Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and...

Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Transcript of Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and...

Page 1: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Quantum Zero Point Field

Reality… as we may not know it.(special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field)

(67 slides)

creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Page 2: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Genesis 1:3

(What is it talking about since on the 4th day of creation God placed the lights, sun and moon, into the heavens and this light came at the beginning, on the

first day?)

Page 3: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

So started the creation of reality (let there be light) and what ‘some’ scientists have labeled and are now beginning to understand as:

The Quantum Zero Point Field.

Page 4: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Since Quantum physics has demonstrated that there is no such thing as a vacuum or nothingness in space.

They coined the term field to describe this phenomenon of ‘empty’ reality that was teaming with energy fluctuations!

They called is zero point because, even at the point of absolute zero, when all energy and matter were suppose to be removed-

there was still energy present!

Page 5: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

We live in a multi-verse of energy information not a universe of things!

Ideas or paradigms create the world in which we live and experience.

Change the ideas and our reality changes.

Page 6: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Humans use to live in an ancient, enchanted world with everything being alive and having a place.

Then with the onset of the scientific revolution in the 1700s things began to change as the next slide explains.

Page 7: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

The vision Descartes received was one of a machine like world, governed entirely by universal mathematical laws, with no

inherent spontaneity or freedom.

The earth, humans and the whole of nature were de-animated and made mechanistic with no soul, purpose or life of its own.

Rene Descartes' vision, November 10, 1619

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The paradigm Descartes supplied to the world became the basic metaphor of a machine like world where everything was run by immutable laws and Newtonian physics became the religion of

this new world view.

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“Classical physics transmuted the living cosmos of Greek and medieval times, a cosmos filled with purpose and intelligence and driven by the love of god for the benefit of humans, into a

dead, clockwork machine ...things move because they were fixed and determined; cold silence pervaded the once-teeming


The Re-Enchantment of the World Morris Berman

Page 10: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

The machine metaphor of the world remained pretty much unchanged for hundred of years.

In the cultural world of today, it is still very much in fashion.

Things started to change in the early 1900s with the discovery of Quantum Physics but change is slow in coming.

The concept of field was a difficult one to grasp since it didn’t fit

into the paradigm as the world being a machine.

Page 11: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

“Although we know a great deal about the way fields affect the world as we perceive it, the truth is no one really knows

what a field is.

The closest we can come to describing what they are is to say that they are spatial structures in the fabric of space


Michael Talbot

Page 12: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

These unseen connections between what were previously thought to be separate entities are the fundamental elements of

all creation.

Fields are unseen structures, occupying space and becoming known to us through their effects.

Space is not empty, but rather is a cornucopia of invisible and powerfully effective structure.

Margaret Wheatley

Page 13: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

The Zero Point Field is a repository of all fields and the ground state of all energy exchanges.

It is believed that the ultimate and only reality is this underlying and under girding entity of the field itself.

Without the Zero Point Field all atomic structure would collapse.

It also means that the whole of the universe is literally and intimately connected via this Field!

Page 14: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

It also suggests such strange notions as: matter not being a fundamental property of physics but rather a simple, temporary disturbance of the perfect randomness of the field that would

eventually decay and return back to the original underlying energy state of the Zero Point Field. (p.23, 33)

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Quantum Physics also suggested that everything that happens in the cosmos is imprinted upon the field via frequency pattern

records. (p.26)

This notion of the field showed that everything in the universe was connected to everything else and was a vast sea of

informational energy that could be instantaneously in touch with itself, even 1000s of light years apart, distance was no factor.

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How powerful is this unseen power of the zero point field?

According to Richard Feynman, a world class physicist:

“The energy in a single cubic meter of space is enough to boil all the oceans of the world.”

(p. 23-34, The Field)

Page 17: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

“The Zero Point Field is a repository of all fields and all ground energy states and virtual particles– a field of fields.” (p.23)

“Another way to describe a field is that is a region of influence.” (p. 22)

Page 18: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

See if you can get your mind around this concept:

The Zero Point Field may be the essence and substance of God’s creative command:

“Let there be Light.”

This light (Zero Point Filed) represents the energy information of matter and reality as we know it.

It accounts for the coherency of nature, our minds, bodies and spirits, the galaxies and solar systems.

The universe and cosmos is alive with this life force. Everything is a reflection of the energy state it represents… all life, all

matter, all information, all energy, all things!

Page 19: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Please read:

“Questions and Answers”

from the book by Lynn McTaggart The Field

Page 20: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

This next section will introduce us to some fields that we are familiar with… gravity, magnetic, frequency and morphogenic fields.

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The Gravity Field

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"We don't know anything. Everything about gravity ismysterious."

-- Michael Martin Nieto, theoretical physicist, LosAlamos National Laboratory. Discover Magazine, October 2003

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Newton was the first to introduce us to the field of the gravitational pull from one object on another.

Invisible forces, but creating specific well known patterns of influence.

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Page 25: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Here (according to Newton) are the basic laws of gravity:

All objects in the universe attract each other.

More mass gives more attractive force.

Gravity weakens with distance.

Page 26: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

For most people, gravity seems to be uncomplicated and one of the basic universal laws and forces of the world we live in but

things aren’t that simple.

Einstein one of our greatest scientific minds could never figure out what gravity really was.

He could describe it, but never did understand it’s nature or origins.

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“In 1968, the noted soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov turned the usual assumptions (about gravity) on its head.

What if gravity weren’t an interaction between objects, but just a residual effect?

More to the point, what if gravity were an after effect of the Zero Pont field, caused by alterations in the field due to the presence

of matter ?” (p.27)

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The Magnetic Field

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"Only a few people understand or think they understand how a permanent magnet works.

The magnet of everyday life is not a simple thing.

It's a quantum-mechanics thing "

Tatiana Makarova, physicist,Umea University, Sweden. Discover Magazine, December 2002

Page 30: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Since we were children we have all played with magnets and have enjoyed their unique properties.

We all are familiar with a compass and the magnetic field of the earth.

And yet this is another common field which is much more complicated than we might realize!

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A magnet and iron filings…

Page 32: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

The earth itself acts like a huge magnet.

It is not known exactly why the earth is a magnet, it is not a magnetized chunk of iron like a bar magnet, and is too hot for individual atoms to remain


Page 33: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

In all the known universe, there are only two charges:

positive and negative.

Each atom has the potential for that positive or negative charge and as atoms polarize they create their own small magnetic


When joined with others, the individual energies join in a field.

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A magnet works by having atoms perfectly aligned – these aligned atoms are called domains.

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Each domain, which is perfectly magnetized, is made up of millions of aligned atoms .

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You may also be familiar with the magnetic properties of electricity… and how some of the world’s strongest magnets are created by electricity.

Page 37: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Since we have no current scientific understanding how or why the earth is itself a giant magnet, then we are left to describe the

magnetic forces without understanding them.

I find it interesting how often the mechanistic sciences stay far a field from any phenomenon that defies a mechanistic

reductionistic explanation.

Maybe the zero Point field has something to do with this field too!

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Frequency Fields

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Electromagnetic Energy… (another word for light!?!)

• A particle of Light is made up of a photon.

• The photon behaves as both a particle and a wave.

• Every cell and atom in our body gives off electromagnetic radiation/energy/light.

• There is no limit to how short or long the wavelength of a photon of light can be.

• So every cell and atom in our body has a electromagnetic frequency associated with it.

• Some of the light is visible and some non-visible.

Page 40: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Other interesting tidbits…

• The wavelengths of visible light are only 20 millionths of an inch long.

• The light waves that mankind is normally exposed to during

his waking hours are small, about half of 1/10,000 of a centimeter (a centimeter is just over 3/8 of an inch).

• Photons have no mass and are self perpetuating waves (in that they need no medium to travel in)

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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How big/long is it

• The electromagnetic spectrum uses a scale called a logarithmic scale- used in science to reduce a very large range of some quantity into a manageable and comprehensible size.

• If a linear scale had been used for the wavelength range the figure would have been many light years long.

• In other words, the electromagnetic scale is near to infinite length, in other words, it covers a lot of ground, in other words, our human mind cannot conceive of it!

• In other words…

Page 44: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Radio Stations

• The familiar workings of radio may be the best vehicle to discuss the dynamics of frequency fields.

• We know, that to tune into a specific station we have to change the reception capability of the radio.

• We know about AM and FM bands.

• We have head about Short Wave Radio and hand held two way radios.

• This tuning in is called “resonance”.

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“Tuning in”…

• The only difference between radio waves, television waves and cellular phones is the length of the wave.

• To be able to receive the correct wave length and tune into the desired station, channel or phone.

• We need the appropriate equipment.

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• Resonance is the matching of wave frequency or wave length. Sound waves which are in resonance correspond to each other and

The sympathetic vibrations of receiving at similar frequencies.

The oscillating frequency of one system that matches the oscillation of another system.

The act of tuning in.

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Familiar waves

• EEG… Brain Wave (electroencephalogram)

• ECG… Heart Wave (electrocardiogram)

• MRI… Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Brain Waves

• Delta, 0-4 oscillating cycles per second- deep sleep or coma • Theta, 4-7 oscillating cycles per second- light sleep, dreaming

• Alpha, 8-13 oscillating cycles per second- relaxed, meditative and creative

• Beta, 13-40 oscillating cycles per second- stress, mental exertion and/or focus

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EKG Readings

• Depending on the frequency information of the heart-- physicians are trained to read the results of an EKG to determine the strength and condition of the heart.

Page 50: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

The core of the frequency issue is this:

That waves carry information or intelligence and we may be able to tune into some of their frequencies to gain that

information or intelligence!

If we had the right equipment or understanding!

The waves may be present (just as they are right now) but that does not mean we can tune into them!

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Morphogenic Fields

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In the science of biology- Rupert Sheldrake is shaking things up with his “Morphogenic Theory of Resonance”

Page 53: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

• Suggests that: self- organizing systems at all levels of complexity, including molecules, crystals, cells, tissues, organisms and societies of organisms are organized by fields called morphogenic fields.

The Presence of The Past (1988) by Rupert Sheldrake

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Morphogenic Fields

• Rupert Sheldrake, an English biologist, has developed an intriguing hypothesis of how biological life tunes into a morphic resonance fields which transmits a universal and collective intelligence that cells, plants, and animals can tune into and receive.

• This morphogenic field runs the gamut from genetic to instinctual behavior and is describe by Sheldrake as:

• “An overlap of creativity and routine behavior that shapes the way different life forms behave, and this evolutionary learning process is essentially retained as a collective, species-wide memory.”

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Definition of Morphogenic

• Morpho means first form.

• Genic means development of.

• So morphogenic means development from first form.

• The‘field of morphogeni’ development contains the intelligence/information of what genetic form and behavior the organism is to take.

Page 56: Quantum Zero Point Field Reality… as we may not know it. (special thanks to Lynne McTaggart and her book: The Field) (67 slides) creatively compiled by.

Morpho means: giving birth to form; in other words, it is some kind of non-physical force that organizes consciousness and life on all levels of complexity.

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I remember a few years ago being in an I- Max Theater at West Yellowstone and watching a nature program on the migration of birds,

turtles and butterflies.

I remember how absurd the scientific explanations for bird migration seemed to me at the time.

Something to do with memory and of making the trip with birds that knew the way- from landmark (mountain top) to landmark (river).

As I remember they had no mechanistic logical mechanistic explanation for the turtles or butterflies.

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• In 1920 a Harvard biologist, W. McDougall, began an experiment to see if animals (white rats) could inherit learning.

• The procedure was to teach the rats a simple task, and see how their rate of learning compared with their elders.

• He carried the experiment through 34 generations and found that each generation learned faster than the last.

An interesting study

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• W. E. Agar performed the same experiment over a period of 20 years ending in 1954.

• Using the same breed of rats, he found the same pattern of results that McDougall had but in addition, he found that untrained rats learned faster with each generation too!

A follow up study

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• Formation of new crystal patterns

• World records in athletics

• New discoveries in medicine and science

Other examples

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With Rupert Sheldrake’s theory, the organism simply tunes in to the existing morphic resonance field specific to its species.

The genetic and instinctual receiving organs unique to that organism is all that is necessary for the hierarchy of

frequency fields to be received and acted upon.

There is a force at work much more sophisticated than the mechanistic explanation of Newtonian scientists.

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• Does not fall off with distance.

• Does not involve transfer of energy, but of information.

• Does require tuning into the morphic field , and connecting with the pooled or collective memory of its species.

Morphogenic resonance

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“More and more, all experience is being interpreted by the new science as an infinitely interwoven complex of resonant frequencies that selectively modulate to form worlds, bodies,

thoughts, emotions, rocket ships, and sonnets.

More and more researchers say in a mounting clamor consensus:

“It’s all just frequencies! Just frequencies!”

Joseph Chilton Pearce, The Biology of Transcendence, p. 39

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• It is that force and influence of like upon like that seems to transcends time and space.

• They act as repositories or storehouses of what might be called repetitious genetic habits and memory.

• The fields are accessed through resonance (innate or learned).

Morphogenetic fields:

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Resonating with fields

• Just as the information that is displayed in televisions and radios, are not contained in the apparatuses themselves but rather have tuning devices to receive the desired frequencies and information.

• We too, are tuning instruments that resonates with desired fields and then tune into them via our interests, desires and study.

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Here are some more miscellaneous issues of interest concerning fields…

• Idiot Savants.

• Flirting and falling in love.

• Non-local Fasting and praying for the sick.

• Consciousness- what is it?

• Intention.

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the end