Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? For the creating process of my opening sequence, I had used a canon XL 1. This was my first time using a camera as such. The only difficulties I had, was really just at the beginning of shooting. I was unsure on how I could achieve the pull focus effect but that really just took a matter of minutes, figuring it out. In the filming process there were some parts that I wanted to use a tripod, but the only one capable of holding the canon XL 1 was too big for my filming location. So I had to make do with just handheld shots. This was okay as the slight shakiness of the camera helped contribute to the effect I wanted my opening sequence to give off. Another situation that occurred was the weather. Nearly all of my shots where inside, apart from the one. This one shot was eventually cancelled and scrapped. The reason for me scrapping it was that I realized the plot of the opening sequence could still be read and understood clearly without it. For editing software I had used Final Cut Express HD. This was entirely new to me and I did struggle getting my head round it at first. Once I was shown the basics of it and how to apply filter effects to individual bits of footage, I was then able to achieve what I wanted. Several of the filter effects helped out a lot on creating the overall mise en scene. Colour suppression was added to create to create this dark looking effect, which was then accompanied by a small blend of a sepia filter helping me create this ill looking tone to the opening sequence. For creating the soundtrack I had used Cubase 6 and a Halion sonic SE midi board. I decided to use these as I have a past experience in using this equipment. The college provided me with the use of the equipment and I was then able to take files home and alter them with the equipment I have. With the software I was capable of creating droned noises with strange effects helping me create this tense atmosphere, which accompanied the opening sequence footage well. There wasn’t really any challenges when creating the soundtrack as I knew what to do to achieve what I want as I have currently studied a year of music tech and am also continuing my second year.

Transcript of Question 6

Page 1: Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

For the creating process of my opening sequence, I had used a canon XL 1. This was my first time using a camera as such. The only difficulties I had, was really just at the beginning of shooting. I was unsure on how I could achieve the pull focus effect but that really just took a matter of minutes, figuring it out. In the filming process there were some parts that I wanted to use a tripod, but the only one capable of holding the canon XL 1 was too big for my filming location. So I had to make do with just handheld shots. This was okay as the slight shakiness of the camera helped contribute to the effect I wanted my opening sequence to give off. Another situation that occurred was the weather. Nearly all of my shots where inside, apart from the one. This one shot was eventually cancelled and scrapped. The reason for me scrapping it was that I realized the plot of the opening sequence could still be read and understood clearly without it. For editing software I had used Final Cut Express HD. This was entirely new to me and I did struggle getting my head round it at first. Once I was shown the basics of it and how to apply filter effects to individual bits of footage, I was then able to achieve what I wanted. Several of the filter effects helped out a lot on creating the overall mise en scene. Colour suppression was added to create to create this dark looking effect, which was then accompanied by a small blend of a sepia filter helping me create this ill looking tone to the opening sequence. For creating the soundtrack I had used Cubase 6 and a Halion sonic SE midi board. I decided to use these as I have a past experience in using this equipment. The college provided me with the use of the equipment and I was then able to take files home and alter them with the equipment I have. With the software I was capable of creating droned noises with strange effects helping me create this tense atmosphere, which accompanied the opening sequence footage well. There wasn’t really any challenges when creating the soundtrack as I knew what to do to achieve what I want as I have currently studied a year of music tech and am also continuing my second year.