Qualitative Research Intro for Educational Technologists.

Qualitative Research Intro for Educational Technologists

Transcript of Qualitative Research Intro for Educational Technologists.

Qualitative Research

Intro for Educational Technologists

Research Continuum Poles-or-

The Paradigm Wars


Goal is to describe the phenomena that we experience. The purpose of science is to stick to what we can observe and measure. Knowledge of anything beyond that is impossible.

Naturalistic (Postpositivistic) Goal is to hold steadfastly to getting it right about reality even though

we can never achieve that goal. All observation is fallible and has error and all theory is revisable; need to be critical of our ability to know reality with certainty.

Decisions, Decisions

Is quantitative precise or trivia-preoccupied? Is qualitative deep or fuzzy-headed?

“The questions a researcher strives to answer should drive the choice of methods.”

Qualitative: Historical Elements

Learner Analysis & Formative Evaluation Tech evolution effects on teaching/learning Philosophical evolution effects on tech use New tech enables new research methods Need to know what is actually happening

Qualitative: Assumptions

Qualitative studies take longer Qualitative studies meet w/ greater

resistance Qualitative studies can be rigorous Qualitative studies share identifiable


Qualitative Characteristics

Natural setting Human data gatherer “Felt” knowledge Quantitative also Purposive sampling Inductive analysis Grounded theory

Emergent design Focus determines data Boundaries may change Negotiated “reality” Multiple realities Bound conclusions Reluctant generalizing

Qualitative Research Methods



Document & Artifact Analysis

Grounded Theory

Purpose- “Develop theory through an iterative process of data analysis and theoretical analysis with verification of hypotheses ongoing throughout the study”

Process Collect extensive data Continually examine data

for patterns Build theory from patterns Collect more data to refine

theory & questions Continue until few or no

new patterns emerge

Participant Observation Hallmarks

Researcher becomes part of the culture Spend considerable time “in the field” Interaction with participants (usual process)

Open-ended, unstructured interviews Structured interviews based on above Determine focus for observations Conduct follow-up interviews based on

emergent patterns

Participant Observation Concerns

Site Selection Issues Suits research questions Simplicity Accessibility Remain unobtrusive Permissibleness Frequency of activity Degree of participation

Stages Initial contact Getting familiar Intense data collection Break Focused study Exhaustion/break Frantic activity Careful leave taking

Nonparticipant Observation 1

Types Stream-of-behavior

chronicle Proxemics & kinesics Interaction analysis

protocols Dramaturgical

constructions of reality Auto-observation

Characteristics Data often coded into

categories Frequencies tabulated Relationships analyzed Unobtrusive as possible Verify with multiple


Nonparticipant Observation 2

Scope may be broad and “rich” or narrow and “thick”

Biases are inevitable and therefor must be “bracketed”

Researcher is a legitimate member of the subject community

Data type and amount selected according to research questions

Sampling is purposive and representative but not random

Multiple observers need training to increase consistency