Question 7

Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? During the preliminary task I learned a lot of new things and used technologies that I had never used before. One of the things we had to learn was how the camera works, and how to position it. I found this difficult in the preliminary task as I had never used a camera or tripod before. We also had to learn where to position the camera in order for it to flow well, this included shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 o rule. After we filmed the preliminary task we also learnt how to edit the footage. We did this on the editing software called Movie Studio Platinum. Movie Studio Platinum was very complex however was simple to use once I got the hang of it. All of this helped prepare us for making our own film opening. 180 o rule:

Transcript of Question 7

Question 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

During the preliminary task I learned a lot of new things and used technologies that

I had never used before. One of the things we had to learn was how the camera

works, and how to position it. I found this difficult in the preliminary task as I had

never used a camera or tripod before. We also had to learn where to position the

camera in order for it to flow well, this included shot reverse shot, match on action

and the 180o rule. After we filmed the preliminary task we also learnt how to edit

the footage. We did this on the editing software called Movie Studio Platinum. Movie

Studio Platinum was very complex however was simple to use once I got the hang

of it. All of this helped prepare us for making our own film opening.

180o rule:

Shot Reverse Shot:

Match on Action:

By doing the preliminary task it helped a lot when making our film opening, it

ensured we knew how to use the camera and editing software as we had past

experience with using them both and therefore was good practice. It also made sure

our film opening flowed and looked better and made sure that all of our footage was

of high quality and was less time consuming. During the preliminary task I found the

editing the easiest part. I caught onto it quickly and could make the preliminary

task look good and have continuity, this then helped me a lot in editing my film

opening as I knew how to edit to a good standard and could use my skills from the

preliminary task in my actual film opening. However I found using the camera and

tripod very difficult, this was because I had never done it before and the camera

was very confusing to use, it had lots of different buttons and I couldn’t set it up

very well. After a bit of practice I got better at using the camera but had to keep

asking for help, however when making our film opening I ended up having to do the

camera set up and filming and by the end of filming I found the camera easy to use

and could do it speedily.

A lot changed from our preliminary task to making the film opening in all 3 stages of

production (Research and planning, Construction and Evaluation):


I think that this was the biggest development from the preliminary task to filming

our film opening. During our preliminary task we got told what to do so the concept

and idea of the filming was limited. The idea was spoon fed to us and it was very

basic and short and had no creativity to it. However In the film opening we could be

as creative as we wanted and we could come up with any ideas we wanted, the

whole concept of the film opening was much more complex compared to in the

preliminary task. We did story boards and a script in both the preliminary task and

film opening however the preliminary task story boards and script were simple and

only about 1 page long whereas when we planned our film opening we did several

drafts of the story board and script and they were in a lot of detail and were both

over 3 pages long.


When planning our film opening we did intensive research into our idea to ensure it

was a good idea. The planning took several weeks of research before we were

happy with our final idea. This is completely opposite in the preliminary task as we

did no research and decided the idea on the day and didn’t change it at all. Before

we could film anything in our preliminary task we had to have a tutorial on how the

camera worked whereas when we filmed our film opening we knew how to use the

camera so a tutorial wasn’t needed.


When filming our preliminary task we used simple camera shots ( Close up and long

shot) whereas in the film opening we had a range of different camera shots, this

made the film opening look a lot better and of a higher status .

Preliminary task –Extreme close up

During the preliminary task we only learnt about match on action, shot reverse shot

and the 180o rule. We used these in our film opening but we did more technical

camera movements for example tilts and pans. We also did handheld cameras to

connote fear and worry.

Film opening-

Close up

Preliminary task – Long Shot

Film opening-

Long Shot

Film opening-

Mid Shot

When editing the preliminary task it was very short and simple to do and we could

do it in about an hour. The only thing we added in was some text at the start with

our name on. This then developed a lot in our film opening as it was nearly 2

minutes of editing to do and took about a month to edit! We also made the editing

more complex as we added filters, transitions and lots of text. We also used

Photoshop to add in overlays on our film opening whereas in the preliminary task

we didn’t use Photoshop.

Another thing that developed from making the preliminary task to making the film

opening was Mise-en-scene. During the preliminary task the costumes weren’t

planned and people wore whatever they were wearing that day, the lighting was

exactly the same all the way throughout (high key), there was limited actors who

weren’t comfortable acting, no makeup or props were used and the setting was

simple and limited to the school corridor and classroom. Whereas during our film

opening we looked into the mise-en-scene and planned it carefully and had set

costumes, different lighting depending on the mood, high quality actors, lots of

makeup, props such as knives and guns and different settings. I think that because

Film opening-

Mid Shot handheld camera

Film opening-

Close up panning shot

Magic Bullet quick look filter selection

Magic Bullet quick look filter- what it looks like in my film

we did the mise-en-scene in the film opening in more detail it added to helping

make the film opening successful and look good and realistic compared to the

preliminary task that looked tacky and fake.

Preliminary Task-

Film Opening-

The preliminary task only had about 10 seconds worth of diegetic sound whereas

when we made the film opening we were flexible and added in sound effects, non-

diegetic sound and lots of diegetic sound.

High Key Lighting, normal school clothes, no props, low quality actor

Low Key & High key lighting, high quality actors, props, set costumes and makeup


After we filmed our preliminary task we did no evaluation at all whereas after

filming our film opening we did lots of evaluation. We did this on various

technologies such as prezi, powtoon, Microsoft word and PowerPoint and then

uploaded them to blogger using slide share.

Non Diagetic Music

Non Diagetic Sound Effects

Overall I think that I benefited from doing the preliminary task as it meant we had

practice in using the editing software and camera and we could develop our skills

we learnt when making our film opening such as storyboarding, editing, camera

shots, sound, mise-en-scene etc. It also meant we could plan/research, construct

and evaluate our film opening quickly and effectively and making it as good as it

could be.