
Q6 – What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Transcript of Q6

Q6 – What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Photoshop is the programme I used to construct my music magazine. I used this to edit my photos on and to actually put my final product together. When constructing my magazine I had to use a lot of tools that I knew how to use some of them but some I had to experiment with, in these next slides I will be saying which tools I used and how I used them.

I used the crop tool the most when I first starting to construct my product, I used the crop tool to cut down my photos which I used for my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

I used the spot healing tool to get rid of any spots that my model may have to make it look the most professional I could by having my model to have flawless clear skin.

I used the brush tool for when I was going around my image near the hair to make it look smooth and all blend in together rather than having a sharp cut round the models hair which would make it look less professional.

When constructing my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread I have used the easer tool to easer anything which I didn’t need out of my images that I have taken. I also used the easer tool to go around it look make it look clear.

I have used the text box tool to insert text to especially my front cover and contents page, I used the text tool to insert text on front cover such as the issue number and the price. And for the contents page I used the text tool to add all the text on my page next to my numbers.

Throughout constructing my magazine I used the paint bucket tool often as I needed it to change the colour of things in my magazine and to adapt the colour of text/images I may have included.

I inserted the rectangle tool for shapes that I have on my magazine. For example the box behind my main text which says ‘PEACH MILK’ which I then changed the opacity of it too make it less of a block colour.

I have used the quick selection tool on my images when cutting out my images on my front cover especially. This tool became very handy as I could get round my images very easily. When I first started to use this tool I found it very tricky but as I used it more it got easier.

When I first started to use Photoshop I thought it is was very tricky and difficult and very complex to use, as I used the programme more it got easier to use as I knew where everything was and if I did anything wrong I knew how to go back. This is what I learnt from being on Photoshop as I didn’t know before making this magazine.