QADM - Decision Making

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  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making



    Dipti BharwadaPrachi Jadhav

    Vaibhav Patki

    Vinit Singh

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    A good decision is one that is based on logic, considers all available

    data and possible alternatives, and applies the qualitative and

    quantitative approaches to solve them

    Decision Analysis (DA) provides structure and guidance for thinking

    systematically about hard decisions

    It allows a decision maker to take action with confidence gainedthrough a clear understanding of the problem

    Decision Analysis helps to improve the quality of the resulting


  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    The Five commonly used decision criteria are as follows:

    Maximin Criterion

    Maximax Criterion

    Hurwiczs alpha Criterion

    Savages minimax regret Criterion

    Laplaces Criterion

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    Decision making under Certainty or Deterministic situation

    Decision making under Risk or Stochastic situation

    Decision making under Uncertainty

    Conflict and Competitive situation (Games)

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    Decision Making under Certainty

    In this case the decision maker tends to maximize returns or

    minimize costs. The decision taken is such that it satisfies such

    criteria in a problem where he knows the outcomes with


    Decision Making under Uncertainty

    In this case the problem is uncertain i.e. , the decision maker

    cannot estimate or anticipate the probability of occurrence of the

    events with each decision alternatives.

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    Decision Making under Risk

    In this case the decision maker can anticipate theprobability of occurrence of events that he cannot

    control which is called State of Nature associated with

    each decision alternative.

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    y A decision problem is characterized by decision alternatives, states

    of nature, and resulting payoffs.

    y The decision alternatives are the different possible strategies the

    decision maker can employ.

    y The states of nature refer to future events, not under the control of

    the decision maker, which may occur. States of nature should bedefined so that they are mutually exclusive and collectively


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    The consequence resulting from a specific combination of a

    decision alternative and a state of nature is a payoff.

    A table showing payoffs for all combinations of decision alternatives

    and states of nature is a payoff table.

    Payoffs can be expressed in terms of profit, cost, time, distance orany other appropriate measure.

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    In the fall farmer is offered Rs. 50000 for his Apple crop, which will

    be harvested in the beginning of the following year. If the farmer

    accepts the offer, the money is his regardless of the quality orquantity of the harvest. If the farmer does not accept the offer, he

    must sell his oranges in the open market after they are harvested.

    Under normal conditions, the farmer can anticipate receiving Rs.

    70000 on the open market for his harvest. If he experiences a Frost,

    however then much of his harvest will be ruined & he can anticipate

    receiving only Rs. 15000 in the open market.

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    Determine recommended decisions, using each of the criterion

    under the situation of uncertainty. ( for Hurwicz- alpha criterion, use

    alpha= 0.4)

    Determine recommended decision under the appropriate criterion if

    in the past, the farmer has lost much of his harvest to frost 1 out of

    every 7 years.

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    Action Frost No Frost

    Accept 50,000 50,000

    Do Not Accept 15,000 70,000

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    Action Minimum Payoff

    Accept 50,000

    Does N

    ot Accept


    According to Maximin criterion decision is to Acceptthe offer.

    Maximin Value

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    Action Maximum Payoff

    Accept 50000

    Does NotAcc

    ept 70000 Maximax Value

    According to Maximax Criterion recommended decision isto Not Accept the offer.

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    Action Expected Payoff

    Accept 50000

    Does not Accept 42500

    According to Laplace Criterion the recommendeddecision is toAccept the offer.

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    Frost No Frost Expected


    Accept 50000 50000 50000

    Does not


    15000 70000 62143

    Probability 1/7 6/7

    According to EMV criterion the recommended

    decision is do not accept the offer.

    The corresponding EP is Rs. 62143.

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    Action Frost No Frost

    Accept 0 20000

    Do Not Accept 35000 0

    Action MaximumRegret

    Accept 20000

    Do Not Accept 35000

    According to the Savage Criterion

    recommended decision is to Accept the offer.



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    y Let = 0.4

    Action Weighted payoff

    Accept 50000*0.4 + 50000*0.6 = 50000

    Do notAccept 70000* 0.4 + 15000* 0.6 = 37000

    According to Hurwicz- alpha Criterion when is 0.4,the recommendation is toAccept the offer.

  • 8/8/2019 QADM - Decision Making


    y A Decision Tree is a chronological representation of the decision


    y Each decision tree has two types of nodes; Round nodescorrespond to the states of nature while Square nodes correspond

    to the decision alternatives.

    y The Branches leaving each round node represent the different

    states of nature while the branches leaving each square noderepresent the different decision alternatives.

    y At the end of each limb of a tree are the payoffs attained from the

    series of branches making up that limb. Squares orRectangles

    depict decision nodes.

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