Question 1

How my opening sequence uses, develops or challenges forms and conventions of real opening sequences for this genre? By Lara Mackey

Transcript of Question 1

How my opening sequence uses, develops or challenges forms and conventions of real

opening sequences for this genre?

By Lara Mackey


Suspense as well as the fact that the audience is thrown straight into the action/story.

Also, rather than using wide shots, we used lots of close up shots and panning shots, so the audience was following the action with the characters, making them feel like they were amidst the action instead of just watching.


We have three of the characters in the opening sequence when you normally don’t

→ Also, as said on the previous slide, it throws

the audience straight into the action which is different, because most of the Horror/Thriller films build up suspense as well as hint at what the story’s going to be about, but for ours you are just thrown straight into it.

Similar Opening Sequences:

My Mum, who likes Horror movies, said that our opening sequence is like:

Saw, because of it looking like a torture scene. As well as the fact that the people participating have to kill each other to win/get out.

Friday the 13th, because it seems to be about a crazy person killing people for no apparent reason.

She also said Scream, because you feel like there’s a psychopath going around killing people and because it’s about people playing scary games that get out of control.

The End.