Quantum superposition | Overview

Quantum Superposition Emanuel Di Nardo

Transcript of Quantum superposition | Overview

Quantum SuperpositionEmanuel Di Nardo


In the quantum world all is uncertainEach element exists in all its possible states...at same time

Positive is also Negative, Up is also Down On is also Off

But when we bring it in the "classic" world all became certain


● States

● Entanglement

● Wave function

● Superposition

● Computing


Each quantum “element” is a wave and exists a relationship between its pure states.

It permits the existence of these states at the same time (superposition).


Two or more wave functions describe the same quantum state.

If each state can be characterized by each wave function it is a linear combination of them.

It is a property of Schrödinger equation


A state can be represented by a vector in the Hilbert space

Exist two categories for a state:a. Pure;b. Mixed;


Values of states are described by the vector eigenvalues (also called eigenstates)

A system with a linear combination of eigenstates can have only a probabilistic measurement of each state


From this uncertainty we can derive the

Heisenberg uncertainty relation

...We are able to know only one state at a time


The uncertainty can be extended to a case of more particles such as two electron on an orbit

Due the relationship between them a knowledge of the former automatically give us the latterPhenomena well-known as entanglement


Quantum states in a system are linked each others. In a two particles system this linkage can’t be broken also they are infinitely far


Information is transferred immediately without waiting time

Opposite to the classical physics rules (Einstein Special Relativity)


EPR Paradox and the violation of locality principle.

Should we interpret it as the existence of unknown hidden variables?

Bell’s theorem


Bell demonstrates that local principle produces a violation of reality principle

Indeed there is a violation of Bell’s inequality and the result gives more reliability to

“Copenhagen interpretation”

Wave function

We described that a state can be characterized by a wave function in the space and time

It is a peculiar wave in the complex space that gives us a probabilistic amplitude, or better, the density distribution of a state.

Wave function

It contains all the information about the entire system

So it is possible to derive all properties of a particle from it

Wave function

From these properties it is possible to declare:

“It is the projection of a quantum state on the eigenstates base space”

that is described in the Schrödinger equation

Wave function

The Schrödinger equation:

It is the time evolution of a state in a systemWe can compare it to Newton’ second lawin mechanics, but with a linear partial differential equation as shown above.


At the end how could we define “superposition”?

Informally...It is the overlap of the quantum laws already shown:

“Superposition of quantum laws”


Formally…Quantum systems can be in two or more simultaneous different states.

“Schrödinger’s cat”


“Schrödinger’s cat”


More formally when a combination of solutions of its states is a solution of a linear equation it obeys to superposition law.

If three state vectors resolve then


It is possible to measure the effect of a wave on a quantum object. At a specific wave frequency, the material progressively shifts from one state to another, and that is detected by Rabi oscillations.


When a particle interacts with the environment, “after a time”, it collapses in the measured state

This principle is called decoherence


The video shows how “imagine” a

superposition and its measurements

before decoherence


Quantum Computing

Quantum physics is used also in computing

The powerful of quantum computing is on superposition

It uses qubit instead of bit

Quantum Computing

Qubit is a linear combination of 0 and 1:

Elaborations by qubits is performed simultaneously on 0 and 1. It is opposite to bit.

Quantum Computing

This capacity outperform the classical computing

Using more qubits we get a qubit register. More qubit means more calculus power.

Quantum Computing

In plain words we obtain a “natural parallel (super)computing“

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