Qualitative Researc1

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Transcript of Qualitative Researc1

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    It is any research conducted using an observational technique or

    unstructured questioning. It is often viewed as a Soft-approach. It is


    when structured research is not possible,

    when true response may not be available [embarrassing

    touchy questions]

    to explain quantitative research results.

    The purpose of qualitative research is to create a robust, detailed description

    of behavioral patterns, consumer trends, market needs, and human

    motivations. If quantitative research seeks to confirm an existing hypothesis,

    qualitative research seeks to collect information that may support the

    creation of a hypothesis or invalidate an existing theory. Toward that end,

    researchers focus on a smaller number of people and spend more time with

    them, eliciting their thoughts and opinions rather than statistical data or yes-

    or-no answers. The researchers observations, subjective interpretations,

    interpersonal skills and interview techniques thus figure critically in theprocess, and in the quality and relevance of data collected.


    Qualitative Researchinvolves finding out what people think, and how

    they feel - or at any rate, what they say they think and how they say they

    feel. This kind of information is subjective. It involves feelings and

    impressions, rather than numbers

    Bellenger, Bernhardt and Goldstucker, Qualitative Research in

    Marketing, American Marketing Association

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    Qualitative approaches help us to-

    Better understand phenomenon and gain new perspectives Collect and explore in-depth information that cant be conveyed


    Provide rich descriptions of complex phenomena

    Explore sensitive topics

    Explore the issues of difficult to access groups / subcultures

    Explore culturally defined experiences

    Track unique / unexpected events

    Illuminate experience and interpretation by actors

    Gives voice to those rarely heard


    Fewer people studied usually. Less easily generalised as a result.

    Difficult to aggregate data and make systematic comparisons.

    Dependent upon researchers personal attributes and skills (also true

    with quantitative, but not as easy to evaluate their skills in conducting

    research with qualitative). Participation in setting can always change the social situation

    (although not participating can always change the social situation as


    It can be very subjective as the researcher often includes personal

    experience and insight as part of the relevant data thus making

    complete objectivity an impossibility.

    It has a very low reliability in that it is extremely difficult to replicate

    a piece of qualitative research due to the fact that it does not have a

    structured design or a standardised procedure.

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    Classification of Observation

    Direct vs indirect:Direct>> observing behavior as it occurs

    Indirect >> observing the effects of behavior

    Disguised vs nondisguised


    Disguised >> Indirect

    Structured vs unstructured

    Structured>>predetermine what to observe

    Unstructured>>monitor all behavior

    Human vs MechanicalHuman>>observation done by human beings

    Mechanical>>observation by machine


    F o c u s G D e p t h I n tD i r e c t

    ( N o n d i s g

    A s s o c

    T e c h n i

    C o m p l

    T e c h n i

    C o n s t r

    T e c h n i

    E x p r e s

    T e c h n i

    P r o j e c t

    T e c h n i q

    I n d i r e c

    ( D i s g u i s

    Q u a l i t a t i v e

    P r o c e d u

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    Greater data accuracy than direct questioning, in natural settings people

    behave naturally,

    Problems of refusal, not at home, false response, non-cooperation etc. are


    No recall error,

    In some situations, only way

    Number of customers visiting a store

    Studying childrens behavior


    Time consuming,

    Too many things to observe,May not be representative,

    Difficulty in determining root cause of the behavior.


    An interview conducted by a trained moderator in a non-structured and

    natural manner with a small group of respondents.

    Group size 8-12

    Group composition Homogenous, respondents prescreened

    Physical setting Relaxed, informal setting

    Time duration 1 - 3 hours

    Recording Use of audio and video cassettes

    Moderator Observational, interpersonal, good

    communication skills needed.

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    Generate new product or service ideas

    Understand consumer vocabulary

    Useful for ad campaigns

    Reveal consumer needs, motives, perceptions and attitudes,

    Generating future research objectives

    Facilitate understanding of the quantitative studies


    The person who conducts the focus group session.

    Success of focus groups depend on him/her,

    He/she must strive for generating a stimulating natural

    discussion without losing sight of the focus,

    Must take initiative, but should not dominate the discussion


    Should have feeling of urgency,

    Should participate in the research from the beginning,

    Must add value beyond just conducting the session.

    Traits of a Go

    Focus GrouModerator

    A Good Focus Gro

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    Synergism, Snowballing, Stimulation, Security, Spontaneity, Speed and

    Cost savings.


    Lack of representativeness, Misuse, Misjudge, Moderation problem, and

    Difficulty of analysis


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    1. Synergism .interests discussproduce a richer

    4. Security . Bfocus group particip

    enables themto feelexpress their ideas/f

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    1. Lack of representrepresentative offocus group discube the only basis

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    Depth Interview: An unstructured interview that seeks opinions of

    respondents on a one-to-one basis. Useful for sensitive issues, politics


    Protocol Analysis: Involves placing a person in a decision making

    situation and asking him/her to state everything he/she considers in

    making a decision. Useful in 1. Purchasing involving a long time

    frame (car, house) and 2. Where the decision process is too short

    (greeting card).

    Projective technique: Involve situations in which participants are placed

    in simulated activities hoping that they will divulge information about

    themselves that are unlikely to be revealed under direct questing.


    These are indirect interviewing methods which enable sampled

    respondents to project their views, beliefs and feelings onto a third-

    party or into some task situation.

    The researcher sets up a situation for the respondents asking them to

    express their own views, or to complete/ interpret some ambiguous

    stimulus presented to them.

    Various types. More common ones are:

    Free Word Association

    Sentence Completion

    Unfinished scenario/story completion

    Cartoon completion test


    In this technique, a list of carefully selected stimulus words or phrases

    related to the topic of research are read out, one at a time, to a

    respondent. The respondent is asked to respond with the first word or

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    phrase that comes to his/her mind. The list of words should contain a

    mixture of test words and neutral words.

    In the example shown here, the researchers seems to be interested in

    studying high-tech banking (words with *).

    However, analyzing and interpreting test results are rather difficult.


    This technique is an extension of the free-word association test. In this

    technique, the respondent is presented with some sentences containingincomplete stimuli and is asked to complete them. Like the free-word

    association method, interpreting and analysing data obtained from this

    technique is also difficult.


    Automatic teller mach__________________

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    This technique is similar to the sentence completion test. However, in thistechnique, the respondent is presented with a specific scenario

    containing incomplete stimuli [see example below] and is asked to

    complete the scenario. Interpreting and analysing data obtained from

    this technique is also difficult.


    In the cartoon technique, the respondent is shown a comic-strip like cartoon

    with two characters in a conversation. While the speech of one

    character is shown in his/her balloon,the other balloon is empty.The

    respondent is asked to assume the role of the other person and fill the

    empty baloon with a speech.

    Since Mr. Alber

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    Data analysis

    Interpretive techniques

    The most common analysis of qualitative data is observer impression. That

    is, expert or bystander observers examine the data, interpret it via forming an

    impression and report their impression in a structured and sometimes

    quantitative form.


    Coding is an interpretive technique that both organizes the data and provides

    a means to introduce the interpretations of it into certain quantitativemethods. Most coding requires the analyst to read the data and demarcate

    segments within it. Each segment is labeled with a code usually a word

    or short phrase that suggests how the associated data segments inform the

    research objectives. When coding is complete, the analyst prepares reports

    via a mix of: summarizing the prevalence of codes, discussing similarities

    and differences in related codes across distinct original sources/contexts, or

    comparing the relationship between one or more codes.

    Some qualitative data that is highly structured (e.g., open-end responses

    from surveys or tightly defined interview questions) is typically coded

    without additional segmenting of the content. In these cases, codes are often

    applied as a layer on top of the data. Quantitative analysis of these codes is

    typically the capstone analytical step for this type of qualitative data.

    Contemporary qualitative data analyses are sometimes supported by

    computer programs. These programs do not supplant the interpretive nature

    of coding but rather are aimed at enhancing the analysts efficiency at data

    storage/retrieval and at applying the codes to the data. Many programs offer

    efficiencies in editing and revising coding, which allow for work sharing,peer review, and recursive examination of data.

    A frequent criticism of coding method is that it seeks to transform

    qualitative data into quantitative data, thereby draining the data of its variety,

    richness, and individual character. Analysts respond to this criticism by

    thoroughly expositing their definitions of codes and linking those codes

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    soundly to the underlying data, therein bringing back some of the richness

    that might be absent from a mere list of codes.

    Recursive abstraction

    Some qualitative datasets are analyzed without coding. A common methodhere is recursive abstraction, where datasets are summarized, those

    summaries are then further summarized, and so on. The end result is a more

    compact summary that would have been difficult to accurately discern

    without the preceding steps of distillation.

    A frequent criticism of recursive abstraction is that the final conclusions are

    several times removed from the underlying data. While it is true that poor

    initial summaries will certainly yield an inaccurate final report, qualitative

    analysts can respond to this criticism. They do so, like those using codingmethod, by documenting the reasoning behind each summary step, citing

    examples from the data where statements were included and where

    statements were excluded from the intermediate summary.

    Mechanical techniques

    Some techniques rely on leveraging computers to scan and sort large sets of

    qualitative data. At their most basic level, mechanical techniques rely on

    counting words, phrases, or coincidences of tokens within the data. Often

    referred to as content analysis, the output from these techniques is amenableto many advanced statistical analyses.

    Mechanical techniques are particularly well-suited for a few scenarios. One

    such scenario is for datasets that are simply too large for a human to

    effectively analyze, or where analysis of them would be cost prohibitive

    relative to the value of information they contain. Another scenario is when

    the chief value of a dataset is the extent to which it contains red flags (e.g.,

    searching for reports of certain adverse events within a lengthy journal

    dataset from patients in a clinical trial) or green flags (e.g., searching for

    mentions of your brand in positive reviews of marketplace products).

    A frequent criticism of mechanical techniques is the absence of a human

    interpreter. And while masters of these methods are able to write

    sophisticated software to mimic some human decisions, the bulk of the

    analysis is nonhuman. Analysts respond by proving the value of their

    methods relative to either a) hiring and training a human team to analyze the

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    You're in new territory and little is known.

    When considering products or new markets, qualitative research can

    deliver an early landscape profile of consumer or business buyer

    attitudes and behavior.

    Customer perceptions or attitudes may be hidden from easy view.

    When the product category may represent unspoken meaning to

    buyers, qualitative market research may provide needed tools.

    Generate ideas for products, advertising, or brand positioning.

    The nuances of buyer attitudes and beliefs can often provide stimulusfor fresh new ideas, and feed a formal idea generation process.

    Screening ideas and concepts.

    Qualitative market research can be a useful first step, prior to

    quantitative research, to screen new advertising, product, or

    positioning concepts. This allows time for refining concepts prior to

    quantitative market research.