Q&A of Information Technology in Business

Class 2 questions Please answer the following questions giving detailed descriptions where necessary. 1. What are the three dimensions of information quality? Time is one of the main dimensions of information quality. In this dimension (time) there are four types of attributes. Timeless – this could be because of the less number of time involved in transferring an information Currency – this would be the price accumulated according to the information Frequency- this is the number of repetitions when delivering an information Time period - this could be because of the range of time involved in transferring an information Content is what the information contains or what it is about and this would also affect the quality of the information. In this dimension (content) there are five types of attributes. Accuracy – the accuracy of the content of the information Relevance – how relevant is it regarding the information Completeness – the completeness of the information provided Conciseness – the conciseness of the information which means how effective the information is Scope – the scope of the information Form is where how the information is presented or how the information is when it is in its final stage. In this dimension (form) there are five types of attributes. Clarity – the quality of being clear or in particular. Detail – how detail the information is when it comes to the form dimension


In this document there will be questions of Information Technology in Business and the brief answers.

Transcript of Q&A of Information Technology in Business

Class 2 questionsPlease answer the following questions giving detailed descriptions where necessary.1. What are the three dimensions of information quality?Time is one of the main dimensions of information quality. In this dimension (time) there are four types of attributes. Timeless this could be because of the less number of time involved in transferring an information Currency this would be the price accumulated according to the information Frequency- this is the number of repetitions when delivering an information Time period - this could be because of the range of time involved in transferring an information

Content is what the information contains or what it is about and this would also affect the quality of the information. In this dimension (content) there are five types of attributes. Accuracy the accuracy of the content of the information Relevance how relevant is it regarding the information Completeness the completeness of the information provided Conciseness the conciseness of the information which means how effective the information is Scope the scope of the information

Form is where how the information is presented or how the information is when it is in its final stage. In this dimension (form) there are five types of attributes. Clarity the quality of being clear or in particular. Detail how detail the information is when it comes to the form dimension Order the arrangement of the information according to the content of the information Presentation how the information is presented when it comes to the form dimension Media this is how or which type of media is used when it comes in presenting the information

1. How can the value of information be measured?The value of information can be measured in two way which is tangible value and intangible value.

Tangible value is the kind of information which is directly involved with a business and it could be a businesss production and delivery of goods or services and revenue. However intangible value is the kind of information which is mostly information that doesnt involve directly with the business they are working. Hence value could be more from employee to employee and could be known as a friendly chat such as information exchanges, favors and benefits that build relationships and keep things running smoothly.

1. What are the functions of management?

Forecasting and planning- Forecasting the effects afterwards of a taken decision and planning to minimize to less or no disadvantages after the decision has been taken Organizing- Organizing the decision to be taken very well Commanding- Commanding what has to be done in order to achieve the decision to be taken by the management level Coordinating and controlling- Coordinating and controlling as it would not be a failure

1. What are the stages involved in making a decision?

Intelligence- Awareness that a problem exists and that a decision should be taken Design- Identifying all the possible solutions and examining implications of all possible solutions Choice- Selecting the best solution Implementation- Implementing the solution Evaluation- Evaluating effectiveness or success of decision

1. How will a managers cognitive style affect the decisions that he or she makes?A cognitive style is the way in which a manager absorbs information and reaches decisions. In addition a managers cognitive style will fall between analytical and intuitive styles.

An analytical decision maker is a person who does a lot of work and research before going to a conclusion when making a decision as the manager. However an intuitive decision maker is a person who is just the opposite of an analytical decision maker. It is because when making a decision that person would not do any research about the matter and decide what should be on the spot. In addition that person would change their decision several times too.

Therefore when it lies in between analytical and intuitive styles it helps the manager to have a more effective way of making a decision. This is because he or she would be able to do the research about the matter and would also be able to save time.

1. Explain how the concept of knowledge management relates to data and information.Data are raw facts or observations that are considered to have little or no value until they have been processed and transformed into information and information is data that have been processed so that they are meaningful.

Furthermore knowledge management is a deliberate, systematic business optimization strategy that selects, distills, stores, organizes, packages and communicates information essential to the business of a company in a manner that improves employee performance and corporate.

Therefore data and information is an essential need when it comes to knowledge management. It is because without data and information in knowledge base there wont be any improvements in employee performance and corporation and there even could be a huge downfall when it comes to employee performance and corporation.

1. What differences in perspective about managerial decision making are introduced by the e-business concept?E-business is concerned with making day-to-day business activities more efficient by improving information exchanges within the organization and between the organization and its partners.

As the e-business concept is introduced there would be an impact in decision making. That is that their decision type would be more cognitive after the introduction of the e-business concept. Thus it would be easy for the manager when it comes to decision making.