QUALITY REPORT ESSPROS CORE SYSTEM (according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2007 of 12 November 2007, published in OJ L294, 13.11.2007, p.5) MEMBER STATE: Portugal REFERENCE YEAR: 2017 REPORT ISSUED: ESSPROS CORE SYSTEM - Quality report July 19, 2019


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(according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2007 of 12 November 2007, published in

OJ L294, 13.11.2007, p.5)



REPORT ISSUED: ESSPROS CORE SYSTEM - Quality report July 19, 2019

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Quality Report – ESSPROS core system Page 2 of 14

1. Accuracy and Reliability / Geographical coverage

1.1 Coverage of data source*- (part 1)

Name of data source Type of data source

used (1)

(see regulation point

Frequency of the data

source in months(2)

(see regulation point

Time lag in


(see regulation point

Schemes covered

(please indicate which scheme numbers are covered by

this data source)

(see regulation point

National Health Service - Serviço

Nacional de Saúde (SNS e SRS)

Administrative data 12 months 15 months 2

National Institute for Medical

Emergencies - Instituto Nacional de

Emergência Médica (INEM)

Administrative data 12 months 10 months 4

Reduction in Rates of Transport -

Redução de Tarifas (Autoridades

Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto)

Administrative data 12 months 12 months 7

Institute of Employment and Vocational

Training - Instituto do Emprego e

Formação Profissional (IEFP)

Administrative data 12 months 10 months 9

Accidents at Work - Acidentes de

Trabalho e Pension Funds - Fundos de

Pensões (Autoridade de Supervisão de

Seguros e Fundos de Pensões - ASF)

Administrative data 12 months 12 months 13 and 59

Central Administration -Administração

Central e Local Administration -

Administração Local (Contas Nacionais

– National Accounts)

National accounts 12 months 14 months 15 and 17

Health Assistance for the Army and

Paramilitary Forces - Assistência na

Doença aos Militares e Paramilitares


Administrative data 12 months 13 months


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Civil Service Health Care System -

Assistência na Doença aos Servidores

do Estado (ADSE)

Administrative data 12 months 11 months 22

Services of Medical Assistance -

Serviços de Assistência Médico Social


Administrative data 12 months 12 months 32

Mutualists - Associações de Socorros

Mútuos (ASM)

Survey 12 months 14 months 42

Benefits paid directly by the employer –

Prestações Diretas da Entidade Patronal

(Portugal Telecom - PT; Correios de

Portugal - CTT; Companhia Carris de

Ferro de Lisboa - Carris; Comboios de

Portugal - CP; Imprensa Nacional Casa

da Moeda - INCM; Gabinete de

Estratégia e Planeamento -


Administrative data 12 months 17 months 43

Social Services (Public servants) -

Serviços Sociais (Ministérios; PSP;


Administrative data 12 months 12 months 44

Welfare System of Ministry of Finance

- Cofre de Previdência do Ministério

das Finanças

Administrative data 12 months 10 months 45

Association of the Disabled of the

Armed Forces - Associação dos

Deficientes das Forças Armadas


Administrative data 12 months 10 months


Lisbon Holy House of Mercy - Santa

Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa


Administrative data 12 months 13 months 56

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Charities - Instituições Particulares de

Solidariedade Social (II, IP; IGFSS, IP)

Administrative data 12 months 16 months 57

Social Security Welfare and Social

Protection System - Sistemas

Previdencial e de Proteção Social da

Segurança Social (Instituto de Gestão

Financeira da Segurança Social –


Administrative data 12 months 12 months 63

Public Capitalization System - Regime

Público de Capitalização (Instituto de

Gestão de Fundos de Capitalização da

Segurança Social – IGFCSS, IP)

Administrative data 12 months 11 months 64

Civil Service Retirement System -

Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA, IP)

Administrative data 12 months 12 months 65

* Please be exhaustive by mentioning all schemes.

1. Please specify: "Administrative data", "Register based data", "National Accounts", "Survey", "Census", "Other". For category "Other", please specify the type.

2. Please specify: "3 months", "6 months", or "12 months" or etc.

3. The time lag is the period between reference year (31st of December of reference year) and the moment in which data sources are available.

1.1 Coverage of data sources (part 2) – please note that part 1 and part 2 is in fact one table and have only been separated to facilitate the completion of the table

Name of data source (Please indicate the same data sources as in table 1.1 part 1)

Any additional information regarding this data

source (i.e. reports on problems -including delays-

which lead to estimation of data)(4)

(see regulation point

Geographical coverage (i.e. which parts of the

country are covered by this data source)(5)

(see regulation point 1.2.1)

National Health Service - Serviço Nacional de Saúde


Nothing to report. Full coverage.

National Institute for Medical Emergencies -

Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

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Quality Report – ESSPROS core system Page 5 of 14

Reduction in Rates of Transport - Redução de

Tarifas (Autoridades Metropolitanas de Lisboa e


Nothing to report. Mainland

Institute of Employment and Vocational Training -

Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional


Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Accidents at Work - Acidentes de Trabalho e

Pension Funds - Fundos de Pensões (Autoridade de

Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões - ASF)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Central Administration -Administração Central e

Local Administration - Administração Local (Contas

Nacionais – National Accounts)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Health Assistance for the Army and Paramilitary

Forces - Assistência na Doença aos Militares e

Paramilitares (ADMP)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Civil Service Health Care System - Assistência na

Doença aos Servidores do Estado (ADSE)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Services of Medical Assistance - Serviços de

Assistência Médico Social (SAMS)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Mutualists - Associações de Socorros Mútuos (ASM) Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Benefits paid directly by the employer – Prestações

Diretas da Entidade Patronal (Portugal Telecom -

PT; Correios de Portugal - CTT; Companhia Carris

de Ferro de Lisboa - Carris; Comboios de Portugal -

CP; Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda - INCM;

Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento -


Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Social Services (Public servants) - Serviços Sociais

(Ministérios; PSP; GNR; CGD; IASFA; PL)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

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Welfare System of Ministry of Finance - Cofre de

Previdência do Ministério das Finanças

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Association of the Disabled of the Armed Forces -

Associação dos Deficientes das Forças Armadas


Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Lisbon Holy House of Mercy - Santa Casa da

Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Charities - Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade

Social (II, IP; IGFSS, IP)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Social Security Welfare and Social Protection

System - Sistemas Previdencial e de Proteção Social

da Segurança Social (Instituto de Gestão Financeira

da Segurança Social – IGFSS, IP)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Public Capitalization System - Regime Público de

Capitalização (Instituto de Gestão de Fundos de

Capitalização da Segurança Social – IGFCSS, IP)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

Civil Service Retirement System - Caixa Geral de

Aposentações (CGA, IP)

Nothing to report. Full coverage.

4. Please fill in this column only in cases of: delays, data source containing estimations, incomplete coverage for some schemes. In cases of incomplete schemes, please specify the code of Expenditure,

Receipts, and Benefits that are not covered.

5. Please indicate "Full coverage" if the data source covers the whole country. If the data source contains data for some regions only, please specify the region.

1.2 Where appropriate (e.g. if cross-sources are used), please indicate the benefits concerned by the different types of data sources (see regulation point

Scheme concerned Benefit concerned Data sources cross-covering the benefits (please, specify at least two data sources)

Nothing to report. Nothing to report. Nothing to report.

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Quality Report – ESSPROS core system Page 7 of 14

1.3 Geographical comparability* (see regulation point 1.2.1)

Degree of coverage in terms of schemes(6)

(if there are cases of schemes only partially covered or schemes

missed or not available)

Degree of coverage in terms of receipts,

expenditure and detailed benefits

(if part of expenditures, receipts or detailed benefits are not available)

Cases of non-application of the ESSPROS methodology

in the form of a comprehensive list

(whether there are cases (both schemes and benefits) of possible non-adherence

with the ESSPROS methodology: provision from specific sources, for example,

could imply the use of definitions and methodologies not in line with our Manual)

Nothing to report. Nothing to report. Nothing to report. * Please note that this table is referred to coverage and consistency with ESSPROS methodology of final figures.

6. If a scheme is completely missing in the final figures; please specify its number in the first column and in the second column specify "Missing". If only some expenditures, receipts or benefits of a

certain scheme are missing in the final figures, please specify in the first column the number of the scheme and in the second column the codes of items that are missing.

2. Methodologies and assumptions used in the estimates of statistics (see regulation point

Scheme Estimates for schemes on which no data

are available(7) (please explain methodologies used for all estimations)

Estimates for missing receipts, expenditure and detailed benefits, if: (please explain methodologies used for all estimations)

(a) data are completely lacking (b) the breakdown for one benefit or group

of benefit is missing(8)

7 Estimation of receipts: Receipts=Expenditures

Because the data providers of this scheme do not

provide data on receipts, we apply the

convention that receipts, as registered in account

2220002, are identical to expenditures.

9 Estimation of receipts: Receipts=Expenditures

Because the data provider of this scheme does

not provide data on receipts, we apply the

convention that receipts, as registered in account

2220002, are identical to expenditures.

15 and 17 Estimation of receipts: Receipts=Expenditures

Because the data providers of this scheme do not

provide data on receipts, we apply the

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convention that receipts, as registered in account

2110202 and 2220002, are identical to


43 Estimated of receipts: Receipts=Expenditures

Because the data providers of this scheme do not

provide data on receipts, we apply the

convention that receipts, as registered in account

2110201, 2420001 and 2420002, are identical to


59 Estimation of receipts: Receipts=Expenditures

Because the data providers of this scheme do not

provide data on receipts, we apply the

convention that receipts, as registered in account

2110101, are identical to expenditures.

7. If a scheme is completely estimated, please specify the methodology in the second column. If only some expenditures, receipts or benefits of one scheme are estimated, please specify the methodology

in the third or fourth column.

8. E.g. breakdown of one benefit into means-tested and non-means-tested benefit or breakdown of cash benefit specific to one function into several detailed benefits.

3. Revision of statistics – to be filled in for the previous years data only (In the first column, please indicate the scheme involved, in the second column, the items involved, then

thick with an 'X' the column that corresponds to the type of the revision and, where it is the case, please describe in the last column each revision with a few words, specifying if it is extraordinary (very

rare) or ordinary (it can happen regularly). (see regulation point 2.1.3)

Scheme Items Years


Type of revision

Details on the revision



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Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to

report. Nothing to


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Quality Report – ESSPROS core system Page 9 of 14

9. E.g. changes in the set of the data sources (new data sources, disappearing of an old one); additional information supplied by certain data sources; other changes in data sources.

10. E.g. changes in the methods used, revised methods to put the information supplied by data sources in line with the ESSPROS methodology or other changes in methods.

11. E.g. changes in the ESSPROS methodology; in the social protection system; in classifications or definitions other than ESSPROS; etc.

12. E.g. final figures are provided by the data sources; or provisional estimation are replaced by information that was missing in the last data collection; etc.

3. bis Changes in the application of the methodology – to be filled in for the reference year data only (In the first column, please indicate the scheme involved, in

the second column, the items involved, then describe in the other columns each change with a few words)

Scheme Items

Details on the change Break in time series(13) (yes or not)



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44 1131201


Additional information supplied by data sources.

In previous years, a part of the expenditures classified in

scheme 44 were not detailed by the data providers, and part

of expenditures being aggregated in administration costs

(1200000). As from 2017, data providers gave access to

more detailed information, allowing for the classification

of some expenditures regarding the acquisition of goods

and services and a better estimation of the costs involved in

the development of social solution in the areas of old age

(item 1131201 - Accommodation) and the family (item

1151201 - Child day care).


13. Break occurring when there is a change in the standards for defining and observing a variable over time

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Quality Report – ESSPROS core system Page 10 of 14

4. Other information related to Quality

4.1 Quantitative data

- Temporal analysis of receipts:

A surplus of 3,388 MEUR was estimated for the difference between social protection receipts and expenditures in 2017. The total of social protection receipts in

Portugal increased 3.7% between 2016 and 2017, while the total of expenditures increased 3.1%.

The largest variations on receipts were identified in accounts of “Social contributions” and “Other receipts”:

2110201 and 2110202 – Employers' imputed social contributions - These accounts showed a variation of -11.3% and of +12.3% in 2017 compared to 2016,

respectively. In the first case, the decrease was observed in the scheme 43 due to adjustments in the activity by transferring part of the social protection responsibility

provided by the scheme's operators to the responsibility of other schemes. In the second case, the increase occurred in regimes 15 and 17, in line with the average

growth of activity of the two schemes.

2123005 – Social contributions of pensioners and other - This account recorded a increase of 26.8% in 2017 when compared to 2016. This movement was observed

in scheme 42, justified by the sharp increase in the inherent incomes of mutualist associates, and despite the decreases in schemes 63 and 65, as a result of the

extinction of the CES "Extraordinary contribution of solidarity" in 2017.

2410006 – Others receipts – Property income - There was a decrease of 19.8% in this account in 2017 when compared to 2016, explained by the joint behaviour of

the various sources of the scheme 57.

2420002, 2420003 and 2420006 – Other receipts - This aggregate accounted for a variation of -22.3%, -31.9% and +15.6% in 2017 vs. 2016, respectively. The

decreasing movements were derived from the behaviours of schemes 2, 43, 57, 63 and 65; while the upward movement was observed in schemes 2, 57, and 63; both

behaviours duly confirmed with the documentation provided by the respective sources of information of the schemes.

- Temporal analysis of expenditure:

Total expenditure on social protection in Portugal increased 3.1% between 2016 and 2017. The expenditure on social benefits increased 3.3% in the same period,

accounting for 92.9% of total expenditure in 2017, while the other expenditures increased 2.3%, accounting for 7.1% of total value of expenditure.

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The most relevant aspects are:

“Others expenditures from property income” – account 1410000, recorded a variation of -23.1% in 2017 when compared to 2016. The decrease was registered in

most schemes, especially under schemes 2, 32, 42, 45, 55, 56, 57 and 64, duly confirmed by the information providers of these schemes.

“Expenditures on social protection benefits” showed positive variations in most social protection functions, with the exception of Unemployment (-13.1%) and

Housing (-1.5%). The analysis by function in 2017 highlights the following aspects:

Sickness (1110000) - This function accounted for 25.5% of the total expenditure on social protection benefits in Portugal in 2017, being the second most important

function in terms of social benefits expenditure. In 2017, it increased by +4.6% when compared to the previous year. In this function, the overall decrease in the

scheme 43 is due to adjustments in the activity by transfer of part of the liability of the sickness benefits provided by the scheme operators to the scope of other


1111111 - Paid sick leave, non means-tested – The increase of +11.3% in this benefit is explained by the increases recorded in schemes 15 and 63, duly confirmed

by the accounts presented by the information sources of the schemes.

1111212 - Reimbursement, non means-tested – The +12.2% growth in this benefit was mainly due to the behaviour of the scheme 22 due to regularization of

outstanding expenses with the entities with the agreement.

1111230 - Other benefits in kind, non means-tested - This benefit recorded an increase (+10.7%) in 2017 when compared to 2016, This situation is mainly explained

by schemes 2, 4, 22, 43 and 57, dully confirmed by the information providers of these schemes.

- Disability (1120000) - This function accounted for 7.1% of the total expenditure on social protection benefits in Portugal in 2017, recording a slight increase of

1.6% in 2017 when compared to 2016.

1121123 – Other cash lump-sum benefits, non means-tested - This benefit decreased 32.5% in 2017 when compared to 2016 (from 5.4 MEUR in 2016 to 3.7 MEUR

in 2017). This situation is mainly explained by scheme 42 due to the decrease in the amounts from capitals overdue in case of disability by the beneficiaries of

mutualists modalities.

1121203 – Rehabilitation, non means-tested - This benefit decreased 21.3% in 2017 when compared to 2016 (from 17.2 MEUR in 2016 to 13.6 MEUR in 2017).

This behaviour was observed in scheme 9, duly confirmed by the data source: unlike previous year, disability and vocational training expenditure has been reduced

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as a result of the stabilization of the temporary measure to support the qualification of disabled persons as well as the decline in unemployment in 2017 with an

impact on vocational training measures.

1122201 and 1122203 – Accommodation and Rehabilitation, means-tested - These benefits increased 12.1% and 10.3% in 2017 when compared to 2016,

respectively. This situation is mainly explained by scheme 57, duly confirmed by the joint behaviour of the scheme's many providers.

- Old age (1130000) – This function remained the most important function in the total expenditure on social protection benefits in Portugal, accounting for 50.7% in

2017. The variation between 2016 and 2017 was +4.2%.

1131121 – Other cash lump-sum benefits, non means-tested - This benefit increased 82.5% in 2017 when compared to 2016 (from 591.2 MEUR in 2016 to 1078.7

MEUR in 2017). This situation is mainly explained by scheme 42 (+82.8%), due to the increase to almost double in the amounts of reimbursements in capitals

overdue by old age received by the beneficiaries of the mutualists modalities.

1131201 – Accommodation, non means-tested - This benefit registered a significant increase (+242.9%) in 2017 when compared to 2016 (from 3.9 MEUR in 2016

to 13.2 MEUR in 2017). This situation is mainly explained by the behaviour of the scheme 44, for which it was possible to broaden the collection of more detailed

information on the expenditure with this social benefit.

- Survivors (1140000) – In 2017, this function represented 7.6% of total expenditure on social protection benefits in Portugal, increasing 2.8% from 2016 to 2017.

- Family (1150000) – This function represented 4.9% of the total expenditure on social protection benefits. In 2017 there was an increase of 3.4% when compared to

2016. In terms of the most significant movements, there is a record of "1151201 - Child day care, non means-tested", which increased by 530.7% in 2017 compared

to 2016, from 0.2 m.e. in 2016 to 1.1 m.e. in 2017. This growth was mainly due to the behaviour of the scheme 44, for which it was possible to broaden the

collection of the more detailed information on the expenditure of this social benefit.

- Unemployment (1160000) - This function accounted for 3.2% of the total expenditure on social protection benefits in Portugal, recording a decrease of 13.1% in

2017 when compared to 2016, just as it had been in the 3 previous years.

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1161111, 1161112 and 1162111 – Full and Partial unemployment benefit, non means-tested and means-tested - These benefits decreased 11.5%, 24.2% and 22.4%,

respectively, in 2017 when compared to 2016. This situation is explained by scheme 63, dully confirmed by the information provider of this scheme, consequence of

the positive evolution of labour market and decrease in the number of beneficiaries of these subsidies.

1161113 and 1161122 - Early retirement benefit for labour market reasons and Redundancy compensation, non means-tested - These benefits decreased 19.5% and

67.4% in 2017 when compared to 2016, respectively, observed for scheme 43, dully confirmed by the information providers of this scheme.

Housing (1170000) - This function decreased 1.5% between 2016 and 2017. The decrease in item “1172212 - Other rent benefit, means-tested” is namely explained

by the behaviour of schemes 44 (-25.8%) and 63 (-1.1%).

Social Exclusion (1180000) - This function accounted for 1.0% of the total expenditure on social protection benefits in 2017, increasing by 0.1% when compared to

2016. This slight increase was observed in almost all benefits of the function, especially in: "1182111 - Income support, means-tested” which accounted for 80.8%

of the total in 2017 and grew +2.8%, from 334.7 MEUR in 2016 to 344.1 MEUR in 2017, as a consequence of the restoration of income initiated in the previous

year. On the other hand, the benefit "1182203 - Other benefits in kind, means-tested" decreased by 14.3% in 2017 compared to 2016, going from 69.1 MEUR in

2016 to 59.2 MEUR in 2017, caused by the decreases recorded and duly confirmed in schemes 42, 57 and 63.

4.2 Qualitative information*

All items of social benefits ESSPROS core system are available in the Qualitative information 2017, which is updated every year.

*E.g. If there are some items not covered by QI, please specify the reason and, if it is possible, their relative importance in respect to the total expenditure, etc.

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4.3 Dissemination policy in the country*

Are these data

published in your


At what timeliness?

(in months)(15)

State any specific publication (and eventually the link) Are they part of regular


(yes or not)

Yes, but not in the

ESSPROS format.

The dissemination relates

to the total of all

schemes, at the level of

receipts categories, other

expenses and social

benefits expenditure by


18 months. Statistical Yearbook of Portugal;

Social Protection Indicators in Statistics Portugal Website.



14. Please specify "yes everything", "yes, only the following part…", "yes, but not in the ESSPROS format" or no". In case of "yes, but not in the ESSPROS format", please explain.

15. Please specify how many months after the period of reference the data are published (the period of reference for this collection was 31st December of reference year).