QMU GIT 2nd Week - Section 9

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  • 7/29/2019 QMU GIT 2nd Week - Section 9



    1. The following are the anterior relation of abdominal aorta EXCEPT:

    A. Celiac ganglia and plexusB. Body of pancreasC. Splenic and left renal veinsD. Anterior longitudinal ligament

    2. Epiploic foramen of Winslow is:

    A. Connection of greater sac with the thorax cavity

    B. Connection of greater sac with the pelvic cavity

    C. Connection of greater sac with the lesser sac

    D. Connection of abdominal cavity to the pelvic cavity

    3. The following are true regarding the Oesophagus, EXCEPT:

    A. it length is about 20 inches

    B. it is divided to 3 parts

    C. it end at the cardiac end of the stomach

    D. one of its blood supply is anterior thyroid artery

    4. .All are true about the posterior relation of the abdominal aorta except :

    A. celiac ganglia

    B. lumbar vertebrae

    C. 3rd n 4th lumbar vein

    D. intervertebral disc

    E. anterior longitudinal ligament

    5 .Anterior wall of lesser sac is formed of :

    A. lesser omentum

    B. peritomeum

    C. anterior 2 layer of greater omentum

    D. all above are true

    6.Which artery branches arise from splenic artery that supply the stomach ?

    A. right gastric artery

    B. right gastroepiploic artery

    C. left gastric artery

    D. left gastroepiploic artery

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    7. Right relations of abdominal aorta is/are

    A. Azygos vein.B. Inferior vena cava.C. Cisterna chyle.D. All of the above.

    8. The superior boundaries of epiploic foramen is

    A. Inferior vena cava.B. 1st part of duodenum.C. The caudate process of inferior surface of the liver.D. Free edge of lesser omentum

    9.Which one is the anterior relation of the stomach?

    A. SpleenB. Hepatic area (liver)C. PancreasD. Left kidney

    10.Which one is a FALSE statement :

    A. The stomach is located at the left hypochondriac, epigastric, and umbilical regions of theabdomen.

    B. Pyloric orifice is inch to the left of the median plane at level of L1.C. Greater curvature forms the left border of the stomach and extends from the cardiac orifice

    to the pylorus.

    D. Stomach is J-shaped organ and has two orifices, the cardiac and pyloric orifices.

    11.The following are true about the abdominal aorta except

    A. It enter the abdomen opposite to the T12B. It is related posteriorly to all lumbar vertebrae and intervetebral discC. It is on the left side of azygous veinD. It gives the renal arteries at the level of L2

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    12. Following is the tributaries of IVC exp:

    A. First part of duodenum

    B. second part of duodenum

    C. Third part of duodenum

    D. Peritoneum

    13.Which part of stomach is full of gas?

    A body

    B fundus

    C pyoloric


    14. The correct description of oesophagus is:

    A. it is muscular organ about 10cm long

    B. upper 3rd

    of the oesophagusis formed of both smooth and striated muscle

    C. the submucosal glands are compound tubulo-alveolar mucous gland type

    D. upper 3rd

    consist of abundant smooth muscle

    15. All the following are true regarding the stomach, EXCEPT:

    A. is divided into 3 regions

    B. there is no pit present in the stomach

    C. the mucosa and submucosa forming the rugae in empty stomachD. simple columnar epithelium covers the surface of the stomach

    16. The following are the functions of the stomach, EXCEPT:

    A. secretes mucin, protecting the mucosa

    B. excretes iodide and mercury

    C. release of intrinsic factor for vitamin B12 absorption

    D. mixes food with gastric secretions

    17. The gastric glands are made of

    A. Simple unbranced tubular glandsB. Simple branched tubular glandsC. Complex unbranched tubular glandsD. Complex branched tubular glands

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    18.Which of the following are TRUE regarding oesophagus?

    A It is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

    B submucosal oesophageal glands secrete acidic mucous

    C muscularis mucosa mainly formed of striated muscles

    D none of the above

    19.Which of the followings pair are false?

    A mucous neck cells production of intrinsic factor

    B enteroendocrine cells secrete peptide hormone

    C zymogen cells secretion of pepsin

    D oxyntic cells HCl formation and secretion

    20.All of the below are related to submucosal oesophageal gland except:

    A Lined by tall columnar cell

    B found along the entire oesophageal length

    C secrete neutral mucus

    D all of the above

    21.Gastric pit in mucosa of fundus are

    I short

    II deep

    III wide

    IV narrow

    A I & II

    B II & IV

    C III

    D I & IV

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    22.The musculosa of fundus and body of the stomach consists of which layer of muscle?

    A outer longitudinal

    B inner oblique

    C middle circular

    D all of the above

    23. Which of the following regarding histological section of oesophagus is false :

    A. Lined by human non-keratinized squamous epithelium and mucoid cell

    B. mucous secreting type glang secrete neutral mucous

    C. Smooth muscle is absent in the upper third

    D. The continous layer of the longitudinal smooth muscle fibers starts at the level of cricoid


    24. which of the following is not found between the inner tightly packed circular and outer longitidunal

    layer of the musculosa of alimentary tract

    A.blood vassel

    B.lymph vassel

    C.nerve plexus

    D.thick layer of connective tissue


    25.Chewing center is present in

    A. Cerebral cortexB. PonsC. MidbrainD. Medulla oblongata

    26.Which of the following is FALSE composition of gastric secretion?

    A. 3L/dayB. Anion: Cl- , SO4-C. HCl : 1.4%D. pH=1

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    27.Which of the following is NOT the enzymes of gastric juices?

    A. MucinB. RenninC. Glycerol kinaseD. Intrinsic factors

    28.Efferents of nervous pathway of vomiting reflex are the following EXCEPT

    A. Trigeminal nerveB. Glossopharyngeal nerveC. Accessory nerveD. Hypoglossal nerve

    29.All of the deglutition phase are involuntary except

    A first phase

    B second phase

    C third phase

    30.Deglutition center is situated in

    A pons

    B cerebral cortex

    C medulla oblongata

    D none of the above

    31.Which of the following is false regarding hunger contractions?

    A occur in the fundus of stomach

    B caused by strong vagal stimulation

    C appear 12-24 hours after last meal

    D strong contractions

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    32.Which of the following statements are false regarding vomitting?

    A sometimes vomitus may contain bile

    B vomitting center situated in pons

    C vomitting will cause elevation of soft palate

    D preceded by sense of nausea

    33.What is/are the efferents of the nervous pathway of reflex vomiting ?

    A. Phrenic nerves to the diaphragmB. Spinal nerves to the muscle of the posterior abdominal walls.C. 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 12th cranial nerves to the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract.D. 5th, 7th,9th, 10th and 12th cranial nerves to the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract.E. A and D.

    34.Which one is not included in the gastric motility?

    A. Tonic contractionB. Migrating motor complexC. Hunger relaxationD. Peristaltic movementsE. Receptive relaxation

    35. Human gastric secretion is about

    A. 1 liter/dayB. 2 liter/dayC. 3 liter/dayD. 4 liter/day

    36. Deglutition (swallowing) is:

    A. transfer of food from stomach to the mouth

    B. is divided into 3 phases onlyC. semisolids take shorter times than fluids

    D. cough and swallowing is stimulated during anesthesia

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    37. Which of the following is NOT the efferent of nervous pathway of relexvomiting:

    A. 5th

    cranial nerve

    B. facial nerve

    C. phrenic nerve

    D. 8th cranial nerve

    38. Which of the following is not the action of protective reflexes to prevent entry of food into

    respiratory opening

    A. Elevation of the soft palate

    B. elevation of the pharynx

    C. Approximation of the vocal cord

    D. Stimulation of respiration by replex mechanism

    39 The following is true regarding HCL except :

    A. Secreted by perietal cells

    B. stimulation by h2 receptors, m2 receptors and gastrin receptors

    C. It facilitate the absorptions of calcium and iron

    D. Activate the in active proteolytic enzyme, pepsinogen to the active form pepsin

    40.Receptors of conditioned reflexes of cephalic phase is present mainly in buccal cavity

    True / false

    41.Primary peristaltic contranction:

    A. occur in response of the distension of the body of oesophagus

    B. have a role in clearing function

    C. start at the upper end of the oesophagus

    D. travel along the whole length of the oesophagus about 3 seconds

    42.The parasymphathetic supply of the stomach has the function of :

    A. reduce blood flow

    B. increase the rate of emptying of the stomach

    C. produce alkaline mucous secretin

    D. inhibitory to the muscle wall

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    43.Enzyme of the gastric juice consist of :

    A. Pepsin

    B. Renin

    C. Lipase

    D. mucin

    44.What are the hormonal factor that regulate stomach emptying ;

    A. cholecystokinin

    B. secretin

    C. vasoactive intestinal peptide

    D. somatostatin

    E. all above are true

    45.which of the following is true about the lower oesophageal spincter

    A. Main mediator of the transfer function of the oesophagusB. Called the pyloric spincterC. Vulnerable to damaged and ulceration by irritant foodD. Relaxed between meal


    46.Red velvety mucosa extending upward from GE junction is characteristics gross picture for

    A. EsophagitisB. Carcinoma of oesophagusC. Barret oesophagusD. Ulcer of esophagus

    47.Which of the following condition is precancerous condition?

    A. Acute gastritisB. Pyloric stenosisC. Chronic gastritisD. Diaphragmatic hernia

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    48.Definiton of achalasia is

    A a sac-like dilatation of stomach with protrusion through the oesophageal hiatus of


    B failure of receptive relaxation of LES

    C an outpouching of one or more layer of oesophageal wallD none of the above

    49.All are related to traction diverticulum except

    A occur distal in mid and lower esophagus

    B occur in upper esophagus

    C result from an outside pully effect of inflammatory adhesion

    D none of the above

    50.What will cause achlorhydria?

    A Reduction in pepsinogen I concentration

    B loss of parietal cell for gastric acid and intrinsic factor secretion

    C failure of vitamin B12 absorption

    51. The causative agent for Ludwigs angina is

    A. Streptococcal infection of the tissue surrounding the submandibular gland.B. Treponema vicenti and fusiformis.C. Deficiency of B-complex vitamins.D. Total white count is low and polymorphs are reduced to 5% or less.

    52. The effect of hiatal hernia is

    A. Development of squamous cell carcinomaB. Hepatic comaC. Bilharzial hepatic fibrosis (BHP)D. Peptic ulceration and hematemesis

    53. Disease of the oesophagus:

    A. Sialadenitis

    B. Xerostomia

    C. Achlasia

    D. Leukoplakia

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    54. Benign tumours of oesophagus :

    A. Common in adults

    B. mostly in mesenchymal

    C. Common in men tha female

    55. Peptic ulcer disease :

    A. 10% of ulcer in gastric antrum

    B. commonly in middle aged to older adults (20 - 40 years)

    C. Bleeding is common clinical presentation

    56.Which of the following is NOT invasive method to diagnose H.Pylori?

    A. detect in stool by ELISAB. direct urease testC. histopathological examinationD. culture

    57.Helicobacter Pyolori is a

    A motile with tuft polar flagella

    B spiral shaped rods

    C gram negativeD all of the above

    58.Which of the following is true about H. Pyolori?

    A gram positive

    B urease negative

    C immotile

    D caused chronic gastritis

    59.In lab diagnosis, the non invasive method is

    A urea breath test

    B direct urease test

    C culture in Skirrows medium

    D histopathological examination

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    60.The virulence factor of H. Pyolori is

    A vacuolating cytotoxins

    B urease enzyme

    C protease enzyme

    D all of the above


    61 .which of the following drugs is best indicated for erosive esophagitis

    A. cimetidineB. omeperazoleC. pirenzepineD. nizatidine

    62. which of the following drugs is paired with incorrect mechanism of action

    A. ranitidine:reversible competitive blocking of binding of histamine to H2 receptorB. lanzoprazole: irreversibly inhibit H+/K+ ATPase proton pumpC. antacid: neutralization of gastric acidityD. omeperazole: reversibly inhibit H+/K+ ATPase proton pump

    63.Which of the following drug is used to treat Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome?

    A. PirenzepineB. OmeprazoleC. Sodium bicarbonateD. Mg trisilicate

    64.Which of the following statements is true?

    A cimetidine only cause minor effects like headache

    B sodium bicarbonate will not cause systemic alkalosis

    C magnesium oxide will cause systemic alkalosis

    D Pirenzipine is one of anti muscarinic drug

    65. Which group of drug in treatment of peptic ulcer is falsely paired :

    A. Proton pump inhibitors - lanzoprazole

    B. h2 receptors anatagonist - cimetidine

    C. Anti muscarinic drugs ranitidine

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    1. D2. C3. A4. A5. D6. D7. D8. C9. A10.B11.B12.B13.B14.D15.B16.B17.B18.B19.A20.C21.D22.D23.A24.D25.B26.C27.C28.C29.A30.C31.A32.B33.E34.C35.C36.B37.B38.D39.B40.FALSE41.C42.B43.B44.E45.C

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