QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky...

QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7, 2009 State calculations for deconfinement transition temperature in QCD ns of conserved charges and deconfinement relation functions and the nature of the deconfined phase at high te
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Transcript of QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky...

Page 1: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL

WWND, February 2-7, 2009

• Equation of State calculations for

• Chiral and deconfinement transition temperature in QCD

• Fluctuations of conserved charges and deconfinement

• Spatial correlation functions and the nature of the deconfined phase at high temperatures

• Summary

Page 2: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Collaboration and computational resources

RBC-Bielefeld Collaboration (p4 action) :

Hot QCD Collaboration (p4 and asqtad actions ) : A. Bazavov, T. Bhattacharya, M. Cheng, N. Christ, C. DeTar, S. Ejiri, S. Gottlieb, R. Gupta, U. Heller, K. Huebner, C. Jung, F. Karsch, E. Laermann, L. Levkova, T. Luu, R. Mawhinney, C. Miao, P. Petreczky, D. Renfrew, C. Schmidt, R. Soltz, W. Soeldner, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, P. Vranas

M. Cheng S. Ejiri, F. Karsch, C. Jung, C. Miao, P. Petreczky (BNL), N. Christ, R. Mawhiney (Columbia) O. Kaczmarek, E. Laermann, S. Mukherjee C. Schmidt (Bielefeld), W. Soeldner (GSI)Former members : S. Datta, J. van der Heide, K. Huebner, J. Liddle, K. Petrov, C. Pica, T. Umeda

The use of improved staggered fermion actions is crucial !

Page 3: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Lattice results on trace anomaly

Page 4: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Pressure, energy density and speed of sound

rapid rise in number of d.o.f at T=180-200 MeV

10-15% deviation from the ideal gas limit

lattice discretization errors are small

Page 5: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

rise in the entropy and energy density happens in the same temperature interval where the rapid change of the chiral condensate and Polyakov loop takes place

Deconfinement and chiral transition

Page 6: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Fluctuations of conserved charges

Page 7: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Fluctuations in the hadron resonance gas model

Page 8: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Fluctuations of conserved charges at high T

1) Strangeness fluctuations are suppressed relative of the light (u,d) quark number fluctuations at low T (strange hadrons are heavier). 2) For T>300MeV there is no difference in fluctuation of strange and light quark number. 3) In the intermediate T-region strangeness fluctuations are still suppressed and the amount of suppression cannot be understoodas a quark mass difference.

The quark number susceptibilitiesare close to the SB limit for T>300MeVin agreement with resummed petrurbativepredictions and in contrrast with expectations based on the strong couplinglimit of N=4 SYM in AdS/CFT

Page 9: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Static quark anti-quark free energy in QCD


Temporal Wilson line:

Mócsy, P.P., PRL 99 (07) 211602

Page 10: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Spatial string tension at T>0


calculated perturbatively

Page 11: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,

Spatial correlators at T>0

Page 12: QCD thermodynamics from lattice simulations an update using finer lattice spacings Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL WWND, February 2-7,


• Calculations of thermodynamic quantities have been extended to lattices with temporal extent . Comparison with previous results as well as with asqtad actionshows no significant cutoff effects in the high-T region

• Study of fluctuations shows that quantum numbers are carried by weakly interacting quarksfor . This picture is also supported by calculation of spatial meson correlators

• In the temperature region lattice calculations of the trace anomaly, fluctuations of conserved charges and spatial meson correlation function indicate the strongly interacting nature of the deconfined phase

• Strong color screening in the deconfined phase leads to quarkonium melting abovedeconfinement

• At high temperatures non-perturbative effects are due to soft chromo-magnetic fields