Qi Men Dun Jia Course Syllabus (Master Jo Ching)



This is a 3-Day complete course on Qi Men Dun Jia (Art of War + Feng Shui Date Selection + Magical QM) based on the San Yuan Zhi Run Method of Flying Palace. This course is conducted in English in Singapore. You can email [email protected] for more info.

Transcript of Qi Men Dun Jia Course Syllabus (Master Jo Ching)

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Page 2: Qi Men Dun Jia Course Syllabus (Master Jo Ching)

Qi Men Dun Jia, when it is translated to English, means Wondrous Doors Hiding

Jia. Jia (甲) is the leader that we would want to hide. Its application can be dated as far back to the Warring State when it was supposed to be only exclusively used by the emperor’s military strategist during wars to gain an upper hand or even to conquer the enemies based on both astronomical and astrological calculations. The civilians had absolutely no access to the study. This topic has been regarded as one of the most sophisticated Chinese metaphysics due to its complex model but powerful and almost instantaneous manifestation of results. Qi Men Dun Jia requires the users to have some fundamental understanding on the theories of Feng Shui, Date Selection and Bazi although one does not need to be highly skilled in those areas. The word “Qi” (奇) here is different from qi (气energy). Qi connotes oddity or strange and Men refers to door in Chinese but to put things in context, it actually means the energy governing human matters and there are 8 different types of Men. By the same token, there are 3 auspicious Qi or stems namely, Yi (乙), Bing (丙) and Ding (丁). Besides the Qi and Men, there are also other considering factors before deciding that that is the right timing to proceed in a specific direction to achieve the outcome that you want. For instance, in a Qi Men Dun Jia Chart, we should not overlook the importance of 9 stars, 8 Deities, 6 other stems and how they interact with the palaces. There are a total of 1080 charts or Ju throughout the year to rely on. Today, Qi Men Dun Jia is predominantly used for the following purposes:

i. Avoiding Negative Consequence and Ushering in Desired Outcome (趋避法) ii. Date Selection for Feng Shui Activities iii. Divination

Each of the above usage is a sub-system of the study of Qi Men Dun Jia and most practitioners today specialize only on one or two of the sub-systems.

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How does it benefit me? It is an exceptionally unique and amazing system that combines time and spatial dimensions to help you achieve good luck. Not only does Qi Men Dun Jia tell you the specific auspicious hour to execute the task, it also suggests to you which direction to take so that all the positive energies embrace you when you are heading towards your destination. While you walk, you will also encounter phenomenon that you would have already expected earlier on when you are working on the chart. For instance, say you are walking in the Northwest direction towards the building that you will be having your job interview, you can already foretell that at that specific moment, you will see 2 women quarreling on the street or a child wearing red will walk past. In Qi Men’s term, we call this the manifestation (克应) which in a way implies that living things are governed by the order of universe. The use of Qi Men Dun Jia is flexible because at every Chinese hour, it will switch to a different chart and prescribe to you the most appropriate direction to take for the desired outcome. This is important especially so when you do not have the liberty to choose the timing for your task. Hence, you then take on certain direction that will enhance your luck. About The Trainer

Master Jo Ching (庄裕善) advocates and practices

the San Yuan System Feng Shui (三元地理风水)

which is complete with Xuan Kong Da Gua

(64 Hexagrams) Feng Shui, the Da Gua Date Selection

technique (玄空大卦系统) and San Yuan Qi Men Dun

Jia (三元奇门遁甲)based on Early Heaven ba gua

arrangement. He is also skillful with the Xuan Kong

Flying Stars (玄空飞星) and Ba Zi (八字) systems.

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Reviews by some of our graduates: “What I like most about this course is the part on predicting phenomenon which is not taught elsewhere.” – Vladimir, Russia “Plenty of substance where most of them are not available from elsewhere. The Qi Men Dun Jia course information has definitely allowed me to have much more confidence in using the system. Jo Ching is humble and ready to share.” Hung Hin Cheong, Malaysia “Heard about this subject many years but really impressed with what Qi Men can do and the results it can create. Master Jo’s research over the years and willing to share and put in the course for benefit of 有缘人 to study and use Qi Men is what I like.” - Andrew Goh, Malaysia

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Qi Men Dun Jia Practitioner Course 刘伯温飞宫奇门遁甲(置闰法) Day 1 a. Introduction: Evolution of Qi Men Dun Jia Types of Qi Men System Our Source – Liu Bo Wen’s Flying Palace Qi Men b. Important Fundamentals: Understanding Qi Men’s and 24 Jie Qi What is Qi , Men and Yi 6 Xun Why only 3 Qi are used What makes up Qi Men Chart Yin and Yang Dun 1080 Charts c. Components of Qi Men Dun Jia: Heaven Plate Stems Earth Plate Stems 8 Doors and Attributes + Functions 9 Stars and Attributes + Functions 8 Deities and Attributes + Functions Purple White Stars d. Steps in Plotting Flying Palace Qi Men Chart

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Day 2 a. Important Qi Men Formations: • Combo of Heaven Plate & Earth Plate Stems • Specific function of each stem • Auspicious Formation & Application (English translation provided)

青龙回首 飞鸟跌穴 天遁/地遁/人遁/云遁/风遁/龙遁/虎遁/神遁/鬼遁 三奇得使 玉女守门 三奇贵人升殿 三诈 五假 奇仪相佐 天辅之时 欢怡 月奇悖师

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• Inauspicious Formation & Meanings (English translation provided)

青龙逃走 白虎猖狂 朱雀投江 腾蛇夭矫 太白入荧 荧入太白 岁格/月格/日格(伏干格)/时格/大格/上格/刑格/奇格/战格 三奇入墓 三奇受制 六仪击刑 天网四张 地网遮蔽 天乙伏宫格 天乙飞宫格 五不遇时 悖格 三奇受刑 门迫 宫迫

• Fan Yin Fu Yin • Counter in and Counter out of Doors and Palaces

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Day 3 a. Application: • How to build Energy Field before the “Battle” • How to use Qi Men Battle for daily events like: i. Negotiation ii. Sales Pitch iii. Seeking Noble People iv. Seeking Wealth and Investment v. Borrow Money vi. Job Interview vii. Examinations viii. Romance and Dating ix. Seeking Medical Help x. Travel

b. Predicting Phenomenon before the “Battle” [诸葛亮如何借东风] c. Application in Feng Shui date selection • Dos and Don’ts of Qi Men Date Selection • Applying Qi Men Formations for Feng Shui use (renovation, burial, move bed

and etc) d. Practical – Students will adjourn to apply Qi Men Dun Jia outside classroom to predict and observe Phenomenon. e. Fa Qi Men – How to use simple chant to find a carpark lot, taxi, escape from imminent danger, smooth travel, escape from wild dog and etc.

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What’s the difference between our QMDJ Course and others?

Flying Palace Qi Men (instead of Rotating) 刘伯温飞宫奇门 Follow San Yuan System – Upper, Middle, Lower Cycles Follow Zhi Run Fa 置闰法 (used by royal families) instead of Cai Bu Fa (拆补法)

so that Qi Men Calendar (360 days) is accurately aligned with Solar Calendar (365.2422 days)

Entails Purple White stars plate for Feng Shui application Powerful bilingual software with one-click to calculate phenomenon (save you

time to learn manual plotting of chart)

What’s the special skill you will walk away with?

how to use QMDJ in a 3-D manner, i.e., time and direction selection to usher good energy to help you succeed

how to create the "wow" effect of fore-telling phenomenon in advance (like

Zhu Ge Liang borrows eastern wind)

how to use Qi Men as a powerful date selection system for your feng shui activities to create result

How to predict weather by looking at eg, Day Stem and Hour Chief (windy,

rainy, gloomy, sunny and etc) Simple but accurate way to do divination (using software)

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Please email us at: [email protected] for enquiries on our courses and consultations. You can visit us at www.destinyasia.com.sg



奇门 相学
