Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? In my opening sequence a representation of social groups is not really present but more of the negative. The character that is shown is on the opposite spectrum with no one to socialize with leaving him to ponder on his own building up a sense of hatred towards everyone. He is shown to be this damaged and lonely person with a possibility of schizophrenia. A character that has had no care for and been left too on his own. To achieve this perception of the character I have used various techniques camera and editing wise. On the editing I have set the colour of the footage to a mixture of a light blue tone with a small blend of sepia giving me this ill looking colour setting a first impression for the character that is being shown. A use of pull focus has been used as well in such scenes as where the character is staring straight at the map, this puts an idea that he isn’t who is and then when everything comes into focus he jumps back into reality and lashing out as if he is disgusted in what he is doing. This shows that the character is not mentally stable giving the impression that he is straight away the antagonist. The setting and lighting accompany the given impression on who he is. The dark lighting sets an eerie tone surrounding him, which then contributes, to the setting of this isolated room from which he hides himself, leaving his twisted side to grow. This isolation shows that he has had no care for as a child and has survived on his own creating him into this angry, unstable and hostile character. His innocence does still remain which is shown in the scene where he lashes out in how disgusted he is with himself, or the scene where he has his head in his hands upset as to what he has done.However, there is more of the twisted character than one of innocence, which again is shown through his surroundings. The small window located in the scene kind of shows that there is a link back into reality as the real world is beyond that window, but his surroundings are encasing him from reaching that stability. A blinking effect has been used as well throughout the sequence repeating in different patterns showing his instability of his own conscience and that his mind isn’t really in focus with what’s around him but what his mind is focusing on, and that of course being the twisted ideas created by the impurity of his mind. Once again this tots up to the representations used to portray this character and his persona. The character portrayed has this moody and lonesome persona, which can relate to a target audience with the same similarities such as the young teenage male. This can engage a larger audience as people can relate to this character further increasing the audience consumption.

Transcript of Question 2

Page 1: Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my opening sequence a representation of social groups is not really present but more of the negative. The character that is shown is on the opposite spectrum with no one to socialize with leaving him to ponder on his own building up a sense of hatred towards everyone. He is shown to be this damaged and lonely person with a possibility of schizophrenia. A character that has had no care for and been left too on his own. To achieve this perception of the character I have used various techniques camera and editing wise. On the editing I have set the colour of the footage to a mixture of a light blue tone with a small blend of sepia giving me this ill looking colour setting a first impression for the character that is being shown. A use of pull focus has been used as well in such scenes as where the character is staring straight at the map, this puts an idea that he isn’t who is and then when everything comes into focus he jumps back into reality and lashing out as if he is disgusted in what he is doing. This shows that the character is not mentally stable giving the impression that he is straight away the antagonist. The setting and lighting accompany the given impression on who he is. The dark lighting sets an eerie tone surrounding him, which then contributes, to the setting of this isolated room from which he hides himself, leaving his twisted side to grow. This isolation shows that he has had no care for as a child and has survived on his own creating him into this angry, unstable and hostile character. His innocence does still remain which is shown in the scene where he lashes out in how disgusted he is with himself, or the scene where he has his head in his hands upset as to what he has done.However, there is more of the twisted character than one of innocence, which again is shown through his surroundings. The small window located in the scene kind of shows that there is a link back into reality as the real world is beyond that window, but his surroundings are encasing him from reaching that stability. A blinking effect has been used as well throughout the sequence repeating in different patterns showing his instability of his own conscience and that his mind isn’t really in focus with what’s around him but what his mind is focusing on, and that of course being the twisted ideas created by the impurity of his mind. Once again this tots up to the representations used to portray this character and his persona. The character portrayed has this moody and lonesome persona, which can relate to a target audience with the same similarities such as the young teenage male. This can engage a larger audience as people can relate to this character further increasing the audience consumption.