Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that...

Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that this year – 2010 – has almost come to an end. It has been a year that has been dreamt about with intense ancipaon for so long! It was nally Africa’s Wme to show the world what it’s capable of! Too quickly did the FIFA Soccer World Cup™ come and go. Of course, ConWnuitySA prepared feverishly to not only ensure its own readiness for the event, but also to de liver a worldclass service to clients and nonclients through the ConWnuity2010 Portal and Steering Commi-ee. In addi Won to this, businesses had their fare share of challenges in general this year as well! Major infrastructural upgrade projects have meant that organisaWons have had to deal with power, water and telecoms outages fairly frequently. With regards to the economy, all of us have surely watched with bated breath for signs of recessionary recovery. These signs have certainly been there, but the recovery has indeed been slow with the ever present fear of a doubledip or secondary recession in the back of our minds. Connued on p2 1 Business Update 3 On the ConsulFng Front 4 Assessing the risk of Cloud Services 5 OperaFonal Prudence 6 How prepared is your company/organisaFon to deal with operaFonal disrupFons? 8 From the CGF... 9 ConFnuitySA expands in Mozambique 9 Aitec Conference Mozambique 10 IODSA Golf Day 2010 10 ConFnuitySA celebrates 21 years Keeping ContinuitySA clients informed 1

Transcript of Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that...

Page 1: Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that this year – 2010 – has almost come to an end. It has been a year that has been

Q4 2010


From Allen G Smith, CEOIt is unbelievable that this year – 2010 –has almost come to an end. It has beena year that has been dreamt about withintense an cipa on for so long!

It was finally Africa’s me to show theworld what it’s capable of! Too quicklydid the FIFA Soccer World Cup™ comeand go. Of course, Con nuitySA preparedfeverishly to not only ensure its ownreadiness for the event, but also to de­liver a world­class service to clients andnon­clients through the Con nuity2010Portal and Steering Commi ee. In addi­

on to this, businesses had their fareshare of challenges in general this yearas well! Major infrastructural upgradeprojects have meant that organisa onshave had to deal with power, water andtelecoms outages fairly frequently.

With regards to the economy, all of ushave surely watched with bated breathfor signs of recessionary recovery. Thesesigns have certainly been there, but therecovery has indeed been slow with theever present fear of a double­dip orsecondary recession in the back of ourminds.

Con nued on p2

1 Business Update

3 On the Consul ng Front

4 Assessing the risk of Cloud Services

5 Opera onal Prudence

6 How prepared is your company/organisa on to dealwith opera onal disrup ons?

8 From the CGF...

9 Con nuitySA expands in Mozambique

9 Aitec Conference Mozambique

10 IODSA Golf Day 2010

10 Con nuitySA celebrates 21 years

Keeping ContinuitySAclients informed


Page 2: Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that this year – 2010 – has almost come to an end. It has been a year that has been


Con nued from p1

But regardless of all the nega ve varia­bles that have affected our daily lives,Con nuitySA has con nued to be prof­itable during excrucia ngly tough mes.Our aim has been to keep focusing onService Excellence which we believe isthe only trait that can set a companyapart from the compe on! This, alongwith the partnerships we form with ourclients, have stood us in good stead andhas ensured that Con nuitySA can con­

nue doing business in 2011 – a newyear with new opportuni es!

Perhaps the most exci ng opportunitylooming for Con nuitySA is a partner­ship with CoroCapital. Con nuitySA ispleased to announce that CoroCapitalwill become its new business partnerand will effec vely acquire a 49% eq­uity stake in Con nuitySA. Con nuitySAengaged with CoroCapital some meago with regard to them being a po­ten al shareholder in the business andthis has culminated in an agreementwhereby the Dialogue Group will sell its51% share in Con nuitySA to CoroCap­ital. The Con nuity Investment Trust,represented by management and staffof ContinuitySA, will acquire 2% re­sul ng in a shareholding as follows;­Con nuity Investment Trust (51%) andCoroCapital (49%). Together with Coro­Capital, Con nuitySA is facing exci ngprospects and looks forward to con n­ued growth both in South Africa andinto Africa. The transac on referred tois subject to the various condi onsprecedent as per the Dialogue GroupHoldings Limited SENS announcementdated 26 October 2010 and specificallyCompe on Commission approval.

The staff at Con nuitySA have display­ed yet again their depth of characterand Can Do! a tude during the pastyear and I sincerely hope that you asour client have experienced the pas­sion with which they embrace theirdaily ac vi es.

I would like to wish you and your lovedones a blessed Fes ve Season and lookforward to seeing you in 2011!

Page 3: Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that this year – 2010 – has almost come to an end. It has been a year that has been


On the Consulting Front

The revised Business Con nuityIns tutes Good Prac ce Guide­lines was launched in early2010. Con nuitySA has ensu­red that the revised guidelineswas captured in our CapabilityMaturity Model (CM²), a solu­

on that measures an organisa­on’s BCM capability and ma­

turity, based on a set of twelveBCM success factors derived from BS25999 (the interna onalBCM standard), the Business Con nuity Ins tutes Good Prac­

ce Guidelines and Con nuitySA’s wealth of experience re­garding the cri cal components required for achieving reco­verability. The CM² solu on has received enormous interestfrom the business community since it was launched in 2009.Our Complete Con nuity® Programmes have also been re­aligned to the revised Business Con nuity Ins tutes Good Prac ce Guidelines. During the process of realignment ourtraining material has been streamlined to ensure increasedtrainee interac on and the Five Day Complete Con nuity®Prac oner Programme includes revised prac cal exercises atregular intervals. Con nuitySA is also proud to announce that in November thisyear our Complete Con nuity® Programmes and training fa­cili es received Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) accredi­ta on. To date, our programmes are accredited in SouthAfrica (ISETT SETA), Mauri us (MQA) and Botswana (BOTA)we intent to further develop and increase our accredita onprofile throughout Africa.In 2010 South Africa were the proud hosts of the FIFA 2010World Cup™. In prepara on for this pres gious event and inthe effort to provide con nuous value to our clients, Con nu­itySA provided two Con nuity2010 offerings, the Con nu­ity2010 Portal and Steering Committee. To guarantee that the offerings achieved the required goals, a dedicated team ensured the accuracy of real­ me informa on and providedimmediate and con nuous accessibility thereto. A structuredcommunica on process was established to ensure key infor­ma on reached relevant par cipants in the desired me­frames. The feedback from the Con nuity2010 par cipantswere extremely posi ve, confirming the success of the Con ­nuity2010 portal and Steering Commi ee offering. Con nu­ity2010 Steering commi ee par cipants at several sessionsreconfirmed the uniqueness of the commi ee and the valueit created for execu ves through all industries. The Con nu­ity2010 Steering commi ee requested the con nua on of asimilar Steering Commi ee to address high level business risks

and concerns, with the view of eventually becoming a voice forCorporate SA. Informa on regarding the new Steering Com­mi ee will be made available early next year.The Con nuity2010 team created a document named A Sum­mary of the Con nuitySA FIFA 2010 World Cup ™ Offering thatprovides a summary of the decisions, ac ons and outcomes ofthe various phases covered before, during and a er the FIFA2010 World Cup™. The success of the project was remarkableand as such the document holds valuable and prac cal infor­ma on for the re­use in similar ini a ves within various indus­tries. The document can be downloaded from our website: http://www.continuitysa.co.za/continuity2010.html.Con nuitySA will con nue to strive towards providingOrganisa ons with unique offerings aligned to their spe­cific requirements. Several new offerings, aligned to in­terna onal best prac ces, are in the process of beingdeveloped and will be launched in 2011. For more in­forma on please contact Louise Theunissen, louise.the­unissen@con nuitysa.co.za

Louise Theunissen MBCI, PMP

General Manager: Consul ng Services

As we draw to the close of 2010 we realise that, although the year has been tough, we weres ll able to achieve many objec ves in ensuring con nuous growth. In addi on to the stan­dard Business Con nuity Management (BCM) services, Con nuitySA Consul ng Services di­vision, through the years has developed several unique BCM offerings which are beingcon nuously updated to ensure that the offerings are kept in line with the latest BusinessCon nuity Management standards and guidelines.

Upcoming BCM training courses for 2010, Quarter 1

• 2 Day training 25th­26th January 2011 (JHB)

• 2 Day training 22nd ­23rd February 2011(Bots)

• 5 Day training 7th­11th February 2011(JHB).

• 5 Day training 9th­13th May 2011(Bots).

Page 4: Q4 2010 - ContinuitySA...Q4 2010 UPDATE Business From Allen G Smith, CEO It is unbelievable that this year – 2010 – has almost come to an end. It has been a year that has been


The Cloud Security Alliance is a non­profit organisa on that was formedwith the aim of promo ng the use ofbest prac ces for providing security as­surance within cloud compu ng, andhas representa on from a myriad of in­terna onal technology and so waregiant’s including Google, DELL, Oracle,VMware, IBM, and Microso . TheCloud Security Alliance has publishedversion 1.0 of its “Consensus Assess­ments Ini a ve Ques onnaire” whichcomprises a set of ques ons that acloud consumer and cloud auditor maywish to ask of a cloud provider.

The ques onnaire addresses a widerange of control areas including secu­rity (Facility, human resources, infor­ma on and architecture), businesscon nuity, compliance, governance,legal and risk management. Ques onsrela ng specifically to business con ­nuity that should be posed to poten alcloud vendors include:

• Do you provide mul ­failure disas­ter recovery capability?

• Do you monitor service con nuitywith upstream providers in theevent of provider failure?

• Do you have more than oneprovider for each service you de­pend on?

• Do you provide access to opera­onal redundancy and con nuity

summaries which include the serv­ices on which you depend?

• Do you provide the tenant the abil­ity to declare a "disaster"?

• Do you provide a tenant triggeredfailover op on?

• Do you share your business con ­nuity and redundancy plans withyour tenants?

• Do you provide tenants with geo­graphically resilient hos ng op­


• Do you provide tenants with infra­structure service failover capabilityto other providers?

The ques onnaire will assist organisa­ons to build the necessary assess­

ment processes for engaging withcloud providers. While assessing thebusiness con nuity capability of cloudproviders is a prominent theme withinthe ques onnaire, the ability to per­form prac cal recovery tests remains acri cal success factor for building asound business con nuity strategy.

The ques onnaire can be downloadedat www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/cai.

Assessing the Risk of C loud Services

Wayne Reed

General Manager: Research and Development

The rapid evolu on of cloud services remains an exci ng concept promising greatquality of service, scalability, ease of implementa on, and reduced reliance on inter­nal IT resources. While these factors can create significant economic benefit for cus­tomers, the risks associated with cloud services con nue to present the greatestbarrier to adop on.

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While various Sub Commi ees and Management are taskedwith the role of addressing effec ve risk management, it’sthe Board that is accountable and need to ensure that thesenecessary systems are implemented. Companies should en­deavour to develop, implement and maintain sound riskmanagement prac ces consistent with interna onal bestprac ce and good corporate governance.

Business Con nuity Management (BCM) is an applied sci­ence and holis c risk based management process that willassist the Board in addressing these objec ves:

• Iden fying, assessing and measuring risks in an effec veand efficient manner;

• Making decisions based on comprehensive risk analysis;

• Providing greater certainty of the delivery of goods andservices;

• Mee ng effec ve risk /reward business objec ves;

• Sa sfying corporate governance requirements.

Businesses that are suscep ble to disrup on, whether it beIT down me or denial of access due to industrial ac on,should consider the reward in having continuity in theirbusiness opera ons – BCM is a means to ensure the con ­nuity of the business during adverse opera ng condi ons.

Con nuitySA is uniquely posi oned to assist organisa onsand their Boards to iden fy risks that could adversely affecttheir revenue genera ng ac vi es through our Consul ngand Standby Services offerings:

In pursuing these objec ves, Con nuitySA can:

• Implement a comprehensive and systema c risk assess­ment and repor ng process throughout the organisa on;

• Create an environment that controls and mi gates riskswithin acceptable risk tolerances;

• Provide an informed view of risks associated with busi­ness ac vi es;

• Heighten risk management awareness within the organ­isa on;

• Foster a culture of con nuous improvement in risk man­agement through a review process;

• Provide the necessary infrastructure required by organ­isa ons to recover their opera ons during a disrup on.

A business that fails to address opera onal risk effec velymay well succumb to the adverse effect that an opera onal disrup ve event could cause – the reward inhaving con nuity within an organisa on will ensure that ap­propriate measures are in place to minimise the nega ve ef­fects of such a disrup on.

Opera onal Prudence

Derek Taylor (CISA)

Business Development Manager

The aim of Opera onal Prudence is to achieve a fuller understanding of the re­ward risk balance within an organisa on. Effec ve risk management seeks notonly to reduce the likelihood and consequence of the adverse effects of risk, butalso the reward of protec ng the company’s assets, stakeholders, environmentand reputa on.

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A Business Con nuity Ins tute (BCI) survey (November 2009­ January 2010) showed that the top five causes of businessdisrup on over the previous 12 months recorded by respon­dents were: pandemics; IT and telecom disrup on; adverseweather; lack of energy supply (Power) and computervirus/cyber a ack.

The mescales and advance warning of these disrup onswill vary considerably, and in some cases, will allow me toimplement mi ga on measures. For example, if adverseweather is forecast, plans can be set up to allow staff towork from home, but this may not work for an unexpectedloss of power. It may well be that a changing climate will in­fluence, and possibly exacerbate, the occurrence or severityof some of these 'top five'. This in turn may shape decisionsabout the scale and capacity of resilience and recovery re­sources, or the alloca on of budget and spending strategiesto provide both resilience and recovery capabili es.

The challenge is to recognise the emerging risks and the po­ten al disrup ons. So the ques on we should be ponderingis how well are business con nuity plans and our BCM sys­tems able to cope with the changing scope and magnitude,likelihood and nature of the risks and impacts they consider?

The idea of Maximum Tolerable Period of Disrup on (MTPD),or its equivalent, has always generated lively discussion. It isa central pillar of most business con nuity management sys­tems, looking to customers and other stakeholders to help

jus fy the ming and priori sa on of BCM ac vi es and ex­penditure. This is supported by the BCI Benchmark, whichsuggests that most par cipants adopt this metric to someextent.

“The business impact analysis (BIA) iden fies, quan fiesand records the organisa on's maximum tolerable periodof disrup on for each cri cal ac vity or func on and pri­ori ses its restora on”.

Most of us would accept that ge ng it wrong can have riskand financial implica ons, poten ally misinforming or mis­leading those who rely on the informa on. BS 25999 definesMTPD as: “the dura on a er which an organisa on's viabil­ity will be irreparably damaged if delivery of a par cularproduct or service cannot be resumed”. It advises us to “…assess over me the impacts… if the ac vity is disrupted”and “…establish the MTPD of each ac vity” by iden fyingthe latest me by which an ac vity must be resumed, theminimum level to which resump on must be achieved, andthe me within which normal ac vity levels must be re­stored. It says that we should “…iden fy any inter­depen­dent ac vi es, assets, suppor ng infrastructure or resourcesthat also have to be maintained”. This is sound advice ­ butit's important to remember that this is a standard, not amanual; it can't advise on specifics. Nonetheless, we needa way to confidently align with its intent and set prac cal re­covery priori es and meframes for our organisa on.

Jacob Mothupi, MBCI

CEO Con nuitySA – Botswana

operationalHow prepared is your company/organisa on to deal with


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In an a empt to safeguard against threats and vulnerabili­es most organisa ons have already introduced a mul tude

of specialist func ons and collec vely named them as Cor­porate Defence Management (CDM). The corporate defencedomain represents these different corporate defence related ac vi es, all of which contribute to the defence ofthe organisa on. Ac vi es which make up what can be described as the corporate defence domain are as follows:Corporate Governance Risk Management Corporate Com­pliance Corporate Intelligence Knowledge ManagementPhysical security IT Security Resilience Management Corpo­rate Protec on Corporate Controls Corporate AssuranceCorporate Inves ga ons.

The corporate defence domain can be said to representwhat can be described as the corporate defence ecosystem,

as it relates to the symbio c rela onships which exist be­tween these ac vi es. This rela onship highlights the factthat all defence related ac vi es are linked, and that eachcould be said to represent a link in a chain. Like any chain, itis only as strong as its weakest link, and therefore it couldbe said that this represents something of an asymmetricchallenge for an organisa on, as it is the weakest link whichis typically exploited. The challenge therefore facing contem­porary corporate defence is to unify, align and integrate themanagement of these defence related ac vi es.

If we now look at what is referred to as the corporate de­fence cycle, we will see that this cycle represents the cor­nerstones of corporate defence, and addresses the keydrivers which should be present in all corporate defence re­lated ac vi es. These four drivers include:

An cipa on: The mely iden fica on andassessment of exis ng threats and vulnera­bili es, and the predic on of future threatsand vulnerabili es.

Preven on: Taking sufficient measures toshield the organisa on against an cipatedthreats and vulnerabili es.

Detec on: Iden fica on of ac vity types(excep ons, devia ons & anomalies etc)which indicate a breach of corporate de­fence protocol.

Reac on: The mely response to a par c­ular event or series of events, in order toboth mi gate the current situa on, and totake further correc ve ac on in rela on todeficiencies iden fied, and to prevent theseevents re­occurring in the future.

Business con nuity management (BCM),as a component of Resilience Manage­ment, is key in corporate defence withinorganisa ons. While business con nuityas it currently stands represents an im­portant step in corporate defence, it isan area that itself is con nually evolvingand has not yet reached its final des na­

on. It is already developing in the direc­on of an even broader cross­func onal

discipline such as CDM.

Anticipation → Prevention → Detection → Reaction

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There is a saying that says “when tough mes prevail, the toughget going”. There has never been a truer word spoken for busi­nesses in South Africa, as the economic slowdown has seen manyindustries take a ‘direct hit’, o en resul ng in heavy job losses,dras cally cut produc on and some mes even business closure.Indeed, to survive in these tough economic mes; businesses willneed to ensure that they deploy well considered and differen ­ated strategies, whilst at the same me being fully cognisant oftheir corporate governance prac ces, which so o en get ignoredwhen people become desperate to meet the business objec vesand make their financial targets. Partnerships of course can make a significant difference in thesuccess of a business, par cularly when mes are tough. Clearlyin heightened mes of public scru ny – including a far greaterinformed ins tu onal investor – partnerships need to be estab­lished for the correct reasons, and not simply done for the sakeof its camaraderie or ‘feel­good’ reasons. Real value must befound when collabora ng with other businesses and failing toestablish the common ground could waste precious me, moneyand in fact cause certain reputa onal damage. Such a partnership has again been found in CGF’s latest Corpo­rate Patron, namely IS Partners who were recently appointed inthis capacity and join the other CGF Corporate Patrons, Con ­nuitySA and Spescom. “We are delighted with this collabora ve partnership andthrough the patron support of IS Partners, we are able to offerimmediate value to IS Partners and their supply chain,” says TerryBooysen, CEO of CGF Research Ins tute. CGF Research Ins tute has over the years become widely knownfor our role in assis ng to ‘educate’ and inform businesses aboutthe cri cal need for good governance as the under­pinning foun­da on for sound, ethically based business prac ces. Each month,CGF is tasked to produce related reports that pertain issues linkedto ma ers such as BBBEE, Records and Contracts Management,IFRS, Workplace Violence, Corporate Kidnapping, Execu ve Re­munera on, Boardroom Behaviour and Procedures and manymore ranging topics. Clearly, the ambit of good governance is notfound in a text book alone or only contained within the likes ofthe King III Report and similar recognised governance recommen­da ons and laws. At the very heart of the topic – good governance starts withineach individual and their inner discipline which allows for ethicalbusiness prac ces and integrated performance, covering the fi­nancial and non­financial opera ons. In terms of this latest Corporate Patron announcement, Booysenadds that he was a racted to IS Partners not only for their rolein the corporate governance field, but also because of its busi­ness leaders who share a common vision within CGF to see morebusinesses align themselves with good governance prac ces. Grant van der Wal, CEO of IS Partners fully supported theCorporate Patron move with CGF

from the first mee ng, saying that the ‘partnership’ was “an ex­tension of their own corporate ethos, as well as being a symbolicendeavour to cause others to follow.”To this end, through IS Partners’ commitment and financial back­ing, both companies ­­ who also both happen to belong to theProudly South African Campaign ­­ have agreed that all the com­panies within IS Partners’ supply chain will be able to qualify forsubstan ally reduced pricing in the event that they wish to availthemselves of CGF’s popular web­based Body of Knowledge Gov­ernance so ware program. This special offer will last for the twoyear period of Corporate Patronship, now also occupied by ISPartners. This offer is limited to organisa ons within IS Partner’s supplychain and customer base. Qualifying suppliers and customers willsave the entry cost of R90k, but the standard R34k per annumfee will s ll apply. The service may be used throughout the com­pany. CGF’s standard terms and condi ons of business engage­ment apply. To make use of this offer, contact CGF on +27 11 476 8264/1/0or email [email protected] About IS Partners IS Partners was established in 2001 and the company collabo­rates extensively with thought leaders within their field of ex­per se, enabling their clients to innovate and create new waysof improving their businesses. The company’s focus resides in the implementa on, customisa­

on and integra on of core applica on development on Mi­croso pla orms for business intelligence, customer rela onshipmanagement, corporate performance management and knowl­edge management solu ons. Within their subsidiaries; PERFORMANCE BUSINESS was estab­lished to address the demand in the market for hosted solu onswhich assists to align partnerships and unlock business value tocustomers through opera onal and industry­specific hosted ap­plica ons. PROGNEO was established to provide specialist finan­cial consul ng services, linking finance and technology totransform the way finance departments operate. For more informa on about IS Partners visitwww.ispartners.co.za For more informa on about CGF Research Ins tute visitwww.cgf.co.za or www.corporate­governance.co.za For further informa on contact: CGF Research Ins tute (Pty) Ltd Terry Booysen (Chief Execu ve Officer)Tel: 011 476 8264 Cell: 082 373 2249 E­mail: [email protected]

From the CGF…

BRONZE PATRON – IS partnersopens governance doors for its supply chain

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On August 20th, Con nuitySA officially launched the Recovery Facility lo­cated just outside of Maputo, Mozambique by holding, a breakfast at theCardoso hotel for invited delegates. The event was well a ended withguests from across a wide range of business sectors including financial,communica ons and security to name a few.

Brandon Ross and Wayne Reed presented not only on the BCM Lifecyclebut also on the specifica ons of the newly upgraded facility.

The upgraded facility now has a board room, new kitchen and pause areaas well as a 30Sqm syndicated server room that falls into the Con nuitySAstandards constructed in line with Con nuitySA’s standards.

The site also has a new entrance and recep on area for visitors and clientsto report to and sign in at.

The facility has 60 seats and there is plenty of room for growth. A new Mu­nicipality power feed was installed to provide stable power in an areaknown for power related problems.

As you may be aware, the ContinuitySA Recovery Facility inMozambique has recently been upgraded to handle newand larger client requirements. One of the ContinuitySAgoals in Mozambique is to grow the local client base and toparticipate in local IT and Business Conferences, in order togrow awareness.

ContinuitySA approached the AITEC Africa team to discussour participation in the conference held in Maputo duringOctober. The ContinuitySA focus at this conference was todiscuss the difference between BCM and DR – a commonarea of misinterpretation.

It was also a huge privilege to have the Minister of Technol­ogy and Science official open the conference which – at anygiven time – was attended by between 70 and 250 dele­gates. ContinuitySA has already been invited to speak at theAITEC Mozambique conference in 2011 and look forward tofurther contributing to the development of BCM Awarenesswithin the Mozambique business community.

Con nuitySAe x p a n d s

Aitec Conference Mozambique 2010

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Con nuitySA, Affinity Partner to the In­s tute of Directors South Africa, spon­sored the 10th hole at the IoDSAAnnual golf day – in addi on to enter­ing a 4­ball to play in the event. Con ­nuitySA was represented on the day byAllen Smith (CEO), Duane Bester (Solu­

ons Design), Wayne Reed (R&D) andJus n Hammann (BDM). The event wasbrilliantly organised and the gi s atsign­in were fantas c. The only nega­

ve feedback was that the greenscould have been easier!

Con nuitySA – as part of their sponsor­ship on the day – held a lucky draw andare proud to announce that Mr. JackMashazi, Factory Manager at TigerBrands, was the lucky winner! Congra­tula ons Mr. Mashazi!


Every year, Con nuitySA acknowledgesthe hard work, dedica on and commit­ment displayed by members of staff.This year was no excep on! Eventhough the past year was marred bythe doom of the economic downturn,the staff at Con nuitySA con nued toserve with excellence and enthusiasm.

On 11 November 2010, a func on wastherefore hosted at the NiteFeverNightclub in Centurion. This venue wasexcep onally befi ng to the theme ofthe event: an 80’s Disco Party! Charac­ters from the 80’s rocked up in theirnumbers: Rambo, Flava Flav, Irene Carafrom Flashdance fame, Don Johnson ina pink Miami Vice ou it and Kiss toname but a few.

The atmosphere was fes ve and it wasevident that everyone intended tohave a great me! The formali es of

the evening included a few words bythe CEO of Con nuitySA – Mr. Allen G Smith – followed by the Awards Ceremony.

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With Con nuitySA growing at such a fast pace with all our latest site de­velopments and new service offerings it gives me such pleasure serving

as editor for Client Chronicles as there is such a great deal to reporton. Having said that, the Con nuitySA team remains commi ed tobringing our readers more and more valuable ar cles that will alwayskeep you up to date with our latest products developments and serv­ices.

Should you have any Business Con nuity thought pieces or ar cles thatyou would like to submit and feel will serve our readers interest for theupcoming issues Client Chronicles, we value your input and would like tohear from you.

Your thoughts and feedback are most welcome and can be sent to me di­rectly to Kalaivani.Pillay@Con nuitySA.co.za

We hope you enjoy reading your copy of Client Chronicles.

Kalaivani Pillay, Editor

From the Editor’s


Consul ng Person of the Year – Karen Humphris

Service Delivery Person

of the Year

and also

Employee of the

Year – Innes Le Roux

Manager of the Year

– Leonie Cronje

Division of

the Year

– Service DeliveryHardest Worker of the Year ­ Chris na Botha

Sales Person of the Year – Leigh Anne Van As

Finance & Admin Person

of the Year – Daphne Ramlal

Region of the Year – Cape Town