qconsf 2013: Top 10 Performance Gotchas for scaling in-memory Algorithms - Srisatish

H2O – The Open Source Math Engine Better Predictions


Top 10 Performance Gotchas in scaling in-memory Algorithms Abstract: Math Algorithms have primarily been the domain of desktop data science. With the success of scalable algorithms at Google, Amazon, and Netflix, there is an ever growing demand for sophisticated algorithms over big data. In this talk, we get a ringside view in the making of the world's most scalable and fastest machine learning framework, H2O, and the performance lessons learnt scaling it over EC2 for Netflix and over commodity hardware for other power users. Top 10 Performance Gotchas is about the white hot stories of i/o wars, S3 resets, and muxers, as well as the power of primitive byte arrays, non-blocking structures, and fork/join queues. Of good data distribution & fine-grain decomposition of Algorithms to fine-grain blocks of parallel computation. It's a 10-point story of the rage of a network of machines against the tyranny of Amdahl while keeping the statistical properties of the data and accuracy of the algorithm. Track: Scalability, Availability, and Performance: Putting It All Together Time: Wednesday, 11:45am - 12:35pm

Transcript of qconsf 2013: Top 10 Performance Gotchas for scaling in-memory Algorithms - Srisatish

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H2O – The Open Source Math Engine !

Better Predictions!

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H2O – Open Source in-memory Machine Learning for Big Data

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Universe is sparse. Life is messy. Data is sparse & messy.!

- Lao Tzu

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Hadoop = opportunity Not enough Data Scientists Analysts won’t code java

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H2O the



Adhoc  Explora-on  

Math  Modeling  

Real-­‐-me  Scoring  

Big Data

Messy  NAs  




Ensembles 100’s nanos  



Group  By  Grep  

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H2O the



Big  Data  Explora-on  Modeling  Scoring  Real-­‐-me  


No New API!

Approximate!results each step!

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H2O the



Intellectual  Legacy  

 Math  needs    to  be  free  

 Open  Source  


Support and Innovation


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All Top 10ʼs are binary!- Anonymous

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Data chunks > code chunks TCP for Data. UDP for Control.

>> Generated Java Assist

10      Move Code not Data  

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JVM 4 Heap

JVM 1 Heap

JVM 2 Heap

JVM 3 Heap

A Frame: Vec[] age   sex   zip   ID   car  

l Vecs aligned in heaps l Optimized for concurrent access l Random access any row, any JVM

A Chunk, Unit of Parallel Access

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season for Variable-sized chunks

and a season Uniform chunks. Tightly-packed! (chunk is also unit of batch!)

9      Chunk-ing Express!  

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No Expensive intermediate states. Fine-grain parallelism wins! >> Fork / Join

8      Reduce early. Reduce Often!  

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All CPUs grab Chunks in parallel Map/Reduce & F/J handles all sync

8      Reduce early. Reduce Often!  

JVM 4 Heap

JVM 1 Heap JVM 2 Heap JVM 3 Heap

Vec   Vec   Vec   Vec   Vec  

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Debugging slow >> Heartbeats, Messages Two General’s Paradox

7      Slow is not different from Dead  

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in-memory system as good as your memory manager! lazy eviction. compress.

align. Corollary: Track down Leaks!

6      Memory Manager  

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Use primitives

5      Memory Overheads  

// A Distributed Vector // much more than 2billion elements class Vec { long length(); // more than an int's worth // fast random access double at(long idx); // Get the idx'th elem boolean isNA(long idx); void set(long idx, double d); // writable void append(double d); // variable sized }

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Tree size Bin size Recursively divide Till Data à Cache

4      Cache-­‐Oblivious  

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User-mode reliability S3 Readers will TCP Reset Mux your connections Not all toolkits are equal. >> JetS3

3      EC2 – Nothing is bounded  

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Non-Blocking Data Structures.

2 No Locks, No Cry  

// VOLATILE READ before key compare. // CAS private final boolean CAS_kvs( final Object[] oldkvs, final Object[] newkvs ) { return _unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, _kvs_offset, oldkvs, newkvs ); }

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byte[ ]. roll-your-own. fast.

1 endian wars ended! Keep-It-Simple-Serialization.  

public AutoBuffer putA1 ( byte[] ary, int sofar, int length ) {

while( sofar < length ) { int len = Math.min(length - sofar, _bb.remaining()); _bb.put(ary, sofar, len); sofar += len; if( sofar < length ) sendPartial(); } return this;


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Data Movement is a Defect. Slowing down helps communication.

Got Speed?  

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Accuracy rules over speed. Predictive Performance

0      Math always produces a number  

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Data presentation bias. Sorted data => interesting results

1      Shuffle  

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2      Random acts of Kindness?  

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3      Convex Problems: ADMM  

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Matrix operations jama, jblas.. all single node. Distributed version needs data transfer!

4  Amdahl strikes: Cholesky / QR Decomposition  

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embarrassingly parallel binning tree-building splits

5    Random  Forests  

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iterate & stage weak-learners =>

strong learners each tree can be parallel minimize communication

6    Boos-ng  

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embarrassingly parallel pre-calculate base stats distance calculation weight matrices – small footprint

7    Neural  Nets  &  Clustering  

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Daisy chain a bunch of models Interleave. JIT – Minimize loops over data.

8    Ensembles  

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Deterministic versions first! Got Pen & Paper? Optimize often. Test Big Data soon.

9      Tools  

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Replace NAs to improves predictive performance by about 10pc.!

- Newton

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Munging Missing Features impute NAs with mean impute NAs with knn impute with recursive pca!

- Boyd

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Unbalanced data single rare classes Fraud / No-Fraud!


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Unbalanced data multiple rare classes Browse, Click, Purchase!


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Use Customer Data Algorithms for Sparse vs. Dense Unbalanced Data. Robustness under noise

10      Data is the System  

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Volume:  HDFS  


Data Scientist

Munging slice n dice Features

Classification Regression Clustering Optimal Model


Velocity:  Events   Online  Scoring  



Offline  Scoring  

Business Analyst

Ensemble models Low latency



Rule  Engine  

Before H2O

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Big  Data  Explora-on  Modeling  Scoring  Real-­‐-me  


Big Data beats Better Algorithms!

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Big  Data  Explora-on  Modeling  Scoring  Real-­‐-me  


Big Data and Better Algorithms! Scale & Parallelism!

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H2O the



Intellectual  Legacy  

 Math  needs    to  be  free  

 Open  Source  


Support and Innovation


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H2O – The Open Source Math Engine !

Better Predictions!

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Distributed Coding Taxonomy

l  No Distribution Coding: l  Whole Algorithms, Whole Vector-Math!l  REST + JSON: e.g. load data, GLM, get results!

l  Simple Data-Parallel Coding: l  Per-Row (or neighbor row) Math!l  Map/Reduce-style: e.g. Any dense linear algebra!

l  Complex Data-Parallel Coding l  K/V Store, Graph Algo's, e.g. PageRank!

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Distributed Coding Taxonomy

l  No Distribution Coding: l  Whole Algorithms, Whole Vector-Math!l  REST + JSON: e.g. load data, GLM, get results!

l  Simple Data-Parallel Coding: l  Per-Row (or neighbor row) Math!l  Map/Reduce-style: e.g. Any dense linear algebra!

l  Complex Data-Parallel Coding l  K/V Store, Graph Algo's, e.g. PageRank!

Read  the  docs!  

This  talk!  

Join  our  GIT!  

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Distributed Data Taxonomy

Frame – a collection of Vecs Vec – a collection of Chunks Chunk – a collection of 1e3 to 1e6 elems elem – a java double Row i – i'th elements of all the Vecs in a Frame

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Conversion, Retention & Churn!•  Lead Conversion!•  Engagement!•  Product Placement!•  Recommendations!

Pricing Engine!Fraud Detection!