QMU 3RD WEEK complete.docx

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  • 7/29/2019 QMU 3RD WEEK complete.docx


    QMU 3RD


    1. Misoprostol protects the GIT mucosa by:-

    a. Increase uterine contraction

    b. Releases aluminiumc. Increase mucus and bicarbonate ion

    d. Coats the mucosa

    2. All the statements are concerning sucralfate except:-

    a. Should be given with magnesium carbonates

    b. Forms gel to protect the mucosa

    c. Stimulates mucus secretion

    d. It does not cause systemic adverse effect

    3. Which drugs is used against h. pylori:-

    a. Sucralfate

    b. Cimetidine

    c. Misoprostol

    d. Bismuth chelate

    4. The side effects of h pylori eradication therapy include:-

    a. Constipation

    b. Other organism becomes more resistant

    c. Liver failure

    d. Kidney failure

    5. In bismuth based drug regimen, the correct drug combination is :-a. Bismuth, amoxicillin, ppi, metronidazole

    b. Bismuth, tetracycline, ppi, clarithromycin

    c. Bismuth, tetracycline, ppi, metronidazole

    d. Bismuth, tetracycline, sucralfate, omeprazole

    6. Which of the following statements is true regarding gastric polyps?

    a. It occurs in older persons.b. They are classified into 2 types; Inflammatory and Auto-Immune type

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    d. It is formed of right large and left small lobes

    13. Liver drained by portal lymph nodes then into the coeliac lymph nodes except..

    a. Caudate lobe

    b. Quadrate lobe

    c. Superior surface

    d. Bare area

    e. Renal impression

    14. Inferior surface shows the following features except...

    a. Colic impression

    b. Fissure for ligamentum teres

    c. Fissure for ligamentum venosum

    d. Duodenal impression

    15. Porta hepatis..

    a. Anteriorly bounded by Caudate lobe

    b. Posteriorly bounded by Quadrate lobe

    c. Anteriorly bounded by Quadrate lobe


    Anti emetic and prokinetic Drug

    16. All of the following are true about anticholinergic drugs except :

    a. Reduce the excitability of labyrinth receptors

    b. Used to treat postoperative nausea

    c. Useful in treating nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy

    d. Its cause drowsiness, blurred vision

    17. Which is true about Histamine-1receptor antagonist?

    a. Used in narcotic-induced vomiting

    b. Cause diarrhea and prolactin release

    c. Efficient in treating nausea of pregnancy

    d. Have prokinetic action.

    18. All of these are true about Domperidone except:

    a. One of Dopamine antagonist

    b. Have prokinetic action

    c. Its poorly crosses the blood brain barrier

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    d. Have pyramidal side effect

    19. All of these are true about therapeutic use of 5-HT antagonist except:

    a. Acute vomiting induced

    b. Pregnancy induce vomiting

    c. Postoperative vomiting

    d. Radiation induced vomiting

    20. All of these are prokinetic drug except:

    A. Motilin

    B. Domperidone

    C. Metoclopramide

    D. Erythromycin

    E. Benzodiazepine

    21. Portal system is formed by veins draining the GIT and lower limbs. [T/F]

    22. Portal vein ascends behind the 2nd

    part of duodenum and in front of IVC before

    entering the liver together with the hepatic artery and bile duct. [T/F]

    23. Tributaries of the splenic vein are :-A. Splenic vein, short gastric vein, left gastroepiploic vein, right gastric vein

    B. Splenic vein, short gastric vein, pancreatic vein, paraumbilical vein

    C. Splenic vein, short gastric vein, left gastroepiploic vein, pancreatic vein, inferior

    mesenteric vein

    D. Splenic vein, left gastroepiploic vein, cystic vein, right gastroepiploic vein

    24. Inferior mesenteric vein gives 3 tributaries, left, middle and right colic vein. [T/F]

    25. There are ____ sites of portosystemic anastomosis.

    26. Which of the following is false regarding the liver :

    a. Has both endocrine and exocrine functions

    b. It is a simple branched tubular gland

    c. A thin connective tissue capsule surrounded the liver

    d. The capsule is thicker at the hilum

    27. By electron microscope, the hepatocytes show:

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    a. Few free ribosomes

    b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is rudimentary

    c. Short microvilli projecting from vascular side\

    d. Attached to the neighbouring hepatocytes by desmosomes

    28. All the following describing the hepatic blood sinusoids except :

    a. Have large diameter and lack of continuous basal lamina

    b. Lining by endothelial cells and Kupffer cells

    c. Endothelial cells have numerous fenestrae which lack of diaphragm

    d. Kupffer cells show many vacuoles, lysosomes, phagosomes and few


    29. The space of Disse contains

    i. Reticular fibers

    ii. Long, numerous microvilli from hepatocytes

    iii. Processes of Ito cells

    a. I and II

    b. II and III

    c. I and III

    d. All the above

    30. All of the following is true regarding the gall bladder except :

    a. Hollow, pear shaped organ

    b. Its mucosa is highly folded, lined by simple columnar cells

    c. Lamina propria near the cystic duct contain serous secreting glands

    d. Its musculosa consists of smooth muscle fibers, collagen and elastic fibers

    31. In hypovolemia, what is the main liver function to correct homeostasis?

    A. Blood reservoir

    b. Secrete erythropoietin

    c. Produce RBC

    d. Destroy RBC

    32. At which semester does the liver function as a producer of RBC?

    A. 1st

    b. 2nd

    c. 3rd

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    33. RBC is destroyed in the liver. Which cell destroys RBC?

    A. Hepatocyte

    b. Endothelial cell

    c. Lymphocyte

    d. Kupffer

    34. What is the function of mucin-like substance (component of bile)

    A. Protection

    b. Nutrition

    c. Waste product

    35. The following are constituent of bile except?

    A. Water

    b. Lecithin

    c. Albumin

    d. Alkaline phosphatase

    36. The body of pancreas is related posteriorly to the formation of portal vein. [T/F]

    37. The head of pancreas is supplied by the superior and inferior pancreatico-duodenal

    arteries. [T/F]

    38. The ampulla of Vater opens into the third part of duodenum. [T/F]

    39. The head is related posteriorly to the IVC, renal veins and common bile duct. [T/F]

    40. The uncinate process and lower part of the head drain into the main pancreatic

    duct. [T/F]

    41. Which organelle is responsible for the basophilic staining of peripheral pancreatic

    acini ?

    A. Mintochondria

    B. Zymogen granules

    C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

    D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

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    42. What is the functional unit of the liver?

    A. Portal lobule

    B. Liver acinus

    C. Classical hepatic lobule

    D. Portal tract

    43. The secretory acini of the parotid gland is purely of mucous type. [T/F]

    44. All the cells below are present in the neck region of fundic gland EXCEPT :-

    A. Oxyntic cell

    B. Stem cell

    C. Mucous neck cell

    D. Entero-endocrine cell

    45. The most numerous lingual papillae present in the tongue is

    A. Fungiform

    B. Filiform

    C. Circumvallate

    D. Folliate

    46. All of the following are not true about bile salts EXCEPT:-

    a. Hepatocytes synthesize about 0.2-0.4mg bile salts per day

    b. Lithocholate is relatively insoluble

    c. Lithocholate is mostly excreted in urine

    d. 90% of bile salts enter the colon and converted into salts of deoxycholic acid and

    lithocholic acid

    47. Functions of bile salts:-

    a. Activate lipase enzyme

    b. Facilitate water soluble vitamins and carotenes

    c. Ability to dissolve soluble fatty acid in water

    d. Direct antiseptic effect

    48. Factors that control bile secretion :-

    I. Bile pigments are the most powerful choleretics

    II. Secretin increasing its water and bicarbonate content

    III. Parasympathetic stimulation decrease bile secretion

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    IV. Increase intrahepatic vascular pressure will stop bile secretion

    a. I and II

    b. I,II and IV

    c. II and III

    d. II and IV

    49. Micelles :

    a. Formed of cylindrical water-insoluble disk

    b. Contain fatty acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol only

    c. Provide mechanism for their transport to enterocytes

    d. Dissolved in liver

    50. Cholagogues are

    I. Gall bladder evacuants

    II. Stimulants for bile secretion

    III. Relax sphincter of Oddi

    IV. MgSO4 is not a true cholagogues

    a. I and III

    b. II, III, and IV

    c. I and IV

    d. I,III, and IV

    e. III and IV

    51. Enterically transmitted hepatitis virus are

    A. HAV and HEV

    B. HBV, HCV, HDV

    C. HAV only

    D. HBV and HDV

    52. HAV causes severe chronicity in all age and mostly end by death [T/F]

    53. Virus particles of HAV are found in saliva and transmitted by air. [T/F]

    54. Anti-HAV IgG rises 3-6 weeks later and and gives passive immunity. [T/F]

    55. Detection of anti-HAV IgM are used to confirm the diagnosis of acute hepatitis A.


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    56. The normal concentration of bile pigments are :-

    a. 0.20.8 g/100ml plasma

    b. 0.20.8 mg/dL plasma

    c. 0.02

    0.08 mg/dL plasma

    d. 0.020.08 g/100ml plasma

    57. All of the following are about the bile pigments EXCEPT :-

    a. Bilirubin is the end product of hemoglobin and myoglobin metabolism

    b. It has digestive function

    c. The bilirubin combines with the albumin to form water insoluble compound called


    d. Cholebilrubin is catalyzed by glucoronyl transferase enzyme in the liver

    58. Which one of the following is true regarding jaundice

    a. bluish discoloration of the skin, sclera and mucous membrane.

    b. detected clinically when the serum of bilirubin is between 0.8-2mg/100ml

    c. in hemolytic jaundice, the color of the urine is found to be dark brown

    d. there are three types of jaundice discovered until now

    59. What are the possible causes of post hepatic jaundice?

    a. Excessive hemolysis of the RBC

    b. Disturbance of the intracellular protein conjugation

    c. Stone in the lumen of the bile duct that leads to its complete obstruction

    d. Mild obstruction of intrahepatic canaliculi

    60. Regarding the fate of stercobilinogen :-

    a. Urobilinogen is responsible for the normal color of the urine

    b. 2/3 of the total amount of stercobilinogen is reabsorbed by the enterohepatic


    c. In the feces, of stercobilinogen is lost in the oxidized form

    d. The brown color of stool, is caused by the oxidized form of stercobilinogen that

    occur in the intestinal lumen or after exposure to the atmosphere.

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    1. C ; page 70

    2. A ; page 71

    3. D ; page 71

    4. B ; page 72

    5. C ; page 72

    6. B ; page 32

    7. B ; page 32

    8. C ; page 36

    9. D ; page 37

    10. A ; page 37

    11. B ; page 97

    12. B ; page 93

    13. C ; page 94

    14. C ; page 94

    15. C ; page 95

    16. C ; page 74

    17. C ; page 75

    18. D ; page 75

    19. B ; page 76

    20. E ; page 78

    21. False ; page 90

    22. False ; page 90

    23. C ; page 91

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    24. False ; page 91

    25. Six ; page 92

    26. B ; page 132

    27. D ; page 134

    28. D ; page 134

    29. D ; page 135

    30. C ; page 138

    31. B ; reference prof

    32. A ; ref pg 42

    33. D ; ref pg 42

    34. A ; ref prof

    35. C ; pg 44

    36. False ; Pg 100 ; the neck of pancreas

    37. True ; pg 101

    38. False ; pg 101 ; the second part of duodenum

    39. True ; pg 99

    40. False ; pg 101 ; drain to the accessory duct

    41. C ; page 131

    42. B ; page 136

    43. False ; page 130

    44. D ; page 113

    45. D ; page 106

    46. B ; page 45

    47. A ; page 45-47

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    48. D ; page 47

    49. C ; page 46

    50. D ; page 49

    51. A ; page 61

    52. False ; page 61

    53. False ; page 61

    54. False ; page 61

    55. True ; page 62

    56. B ; page 50

    57. B ; page 50

    58. D ; page 53

    59. C ; page 53

    60. D ; page 51