This in comparison to our preliminary task were we decided our location in less then 10 minutes and had to change it due to it not being available for us to use. The extra planning on the location also saved us valuable time of filming as we knew that the house was available for us to film in.

Another way we planned our thriller in comparison to our preliminary task was through the use of a story board. The story board helped us estimate how long the opening would last and if we needed to add more scenes to make it last longer. This saved us time in the editing and filming time as we stuck to our story board and made sure that we had enough footage for editing, and when it came to editing we just needed to move footage into the allocated time frame which saved us a lot of time as we finished before most people. This in comparison to the preliminary task were we had a rough idea of what we wanted to do and how we wanted to achieve was good. In addition during our preliminary task we ran out of time for editing and was forced to rush most of the ending.

We also all made up a thriller story and told each other what our story was about and how it could be recreated into a opening and we also asked ourselves if it was doable. Through this process we came up with 4 different ideas and had a variation to pick from. We did the same during our preliminary but our story's were brief, however it was effective and was one of the reasons we wanted to do the same for our main thriller opening. In addition this helped us to get rid of an ridicules ideas that would take us years to do and helped us focus on what we can achieve in the time provide. In doing so we saved a lot of time as any changes that were made to our opening were minor.

Another key part of planning was to know how to use our equipment and to make sure that we know that our equipment can film what we planned. This is a part were our preliminary task played a major part in. Through the work that we did in our preliminary we knew how to set up and use the cameras that were provide to us. Through our preliminary we knew what we could achieve with our equipment and what we could not. For example from our preliminary we knew how to change white balance so that the camera does not mistaken white for orange and make everything white orange. This was helpful for our main thriller opening as we did not need to do additional research on how to use a DSLR camera.

When using the Canon at the beginning some of our members found it difficult to change the white balance . This was soon sorted out as we had a guest that came in to teach us how to change our white balance and why it is important to change it.

Another improvement that we had was the knowledge we had on final cut pro. I know from my personal experience that I had no clue how to use final cut and was alienated by the software. However progressing through the prelim I learnt a bit more about the software and now by the end of the opening, I can say that I have more confident on how to use that software.

Another improvement we had fro our prelim to our final opening was origination . I have felt that we have improved our origination to plan and do what we have planned this s comparison to the start of this project were we went out with a camera with a poor preparation of what we wanted to film and how it was going to achieve.

Another improvement we had since the begin is to look over our footage and to make sure that it has no errors in it. This has improved as we barely have any errors in our opening in comparison to our thriller (you can see some of our errors in the next slide).

The Opening is blurred and out of focused but was our only shot and this was due to lack of planning and time

There are people walking in the background which was not planned.

The reflection catches the tripod. Lack of planning and looking over our footage.

The transaction between both clips were bad and was due to lack of clips.