QC CKI in Action Vol. 4

QUEENS COLLEGE CKI IN ACTION Volume 4 Issue 1 February 2012 Hello Circle K Members!! Welcome to the spring semester of 2012! I hope you all have enjoyed your winter break and are ready to take on the challenges of the new semester. Get ready for another awesome semester and year of doing service with circle K. There are lots of big events planned for this spring and I must say that with the great accomplishments that we have already made so far, we are going to go above and beyond. Working together with fellow students and members of our K family clubs, we will accomplish great goals. Thank you all for being such hard working and members and lets continue working together to serve our community! ACHIEVEMENTS & GOALS! With that said, here is a taste of our accomplishments as a club! This is all thanks to you guys, the members, for putting in the time, effort and hard work. Thank you guys and let’s keep it up! Accomplishments: Currently 39 Paid and active members Surpassed our goal of 750 service hours Raised $ 2,856.80 within the past 7 months Goals Reach 1,000 service hours Raise $335 in order to reach our goal of $535 for Kamp Kiwanis Bring home Nyck the bear again!!


Volume 4 of 2011-2012 Service year

Transcript of QC CKI in Action Vol. 4

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Volume 4 Issue 1 February 2012

Hello Circle K Members!!

Welcome to the spring semester of 2012! I hope you all have enjoyed your winter break and are ready to take on the challenges of the new semester. Get ready for another awesome semester and year of doing service with circle K. There are lots of big events planned for this spring and I must say that with the great accomplishments that we have already made so far, we are going to go above and beyond. Working together with fellow students and members of our K family clubs, we will accomplish great goals. Thank you all for being such hard working and members and let’s continue working together to serve our community!


With that said, here is a taste of our accomplishments as a club! This is all thanks to you

guys, the members, for putting in the time, effort and hard work. Thank you guys and let’s

keep it up!


Currently 39 Paid and active members

Surpassed our goal of 750 service hours

Raised $ 2,856.80 within the past 7 months


Reach 1,000 service hours

Raise $335 in order to reach our goal of $535 for Kamp Kiwanis

Bring home Nyck the bear again!!

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Rock to EliMiNaTe



WEBSITE for the Eliminate Project: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx

Hello all! Last semester, on November 18th 2011, QCCKI held its annual “Rock to EliMiNaTe” event. This was a battle-of-the-bands type event to not only bring people together for a great time but to raise money for The EliMiNaTe Project. For those of you who do not know, The Eliminate Project is Kiwanis and UNICEF’s current initiative to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) by 2015 in the 39 countries which it is currently affecting. MNT is a deadly disease that kills nearly 60,000 newborn children every year and their mothers. These newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and are extremely sensitive to light and touch. Now you are probably wondering how we can help save these newborns and their mothers. It’s simple, $1.80 pays for a series of vaccinations that immunizes a mother and saves her life and the lives of all her future children. What am I saying? I am saying that your cup of coffee costs as much as it takes to save at least 2 lives. As a club, with over 25 members volunteering and 7 local bands volunteering to play, we were able to raise $774.68. This means that we saved at least 860 lives! I am so proud of us as a club because of our fantastic organization and execution for this event. You guys who were there, helped execute the voting process for the bands that night. Members went around asking the audience to rate the bands on a scale of 1-10 and the band with the highest average won. Others who were volunteering that night helped set-up, collected donations at the door or helped sell baked goods. Our parent club, the Glendale Kiwanis club provided us with $250 to give to the winning band, Clearview. In addition to our own members, we also had members from Adelphi CKI, C.W. Post CKI and Bayside High School Key Club come and support us! Once again, as your president, I am so proud of what a great job we did and I am excited for next year’s Rock to EliMiNaTe. I am also excited for “The EliMiNaTe Show” coming up on February 16th where we, as a club, will continue to raise money for The Eliminate Project. If you missed out at Rock to EliMiNaTe, join us and be a part of our open mic/talent show, The EliMiNaTe Show!

Kelly Chan

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Events and Experiences

Glendale Kiwanis Turkey Shoot

Hello again QCCKI members, this is Treasurer Daniel Pierre-Pierre speaking and I had a wonderful time with our beloved Kiwanis. For those of you wondering, Kiwanis is the part of the K-Family that is above Circle K. As mentioned in the article about dues, Circle K is the collegiate portion, which means members who are college students. Kiwanis operates the same way we do, the only real difference is that it is the adult group; beyond college. They are a colorful bunch of folks who work together for the same goals as every other K-Family group. Every Circle K club is sponsored by a Kiwanis group, almost as if they are our parents. They welcome us and we welcome them, whether it be by going to each other’s events or attending each other’s meetings; we make an effort to come together and break the ice between us. Our Kiwanis group is the one in Glendale and they were hosting a turkey shoot event. The event works like this: There are a bundle of prizes and a wheel with a lot of numbers. There were a series of rounds and everyone was given a certain number. Whichever number the wheel lands on, is the winning number. The event was a lot of fun, even if I was running around handing little annoying pieces of paper all over the room. Our Kiwanis has been so supportive of us and it’s only until now that I realize how important it is to keep in touch with our Kiwanians. They look out for us and make sure we’re doing alright. They really behave like our parents...more or less anyway. I can see why our own QCCKI President Kelly Chan has such an awarding mission as the Marketing and K-Family Relations Chair. She encourages all Circle K’s to get in touch with their Kiwanians. We are the K-Family and we should make the effort to give the term true meaning.

Daniel Pierre-Pierre

Boys Club Gift Wrapping

The experience of the Boys and girls Club of American was one I will never forget. A few of us were there wrapping presents for the boys of the club. This club was in flushing. It was fun to see us wrap gifts. There were so many gifts and it was surprising to see so many gifts for the kids. Many boys are a part of the club because they can meet other boys their age. The exploratory dictator told us the boy clubs were a place where boys could go and feel safe. I had a great time and I will go there again.

Madeline Monaghan

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Events and Experiences (Cont.)

For those of you who may not already know, Queens College Circle K International prides itself

on fellowship, or fostering teamwork and goodwill between members- something I learned very quickly

during the four months I have currently spent in CKI. Game Night, held on November 30th, gave us a

chance to further know our peers and to observe how they fare at some friendly competition in the

latest games, such as Blokus, Taboo, and a game created by our very own CKI members that I shall call

the “Sentence-picture game” (if you don’t already know, it combines Pictionary and Telephone).

Shabad and Karen, the two remaining players during the Blokus match, engaged in a heated

battle for territory. For one who has never played the game before that night, Shabad put up an

incredibly fierce fight; unfortunately for him, Karen was one step – or to be more accurate, five steps –

ahead. During the Taboo segment, Kelly impressively sprinkled quite a few Circle K references in her

word descriptions. The Sentence-picture game never failed to produce laughs and/or blank stares;

surprisingly, only one set contained a remnant of the original concept on the final card.

At first, I wondered why we devoted a night right in the middle of the semester to simply playing games.

However, I soon realized such an event actually does do a service: a service to ourselves. Through

these games, I myself realized just how adept our members are at solving puzzles and how eager they

are to make a guess, or take a chance; Circle K finds such traits necessary, in fact, if its members are to

act quickly and think on the spot during service or fundraiser events. Thus, I have concluded that a fun

and successful night of harmless competition between members can ensure future success in working

together to make sure events run smoothly and people stay satisfied.

Game Night serves as an effective way of bringing CKI together, especially the new members,

such as myself. I hope that the next gathering produces an even larger turnout. For one matter, the

more people there are, the more interesting (and inaccurate) the Sentence-picture game will be.



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I first joined Circle K in the beginning of my sophomore year here at Queens College. I had first come across the club unexpectedly during the annual club fair held on the quad. Tentatively walking towards the display, I was immediately greeted by a current member of the club who befriended me while telling me about the different service projects the club had been working on. I remember feeling a little nervous about the first meeting, especially after I learned that there would be…ice breakers. After a two second mini anxiety attack I continued to participate in the activity. As the ice breaker continued, I quickly began to feel more and more comfortable as everyone was laughing, introducing each other in this small circle, and overall staying open and having a good time.

As the meeting progressed we were told a little more about Circle K, it’s sponsor Kiwanis, and it’s main goals and projects. Members spoke about different service projects they had participated in, and informed us about upcoming events. After my first event with the group, the feeling of comfort I found during this first meeting began to grow as we came together with several other groups and organizations in NY to clean the water front along Little Bay Park, and during a walk supporting the fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma later that same day. We were participating in a task, while exposed to the great need of these causes, and encouraged all who participated to reach out and continue to do more service. The first meeting and this first day of service with the club helped pave the way for my current membership. We were able to give back to causes in great need of all the aid that they could receive, grateful and appreciative of everyone that participated, connecting with so many individuals in a way you normally don’t get a chance to see on a day to day basis, while making bonds with complete strangers that soon evolved into one of the greatest gifts, friendship.

Circle K offers everyone who participates in the guide to start helping and give back, and the room to grow as a club, and an individual. Through these different service projects, you see the great need many causes require, though through helping quickly learn how possible it is to help, and how effective cooperation and teamwork can be, helping bring a solution step by step. With Circle K, while giving back you also learn more about service, constantly encouraged to do more, while given the tools to do so effectively. Just the name itself gives a strong insight into the club, it is an open, large circle of students wanting to give back, each offering something unique, and through working all together making a powerful difference for many causes in great need. Though also, the good you give comes right back to you in more ways than one, granting you confidence and a feeling of goodness, encouraging you to do even more. Circle K works with and reaches out to many different causes such as the ELMINATE project and the Ronald McDonald House just to name a few, and its outreach is growing each year. The three core values of Circle K are service, fellowship and leadership, and volunteering truly encompasses these qualities and so much more. As you will see at the bottom of every email sent by Queens College Circle K is a quote the great Gandhi that states "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. Volunteering, and lending service gives you the opportunity to grow while sharing your strengths in a powerful way, and helps those you are helping to grow as well.

Lena Nicole

Being a Member of Circle K

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Events of Winter 2011

Ronald McDonald House

Boys Club Gift Wrapping

AKtion Club Christmas Party

Breakfast with Kiwanis

Contact Channie if you

would like to join the

scrapbook committee!!

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Daniel Pierre-Pierre Treasurer

[email protected]


Junior – Major in Linguistics and Communication Disorders

“I joined Circle K because I wanted to do something beyond

school and get involved in an amazing experience”

I love video games

I am learning how to play guitar

I’m incredibly shy but once you get to know me I’m



Kelly Chan President

[email protected]


Junior – Major in Speech Pathology Minor in Psychology

“I have a passion to give back to my home, school, and community. The feeling of

doing good is simply priceless and I also enjoy getting people hooked and more

involved in this great family.”

I did gymnastics for 11 years

I don’t get cold and love winter

I have been in the Kiwanis Family for 5 years

Shabad Sarpal Vice President

[email protected]


Junior- Major in Phsycology and Spanish

“Circle K enables me to channel my personality,

abilities and passion into a wonderful club that

impacts not only our community but the world.”

I love Led Zeppelin

Poetry is amazing

Orange is my favorite color


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Darwin Eng

[email protected]


Senior – Major in English and Anthropology

I enjoy eating olives and mayonnaise on


Taught English in China during summer


A complete apple fan boy

Chandanie Persaud [email protected]


Junior – Major in Economics and minor in math

“I joined circle because I wanted to be a part of a group where people

who care about the world come together and actually do something to

make it a better place”

I am an extreme K- Pop fan

I love playing volleyball

I enjoy Korean dramas

Shabad has been working hard with his advertising and hospital committees to get the word of our club out there and to organize great volunteer events at hospitals. If you would like to help advertise or be a part of the hospital committee, contact Shabad right away! He is always open to new ideas and looks forward to working with all members!


E-Board & Committees

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To all members of Queens College Circle K International,

This is Daniel Pierre-Pierre, your 2011-2012 treasurer speaking and I’m writing to all of you about something very important... DUES!! At first, the word is a little scary because you join a club to have fun and do something beyond school, right? You’re already paying for your tuition so you shouldn’t have to pay to join a club. I felt the same way when I first started in freshmen year in college, but through my experiences, I realized that the dues are worth it. First off, you become a member of QCCKI simply by coming to our Monday meetings during free hour. However, our organization (yes I said ORGANIZATION) goes beyond that of Queens College. We are a family of people who dedicate ourselves to the service we perform, the friends and bonds we make and the experiences we go through. From the bottom of my heart, I want every member of QCCKI to see the grandiosity of Circle K International and to see that there is a place for anyone and everyone. Now here is where we get to the numbers. The dues are only $10, this covers your typical academic year which means fall to spring respectively, and this is why we encourage members to join in the fall semester. When you pay your dues, this is what you will gain/receive: CKI Insurance – for if (knock on wood) you get injured during one of our service projects or community works, CKI will insure you of any medical issues. You also get an official ID card which illustrates your membership in the organization. You gain the opportunity to run for our E-board positions (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer & Editor), your membership goes beyond that of our Circle K club in Queens College and most importantly you meet the most wonderful people you could ever hope to meet. I’m referring to the other Circle K clubs that are scattered throughout the country and beyond. There’s a reason we are INTERNATIONAL and that reason is the fact that we are all around the world as the largest collegiate community service program. WE’RE THAT BIG! So I urge all current and future members to pay your dues, because you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain as a potential member of CKI. Join us in service, leadership and fellowship!

Yours in Service, Leadership, and Fellowship, Daniel Pierre-Pierre Queens College CKI NYCKI - Empire Division


If you are interested in being a leader of this wonderful club, run for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Editor. Being a leader means that you can put forward your abilities and take charge in organizing and guiding members in events. Let us know if you are ready for the challenges and the benefits of taking charge of Queens College Circle K. We are ready and willing to teach you everything we know!

Become an





card and



eligible to run

for an e-board


It’s a really

small price to

pay for all

those benefits

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FAQ’s & Awesome Events

1. How do I get there?

We send addresses to events in your

emails. You can find out if someone is

driving and carpool with them. I always

use google maps, it’s really useful

because I can see the bus routes and

street view of the place.


2. How do I find out about upcoming events

in the far future so I can plan ahead of


A calendar of updated events is

attached to every email so you can stay

on track.

3. Can I bring a friend to a circle K event?

Of Course, as long as your friend is a

student at Queens College and is

interested in being part of the club. We

also encourage you to bring friends to

the meetings; it is never too late to join.

4. What is the K Family?

The K family is all the clubs associated

with Kiwanis- they are Builders Club, K-

Kids, Key Club, Circle K and Aktion Club.

5. Could I suggest events that would like to

do? (for example: boys and girls club)

Yes! We are always open to new ideas

and opinions on future events.

6. How do I find out which room our

meetings will be in?

Since our room is always changing, be

sure to check your emails and the room

number will also be provided in the

calendar of events. You can also just

walk around the third floor of the Student

Union on Mondays during free hour to

see the crowd of us.

Attend District-Convention!!

Would you like to enjoy a weekend with

members of the New York District circle K? This

weekend is sure to be one fun packed

experience in the setting of the 1950’s. There

are lots going on at this convention and you

do not want to miss the opportunity to meet

some awesome people and have a great

time while participating in the district elections,

dances, and fun and important workshops! If

you are interested, let us know as soon as

possible so we can have rooms and your ride

accommodated. This event will take place on

March 23- March 35 2012 at the Crowne Plaza

in Albany, NY.



Get ready for an exciting open mic/

talent show to help raise money for the

EliMiNaTe Project. This event is going to

be amazing, there has already been

many people signed up to perform.

There will be lots to do at this event so

get ready to contribute and invite

friends and family to attend!!! Flyers will

be out soon!

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Servin it up for Glendale

This January, Queens College Circle K had yet another opportunity to partner with its sponsoring Kiwinis club, the Glendale Kiwinis club. What did we do? Well, we turned into very attentative waiters and waitresses for people in the Glendale area. That's right, we got our hands dirty, or rather, sticky, with service and we loved every minute of it. We got to meet people from other types of service groups and of course, our Kiwanians, who by the way, are very nice. We had a good group go to this event from QCCKI and I encourage anyone who has yet to go to a collaborated event such as this one, to do so because it is great working with Kiwanians.

Mariana Terranova

Pancake Breakfast with Kiwanis


PAIR OF SWEATS!!!! They are comfy and cool!

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adding us as a

friend on


