Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project...

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Page 1: Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture (2002-022-A)


Teams and culture

Page 2: Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture (2002-022-A)

Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation

Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture


Page 3: Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture (2002-022-A)
Page 4: Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture (2002-022-A)


Implementation of relational contracting:

• throughout a range of projects

• with a focus on client body staff

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• Empowerment, regional development and sustainable industry

• Queensland government have experience• Successful on large projects• Need to examine skill sets needed for successful


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• RM, Partnering and alliancing require a change of mind set – a culture change

• Client side must change along with contracting side

• A fit is required between organisation structure and organisation culture

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• To move relational contracting down the value chain– Audit required of

current position– Skill sets need to be

identified– Change needs to be


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• National culture• Organisational culture• Organisational assessment• Commitment• Competing values framework

• Pattern of interactions among collaborating individuals / organisations• Structure of the coalition formed by collaborating partners• Pattern and extent of information sharing among the partners

Methodology – Value in Project Delivery Systems: Facilitating a Change in Culture

Page 9: Queensland Teams and culture. Relational Contracting, Culture & Globalisation Value in Project Delivery Systems Facilitating a Change in Culture (2002-022-A)

Diagonal sliceIn Australia it has been

identified that there are four levels at which RM needs to operate and that each level has its own issues:

• Principal/Director• Superintendent/project

manager• Superintendent reps/engineers• Inspectors/foremen

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Benefits of RM

• Less paperwork;• More enjoyable to go to work;• People are more helpful, less destructive and

more proactive;• Clients can potentially make savings in their

operations;• Contractors can potentially make savings in their

operations;• Training and education.

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There must be a commitment from both sides to send ALL personnel along to the RM workshops;


To maintain a stable project team throughout the project.

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A common language

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Why RM does not Work

• Not all participants believe in the efficacy of RM;• Problems arise in communication and adoption

of proactive approaches;• A high turnover of personnel from participating

organisations is a serious impediment to the RM project;

• Project Delivery Strategy (PDS) is a key element in ensuring RM works effectively;

• Client buy-in.

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Issues Raised in the Study

Organisational Change

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Organisational Culture

• Acceptance of the existence of a cultural mismatch;

• Rationalising the existence of different cultures throughout the organisation;

• Legitimising individuals expectations of the type of culture which is appropriate to the company;

• Empowering employees to address these mismatches.

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Systematized Impersonal Mode

Discretionary Personal Mode

Developmental Group Mode

Salient Dimensions of Managerial Subsystem

1. Organizational ReferentCentral information system? Hierarchy & staff?

2. Coordination and Control by:Rules, plans, schedules

3. Resource & Information Flows among Organizational Levels, Units & Positions:

a. Direction Diffuse

b. Amount Low

c. Standardization & Codification

High Medium

4. Perceived Interdependence among Components

Low High

5. Frequency of conflict among Components


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Organisational Structure

• Clearly define the mode within which the organisation wishes to operate;

• If a mismatch is accepted, prepare a plan of actions for organisational change;

• If a mismatch is not accepted, then a programme should be developed to explain the situation to employees.

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• The consensus/conflict results suggest an issue that needs further investigation – if roles/relationships cannot be clearly stated or specifically laid down how should this be addressed by client departments.

• A social infrastructure already exists within many organisations which is in harmony with relational contracting approaches and this should be further nurtured and documented as a learning and skills issue.

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• Organisations’ management of its own clients, the temporary multi intra-organisation that is imposed on it during projects, is a key issue in the whole project delivery process.

• The role of informal relationships in problem solving needs to be recognised and legitimised, within the context of ethical behaviour.

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Traditional Adversarial Approach

Long Term Benefits

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• Reinforce all of the issues already identified and instil people with a vision.

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How can this be achieved?

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Long Term Issues

A policy issue arises here – including relationship management skills as one of the recruitment criteria, not just possession of, say, an Engineering degree. This raises the following questions:

– Is there a need to include this into formal graduate curricula and other training courses?

– One cannot include relationship training if it is not taught. Who will provide the training material?

– Should contractors be expected to and how can contractors train their own staff?

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Client Management

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Stakeholder CircleBourne, L. and Walker, D.H.T. (2005) Visualising and Mapping Stakeholder Influence,

Management Decision, 43 (5), 649-660.

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