.q;fr.3DtIuH - Vaagdharavaagdhara.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Vagdhara.pdffor total immunisation,...

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Transcript of .q;fr.3DtIuH - Vaagdharavaagdhara.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Vagdhara.pdffor total immunisation,...

Page 1: .q;fr.3DtIuH - Vaagdharavaagdhara.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Vagdhara.pdffor total immunisation, hand-washing, manufacturing vermi compost and developing kitchen gardens in houses.

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Page 2: .q;fr.3DtIuH - Vaagdharavaagdhara.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Vagdhara.pdffor total immunisation, hand-washing, manufacturing vermi compost and developing kitchen gardens in houses.


~. hlndustantlmes I rajasthan 1.05--

NeediestdistrictschosenforreliefHT Correspondent. [email protected]

JAlPUR:Braving the heat Savethe Children chairman HarpalSingh, and Save the Childr!!n'sChiefExecutive Officer,ThomasChandy, interacted with vil-lagers of the tribal-dominatedBanswara district onMonday.

Save the Children,an advo-cacy group working for pro-

i.,tectionofchildren'srights, haslaunched Aapno SwasthyaAapne Haath (oUr Health inOur Hands) programme inthree districts ofRajasthan forcatalysing community struc-tures to improve health andnutrition ofchildrenbelowfiveyear~ of age.

~ugh thisproject startedin 2008,Save the Childrenpro-poses to decrease the newbornand child mortality and childmalnutrition by increasingaccess to qualityhealth servic-es .andimprovinghealth prac-tices.

The project has targetedthree of the neediest districtsofRajasthan,Banswara,Churnand Tonk.

Members of the Men's Health

Committe~, Women's Health

. A programme has been launched to Improve the health and nutrition of chlldrev.

Committee and Baal Panchayatwelcomed the guests with beat-ing of drums and garlandirig atGarnavat village. Communityhealth worker Tulsi Devidescribed the progress in san-itary practices in the villagessince the project was launched

Harpal Singh evinced inter-est in getting information aboutthe use of newly built toilets inhouses, maintenance of ~lean-

liness around hand-pumps andthe habit for personal hygiene.He was happy to note thatawareness had been generatedfor total immunisation, hand-washing, manufacturing vermicompost and developing kitchengardens in houses. .

During the visit to HimmatSingh Ka Gadha village, the twodignitaries visited the Angan-wadi centre to interact with



workers and beneficiariesandsaw child-friendly toilets andnew hand-pump installationswith ground water rechargesystem.

While Chandy asked fordetails of menu of foodservedat Anganwadicentre,Joshipro-videddetailsofutilisationofthe

. project by the villagersandvalue addition to the commu-nity life.