Question 3 - Evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? A Film distributor is an individual or organisation who will represent your film at festivals or markets around the world and will attempt to sell it non television, airlines and other companies that show short films. A distributor can also be an organisation who markets and distributes the film on for home viewing (DVD, video on demand, download, television, streaming websites – Lovefilm, Netflix etc). There are six major film distributors: Warner Bros. Pictures (Owned by “Warner Bros. Entertainment”) Walt Disney Pictures (Owned by “The Walt Disney Studios”) Universal Pictures (Owned by NBCUniversal) Columbia Pictures (Owned by Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group (Sony))

Transcript of Question 3 - Evaluation

Page 1: Question 3 - Evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A Film distributor is an individual or organisation who will represent your film at festivals or markets around the world and will attempt to sell it non television, airlines and other companies that show short films. A distributor can also be an organisation who markets and distributes the film on for home viewing (DVD, video on demand, download, television, streaming websites – Lovefilm, Netflix etc). There are six major film distributors:

Warner Bros. Pictures (Owned by “Warner Bros. Entertainment”)

Walt Disney Pictures (Owned by “The Walt Disney Studios”)

Universal Pictures (Owned by NBCUniversal)

Columbia Pictures (Owned by Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group (Sony))

20 th Century Fox (Owned by Fox Filmed Entertainment)

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Paramount Pictures (Owned by Paramount Motion Pictures Group)

Our film would should be distributed by a major distributor as our film would be better off as it is aimed at a large mainstream audience rather than a niche audience due to our research before constructing our film. If our film had a larger budget then there would be well known actors like Tom cruise or Milo ventimiglia to play the role of our antagonists as they have big roles throughout the film of being rich well groomed and it would be suitable, also having such well-known actors would appeal to our target audience. I think a smaller distributor would not suffice due to the mainstream target audience, but also as their budget may not be high enough to market and endorse the movie. Paramount would be the most likely to produce our film out of the six major distributors for our wide audience and have had a lot of success with previous movies of our chosen genre.

I would choose paramount pictures to endorse our film because they are very big and have distributed a lot of very popular films.

A few films by Paramount Pictures:

There have been a few small budget films which have become major successes. This proves that you don’t need a huge budget to make a film, just a good enough plot good actors who can act of course. “Napoleon dynamite” which is a comedy film had a budget of $400,000 and grossed over $46

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million, which is a 5,667% return on its budget. The film “Rocky” (a personal favourite) had a budget of $1 million and made $225 million. The horror film “Halloween” from 1978 had a budget of $325,000, grossed $70 million. Also “Paranormal activity” grossed $197 million after only having a budget of $15,000!

I think our movie would go directly to cinemas after being advertised as box office could be a huge success as there is a mainstream audience who would want to watch our film. It would be more beneficial than going on DVD’s as it would be as popular that way, by going to cinema’s people may want to watch it even more for the cinema experience as people we interviewed for our target audience interviews have said they enjoy going to the cinema regularly. The marketing for our movie should be done on cinema websites- trailers, also on youtube as youtube is a very popular website for watching videos on anything, they range from cooking videos to gameplay recorded from well-known youtuber’s who have over 10 million subscribers. Having use youtube myself, I watch a lot of trailers on youtube and most of the time that’s how I know about films which are going to be coming into cinema’s as they show up on the website the day the trailers are released. Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter would also be a good choice as a lot of people use social media every day to talk to friends and family, or even to follow huge celebrities and actors, and this would be a plus as people would not only see billboards, or television adverts but celebrities or film distributors posting about the our film.