
Advanced Quoting System The prices listed here are estimates - not final pricing - however, we are generally within 20% over or under the quoted price. Clothing Industry Mobilezapp offers a number of innovative and creative ways to promote individual brands of men, women and childrens clothing vis the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and Windows Phone devices. We can assist individual brands of clothing lines toward new heights of sales and visibility via an individual mobile application. We can offer consumers the ability to locate clothing lines in department stores, boutiques or any retail outlet. We specialize in working with your organization to determine ways we can leverage mobile technology to reduce costs. This can be through innovation in the design process, at the manufacturing facilities and throughout logistical processes. We also work with you to come up with unique ways to promote your clothing lines to consumers. Leveraging QR Code technology we can put together a 2012 “scavenger hunt” of sorts allowing those interesting in indivual brands to learn more about them by visiting individual stores, taking snapshots of QR codes from a wide variety of magazines and off the clothing labels themselves. We welcome the opportunity to speak with your organization about how we can create a compelling reason for consumers to learn more about your clothing line, share their information with friends on Facebook, tweet about their favorite items via twitter and post videos on YouTube. One “viral video” facilitated by a mobile application can pay for the cost of the mobile application one hundred fold. Price - $20k - $50k



Transcript of qs_clothing_industry

  • Advanced Quoting System

    The prices listed here are estimates - not final pricing - however, we are generally within 20% over or under the quoted price.

    Clothing IndustryMobilezapp offers a number of innovative and creative ways topromote individual brands of men, women and childrens clothing visthe Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and WindowsPhone devices. We can assist individual brands of clothing linestoward new heights of sales and visibility via an individual mobileapplication. We can offer consumers the ability to locate clothinglines in department stores, boutiques or any retail outlet.

    We specialize in working with your organization to determine wayswe can leverage mobile technology to reduce costs. This can bethrough innovation in the design process, at the manufacturingfacilities and throughout logistical processes. We also work with youto come up with unique ways to promote your clothing lines toconsumers.

    Leveraging QR Code technology we can put together a 2012scavenger hunt of sorts allowing those interesting in indivualbrands to learn more about them by visiting individual stores, takingsnapshots of QR codes from a wide variety of magazines and offthe clothing labels themselves.

    We welcome the opportunity to speak with your organization abouthow we can create a compelling reason for consumers to learnmore about your clothing line, share their information with friends onFacebook, tweet about their favorite items via twitter and postvideos on YouTube. One viral video facilitated by a mobileapplication can pay for the cost of the mobile application onehundred fold.

    Price - $20k - $50k