Question 2 evaluation

Question 2: How effective is your combination of your short film, magazine and poster By Melissa Hernan Doyle

Transcript of Question 2 evaluation

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Question 2:How effective is your combination of your short film, magazine and poster

By Melissa Hernan Doyle

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To start creating my magazine review and film poster I first had to identify the genre andthen go online to look at different posters from that genre and identify what elements theyhad that were different to a comedy, sci-fi or horror to then make mine look like a Thriller. this included:- Colour scheme- Font- Photos - Composition- EffectOnce I had an idea of what they had I could then go on to create my own.

To start my magazine review I had to do the same process, but I was more concerned aboutthe layout of the magazine review, I had to research what magazine reviews looked like and then apply that to my own.


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Film posterThis is my ‘REVENGE’ poster.The photo in this poster is the antagonist of the film and is also shown in my magazine film review. I have chosen this photo for my film poster because I felt like he was the catalyst of the film and who created disequilibrium. I have made the poster very dark because thee film genre is a thriller itself and looking at other thriller poster films I have noticed that they are quite dark and mysterious.




Name of actress

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Film posters that inspired me

This poster inspired me to have a warmer hue on the actors face.

This film poster gave me the idea of only having the face appear on the poster and the composition of the image.

This poster the drawings on the face gave me the idea of having words on the photos face

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The text in my poster

In my film poster text I have kept it really simple but bold and quite edgy, not soft and round so give it more of a ‘thriller’ feeling. My logline ‘uploading is just the beginning’ I thought was quite catchy and mysterious and makes the audience maybe think ‘what’s being uploaded?’ ‘what happens next then?’ the word ‘uploading’ is also a word that appears twice in the film and is important to the narrative.

On my characters face I have used the editing technique ‘text face’ which is when the text wraps around the images face, I used this because texting is a large element which is used a lot in my film, so I thought that would be important and emphasises that point.

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Thriller poster conventions I have noticed that in a lot of thriller poster based films the hue and colour of the poster is blue or a cold colour, in my case I have given the image in my poster a red hue, this is because I have wanted to steer away from the typical blue hue and have also wanted it to come across as him being dangerous. My film is about a man called Scott uploading a nude photo of his girlfriend, so I also wanted to suggest this topic as quite heated as it’s a sensitive subject.

The way the image of my poster is set is important, in my film there are a few similar shots like this, for example at the beginning when Kate is sitting at her laptop chatting with Scott she is only it with the laptop lighting and looks very a like to the poster’s effect. Having not revealed Scott’s entire facial features and body it suggests that he has something hidden and has quite a dark personality as well as having secrets.

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In the real world I think that my poster would draw peoples attention and make them want to see it, it’s simple but effective and the ‘thriller’ theme is visual.

The films name ‘REVENGE’ is short but is the theme of the film so anyone who sees this poster and looks at the name will immediately know its about revenge.

On Photoshop on my film title I have added a motion blur so its slightly blurred, I have done this because not everything in the film is perfect and goes accordingly and when ‘Kate’ finds out about the photo being uploaded she would have felt betrayed, she also cries so having the title ‘REVENGE’ blurred relates back to her crying as that’s how you usually see things when you cry.

I think having Scott’s face faded into the back is effective because in the film he is the one behind the computer; I also think it makes him look very dark and secretive.

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Film magazine review

Star ratings

Text that tells us that the film is new




Details about cast and certificate

Name of film and certificate Rating of film

Bold logline of film

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These are some of the examples I looked at for creating my magazine film review

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With my logline I have made it very large because when the audience read this is what’s going to make them want to see it and intrigue them into wanting to know more. Like I said on my poster, it will make the audience ask questions about what’s being uploaded and what happens next if that’s just the beginning?

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Star rating In my magazine review I also added a star rating rank to let the audience know what each star means, then I added the actual films star rating at the bottom of the film review plus “Film of the month’ to encourage them to watch it more and that’s its worth the watch.

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The layout of my magazine film review I think is quite presentable and the colour scheme red, black and white relates back to my film Poster.

With my magazine film review I looked at real film magazine layouts To get an idea of what it’s meant to look like. From this I wrote down The different elements that a magazine review has and included it in myOwn work.

I like the white text on a black background because for my poster it is also white on blackAnd looks more elegant and different to the ordinary black on white.

In the real world I think my magazine review would be successful because it includes all the Elements of a film magazine review including the layout

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Effectiveness of poster, magazine and short film

Overall I think the effect of my poster, magazine film review and short filmHave come along well, this is because both my magazine review and poster relate to each otherAnd both relate to the film itself. I think my film poster works better than my magazine Review but they have both come along nicely.

Both of the images of Scott appear in the poster as well as the film magazine review, this Makes it easier to relate the both of them and suggest that he is a main character. In the real world I think my magazine, poster and short film would be moderately successful in The thriller genre.