Q1 - Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? QUESTION 1: By Laura Craig

Transcript of Q1 - Evaluation

  1. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? QUESTION 1: By Laura Craig
  3. 3. HEADER HOTTEST engages with the audience influences audience to buy effects model use of buss word capitalisation bold colours eye- catching stands out informing the reader (Use and Grat.) Other magazines that use this conventions:
  4. 4. MASTHEAD Large bold simple capital letters top of the page behind image brand awareness eye-catching stands out. Other magazines that use this common convention:
  5. 5. MAIN IMAGE Medium long-shot single person in shot link to main story direct mode of address connection of audience and artist personal relationships (Uses and Grat.) in front of masthead stands out of page eye-catching strong posture challenges male gaze (Mulvey) not an object or sexualised costume not too revealing. Other magazines that follow these conventions:
  6. 6. FEATURES Insight to magazine features informative (Use and Grat.) entice audience smaller fonts different font per feature not main cover line. Other magazines that use this convention:
  7. 7. PULL QUOTE Pull quote questions and engagement with audience entices audience to read. Other examples of magazines that use this convention:
  8. 8. ANCHORTEXT Name of artist entice fans anchors to main image main story bold text capitalisation shadowed text stands out. Examples of this in other magazines:
  9. 9. COVER LINES Creates questions audience wants to find answers Informative (Uses and Grat.) audience are powerless to find out. Other examples of this convention being used in magazines:
  10. 10. MAIN COVER LINE Common convention placed near to anchor text connection between the text shadow behind text stands out informing (Uses and Grat.) entices reader to read. Examples from magazines that use this convention:
  11. 11. FLASH Bold stands out shadow behind text informative (Uses and Grat.) buzz word EXCLUSIVE entices audience powerless to read on hypodermic needle model. Examples from other magazines:
  12. 12. DATE & ISSUE NO. Recent information Informative (Uses and Grat.) regular readers stay up to date near top of page one of first things seen slightly smaller text than features. Examples of magazines that use this convention:
  14. 14. IMAGES I tried to vary the shots used in my contents page, a long shot at a concert and a couple of medium close-ups.The body language and facial expression are easily seen this way.The concert photo is there for variation so not all pictures are of models, and to make it clear that its a music magazine. No overlapping, and neatly aligned for a professional look. Other magazines that use this:
  15. 15. COLUMNS I used columns to make my contents page look organised, they were found as a common convention in my research and planning I challenged the traditional 3 columns and settled for 2 for a more simple look. No overlapping no crowding easy navigation. I challenged other magazines that used this convention:
  16. 16. NUMBERING Big numbers stands out easy navigation suitable to young audience creates shortcuts convenient links to articles informing of what is inside (Uses and Grat.) not overpowering. Other magazines that use this convention:
  17. 17. FEATURES Titles are bold and contrasting short and to the point eye catching breaks down the magazine easy navigation short descriptions not text heavy informing (Uses and Grat.) entices reader. Other magazines that use this convention:
  18. 18. EDITORS NOTE I included an editors note in my contents page. It is not a common convention in other music magazines from the research I have carried out, however it is a common convention in other genres of a magazine and I felt it would be relevant for a first issue as an introduction and this way can create a personal relationship with the reader (Uses and Grat.). I also changed the font that was used from the other features to differentiate them.
  19. 19. SOCIAL NETWORKING I found in my research that links to social media was non-existent. However, I decided to use it because my target audience is late teens/ young adults, therefore social media is used frequently by them and it would attract my audience and get them more involved.The audience would receive up to date notices and this will create a customer base, allowing me to reach my readers easily and market the magazine effectively.The use of social media here is essential to entering the competition...
  20. 20. COMPETITION Once again, a competition was not something I came across in my research previously, but it was found that there are special offers in relation to buying a number of magazines from the brand, so I adapted this convention. It would also be logical to include a motive for the audience to buy the magazine because this is the first issue of my magazine, and to further attract regular readers. The original convention is used:
  22. 22. LAYOUT I used the common convention found in my research that the image of the artist takes up one whole page, and positioned to the left hand side with the text taking up the right- hand side of the double-page spread. I also kept the image in colour and adjusted the tones to make the image really stand out and is eye-catching to the audience, as well as it being a whole page which should be more prominent to the audience anyway.The name of the artist is something I wanted to challenge, as commonly it would be a lot smaller. However, I felt that a large header and anchor text would catch the audiences attention to the article and make them want to read. Magazine with a similar layout:
  23. 23. IMAGE For my double-page spread I used a mid-shot because I wanted to challenge the common convention of using a close-up or medium close-up.Also, and mid-shot would allow for more of the body language to be seen and the eye contact between the artist and audience creates personal relationship (Uses and Grat.) and entices the reader to read the article from the page. Magazines I wanted to challenge the convention of:
  24. 24. COLUMNS From my research into codes and conventions, I found that having the page split into three equal sized columns was a common convention used, which makes the spread look professional and well organised. I decided to stick to this convention. Other magazines that use this convention:
  25. 25. PULL QUOTE Pull quote insight to story creates engagement and questions with audience personal relationships for those who experience (Uses and Grat.) different font to differentiate italics eye catching. Other magazines that use this convention:
  26. 26. ANCHORTEXT I chose to challenge the convention of having a rather small name of the artist placed in the top right-hand corner of the page.As previously mentioned, having a big and bold name of the artist should attract the audience and inform them of the article (Use and Grat.), whilst I also used a slight drop shadow to make it stand out even more to the audience. Magazines I wanted to challenge the convention of:
  27. 27. DROP CAP & PAGE NUMBERING Page numbering informative Drop cap introduction to text large and bold attention grabbing entices readers. Magazines that use this convention:
  28. 28. TAG LINE This was not a common convention found in my research however I felt that the effect using the buzzword EXCLUSIVE on the reader would entice them to read, therefore would be beneficial to the article influence to read effects model anchors to text and image bold text capitalisation slightly shadowed text stands out.
  29. 29. HOUSE STYLE My house style of grey, black and white throughout my music magazine challenges the conventional red, black and white which is seen frequently in my research. I did this to keep more gender neutral colours to attract a wider audience and not such a bold in in your face approach, slightly tones down and more subtle. A magazine I wanted to challenge the convention of: