Qoutes for a Lifetime of Happy Marriage

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  • 8/8/2019 Qoutes for a Lifetime of Happy Marriage



    One of the most important facets of our traditional, cultural and Islamic values is its

    strong family structure. What western world is regretful about now is losing it which has

    resulted in destruction of their society. Lets avoid the same to our society. It needs us to

    have a lot of patience and being considerate to our life partners. In our part of world,

    marriages are not about just two individuals, but about their children and both theirs

    extended families thus affecting the entire social structure.

    Following is a collection of Quotations from western world which may help us save

    our society from many anticipated ills: -

    a. Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness. (Langdon Mitchell)

    b. Marriage is a job - happiness or unhappiness has nothing to do with it. (Kathleen


    c. The sum that two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite

    debt, which can be discharges only through all eternity. (J W von Goethe)

    d. In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to

    find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage. (Robert Anderson)

    e. All that a husband or wife really wants is to be pitied a little, appreciated a little.(Oliver Goldsmith)

    f. Men can be analysed, women merely adored. (Oscar Wilde)

    g. If the man and woman walk off into the sunset hand in hand in the last reel, it adds

    $ 10 Million to the box office. (George Lucas)

    h. In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals

    nothing. (Mignon McLaughlin)

    j. Marriage is an empty bin. It remains empty unless you put more in than you take out.

    (H Jackson Brown).

  • 8/8/2019 Qoutes for a Lifetime of Happy Marriage



    k. What a wonderful wedding. The bride looked stunning and the groom looked stunned.

    I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding

    out each others character before marriage, which I think is never advisable. (Oscar

    Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest)

    l. Tomorrow our marriage will be 21 Years old! How many a storm has swept over it and

    still it continues green and fresh and throws out vigorous roots. (Prince Consort


    m. I married beneath me - all women do. (Nancy Astor)

    n. The Fate of a marriage depends on the first night. (Honore de Balzac).

    o. Being a husband is a whole-time job. That is why so many husbands fail. They cannot

    give their entire attention to it. (Arnold Bennett)

    p. Husbands are like fires. They go out when unattended. (Zsa Zsa Gabor)

    q. A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then hes finished. (Zsa Zsa Gabor)

    r. I chose my wife as she did her wedding gown, not for a fine glossy surface, but such

    qualities as would wear well. (Oliver goldsmith)

    s. Its true that I did get the girl, but then my grandfather always said, even a blind

    chicken finds a few grains of corn now and then. (Lyle Lovett, on marrying Julia


    t. Ive never had a strict policy on marriage, its unwise. (Jack Nicholson)

    u. Women will only leave a marriage if its unbearable, whereas men will split if they get

    a better offer. (Andrea Newman)

    v. So they were married - to be the more together - and found they were never again so

    much together, Divided by the morning tea, By the evening paper, by children and

    tradesmens bills. (Louis macneice)

    w. Never feel remorse for what you have thought about your wife; she has thought much

    worse things about you. (Jean Rostand)

    x. Before marriage, a man will lay awake thinking about something you said; after

    marriage, hell fall asleep before you finish saying it. (Helen Rowland)

  • 8/8/2019 Qoutes for a Lifetime of Happy Marriage



    y. Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the

    maximum of opportunity. (George Bernard Shaw)

    z. It resembled a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in

    opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them

    (Sydney Smith)

    aa. The great wonderful construct which is marriage- a construct made up of a hundred

    little kindnesses, a thousand little bitings back of spite, tens of thousands of

    minor actions of good intent - this must not, as an institution, be brought

    down in ruins (Fay Weldon)

    bb. The best part of married life is the fights. The rest is merely so-so (Thornton Wilder)

    cc. A marriage is really a non stop conversation (Betty Jane Wyllie)

    dd. More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes

    after the worse (Doug Larson)

    ee. The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce

    adults. (Peter De Vries The Tunnel of Love)

    ff. A happy marriage is the worlds best bargain. (OA Battista)

    gg. Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but is so honest that God cant help but smile on

    it. (Josh Billings)

    hh. Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which

    sew people together through the years. (Simon Signoret)

    jj. A Successful marriage requires falling in love many time, always with the same person

    (Mignan Melanghlin)