Quantum computing with neutral atoms - NSF

Quantum computing with neutral atoms David S. Weiss and Mark Saffman Citation: Physics Today 70, 7, 44 (2017); doi: 10.1063/PT.3.3626 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3626 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/70/7 Published by the American Institute of Physics

Transcript of Quantum computing with neutral atoms - NSF

Page 1: Quantum computing with neutral atoms - NSF

Quantum computing with neutral atomsDavid S. Weiss and Mark Saffman

Citation: Physics Today 70, 7, 44 (2017); doi: 10.1063/PT.3.3626View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3626View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/70/7Published by the American Institute of Physics

Page 2: Quantum computing with neutral atoms - NSF

THIS HEXAGONAL VACUUM CELL wasused for quantum gate experiments in a 49-site, two-dimensional array at theUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison. Thecell was fabricated by ColdQuanta Incout of antireflection-coated pieces of glass. The all-glass construction provides access for numerous laserbeams to cool and trap atoms and to control an array of qubits.

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David Weiss is a professor of physics and associatehead for research at the Pennsylvania State Universityin University Park, and Mark Saffman is a professor ofphysics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

In a quantum simulator, one quantum system is used tomodel the behavior of a different quantum system. For the past15 years, quantum simulators have taken advantage of the sim-plicity and controllability of ultracold atoms and ions to studya wide range of many-body physics, including aspects of Hub-bard models, quantum magnetism, superconductivity, and thesolutions to many other quantum models, both previously con-ceived and newly invented. A quantum computer is concep-tually akin to a digital classical computer, with classical bits replaced by quantum bits, called qubits, that can exist in superpositions of states and can be mutually entangled. The re-quirements for a quantum computer are more demanding thanthose for a quantum simulator, so in contrast to quantum sim-ulation, experimental quantum computing is still in its infancy.

Quantum computing seeks to solve numerical problemsusing a sequence of logic gates, which can operate on eitherone or two qubits at a time and change their states. Although

any calculation that can be performedon a classical digital computer couldalso be performed on a quantum com-puter, doing so would be foolish formost problems. It is much harder tomanipulate and mea sure qubits thanit is bits. But hard computationalproblems exist for which no efficientclassical algorithms are known. Quan-

tum computing took off as a field of study in 1994 when ap-plied mathematician Peter Shor (then at Bell Labs) showed thata quantum computer could be used to efficiently factor largenumbers, a problem whose classical intractability is behindmost modern cryptography schemes. Dozens of quantum al-gorithms have since been developed, with applications to data-base searching, pattern classification, multivariate optimiza-tion, and solving large systems of coupled equations.

Within a year of the promulgation of Shor’s factoring algo-rithm, scientists demonstrated the first quantum gate at NISTusing two trapped ions as qubits.2 The necessary attributes ofqubits are well understood. Qubits must be well isolated fromthe environment to prevent decoherence of their fragile quan-tum state. They must be prepared with high fidelity—that is,the actual state must closely resemble the intended state. Andthey must be accurately measured. Finally, to reliably imple-ment any quantum code—that is, to make a universal quantum

David S. Weiss and Mark Saffman

In 1982 Richard Feynman conceived of a “quantum mechanicalcomputer.”1 His central idea was that a quantum device couldtake advantage of quantum entanglement and superpositionto make calculations that are impossible on a classical

computer. Two descendants have emerged from that conception:quantum simulation and quantum computing.

With their hyperfine states serving as

two-level qubits, atoms can be packed into

closely spaced, laser-cooled arrays and be

individually addressed using laser pulses.

with neutral atoms

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computer—quantum error correction must be incorporated intoqubit memory and gate operations (see PHYSICS TODAY, Febru-ary 2005, page 19).

For the past 20 years, researchers have been racing to buildsystems of entangled qubits to meet those challenges. Despiteremarkable experimental developments, no one has yet built aquantum computer that can perform a calculation that cannotbe simulated on a classical computer. The achievement wouldtake about 50 qubits and about 104 gates. And even that wouldfall far short of what is needed to factor a classically intractablenumber. Nonetheless, a handful of physical platforms haveemerged as prime contenders for quantum-computing hard-ware. They include trapped ions, superconductors, neutralatoms, photons, quantum dots, and spins in solid-state hosts.3(See, for example, the article by Ignacio Cirac and Peter Zoller,PHYSICS TODAY, March 2004, page 38.)

Each of those platforms has proven capable of basic quan-tum-logic operations, albeit with varying degrees of fidelity.Recent experiments with about 10 qubits in ion and supercon-ducting systems, for example, have demonstrated multiparti-cle entanglement, small-scale quantum algorithms, and partialquantum error correction. Progress across the board has beensuch that not only are governments worldwide investing heav-ily in quantum science and technology, but private corpora-tions have taken notice. R&D is under way at major informa-tion technology companies, including Microsoft, Google, Intel,and IBM, and at several smaller companies. (One company, D-Wave, sells devices specifically marketed as quantum com-puters. The degree to which the devices use quantum entan-glement to solve problems is debatable, but they are clearly notuniversal quantum computers because they do not allow forcomplete control of the quantum state of individual qubits.)

Although all aspects of qubit manipulation need improve-

ment, scaling up to larger numbers of qubits is a central chal-lenge. Unlike in classical computers, whose bit overhead for errorcorrection is a few tens of percent, error correction schemes inquantum computers require that each logical qubit be encodedin an ensemble of as many as 100 physical qubits. It is beyondthe scope of this article—and our threshold for controversy—to compare the many ideas for scaling in each qubit platform.Instead, we describe the state of the art of neutral-atom quantumcomputing and try to offer a sense of why we think that plat-form is especially promising from the perspective of scalability.

As qubits, neutral atoms boast several attractive features.They are all identical and can readily be prepared by opticalpumping in well-defined initial states. Their qubit states can beprecisely measured using fluorescence. And in some cases theycan be well isolated from the environment, which allows forlong decoherence times; last year, more than seven secondswas demonstrated for an array of single atoms.4 The qubitstates can also be rapidly and accurately controlled with elec-tromagnetic fields. Most notably, many atoms can be trappedin close proximity without affecting each other’s quantumstates unless they are called on to do so.

Trapping single atomsSeveral research groups trap neutral atoms using either mag-netic fields or light, but light traps have received the most atten-tion for quantum computing. Atoms are polarizable, and theoscillating electric field of a light beam induces an oscillatingelectric dipole moment in the atom. The associated energy shiftin an atom from the induced dipole, averaged over a light- oscillation period, is called the AC Stark shift.

When the light frequency is detuned from an atomic reso-nance, little spontaneous emission occurs and the light createsa conservative potential for the atoms. Atoms are attracted to

10 μm




9 µm


FIGURE 1. ARRAYS OF SINGLE ATOMSTRAPPED BY LIGHT. (a) This one-dimensionalarray of 100 optical traps made from focused laserbeams is partially filled with single atoms. Thebeams are adjusted to move the loaded traps (assuggested by arrows) so that they take the placeof empty traps and create a fully occupied 60-sitearray. (Adapted from ref. 6.) (b) This 2D array is madefrom a holographically generated pattern of 100optical traps. Atoms in the partially filled array arerearranged with a movable optical tweezer to createa fully occupied 49-site array. (Adapted from ref. 7.)(c) This illustration is of a 125-site array made froma 3D optical lattice. Two additional, orthogonallydirected laser beams intersect at a single latticesite, a key step in performing a gate operation on an atom there. The targeted atom is shown inorange, atoms in the path of just one beam in blue,and the remaining atoms in green. The intersitespacing in neutral-atom trap arrays is typically 2–5 μm. (Adapted from Y. Wang et al., Phys. Rev.Lett. 115, 043003, 2015.)

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light below the resonance frequency (red detuned) and repelledby light above it (blue detuned). The AC Stark shift is propor-tional to the light’s intensity. Thus the shape of the intensityfield is the shape of an associated atom trap.

The simplest light trap, called an optical tweezer, is a red-detuned laser beam that holds atoms at its focus. Arrays of op-tical tweezers have been created using both conventional and

holographic optics. They can also be made in the form of anoptical lattice, whose sites are the nodes or antinodes of a stand-ing wave produced by coherent light interfering with itself. Todate, one-, two-, and three-dimensional arrays, such as theones shown in figure 1, have each trapped up to 50 individualatoms in apparatuses designed for quantum computing. That’sa large number for present-day qubit systems, but there is

Just as there are several ways to trap singleatoms, there are several ways to indepen -dently target, or address, them. One tech-nique, recently demonstrated at the Penn-sylvania State University, faces head-on theproblem of cross talk among neighboringatoms by performing single-qubit gates onindividual cesium atoms in a crowded,three-dimensional array. The technique wasinspired by nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), which manipulates spins in ensem-bles of molecules, and by magnetic reso-nance imaging, which yields spatial resolu-tion for NMR. But important differencesdistinguish the new technique: Its spatialresolution comes from light-intensity gradi-ents instead of magnetic-field gradients,and the targets are individual atoms in-stead of many atoms.

Two laser beams with small waists ad-dress an atom by intersecting each other atits lattice site, as shown in figure 1c of themain text. The target atom (orange) experi-ences a shift in its resonance frequency bythe same (AC Stark) effect that creates thepotential that traps the atom in the site. Theatom’s resonance frequency is shifted awayfrom that of neighboring spectator atoms(green) by twice as much as that of so-called line atoms (blue) in the path of onlyone beam. Here, panel a shows the fractionof atoms (color coded as in figure 1c) thatmake a transition out of the qubit basis—consisting of two Cs hyperfine sublevels—as a function of microwave frequency.4

Logic gates are performed using a com-bination of optical beams and microwavepulses. Unlike the laser beams, the mi-crowave pulses are spatially broad; all atomssee the same microwave intensity. A mi-crowave pulse with a frequency betweenthe target and line atoms’ resonances is ap-plied to the array. At that frequency, noneof the atoms leave the qubit basis, but theoff-resonant pulse shifts the phase of thequbit states. The sign of the phase shift de-pends on whether the microwaves areabove or below resonance. The target atomthus gets a phase shift with an oppositesign to that imparted to all other atoms.

To avoid cross talk, two atoms in two dif-ferent planes are addressed in a four-stagesequence, shown in panel b. In the top line,the black pulses represent the global mi-crowave pulses resonant with the qubittransition, and the purple pulses producethe phase shifts. The addressing beams areturned on and off in the pattern shown on thesecond line. The third and fourth lines showthe path of the addressing beams in twoplanes. Two of the stages target an atom andtwo are dummy stages, with pairs of address-ing beams that do not cross. Between eachstage, a black pulse flips all the qubit states.4

Thus all untargeted atoms experience

each of two different beam configurationstwice, with an odd number of spin flips inbetween. The sum of all the phase shifts ex-perienced by the untargeted atoms is zero,so their stored quantum information is un-changed by the sequence of stages. Thetwo targeted atoms, in contrast, experiencean additional sign change associated withtheir change from target atom to line atom.As a result, they get a net phase shift, themagnitude of which can be controlled bythe intensity of the microwaves. Using ad-ditional global microwave pulses, one canturn those site-dependent phase shifts intoany single-qubit gate of interest.

0 25 50 75 1000.00












ION Microwave



Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 4Stage 2



Plane A

Plane B




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clearly room to grow. Given a typical 5 μm spacing betweensites, ten thousand atoms can be trapped in a 0.5 mm 2D array,and a million atoms can be trapped in a 0.5 mm 3D array. Thepossibility of such dramatic scaling is at the root of our opti-mism about using neutral atoms as qubits.

The first step in trapping atoms is almost always laser cool-ing them to microkelvin temperatures. Conveniently, sponta-neous emission during the cooling process scatters light, whichcan be imaged to detect individual atoms.

But as an array of traps is being loaded with atoms, the cool-ing light tends to cause atoms at the same site to collide in pairswith each other and be kicked out of the array, which leaves arandom half of the traps empty and half of the traps filled withexactly one atom. As long as the vacancy locations are known,it may be possible to reconfigure a quantum computation toaccount for them. But such a reconfiguration might itself re-quire a quantum computer, so the preference is to start withexactly one atom in every trap.

One elegant way to help achieve a filled array is to start witha Bose–Einstein condensate and then slowly turn on an opticallattice. As the potential wells of the lattice deepen, the atomsundergo a transition from a superfluid to a Mott-insulatorstate, with one atom per site. The drawbacks of that approachare that nonzero initial temperatures can lead to vacancies, andthe intersite atomic tunneling required for the transition worksbest in a lattice whose sites are more closely spaced than is typ-ically desired for quantum-computing schemes. Another wayis to use additional laser beams to suppress the loss of collidingatoms, a technique that can fill up to 90% of the sites in anarray.5 But perhaps the most promising approach is to deter-mine where the vacancies are and then rearrange the atoms tocompletely fill them and thus form a smaller but filled array.

Several labs are starting to rearrange atoms. At HarvardUniversity, Mikhail Lukin and colleagues filled a 60-site 1Doptical-tweezer array by turning off the empty traps and mov-ing the filled ones next to each other6 (see figure 1a). At the Institutd’Optique near Paris, Antoine Browaeys and colleagues useda mobile optical tweezer to shuttle 50 atoms among sites in a2D tweezer array7 (see figure 1b). At the University of Bonn, An-drea Alberti, Dieter Meschede, and their colleagues combinedsite-selective atomic-state changes and state-selective transla-tions of the lattice potentials to adjust the spacings betweenatoms in a 1D optical lattice.8 At the Pennsylvania State Uni-versity (PSU), one of us (Weiss) is pursuing a similar site- andstate-selection scheme in three dimensions, in which the num-ber of required steps scales efficiently, as the cube root of thenumber of atoms.

One unique and inconvenient difficulty presented by neutralatomic qubits is that they are vulnerable to collisions with resid-ual background-gas atoms that knock them out of their traps.Those collisions occur about once every 100 seconds per atom ina standard room-temperature vacuum system. Lifetimes that ex-ceed tens of minutes are possible in cryogenic vacuum systems.Infrequent atom loss, like other qubit errors, can be repairedwith quantum error correction, by using atom-rearrangementhardware to replace a lost atom.

The final step in preparing atom qubits for a computationwill likely be some variant of sideband laser cooling. That tech-nique was first invented for trapped ions (see PHYSICS TODAY,October 2005, page 24) and can cool atoms to their vibrational

ground state up to 90% of the time,9 cold enough for mostquantum-computing schemes. It is no doubt possible to starteven colder; however, to handle the inevitable heating that willarise in a long quantum computation, it may be necessary totransfer quantum states to other cold atoms while the originalatoms are being recooled.

Quantum gatesMeasurement accuracy, controllability, and the fact that all atomsof one species are identical constitute major strengths of atom-and ion-based quantum computing. Those strengths are well










FIGURE 2. TARGETED SINGLE-QUBIT GATES produce the lettersP, S, and U in the planes (a-e) of a three-dimensional 5 × 5 × 5 opticallattice. In this experiment, all cesium atoms in the array are put intoequal quantum superpositions of their hyperfine qubit states. Theatoms that make up the target pattern are selectively phase shiftedusing site-resolved single-qubit gates. A final microwave pulse bringsthe targeted atoms into the lower qubit state and untargeted atomsinto the upper qubit state. A subsequent optical pulse removes the untargeted atoms from the lattice, and each plane is imaged in turn via fluorescence from the remaining (targeted) atoms. No targeted atoms reside in planes b and d. The hazy pattern collectedin those planes is the out-of-focus fluorescence of atoms in adjacentplanes. Note that because Cs atoms randomly occupy only 40% ofthe lattice sites in this experiment, the images are the average of 20implementations. (Adapted from ref. 4.)

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known in the context of atomic clocks, and they account for theclocks’ superlative precision. In fact, viewed from the perspectiveof quantum computing, atomic clocks are built from single-qubit gates implemented in parallel on a large ensemble of atoms.

However, making precise single-qubit gates for a quantumcomputer requires the ability to execute operations on individ-ual atoms. It also requires eliminating any cross talk, which canchange the quantum states of nearby, untargeted atoms. Oneway to achieve that level of control is to drive atomic transitionsbetween hyperfine levels using laser beams that are tightlyfocused on individual atoms. Such a gate can be fast—on thescale of a microsecond or less—and can have high fidelity if thelight intensity is sufficiently stable. Another way is to driveatomic transitions with more easily controlled microwaves. Be-cause microwave wavelengths are far too large to distinguishindividual atoms, the atoms must be addressed by selectivelyshifting their resonance frequencies, either with magneticfields or focused laser beams. Using crossed laser beams and asequence of microwave pulses, one can reach into a 3D ensem-

ble to perform a gate on a target atom without cross talk, as ex-emplified in box 1. Because single-qubit gate times range fromfractions of a microsecond to a few hundred microseconds, asmany as 105 gates can be performed within the longest demon-strated decoherence times.

Figure 2 illustrates a series of targeted single-qubit gates act-ing on a 3D array of cesium atoms, each of which is put in aquantum superposition of two hyperfine states. The experiment,which produces the letters P, S, and U in a fluorescent pattern,demonstrates independent control over atoms at all 125 latticesites, which (given 40% site occupancy) amounts to 50 qubitsat a time.

A two-qubit gate, which creates entangled states on de-mand, requires strong interactions among qubits. But neutralatoms in their electronic ground states interact weakly—thevery reason they can be packed close together in a quantumcomputer. One solution is to temporarily move atoms so closelytogether that they experience a “controlled, cold collision.”10

When using that approach, however, it is difficult to control the

Neutral atoms separated by more than afew angstroms interact very weakly unlessthey are both excited into a Rydberg state—a highly energetic state with large, delocal-ized electronic wavefunctions. The result-ing dipole–dipole interaction can act overtens of microns and lead to large resonantfrequency shifts.

The Rydberg blockade mechanism canbe used to entangle two qubits. Imaginetwo atoms held in separate optical traps afew microns apart. Control ∣c⟩ and target ∣t⟩qubits are initialized in a superposition ofstable, hyperfine ground states ∣0⟩ and ∣1⟩of the two atoms, as shown in the energylevel diagram of panel a. State ∣1⟩ is reso-nantly coupled to a Rydberg state ∣r⟩ via anoptical transition that is far from resonancewith state ∣0⟩.

A three-pulse sequence on the twoatoms produces a controlled-phase (CZ)gate:11 First, a π pulse applied to the controlatom transfers it from state ∣1⟩ to ∣r⟩. Sec-ond, a 2π pulse is applied to the target atomthat drives it from ∣1⟩ to ∣r⟩ and back again,provided no nearby atom already occupiesa Rydberg state. And third, a π pulse is ap-plied again to the control atom to return itsstate to ∣1⟩. Nothing happens to the part ofthe input wavefunction that is in ∣00⟩. For∣01⟩ or ∣10⟩, one atom is Rydberg excitedbut not the other. In those cases, driving anatom to and from a Rydberg state is analo-gous to rotating a spin-½ object by 2π, sothe two-qubit state acquires a phase shiftof π radians.

The crucial part of the entangling gate

occurs to the ∣11⟩ part of the input wave-function. The presence of the control atomin the Rydberg state shifts the target atom

out of resonance by an amount B. The tar-get atom thus remains in the ground stateand fails to acquire a π phase shift. And be-cause the target atom’s phase shift de-pends on the control atom’s state, the finaltwo-body state is entangled. Together witharbitrary single-qubit gates, the entan-gling operation forms a universal quantum-computing gate set. What’s more, becausethere are never two simultaneous Rydbergexcitations, the atoms never exert signifi-cant forces on each other even as they be-come entangled.

The circuit shown in panel b maps thephase entanglement onto probability am-plitudes by placing the CZ gate (labeled Z inthe circuit) between single-qubit rotationoperations. The mapping of input to outputprobability amplitudes corresponds to acontrolled-NOT gate operation, which flipsthe target qubit only if the control qubit isin the ∣1⟩ hyperfine state. The upper andlower detectors register the output statesof the control and target qubits.

Panel c shows the experimental truthtable for the controlled-NOT gate. Theprobability of each of the four possible final,or output, states of the two qubits is plottedagainst their initial, or input, states.14

Since the Rydberg interaction is strongand long range, it is possible to entanglenot just neighboring atoms but also thoseseparated by several lattice sites. The block-ade can also inhibit the excitation of multi-ple atoms at a time, a feature that allows re-searchers to efficiently build multiqubitgates and multiparticle entangled states.18











∣01⟩ ∣01⟩∣10⟩







π/2 π/2Z





∣0⟩Control ∣c⟩ Target ∣t⟩

π π

1 3 2

a B

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moving traps and the motional states of the atoms accuratelyenough to produce a high-fidelity gate. A more widely pursuedsolution, proposed nearly two decades ago by Dieter Jaksch(now at Oxford University) and colleagues in a seminal paper,11

is to temporarily transfer atoms to Rydberg states, in which anelectron is excited far from the atomic nucleus.

Rydberg atoms have strong mutual dipolar interactions. In-deed, the interaction between two Rydberg atoms separated by5 μm and with principal quantum number n = 100 is about 12 or-ders of magnitude larger than that between ground-state atoms.The strong interaction produces a so-called Rydberg block-ade—a phenomenon analogous to the well-known Coulombblockade, by which only oneelectron at a time can movethrough a narrow channel.The Rydberg blockade pre-vents more than one atom ina small volume from being si-multaneously excited to a Ryd -berg state. For instance, if anatom is excited to a Rydbergstate, an attempt to excite asecond, nearby atom with the same laser frequency will fail,because the long-range interaction between the atoms shiftsthe resonance condition for excitation of the second atom. Theupshot: The blockade interaction can entangle two or morenearby qubits using a simple three-pulse sequence, as explainedin box 2.

Research groups12 at the University of Wisconsin–Madisonand at the Institut d’Optique first demonstrated entanglementbetween individual rubidium atoms in hyperfine ground statesusing a Rydberg blockade in 2010. (See PHYSICS TODAY, Febru-ary 2010, page 13, and February 2009, page 15.) The initial ex-periments just barely passed the threshold between separableand entangled states. Since then, experimental improvementsand variations on the basic entanglement protocol13,14 have ledto entanglement fidelities of about 75%. That’s well below whathas been achieved with trapped-ion and superconducting qubits.But the fidelities are likely to improve when ground-state cool-ing and other advancements are incorporated into Rydberggate experiments.

Another issue that can affect fidelity is the extreme sensitiv-ity of atomic Rydberg states to background electric fields cre-ated by charge fluctuations in an experimental apparatus. Fu-ture advances may require better ways of mitigating those fieldsor the Rydberg state’s sensitivity to them. A more intrinsic diffi-culty is a Rydberg state’s finite radiative lifetime, which leadsto decoherence during a gate operation. Obtaining optimal fi-delity will be a trade-off between radiative decay when the gateis too slow and a compromised blockade when the gate is toofast. A recent numerical optimization of pulse shapes to minimizeoff-resonant excitation, even for fast 50 ns gates,15 has shownthe feasibility of achieving 99.99% entanglement fidelity. Suchperformance is a prerequisite for implementing error correction.

Error correction requires measuring the states of selectedatoms without disturbing the quantum states of their neigh-bors. Several possible approaches take advantage of the flexi-bility of cold-atom experiments. For instance, two Rydberg-interacting atomic species could be used, one for storage andone for measurement. Or optical shielding techniques could be

used to protect qubits that are not being measured. Those andother ideas are just starting to be developed,16 so truly scalablequantum computation remains a problem to be tackled in thenext generation of experiments.

PerspectiveFrom the view of an experimental physicist, the task of exertingprecise control over a large number of individual quantum par-ticles is a grand challenge. A quantum computation requirespreparing atoms in well-defined quantum states, controllingthe atoms’ interactions to carry out logical operations, andmeasuring the resulting states to extract the computational

result—all while maintainingnear-perfect isolation fromthe environment. The techni-cal achievements needed tomeet that challenge are likelyto reap a broad range of ben-efits beyond the central goalof quantum computing.

For instance, advances inneutral atom quantum com-

puting may broaden the capabilities of metrology and timekeeping. Atomic clocks already operate with exceedingly lowuncertainties, near one part in 1018. At the frontiers of clock re-search are efforts to introduce entanglement and quantum-logic protocols to circumvent the standard quantum limits foruncorrelated particles.17 The ability to create, control, and probemany-particle quantum states with high precision will enrichthe experimental study of quantum mechanics at the borderbetween classical and quantum dynamics.

As for the central goal, we anticipate that over the next fiveyears several qubit platforms, including neutral atoms, are likelyto reach a sufficient size and fidelity that they can performquantum calculations that cannot be modeled on a classical com-puter. It is much harder to predict how long it will take beforea quantum computer is able to factor intractably large numbers.

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From the view of an experimental physicist,

the task of exerting precise control over a

large number of individual quantum

particles is a grand challenge.