Qingdao S S I Q International School Shandong · Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong...


Transcript of Qingdao S S I Q International School Shandong · Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong...

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School HandbookRevised 11/26/07


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Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1School DescriptionMission-Philosophy-Theme-Values and ESLR’SStudent Body Profile

Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3CriteriaHow to apply

Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Behavior Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Student Code of ConductTardinessEnglish Only BullyingPersonal Electronic EquipmentDress CodeAcademic HonestyBehavior Management

Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Homework Standards of Acceptable WorkStudent BindersDaily PlannersLockers

Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10CafeteriaTransportation Health CareStudent StoreLost and Found

Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12CounsellingEnglish Language SupportHome-School CommunicationsLearning Support CenterLibraryInformation Technology Center

Safety and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Emergency EvacuationFire SafetySecurityVisitorsPlayground SafetyParent InvolvementPAC Committee

Testing & Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Testing PhilosophyStandardized TestingStar Testing6 + 1 TraitsKey AssignmentsProgress Reports and Report Cards

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School Description

Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province, known commonly as Qingdao International School Shandong (QISS), was founded by Mayor Xia on August 05, 2007. The school opened its doors on August 16, 2007 to students in grades preK-12. Approximately 215 students from over 20 nationalities are currently enrolled. The school’s official registered name indicates the importance the Qingdao Municipal Government assigns to QISS and its vision to develop it into a premier, Western-style international school that will enhance the city’s overall investment climate.

Although newly founded, QISS has its roots under a former entity that was established in August, 1998. Over ninety percent of the faculty and administration, including the headmaster of the former school, were the founding members of QISS. Most of the original students who first enrolled at QISS came from the former school. The school’s mission statement remains the same as before and the English-language based, college preparatory, secular, educational program remains on the same developmental path as before. The school’s accreditation status with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) was transferred to QISS from the former entity. The school is registered on WASC’s website directory of accredited schools under the name of Qingdao International School Shandong (QISS).

The purpose of the school is to meet the educational needs of children of the expatriate community in Qingdao and enable them to gain acceptance to the finest schools and universities throughout the world. Although QISS is wholly owned by the Chinese government, the government has pledged not to interfere in the management of the Western-style international educational program. The Qingdao Education Bureau has assured the expatriate community that QISS will enjoy conditions that will allow it to develop into one of the best international schools in China and throughout the world.

QISS is temporarily being housed on the campus of the No. 2 Middle School in the Laoshan District of Qingdao. A 109 mu parcel of prime land has been selected for the new campus that is located about two kilometers from its current site. Completion of the new campus is anticipated before the end of 2008. The school’s master plan will enable it to one day enroll up to 2,000 students in grades preK-12.

Mission StatementIt is the mission of Qingdao International School to provide a challenging academic program that develops the core character traits of vitality, courage, sensitivity, intelligence and compassion.

Theme “Developing a Mindful Heart”

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Expected School wide Learning Results (ESLRs)

1. Demonstrate Strong Academic Skills• MeetStandardsandbenchmarksincoreacademicsubjects• Demonstratereflectionandcriticalthinkingskills• Communicateeffectivelyindiverseformatssuchasart,musicanddrama• DevelopbasiccompetencyinMandarinandanappreciationofChineseculture

2. Become Self-Directed Learners• ListenActivelyandfollowdirections• Askrelevantquestions• Completeassignmentsontime• Demonstrateeffectiveresearchskills• Demonstrateinitiativeonindependentandgroupprojects• Self-assessandsetpersonalgoals

3. Work Collaboratively in Diverse Groups• Collaboratewithpeopleofdifferentages,gendersandethnicities,religiousandculturalbackgrounds• Collaboratewithotherstoachieveacommongoal

4. Use Information Technology Proficiently• Usetechnologyasatooltoresearchandproblemsolve• Usetechnologytoproduceproductsofuseorvaluetooneselfandothers• Usetechnologytoenhancecommunication

5. Demonstrate Vitality, Courage, Intelligence, Sensitivity, and Compassion• Demonstrateenthusiasm,activeparticipationandahealthyattitude• Demonstratetheabilitytotakereasonablerisksandpushbeyondone’slimits• Empathizewithothers• DemonstratecareandprotectionoftheEarth• Demonstratetolerance,careandconcernforthelessfortunate

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QISS accepts applications and can admit qualified new students throughout the school year. Expatriate students living in Qingdao with their parents or legal guardians and interested in pursuing a rigorous, college preparatory, English-medium education are invited to apply. Our intention is to admit both the best-qualified students and those who will enhance the cultural diversity of the school.

Interested parents are invited to contact the Director of Admissions by email, fax or phone. This initial contact will assist with clarification of the admission process and/or for scheduling a school tour. By arranging a time for your tour in advance, you can be sure that we will be available when you arrive at the school.

Contact: Mr. David Addicott Phone: (86-532) 8890 9801Fax: (86-532) 8890 8876email: [email protected]

Postal Address: Qingdao No.1 International School of ShandongInside No. 2 Middle School70 Songling Road Qingdao, China 266061

Admissions PolicyQISS seeks to attract and retain a diverse group of students who are capable of meeting the demands of a rigorous English-medium academic program and are committed to the school’s Mission and Theme.

1. Only children of the expatriate community are eligible for admission; this includes Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

2. Grade Level Placement: Pre-Kindergarten: A child must be three (3) years of age by September 1st. Kindergarten: A child must be five (5) years of age by September 1st. Exceptions may be made for children with September/October birthdays on a case-by-case basis. Grades 1-12: Children will be placed in the most appropriate grade based upon age and prior

education. Children may be moved either up or down a grade level based on teacher and counselor recommendations, and after consultation with the parents, principal, and director. The administration reserves the right to determine the most appropriate grade for each student. Children over eighteen years of age will not be considered for admission.

3. QISS will only consider applicants who reside with their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) in


4. QISS is not able to provide services to students with learning difficulties, emotional disturbance, or a physical handicap that prevents them from independently participating in most academic and non-academic subjects. Therefore, these types of students will not be admitted to QISS.

5. QISS will not consider new student applications for grades 6-12 after the start of the 4th quarter except under special circumstances.

6. Acceptable applicants for grades that are full will be placed on a wait list . When a space in that grade becomes available, QISS will select the most suitable student from the wait list, based on the school’s priorities and needs of the grade under consideration.

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7. Applicants who do not meet the minimum level of English proficiency required for admission may request a second opportunity to test after 3 months. If such students still do not meet the minimum standard, they must wait to re-apply again for the next school year. Applicants deemed unsuitable for admission for any other reason must also wait to re-apply for the following school year.

8. For ALL new students who enroll at QISS, the school reserves the right to evaluate that student’s grade placement and overall suitability during the first thirty (30) days of enrollment. If the school determines that the grade placement was incorrect, the student will be moved to the appropriate level. If the school determines that it cannot provide an adequate program for that student, it may cancel the admission contract and refund the unused portion of the tuition and bus fee. The registration fee is non-refundable.

9. Retraction of Admission -- in general admission may be retracted whenever a student no longer meets the minimum standards for admission, is failing to meet minimum grade level standards, or in any of the following specific situations:a. Admission may be retracted in the case of a serious or potentially contagious illness, a physical

or learning disability, or behavioral problems for which QISS does not have the specialized personnelorresourcesnecessarytodeliveranappropriateoreffectiveinstructionalprogram.

b. A student’s admission may be retracted due to an expulsion that resulted from acts that, in the judgment of the administration, are in gross violation of established school rules and regulations.

c. Theadministrationmayretractadmissionafterconcludingthatitseffortstodeliveraneffectiveprogram have been unsuccessful due to a lack of specialized personnel or resources, and that it isinthebestinterestofthestudentinquestiontoseekamoreeffectiveprogramelsewhere.

d. The administration may retract admission for failure to pay tuition or fees when payment is more than thirty (30) days late without prior written authorization from the QISS administration and after repeated reminders have been given.

e. The administration may retract admission if the parents do not reside with the student and fail to provide a suitable guardian or if parents have willfully falsified the school records submitted with their application.

f. The administration may also exercise its prerogative as a private school to retract admission if a student’s parent engages in any behavior or repeated criticism or harassment of a QISS staffmemberthatisdeemedbytheadministrationtobeunjustlydamagingtothepersonalorprofessional reputation of the individual in question, to be in violation of that individual’s right to be treated in a decent and fair manner, or to be unjustly damaging to the reputation of the school. Examples of parent’s behavior that could lead to retraction of a student’s admission are:1. Repeated, willful disrespect for the school policies and regulations.2. Slander or defamation of character through rumor or innuendo, directed at the school or

individual personnel.3. Repeated, willful interference with the administration of the school or implementation of

the curriculum.4. Religious proselytizing or engaging in other activities in violation of PRC laws.5. Demonstration of racial, religious and/or ethnic intolerance.6. Demonstration of disrespect for Chinese customs and/or beliefs.7. Engaging in inappropriate advances of a personal and/or sexual nature toward students or

employees of QISS.

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General InformationAttendance

Punctuality and attendance are important habits for students to develop and maintain. QISS recommends that, except in the case of illness – particularly contagious illness, vomiting, or fever, recognized religious holidays, family emergencies or serious conditions, your child should be in school and arrive on time.

Family vacations and other non-educational activities should be planned so that they do not interfere with school attendance. Student absence due to family vacations and travel is strongly discouraged as it is disruptive to student learning. Teachers do not provide work in advance of such absences. Any work missed must be made up promptly upon returning to school.

Excessive tardiness and absenteeism is monitored, and as necessary, administration will contact parents. Please respect the importance of the school day by insuring your child’s daily attendance and timely arrival.

Prolonged absence due to illness may result in the student having to repeat a grade level.

In the event of absence: It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school when a child is going to be absent. It is QISS policy that any “un-notified absence” will result in a call from the school and will be classified as “unexcused.”

In the event of early sign-out: early sign-out from school is discouraged; however, we realize there are times when this will occur. Please send a note in advance to alert us of the need to sign your child out early from school.

Regular attendance is a necessity for students to progress in their studies. In order to receive grade level credit or to advance to the next grade level, students must satisfy the attendance requirement.

More than 6 absences per quarter, or 12 per semester for any reason may result in the loss of credit and no grade (NG) on the report card.

An excused absence is defined as the following:• PersonalIllnessorInjury(requiresanotefromaphysicianand/orparent).• MedicalorDentalproblems(requiresanotefromaphysicianand/orparent).• Deathintheimmediatefamily• Attendanceatafuneral• ReligiousHolidays• Otheremergenciesorunusualcircumstancesasapprovedbytheadministration.

Please Note:• AfamilyvacationisNOTconsideredasanexcusedabsence.• Teachersarenotobligatedtooffermake-uptestsorprepareanylessonsforstudentswhomissschool

as a result of an unexcused absence.

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Behavior Expectations

Student Code of ConductStudentsareexpectedtobepoliteandrespectfultoallfellowQISSstudents,teachersandstaffmembers,regardlessof age, gender, race, ethnic origin or religion.

Students are expected to respect school property at all times, including but not limited to: buses, lockers, textbooks, desks and chairs, bulletin boards, science and/or lab equipment, computer equipment, camera or other technology equipment, and all sports equipment. Students who fail to comply will be asked to pay for any equipment destroyed, damaged or defaced. Disciplinary action will also be implemented.

TardinessAll students are expected to be at school on time each morning and ready to learn. School begins at 8:30 A.M. Students will be marked absent if they are not in homeroom at 8:30. They must go to the school office to have this absence changed to a “tardy”.

Students who enter the school building after the start of homeroom must go directly to the office to get a late slip. If students do not have a note from parent(s) and/or guardian(s) explaining their tardiness, it will be marked as unexcused tardiness.

In the Upper School, if a student is tardy three times to any class, he or she will have to serve a lunch detention.

English-Only QISS provides an English Learning Environment for several reasons:

1. To promote the school-wide goal of improved English Communication.2. To reduce teasing, swearing and bullying.3. To build community and promote inclusion through the use of a common language.4. The majority of our community wants an English-Only Policy.

Students are expected to speak English when:A. they are in any school buildings at any time (even during recess or lunch).B. they are moving between school buildings.C. they are eating lunch in the cafeteria.

Students ARE PERMITTED to speak in their native language:A. during recess and lunch, but only when outside of all school buildings (including the cafeteria).B.whentheyhavebeengivenpermissiontodosobyaQISSteacherorstaff member.

Monitoring the English-Only PolicyAt the Upper School level, if any student speaks any language other than English at a time when not permitted todoso,theywillbeissuedaredcardbyateacherorstaffmember.Thestudentwillimmediatelygotothemainoffice and hand the card to the person responsible in the office. The violation will be recorded, and the card will be stamped, signed, and returned to the student. The student must immediately return the card to the teacher or staffmemberwhoissuedthecard.

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Consequences for Violation of the English-Only PolicyEnglish Only at a Glance – Renewed Each Semester

One Violation = Warning and Note homeTwo Violations = Note Home and Lunch DetentionThree Violations = Parent NotificationFour Violations = In-School Suspension

The English-Only policy is also enforced in the Lower School, where each grade level teacher provides proper guidelines and incentives that are age appropriate.

Bullying QINGDAO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IS A BULLY FREE ZONE!All QISS students are expected to promote an environment of inclusion, respect, and support among all fellow students.Allstudents,teachersandstaffareexpectedtocontributetoalearningenvironmentthatissafe,secure,and free from bullying, intimidation, or harassment.

Personal Electronic EquipmentThe use of phones, MP3 players, video games, and any other electronic equipment with no educational value shall not be permitted in any of the school buildings at any time. When students enter school in the morning, they are requiredtoturnofftheirphones,MP3players,videogames,andotherelectronicequipmentandplacethemeitherin their lockers or keep them out of sight at all times.

Students are permitted to use phones and MP3 players only outside during break times.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in disciplinary actions according to the QISS discipline protocol.

Dress CodeStudentsareexpectedtodressappropriatelyforschoolatalltimes.Clothingshouldnotbedistractingoroffensiveto others, nor should it cause any disruption of the functioning of the school.

Any extremely brief attire is not appropriate. Some examples include, but are not limited to: short shorts, short skirts,baremidriffclothing,halters,backlesstops,“lowcut”tops,“muscle”shirts,form-fittingorspandexclothing.Students are not permitted to wear excessively ripped or torn clothing.

Clothing or jewelry that advertises or promotes drug/alcohol and/or tobacco use, is not permitted.


Students are only permitted to wear hats during break time or during lunchtime, but only when outside of all school buildings.

Students who do not comply with these guidelines will be expected to change, and in some instances may incur disciplinary action according to the QISS discipline protocol and/or be sent home.

Public Displays of AffectionOverlyintimatepublicdisplaysofaffectionarenotpermitted.

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Academic Honesty

Cheating and PlagiarismCheating and/or Plagiarism may result in a zero score for the assignment.

What is Plagiarism? (Source: Fenton Community High School, IL, USA)Plagiarism occurs when material is presented as though it is original, when it actually comes from an outside source. Plagiarism is stealing another person’s ideas about a subject, his/her method of presenting or organizing his/her ideas, or the actual work itself. Plagiarism includes the following:

• failuretoidentifywithquotationmarks,wordsorsymbolscopiedfromanothersource• failure tonote in a footnote or a phrase, the author and/or source ofmaterial used inwritingor

speaking• failuretoprovideabibliographyforawrittenororalreportthatrequiresresearch• theuseofanothersource’sideasorplanasthebasisofaproject,reportorcomposition• the use of another person’swords or ideas as one’s own for homework, speeches, themes, poems,

musical compositions, art work, projects, computer software, and the like.

What is Cheating? (Source: Fenton Community High School, IL, USA)Cheating can include copying another student’s work or allowing work to be copied by another student using illegal notes or “cheat sheets”, or in any way obtaining answers for questions from an outside source in a test taking situation.

What Should QISS Students Do?1. Students are expected to turn in their own work2. Students are expected to appropriately acknowledge material used from other sources4. Students are not expected to copy another’s work unless given permission to do so5. Students are not expected to cheat on their assignments, quizzes or tests


Homework As a general guideline, students in:

- Lower School should be completing approximately 15-50 minutes of homework each evening.- Middle School should be completing approximately 30-60 minutes of homework each evening.- High School should be completing approximately 60 to 120 minutes of homework each evening.

All students are expected to complete all of their own homework assignments.

Homework, assignments, and projects are expected to be turned in on time. Unexcused late homework will be given no credit (Upper School). Long-term assignments and projects will be deducted 10% each day that they are late down to 50% (Upper School)

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All students must meet QISS Standards of Acceptable Work with all of their homework assignments unless stated otherwise by individual subject teachers.

Standards of Acceptable WorkAll QISS students are expected to produce high standards of academic work. Unorganized, sloppy, thrown together assignments will not be accepted and will need to be redone until subject teachers feel that they meet standards. All students will receive training on acceptable standards of work during the first week of school.

Teachers will only accept assignments that meet the following criteria:• AllassignmentsmustbeneatlycompletedonA4paper.• Allassignmentsmusthavethestudent’sname,dateandclasssubjectintheupperrighthandcornerof

the page.

Student BindersEach Upper School student at QIS will be issued one binder, subject dividers, and A4 lined paper. Students will be trained how to properly use and maintain their binders by their homeroom teachers during the first week of school.

All students are required touse thebinder and the subjectdividers in aneffort to remainwellorganizedandprepared for every class. All student work should be organized by date and neatly filed in their binders. All students should bring their binders and their daily planners to every class unless instructed to do otherwise by individual subject teachers. Students are responsible for maintaining their binders throughout the school year.

Daily PlannersGood organization is the building block for all learning. Daily planners help students become more organized, and assist them with managing their time.

All students at QISS will be issued a daily planner for recording homework, test dates, quiz dates, projects, and so forth. Students are encouraged to use the QISS planner, but all students MUST use a planner of some sort .

Planners must be used on a daily basis to record all assignments, tests and quizzes, announcements, and any upcoming events. Planners may also be used by teachers for communicating with parents. If planners are lost or damaged, they can be replaced for a fee.

LockersAll students in the Upper School will be issued a locker. Locker assignments will be allotted according to grade level. All locker assignments are final. Students may not share lockers with other students. All students are encouraged to keep their lockers in good order, with books, papers, and belongings placed neatly inside. It is the student’s responsibility to periodically clean out his/her locker to ensure that it is in good condition at all times. The student to whom the locker is assigned is responsible for the condition of the locker, both interior and exterior. Lockers should never be banged, kicked, written on or otherwise defaced. A fine and/or other disciplinary measures will be assessed for locker damage or defacement. No items should be left on top of the lockers; they will be removed promptly.

Locker KeysStudents are responsible for keeping their locker key in a safe place and are encouraged to make use of a key chain of some sort. If students lose their locker keys, they will have to go to the office and pay for a new key. The cost of a new locker key is 10 RMB.

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If students break their key, or if they break the lock to their locker, they will have to pay 20 RMB to have a new lock installed in the locker.

Theofficestaffisnotresponsibleforopeninglockersforstudentsintheeventofamisplaced,forgotten,lostorbroken key. If this situation presents itself, student will have to make it through the school day without using their lockers.Onlyunderveryspecialcircumstances,andonlyiftimepermits,willtheofficestaffopenalockerforastudent.Thisisentirelyuptothediscretionoftheofficestaffmemberresponsibleforlockerkeys

Student Services

Cafeteria RulesQISSoperatesaschoolcafeteriaandallstudentsreceivelunchpreparedbytrainedcafeteriaStaff.Theschoolcafeteriaprovides an appetizing and varied menu that appeals to our multicultural population. Food is prepared according to hygienic standards and the menu is designed with an understanding of healthy, nutritional requirements. Parents should notify the school at the time of admissions if their child has specific nutritional needs.

Students will line up for lunch according to the order that they enter the cafeteria. It is not permitted to cut in line, or to reserve a space in line for any other students. Students are expected to use good manners and keep their voices to conversation levels. No one is permitted to play with or throw food at any time.

Remember: The cafeteria is an English Only Zone

TransportationQISS provides student bus service to and from school. Buses arrive at school between 8:15 A.M. and 8:30 P.M. each day. Afternoon buses depart at approximately 3:40 P.M. A 4:30 bus service is available to take students home from after school activities. It is important that students and parents are familiar with the scheduled routes and stops.

Safety of students is a priority concern at QISS; therefore all students are expected to follow the bus rules and regulations very carefully. Students will not be allowed to change buses to go to a friend’s house or stay after school unless the office is notified in writing or by a telephone call from the parents no later than 12:00 noon on the day of change.

1. Students are expected to be on time at the bus stop.2. Students must listen to the bus monitors directions and instructions at all times.3. Students are required to wear seatbelts at all times.4. Students are required to remain in their seats until the bus has come to a complete stop.5. Students must use low-level conversation voices on the bus at all times. Loud voices and yelling are not

permitted, as they could easily distract the bus driver.6. Students are required to keep their hands and any other body extremities inside the bus at all times7. Students are not permitted to eat or drink on the bus at any time.8. Students are not permitted to vandalize the bus.9. Students may only ride their assigned bus.10. Students in grades PreK-2 must be accompanied to and from the bus stop.11. Students in grades 3-5 must be accompanied to and from the bus stop unless they have written

permission to walk alone.

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Riding the bus is a privilege. All children are expected to obey the rules and to recognize that the school bus monitors are in charge. Continued unacceptable behavior will result in a suspension of the student’s bus privi-leges. Please help us by discussing bus safety and appropriate behavior with your child.

Health CareSchool health services are maintained to appraise and promote the health of students. A log is kept of all treatment and parents are notified in the event of any illness or injury.

Parents are asked to notify the school nurse of any infectious diseases or any change in the health status of a student, e.g. a vaccination, illness or operation. It is important for parents to keep students at home if they are sick. By following this protocol we are able to maintain a healthy environment for all and minimize infections.Exclusion periods for the following illnesses/conditions are:

Fever A temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius in considered a fever. Persons with a fever should not attend school.

Measles 7 days from appearance of rashGerman Measles 5-days from appearance of rashChicken Pox 5 days from appearance of rashMumps 10 days from onset of symptomsImpetigo Until fully recovered and approved by treating doctorHead Lice Until hair is treated

Injuries: In the event of a serious injury or illness, the nurse will contact the parents or guardian so the student can be transported to a medical center or hospital for further attention. The nurse or a designated person will accompany the student to the hospital or clinic and meet the parent there.

Medical Records: It is very important that the school office has complete, updated medical records for all students. Parents are required to complete the QISS medical questionnaire annually. If there are any changes during the school year regarding a student’s medical status, please notify the school nurse so they can update the medical information.

Student Store Student government runs a student snack bar and store to help fund student activities. Only upper school students are allowed to purchase from the student store.

Lost and FoundThe lost and found box is located in the main office. Items that are not claimed are given to charity. Students should clearly label all personal belongings.

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Support Services

QISS Counseling ProgramThe QISS Counseling Program seeks to enable each student to develop socially, emotionally, and intellectually and to become a responsible and productive individual and world citizen. QISS counseling services are available to all students, parents and staff. Counseling services are provided in an atmosphere of confidentiality and respect for the culture and beliefs of each individual.

Elementary Counseling ServicesIn Elementary School the Counselor works with Students:

• individuallytopromoteconfidenceandappropriatebehavior.• insmallgroupstopromoteapositiveschooladjustmentandappropriatesocialskills,and• inclassroomstopromotepositiveattitudes,respectforothers,responsiblebehavior,self-control,and

communications skills.

The Counselor helps Parents by:• promotingpositivepartnershipsbetweenhomeandschool,• consultingonissuesaffectingtheirchild’sdevelopment,and• makingreferralstocommunitybasedservicesandtutoring.

The Counselor also helps by:• ensuringthatstudentsareplacedinthemostappropriatelearningenvironment,• givingteachersinformationandstrategiestoensurestudentsuccess,and• promotingapositiveschoolclimate.

The Middle School Counseling ProgramIn Middle School the Counselor works with students:

• individuallytohelpwithacademic,social/emotional,orbehavioraldifficulties,• insmallgroupstoresolveconflictsandimprovepeerrelationships,and• tosmoothtransitionsintoandoutofQISS.

The Counselor helps Parents by:• consultingonissuesaffectingtheirchild’sacademic,social,oremotionalgrowth,• facilitatingpositivecommunicationbetweenhomeandschool,and• referringtotutorsandlocalmentalhealthserviceproviders.

The Counselor also helps by:• workingwithteacherstosupportstudents’academic,social,andemotionalgrowth,and• promotingapositivelearningenvironmentthroughouttheschool.

The High School Counseling ProgramIn High School the Counselor helps students prepare for the future by:

• planningacademicprogramsforgrades9-12,• exploringcareerinterestsandpossibilities,and• preparingforcollegeadmissionstestingandtheadmissionprocess.

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The Counselor supports academic growth by:• assistingstudentswithstrategiestoaddressacademicproblems,• coordinatingwithteacherstoenhanceacademicsuccess,and• recommendingtutorsfromthecommunity.

The Counselor supports personal growth and development by:• assistingstudentswithadjustmentissues,• providingshorttermpersonalcounseling,and• consultingwithteachersandparentsconcerningstudents’social/emotionalneeds.

Overview of the QISS English Language Support ProgramLower School (PreK – 5): Students with beginning to intermediate English proficiency for their grade level may be admitted, provided there are spaces available for them into our Language Support Program. Students receiving support may be given one period of English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction in lieu of mainstream Language Arts instruction and/or one period of ESL instead of Chinese language class. In addition, ESL teachers are available for support in the regular classrooms during Math, Social Studies and Science. Since research indicates that the pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms provide an optimal environment for learning English, students at these levels generally do not receive additional English language support.

Middle School (6-8)Beginning in grade 6, students at QISS are expected to meet all of the mainstream standards leading to graduation. For this reason, successful Middle School applicants must demonstrate at least intermediate English language proficiency for their grade level, based on a reading test, writing sample and oral interview, prior to acceptance at QISS. In order to facilitate further language development, Middle School students will be enrolled in a communication skills class that meets daily. This class will take the place of an elective course.

High School (9-12) By the time non-native English speaking students reach grade 9, they are expected to be able to successfully participate in all of their classes with a minimum of English language support. Therefore, High School applicants must demonstrate at least upper-intermediate to proficient English language skills for their grade level, based on a reading test, writing sample and oral interview, prior to acceptance at QISS. In order to further boost English skills, all students will be enrolled in a daily communication skills class in place of one of their electives.

Home-School CommunicationQISS uses a variety of strategies to ensure that parents remain informed of student progress and aware of school events. The school relies heavily, though not exclusively, upon email in keeping parents up-to-date on information throughout the year. In addition, the QISS website (www.qiss.org.cn) provides 24 hour access to information, and the school newsletter – the QISS Explorer, is published and emailed to all parents bi-monthly. It is each parent’s responsibility to read all communications from the school in a timely manner. Please make sure the school has a valid email address for your family.

In the Lower School, the students’ Daily Planners are an integral part of the home-school communication. Parents are expected to daily check and respond to teacher comments.

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LibraryTheQISSlibraryoffersawideselectionofbooks,videos,andmagazines.HelpingstudentslearntoreadandlovereadingisateameffortatOISS.TheLibrarystaffwelcomescontactfromparentsandisavailabletosupportthereading needs of the QISS community.

The library is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:40 P.M. Borrowing books from the library is a privilege. Parents are asked to help their children be responsible borrowers by encouraging them to keep books in good condition and return them on time. Any resource that is not returned to the library within 14 days becomes overdue. Notices will be sent home to remind borrowers to return the item before new resources may be borrowed. If materials are damaged or lost, users will be charged for their replacement.

Information Technology CenterQISS provides access to various computer resources, our Local Area Network, and the Internet. These resources are available to enhance the learning process in a supportive school environment and to achieve quality-learning outcomes for our students. The school encourages students to become familiar with the use of Information Technology as one of our ESLRs

As responsible members of the school community, it is expected that all students and other members of the community follow and adhere to the guidelines established by the technology department.

Safety and Security

Emergency EvacuationEstablished procedures exist for staff and students to follow in the event of fire, earthquake or unauthorizedintrusion. There will not always be an alarm given; notice may be given verbally, therefore it is essential that each student know where to report in the case of a building evacuation In such circumstances, student safety is of extreme importance. In emergency situations, access for emergency vehicles is vital and parents are therefore asked to ensure the school entry areas remain clear of vehicles at all times.

When an evacuation notice is given, students will use published evacuation routes, unless other directions are given.• Studentsinaclassneedtostaytogetherwiththeteacheroradultsupervisor.• Studentsaretowalkquicklyandquietlyoutofthebuilding.• Studentsaretoreporttothedesignatedareaforyourclasswheretheteacheroradultsupervisorwill

take roll and determine attendance.

Fire SafetyQISS has an appointed Fire Marshal who is continuously in the process of conducting thorough assessments of fire safety standards and procedures.

The School meets the following Chinese building fire code standards:• MonthlyfireandsafetyinspectionreportsinChineseandEnglisharerecorded.• Firedrill/evacuationproceduresareposted.

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• Bi-annualfiredrills–onescheduled,oneunscheduled.• Firedrillevaluationsarerecorded.• Evacuationmapsarepostedinallclassrooms.• Fireextinguishersandfirehosesarepresentthroughoutthebuilding.• Annualservicingoffireextinguishersandfirehosesaremaintained.• Smokedetectorsinallclassroomsandaroundbothbuildings.• Afirealarmsystemisinstalledwithinthebuilding.

SecurityQISS has 24 hour security service. All visitors must register at the main office and be issued a Visitor’s Pass.

VisitorsStudents wishing to bring guests other then their parent or guardian onto school grounds must first obtain permission by all relevant teachers for that day. All guests must abide by school rules and expectations.

Playground SafetyQISS utilizes the playground as a learning environment. It provides and promotes opportunities for students to engage in social interactions, physical exercise and imaginative play. QISS has a strong commitment to ensure that yourchildissafewhiletheyexploretheplaygroundenvironment.Schoolstaffispresentduringplaygrounduseand is there to monitor and ensure equipment is shared and used as it is designed. They are also responsible for resolving any issues that may arise. In the event of a student accident or injury, the school nurse will be contacted for medical assistance and will notify the student’s parents.

Parent InvolvementParents are encouraged to participate as partners in the education of their children and in the continuing development of the school. Many procedures are established to enable parents to be involved and informed about their child’s education.

Parent involvement can occur through a variety of avenues including:• Attendanceonfieldtrips• Classroominvolvement• Assistinginthelibrary• Assistingwithsportsandotherevents• Parent-TeacherConferences• ParentInformationEvenings• RoomParents

Parents can also contribute to the decision-making processes at QISS through volunteering on the QISS Parent AdvisoryCommittee.ParentsarealsoencouragedtoprovideinputandfeedbacktoQISSstaffthroughemailsorverbal communication.

PAC CommitteeQISS encourages parent involvement and reinforces home-school communication through the Parent Advisory Committee, also known as PAC. The PAC has two major functions and is divided into a Social Committee and an Education Committee. Membership consists of two members from each major language group (English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese).

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The major functions are outlined below:Social Committee Role• Assistwithorganizingschooleventssuchasthefallpicnic,bookfair,winterholidayprogram,and

entrepreneur’s day.• Assist in brining about school improvement and the development of goodwill within the

community.• Meetsasneededtoassistwithschoolevents.

Education Committee Role• Representparentopinionsformajororgeneralconcerns.• Facilitatecommunicationsbetweentheschoolandparentcommunityregardingpolicies,initiatives,

andschoolimprovementefforts.• Assist in brining about school improvement and the development of goodwill within the

community.• Meetsquarterlywithschooladministration.

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Testing & Assessment

Testing Philosophy1. Assessment should improve student learning, not just audit it.2. Assessment practices should serve to improve teaching.3. There should be clear alignment amongst learning standards, what is assessed and what is reported.4. Data from classroom and external assessments are essential tools for improving both the curriculum

and teaching practice.5. Information about student learning and progress must be collected in multiple ways. We believe

the most meaningful source of information to be student demonstrations of learning in authentic contexts. We call these performance assessments, or key assignments.

Evidence of learning is collected in four major ways:

External assessmentsTools designed outside of school to collect evidence of how our students compare to those in other similar schools.Examples:

• STARMath• STARReader

Frequency: 4x/year

Summative unit assessmentsTeacher-designed tasks, given after a “chunk” of learning has taken place, to assess achievement of unit standards.Examples:

• Products• Performances• Tests• QISS“KeyAssignments”

Frequency: as part of each unit; approx 20x/year

“Common” assessmentsTasks designed by a group of teachers, given to all students across a grade level.

Example:• Gradelevelwritingpromptsscored

with the 6+1 Traits RubricFrequency: 2x/year

Ongoing formative assessmentsTeacher-designed strategies for collecting evidence of standards while students are learning.Example:

• Observationofstudentsworking• Homework• RunningRecords• Quizzes

Frequency: daily and weekly

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standardized TestingQISS does standardized testing of reading and math skills four times per year with STAR Math and STAR Reader tests for grades 1-12. These tests are computer based and take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Student reports include percentile rank, as compared to American students in the same grade level.

6+1 Traits of WritingThe “6+1 Traits of Writing” framework was developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. It is an analytical model for assessing and teaching writing comprised of six + 1 key qualities that define strong writing. These are: Ideas, the heart of the message, Organization, the internal structure of the piece; Voice, the personal tone andflavoroftheauthor'smessage;WordChoice,thevocabularyawriterchoosestoconveymeaning;Sentence

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Fluency,therhythmandflowofthelanguage;Conventions,themechanicalcorrectness,andPresentation,howthe writing actually looks on the page. Student writing at every grade level is assessed throughout the year using scoring rubrics especially designed to measure performance using these qualities.

Key AssignmentsKey Assignments are relevant, performance based learning activities/assessments that require students to demonstrate their skills and abilities - rather than simply providing memorized, rote answers that take little in-depth thought and are usually forgotten by the time the day is over. Key Assignments are designed to close the gap between school lessons and meaningful skills needed in every day, real life. Strong projects encourage students at every grade level toreflectuponpastexperiencesandlearning,analyzedifferentapproachesforsolvingproblems,andsynthesizeconcepts from what they have learned.

Current research has shown that educational programs that focus on meaningful instruction (often referred to as “authentic instruction”) are more likely to instill in students the lifelong critical thinking skills that build a basis for future learning and enable students to evaluate what they learn both in and outside the classroom. In addition, when authentic instruction is incorporated into the classroom, isolated topics from the lesson are connected to the real world, which makes it easier for students to visualize and understand what they are learning. Authentic instruction and authentic assessments makes it all more meaningful because the lessons relate to real-life endeavors, capsulated through the performance of Key Assignments.

Authentic instruction and assessments via Key Assignments motivate students to invest in the hard work that learning requires, more so than traditional schooling that relies on repeated drills aimed at disconnected knowledge and skills. Through the Key Assignments, teachers convey high expectations for all students, including that it is necessary to take risks and try hard to master challenging academic work; that all members of the class can learn important knowledge and skills, and that a climate of mutual respect among all students contributes to achievement by all. “Mutual respect’ means that students with less skill or proficiency in a subject are treated in waysthatencouragetheireffortsandvaluetheircontributions.

QISS teachers have developed scoring rubrics to ensure that Key Assignments are assessed meaningfully.

Progress Reports/Report CardsProgress reportsProgress reports will be distributed four times a year during the middle of each quarter. Students are responsible for making sure that the progress reports are reviewed by their parent(s) and/or guardian(s) and returned to their homeroom teachers by the date specified on the progress reports. If parent(s) and /or guardian(s) have questions concerning the content of the progress reports, they may make an appointment to visit the teachers concerned.

Report cardsUpper School report cards are issued at the end of each quarter. Lower School report cards are issued after every 2 six week units. Students are responsible for making sure that the report cards are reviewed by their parent(s) and/or guardians. Report cards do not need to be returned to school.

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Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong70 Songling Road (Inside Qingdao No.2 Middle School Campus), Qingdao 266061 China

http://qiss.org.cn Tel: 86-532-8890-9802 Fax: 86-532-8890-8876