Question 2

Nathan Green Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups? The certain types of social groups that I’m targeting are those into alternative rock music and are into bands such as Imagine Dragons as well as having an interested into new upcoming soft rock bands that have a chilled vibe to offer their audience. On the front cover alone, I feel that I’ve included a range of stereotypes that would appeal to a certain social group. I’ve made sure that certain cover lines are from alternative bands and are interested for those into them, whilst creating a brief engagement on a short story behind it. Furthermore the models are wearing very simple clothing, which doesn’t have a certain band, or brand that would single out anyone and making my target audience uninterested due to how that band likes a band that they probably don’t like. My contents and double page spread also would be appealing to my target audiences and singles out a certain social group as it contains elements of what other alternative rock magazine such as MNE would have. Furthermore by making some images black and white, makes it clear for the audiences to know of the sheer darkness of the genre as well as understanding quickly what the article will contain (a dark story).

Transcript of Question 2

Page 1: Question 2

Nathan Green

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The certain types of social groups that I’m targeting are those into alternative rock music and are into bands such as Imagine Dragons as well as having an interested into new upcoming soft rock bands that have a chilled vibe to offer their audience.

On the front cover alone, I feel that I’ve included a range of stereotypes that would appeal to a certain social group. I’ve made sure that certain cover lines are from alternative bands and are interested for those into them, whilst creating a brief engagement on a short story behind it. Furthermore the models are wearing very simple clothing, which doesn’t have a certain band, or brand that would single out anyone and making my target audience uninterested due to how that band likes a band that they probably don’t like.

My contents and double page spread also would be appealing to my target audiences and singles out a certain social group as it contains elements of what other alternative rock magazine such as MNE would have. Furthermore by making some images black and white, makes it clear for the audiences to know of the sheer darkness of the genre as well as understanding quickly what the article will contain (a dark story).