Question 2

Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Question 2

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Throughout the creation of my magazine I have ensured

that specific conventions represent and support specific social groups. These representations are present in my front cover, contents page and DPS. Each page reaches out to a specific social group and represents multiple stereotypes and anti-stereotypes in which the readers are and are not familiar with in contemporary society.


My main task magazine front cover is primarily aimed at those between the ages of 15-29 of the male gender who are seen as

lower class citizens (Hartley. Social climbers who are driven by improving their social status (Maslow), which is displayed through many conventions within my magazine cover. The verbal code of my main headline is a prime example of this as it states “Jack Sharpling Talks Sex, Drugs and Hip Hop” which denotes the lifestyle of a hip hop star and attracts social climbers as they strive to follow this alternative and rebellious lifestyle (Maslow). This main headline also challenges the gender role of women as my cover star Jack Sharpling discusses sex and drugs, which puts him in a dominant position as he is exposing the vulnerability of women by discussing a private matter (Hartley). This is extremely common in the media industry and is present in both XXL and Vibe magazine who both explore the stereotype of male dominance over women.

  In addition, my main task front cover also represents a stereotype associated to the black/mixed race ethnic profile through the

use of props (Hartley's). This has been revealed as my cover star is dressed in a well known hip hop brand, a snapback cap and a golden chain; each one of these features are well established amongst the black/mixed race ethnic group and clearly portray a common expectation associated to this group and their lifestyle (Hartley).

Similarly, XXL magazine also uses this format in order to display the African American social group, which is revealed as Chris Brown (the cover star) who also wears a golden chain and is presented in stereotypical props such as golden teeth, Palace clothing and a golden watch. These materialistic features reveal an insight into the hip-hop lifestyle and the African American modern culture attracting those of the Explorer category as they demand social change and are willing to change their social views based on how the media presents specific social groups (Maslow). Overall my main task front cover represents multiple social groups and social statuses within society through my magazine conventions.

  I have also included well-known artists within my cover lines who are associated with the hip hop genre. The majority of these

artists such as Drake and Jay Z are of an African American background and therefore allows the African American social group to build a personal relationship with the artists and ‘BUZZ’ (Katz). This feature will also attract other various social groups and will inform and educate (Maslow) explorers about the African American social group (Katz).

Furthermore, the price of my magazine also determines the class and social group of my readers. After carrying out a survey I decided to distribute ‘BUZZ’ at £2.99 which allowed me to target those of a lower social class (Hartley). This low pricing strategy will target the African American social group who are notorious for a low financial capacity and a rough upbringing. Therefore by setting my magazine at £2.99 I am opposing the likes of XXL (£4.99) and Vibe (£5.99) by setting a low and affordable price for my weekly issue of BUZZ.


Front Cover(My magazine price is placed by the barcode as this is a traditional and professional format. In addition, I have added a dollar conversion in order to appeal to a mass market.)

My main task contents page also aims at and represents specific social groups through its codes and

conventions. Firstly, I have used a graffiti wall background when presenting my main story and cover lines within the page in order to illustrate the ‘street side’ associated with African American culture (Hartley). This primarily ‘informs and educates’ the readers about the culture and lifestyle of those from a modern day African American background (Katz). This convention also represents this social group in a stereotypical manner due to the direct link between African American’s and the ‘street life’. XXL magazine also uses a brick wall in order to reveal a “rough” Urban side to this social group, however I have developed this feature by adding graffiti and thus giving the readers a greater insight and understanding of this ‘hip hop’ lifestyle.

  Furthermore, my editorial is also presented in an informal format in order to give my readers a direct insight

into the hip-hop genre, whereby I have inflicted this upon my readers by adding modern terms such as ‘Sick’, ‘Dope’ and ‘Fresh’. This use of modern “street” vocabulary represents the needs and expectations of multiple social groups, however is primarily aimed at teenagers and their similar use of vocabulary. This use of informal language represents the new generation as unprofessional, cool and cantankerous which are all familiar stereotypes amongst society (Hartley) and directly aims at explorers who are driven by social change (Maslow) and is put into place in order to give our readers a personal identification as many teenagers are readers of hip hop magazines with 11% of XXL readers being between the age of 15 and 19 and 67% of the African American social group.

  Both XXL and Vibe magazine use an informal format within their editorials in order to represent a specific

social group, remain relevant to the genre and to appeal to the audience. Both of these hip hop magazines support the inclusion of social media links as it allows the magazine to reach out to their target audience and build a personal relationship (Katz). Social media pages allow the magazines target groups to view additional information and keep up with the latest news with the magazine. XXL magazine used the phrase “How’s it hanging” within its editorial in order to build a relationship with the reader through the use of colloquial language.

Contents Page‘Sick New Year’ displays a use of informal language within my editorial which directly appeals to my target audience

Finally, my main task double page spread uses profanity in order to display a rough and inconsiderate side

towards lower class individuals (Hartley). Phrases such as (B**l Sh*t” and “Wasteman” assert a brutal and aggressive side towards this social group and almost portrays them sardonically therefore those of a higher class are able to look down upon those who are less privileged.

The majority of readers for a hip-hop magazine are generally of a lower class and will therefore be able to relate to the cover star. As a result, these readers are able to find a ‘Personal Identification’ with the magazine and artists (Katz). XXL magazine does not use profanity, however does use an informal use of language and multiple forms of aggression and violence in order to clearly portray the characteristics of a specific social group.

  In addition, the dialogue within my DPS represents gender roles and the stereotypical assumption of male

dominance in society (Hartley). The statement “My Women” evokes how the male gender feels in control and creates a social barrier between the two genders, which also subverts the traditional roles of men and women due to the fact that male dominance has been present for centuries. In addition, this stereotype also presents the female gender as reliant and a possession belonging to the male, whereby female readers will directly oppose this statement, however male readers being the majority will admire my cover star due to such a powerful statement (Maslow). This statement directly appeals to readers who build a personal relationship with the reader as they agree with his or her statements and abide by them (Katz). Alternatively, XXL magazine completely juxtaposes this due to the fact that Nicki Minaj is described as a “Female God”, thus creating an anti-stereotype and favouring those of the female gender as they are seen as overpowering. However Vibe magazine subvert the stereotypical dominance of the male gender as the statement “Beyoncé strips down for summer” displays the female gender in an object form. This is a common stereotype displaying the male gender in full control who use the female gender for their own personal uses (Hartley).


DPS(Above), Vibe magazine objectifies the female gender through Beyoncé and her physical attraction (Hartley)


Overall, all of my magazine pages display and target multiple social groups and their roles in society through conventions such as dialogue, images and iconography which all denote the specific roles of each group. My pages also inspire readers to gain their personal opinions upon specific social groups through my use of props, language and backgrounds which all represent the aspects of African American's and their lifestyles.