Question 5

Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience?



Transcript of Question 5

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Question 5- How did you attract/address your


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COSTUME- the costume used in the front cover of the band is very casual as they all are showing the indie look. The are attracting audiences who would dress in this particular manner. This can engage the audience as this is the first thing they see when the look at the magazine.

BODY LANGUAGE/FACIAL EXPRESSIONS- this pose is very simple and connotes unity of the band. They look like an attractive band due to their position. I placed everyone in different levels to make it interesting to look at when the audience first looks at the image, identifying every aspect. The band look very cohesive and this is the look I was trying to go for. I wanted the band to look serious and ‘as one’ and this is why I told them to place their hands on each other to show they are all connected in some way. I made them put on ‘serious’ faces to show music means everything to them and to connote Indie music is usually very casual music.

PROPS- In the image there is use of an electric guitar which can signify the artist holding it specialises in the instrument or that is what makes him love music. This instrument can attract the audience by interesting certain people who possibly play similar instruments therefore want to read more about the band. I have not used any ‘bling’ jewellery in this image (apart from simple bracelets on the girl on the right) because it can signify another genre which I am not showing.

IMAGE & LIGHTING- the image shows natural lighting shows the image is very simple due to not using many other lights such as spot lights and silhouettes. The use of make up is very limited on the girls; this signifies that not all teenagers try to look ‘older’ and to stick to the Indie genre this image shows the very natural look they go for. The people portraying this image are also teenagers which allows the audience to have something in common with them.


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• In my front cover I also used a different ethnicities which would show the Indie genre however ethnicities in which the audience can relate to at least one member.

• I chose artists with very natural looks in which I thought would show this genre very well and therefore I kept most things natural such as; hair and make up. I didn’t have to Photoshop any airbrush techniques to change the colour of e.g., hair. The colour of the males’ hair connotes the genre well.

• The girls are not wearing exposing clothing which is good as that would not represent my genre. The are all very casual with jeans, leggings, & leather jackets.

• TYPOGRAPHY /COLOUR SCHEME- On the front cover, I kept things very simple in terms of typography and colour schemes. For example I used the font Impact to make it easy to read. This addressed the audience as my target audience- teenagers would find this font quite fancy yet simple to read.

In my magazine I included two freebies to interest the audience. I included ‘FREE POSTERS’ as it would encourage the audience to buy the magazine as they get something in return. This would allow the magazine to make more money as it is the ‘FREE’ & ‘WIN’ are encouraging words. I placed them in BOLD and in YELLOW to make it stand out.

I included an competition ‘WIN gig tickets for the opposites’ however one disadvantage is that my target audience is teenagers and some may not be old enough to enter this competition. On the positive side, I wrote the word ‘GIG’ instead of ‘CONCERT’ because Indie artists usually perform live and my target audience would find gigs’ more fun than concerts.

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I placed the main cover line on top of the image so it stands out; Exclusive Ultraviolet’

The fact I used the ULTRAVIOLET in a different colour shows the significance of the promoting subject. I used the colour yellow here to attract the audience. I used Photoshop to add the glowing effect on the word Ultraviolet to make it eye catching.

The Slogan uses repetition which can be seen as an persuasion device. This slogan can connote many things however I purposely decided to use a slogan to allow the audience to read it and feel something as it could relate to them. Alliteration is also used where the ‘L’ is used three times. This can emphasise the word when saying it more than once, by pronouncing the letter ‘L’ .

In my front cover, I included sell lines which tell the audience what is in the magazine. The use of two colours allow the audience to identify what is the topic and what is within the topic.

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Direct address

In my magazine I used direct address in my front cover

where the artists are looking directly at the camera to allow the

audience to feel connected/involved.

I also took pictures which show non direct address to give a more natural look and show the image as more realistic showing a different atmosphere

Language is in first person which allows the reader to engage with what they are reading.

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The website address can be seen as another way of addressing my target audience. This would probably be the most important aspect because now teenagers use more social networking sites and the internet to find out certain information as it is easy access where they can see new issues of the magazine.

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• In my contents page I used 3 main images varying in different genres in which the audience can relate to.

• I used many props ( instruments ) such as a drum set and a piano to allow the audience to relate to them. In these images there is non direct address and this can connote they are doing their own thing, interesting the audience to want to read about it. Also this gives a more authentic, natural look.

• I used images without any information below them and with the page number present in yellow. I placed the page numbers in yellow so it can stand out.

• I have kept things organised and uses many headings as the contents to inform the audience.

• I wanted things to be simple therefore under each heading I added some simple information that my young audience can read.

• The use of colours throughout, in my front page and contents is consistent. The maximum number of colours I have used is 5 and I used colours such as red, yellow, grey, black and white which would appeal to both genders.

• I included an ‘Exclusive’ column as young people tend to like reading about the recent news.

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• In my editorial I kept things simple and easy for the reader to understand. However I used some interesting adjectives such as ‘ rhythmic’ and ‘indoctrinating’ to make the editors note sound professional. ‘JUST FOR YOU’ is an example of direct address in language. Using the word ‘You’ immediately encourages the reader.

In the Regulars column, I used a rhetorical question; ‘What held them back?’ This would interest the audience in wanting to read more about this section and therefore this is why I decided to use more than one rhetorical question.

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• I decided to make my double page spread a dark colour such as navy blue which stands out. This colour can be seen as unisex.

• The floating Quote is positioned and used in a way which would get the audience interested. It is eye catching and placed right next to the picture. I placed it there because I want the audience to spot this as one of the first things they see.

• The image is of the band ‘ULTRAVIOLET’ showing their fun side of their journey. Here it shows them being ‘silly’ and having fun. This can attract the audience because it shows stereotypical views of teenagers as having a good time and some as ‘living the dream’. The image is taken from a low angle shot which can connote their status and that they are ‘stepping up in the game’ .

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Question & Answer structure- Allows my target audience to read it easily and as it is directly spottable it appeals to the younger age group.

Colour scheme; Black, white and blue- These colours may seem male dominated however there is use of purple on the top left which again can target both sexes’.

I chose this background colour to show the more ‘fun’ side of things instead of sticking to grey and black which I did for my front cover and contents.

I used ‘Impact’ as my font to maintain the continuous font throughout my magazine; It is simple and a little fancy.

Presentational devices; This image is the largest image on the page- I done this to attract the audience and also inform them about whom the article is based on.

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The use of capital lettersand hyperbole ‘SO’ makesthe writing more dramaticand exciting for the readerto read. It also stands outand is eye catching

I used actions in brackets to allow the reader to get an insight on how the artist is responding to the questions.

I used well known names of social networking sites such as ‘face book’ and ‘YouTube’. This can attract the audience because young people tend to use these sites a lot.

The word ‘guys’ can be seen as an example of colloquial language- This can be seen as stereotypical of young peoples speech as they tend to talk slang. This allows the audience to understand what is been said.

The word ‘hmm’ can tell the audience that maybe the person is rambling or is thinking.