Q1 2012 Progress Report MoSS

Annual Review First Quarter Report for 2012 Deliverable Description Date: 13 May 2012 1 of 16 Purpose/Description of the Target Annual Progress Report for 2012: An annual project progress report should be prepared toward the end of each year to document the performance of each project and communicate it to appropriate stakeholders. This review will focus on the extent to which progress is being made towards production of deliverables required to generate output and identification of project issues and their solutions. Format: Any standard appearance to which the Deliverable must conform: Annual Project Progress Report Atlas Derivation/Inputs: Annual Progress Report receives inputs from: Deliverable Descriptions Quality Log Issues Log Risks Log Quality Control Method: Project Assurance will review the Annual Progress Report and ensure that progress is properly documented including % progress towards deliverables, risks and issues. Accountabilities: Accountabilities for producing the Annual Review Report: Project Manager

Transcript of Q1 2012 Progress Report MoSS

Annual Review First Quarter Report for 2012 Deliverable Description Date: 13 May 2012

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Purpose/Description of the Target Annual Progress Report for 2012:

An annual project progress report should be prepared toward the end of each year to document the performance of each project and communicate it to appropriate stakeholders. This review will focus on the extent to which progress is being made towards production of deliverables required to generate output and identification of project issues and their solutions.

Format: Any standard appearance to which the Deliverable must conform: Annual Project Progress Report Atlas

Derivation/Inputs: Annual Progress Report receives inputs from:

Deliverable Descriptions

Quality Log

Issues Log

Risks Log

Quality Control Method: Project Assurance will review the Annual Progress Report and ensure that progress is properly documented including % progress towards deliverables, risks and issues.

Accountabilities: Accountabilities for producing the Annual Review Report:

Project Manager

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Annual Report

DATE: Award ID: 00044225 Description: Annual Review Report of Strengthening the Ministry of Social Solidarity Implementing Partner: Ministry of Social Solidarity Period Covered: 2012 Project Issues:

Updated Project Risks:

1. MoSS has a weak infrastructure mainly in its financial reporting capacity due to the lack of international experience with donors.

2. The capacity of the MoSS staff to adapt and

absorb changes introduced by the project is limited.

3. Mainstreaming and inclusion of the Project

Management Unit (PMU). The PMU operates in seclusion of the remainder of the Ministry and is not yet fully integrated with MoSS.

4. The newly formed ministry MoSS’s complex

and changing mandate has made it difficult for both Ministry staff and other government counterparts to interpret its role and activities.

5. Expected changes in both the Egyptian NGO

law and social policy pertaining to subsidies might result in increased social pressures.

Updated Project Risk Management

1. The Project hired a Senior Accounting Manager, with strong financial background, to ensure the proper financial management of the project resources in accordance with rules and regulations.

2. The Project has supported and

expanded all types of training programs of MoSS staff, in order to ensure adoption of introduced reforms by MoSS’ staff.

3. The Project management ensured

that all contracted Senior Advisors, Consultants, and Specialists are assigned to interact and work directly with MoSS’ senior and middle level staff, in order to ensure transfer of Knowledge & expertise.

4. Extensive efforts are underway to

formulate and broadcast MoSS’ reform mandate and its vision of reform to both its staff and to the public. A broad communication message will be launched in 2009.

5. The Project/UNDP has advocated a participatory approach towards both change processes in order to incorporate inputs and perspective from a wide variety of stakeholders, including the set-up of various internal and external NGO Policy Review Committees.

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Project Performance:

OUTPUT 1: MOSS TAU ESTABLISHED Project ID: 00044225 Description: To support MOSS in recruiting outside expertise to assist it carry out the project . YYYY target: 2012

1. Set-up and organized regular senior staff meetings with regard to presenting the various projects of MoSS to all Consultants, with the purpose of facilitating communication and cooperation among all project staff, Consultants and various task managers.

YYYY Achievement:

1. The Project management ensured that all contracted Senior Advisors, Consultants, and Specialists are assigned to interact and work directly with MoSS’ senior and middle level staff, in order to ensure transfer of Knowledge & expertise.

OUTPUT 2: MOSS NEW STRUCTURE Project ID: 00044225 Description: To developing Moss’ mission & vision in order to respond to its new mandate YYYY Target: 2012

1. Central Agency for Reconstruction projects: Follow-up establishment of (80) projects to be implementing as follow:

Establishment of (62) projects.

Development of (18) projects.

2. Educational Buildings Authority projects: Follow-up establishment of (21) projects to be implementing by the holder as follow:

Establishment of (10) projects.

Development of (9) projects.

Raising the efficiency of (2) projects.

3. Housing Directorates Projects in Governorates: Follow-up establishment of (15) projects being implemented by housing directorates in Governorates.

4. Court building project for the new ministry building in Agouza: Follow up the implementation of the project, being implemented by the Military Works Department of Armed Forces and planned to be completed in 31/12/2011 to be outfitted with fiscal year plan 2012/2013.

5. Raise the efficiency of social units project: Follow-up the upgrading of (33) units, Social Directorates in Governorates were approved to raise the efficiency of social units according to fiscal year plan 2010/2011 & 2011/2012.

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6. Ratification to start establishment of (13) new social services centers and development of (15) social units in addition to equipped (103) service projects in many Governorates according to fiscal year plan 2012/2013.

7. Investment plan for the fiscal year 2011/2012 & 2012/2013: Monitor the implementation of the investment plan for Social Affairs Sector and Supply sector. (25.7 million L.E. allocated from Social Affairs Sector and 9.19 million L.E. allocated from Supply Sector of an item of non-residential buildings) to complete implementation the projects (according to Investment plan for the fiscal year 2011/2012).

YYYY Achievement:

1. Projects of the Central Agency for Reconstruction (Completed):

Establishment of (25) projects (from a total of 62 projects).

Development of (9) projects (from a total of 18 projects).

2. Educational Buildings Authority projects (Been completed):

Establishment of (5) projects plus (2) projects ready to handover (out of 10 total projects).

Development of (7) projects (out of 9 total projects).

Raising the efficiency of (2) projects (out of 2 total projects).

3. Housing Directorates Projects in Governorates: Follow-up establishment of (15) projects being implemented by housing directorates in Governorates.

4. Court building project for the new ministry building in Agouza: Been ratified by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, transferred of 12 million L.E. from (16 million L.E.) allocated for Court building project for the new ministry building in Agouza and paid for Military Works Department of Forced Armed as down payment.

5. Raise the efficiency of social units project: Upgrading of (9) social units (out of total 33 social units) planned to be raised the efficiency.

OUTPUT 3: MOSS CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ID: 00044225 Description: To develop capacity building for MOSS (and NGOs). YYYY target: 2012 First : Information Technology Activities:

1. Family Database System:

Finalize rollout of the system for all Governorates.

Interface with Smart Card Companies via web services.

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Interface with Social Insurance Organization via web services.

Hosting Family Database at Social Insurance Organization Information Center.

2. GIS System:

Produce GIS reports for targeting system.

Integration with Ministry of State for Administrative Development systems (E. Government).

3. Establishing the Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs IT infrastructure:

Finalize outsourcing Hosting of Data Center at Social Insurance Organization Information Center.

Finalize setting up a Disaster Recovery Center for Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade.

4. NGOs System:

Develop the system to meet all the requirements of Central Department of NGO’s of Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs.

Complete the design of the required reports (Statistics - detailed data).

5. Pilgrimage System :

Enhancement for running Hajj Program.

Design a new set of report.

6. MOSS Website: Develop the website of the 2 ministries (Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade & Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs) through:

Coordinating with Project IT Team, the ministry's IT department and Media Consultant to gather information about the current MoSS web site and the needs to be met in the new web site.

Analysis of the current web site, and identifying the restructuring needed and the information and services to be included on the new website.

Developing the new website information structure.

Selecting and evaluating the platform to be used in the development of the new website.

Preparing the development environment.

Creating the design of the new web site, and implementing sample homepage and an internal page.

7. Call Center Project :

Implement new services and updates.

Rollout of MoSS new updates, services and requirements.

Integration of Call Center Database and Complains Database on Website.

8. ERP System:

Keep the project on track.

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Secondly : Training Component:

A- Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade :

Training (60) directors and managers of the sectors (Senior Management).

Training (80) employees of Citizens Service Department (Executive Management).

Training (45) employees of Public Relations and Media Department (Executive Management).

Training (125) inspectors of Central Department for Inspection (Middle Management).

Training (80) employees of Supply Departments and Offices (Middle Management).

Training (80) employees of Internal Trade Sector (Middle Management).

B- Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs :

Conversion Training (160) of Social Units secretarial employees to work as assistant social specialist (Executive Management).

Training (80) social specialists to develop skills and increase functional capacity (Middle Management).

Training (160) social specialists for data entry of Family Database System (Middle Management).

Establish 3 workshops for )400) of social specialist on the New Social Protection Law (Middle Management).

Training (20) of Senior Managers on Total Quality Management TQM.

Training (20) of employees on the Computer Skills (Executive Management).

Training (20) of employees on English language (Middle Management).

YYYY Achievement: First : Information Technology Activities:

1. Smart Cards:

Defined the rules of matching the input data for the ration cards with the exchange data and sent it to the Smart Cards Companies.

The smart cards companies designed programs necessary to the matching.

Testing the matching programs in some Gov. Such as Port Said - Ismalia - Aswan.

2. Family Database System:

Finalize rollout of the system in 27 governorates

Technical support for Family Database

3. Targeting:

Technical support for Targeting Program

Exporting Targeting data for the completed governorates in a format that easy for SPSS statistics

4. Social Solidarity Pensions from Post Offices

Following up the monthly payment of Social Solidarity Pensions from Post Offices.

Co-operating with the Governorates and social administrative offices with the Information Center to solve all the networks and technical problems of the project.

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5. NGOs Application

Enhancement the system to meet the requirements of NGOs central department.

Implementation of the new screens include (training programs, membership, contributions, committees, directors board members, directors board meetings, assembly members, assembly meetings, volunteers, NGO problems, research experience, revenues and expenses, budget).

Added and redesign some required reports (Statistics & detailed data).

6. Pilgrimage System : The program is divided into 2 main parts: A- Electronic lottery program:

Hajj applications for members of NGOs' directorates & ministry staff.

Implementation of all required amendments to the electronic lottery program. B- Hajj Information System:

Includes data for the winners of the Hajj, supervisors data, financial receipts, hotels, hotels accommodation, flights, fellow-up reports.

The current screens have been updated to increase the level of performance.

Design a new set of reports.

Enhancement for running Hajj Program.

Adding and redesign some of the Hajj program features.

Implementation a program to print the identity cards of the pilgrims and supervisors including their data and personal photos.

Providing technical support for Hajj Program users.

7. Call Center Project:

Finalize system updates, which include the following: o Adding new services (Botagaz , Productive Families , Customer services). o Create new complaint forms for the new services. o Changing the mandatory/optional filed according to our business need. o Customizing the Citizen form. o Editing the Validation rules.

Continue established training courses for users: o Follow up Department in Tamween Sector. o Follow up Department in Sheoon Sector.

Keep the project on track, by continually monitoring the departments’ performance through monthly reports.

8. ERP Project:

A. Regarding (Payroll and HR applications for Sheoon sector):

Finalizing the register employees records process (1600 record) and update their information which include:

o General information (name, birth date, ID, Graduation information, employee rank, promotions).

o Basic salaries. o Training courses. o Motivation bounce. o Yearly bounce. o Vacations.

Continue running the audit process of reviewing the employee’s payroll data, to

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be able for issuing electronic payroll lists. B. Regarding (Accounting, budgeting applications for Sheoon and Tamween sectors):

The employees work on day to day basis, and they deliver the Application Output every month, as required.

C. Regarding (Inventory and purchasing applications for Sheoon and Tamween sectors):

The employees register departments data and keep it updated.

9. GIS System:

GIS work includes three main billers, each has its status according to its scopes needs and details, these billers are:

A. GIS Web Portal GIS Webpage linked to Ministry main web site: - Updating the GIS portal through linking the current GIS database with the

updated version of family database (Automatically updated link) on 3 aggregation levels (Governorates, Districts, Sub districts).

- Adding more web functions (zoom in/out & info) to facilitate the usage of the portal.

- Working on customizing more technical function such print layouts function using VB studio ver.10.

B. Mapping Supply services Goal: Creating GIS maps for the current supply services on the street level detailed

maps (scale 1:5000) covers all Egypt Governorates.


MOSS Central Department of Planning.

Al-Massryen Company.


MOSS GIS unit. Roles and responsibilities :

CAPMAS: Based on verbal agreement between the Minster and General Abu-Bakr Al Gindy (Head of CAPMAS), CAPMAS provides MOSS GIS unit with complete set of GIS vector data on street level (1:5000) for all Egypt Governorates, these maps will be used to locate the supply services starting by subsidized bakeries with its linked outlets.

MOSS GIS unit: receiving maps from CAPMAS then prepare the paper layouts and print each sub district separated in map size A0.

Central planning department receives the paper print outs maps to be disseminated to different other departments responsible for Bakeries and Outlets distribution.

Al-Massreyn Company is responsible for mapping the bakeries and outlets, in addition to submit all details related to the bakeries such as (name, type, quota, separated or not, address..etc).

Then all data to be back again to MOSS GIS unit to do the following actions:

o Build complete access database contains the gathered data related to

each bakery and attached its outlets.

o Locate both bakeries and outlets on the Maps which enable the decision makers to judge the equality of their distribution over certain location.

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Work status:

After many periodical visits to CAPMAS; a complete detailed digital maps for 6 Governorates had been delivered to the MOSS GIS unit. these governorates are: (Giza, Cairo, Qaluobia, Gharbia, Sharkia, Behira).

The project starts with mapping bakeries and outlets on the governorate of Greater Cairo Area (Cairo, Giza and Qaluobia).

The work achievements % shown in the following table:

Governorate % work

Achievements Remarks

Cairo 100%

Giza 100%

Qaluobia 100%

Note: All finished and revised maps original copies are kept in GIS unit.

C. Mapping Target Project results: Goal: Creating GIS printouts highlight the result of targeting project with

co-operation of Social Study Institute (Dr Ibtsam Al Gafarawy).

Work status :

GIS unit was responsible for receiving the targeting data and then preparing the layouts which shows the result of targeting project to be printed on the complete report, starting by Al Behira Governorate with its district.

All the work in this phase has been done and sent it to Dr Ibtsam. A sample of the map produced showed as:

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D. GIS Handover

Starting from 15 September 2011; The GIS unit had been delivered completely to a technical committee of MOSS Information Center.

The GIS handover includes the flowing: - GIS Hardware:

3 units - original Dell PC’s 1 unit - Plotter 1 unit - A4 Black& white laser printer 1 unit - A4 Colour printer 1 unit - Scanner

- GIS Software: Handover 3 Original GIS licenses (2) ARCGIS Editor & (1) ARC Server, and Installation packages needed for plotter, printers and scanner.

- GIS Work situation : Detailed hand over notes and delivery reports had been submitted to the information center committee , in addition to give them 13 days on job training to let them be able to complete the needed whole GIS work on time .

10. Redesign & development of ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs, MISA


Coordinating with Project IT Team, the ministry's IT department and Media Consultant to gather information about the current MISA web site and the needs to be met in the new web site.

Analysis of the current web site, and identifying the restructuring needed and the information and services to be included on the new website.

Developing the new website information structure.

Selecting and evaluating the platform to be used in the development of the new website.

Preparing the development environment.

Creating the design of the new web site, and implementing sample homepage and an internal page.

Secondly : Training Activities:

B. Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs :

Conversion Training (40) of Social Units secretarial employees to work as assistant social specialist (Executive Management).

Training (40) social specialists to develop skills and increase functional capacity (Middle Management).

Training (20) of employees on the computer skills (Executive Management).

Training (20) of employees on English language (Middle Management).

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Thirdly : Research & Development:

Activities of the short term National Consultants:

Scientific Coordinator with World Food Program.

Prepared memos to the minister regarding economic and management issues.

Participated in the Minster’s Meetings that related to economic issues.

Reviewed Egyptian Country Strategy for the World Food Program 2012 to 2016.

Participated in the preparation of the draft of “the National Body of Food Subsidy” law.

Prepare case study on “General Structure of MEGA Bakeries and Merging of Small Bakeries”.

Finalized and Present the final result of the “Supply Chain Study” to the Minister.

Finalized conduct study of “Measuring of the Balady Bread Production Cost”.

Prepared the TOR of “Build and design a new efficient and effective system for Balady Bread through removing government intervention from initial stages of the Balady Bread Supply Chain to its last stage”.

Ongoing conduct in collaboration with WFP and international experts:

Build and design a new efficient and effective system for Balady bread.

Draw structured implementation plan for the new Balady Bread system.

Design a pilot project for the first phase of the implementation of the new enhanced and efficient Balady Bread system.

Responsible of the following files:

World Bank: meetings on behalf of his Excellency the minister; drafts & executive

Islamic Bank for Development: meetings with his Excellency, drafts & executive

Summaries of MoS&SJ vision & strategies, proposed plan of collaboration.

NGO: work follow‐up & reviewing of proposed new NGO, follow‐up of successful

experiences all over the world to acquire experience in targeting the poorest.

Developing Egyptian NGO map ( geographic distribution, activities, total numbers of beneficiaries, etc…).

UN World Food Programme: executive summary of monthly reports related to Work in Egypt (FFT).

Executive summaries of studies & reports:

Evaluating the performance of help & social development sector in MoS&SJ.

The disaster fund.

Targeting the most vulnerable groups.

Evaluating the national module to reduce poverty.

The role of NGO in promoting human development.

Aya company for consultancy & development.

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OUTPUT 4: ACCREDIT & ELIGIBILITY SYSTEM FOR NGO Project ID: 00044225 Description: To create an accreditation & eligibility system for NGO in Egypt. YYYY Target: 2012

1. Establishing the Audit Committee, and implementing of its role and responsibilities. 2. Training Governorates relevant staff on the application of the eligibility criteria forms. 3. Evaluation and analysis the criteria application results on waves of NGOs. 4. Arrange for tailored training courses to cover the main weakness elements in the majority

of NGOs based on the analysis of the criteria evaluation results. 5. Drafting the NGOs guiding report.

YYYY Achievement:

1. NGO’s Eligibility System

A. Gathering more information and data to be included in the NGO’s report/guiding book, It is supposed to cover regulations and directives aspects, criteria, statistics, challenges, examples of promising and successful NGO’s, granting parties, kinds and conditions of support, large networking groups and valuable partnerships projects, volunteers roles, regional NGO’s, ministry's targeted social solidarity activities, recommendations, etc …

B. Follow-up with the NGO’s Central Department the implementation of NGO’s eligibility criteria, The total number of NGO’s evaluated by this form has increased to 150 central NGO’s, Results of the evaluation form have been analysed and registered.

C. Drafting proposals to act positively towards loses deriving after 25/1/2011 actions as:

Recommending urgent audit missions focusing on large NGO’s and related to ex-regime.

Proposing activities to NGO’s to play a constructive role towards the revolutionary action.

Propose a project to Collect optional donation from the ministry staff to be directed to feed the account opened in Nasr Social Bank to reimburse harmed and injured people.

Proposals conveyed through the minister s office to relevant departments for consideration.

D. Follow up with the cooperation of NGO’s department the remarks and recommendations related to audit findings and NGO’s activities.

E. Respect the other projects that were proposed for year 2011 & 2012, Please note the following:

As for establishing an Audit Committee to supervise the nationwide annual audit activities on NGO’s and implementing the risk based audit methodology, The proposal was conveyed by the minister's office to the Head of the NGO’s Central Department for consideration, we are following them to discuss the issue and to provide their comments.

As for organizing a Seminar to demonstrate the eligibility criteria to the Governorates, the NGO’s, and the granting parties. The head of NGO’s Central Department mentioned that due to the current circumstances it will be postponed.

As for tailored Training Courses to cover main weakness elements in a majority of NGO’s, will be done upon the application of the criteria form on most of NGO’s.

F. Preparing power point presentation for the NGO’s eligibility criteria to be demonstrated at

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the seminar and workshop targeted to declare the eligibility criteria and explain its application form to relevant participants from governorates, NGO’s, and stake holders. The NGO’s department is proceeding to arrange for this seminar to be held on December 2011 after the arrangements related to the Pilgrimage season.

G. Following with the NGO’s department the implementation of the NGO’s eligibility criteria, The number of NGO’s evaluated by this form has increased to 180 central NGO’s, Results of the evaluation form have been analysed and registered. As for the Tailored Training Courses to cover main weakness elements in a majority of NGO’s, will be done upon the application of the criteria form on a larger number of NGO’s.

H. Discuss with head of NGO’s department the proposal of establishing audit committee to supervise the nationwide audit activities on NGO’s and implement risk based methodology, preliminary positive consideration was reached, we are following to provide us comments.

I. Follow with relevant departments the proposals to act positively towards loses deriving after the 25/1/2011 revolution.

2. Disability:

A. Following with the rehabilitation department to provide the approval of the governorates

on the proposed components of the database form respect NGO’s working in fields of disability and the disabled persons dealing with them.

B. Following with the rehabilitation department the implementation of the additional criteria (standards) respect NGO’s working in fields of disability and to provide us copy of their visit reports respect assessing the implementation of these standards in a sample of NGO’s, and clarifying challenges, comments and recommendations.

C. The implementation of the grant "struggle & success" for challenging disabled persons and their supporting NGO’s, is under review in coordination with the head of rehabilitation department.

D. Received from the rehabilitation department application of 8 Governorates that already fulfilled the components of the disability database form respect 42 NGO’s working in fields of disability and the disabled persons dealing with them. Reviewing the contents to present recommendations in order to extend application, and add components of the disability database form to the new electronic NGO’s database, It will enable to start a stone detailed database on disabled persons dealing with NGO’s working in field of disability, which can help in providing objective views and decisions, Following the rehabilitation department to provide fulfilled forms from remaining governorates.

E. Received from the rehabilitation department reports from 4 Governorates respect the implementation of the additional criteria (standards) in NGO’s working in fields of disability, they mentioned some obstacles specially in old NGO’s, as for new ones it is fulfilled. Reviewing these reports to identify challenges, comments and recommendations.

F. The implementation of the grant "struggle & success" for challenging disabled persons and their supporting NGO’s, is postponed due to insufficient funding for the time being.

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Project ID: 00044225 Description: To Review & Improve targeting

YYYY target: 2012

1. Smart Cards:

Rollout of smart cards for Solidarity Pension Service throughout all Governorates.

Develop and implement interface with wholesale companies.

2. Social Solidarity Pensions from Post Offices:

Study payment from more than one post office for each social service center.

Finalize issuing Social Solidarity Pension from Post Offices by family smart card.

YYYY Achievement:

1. Smart Cards:

Defined the rules of matching the input data for the ration cards with the exchange

data and sent it to the smart card companies.

The smart card companies designed programs necessary to the matching.

Testing the matching programs in some Governorates such as Port Said and Aswan.

2. Targeting:

Technical support for Targeting Program.

Exporting Targeting data for the completed governorates in a format that easy for

SPSS statistics analysis.

3. Social Solidarity Pensions from Post Offices:

Following up the monthly implantation circulation of Social Solidarity Pensions from

Post Offices.

Co-operating with Governorates and social administrative offices and Information

Center of MoSS to solve all the networks and technical problems of the project.


Project ID: 00044225 Description: To assess Nasser Social Bank and prepare it for restructuring.

YYYY target: 2012

1. Finalize prepared revised set of regulations for NSB Investment, “Takaful”, “Takeraats/Akarats” and Legal divisions.

2. Continue to:

Connect central departments to newly commissioned NSB’s digital network.

Investigate means to modernize archiving capabilities.

Introduce ATM services to NSB clients and employees.

Redefine branches’ performance criteria to match NSB’s philosophies/mission.

Develop NSB website.

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Develop NSB intranet site (for internal use).

Develop a preliminary concept for a revamped main branch at 35 Kasr El Nil-Cairo.

Implement Year 2012 NBE training program.

Continue monitoring progress of 3 new branches: Nasr City, 6 Oct., and Zakazeek.

Prepare a human development program for NSB staff.

Monitor progress of the new Human Capital Development Centre (HCDC). 3. Evaluate 6 branches of NSB and “Zakaat” committees in Southern Egypt. 4. Connect central departments to NSB’s newly commissioned digital network. 5. Issue the Strategy Formulation Process with NSB’s Executives. 6. Initiate contact with Engineering Authority of Armed Forces to revamp upper Egypt

branches, and Initiate a study to formulate functionalities and roles to introduce new NSB access points.

7. Revamped, completely, the Bank’s Database Center, and Establish the Bank’s Call Center and documenting all operational regulations.

8. Revamped, completely, 10 Information Center of NSB Branches, and connecting them with the NSB Database Center.

NSB’s Reforms Pilot Project has been completed successfully.

Phase-1 of the Reforms Project begins on November 1st, 2010. It focuses on preparing, publishing, and implementing NSB strategies for the next 3 years including: full automation of services, executing an aggressive human capital development plan, and physically revamping all NSB branches.

1. Conduct a third round of negotiations with the African Development Bank (AFDB) in Tunisia.

2. Conduct a fourth round of negotiations with the AFDB in Cairo. 3. Initialized the loan and grant agreement with the AFDB. 4. Prepare memos required to increase take-home pay of NSB employees. 5. Successfully selecting, nominating, and qualifying two NSB staff members to attend a two

month training courses in India sponsored by the African Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO).

6. Continued to:

Work on a comprehensive automation project.

Investigate the feasibility to implement the first social business project in Sohag.

Prepare an NSB aggressive Human Capital Development program.


In November, 2010 NSB’s Reforms Pilot Project has been completed successfully, and began Phase-1 of its Reforms Project.

It focuses on preparing, publishing, and implementing NSB strategies for the next 3 years including: full automation of services, executing an aggressive human capital development plan, and revamping all of NSB 90 branches.

The Reforms Pilot Project included: revamping the current data center at NSB Head Office to enable the operation of a newly developed state-of-the-art digital network, established an NSB Human Capital Development Center (HCDC), developed new/revised bank regulations, developed a model for the look-and-feel of rebranded bank branches, hired well over 400 new

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employees based on predefined set of selection criteria, and opened 3 new branches conforming to the new rebranded branch model.

NSB automation project will fully automate all NSB services and connect all of its 90 branches through a sophisticated/secured network. It will also ensure that the bank uses state-of-the-art technologies and information systems. The project will incorporate an efficient business continuity solution to ensure data integrity and around the clock availability of services. In addition, the project will enable the bank to provide a set of services that it is not currently possible due to the nature of its legacy/outdated information systems and technologies.

The bank is undertaking an aggressive Human Capital Development Center initiative and succession plan. The initiative will begin with a massive human capital assessment and gap analysis phase followed by a customized human capital development program that targets employees across the organization to change/improve its culture while drastically improving on its human capital assets.

Through the project, NSB was able to upgrade and refurbish the branches of 6th of October, Zagazig, Mohandiseen, Qous, New Valley, Aswan; then developing Madinet Nasr, and four other branches will be finished at Asyut, Suhaj, Qena and Luxor. Furthermore, within 2011, NSB has a plan to upgrade and refurbish 19 other branches. Other branches are in serious need for upgrading, refurbishing and retrofitting. NSB has a plan to continue upgrading other branches by the year 2014 through consulting engineering firms and certified contractors.