·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any...

THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weey Newspaper Published in Union County. = -------- .. --- VOL. XX. NO. 25 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDA�, JANUARY 8, 19$. 1.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c. BEE HIVE.'' New ersey's Shopping Centre. NEWARK. The. Great January Sale in the Garment Department. Every Rectiou of this Y1tst .store presents nn 1111 11811al nnmbet• of splen. 1ti11 oeri ugs , but w� 1lirect •pemRI "tt�utlou to tb wu"derful rednc inn• in ovt.er gurm�nts for women, DliRP.R nnd chih lten. housauds uf .,ollurs' worth of"" fresh g•rments-rellecUu; iu every del ni l 11ll t.hnt is worthy und go01l, •t prl""" tlmt h:tve uever lilleu met null prohnhly · Ull\'er will -Le, In II word. thll llenefitR or this �ellt ohlllDIII'Y 81110 111'0 of mos t <lecid chamctel'-you cunnot uJfon1 to misH them. Women's Rln Coat Spec�a . I-Cnt with fnll •lth·t., fnll rom hip, triple diville•l CIJlHH-thoronghly t'RIU pt·oof. Hegulur 12.u0, s pcial. ...$9.50 Tailored Suit Sפciai-Blnck, uavy ttll<l brown, 27-in. jucltets-1w•liriaulougth HltirtH, tin•matolnlH-e:. 825 nud $27, sveclul.,.,,,., .. . $19.50 Another Tailored Suit Spedai-NHV, hlck, brown, nruet null mixeil effectH-short blonsor lou cnnt, for ml•�edluJ!l chil<heu-$1 t.o $20' valui!R, Apec i ai. ............. · .. . . · . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ........$10.0 0 Still Aituthr Suit pedai-Oboice muge ·of · . styles iu mixtnr•·�. cheviot, ut·wulcloth•, v�net!'"'"· etc, hiO\tHe st.yle, witb _or· without cupes- tW.U to 2r Oil vnineH, •pecud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ,,, . .. r •.$14.50 A Oreal Special In Separate Skirts-Ft'eHh, new gomb, 500 iu all, fuc tory aruples·-meltou, mixturuH, uheiots, broatelotlu, checJ, stripes, and veuetin Uegul•u· !I 00 guruumt•. Hpecial $.oo.- U•gnlnr IJO gnnnentH, speeiltl .1.00, Uegulur 0.00 garutH, •pedal 4·•)0, Walking Sklrts-5, 7, null goreH, wit. b flare, wi xt nr es, Jlhtin cheviot�. etc. Vnlues to 5.. specl ui , .......... .............. , , .. , , .$2.98 Dress and Walkln klrta-llxe•l cheviot, voiles, etamiues, etc. 7 tn 11 gor es-Uegulnr $9 to f12, specit l . . . . .... · . . .. . . .. . , ..... ,,', ... , ... , .$6.7 DresA and Walking Sklrt-VeuetinnR m�l tmB, Enlish tulxtnt·H•, cileviots, voile•. etc. II to HI gores, 111111 re�tll11r $12 98 to ttr, speciRI.,, ,$1o.oo Misses' Separate Sklrti-Ciwiee lot of pretty ixtnres ltll<l plai n cheviots-regular J Hllll t.OO, special. . .. . .. . ... .. . ..... .. .. ... ... $, so Women's Jackets-Spleutlill line f'm which ohoose-black, CIIHtor, tan, navy, browu, etc. Regnlat · Hi.!IO to 20.00, sפcinl . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. t12.50 Women's Jackets-High-clas• gnrments lu uovl'IH, cheviots, nullo ished worsteds, O to . 40 i nches iu lgth, l'Uiat• f19 D to $30 , Mpecia), . ,, , , , . . . . , .. , , , , , . , • · · , , . , . , , , , , , , . , , , .. , . , , , . , . , , , , , , , ,iO,OO A Pettict Sפclai-Maunfnut. urel"s snrplus-r,o rloz•u In nil, brnrul new goods, best •!nahty sateeu-extt·� and regular sizes, WdiiY witb silk rullle. Regulltr 1.00 to 1 .2 petticOittR, speclnl, 79, Uegnlnr l.uO to 1.7•> pettict•, specilll, 1.00 n . · iju lur 2.UU to 2.00 [Jt•tticwlt, MIU�cial, J.o UegtJIIII' a oo petticoat s, S)lecin l, I. 98 gular atnll *" l tticolils, Jtecial , 3,98 Girls' Costs-Ages 4 to 12, goo1l en lor. V, """tor, brown, an•l garnet, pi Hill KerBI y lU zlbeliue-regnllU' avo llll 5.98, •peciHI, ..••$3·98 Olrla' Dreea-Serge•, cheviots, grnnit•s, ziooliues, 111111 ftmQy mtx' lares-rogulur 7.00 �ul18.00, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.75 Olrls' ats-Kerseya, ziliues, cltevlots, etc. Re gnl ar 9.98, 8פclnl . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 6.75 No Branch Stores. L. 8. Plaut Co. 707 to 71 Brod t., Newark, luil OrdtlrB. Free Deliveries �•fowRdl•n. Newfoundland I s the greatest flsbtng country tn the world. Two-tblrds of Its peopl e are engaged in harvesting the ocean's wealth amid the greatcsl perils. J•r1n1e of l.lfr.. Tbe prime of life In a man of regnlar habit• and Hound const.it.nllon Is from 30 to 55 yca•·s of age; of a woman, f rom or 25 to about 40 year s of age. TWENTIETH ANNIVERARY BRAT EO. CELE- �lr, •llll Mrs . E. D. · Jck�on celorated the tweutioth auuivers,.ry of tbelr JUOlrrlage ou �lu!tuy eveui.Jg la�t, t t heir howfl ou tbe Bonlavard cm·uer of .olC!IIleJLY Plnue. The' varl·.>rs were lll'e,ttily �decurntPd with roses, mihuc '"' ferns. A bout thiy gnests euj .. y- the hpit&Jity of tbo ho•t and host· eS, R•lam. A Jtotograpb gnessin cont est far. The pr oblem or securing radium is I nishe " Jrllrt of t.be. enl'taium•nt. Mrs not n early so seri ous as- would be t.he At•thnr N. Piernn wiuuiu� th ſtr•t proble m or- what to do with It If It l a•lle•' p r iZ , .. pt•otty V*89, !UIIl Mr were <"ommon.-Washlngton Star. Ch•rlos McDougall, ·tha first +entle· EIJtloJ·ment for olenu�n. Among 5,000 tramcar drivers Jn Vien- na a recent census shows that there are 4 knights, about 50 barons, and four counts. '\1hen Mnkln Cake•. In greasing fins for <'akcs Instead of butter use lard, as the salt In the but- ter mal <es the calte stlcit to the tin. �If� tJntler lite fii�a. The Botali ac mine, in Cowall, runo for two-thirds of a mile out under the I I sea. 4---4·4�-�- J)tlnfuen Cnnunt. h (Ju•·d ·. �r�!�:�::��!yg�'�, �. !::�.y �L,\�:�'·,�:�:;: Wit\' to curuditfflK-.Itnd tbat I� by:coustltu�· tloilfll r�nu!flil!�. Dfnes J� caued.by:ltn In� fhrned COI!Ilitfrm of tiJe 1111WOU8 Jluln� ·'f . . Lhu u Htn.chlau 'l'uhe. When lhJs t.ub Jglnfid l��!�e,�!:'\�l:;u�!�l �- �rJ�N�.�:�:.�s t.hurcsult. unrl unlt!Ssthu 'tnJlnuunnlfOnctJ be tnktm nut:1uHl t.hiB tube l'Cstorerllo ltS normttl mmditlou. h��rln) will h� · dustruretl · furtl'1 nine csts out nf tn .are nau�ed ln- · Catal'Jh. which Is noUJtug hut an iuflltmd eoud\Uou of thfl mucous scn•ice�. W wlllgivo One Hnnclr" Dollars for. uuy CHe of denfneo(clmsNl hy cn.tarr) thtt1, annot be CUI'Im h�· IIRII's Catarrh Cure. Seud for circnJar, free. F. J, OII�Sg\" & CO., 'rolt:do, 0. �r�·�)·,�\�l�e the heat. trecto-�rofesstonal. M OF, aa. LAW OFFWE, ,Jl Park Ave., Plal+ſtehl. N.J. y�I�RH �URVEYOR, UU No•th aveaue, Smally Build in�. Plolnfleld, N ,I, 1o�ges an� tratcrnal r�ers. I C OURT PROVI!n;N'I', o :1 :l Indeפndent Order o f o ret6r. A soun•l or�anl?A· Unn. lteet .s Hecour l nnd r1urtU M01uht)' llf '�ch month. Hunk Uuiltttn. Elm Dd Brm•d Hll'ePtR. 11. S. Buckle�. Chif Haouer. Philip r, �tntr, Recor1Ung Secretary. �,1�fY�J1)f,!,�o �r�,l�r:�R u �:r 1 enc month, +t S p. m., tu Ar ca num HKlJ, I T . lmo, 8. OJ"'" · > Hms PIRCil. ltent.: E. r, ltanford. 87 Pictou street, Collctor ; O. \\", I'eek, 8 First Rtreut, Secretary. tuen's prize, chinH. Ol'DHment. A wen wrltttn poem Rnll apJlroprite to thJ oc. casiou, com [H>se•l by " friend of Mr". ,J,wkHoU' from Maiue, \VB� re'l bv Mrs. MuDoiJgu.l. Refrehwent� wer� �erved, eu.ch g11e�t rAceiving n fav,1r. �Irs ,Jaok son Wlt the r tmi pt · of lll'lUY heH.ttti· f1tl giftfi , R.·r.pug thru, a brooub of 20 pe�rls, a pnnch howl art•l B'ihtfl bmvl. frou fritHnls iu llostou a.u .• , s from \iJmingtou fl'iemlR. liht gnetK \'\'f l'rotu Nw YtlL'k, uvm· night, th ht�lles or tile i ug the uext day t.n lnucheou, $130,000 FOR COOPEn : �ur' l)nm�&ſt t· the ·l'rnpm•t.y .. ae\'Kted ltnnd.' , .. The Coopr Uuiou hus · jmlgmentfor abont*130,000 · lHvatd l'Qad for duwa�:t - f o i.mil•lit;�. The tl'iHI wns befoa Bi•cho nn •wmode notnJ.Je b)' ' tsti - mony gl\•en by thl••tH Ahmm S. IJewltt, .Tohn E. Prsou• a1i1l Leopuld Eidlitz. to t he effeot that tho bttildiog hH<l renl ly beeu 11Rll(\ by the t-levatetl roH.d in a Ullll>h I trget• 1unouut tbuu the 1130,000 el,lhncll. 'hese 1md ot her witue�t�stie•l t b .. t the fl)uutlatioos bd soL! led. The tliffrent iu•tructors of the Union t�•tilied to the odginul •lamR!�e and to increa of the damg" Hinee the lectri· cHl operatio n of the roafl. Mr. Pur�ons tHtili•rl to intrviews bet•veeu the 1•1 Cyt·u• W, Fi•l•l Rlil blm•�lf as to th probnl!l� 1lamage to t-he Union lll otber llt'OIJerty 11lon tt11• line o( the r•hvM.e<l. 'fhe nt'ight»l ll!tOt'IIB}'S nf t be Uulon were Par•nu•, 8itPplltrl & Ogden, but. thP ca WHH trietl by William H. Po•ekham for the U1;iou atul hy buries N. ·lor�an "'"' the otbr· cnstnmar�· eon+••l for tbl! •lovatt•d. It IH prol•al•l•J thnt both slrle• will uppeal from crtllill parts of the jnllgment . . . . - - - - 4 - For•lnl( Bln•,om•. A BHILLIA CHINESE EXAMINATIONS. GAY THRONG GATHER AT THE WEST• To Cu+fuclu �·••n In tto t'd•al FIELD CLUB· Cutullflon flonforw 'l'o Ia Uallt!.! The OJd � Out nd Weli!O thfl Nea• •uJn-lleutlful Flq Decm·a· U•JnM -Pr t'nr Vutu uhnnnu Cnru nJII.te-'hu \V�•·•� ThrH, Th1 o . , ,, Y 11 r's Eve Recepl ion at thB Westeld IJlnb wil.'loag be remewbet·erJ liS the HY•'Ht of the tnauy gay events held iu the cozy ci nb bouse. TIM r�ception ballar.<l nn�rou re- CpUon rooms Wl'6 11rattih• deul'rat�d \Vith huudre Americau tbg� while the ot" g" WI bani ed with potted pl•mt• uu<l pal mo. It w� an t•xtremely pleaHiug siht to look dowu from tim b.,Jcouy upuu the two hnudrd club wemberH uu gneRt d uciug to tho etntius of Wettou'H ur- cbestrll, 'l'lwlallioB were elegautly l- tired lu:oveniug gowns 'vhilt theigent.- . · .a)ut iu full •m•lIrs Fanlkner, ' Mr. aorl ,J. A. Wm· tb, Dr, au MrH, ·J. B. riso1•, lr. and Mrs. E. F. Low uUil �lis• Low, lr. tlllrl �It'd Bloomlielll, Mr 1+111 Mt·s. H. 'l'albot, Mr. 11n<l M•·•· G. W. Tnnl•ou, Mr. oil �Irs. N. B. • ·�· .. . Learning In the eat is ilelll in great esteem, anrl a schol ar is a o.rl;erl +nd privileged man. 'l'he )Jride of Dart- mouth in Webst er· ur ol larvarll in l-owell is not copara.ble 11 that e- towed upon succesJul choJHr-man- arlns in China. In "The Jducatjonal Conquest of t be Jl,ar East'' Mr. H.. J. Lewis describes a typical JiteraJ'Y cen tet•, Kan Chou u, where tudenh1 go for thir examln311ons. Hlwe the Uon- fudan systHm is in its primal condi· lion. 'fbe op€ning qf an examlnat.lun pre• Sts a ht'llliant swne. 'fhe aII'oaches to the reat incluwre, lhe m;lin red hall an tile decorated plntfur·m are ligirll!d with red ami yellow la.utes swung from post lo post. 'fhe doors a1·e thrown open at midnight, H1 2,000 (�an- didates, rlressed in the long blue robes of the ehnlar, march Jn am1 the seate @ the benches. '., '!'he literary chancellor of t he J•rovince 'hi slll,rn magnificence, attemllid hy sec- . · · 'takes his seat on the platform 'canopy. 'l'ile policemen ke ,,.-, �,. the doors are ose d, and the Ute announced. · · set· rul Mis8 Arnold, Mr. and Ur•. tool < their •eats DeLtttuater, Dt· . +�d blt·s. C. lght are sounde out Egel, Dr. and Mt', �'. _\, Kinch, �lr. rum at six In tile af!ernoon. aud Mr•. 8. H. lhlHtea•l, �lr. ami lr•. 'rhus . are' i ven 18 hours to com- . E. Kuight, lr, a u lrs. Pan! Q. ple t e th ei r essays. They are allowd to bring lnlo the l! onl y llght confec- �:�rr �.i t t : i :� · �: · �t�:�ci:� :� !�;�.�:C. . �wauey, M r . and M rs. C . E t o eat ; . They arc all owed the fnllpwlng Tho, r. and Mrw. H. J. Wbite, Mr. six h ours from sunset till mitlnlght for tul<l Mr•. Sam White, �It·. nd �Irs. .T. rest , .. ar ,then the same men ""semble A. Wo01lWd, lli< Ua;si� Smith, lliss for.he. sei,ond trial. On tile thirtlnight Ad•le Boert, the �lis•es Olivet· , &lis; the 2, 000 , or those who are lhoulit. fit, Noe, Mis; Ethel Smit 1, �!is s Ly on ul' ma . l t e · their thi rd eort WHh the third Summit, lr. aurl Mrs. F. s. Bmith, 11 e rlml the examination is llell, ar.d the :.tudent left t o his own 'devices, Mi•s �In lien, nf N. Y., Mis• Ev Ct�ri<, while a seconrl set of 2.+00 men "nters of . Cbwago, M•·: ami . Mt·s. H. �1. Stmtll, on the three days' ordeal. This pmtess &lt s s CrRII6, of P!ll t n el M rs . P. D . goes on until all I be men have shown Worcester, of o�tont �[iss Auuu Lutt i their literary capacity. Hl ' rison, tlte li•ses G riudull, of B rook- There Is much anxiet y, and eY�ry on• lyu, Mr. llld r•. J. R. Patersou, Mr. Is on !.he qui vlve until the fatoJfnl ll•t and Mt·�. W. c. BscbmJIII, Mr. Q(} Mrs. o r 2 0 0 i s s te d at the entranl'e . . There G. H. Embr, Ml•• Clnl'ice s11Jvauo, of Is grief In 9,800 h omP. but. in the towns Oeuvr, Colora d o. W, J. AI pa r , G . w h e r e the s u c c e ssful 200 live ther e I s B d E S 81 d W J B feasting and much faml' prhlc; the e 11r · oo · · og e r t , holder of a degree is a hero at hmne. I J OVAl, ASSOCIATI<lN, Union Connell No, A� a�n:t:,e�1tl�!�d 6e�J1'�·�!�1C! , I�! �= ���� = == = �� : ������� �������� ='I l o r; F. A . hw h, ,t. IJ. H•cnrder . No t t h e laraeMt but. tho str'OtltKt frternal •tocltion. --- eltgtous �ottces. Flo'ers out or the natural seMoo are usuall y obtained hy keeping tbl young plants In cold, dry houses, a forcing them later by heat and mois· tnre. It is possible give young buds premature dc\•elopmcnt by exposins them to ether, and A. aumene claims that snch developme nt Is not onl y more rapid, bnt more regular and more com· plete. Jr., W . . Bustabia, R. B. Carberry, S. · - Coal�, �,; P. Onrlit , H. P. Comli , TELEPONE IN CORN BELT. ohn Br•tuoer, W. I{, Ewbltuu, H. \�. Evns, H. E. �errl, W N. Htlelrett, F. M. Heenum, Wilfre Juhusou, W I. eafie, Ever·ett Pierson, H. D Unsh, ' + TUTTLE BROS. c IIgl��t�S!t�:�:�.·t�!"�.North avenue and Eastman st.reet. Services, �unda�·ll A M.• \VneHtlA)' e�ening 8o'clotJk; Reading om open dally. All &fl welcome. �lnr• M•lnn•Maid-Ther e's a man at the dꝏr, mun1, an'- l'artlclttant•. A . A. S mi t.b, Mi•s Gwe n do liu ioi' e First Female Vo ice-I s thnt rou, 'l'mvncourt, of S l onx b'll•, S. D , Mias Sa r? Bioomliehl, 0. M. StnitiJ, 0. D. Smith, Secooll F. V.-Yes, it's me. Coal AD L U m be r I F ll\ST BAPTIST CHURCH, WNtſteld, N J., Rev. o. J, Grnw, A. M pastor Nesidence,175 Elm 8tet. ouuday ærvtc.: ayer Mtln• 10 a. m. . -Prhlng 10: a.m. Sundav Schꝏllo'cl Mrs. Blull (entertaining sev<ral Ia• dles)-But I tol d you to say I was not l home to any other callers. Maid-01 to l d him that., mum, bnt b1 RayR he's not. a "aller, but collector . mum; an' he won't. go 'way.-Philadel· phla Press. F', S. 1'11t, J . A. Tboru, Arthur D. Fit F. V.-Have you got·ynur ls h Tuttle, C. P. Worth, urt i u W e l l e•, w ashed yet? J 1 C Se cond �'. V.-No; we're ju•l tbroua · '' uger . breal<fa>t. DuriuM iu_ terwi sion �n tbe coy cor· lrst F. V.-Wbat dill JOU have fol ., Young Pple's Prai"r Meenna 7 p. m. hlng 8 p, m. Mid wk pr&er mœtlg , Wedneor 8 p, m, You & rdlllJ lovl uers tb" cillef totoic of couvorootiou was brefast? · teHucceoo n th� We;Uioid Baso Ball SecondF.V.-Fried·musbancggs · ,a Yards-Westfield avenue, LO/zE &tnd lllb-rVI. Oar Eh•• Roll. Mrs. Bullitt-Tell me it again, rlar· ling; the story or your racing death fearlessly before Santiago . Aitlou for !t D d m+ n y n �w rlt, and-say, wht dill yoo have? uaw ero em·olled. I•'lrsL F. V.-Oh, we had g}-abaI Spring and Bd Sts.,J 11 i Ia. . . �"""'""'"" Paragon· Furnaces Have special points of superiority and one of thRe plnred in a dwelling meat1s + Wrm house in tile cold eat of weat.her. MHLON H. FERRIS, SANITAR PLUMBING, BOT AIR FURNACES STOVES and RANGES, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Tin !Roofln, etc. Al.b6rtlE. Deck6r, Noh Avenue, Weatflefd, N. J. Telephone ee. Special Atcomoda· tloas for Board· lag Horses, Fit Class Rigs C0J��¥�mes o u rth, 0J. u.. Pr. Sundar Preachtn Servic at 10.> A. •· and .45 •· M. Sunday Schꝏl at 12 o'cl k. General prayer wtlnf Wnesday evenin+ at A. p, •· A heartJ welme all. Maj. Bulllt.t-Bnt you must be tired hearing it. Mrs. Bullitt-Oh, no. It will n er ve me to go down and tace the cꝏk.- •rown and Countt·y. Elemrnt nl FJx•�ttrme•t J,aekln•"Even if t he airNhl)l were a suc c ess; do you think it would become pormlat with people who could aord It?" ur don' t l<nOW,11 answered lhe wi ld automobilist, "there wouldn't be mucb chance of running down pedestrian& wllh an ah·sblp."-Washlngton Star. Good . d,·ertl"ln•· In 'I'at· anakl, Australia, Is a cbu r c h labelled in large iettet·s on Its o u taldt walls with tbe names and trades or a grocer, a draper, a painter, and a mil· ler. These tradesmen built the chnrcb In return for the adYertlsement the obtain. Ry nr•• of llntlaa, 1'tt rr�H!t Ouor• Han ln. A carl < ·neatly eovered wtth somſt dark matet· ial and nai l ed to the floo1 about . three Inches mit from the wall will prevent th e door banng back *nd SJlOIIIng the wal!. �-· thP ""•Y tn Gf tlh•h, "That Mr. GaileY nlUst be yery poor.'' ''\VIty?". "I ited. him how he made hi1 mone)', and he •aid he earned lt."- New Yorl<er. fllnnrr Etlqurftr. Eat slm\'ly and do not fill the mouth with l arge · quantiUes. Eat the food ser•cd <II' ifm ve it. quietly upon tho plate wlihonl remat'l<. .\Ja•ka. 'l'he name Al n. sJ; a, given by Mr. Steart to the cmintry fo r whi ch · he nego· t.lated, n1eans in the Indian language, '"l'he Great !.and." e front end of lhe car wa s found 1+, , 07, W ETFIELDPUBLICLIBRARY. lnco r t h I i th Hi b d mall 7 H I t 1 11 ° e eoveret w · es, ees an 8 A ntrrled man says he objects lo Pn.t Ol · r•a.t Q•rbsort'ntJon r• ,,� r r e ·'r "!1r !1 abl I h d If b a t humb 011 c . " - Dl ' crus e ſtB y glvill hfR wffe spenlg mony be· r��"•�l�·''�0�.:t a ga inst the Iron and g iI wh en · tb t c au se ab e larlahly spends I t o T d Th t 41 s run at. th&.·rate· or tao mnes· sn · .•:- ' .�:s,!;'�... tta?�.�f a:, T 0 p, m. was ſtniahe : at · zoose n . ur .. •t Fil .. ket. ===== :. : :=========-: == === = = - ... I n L o ndon, a t th e Bllllngagate ma 1 - · - - - - ·-·--- ket, 12,0 to 14,0 ta of ah are .p U ·q E DRUO and CHEMICA. Prerlptlon• Carefll mne. Your tronare llclled. W•ITI.LD PHARMACY, w. H. Trenchard. Pre1crlptlon Drulet l I. •reed 8tr••t• W•stld, • o handld over mnnth, Haa If• Ch•lnry ahlirdltr haa a champion to defend It, for ert'or Is alwaya talktiYe.-GoldRmitlt'. A (�"nt••rJuet 1 years wue occupied Ia I�· erlo• l mile trtl -d from tr to two mlauttl, gem•! We're going to ha\'e rliD&rl for dinner. 'fbird F. v. (brea�lng in, eYintl some one else Is listen to, too)- ar• e. Second· F. V.-Onrs aren't ripe yet. I Tblrd F. V.-We've g lots. Se+ Sammy over after them and I'll giveo, me. · · Fourth �'. V. (another listeller)-yJ Mary, how Is the baby? , First F. v.-Not n well. He 1� teeth ing, 'ourtb F. V.-Have you trl�d j me dici ne 1 gnn you? . Fifth . V. (still another llst•n•P) Say, Iorence says she is goiug 1o hav old Ben's ta li docked. (Ui ver! g glement. This is evi dently nebhbor h jolt�, Intelligibl e nnly to tbe IDl• Uate.) •i Third F. V.-Say, ne! Sunday 's qu. ter ly meeting, Who is goln� Jo bavt ·the elder for dlnuer7 (I do not tbin tht she means that there ,r nlbale In tbe nelgbborhoool.) 11 Fonrth F. V.-He hu promised t c om e to our houae. And EO tb conve+1atlo+ ran on fot 10 "' 15 minutM, +7+ te World'l Wor and I predict that the flprtunlty fof just. sucb neighrhꝏd vlltiDI by te1e1 pbone will do m·ol bnu up t הr� tlrlu habit amon1 farmen taa , other agency now at W• , . · _, . - ; ; cA�aA.I · �uiY• I A · . - . . ' . , , !< I

Transcript of ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any...

Page 1: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.

THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County.

-=:::c--======:==================_:=============---------.. ---

VOL. XX. NO. 25 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDA�, JANUARY 8, 1904. 1.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c.

•• BEE HIVE.'' New .Jersey's Shopping Centre. NEWARK.

The. Great January Sale in the Garment Department.

Every Rectiou of this Y1tst .store presents nn 111111811al nnmbet• of splen. 1ti11 otl'eriugs, but w� 1lirect •pemRI "tt�utlou to tbti wu"derful rednc inn• in ovt.er gurm�nts for women, Dlito�RP.R nnd chihlt•en . 'rhousauds uf .,ollurs' worth of"""' fresh g•rments-rellecUu;.r iu every del nil 11ll t.hnt is worthy und go01l, •t prl""" tlmt h:tve uever lilleu met null prohnhly· Ull\'er will -Le, In II word. thll llenefitR or this �l'ellt ohlllDIII'Y 81110 111'0 of most <leci<l.,d chamctel'-you cunnot uJfon1 to misH them.

Women's R.aln Coat Spec�a.I-Cnt with fnll •lth·t., fnll romll hip, triple diville•l CIIJlHH-thoronghly t'RIU pt·oof. Heg ulur 12.u0, s p�cial. ... $9.50

Tailored Suit Speciai-Blnck, uavy ttll<l brown, 27-in. jucltets-1w•l•"' iriaulougth HltirtH, tin•• matol'inlH--re:.:. 825 nud $27, sveclul.,.,,,., .. . $19.50

Another Tailored Suit Spedai-NHVJ', hlttck, brown, gonruet null mixeil effectH-short blons� or lou�,; cnnt, for ml•�edluJ!l chil<heu-$11i t.o $20' valui!R, Apec iai. ............. · .. . . · . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - ........ $10.0 0

Still Aitutht:r Suit .Spedai-Oboice muge ·of·. styles iu mixtnr•·�. cheviot•, ut·wulcloth•, v�net!'"'"· etc, hiO\tHe st.yle, witb _or· without cupes-tW.Uti to :j;2r. Oil vnineH, •pecud . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ,,, . .. r •.• $14.50

A Oreal Special In Separate Skirts-Ft'eHh, new gomb, 500 iu all, fuc tory -;aruples·-meltout�, mixturuH, uhe\'iots, broat"felotlu.;, checJuo�, stripes, and veuetinut:t

Uegul•u · !I 00 guruumt•. Hpecial $:z.oo.­U•gnlnr r; IJO gnnnentH, speeiltl .1.00, Uegulur 0.00 garuumtH, •pedal 4·•)0,

Walking Sklrts-5, 7, null !J goreH, wit.b flare, wixt nres, Jlhtin cheviot�. etc. Vnlues to 5.00. speclu i , .......... .............. , , .. , , .$2.98

Dress and Walklna: .Sklrta-1\llxe•l cheviot•, voiles, etamiues, etc. 7 tn 11 gor es-Uegulnr $9 to f12, speci•tl . . . . . . . . · . . ... . .. . , ..... ,,', ... , ... , .$6.7!1

DresA and Walking Sklrt.s-VeuetinnR m�l tmB, En�tlish tulxtnt·H•, cileviots, voile•. etc. II to HI gores, 111111 re�tll11r $12 98 to ttr., speciRI.,, ,$1o.oo

Misses' Separate Sklrti-Ciwiee lot of pretty tUixtnres ltll<l plai n cheviots-regular t4J.O Hllll tli.OO, special. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . $,J, so

Women's Jackets-Spleutlill line f'rnm which to ohoose-black, CIIHtor, tan, navy, browu, etc. Regnlat· Hi.!IO to 20.00, specinl . . . . . ... . . . ... .. t12.50

Women's Jackets-High-clas• gnrments lu uovtll'IH, cheviots, nullo ished worsteds, :JO to. 40 inc hes iu ltmgth, l't!I(Uiat• f19 D!,! to $30 00, Mpecia), .• ,, , , , . . . . , .. , , , , , . , • · • ·, , . , . , , , , , , , . , , , .. , . , , , . , . , , , , , , , ,ifiO,OO

A Petticoat Speclai-Maunfnut.urel"s snrplus-r,o rloz•u In nil, brnrul new goods, best •!nahty sateeu-extt·� and regular sizes, WdiiY witb silk rullle.

Regulltr 1.00 to 1 .21i pet.t.icOittR, speclnl, 791:, Uegnlnr l.uO to 1.7•> petticoat•, specilll, 1.00 n . .-·iju lur 2.UU to 2.00 [Jt•tticwlt.B, MIU�cial, J.,s:o UegtJIIII' a oo petticoats, S)lecin l, I. 98 It .. gular t4 atnll *" l"'tticolils, •Jtecial, 3,98

Girls' Costs-Ages 4 to 12, goo1l en lor�. llllV)', """tor, brown, an•l garnet, pi Hill KerBI y lUll zlbeliue-regnllU' avo llllll 5.98, •peciHI, ..••• $3·98

Olrla' Dre8!1ea-Serge•, cheviots, grnnit•s, ziooliues, 111111 ftmQy mtx' lares-rogulur 7.00 �ul18.00, special . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.75

Olrls' Coats-Kerseya, zibeliues, cltevlots, etc. Re gnlar 9.98, 8peclnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . :j:6.75

No Branch

Stores. L. 8. Plaut ct. Co. 707 to 7:111 Bro.d .St., Newark,

1\luil OrdtlrB. Free Deliveries

�•W"fowRdl•ntl. Newfoundland Is the greatest flsbtng

country tn the world. Two-tblrds of Its peopl e are engaged in harvesting the ocean's wealth amid the greatcsl perils.

J•r1n1e of l.lfr..

Tbe prime of life In a man of regnlar habit• and Hound const.it.nllon Is from 30 to 55 yca•·s of age; of a woman, from 2-t or 25 to about 40 year s of age.



�lr, •llll Mrs If. E. D.· J�ck�on cele· orated the tweutioth auuivers,.ry of tbelr JUOlrrlage ou �lu!tlluy eveui.Jg la�t, �At their howfl ou tbe Bonlavard cm·uer of .olC!IIleJLY Plnue. The' varl·.>rs were lll'e,ttily �decurntPd with roses, •mihuc '"'"' ferns. A. bout thid;y gnests euj .. y­ed the hDRpit&Jity of tbo ho•t and host· e.;S,

R••llam. A Jtltotograpb gnessin�e contes t far. The pr oblem or securing radium is I nisherl " Jrllrt of t.be. enh!l'taium•nt. Mrs

not nearly so serious as- would be t.he At•thnr N. Pier110n wiuuiu� tht! ftr•t problem or- what to do with It If It la•lle•' priZ'I, .. pt•otty V1089, !UIIl Mr w ere <"ommon.-Washlngton Star. Ch•rlos McDougall, ·tha first 11entle·

EIIIJtloJ·ment for 1\'olllenu�n. Among 5,000 tramcar drivers Jn Vien­

na a recent census shows that there are 400 knights, about 50 barons, and four counts.

'\1hen Mnklnar Cake•. In greasing fins for <'akcs Instead of

butter use lard, as the salt In the but­ter mal<es the calte stlcit to the tin.

���If� tJntler lite fii�a. The Botaliac mine, in Cornwall, runo

for two-thirds of a mile out under the I I sea. 4---4·4�-�---J)tlnfuen Cnnunt. ht� (Ju•·t!d ·.

�r�!����:� if.::��!yg�'�,���.�t: !::�.y �L,\��:��'·,���:�� �:;: Wit\' to curudt'itffll'K-.It.nd tbat I� by:coustltu�· tloilfll r�nu!flil!�. DtHlfnes!O. J� cau�;ed.by:ltn In� fh.rned COI!Ilitfrm of tiJe 1111WOU8 Jluln� ·'f .. Lhu l£uHtn.chlau 'l'uhe. When lhJs t.ub\j Jglnfiruiwd l��� �!��e,������!:'\�����l:;u�!�l��- �rJ�N�.'ri���:��:.��s t.hurcsult. unrl unlt!Ssthu 'tnJlnuunnlfOnct>tJ be tnktm nut:1uHl t.hiB tube l'Cstorerllo lt.S normttl mmditlou. h���rln).l' will h�· dustruretl · furtn<jjl'1 nine ctt.sts out nf tt>n .are nau�ed ln- · Catal'Jh. which Is noUJtug hut an iuflltmt:d eoud\Uou of thfl mucous scn•ice�. Wt- wlllgivo One Hnnclr"rl Dollars for. u.uy CHtie of denfne�>�oo(clmsNl hy cn.tarr!J) thtt1, rJa.nnot be CUI'Im h�· IIR.II's Catarrh Cure. Seud for circnJarr;, free. F. J, OII�Sg\" & CO., 'rolt:do, 0. �r��·�)·,������\�l�·,?!�e the heat.

'JDtrecton!-�rofesstonal. M OFI'ETT, CJaaa. Lo

LAW OFFWE, ,.Jl Park Ave., Plal11ftehl. N.J.

y..t.�I�����::RH,j. �URVEYOR, UU No•th aveaue, Smally Build in�. Plolnfleld, N ,I,

1o�ges an� tratcrnal G'r�ers.

I COURT PROVI!n;N'I', :So :1 :Ill Independent Order of J•'oretoJt6rl!. A soun•l or�anl?.A·

Unn. lteet.s Hecourl n.nd r1urtU M01uht)' llf '�llch month. Hunk Uuiltttn.:. Elm llDd Brm•d Hll'ePtR. 11. S. Buckle�. Chit�f Haouer. Philip r, \\�tntf'lr, Recor1Ung Secretary.

�,1������f::O�Y��J1)f,!,���o�r�,l�:rr:�Ru�:r 1 enc!! month, 11.t S p. m., tu Arcanum HKlJ,

I T.

lmo, 8. OJ"'"'"· 30 Hms PIRCil. ltt>li(ent.: E. r.;, ltanford. 87 Pictou street, Collt!ctor ; Oeo. \\", I'eek, !!8 First Rtreut, Secretary.

tuen's prize, IL chinH. Ol'DHment. A wen wrlttt.n poem Rnll apJlroprillte to thJ oc. casiou, com [H>se•l by " friend of Mr". ,J,wkHoU'Ii from Maiue, \VB� re�&.'l bv Mrs.

MuDoiJgu.l. Refrer3hwent� wer� �erved,

eu.ch g11e�t rAceiving n fav,1r. �Irs ,Jaok son Wlt::J the r tmiphmt · of lll'lUY heH.ttti· f1tl giftfi, R.·r.pug the'ru, a brooub of 20 pe�rls, a pnnch howl art•l B'ihtfl bmvl. frou.1 fritHnls iu llostou a.utl .• , s!lht.tl from \\1iJmingtou fl'iemlR. l!}i�?"ht gnerit.K \'\'tl\'f-" l'rotu N1:1w YtlL'k, uvm· night, th .. ht�lles or tile i ug the uext day t.n lnucheou,

$130,000 FOR COOPEn: ��ur' l)nm�&l{ft t� ·the ·l'rnpm•t.y

i' .. ae\'Kted ltnnd.' , .. The Coop�r Uuiou hus ·

jmlgmentfor abont*130,000 · f' lHvatt!d l'Qad for duwag:�:t -f.<J: o

i.mil•lit;�. The tl'iHI wns befo�a Bi•cho!I nnrl •w•• mode notnJ.Je b)' 't•sti ­mony gl\•en by tho>l••tH Ahmm S. IJewltt, .Tohn E. P�&rsou• a1i1l Leopuld Eidlitz. to the effeot that tho bttildiog hH<l renlly beeu 11Rilllllo(t:'(\ by the t-levatetl roH.d in a Ullll>h I trget• 1unouut tbuu the 1130,000 el,lhncll. 'l'hese 1md other witue�"'..,�

t�stilie•l tb .. t the fl)uutlatioos b�&d soL! led. The tliff.,rent iu•tructors of the Union t�•tilied to the odginul •lamR!�e and to increase of the dam1:1g" Hinee the t'lectri· cHl operatio n of the roafl. Mr. Pur�ons tt!Htili•rl to int.•rviews bet•veeu the 1•1., Cyt·u• W, Fi•l•l Rli�l blm•�lf as to thto probnl!l� 1lamage to t-he Union lillll otber llt'OIJerty 11lon�e tt11• line o( the r•hvM.e<l.

'fhe nt'ight»l ll!.tOt'IIB}'S nf tbe Uulon were Par•nu•, 8itP.plltrl & Ogden, but. thP case WHH trietl by William H. Po•ekham for the U1;iou atul hy ()buries N. ·:\lor�an "'"' the otb•r· cnstnmar�· eon11••l for tbl! •lovatt•d. It IH prol•al•l•J thnt both slrle• will uppeal from ct!rtllill parts of the jnllgment .

.. . �-�


Fort:•lnl( Bln•,.om•.


FIELD CLUB· Cutullflon flonforwe-.t 'l'o Ia

Uallt!.! The OJd �eau· Out �t.nd Weli!OIDt1 thfl

Nea• 'l"•u•• Jn-llellutlful Flq Decm·a· U•JnM -Prttlllf4 t'nr V.ut.fu uhnnnut, Cnru .. nJII.tof!e-\\'hu \V�•·•� ThttrH, Th'-1 N' o .,,, Y t-!11 r's Eve Recepl ion at thB

Westtield IJlnb wil.'loag be remewbet·erJ liS the !fHY•'Ht of the tnauy gay events held iu the cozy ci nb bouse. TIM r�ception ballar..<l nntnt:�routi re.­Ct>pUon rooms Wttl'6 11rattih• deul'rat�d \Vith '· huudretl Americau tbg� while the ot"g" WI .. bani ed with potted pl•mt• uu<l pal mo.

I t wrt.� an t•xtremely pleaHiug silo{ht to look dowu from tim b.,Jcouy upuu the two hnudr1:1d club wemberH uu<l gneRtf' d .. uciug to tho etntius of Wettou'H ur­cbestrll, 'l'lwlallioB were elegautly ttl­tired lu:oveniug gowns 'vhilt theit· gent.-. ·

.ai)l)ut iu full

•m•ll\Irs Fanlkner, 'Mr. aorl ,J. A. Wm·tb, Dr, aull MrH, ·J. B. riso1•, �lr. and Mrs. E. F. Low uUil �lis• Low, lllr. tlllrl �It'd Bloomlielll, Mr 111111 Mt·s. H. 'l'albot, Mr. 11n<l M•·•· G. W. Tnnl•ou, Mr. �&oil �Irs. N. B.

J( ••• ·�· .. •• .......

Learning In the eailt is ilelll in great esteem, anrl a schol ar is a rno.rl;erl 11.nd privileged man. 'l'he )Jride of Dart­mouth in Webster· ur ol J-larvarll in l-owell is not cornpara.ble 1.11 that i>e­lltowed upon succes�:�Jul l!choJHr-man­clarlns in China. In "The JlJducatjonal Conquest of tbe Jl,ar East'' Mr. H.. JIJ. Lewis describes a. typical JiteraJ'Y cen .. tet•, Kan Chou Jt.,u, where 1:1tudenh1 go for thf!ir examln311ons. Hlwe the Uon­fudan systHm is in its primal condi· lion.

'fbe op€ning qf an examlnat.lun pre• S€'tlts a ht'llliant swne. 'fhe allJII'oaches to the g-reat incluwre, lhe m;lin red hall anll tile decorated plntfur·m are ligirll!d with red ami yellow la.uterns swung from post lo post. 'fhe doors a1·e thrown open at midnight, ruH1 2,000 (�an­didates, rlressed in the long blue robes of the F>ehnlar, march Jn am1 t.n.he seate at the benches.

'., '!'he literary chancellor of the J•rovince 'hi slll,r.n magnificence, attemllid hy sec­. · · 'takes his seat on the platform

'canopy. 'l'ile policemen take ,..,,.-, .. �,,,. the doors are 'closed, and the

Ute announced. · · set·

!lrul Mis8 Arnold, Mr. and Ur•. tool< their •eats DeLtttuater, D t · . 11�d blt·s. C. lght are sounder! out Egel, Dr. and Mt'>!, �'. _\, Kinch, �lr. rum at six In tile af!ernoon. aud Mr•. 8. H. lhlHtea•l, �lr. ami ;llr•. 'rhus . are' g'iven 18 hours to com-

If. E. Kuight, :\lr, a uti lllrs. Pan! Q. plete their essays. They are allowf'd to bring lnlo the hill! only llght confec-�:����r�r��.����� ���it�.' ���t:i:� · ��:· �������� �t�:������ci:� :.� !���;��.���:� C. lt. �wauey, Mr. and Mrs. C. E to eat; -'. They arc allowed the fnllpwlng

Thorn, .lllr. and Mrw. H. J. Wbite, Mr. six hours from sunset till mitlnlght for tul<l Mr•. Sam White, �It·. lind �Irs. .T. rest, .. arvl ,then the same men ""semble

A. Wo01lWJtl'd, lli:!< Ua;si� Smith, lliss for.,the. sei,ond trial. On tile thirtlnight

Ad•le Bo)!ert, the �lis•es Olivet·, &lis; the 2,000, or those who are lhour;lit. fit,

Noe, Mis; Ethel Smit 1, �!iss Lyon ul' ma.lte· their third ell'ort. WHh the third

Summit, 1\lr. aurl Mrs. F. s. Bmith, 11erlml the examination is CJ!llell, ar.d the :.tudent left to his own 'devices, Mi•s �In lien, nf N. Y., Mis• Evll Ct�ri<, while a seconrl set of 2.1100 men "nters

of.Cbwago, M•·: ami

. Mt·s. H. �1. Stmtll, on the three days' ordeal. This pmtess &ltss CrRII6, of P!lltntlelll Mrs. P. D . goes on until all I be men have shown

Worcester, of '9o�tont �[iss Auuu Lutti!;olt- their literary capacity. Htll'rison, tlte 1\li•ses Griudull, of Brook- There Is much anxiet y, and eY�ry on•

lyu, Mr. lllld 1\lr•. J. R. Patersou, Mr. Is on !.he qui vlve until the fatoJfnl ll•t and Mt·�. W. c. BscbmJIII, Mr. llQ(} Mrs. or 200 i s )lOsted at the entranl'e .. There G. H. Embr...,, Ml•• Clnl'ice s11Jvauo, of Is grief In 9,800 homP-B. but. in the towns Oeuvtor, Colorado. W, J. AI par•, G. where the successful 200 live there Is B d E S 81 d oor1 W J B

feasting and much fami'll' prhlc; the e11r • • · oo I! • · · ogert, holder of a degree is a hero at hmne. I J OVAl, ASSOCIATI<lN, Union Connell No, A� a�n:"r!t:,e�1tl� �!�d 6e�J1'��·��!�1C!!!���,I�! �=����=���==�=��:����������������='I lor; F. A . .Khwh, ,\ot. IJ. H•cnrder. Not the

laraeMt but. tho str'OtlfJt.Kt frllternal •t<Socltt.tion.

------------------------------- 'Reltgtous �ottces.

Flol\'ers out or the natural seMoo are usually obtained hy keeping tbl young plants In cold, dry houses, am'l forcing them later by heat and mois· tnre. It is possible to give young buds premature dc\•elopmcnt by exposins them to ether, and A. 1\faumene claims that. snch developme nt Is not only more rapid, bnt more regular and more com· plete.

Jr., W . .N. Bustabia, R. B. Carberry, S. · -Coal�, �,; P. O�nrlit, H. P. Comli , TELEPilONE IN CORN BELT. ohn Br•tuoer, W. I{, Ewbl.,tuu, H. \�.

Evttns, H. E. �"'errl!i, W N. Htlelrett, F. M. Hejlenum, Wilfre<l Juhusou, W I. N'eafie, Ever·ett Pierson, H. D Unsh, "'""""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"''"'"'"""""""'"'"'"'"'"'

+ TUTTLE BROS. -t c II gl��t�� •• �S!til�:�-,:.:�.·t��!".J�� •• �.� North avenue and Eastman st.reet. Services, �unda�·ll A M.• \Vtu1neHtlA)' e�ening 8o'clotJk; Reading Hoom open dally. All &l"fl welcome.

�lnr• M•••lnn•• Maid-There 's a man at the door,

mun1, an'-


A. A. Smit.b, Mi•s Gwendoliu );)ioi'e First Female Voice-Is thnt rou, 'l'mvt>ncourt, of Sl onx b'�&ll•, S. D , Mias Sarah? Bioomliehl, 0. M. StnitiJ, 0. D. Smith, Secooll F. V.-Yes, it's me.

Coal AltD L U m be r I Fll\ST BAPTIST CHURCH, WNtfteld, N J., Rev. o. J, Greenwood, A. M •• pastor N.esidence,175 Elm 8tTf'et.

• ouuday aervtc.: Prayer Meetln• 10 a. m. . � -PrOAChlng 10:00 a.m. Sundav Schooll.2o'cloclt

Mrs. Blull (entertaining sev<ral Ia• dles)-But I told you to say I was not Ill home t.o any other callers.

Maid-01 to ld him that., mum, bnt b1 RayR he's not. a "aller, but ll collector. mum; an' he won't. go 'way.-Philadel· phla Press.

F', S. 1'111!!11ll't, J. A. Tboru, Arthur D. First F. V.-Have you got·ynur tllshee Tuttle, C. P. Worth, 1\lurtiu Welle•, washed yet?

J 1 C Second �'. V.-No; we're ju•l tbrouali · '' uger . breal<fa>t.

DuriuM iu_terwir:sion �n tbe col!jy cor· .li'lrst F. V.-Wbat dill JOU have fol

..., .... Young People's Prai"r Meenna 7 p. m. Proachlng 8 p, m. Mid week pr&:rer moetl�g, Wedneodor 8 p, m, You &re cordlllllJ lovllAI<I uers tb" cillef totoic of couvoroo.tiou was breakfast? ·

tileHucceoo nl' th� We;Uioid Baso Ball SecondF.V.-Fried·musbantlcggs·,all<l Yards-Westfield avenue, LO/z'tl�ftt-.rtfE to &ttend lilllb- MlrVICtlll. Oar Et'ht:u•• Roll. Mrs. Bullitt-Tell me it again, rlar·

ling; t.he story or your racing death fearlessly before Santiago .

AHSoci�<tlou for !DOt !IDd m11ny n�w porlt, and-say, whllt dill yoo have? uawtll! vvero em·olled. I•'lrsL F. V.-Oh, we had g}-abaDII

Spring and Broad Sts.,J \) 11 i Ia. • ...... �"""'""'""'"'"'"''"�""�"'"'"""'"""'"""'""'"'

Paragon· Furnaces Have special points of superiority and one of tht'Re plnred in a dwelling meat1s 11 Wllrm house in tile cold eat of weat.her.


BOT AIR FURNACES STOVES and RANGES, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Tin !RooflnJP:, etc.

Al.b6rtlE. Deck6r, North Avenue,

Weatflefd, N. J.

Telephone ee.

Special Atcomoda·

tloas for Board·

lag Horses,

Firat Class Rigs

C0J�d\�¥���"\�mes o:,u��forth, 0J. u.. Pat�tor. Sundar Preachtngo Servicee at 10.30 A. •· and '7.45 •· M. Sunday School at 12 o'clock. General prayer weetlnf Wednesday evenin11 at A. p, •· A heartJ welcome to all.

Maj. Bulllt.t-Bnt you must be tired hearing it.

Mrs. Bullitt.-Oh, no. It will n erve me to go down a.nd tace the cook.­•rown and Countt·y.

Elemrnt nl FJx•�ttr.me•t J,aekln•• "Even if t he airNhl)l were a success;

do you think it would become pormlat with people who could allord It?"

ur don't l<nOW,11 answered lhe wild automobilist, "there wouldn't be mucb chance of running down pedestrian& wllh an ah·sblp."-Washlngton Star.

Good . .\d,·ertl"ln•· In 'I'at·anakl, Australia, Is a cburc h

labelled in large iet.tet·s on Its outaldt walls with tbe names and trades or a

grocer, a draper, a painter, and a mil· ler. These tradesmen built the chnrcb In return for the adYertlsement the:r obtain.

Ry li"nr••• of llntlaa,

1'tt rr�H!IIt Ouor• Han .. ln&". A carl< ·neatly eovered wtth somft

dark matet·ial and nailed to the floo1 about . three Inches mit from the wall will prevent. the door banging back 10nd SJlOIIIng the wal!.

�-· thP ""•Y tn Gl!f tlh•h, "That Mr. GaileY nlUst be yery poor.'' ''\VIty?". "I llSited. him how he made hi1

mone)', and he •aid he earned lt."­New Yorl<er.

fllnnrr Etlqur.ftr.. Eat slm\'ly and do not fill the mouth

with large · quantiUes. Eat the food ser•cd <II' ifm ve it. quietly upon tho plate wlihonl remat'l<.

.\Ja•ka. 'l'he name Aln.sJ; a , given by Mr. Stew·

art to the cmintry for whi ch · he nego· t.lated, n1eans in the Indian language, '"l'he Great !.and."

The front end of lhe car was found 111,.., .. ,., .. :w0.,.,7, W

EI:ITFIELDPUBLICLIBRARY. lncor• t h I i th Hi b d mall ed !IT7 H I t 1 11 ° e eoveret w · es, ees an 8 A ntrtrrled man says he objects lo Pn.t Opol•··r•a.t Q•rbsort'ntJonr•,:.: ,,�

•r •r""e·'r "!.1r0011abl!! I ta h d If b a thumb 011 c • .,. � " � - Dlec ' crus e ftB y glvilll! hfR wffe spenrllllg mon�y be· r.;����'/."•���lf.l'N��·�k� ''�0�.f::ti;' �"d';� against the Iron and giiUII when · tbt cause abe li1Varlahly spends It o T � d Th od t 41 s run at. th&.·rate· or tao mnes · sn · .•:- '

sft'.!'rn.�:s,;!!;� '�� ... tta?�.�fto a'::, T � 0 p, m. was ftniahe:� at ·zoosen. ur .. •t Filii :w .. ket.

..,-!======:..:::... ::-===========:-::-:-::--:::-=========;-�-� ... In London, at the Bllllngagate mar· 1 -· - - -- - · -· ·-· --- ket, 12,000 to 14,000 toaa of llah are .p U ·q E DRUO.S and CHEMICALS.

PreiiCrlptlon• Careftlll)' Compollntletl. Your Patronare Sollclled.

W•ITF'I.LD PHARMACY, w. H. Trenchard. Pre1crlptlon Dru•nrlet

l I. •reed 8tr••t• W•sttlllld, •• olo

handltJd over;v mnnth,

Haa If• Ch•••••••

Jllnry ahlilirdltr haa a champion to defend It, for ert'or Is alwaya talka· tiYe.-GoldRmitlt'.

A (�"nt••r• Juet 100 years wue occupied Ia I�·

erlo• liM mile trottl.. -d from tlarte to two mlauttl,

gem•! We're going to ha\'e roallliD&e&rlll for dinner.

'fbird F. v. (brea�lng in, eYitklntlyt some one else Is listen to�:, too)-9<! ar• 'We. •

Second· F. V.-Onrs aren't ripe yet. I Tblrd F. V.-We've got lots. Se111i1

Sammy over after them and I'll give)'o,. some. · ·

Fourth �'. V. (another listeller)-BayJ Mary, how Is the baby? ,

First F. v.-Not nry well. He 1� teething, •

l<'ourtb F. V.-Have you trl�d thj medici ne 1 gnn you? .

Fifth li'. V. (still another llst•n•P) Say, }! .. Iorence says she is goiug 1o havtl old Ben's tali docked. (Uili versa! IJig"' glement. This is evi dently ,_ ne'ibhbor"' hood jolt�, Intelligib le nnly to tbe IDl• Uatell.) •i

Third F. V.-Say, nell! Sunday 's quaro.. terly meeting, Who is goln� Jo bavt

·the elder for dlnuer7 (I do not tbinlcl thllt she means that there ,.,.r., call. .. nlbale In tbe nelgbborhoool.) 11 Fonrth F. V.-He hu promised t come to our houae.

And EO tb<> conve111atlo11 ran on fot 10 "' 15 minutM, 11711 tlle World'l Worlt� and I predict that the flp)lOrtunlty fof just. sucb neighborhood vlllltiDI by te1e1 pbone will do m·ol'll to bnu up the r� tlrlul! habit amon1 farmen tllaa""'iii

, other agency now at :"'W•, . · _, . -; ;

cAs�O�aA.I ·�or:wuuut� lliiiMY•IIIII AIIaPIIIIrPI


=:...--..� - . . ' . , , !<


Page 2: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.


The Prudential INSURANCE CO. DF AMERIGA. Home Office. Newark, N. J, JOHN F. Dll\,.DEN, Pl't!Rident, r.•;su�: D. WARD, V!ce-Preslctent.

EDGAR B. WAil D. !ld Ylee.Preshleut.

FORRES'I' �'. Dlt\'DgN, ilt•d Ylce-PresWent.

ED\VARD GRAY, Secretary. 1814.

Start the

NEW VEAR�J vVith a policy i:n the New York Life.


'( /' · ·are ju•t asllistiuct liS any �T(er Atyles and fufhiouQ, aml here is

the one store that is always snre to have

Tbe Newest and Best procluctlom of the most successful mnnttfncturers, At. the eame time we keep prices down to the level or the orclinary klu<l.

WELCH BROS Painters and Decorators, • , BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD.

- ���-



. -.



- --



W. Manhattan DEALER IN

All Kinds of BLUE STONE. Residence so Elm Place, Plainfield, N. J.

Fla[[in[, Curbin[, Sills and Copinu:.


n·utornlly 1lu<l iudivi<loal state

uud feur. I u fnut, it. is tlm.t tho whole bumu.u

n stl\te ot· conscious am\ uu­t'eur of puin. lliHenRe HJl(]

which it Mllpjmses me caused wlloi•Y by mntte1·. H•m Christiuu Sciot ce uilfer• from muteriu medicu, physiology uud nll other material theo•

ity of sick11eas. < . . . I• seou l'ies uu<l u"lleta. It <IPUhU'es ttu;t nearly one of the- cuief ."tlifiet•encus. lletweHu aU tlhwa�e ifl cnnsed primarily by igiJor Ubristinn Sci8nce'lt'nd· all othAr schools ance, snpen�tition, falae belief:i, siu nnd of l'eligionff belit'f:···-· We.bt!hove tlmt H.ll fe.ur, tU•d lountes cauRu.tion iu the tnentHI evil is finite,' unlawful and unnecessui'Y realm imtend of the wateri11l. and that it hue no hn mm·tality, or inlier• 'fhe Btble says, "'l'hrongh sin came ent power of uonUnu•mce. WA believe deuth into the worhl awl death by sin," thnt throngtJ n knowledge or th8 ttml this, of cnurse, should be nudel'· truth, which. Jesus salol would 1011ke us stoon to me a u that through sin came l'toe, we muy in time dominato aut! sickue<A, o!' wllich death is the ultimate. ubolish evel'y fo•·m of evil in ttccot•c.lu.uoe We do uot underrltand thir1 to tuen.u that with his comuu\nd' uu4 t:txmuplt!. the word siu rt'fers l,uly to crime. vice

GOSPEl. Oli'. CHRISTI.\.N SOU��OE. a.IJI) hnmorality, but tbnt through nH As follower• of Jesus Cbl'ist, we are !duds of il{noraut lUll! d"strnot.ive be liefs

tt·ylng to do what he 811td his followers •tn<l !ill evtl lllld fabtl misconception of and disciples mn•t do nml could dn, He life nntl whut pertaiuH to it. the world cume to do the wlll of his Fathel': to fnl- hus i tvolved itself In mortality •

111 law; to �eek aml save th11t which Christilln Scieuce Jll'llCtlce is demon

w118 lost; to destroy the work• of the st.mtiug 11bsolutely the verity of its own devil aud to effect the Aalvatiou or.. snf- <lisclosnre, whicb is that hatred, gt·ief,

I ferlng rnce. In accnmplistnug this su. ren�orse. envy""'! k!wlre<l evBs, ·� wel� pt·eme mis•ion he preachod ,, gospel tltn t as ltlllr, will, I� perAlsled in, tn�vtuti.JI) l'eformed the 6t11 uer and heal .d th� en use hotlily dtRor'l�r nncl Hnffcnug. It sick. He told his follower• •o do Jilte· Hhnws that the Btble state1mmt I hut wise, aud ushtn ·e i} <Jbristi1mity into the " whntsoe\ .. e�.

1� 1111��' .sow11th th1tt shall

I world l>r meuuq of soch teuchiug au<l he also reap, IB p_o.'ltlvt�ly t1·ue. practice. . Snclt ev�l �ntl ,mfl•tllllug men!Rl con.

'l'he people have be�n tiLII2ht. '•Y subse. tllt.lons q.:lckty <l!stnt·� the uer\'om• sys. ,111811t teachers qnit 1 to the 1 ontrnt·y. tem, the ch·c ttlllll'!n ol the blood and the 'l'hey have be"n hu.incetl to regard Jesus' mtegrlty of or!(<uuc netton. Ve1·y IIULD)' work as being mysterious atul mlrncn- iu•tauc"Ao[ eickne'" huve no other cuuse, lou• meaning thereby tltllt it was un- Kn<l yet how m11d1 llttuutlou IS pnld to uat�ral nnd in coat.rl\veution of huv, the tUOl'l�l or inunnl'al eJemeut 111 the whereae, Cht·iatillu ScletJCe, na ttmgbt pntltmt. 111 the urdhuny dlaguosiH of by Mrs. Ecldy, expl11ins thut J<sus' W<ll'k diRetLSe 'I None . . In Rncb lnstallc�s. the wus nntttrlll, pructlcul and Rcieutllie, drugging &ystun IH absolutely obhvton•

and and l11 demoustrution of the God·or. to tlle actnalcau�e. No \Vou�er t·hat it. duinetl htw of life and of tbe ftmd ameut. <lnes not tlomuJIIte <ll•ease Ieople have

,eed. tLl fHct that uod, wm·king thronl(h prim· beeu urged for bmt�reda .or ral\sous to

All work done nuder my llCraonal supervision

.. ;.._•·----------------------• 11llaw, Is the uatnrulllealer of the sick. Kbumlou sln. Ohrl•tum So•euce jnhts in According to Uilrlstiau l:!ci•uca, slclmeHs thlR antt'ellty, aml while It pl<mt!H this and tnnny otbHr formR. of bodily intirm� uunse Le(Jn"Q�e righteon�ueHs is f1u· bet· tty Hnd degrncl�ttlou n.re unnnt.aral uud ter,.it nho warut� men to ft11A from sin llUDP.Cf!RSfUy, antl nre no esseut.iuJ part becH.t�HH of. thH am·eueA� nf th.tt peualty R. F. HOHENSTEIN.

JUST LAID IN . a ral!llrat-oiiiSB lino or Winter Goods, Sttoh 118 RoRll, 'l'eam IIIHl Stablo nl!lnkots, l'luslt, Fur aml Antomo­

bi!u. Hobos 1111� Driving Gloves, wltlolt we will sell 11t OHy ,Pl'icos, Oomc and Inspect our stoak.

Pro•pect Street, We•tfleld. Telephone oonneatlon.

o! hnnum <•xistence, per ae. whic 1 sluntftlctA npou its vlc\1111. WI' repndiute BV�t·y IIESUIDjltlOII that WHAT IT 'ri•�,\CIIIl:S,

Go<l h•1s orclnlue<l nr pt·ocnt·e•l niHause or �I}' frlenllA, Uhri>tinu tiuieuce tAnches tbnt dl•euae is 11 uutnrnl nml hHli811AUs thnt Gml ha• alrencl1• clone everything llUlll eono.>mltmtt ol' hnmatl exlsteuce, fur 1111111 that he reqnirt•A. nn<l tlmt we We bell .. ve t.lmt G01l has ordained uo u�ed ouly l•tl' hold npau tl1o po"slhilttieA law for the tllscnmfltnre ol' dllmnlltlou of l ife ILtHl find lim I in Ute mind which of mnnkirul. We believe th11t sin IIU<\ was In (]hrl•t I• honlth, Hr.,, pt'ORJIP.rity Hloknesa III'B the P>�l'llpheruulln of what 11t11l <lmulnlnn ov<W ovll, nml to fln•l t.t111t, the 131ble CitllK the "e<mtnl mind" 01' " t.ltls mhtd, t.ltiA Mllvlor, exHrtR itR11lt' with· tleprnved, ,Rinhtl, II!IIDraut, 11ervarted in yon. 'l'he Clu·l•thtul:lcleutist is guln. Heuae of helul{. lug knowletll(e. whloh iR powm•, wlllclt We believe in the iuspll'lltiou of the lsnn ever.present help. Utuler all olr­scrl ptmes, Rlld Rll stKte<l iu our teuets, ctlmslRtiCtc8 be fltul• timt it eqni11B hillt we nccept the scriptures • '"" onr guldu tlte better to wlthstnud evil 11ud to IQillli· to eternt\1 life." We acoept the Messiah- feet good ana to fnlllll the ntterRnce, " 1 shit• or the divine (]hrlst. A• Ohrhti11os onn do nll thiugs through Christ, which we strive to live iu hnitlltlon of hls stren11thenetb me." words and WQrkl, Obristian Bcteuoe re. anovee tbla mission from tbe realm of Oonlimtetl on page 3




·.'in ,aiJ'ear's . :Jimzual enl will

il the ·.shop-

not ce of store

int re­. lnarked.

of' trho

to i?wen­put· off

patlwr le ltesi-

MILK and CREAn Delivered at Convenience of Customer.


The IC:ind Yon Have Always Bought, nnd nJaich has beeR in use fm• ovea· 3& years, bas borne tJae stguatnre o� /'71' ��� amllms been made under bls per­�� sonal snpea•,•ision since its Jnl\luq.

• � Allownoonetotlecelveyonln tbla. All Oountea•folts, Imitations ami "Just-as-good" are but; EX]Jea•hnents that ta•ille with nntl erulnng�>r tlle laealth ot Infants and Children-Experience ngnilast Experl��·

What is CASTO RIA Castorln. is a hnrmlesfil substitute :tor <Jafiltor 011� Pare­goric, Dropfil antl Suotlalng SyrntJs, It ill Pleasant. lfi oontains neither Opium, l'llorplline JJOI' otlaer Narcotlo rmbstance. Its nge Is its guarantee. It clcstroys Wor• nnd aJiays Feverishness. It Clll'tls Dhu•rlamt\ antl Wind Volle. It I'elleves 'J'ectJaing Ta•oubles, Clll'C!I Oonlltipatloa nntl Jc'lt,tadeucy, It nfilshnllateM the Foocl, I'egallates 'tbe Stomnclt and Bowels, giving lacaltlay amd naturalllleep. The (Jhlldrcn's Pnuacm&-Thc l'llothca·'s l�l"iend. ·

CENUINE CASTO RIA Bears the Signature of

ALWA'Y,8 • j 1' "

, .

Page 3: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.


\\'lr.S'l'fi'IJI.!LU l'OHT O FFICE. L M \VIII'l'AKJI:It, Poatmfl.Stm·. A, K. OAi .. E Asst. u.ud llun�l' Order Olerk WM 'M 'l'o�\'NJ.J:Y, Ueuera.l l.lellv�ry Clel'k i'nr.'n \\TrN'l'lm, Clork. or. co o mn h'om i n.. �: to 7 p. m. excellt m

&tm·u1t.) �. Ofllce opnn Sundnss for huhlera o· LOOk Boxes t'rom H t.o 4 o'clock.

AltRJVAL AND DEPA.WfUHE OF From Nuw York. Euat., 8ou1,b

r:oo;�rg:iJ�,� ��ivm·y Bt. 7:oo .

MAILS OLOSJ�. ,, , , , , , For Now York, �:>hiJadelJlhin., : _TrentoJl

l, ',

· Sorthea.nt South Southwest sud y,.-ay st.� l�f:t!. EAAl at 7:30 �ml !!:16 a. n1., �:16 o.ud 6:16 �. m; ' '

�--or Plu.lutleld u.nd EMton, P.nd way s�1s.�ion · at i:ao n-. m. and 4:au l'· m. · · �

MUUN'l'AINHJOE. \rrtve at 1::10 a. JJl , rmU 4:30 p, m, Clolili atttUO tL. m. o.nd tdlU I'· u1.


297-Surnmit �nd Park street 400 -Elm street and Kimball uvemlf 679-Broacl and l\Iiddlesex streets. 1189-Cumberland St. and South Av• llll3-Fire Dep>utment house.

99-Ceuter Street. Garwood.

After sending in nn alarm stand nea l>be call box until arrival of apparatus

We Can't Tel l our business story to every possible

customer by word of month. If we could, we might be able <'to<

conviuco tbe doubters tlmt tlw best i• the oheapest in th� �,i,( 'J.Ihe ultenmtive we havti is tlJie; new"paper, and the purpos� of

this ndv. is to Nach those who do not pntl'ouize our mul'ket, uud yet

would like to have the choicest,

111eata and 1•oultry, lisll &nil. uu•e� tllllt cau ll<l DOil&llt,

Archbold & Scudder's Meat and Vegetable Market,

BROAD S'l'REET, WERTFIELf•, Horse Blan kets.

Stable Blankets.

We hnv� a lurge Ut-lf'Ortuumt ut right prioos and qnnlity Hilt! would lllso cull attention to om· fine li ue of POCI{ET KNIVES, H.� ZORS. CARV��l�S. TABLE KNIVES, etc. NWKLE PLATED or Uoltper W 1\r.,, (•liver finl•h). Food Chop(lers, Rondtlug Paus, Sletl• and Slmte�.

Batie Hardware Co., ... rk avenue and Front Street, I'LAIN:.,�J:ELD, N. J ,

BUILDINO ::::;::::::::::::::

in all its Brl\nohea, Repairing and Jobbins. Plans and Estimaw1 furnished. Persona: su poriu temlonce on all work.

E.C.Winter, First 51·•


Steam Marble and Granite Works FliNOING �·on OEMETERY PLO'fS,

l.arre Variety of Oranlte Monuntenta P11wmouc Toolo for Lotterlnli and Carvlal 1.. 1., MANNING A SON.

l'roat It,. Cor. Caatral AYooo •LAUI�t£\.D :• J .

Daguerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

Tu tlll th"b urllh•aJ'beantJ '-7 aoc:sa "'oon, u•o nroM<Iway <•una Slr��et), Ji '�•• fur u••• dollar. 8•nul bJ' ��taU or •• liMa. ltA•Iutrl'eot)'Jit!l •••• mor• aett .. ""'lo•J ClOI'I tlll &h"" aitp other etrl• •' Ple�&ure.

Ooe caotomor wrlteeJ "The pbolo!lfllpb (cop llf 41i111orNOtypvl waa received yeot•rd•r an• , .,. ololl1hlotl wllb �&1 r•l lbal 1 roallr: ba., �, trraudntl»bor "lib; 1110 .... 11. Ter• r. •· w. p.; wailtlllirlooit; D. o." ,


', · G'mitiuued from paoe 2

Tim Vl'Hct.icaJ irJfJnenet� of CJn·iHtiau Sui�uc� douH uot to�tup Ht the refonnatiuu uud healiflJ.{ of t )u, }olicic aiUl t;lllfnt, lmt t'Xft HHlH itt-elf i u to the evt·ry day l i f e nrui iiJtO nil UtH aff�tin; of hof'y IU.Hr, uud WoltJ�rJ It uceuttJlJlit;l;e� for Bnch paople Ul•tn·fitK t httl m·e a� tuarltt!ti HUll uH JUUcll Uf't�<lml UH I he cure for UiHI .. ur.;•�. '1'1w lh·t>�. f-'ffnJ·t�, purpu:.:.'JS aud achievt->mtmtH of tJwm all. ilJCitu1iul,." artii:!H II , t'urwer. hmclu·r, IJJr'l'·:hau�. clerk, h.;n�ewit'ti ttiHJ jlrol'��kiOJJII} lUil rt, lll"f' HJI hllDJp�-'l'Ptl by i't ·hl·, nu.s:it-�t)' and hn•k uf eottwh·ue.-. 11'-i Wt-l l tlR hy VH'Y Uultly otht-•T 1 ·Vi1 i J •ftll· ••ucel:i w hieh t t 1ey c]o twt tlLtl�·I'Htu ud. Tl.u•y ofteu lhHI tlu-�.t t.ltt.oit hi?.e:t lJifttiM aud \\l l .,f-'MI tHHh•H\o'<Jl'K �o H Ul h·r" j l l l lro>l-f'IJ ob­:-l�ltcl ... :-t th W1ll'ro I lll'lll , iJHLdi lfllll l i l J t•tHlltM, •\Jt'll pfJIIIIJl tllfHlt� IPH] ftd l tU'rl'i lJ l t· \•ai l ,

Th�" ltJcf.II J't'l' n-f�l'l'�>d a t J ...,Jlg t h t.o th& tlii�Jlti8t'ttctt'l'Y 1111t\\re ot hr.Hutu exh;t. •mco uuol Lhu 1!, llliu�o my•Lery uf evil uud �rw1 :

Agniu I ask, " W hat is t.he olil!luulty 1'' H iH t ltnt )Jtmple do uot llUt}erHxml wlmt t.he troubh-J is i how to t.w.�:�ter it thu.t t hey CIUI IUUStl-!J' it t.luongh tile J!OWt'l' of mind l'ightly tlirectt:"tl. 'l'lle domiuiou wh ich n·att Uo,}.IJefitOwt'd it( the domiutou of wiud over IIVII, and Christ,inu t!eienco iH reve diug thiH mlu.l to men It is ex­piKilllng the Pci.,uce uf life It is Hluc!lt .. ilJg- Wt-�11 tu Ufl� Uw powe1· of go01l uucl for J.{ood purpot-es, nud us u l'esu l t lmHiu�HH tueu fiud Umt t�u�y h».VH u bU'ger COIJ t Nl oVt�l' t.heir •dfnirf". 'rh�y cau do bnl'li· uei!IH ou tl more sattst'tu..:tm·y hB�h� t\Utl With IJettUI' l'HSIIite, 'i'!J,.y CHll <}O it withont feut· Httd twxit t.y. '!'bey eau Ljjttet• hmt·u how l.o denl with utherH i how to detect evil meutnl conolltiou• IIIHl how to bot l et· nccowplish · unything I hut i 1 right for lbeJu to ilo . . : . , .

nre lllr. length on the lwtweou the theor)• uud pl'lt.ctice C)f iug uccordlug to ChriRti, n Scit�uce t.liose which a1·e lllllintniue<l by other schooiH und ystems of u;etlical pl'uctic�. ,uul t�nmmed np his J'euut.rl's by snyiiJg tllat 1111 utb<·r HJ'Hiew• hel<l tlmt <liseuse is untnral mul iue dtniJie, and tlmt thugs H.nd mtthn·it\l l'eluHUes Cl\11llot haal a so·eniled iucuruble dioe11sP, whereas Oht·istinn l:l<lience holds diseuse to b� \111· uatu•·al, i llHgiti mate nml flu�o�trnctable, 1111<1 Is p1·ovlu�,r this I'' atnlate by heullug a\1 lllRIIIJel' of cliMeus�H

.\ 1!\'f:llSB CIU'fiCISll.

NeHr·ly 11ll the criticism of Oluistiun l:illience is based ou 11 misnuder·standiug of whitt it is ltll<l whllt is taught. in its rnnue. We taw�r kuew of au atlve•·se critici•w tltat <li<l not proc"ed from I�;· 11111'11111'6 or the subject' .

We ure tnnght to hnn• but on., G. 11, who iH by ru1t.tu·e, del'lign1 ioteutiou .. rH.l l1tW l'illiJft'lJJtly uncl iuti 1 . it.Hly goml, Kml unr wm·.hlp an<l lllleglauce nre to t.lus lo{OOd Gml, who tloes not qud nec�rl not iu vol vtl hiw�df in uvU. We tn·e lt•nl'D· lug II! t.J'IIHt tlris uocl t l the nttormost aiHl to rely uu his willingness aufl reatli. ue�FI to floHVtH' fL•om aU fm•UHI of evll . Wtt helievH that n chl'lstiuu cauuot tl'n;>)t GO<\ t<>o Wllclt, uol' extwct too much fJ'OUl infiuit� Jo\·e.

We •n·e tcmght. to mly ou thu HUj>relll· acy nf Hph·it; Ol' "the mhul, whictJ wa niAo in UhriRt," Jl!ltl we believe th;.t uo ntlu·r rf.ilinr c« ot' ]n.ck of l'elinnce is HC· ct'pt.n iJJtJ to G11l1 m· of nvnil to mol'tltJE�. w� 11rl' \Ill\).\ \It, \h\\t Viae, �1\jiSfStitlou, Hill twd cliHtiHHe nJI lmlnng tn tlu::t Htune kinHhiJI, uud ure the olf"t'"illg of the ctannd miut.l, aud 1ua uot procured of God. We Hre tnnght thl\t the ruiHAion of the olivine Chrl•t is In tlemn11•trntirn uf' " lll'lwtienl. ltn�myHtm·ione �H.lvtt.tlou At'tllll these 1\IHl llll otber Ill• which beAHI. hnmunl y . Wu. tlwrefor·e, HX&oect. utore 1uu1 �ntn mm·� t.hron�.t"h OhriHt. tlutu thnHa whn mlniJulzM tho Ht.�OJ)t� J'IHl t�ffiCIICY uf Ob•·l•thm Hnlvo�t.ion Ohriwl iuu t:!cle11ee tea<•heM that al though slu, unci, huleecl, nil the olefetltA aml <lepmvlty of f,he hn­num fmully ,.,.., <leplomble 1\lld muot be extet•mhwtwl, nevertl'eless t.l1ey Kll he· long to the r·e>llut ol the nhn<ll'IIIHI nud lllel(lthnl\tP, '!'hey tor" without bn•IH iu prlnulplu ut• ouUt.y Hll<l wit,hont lnh"rent or IU'Clllh'o"l 11nwer ul continuance, Th�y Kll llllll lm destroyed Knd will he tleHtroY· ed tbrO<tKh (Jhrl�t 11\ld the gospel.

We '"" 11111ght to obey every epeolilo ntllnllatl! of God 11n1l Oltrlat, even to tho .. xtent of rafm•mln!l the &Inner, pren<lh· hrl! the 11011�1, and beall


oiJ the slok, nnd 1 IRk If I' II botoiiUIII! Wfl Rre. l oo . ob<!dlen�

too e&pllolt In our' obedll!llilii tbat we

IU'e !Jeiug HtrJilAd by tbo�;e \.\'liu are at l t:!llwit.y ugaiuHL n:-1

UUU, 'l'JJJ> /!g"'LEH. F01.• u tlurtl cJt u CI:"JJ tury �ln·. BdUy

luu� IJt:H:!U lJit•u.tJJUg W i t h llliUJ k t nd for llw n�cogJJi tiuu ol iiH l'lg' t1t to l i te, health aud iHJlitn:-l!l.H ucconhug tu the \\'1 1 1 u1 <Jod. i:::.be hhjj lUhlnLt t1 tlmL UULl i!'t t u� uatural heulet' or U.1� �ick awl tlJaL Uts OMHu iii cuutr,1ry to Uml alHl hi� \\' l l l . 6 l w ha� cJiHcuvcn:d HLtl mudt-' JWu\\'JJ Lht-; h0lt'IJCe of L:iH HH JUIJ u�allfJg; HWI Jw� :;eL lurtli lU ruJ� \\'h..:reUJ_iHlUlllUl t}' iH ro ohlalu ut.�,r.Lt'ry cJVt'l' l lh-:!4:-il�t·.

Ou t:;vu:y oue \\' ho hu:i ever henhH1 til t• niett t hruugh 1.wd lJy UHmus ot tbu tJiVHW IJU \\'t-f tu aLretllatwu of t·he 1-illlJI't:·tUih��· of �!JII' l iH•l Ju.w d&t:� Wu1 ld hus b�:-,l,u \'Hd ttw uutu.,;out�UJ UIH.l hatre1l wludt JJHilt:· l'H:i.h:-lU bVCl' t'XIJiili l ti WWHJ'tl tJJH t.lllJ'lf­UaUy lUIIHidd. lJJdt-t d, I llt:>ll'l l..la!oi :-;c;u·eH ly tJ��Il U l'�{Ol'1U�r l:!llWO thH dHy 1 1l Alml wlw ha.:t IHH t�l:.ln bawd, n�vllul, HlUUed Ul UflH:iti� d ; a 1Uarfyl' LU hll'! UWh ll.liUiBtry HHlt Ull�:-iui J .

Iu viuw ur I his Hi�h)l'k nud iii\'Mt\-H'ate ptovt:lu�if,J ul' we huumu IlltiHl ttl JH�J'8t:­cuttj Llle IJI',YlJH�t� awl tu t'WH,.,L itb ow r. LIJ.Ol'"' mnt "'PII'lt .. ht1 wt:�Uart::� iti lt uut t>traug� uau ... tth cuu:--�iHt�ur. iudutitrY It lut/S gn·eu JtHtjJf lllJ to tutsl'elJre:-5uut.atwu tUJd dt:Jhuuutiou u( Uhrir,tJau Sl!lellCH Hllll it� Wvt·k:; aucJ ot' thij JeudeJ.' of thid Clllldl',

It HeeUJH futi1e to l't•iduu Ol' rlemru· he­CK.\lt;� of this rnthll•,.,� HaUit, UJH} it i!t IISt:­it-S� fur UH to JH Utet:�t t)l' ooute . d Uglliutot. the LHsel�t-H flltiilu:..tttuu to tlo us u,\1\l U\ll' I uder iuj ury. lllJ·s. EolrJy !Jus •lJ<ciJi. t:HJiy rle1Ji�d Mll the iH Vt'UtiUUIJ Of. tH'JI uud pot'VtH'ted sttt.tt�uteutn of faot, tUJd th<=1·e i� but oue Hlllliduut, adt qutt.tb COUf8H for her aw1 UM to pnnmH. Htor Jife, pust au<l pr ... �mut- tht-t actnul famH und uctivi.lits .uf lwr ·u\\Hy �x\1';\..\".m.:.\'1 o.��.u:Hit�te uu iUiperishubJy l'l� l l t eon� ut.Js�er.· tmd oue ttmt will �t!l.tJd uo uu

wet.' forttY�r� -;,

.sol'tYrriiltlllsli•[)ltl<l be scat-·: In baskets

tlieh· : ' 'own weight crushes them and th<w ',decay. Peaclles and fine pears should be removed to a ehclf and not be allowed to touch one another.

B•khlK lllot.

After baking a calte stand the Uri 111· reclly you take It from the oven on a cloth which bas been wrung out of bot water. Leave a few minutes and then tm·n out. The calte will come out with· out any trouble.

E](J•ert Pl>t•kpnl.'ket•.

Foreigners shottld beware of the Mcx• lean "rateros," or plcl<pocltets, as they are the most adept or tbelr \dod In the world, with the possible exception ol those In Havana.

DeUel ln '''UebeR. After tbe death of a reputed Witch

£ome peasants of Hunp;ury mut!Jated the corpse In thP- belle! that she would otherwlse rea11J1ear and suck the blood of living persons.

nnwnrlal•t• Mngglns-Is thnt au upright plano

next door? Bugglns-Give It up. All I lwow Is

Umt It's a downright nulsance.-Pb!la­delphla Record.

!ltrllnA'• Anlntlll. A etrange animal, ha.lf tiger and ball

!lllnther, has been brought hack troll! the Congo by a Jklgilln and placed ID tbe zoological gardens at An twerp,

J!h·erJ·thlnM" Ji'heprool. Most Mexican cities have no lire de·

partment, as they a•·e built almost 8JI• tirely of stone, wlt.b stone lloo111 IUld tile roofs, leaving little to burn,

N'nt Mat•"· Only ten person& in 100 have botb lege of the same length. More than 10 per cent. have the lett leg slightly Ion•er than the right.

.......... You need not . think more thait onet

before you ftpcak, But be , iture �bat lt'a tblnkln•.-N. 0. Tlme .... Delllocrat.

NOW W H I T E S A L E I FOR THE A'LWAYS YEAR H AH N E & CO. J AHEAD 1904. Broad, New and Halsey S treets, Newark. OF DATE .


I n G rand Display. Everything in White for Wear and Other Uses.

An annual event that h as m ade the B I G H AH N E STO R E fan1 ous . Weeks were spent in prepar i n g for th i s G R E AT BA RGAI N F ESTIVAL. Our regu l ar prices are ever lower th an the spec ia l of others, but these prices are the l o west that can be n1 ade an d give the custon1er n1ore than a dol lar 's worth for a do l l ar.

Furn iture Prices Cut. Every artic le I n our two acres of

D�n.ing Roon1, Bed Chan1ber, Library, Office; Chu rch, Lodge and other Furn i­ture reduced in price for th is month .

N OTE--You wi l l see n o h andson1 er d i s p lay in New York and, you wi l l pay bigger p rices over there . Every Qrice h as been red'ttced . A N D TH E GOODS WE R E NOT MARKED U P FOR TH E PU R POSE OF MARKI NG TH E M DOWN.

This is Not the Usual Januar.y Sal e. It is an U NUSUAL SALE, even · for

TH E GREAT H A H N E STORE, where every day is a bargain day and every pric e a special llowl one.

DEPARTMENTAL SAL ES will be held al l th is month with price concessions to the buyer. The l ist will incl ude Furniture, Floor Coverings, Upholsteries, Housefurnishings, · Cut Glass, Bric·a· brac, Lamps, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Undenn uslins, Laces, Embroideries, Silks� Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods, Bed and Table Linens, etc.

Emphatic reductions in all our Ladies', l\1isses' and Chil'd-, ren's Suits, Jackets, Skirts, \Vaists, Wrappers, H ouse Dres�es,.

I Furs, etc.

A Day is Well Spent if i� th� ====,--�-, --.--,_,


QKACELAND Property is becoming more valuatle ever y day.

Homes Ready for immediate occupancy - either for rent or for sale.

Moat Li bera l inducemt nts wil l he of­fered those who wont to own their own home.

Union County Realty Co., A llr am1 1. Wel'h Rtprt!l.ll1lllln.ll, itaadard Buil•,na; Wutileld, N. J

Tel, ao-B.

JOH N L. M I LLER, (8ucces.sor to John lni{rltm.)

I!IANI'J:'AUY .l>LU-&lDING, Steam, llot. Water and Hot A i r Heatbu

Tla RooiiJtq, eto,


211 Proapeat atraet, Weatflald Tolopbono -.s.

Chas. Zeitelhack1 Mouae, e11n and Decorative Pllll'lt•

lnl and Paper· Man1lna.

FlM'I'; OLAS8 WOlUI: Gl14RA:NTJ:ICD• w.-.,..,.� "· J.



BUILDER. Proepeft.,8treet,

We8tfleld, · New Jer._ Estimates Cheerfully Fu�•


Page 4: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.

/ 4 . s.fiMoARD, ·· FRIDAY; JANUARY 8, ,,., ...



Tile Star�d11rd rublisbing Cou�crn, Inc. .At tilto speoild polfc., lu•urlug l!eltl E. J. WnLTOH&AD, President. l\{ooulH}' Uight nu the cbarg�• preferre<l CRANFORD NOT L..IKEL.V TO BE REP·

A. E. Po:AIU!Ar.r. Vice Pre•ldent, by Uhief of Pnlica Frank ,;_ Smith RESENTED ON DIAMOND

Jo;d iiUrUil SIIJ'in.,. llot.!rtt ••ntl Th..,••t�-"'h�tt J11 U�fua: Hiild llpo" .t•ubUc .tJ.,yUeJ'If

Ahuu' 1.h" S u ,ttt.

�t- c. P�r.A�A.Lol., Sucrutarr�·rr�RHUrl:!r. l-l�ttilll'it officf'r� Kuupp and �l llllg, I be tl'lu•l •• lhtJna- 'J'uJkud of A.biJUf ... ., uwu were tiuecl t.lw limit con�iiledng thP Cuuut r Ju naut"Jball Clr•�l .... -"· ... uhml

F'.HUmll OltATOII DJo,SJm\'llS 11',

It i• tu IJto lwjn•d 1il11& Go-:•rum· �llll'·

vlly will regnrd the 1vlshe� of lnH ltepll�· Jicnn ad\'iHBI'H nwl li.ppl1Jilt J nlll�tl E .. i\lHJ tina to tlH1 hi panisuu litnte Bmtrd uf Asst'Sf!OI'l". 1\IJ' . .1\-huUue bas betm .wnt•Jt .. i u!l rot· tha Democratic jl>Hi·l' w11hoo.t .... ward, uud with litile more thaOJ l\!tll· WltY HltJJreciutic>tJ , for u�urh' bulf lt

li',uter�l o.t t.he Post Ottlce u.t. \Y,..stfield, New lersn:r, as Hooonrl-clns� znntter. au•sc cUP.TION S1 .!0 �IEIIt Y£Afl

J..l.l\"AHLfl� l� ADV.\NC.E · - ---· �---

Main 0Hioe-5TANDAIW Sulldlns. Brendl Offlr.C"s: New YORK • . l n·1111am ·st.;

NeWARK. F. N • .S.omrul!r. 19-' Broad .St. .AdvertJaiog U.:ttes furnished on ap(tlloa.tton.

CJ.,fFFOi:OD E. Pf.!AR!O;Al�L. 'J<�dltor GeuerH.I Mt1111,1:t!r.

Friday, Jnnunry 8. 1904

· priuclpal thorough· oars 1\ntl motor boats

, , .. will · mak� traveling 11 plousuro. ·-. Oonny IalJ!,mi will bo a maguilice11t , public amusement park, nm1 tho "�country north of Washington

Heights will ue usml for the suu�c r· IJOI'[IOBe,

llook� wi l l be delivered free to all homes, !t.1ld free instructions w ill bo gi von toy the coll�ges. I nstl'atl of having a fo w thous1md students, our colleges will teach hulr u m i lliou by oorrt:dpotul,;uee. All this uud mor'o Is to IIIILtflrio.lizu by 11109.

Of <Jnurs" Westlielu will bu right in lino HR the short ont to Wnshiug­ton will b� vi:& tho Uoyal Blttu Liuu,

'l'hu Ht>o r olloml Hn ildiu� will hnve to .be push.>d aBidu for tho· 100 fcot Houlov:mi, �lro1uly completed to tho 0 11111�ord line ; W osl-lit>lol will imvo 11 'l'owu Hall ouul a mmlo1'" up· to·dllto l�lru ])op�rtuount, itooiuillng qullt'tm·B

. tlw property of the ponplo.

·� > ' -On,.lrm'JIIr)' loth, u spun·lng exhlhl· ,!tlou wlli lot< givnu lu the Weatftelcl Oluu. 'l'he yt�uoog tueu who nt'l! to exhibit tho au,e IIOlllts of the wauly art are suitl to bol oruokorj-uk.;, .


m11wr impHrtuucu nf tbe clunge::. OIHcf'l' YunllJ;;' \Vtl� fiued 10 thty�· JHl}'.


thl!t loH W/10 Hsleep

£-lio� brnther ofticar, the llmJt;, 80

and gold "P'"'I�re••::<>;;.L n o•·natnent made and mauve· oatlii -"·'·�"·"-''"··cL·''"'''"''

lug finished· with buiLd¥.

· -

w-u-,.,-e-n_B_I,.""'e""l..-m-1-tl••· A blacksmith's shop mnnaged en•

Urely by three women Is one of the in· teresUng sights to be seen in Kansas. The mothet• took eutlre charge of the business about H )'ear'H ago upon the dcnth of hm· husbnnd and had hC! duugh teJ'B brollg!J t u p not O!oly to shoe a horse, buL to uu<let·stutul eveJ'Y bomoch of the trnde us well. 1'he moth· er died nntl 11ow the tlt t•ec daughters, one or whom Is marrlccl, hiwe five tuon In their• employ nud carry on a very lli'OSJ>erous business. They per· aounlly superintend the shoeing of eV• ery horse,

l,lH\k fliOIUf'\\'het•e. "An�·lhlng wrong nl the pumping

B(utJon ot lloc city WalCI'Wot•lts?" asl;ed the !diotic boarder.

"Not that I lmow of," r•cplicd tho landlady, "Why rlo yon aRl<?"

"Olt, I've noticed thJtt the water you hU\'e !Jean gJVIng liS l ately lA ahoUI lonlt mlll<," reJJI!ed the boarder wltlo • ghoulish grlu.-Clnclnnali Enquirer!

wJII l.u'l uu JJt�ck wHh tbtt (fuodlh Thi8 jg tht3 tilllH of thH yt:m.t· wheu the

nttuosphet·e iH chargt-d \Viih hot uir re­gttt•ding wlmt ts going to lmpptm iu thtJ b•,sebttll liuo. .J ost a ye�Ar 11go t'D.tnors

Wllt'e t•idiug 011 " golden cloud th11t the

oruck Equitu.ble J�ife t.eHUl was to �·�pre­

sent Crauforcl t-Ile idea helug thut the writers were williug to lt111d in

where tlley could get goo<l ·Or•ufor<l 6oheme died

fuot · that Crail

lc Vl•urc�l•�•· 10,000 Catholic chnrchcl

,._,-_,_.,-·-··-·- in Mexico , Six ao·chblsbopl rwo,mY·cme btshoJJS administer the

atTain or the church. All CILlhol!o

church property In the republic of Mex· leo belongs to the government-since 1874, when ihe reform laws were en• acted.

Ji'tu u r antl Curnm••1• Flour be longs In a bin or barrel

raised a l'ew Inches ft•om the floor. Willie wheat flout• may be obtained In qtt��ntlly, cornmeal ot• grnhnm flour should only be Pltrcloased In small quanlllles and lcept In tin or glass.

oeL�-�rt\iowt•not• lll urphy do fm· oue of

•he beRt Demot!I'HtR In the lJulted StoLte•

;vi111t his owu pBl't)·, In selfi"h h}uulne••· hHH never dHHU lit to �o M�n:ttutt:M po-

litic�tl .emmies · hun, tf �tls

frieml• . Phuu

tiel<l. ·

HlMil _,Jtlttlde•, ' reai!Qu, Signor Mosso tells us,

so lew have attempted the a•cont ol the highest peaks on the face or the eartb le the couvlcllD>t lhat man crtnnot with· otand the rarefied air of these altltudea, "Het·oism •brinks from such prolonged su!fm•lngs as th"e due to the lack ol health." His own experiment nnd ob-8£>rvatloua, ho\Ve\"er, give u� astntrance that man wlll lte able slowly to accua. tom himself to the dimlnlslled barome· trlc pre•sure of the Himalayas. "ll birds," he say,., "fly to the h.tghl ol 29,000 feet, man ought to be able to reach tlte oame altitude at a slow rate ol progre11,"

'tr.:;;.-:-•;;-::;;;;;;� .. Ho The English language, according to

a G ermau 8tatlstlclan who hae made a sht!ly or the colllparatlve wealth or I an. guages, heads the llsl with the enor. mous vocabulary of 260,000 words, Ger­man comes nexl With 80,000 then Hat­Inn with 75,000, Fretwh with 30,000, ;rurl< lsh with 22,500, nnd Spanish Wltb 20,000.

Cereal•, Cereals should be entJ>tled In their

Cltl!ru... proper receptacles of tln or glass and 1'nclced chi!fou, when crumpled and cloAely covet'e!l lo nrcvent Insects get­

shnbby looldng, may ecullly be fresh· tlng ln. Co ffee should go lmnoedlntel cned np by passing tt. hot ll·on over the into nn ulrtlght cnnhter in ortler to keoy wrong side of the mater!ltl. This makoa \ Its aroma. Olivo oil should he put htt� the tncl<B have the mlsed appearance a cool J>Incc, and salt, soap und ohcc�e 1 they had when new. dry plncea,


Mlllt HUll Cr1•nm, MUle and cream Rhootld !Je l<ept •epa•

rnto fi'Om other foo<ls, ns they nhsorl1 odors. Bullet·, If pm·chosed In qunu· Uty, shonl<l have n cloth aprend uve1 thu top of lt and on top or that a tblole layer ot salt,

81111tll 1Nlnn11 .. '!'he small est Inhabited tslnnol In the world Ia that on which tho EdtlyRtone !lt;hthouse stan<ia. At low water It is 30 feet In diameter: at high WOLter the h�He of the ligltthouse, tJoe IIJnrnetor o! wltlolt Is 28%, root, Is comtll&tol covore<l by the wu.voa.


Westfield Trust Company Savings m a y be d e�osited.

e heck a ccou nts o�ened.

Safe 'Oe�osit 'Boxes �ented •

Trust bus i n ess tra n sacted.

I nterest Pa id D eposito rs.


Fancy Prime Rlb Smolcell Hnms, lb., Stewing lamb, lb.,

Rmtst, lb., 14�0 6o to 10c 12c to 16c Prime Sirloin Stlcs, Sutolcetl Cal. Solid Meat Pot

l b. , Hums, lb., Roast, lb.,

16c & IBc IDe ac 1 14c Ft•esh rlresse<l

chink ens, ( t•onsti u g) Primo Cbnok Stk, Stew Beef, lb.,

18a 9c lb 3 1bs25c 5c to Uc Pl'ime Chuck

Leg Lumb, Fr·esh Roost Pork,

Roust, lb., lb. , 2 lb.,

IOc 1 2�c to t6c 25C

I. SiDJBP, Prosa>ect . St. , Westfielcl. Telephone No. 24•F. \

Bookkeeping . bnsiuoss papors-oloecks, notes, tlmfts, invoices, stole­lmwn how . to writo II good uusirwss Iotter ; how to figure

tire r1mbiti you should study how to i10pron PLAOE 'l'O !JEARN 'l'HESI


ow is the Tin1e to Hav Your Eyes Fitted With

OPTISTRY (Registered) ( J666 ! ) EYEGLASS

Guaranteed to Suit .

L. B. HILBORN, 0. rH. D.� attends personally to each case.

Eyeglasses $1 u p. !

J . WI.SS & SONS : 68� Broad Street, Newark.


Page 5: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.


._.ntt anD nere. �_6 · -T"E COMING ALUMNI ENTERTAIN­MENT ..

PIGS tor HAle. Ira. 0� Lambert, 2W1 South tsroad stroet.

-J. LAul& Oliff Is at pro 11811t eng-.ed lu the drug boolu.,.. In lletucben.

-Re11l •tllte wagn.te Cl•rlr B. Per­rine .... o h• been cnullned to hlo howe on PI'OIIpect atr��t for two w""ko wl tb the mumps is Mbl" to be ont and i&boot qalo 11tteudlng to b11slnesa at the 811We old otllnd.

-Hiraw L. Fink, Ira Bull, and Samuel Johnston, the tbr"" rt>Cilutly elected rulinll el<ler• iu tb" Pre•byteriau Cllltrch, wet'" luotalled by Dr. W. I Steaos at the <:lose or the morning oer· vice 011 SundiiY l&Bt.

Lo,ere of geod wnolc will do well to attt-n•J tb" Alowol entertainment uen 1'1'idMy night, J�&nu�&ri llitb. 'l'bi•i• u .. , third in the series Mtld promi..,il to be Oflfl of the !Jest. 'l'h" Lotus (lJoo Club or N11W, York will fornisl& the music. 1'hls male l!llRrl.t!tte is one of tlte tintSt iu tbe couutry, . b�vlug wured EiuoJMl lind A1ueric" ""d oiuglng with waoy dlotiugnishe!l oioloists. Awoog their ... lt-ctioauoJ will be "A '11oast'' by Lndeu, "'l'be 'fhre• Ft•her•" by Goldbo.,k, "My DreRtuo" b)' 'l'o•ti, II lull .. by by .Br .. bm• and "Soug11" by D voralr.

BONEY -�'he beet. " s.pre1ul " tor �ncakes or bread. AlwJlutuly pure Wll,iam

pu!!t!lng. �

j)lr�tMf�l��:i·ntt�v�����t��t>r o�!��:�t�"�':,'� rt..>VOO A n�lllld, next. tmUib cf �tll.ts.

FU�!!��!ft�!'v���l�?'�• without board. 23

�UNII.":....-\ :t•ouug fox terrier. Addre&H n, I! su.rulanl oftlt'tl •

LO�'l'-Gnld WH.t.ciJ but \'VCUII lo�UICOID Me boo) 7'-ud PreHh}·terhm church. Suitu.blu r.:­

w�t.rd will bo gh't..U H returu�d to t-.t.audlt.rll

ontoo. - ------

-'fhere will be a prol(reMive euclJrH at the Westfield Cluh on Mollday,ulgbl,

-Mr•. B"ruey Roalre Is IJtlriously Ill at her home oo South Avenue.

-Abner Dow of Ceut ral avenue spent New Ye�&r's with friends In llomervill�.

-The Hounal meeting of the hmuedl. 11te Aid As•oclatlon, R, A .. will be bold 1'hur.d .. y evening, Jl6oo�ry 21st.

-Union oervi, .. will be hehl on Suu­d"y evening in the Presbytetiom Church. Dr. W . I. Steau will pre•ch the sermon.

-The r�gul11r meeting of the W. C. T. U. will he held on ·rn,s£18)' ltfteruoon 11t half vast thre�. Visitors welcome£).

-R. B. Embree 11ud Mis• P•nllne Em. bree, of Bot' WI. ViHtH, VH., are visiting rbiRtiVeK i n W�stfie)d,

Lw·ri'-A �ma.ll, lnng ludn•ll dol( rmn:rnbllmt a fox lliiiH\'t!l'i"J.t' to lllt.IIW (It i\lnMkcmiO :

dKrk, tmn�·n. ,._ImoHt hl1wk ; one whl te 1111.W 1 wbltu BJIUL in c1mst. Htwdsomo r·eward offel'­ed Mrrt. Cluu·lm1 L. Sykm�, fl"'ront street, coinur Hunter n\'oUUP, :oJcut<:b Pl·t.ins. -'l'he B. 0. IJ. meets to-uight Rt


howe of George Y. Dal111s on Prospect The Westfield Trust Com· street.

pany. -'1'he regul•r meeliug of tbe town

The 11uunotl meAting of the We•tHelil C!IIIIH:il will he hel!l at eight o'clock

Tr<"t Cmnp•mY for the election or Di· Molltl�y evening ne&t.

Dorlliuger giii<SWilrfl Is peculiarly ad�&pted for the omgrav iug. etching or glltlln�r of �trws, crests, monogram• and other tlevloeo. C. Dorllin�rer & Sons, l! and 5 West 19th Str...,t, near Fifth Avenue, New York.

- �lnce<lonla, in the 11e11r East, ls a t1e11tre of !leP(J int�rest at present. Rev. Dr. House. wbo has been fm• thirty years a ml•sionary there, will •penk at the Cougrei{Rtinn�tl Chu1·cb uext Snnda v moruiug, Dr. Bonoe wa• very eftlcieut In tile •·escua of Miss Stone who•e cap• tivit) •mong tbe brig11nds tllrill�tl n• all.

-Mi•• Oli ve Chri>t'un 1\IKJvery, a !liH· tinKuished yonng elocutioni1 t and writ er, ha• been engugetl by the W. C. 'I', U. for the even ing of Feb. 4th. tii ngiug to piano und \'ioJiu uccmnpHJJiwent, it-1 i n· trod need iu toome of d1e seh�ct iotiH uaul the entertltiuutt�n t will bH oniqn�t in c aracter. 1\liHs M11lvery Is a utttiv� of In!li,.,

------� ·�-----

MIBII a .. teu M. Gomeo, HO Wt!ll kuowu to our townspeople, will contribute th• re .. diugs fur the evening. Sue ha�


brilliKUt l'epUI�ttion ill Wt!•tfltJitJ and wny bd Cl•nuted upou to HUKttdu it. Our peul')" •but ld turu mit lu fol'Ce to wei· CuUI�:t h�r . She \Vill t•emte, ttluoug oUlHrH, ' ·'l'b� Pducel!l�" by Ubl'lHtiua_U.od •ttti, • H•g•r" by N ickel 1oo ,.u£1 "Pnul­llle Pa1·luvt·ia" by Altlrich,

After the coucel't, d<ncing will be iu onle1 uut1l l� o'clock. Ticket• fur COli· ��lt� (50 ceutM) uuty u� bought ft'ow auy Altuuui mctuuer or nt FrotchHy's Phur­IUHcy, whtH'e u. cutut for reeet·vutiou of liH::UtH way u.IHu be found.

------·-·-�·�-�---C H RISTMAS WORK OF THE W. C· T· u . reclnt·o wi ll b held o n the second Tnes -Mr. Rwl lllr•. Ft·e<1el'ick Ste!lb of dBY iu ,Jaunarv next, tim 12th iut:it. from Snunnit aveuntt are visitiug their 150u iu 10 to J 1 n'clock A. M ,.t, their office cor- Clevthu£1. Ohio. ner BrOiul am\ Elm Htruets, We•tfiel<l, -L•wrwce Po Ivers' retail liqnor SELl<" • SUPPORTING STUDENTS. New Jer:iey. liceuse luts helm reuewecl hy the towu· Splt!'ntlhl n .... ultN Acltle�·ed by Am•

U uder the un•!Jico• of Mt·e. Geo. B. Dickt:!raou. Sovt.. of ' 1 Work nw mg Suhli�rij Ullll �uilors, '' a. Cht·istmas box wus pt·epured fur· tbe crew of tile Life· sa ving otatlou ut UceMn City, N. J. The box cuutuiued delicacied Knch llB we have In lour homes at Christmas time, r'"'ndiu� mat.ter, aml cOin forts, snch llR wriHtlets, warm glove� tuul HockH H.Utl comforterj;l. 'ro those who coutdbnted to tile goo•\ cheer sent to the•e f�&ithfnl wnt.herd of our co sta the s11bjoined letter will be of interest,

,T . R CONNOLY, SP.ct'e :all'y,

Wt .. tfleld, N J. , DecAmhet' 30, 1 9011,

For Sale, N ew House.

10 roonH nl l i rn p t·ovemont� . Good locu tion, lot /i0xl4li, to quick buyer,

$4,500. ABRAMS & WELCH,




FISH BOUG H'S. Chickens, Ducks, etc. C hoice cuts of Meat, Vegetables and Fru :ts,

GROCERIES. In fact we can supply your

entire din ner table.

Red Tra d i ng 8tam p11.

W. R. FishbDugh, 1 2 6 Broad St., Westfield

Why not htiVO a honse tht.t snits yon ? ' Yon c11n I We 11re pre· p11reJ to build you 11 housu uccording to you r idea. Pllm 11nd spocifica· tions examinod nnd tho oxuot cost to the pu rchaser boforo the cel lar's dog.

Central Real Estate Agency, !ZO Elm Street.

0. A. F�ANCIS, nanager.


Cor, Elm and Qulmb)' Sts.

Rare. Opportuaalty. llonaa on Boulevard between Ross

Place and Park Stroot will be sold

at 11 very fair price.

llonses nnd building lots in all pRrts of tho 'l'owu.

TEAS I TEAS I TEAS I A plea•ant surprise In the teu liue,

b11th pleasing nud Blttlsfylng. Mixed tea ,lOC: per lb. to 1,00, Ooloug, that I• Ooloug, 40&: to 1.oo, English Breukfa•t 'l'e11, 40&: to 1 .oo Ceylon, every htdles' f11vorlte, 6o&: to J .oo. Give my gomls R tt·l•l. Be convinced

tl111t I lumdle the best that come• ht tblo town Rod equal to nny In tbe Vlty,

.J. P. I:JVIBI.SY. Elm St. , near P. 0. Westneld.

A- Nluu•p nr ... Mrs. Duxom-That hatefnl Mrs. Kaox made a very mean comment

1111011 my qe to·day, Mr. Duxom-Did abe' lAY you were

gettlns old T "No, Indeed. She aald I '•till looked 'Wllte )'O�lll•' "-Pbllallelphla Prell,

council. -Coltl't Pt•ovltleut. IJ lBO I. 0. F. will tu)Jd Hll election of ufilcera llt ita meet

iug MlnHl11y evening.

-llishop A. Clu.u•berlin of Yuukers , N�w Yol'k, spent Snuday i n WestHeltl visitiug hieuds.

-'rhe JlUUUU] t-lectiou of llirectorM iU th" Westfield 'l'mst Co, will be h•ld rl'naulay uext.,

-Coutr11ctors Wilcox nutl Pope have completed tbe new horne of E. G. Han· for<l. on Dtttlley "vernre.

-Hev. SRmnel McBride of New Ym·k will preach in the. Baptist Church next Soll!\>ty morning.

-1'he services at the Methodist Church next SUti!\Ry morning, will be "" n•nal. Dr. C. M. Anderson, the pas­tor, will uccnvy the lllllpit.

-The m•nY friend< or Dr. T. H. Hat·­vey will lm gl •l!l to he11r his cou!lltiou is slightly improve<\, Rnd hopes are eutet·· talu�d r�r his'iJli;imate recovet·y.

"dFulnk 'B:>• J\{olfelt : Is ·at MelrosP, Flori'hi, en,joylug the snp&rior h nnt iug to be foutitl In ullont tlmt beautiful little toW�-��·.-: :::?)',;-.. -··:.· 11 .:..:.�u·�,. Ella Kmwer, <laughter of Mr. ouu\ 1o11's. Herbert

' F"rgnson nf Uulon Place wns married ·N e IV Year's eve to Ft•edericlc Knhn of Cmufurd ,

-Everett Pierson in two stmight · 'games rolletl 237 and 257 on the West· field Club alleys. He has won the club bowling pin font• timeo.

-Dr. R. R. Sinclair, wbo h11s been ill during tbe past weelr, has onftlciently t·ecovered to be uble to resume his prac· tlce.

-Chief Ira C. Lambert states that that the cold sn10p will lu uo way freeze the lire bydrourts. He snys that they ltre ant'-freezing nll'nirs and ueetl no testing.

-Tbe Wom•u's Club will meet Mon· tiny afternoon Ill a o'clock in the Pr•sbyteriau Church Chapel insteR£1 of

nt the Westliel,J Club, their usnnl place uf Jneetiflg.

-Streugth 11u<l vigor come of good food, dn ly digHsted. 11 Foroe," a reudy­to-sel'Ve wheat aut\ b1trley foot!. adds no burden. but sustains, uourishes, ill• vigorates.

-Extra senices will be bel£! fonr even lugs next week, beglnumg on 'l'uee· day evening, at the Methodist Church. Sermons will be preached by different clergymen, who will assist tbe pastor Ill these special services.

-Albert Armstrong will give his dramatic pictm·e ploy, "The Little Min· ister, " iu the Y . M. C. A. star course of Plninlleld on 'fhnrs£\lly, J11n. 14, at 8 u'dock. Atlmi•siou 35 cents. Reserved sents QO cents.

-'fhtl local pollee force have been busy this week enforcing the sidewalk or•llnauce, aut\ In lDIUlif lnstunces it has heed uecesERry to i�sue a sumrnonfl ng,.htst negligent property owners. In such cases tbe town Ita• cleuned tbe slde­

WRilrs aud the cost charged up against the property. A line of f5 'is Impose<! upon the tenant.

-The ladles of St. Paul's Gnlld nre occupying their new suite of rooms In

the atldltlou to Dr, Gales' clnb honse, on the lawn side. The rooms are well equipped for the work of the guild, as

well •• soc! a I 111falrs connected with th11 ohnrcb, nn1l the ladles are justly pron1l of their new quurters. A cake, pie RD£1 bmue•lllado cuu<ly sale will be held I u

the rooms to rum•row afternoon, wheu a 11enerons supply of cake, ornllera, mince

and pnmpklot pies, and bome•matle cundy will be for sale.

-Mr. and Mrs. P. R. G.Bjostrom gnve

n tlanoe Itt honor of their duughter, Miss

M11rie, New Year's night, at their bonte 011 Dudley aveune. About sixty goeHts

were present and enjuye<l d11uciug u11til

t1 IRte' hotJr, Mls• Florence Donnell

11reslded nt the plano, 'l'be honoe WIIB

prettily deoorute£1 with holly 11nd wls­

tleloe. Dnlnty refreshments were served

by Oaterer LnRoza of Ro•elle, 'l'he favora were roses and cby111mtbemums.

1•ltlouM Vuntlu• I n Ainer•

The most ltopeful cbaracteriotlc of the American colleges Is the self-sup­porting student, says the Cincinnati Post. It has been said that any boy In tills country who wants an education can get It, If he wants It bad enough. 'l'be tt·uth of this Is being demonstl'l&t­ed now mol'e clearly than ever before.

There Is common complaint that the (JOor boy's chances to get ahead In the world are not what they used to be. That Is not borne out by the facts in any de11artment of l ife.

Since the beginning young men have worked their way through colleges. Poverty has been no bar.

The growth of the practice is lncll­cnted by the report of the secretary of Columbia col lege committee on em­ployment of students, from whlcn I t appears \.bat Columbia slullents during the past summer earned $:!1,401, an in­

crease of $13,000 over their earnings for the year before.

'l"he number of vacation workers this year was uoarly ten per cent. or the eoti t·e university attendance. The· oc" cupatlons engaged In ranged in varl�ty from tr·uck driving to the 'operation of a printi ng office, and the largest sum earned was $1,000 by a Jaw student.

What thQ wage-earning student loses froin the college course he makes up In practical application of bis talents to the real worl< or ll fe. He is better prepared, perhaps, to step Into 1111 chosen occupation when college days are over than Is the fellow-student whose way has been made easy . and who knows 11othlug of the difficulties to be encountered.

The hoy who works for his education learns what an education Is for, and places It In Its proper perspective in his view of life.

• Oc,11n City, N . • J. Mt·e. G. B. Dickerso11,

Dear Madam,

Dec. 24, !903.

I Hckuowle!lge the rt· ceipt of a Christma< uox fro111 :the bntul of the W ,· 0, 'l\ U. aucl frie''.udM fl'OIU IVeotfiehl, N. J. For wh ich Rccept the th•nks of myself ami Cl'HIV, AlAr> your letler untl the lette1' of g •·eeting encloHe!l iu box. It gives joy, tU!d l ightens the henrt to rtacei ve rokP118 awl to know one is thought of. We fonn!l the contents of llnx very uictt iudeecl aml wt.Ah thH clouor�:� a Hapvy New Y ur aud mauy hleE<shigR. U.lt:l �oming ReH.Hon. I \vi i i eu deaV(1i- t'o send yon somti Httt emeut re­go»rlling tha RtH'YicH Iabar on, And ngaiu thimltiu� yon for the <luuu.tiou, I aru,

Respet>tfnlly Yom·s, .J. i\lltckey Couor,

Keepet· Ocean City, L . . s. Stntiou.

IU�mbnrl4 Jtemembet·ed

A pursr of gold collected from We�t· field club members •vas !lividetl on New Years day among the employees of the club, This fe.tltl'e has been u custom

of the ctnb for Rev�ral year• pa•t but bPretofore thd pnnnt �utt-� beE u divided on

Uhristm118 duy, 'l'he New Yeurs gift was H. m ighty welcmno one to the em. ployees.


Hon•e I n Yonker" Park, N. ,�., '11ha� 'Wooten llru·e Made for • he

LuNt nnd .!Uck.

No boy need despair becuuse his father is not rich enough to buy hlm an education. It he wants It bad enough, he can get It ,und by worl<ing •

for It get somethlr>g better still along with it. • There Is near New York citY a

stretch of pasture laud In which usnnl­

Jy u number of happy dogs are caper­Ing, au£! the land and other things be­long to these same dogs. 'l'here Is a J,Jat·n for them with Its comfortable kennels heated by a coal fire, qui te the

. same as folks have , and in the bouse nearby a friend Is ready to make a pil­grimage to the kennels with medicine and bandages !lay or night. And this Is not for some especlully pampered breed of dogs, but for all unfortunates . of the race, says the Suo.

'''nru h•M' to Snlclt1e•.

A favorite method or suicide In Japan lately bas been to .. leal,-;, ()V:er;,certsln watel' fnlls. So. frequent. have such oc-cut·r-ence ,'beeome':�J� c •v.vce,��.���e : 11.9:"; stationed , In·� th

· ·bt)hlooii, -an'!l large notice ·; boa ected bear! rig lnscrlptiousJri l a iers;?or •. :whloh the rollowl tt.g :l a;,: �\lie:/ ••bo n�t drown ,-oursell':he ended suicide> ure wn;·iui.f'Jh oiTji.i . . . . disa1ipr·oves of the utlllzutloif.�orri(egon waterfall fm the purpose. This htcertllied to on the best priestly uut.horlty, and serious con­sequences in· the hereafter are guaran­teed. ,'i"o drown hei·e ts also forbidden by the pcrfedttrnl authorities."

O•unl••tlo�t ttf Mllk. An apparatus In use In Germany for

the purlficutlon or milk by ozon ization is so constructed that the milk con tainea 'In a vessel flows thence In a thin stream Into auotller vessel IJlnced below. Tho wlref! and caruou }Joints of u strong elec· trio battery are so arranged tbat the light arc passes through Ute stream or near it.

·The ozone which Is thereby engendered �rom the I)Xygen or the air Is said to he sumcient to kill all micro-organisms ,:uotalned In the milk,

t••u•er 'VIne Harrel•.

Wine manufacturers In Greece, It II said, purpose using barrels made of pa· per for their wine.

'l'he lilNNentlal•, No home Is complete without a bank hool< and a cook book.-Detrolt Free Press.

Df!b(. No, Cordelia, a lluntlng debt Isn't

Decessarlly a llgbt one.-Cblcqo Dally :News.

A womuu not long ago real ized the practical good that would result from establishing a hom., for dogs, cats and bml<en down horses. She has organized a baud of worl<erA to carry out the 'plan, and the result bas been this home for them, the Bide-a-Wee Home for Animals at Yonkers Park.

The object of the loome ls to provlrle a place where animals will receive kind treatment and care If they are sick­just like a city hospital for humans. II the case is hopeless the animal is chlo­

roformecl.-not dumped I nto a gas tnnlr with a dooen others to tight for a last breath of life.

There are many people who would keep a dog or cat instead of turning It Into the stl'eet to be abused and finally caught nn<l l<lllc<l. If It could he tal<en care of grnt.ultonsly tor awhile. Any an,lmal tal<en to this home Is welcomed, If a release Is sl�'tled, the animal IR placed In a good home and Is visit ed from time to time by an Inspector.

Similar home• nre doing good work elsewhere in t his country and abroad, Tbe Aulmul Rescue League of Boston cnrcR for mot·e l h R Jl 1,000 dogs and cats each mon t h , lllaelng them In hOme! where they remain under the SUIJervls­lnn of tho league.

Some of tho women who run thiB home have been nsl<ed why they don 't

Not a Traonu. direct their attention to human snlfer-Not long ago John Burns, M. P., W!U ers Instead of to dumb creatures. One

seen by a Battcr·soa elector wnll!lnp of tho ronsot1s, they say, Is that thoro arm In arm with a shubblly dressed at•e 1 :14 lnsllt.ntlons In th is city for the man, whom the Battersea reslrlent. tu9ll relief of hmnnn beings, and there waa to be a t.raml'· Dr·awlng Burns nsl<le, only ono (two now) tor the benefit ol he said to him : " Lool< 'ere, John, dee- animals. mocrncy's 11'11 very flne, but don't you 'rho home Reemo to be a welcome reclternlze whnt's doo to your poAitlon charity, for it IB finding many sympa• as a member of the •ouse? l�anoy- thlzers: and slnee It hns become )mown wall<ln' about hnrm In harm, In hroad thiLt It needs and appreciates glttl to daylight, with a workln' man." "S·Rh," · hel1• It• worlr nlong, It hae been rccelv· whispered Burns, "thnt'a the dnl<e of . log mnny-�ome In memory of lost aui-NorfPik." And It waa, I mal rrleuds.,

Sch·aefer' s. Special.

Stil l a few holiday novelties left. . To' Close. )hem out quicl; , we will give a discount of 35 per cent • .


� -��-�-����-� ·���-��- --�·-� H REXALL !J!J s � On a bottle of medicine means that it is

� guaranteed to give satisfaction. If it is

" not what is claimed for i t, you can get your I mnney back. Sole agents for l{cxill l l{cmc· I dies in Westfield. � I 1 Frutch ey's Pharm acy, 1 I (Succeeding Bayard Pharmacy Uo. ) I # Broad Street, Westfield, N. J. � ' �----�--------------�----

IB4 per month,

Blcycles S I per month.

REPAIRS. Westfleld Auto•

mobile & Blc)'de Compan)',

Thos. Care)',Prop : , �''-· --------------------�==�----�----�� 42 NORTH AVE.

Special REDU�TION Sale ! Ladies' Flannelette Wra�pers, 75 Formerly $ r ,oo, $ r . 2 5 and $ 1 . 5o. C SPitCIAL I

Eiderd own, all colors. S PECIAL 29c. yd.

L . A. PI K ER'S, Broad Street, WESTFIELD.

ueen ua{l#/· Don't Be Fooled. Don't ba fooled by ad vertisements of Women's · Shoes which i1re " Soul ptnred or StntueRq ne, " Use a good honest 81Lxon word , aml 11ok if they·:�n·:' There's 1/u Point ! Theris the rtlb I

1'bere Is one shoe that fits,

Tbat Is " Queen Quallt)' "

Buy tbem if yon want to •ee yonr foot look 1\ full size swat. ler ; lf yon wuut to •pnre your· selt one·blllf or yolll' tinily f1ttiguu ; if you wnut to own shoes that will be a coustHnt delight becuuee they FIT uo­cnl'Utely. Ovfr a mJIIior1 women Ruy t.l�h: · Com ment Is unuecess11ry,

Boots $.1.00 Oxfords $::11. 50

.SpHia• S1ylu soc edt•• FaBt ColOJ' fJJJClCtB. Do JW( 1ttor brllAAY·


Colna to Ha•lne11• In Vl•lcnKo.

"Are yon wearing your steel shirt. dear ? And have yon the padded bel· wet?"

"Yes, dearest: and I've got my sb.ot· gun and three revolvers. The splktid club Is at my belt and I'll carry a Jmlrs In my month, I have a Maxim mount­ed In t be baby carriage."

"I�I unbar the armored door. then, dear, uud lot you star·t for the oll¥:e. Don't forget to 'phone me that you't'G all right every live minutes, and nt the slightest disturbance lock yourself lu t.bA safe. "-Portl and Oregonian.

� Whltea Linea.

To Whiten linen which bas become · re.l)ow, cut up u pound of flue white s,_p, and dissolve It ever . the lire Ia a gallon of mill<. When the soap hal •otlrely dissolved, udd a tablespoonful of powdered borax. 'fhen Jlllt tbe dis• colored linen Into the holler and let II almmer for halt an hour. Then take It out, and wn.ah It thOl'onghlY In a good lather made of the ordlua..,.

"soap Jelly" an!l warm water. Rinse '1\'cll In two waters, the last of wblc ..

1bould be made a good sky-bltte.

Apt•ln.mu� b)• llbl'lllnll'• Hissing means dlfl'erent thlngo, ac-SJtcceoo, , tording to where you bapvon to be aC

No, auccess will not come to you at the · the thnr. 111 West Arrlcn. the oattvea ta;Jp!ng of a hantl bell uatll you have con· I hiss when they at•e nstonlshed : In thl quoretl It by sheer rorce and com!telled New Hebrides when they aee anythlnl It to wear your llvery.-N. 0. t imes• b au tll'nl The Buantos npplaud u pop-Democrat. n�ar orntor In the assemblies by hle£1-

Rmbroldered 1,10.,8, log at h im. The Japanese, again, show

Elmhroldered linens should not be tbelr re1·crence by u hiss, which ba1

washed In Un or wooden tubs. All probabl y somewhat the force of the

risk of rust or stain may be avoided· b1.1 "bush" with wblcb we command at .. 'ISing au earthen bowl.

· ·j lence. In this country the, hl�1 .oDl• baa one meanln1-dlsapprovlll. 1 .

Page 6: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.

6 P••ot��etlhlJ:N of th� Hmtl'11 nt' <�Jwseu Free-�

holll eJ•fi. uC IJuJun «:ounty, (01'1'1'-lAL] ··;; .

Uegnlar· meeti-ng , of � the �01l1·d f Of Cbotitlll I1.,ret>IJUlders of thA · county of Union, N. ,J. , held TIJ U rsUay, Dec. 3d. 190:1, nt. �.:10 p. 111.

Hall cull siHH\'Hd nil mem bers preseut except l"reehuhlers Cndy, Kl•e. u ud Wub l . '.l'lu� minutl�S o f L h e pre\•ioua · rPgulllf meetir g or l\Iaruh .bth, 1003 reudi of l>ills being omit.l.ed) the journed meeting or l>er 1903 (the read ing of· omit ted) wem on rend .

Ttffi UNfO�. COUNTY .. . ST AND�RD� FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 1904.


i �HI��lf G���ml[� $ )IE: At M o d e rate P ri c es . � 1

is w h at we offer y o u . No oth t r store .u n d�rsells us, �

q ua l ity for q u al i ty . Our delivery s erv .. ce IS prompt.'*

We try to dt serve t h e patronage we rece1ve. � A. O • F I T C H 9 OllOCER.H�i{o �����d Strc�t �

. � _.-... -.. ..... Red Star Trading Stamps. •

********* ***'************* BRUNN.EH�

140 Broad Street Westfield, New • ersey.

M oney Refunded

I f Dissatisfied

With Purchase.

Greater in' Every Way or

Money IMun ded

If Dissatisfied

With Purchase.

Present. f value or retail ing prcce­vy stocks-t housands of

volving our over·stocks, for half, less than half

. . . ,Depart men t s and aisle osit ivcly not matched any-

Half and One=third Regular Retai l Prices.

I I N 0 SBOl� retailing occnsion in yenrs h .. s sti rod

.up the p!t blic to

. such. u yitch .or entl�usinsm. II nil· �

d rHls of potirs hnl'e ulreud.y been sold, nnd 11 few duys mor.o Will HtJhce Ill · whtch

. �o .otully end the

most renmrk11hle lot o f lngh gr11cle footwcur t.h nt hus OV?l boon brou ght to Newtu k •. Moat o f .them

with slight im perfections that detract not 11 particle from thotr.worth, however, und the prwo uskcd Is out

To the Board of Gentlemen :

of ·1111 proportion with vnlue. · ·

Men's Shoes

$6 and

for Everyth ing.

to $8 Oxfords 2.50 Women's $5 to $7

Shoes and Oxfords

I L B b g & Co. I Mail Orders Filled I I amNE�AR�.r ' for Everyth i ng.

Theo. A. Pope, J. E. Goodman & Son,

PENTERS & BUILDERSI 103 Central -Avenue,

Westfield , N, J ,

Ash Brook, N. J.

Mail Orders Promptly Filled.

October last, Gust!Lve au notion ngfiinsL t.biM for the recovery of o·'•,vuu,_ .m•.' "'""''" :�lBsltln:rat>eB Cheerfully Furnished.

Prompt DelivPries

'-.in Westfield. lel(ed to lmve been Westtield nveuue in Roselle ; chargi ng that 1 were received through the "':!,;;�;:;;(;ct������ Board of Freeholders to " teot an opening which bud laid street.

The Summons nod handed 'to mg by the Board, with instructions the matt.,r. On Nov, 6th . urrer on behalf of this

The counsel for the plu.lnt.Uf,«�.llcedlnil( 'JL ut•euuY., .u·�u.

thnt the dem 11 rrer was warded to me a <li scon\1 caiB6 which 1 hu ve signed · to him, .

The discontinuan ce, �;��·t tlmt he desir·od t� on I I p!ieH t o t h o Bnnrd of of the Donrd to n In w pnes the Attornfly for tb8 whioh provided thnt· .. the cute the suit agamst some deuenaed \'eternns 'of:: th� defondnnts. Rebel l ion, now without

Hnrgic 0. l'enney Frnnk H. � ·�·.·:_� .. •c··· .. Knii1ht, m•.uu, L"u,·_n•emcy N. C. J. �'"""'""··�''" !11, l�t·ed 'l'oucey, · , ' � Coriel J, sher1ff

Bridge Acco,.nt-:;-W.-H. Wel<lnn 2-:m .}.rhc;unpoon 30,35, W. H. ''Jno, (1. 1\Ioore ao.�r.. 'l'he

' ' 2i5,'J, L. B11uer :!0, G. ;:�cnto,tteorer 70, li.20, .Jnn. W. \'un Cameron 2fi, '!'he \V. L. Uau@r !!2, 18,

Very Respeotrully You be t>ro;·ided with 'th« W. R, ComNm'o:<, Count.y Atl

· expense of the county. -:'l'he · On motion or l!'r.eehoitler uuthori1.ed Jlonrds of �'reehohl�

· ll. W. Smith BI • WillllllH

and plnoed on file, ruiile money for snid pll . . .

REI•on•rs m· , provided for. the nppoh1 Dy the county roud cnmllliLLH... . : ·_. · su itnble 1rerson to hnve chnrge

•.ro the Bo11rd of Ohosen l!'nwhoiders> mutters . H� nsked the Dua1·<1 Gentlemen : 'l'he couuty mud· uom - '

the mnttere11rly consideration mittee would respectf ully rn1m1·t tim� he wns infor med thRt the Cou they buve been mer the l i nn nl' l he pro- tQt'ney hnd rendered 11 f11vornule · posed road extendlnu frtJ I J I Union us to tbe provisions or the liiiV . . avenue, iu Ornnford. th rough IJ•·a nford, whioh opinion h11s not ns yet l>een· Westtiol<l and Sprinulield tow"'·l • i pH, to olally before this llonrd. ·

. . . Su mmit city line, pru(>osi'rl tlo l f i"r Chnp- 'l'he following bills l>l'Opel'iy , nuditec.l ter Oi, lr1ws of 19fl3,. nnd ow i l l:.(' to the and approved, were read, und on roll unU JoonLion thereof, the oosl. nU.t4 t l . ! i l1J.C t.he ununimoualy fJrdP.retl (JHid, \o'tY. : huildir�g or the MllnlO und I�I J !h-.i duJ'Ing NtiW Court House Aocount-Aoker-the questionuble oonetiiH llllnf l iug to mnn & Uuss $] ,ooo. . the county, nntl your com mit 1.···� baing Eleotaon Account--Oco. D. "'ilsnn divided in sontltutJnt., we wot t l d t'PApoot- $12, S, Rusling Uyno 47,70, 'L'humuH fully recomrnt+nd thnL lmfot·•� 1 i t11d no- 'l1hompson rent. 30, 0. U. ClifLun t't.HJI '&ion, thtLt thia Bo!'rd untl C111 1 1 i J I I I lot:." of 36, W m . n . Stnnrord 28, }1, 'I'. J\'l�J.Iltil · -the wh•Jlo, Ko over auU inHpuut � .. u pro- ney u, llonr.\' W. Ortm" 8, ao, Nclwur·tl posed rand. 1\lurtin u, !IHH\'e /if Colfey :!a, llenui•

Signed, Lou!( ao, K, Oeo. 1\l. 1\f lller ll, :10, ,Joh n Respectfully sulunil I : , n HunuHII ao, M, D�&ni••I JJ. Wrult> ao, H, -liENJ. Kuco, .E. K. AlMl\1·· , .TACfiD '''· u. 'l'OWliBt:md ao, Lloyd 'l'hotnJUWJl,

JlnuQKLA<>IIMI, \V. H. HWA! '· l i J·:�mY olerk und ran� l!220,:JO, D. H. IJiuuvon KnouK•�, Ouunty Rou.d Con• " ' t.' t.otl, 110.00. Freeholder Furrell lnOI'l<�l t . , . , ,, l im ro- Pu1Jiioation

port be received and reuulu · ""IHin tlun ldopwd, which WIIB so ordur.•o l wlthou t dlalent

!IKW IIURJ!'IERH. B:r Freeholder UobiRon:

Where1111, By re11ao11 ot rt• • 1. henvy rain• the rondwny atnnd nr• lllfl l lulf•· worth Milia, Fonwoocl, hn· "'"''" liori· ·ouelv Injured, nod Is oonet.n1 , · ; boeoln­lli• more aerloua and llkel)· ' ' ' deRtruy -.icl brldtle, and whureuu thco tnwnHhip

lJI'tH,Re J ,endt'r

:m, Hpo. l\h1rphy ,:10, J_,r.•u­F. J. Hubbnrd, 1 1 . ll. Ulurl1 ll,

. Kirlt Uo., Hill, '1\ C.

Mol!ett, :u, :!0, F. J{nnpp, ·:m,

W . '1\ Yuuu�rr: I I , 'J.'he 2ii.�U, J , \\' Ool") tl, l!'. ,J, :11.20.

l•'t·ooholder FnrrAII moved to lllljolll'll wluuh was <lllrried, 'rhe D1r�otor• tlt:t· .J]ur"'l the Bmll'll ltdjournetl u n ti l 'l'ues­duy, Dec, lUth, 1003, nt 2.30 (1. 111.

s. fttJHJ,INO ltYNll, Clm-lt. ·----

Volll!e fiiroand• a Dlftlutecuaat. Coffee b'Tounds are genet·ully t brown away, althouglt they make 11 capital

disi nfectant and deodorizer If they are IJurued on a hot flre shovel and borne through the apartment.

G"rtnan,- Pla•tln• 'l'e•• 1'he climate or the Germany eoloiiJ

Kamerun, In Africa, baa been found fa· vorahle t.o tea growing, and the gov• ernment hu planted · • large tract wltb tea ahrub1,

Jobbing Promptly Attended t<>

"',.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ............... "� I' I HATS, . i ! HATS, i * H TS • it I I ; .. . it Other things too; ; • •

!. c LA Rr,-HATTER. i \,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ••••••• 11'1'1 !1'111" Etl\\cattonal.

Plainfield Business Collese. City Dank Building;.

Day and N ight School Now Ope n

Dookilceplng, Shorthand, llngilsh nnd Art Courses. Good Positlous to on•· Gt·ad nutes, 8pecl11l retlnce•l rates now offered.

tlo�:�e 5 oeut ftue will take you to our

(laU ur wrlte:roa• CJ�&h•luautt,


Watches That we guarautee £ully.

J�welry fSilverware·


Our Optical Departnu�ut Coanplete.

Eyes Carefully Tested, 8atl8factlon Guaranteed.

CHAS. E. VAIL, Like a Wom•u.

"She's running a correspondence lchool ; teaches the secret of succesa,:'

"Just Jllce 11 woman to tell secreti,'" -Detroit Free Press,

r�ar..-e Stthle••· In the East Indies there are apide"

10 large that they feed on small birds,

llor•e Rnd Dnnke,- Meau•. There are over 25,000 horses aD4 1

donkeya eaten In Paris every year.

Take F.lnrt•lhln• lllloe, Kleptoman•lacs draw the line at t1ke lng hlnts,-<lblcago Dally Newa.

laad, A 1raln of sand In 1 man'• makeu• II worth two In tbe aqar.

103 Park Avenue, P LA � N F' I E LD . N, J.

Page 7: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.


� TH E Nt:W STORE now at its best. The b,,. wi\de.ring


display of Holiday goods a. ttracts people fro


m far and near. Crowds of shoppers are constantly gravi·

·. tating this way. We have plenty of room, plenty of salespeople and �lenty of goods. . W hy not try the ex· . pcri m ent of domg Your flohday shoppi ng at home . Where Vou Can Shop in Comfort. � Choose Your Holiday Gifts From These. � J)o!ls' G o-O•trr.s, 98c, 1 . 25, 1.48, Bl1



8r·.g Ousos, 98n, t 25, t 48 • . �··

. 1 .98. 2 . 98. � !lol1hV Horses, 3 98, 4 .75, 5. 98, 'L'abon i'Ottes from 48� to f . 98. � 1 50. [,i7hra


L•uups, � 98, 3 98, �.;.i J<Jxpr••ss W11u:ons, 98c, 1 2 5, '·'

1 39. t . 98 . 2 98- I Uarving Sets, 98 J, f · 48, t 98, . Velncipmlcs, f . 25, f 48, 1 . 98, 2 98. . 2 ·25· Ohina Olosets, 16 98 t.o 45. 00 . . Coa•ters, 25c, 39c, 48c, 69c, 98c. ·

· Sleighs, 25c. 39c, 48c, 69c, 98c.

'J'riovnlea, 3 50, 3 98, 4 50, 4 98.

Ol. i ld� 'l'o11 'l'nbles, 98c, 1 . 25, 1 98. Uil&ckbmmls, 98c 1111d t 25.

W ri t.i1 1g Desl1s, 98c, f . 25, 2 98, 3 98.

Ohil•ls ltockurs, 75c, 98c, 1 .25. t 48. t 98 ·

Parlor r,11mps, t 48, 1 . 9 �. 2 48, 2.98

Ninkl'l Lumps, 98c, 1 .48, t 98. 3 98

Pl'i11cu•s Larnn!, ; 98c, f .48. us.

131'1188 01ur<llustick, ::r..llln'f'gs S11mplos, 25c.

Dinner Sets, f2 . 50 to 42 . 50. Bissells Sweeper, 98c t o 3 . 50 .

l'11rlor S ui ts, special, I9.50.

Si .lebc.nl'!l l 9.98 to 4S·09.

Conches, 9.6.r; to .15·00,

Water Sots, 98c, I·:IS, ;I.48, · I.g8. ,

'l'obacco J11rs, ::15c, 500, 98c, j •·:as. ·'

l!'rarnrd f•iotnres, liSCo 49c, g8c. I :as.

J1u·d i n ieros, 98c, I.:as, I.48, •·98•

Sdtul Sots, :1.48 and I 98,

Morris Ohaird, 4·98 to Ifi.so.

Hook Ctlses, :a . 98 to .1S . oo. Music Cnbinets, 4 g8 to :ro . oo. Divans, 9 · SO to :a9 . so .


Ubmry, 1\lbles, .1 · SO to I8 . so.

l't&rlor 'l'11blos, I . 98 to IO . OO . � Bam boo 1'ablos, g8c to ::1 . g8 . ,

Dining Chairs, g8c to s . g8 .

Chi1111 P\nqnes, 98c, 1 25, t98, Uoed Uockors, I .98 to g . so . l 2- 98-

. S 1 L·tdie3' Desks, 4 . 98 to I4, 98 .

Fint> Chin11, Importers nrnp os, 25c. Dining 'rnblos, J · 98 to :o�s . oo

Childs 'l'ublo 'l'rnys, 25c, 35o, Scmp Bnskets, :asc, 48c, g8c, �-45c. . I . :as . �

��� Credit Terms.

$1.00 Per Week.

Men's S u its, To·p Coats;

Ra i n . Coats, Ready Made or Made to

Your Measure.

BOYS' a n d CH I L D R�N'S


Cash Prices.

$1.00 Per Week.

Ladies' .Jailor·ft1ade Suits,

Silk and Cloth Coats,

Dress and Walking Skirts,

Silk Waists.

Petti.coats and

Mi!linery of All

Shades, Styles and Prices.


HE R£,

• No credit plau ls llke tlte People's because 110 other pl1t11 Is operated

' ·' ' the' snme. One price, whether you pay caah or open an account.

" · Onr plan I• snccesHful in PlainH�Id because It •• pructlc111 nud four-

. ·' all are treate<l 1\llke. Euch, one,

after once teath&g tlte meritrl of our piau, eetul In others- that shows the populurity of onr methode. Ot\1' system of enpply­ln� ' rellalrle g<mneuts for man , womRII or clnld, 011 ensy cl'eflit terms Is popnl11r Among rrll clrresee, Onr low, cash store prices satls• Hes everyo11e that It does not cost one cent extra to buy on credit. 13ny1Jtg for 11 ohroln of stores ws cau buy ohenper, Jtntlually, he11oe we 01111 sell ou credit at low ousb trrlces,

People's Cretit Clothing Ca. I ll •••t ll'ront lt. .one Fllght�Up.

Opp; �oll�e �eadq. Plainfield.

AT N EW YORK T H EATRES. \V·Iuwo 'l'h e"t,l•le�lly ltwl11uul \\'ttHLUI!IIIers

Find AIU !loi.OIIl,ttnt of thu \VhultHfUIUU JU111lo

After a successfu l ruu at the New York, 9lit•tlu. Gc\lltiml h\115 ta.ken "D..>ro­thy V•ruuu uf H.tdUI)U Htll " to the Lyric.

'rhree you ug uJau -Lionql BH.rt'YUl'lre, Ju•eph WhH6Iuck, J r , 111111 rtich•tr.l J3•u· IWtt-shunltl be gr.&teful to Augustus L'horna�o�. Itt his Oilpltlil corut:Hly. u 'l'lu�

Other Girl , " at th" Crittiriou, he hat-� !(I veu •rlcil uf them the chauce to 1n11l<e the hit of hi• Jif.,,

0 tly ou� week mure of Armtt Ht'ld "'� " M·uu'del le Napoleon " at tue Kuicket· uo�ker. 1

" Mm•oly M>lry ·Ann." the title 1'ole •weetly plr&yed tr.r El llluor R •lrsou, is at tlt!l GIIt'den .

Lines u f C•lrrlages every u lgltt a t the uew Lyce>tlll, wll•re Gi lette is pl•yiu�e ' ' ·rbe Atltnh·able Orichtuu .''

H 'l'ha Uouuty Cu�tit'Ult&u " bid� fair to �rl'l!itle over a loug ijes;lou ••t W>llhck'o;

s .. m Bernl&rol au•l H 11t tie William; keep thiugd merrily rolling in ' •'l't.a Girl !'rum K•y's " at tbe Her11ld Sq1111rtl.

P11nli• Edwards is ket�piug Casin o audiences cheerful with " Win some Wiuuiti."

" Sup•rlluous M11n " will be played throughout the w�ek at the Irvlug Place.

At the Majestic ? " Babes iu l'oylaud, " of course.

Who isn't " Glrul of It " ? Fitch c 'r· taluly is ; and so 1u·e the i::iavoy audi· euces.

'fhis is the la•t week of Fdtzl Scltetf

witb " B11ootte " 10\ t he Brmulway. Miss Henrietta Crosmr<n und " Sweet

Kitty D•lllairs " have settled dowu for 11 long run at the Belasco.

'fne last fortnight of Miss �larie Tem· pest aud II The Marriltge or Kitty H is ou 1\t the Hudson.

Kyrle Bellew appears both itJ " R•tf· tlHs " and in n The Sacrament of J udas " at the Princess.

Arnolfl 0.1ly will be at tile M .&dison S<Jillll'e 'fhbutre 11 fortnlgbt with " Can . didu.. "

.. wiwop D•e D.JO " aud .. WnffidS : . still bolo! the Htagtl at Weber & Field,.

" TosuK. " '\Ud ' ' L·ll\tangdu 11 \\t6 th� l\\ .. teruating Engl ish grnu<l opera at.trac· tions 11t tb� W d;t Em I The11tre.

" 1'he E11rl of p,l\vtuckat " is at the Harlem Opera Honsd.

1 1 Way D.HVU .E tst ' ' is in tts fou rth weak 11t the Academy of l\fusic.

1 1 Robdrt Em wet " i� tut:J 1tttraction at the �'<Jnrte•ntll Strdet Theatre.

' ' A Mitluigbt M1uriuge '' is the st�&rt­liug title of the attraction at the Grarul OtJera Honse.

" i::iololier• of Fortune " is 11t th ' lllnr·

ray HUI. At the Am9rican, " 0Lt r New Minis·

ter,'' wblcb. Ua.s mad� u, genuine hit,

coutinuett .

" Joshua Whitcomb · • is to be seen ut the Metropolis.

New Star r�udieuces will see " At Cripple Creek."


'fhe headliner lit Ktnth's is Mousltall P. Wilder. Lew Hawkins, kuo•vn as the '' Ubesttorfield of Minstrelsy," is an· other attructiou. 'l'lw Flimry 'l'rio, fall·

t"!lstic \l dauc�rd from Pa.ri�, ulso are i u the bill. "

MoW 11tters Bud Tyson, iu " Scenes iu a D �sHiug RooLU "; :3tiusou and 1\[ertou ; Flood Brvtlu•r•, iu comedy acrobl\tic• ;

P1utline Mora n ; and the Brotllet·s Vau, in the sketch •' Can Juumie Cnme Iu 1 " �<re umong the feuture• at Touy J>astor'•·

Piuero'� play, " 'l'h!l Magistrate," Is tbe dram�tiu eutertdument 1\t Proctor's Fifth Avenue 'l'he11tre. 'rhe Vllndevllle at Proctor'• 'rwenty-thit·d Street tn"

chtdes Adelaide Hel'rtnlllln in m gic _aud illusions, and EuJ!eue O'Rout·ke aud comp1111Y Iu Ills sketch, " A Sum ·ner's Cloud." At Pmotor's !25th Street 'l'beutr�, ' ' Love iu Httruess " will bu the

principal attraction. At .Hurtig & Stamau's 1\1 uslc Hall,

Joe Maxwell and co111p1my appoar lu their " voculistio " speclalt)· " 'file Fire Chief.'' Tb• Grand Opera 'l'rlo has been re-eugl\ged. Lew Bloom aud Jl\ue Cooper Kjlpear In '' A Picture from Llfs," 1\lld there ars others.

The Amerlcrlll Bnrlesquers hold the etage at the Dewey,


Kla\V & Erlllllget•'s prmluotlon or " Motll11r Gl)ose " Is <lrnl'liug remarkllhly large 11111lieuoes to their beautiful new playhou >e, " 'l'he New Amsterdl\m 'i'heatre. 'l'bis sjmotlwlo Is nmloubtedly the most suooessfnl the Ill m lu1s . yet presented Goryeoue soeum·y 1m>l mug . nllioelt uostu utes olo not m •tl'e 11 snooess• fa I entert11iumeut, 111111 1w •u•l!lllgur.unut knows thls lrutter tb•u• Khnv & ��·I�Uilet·. In til� llllll}ltlltlml ol " �l 1tlle1' GooHe " to tbe A tu�rlo1111 Htagu, tlluy 1U111lu the monnthJK uf the sveub&olo b11t lnohleutul to 11n uutm•talu1nout whlob wm1l<l III'OVu

11 Hllouess even without ltK womlt�rfnl IHokgi'Ouu<l of •oeu lo llllliJelllHlnuuu� 111ul balltttlfnl 1lres�us, 'l'hu uomt•IIIIY Ia the ablest tlt"t h11s evur h�en •esu In 11 Hpeo• t"ml11r pro•l lotiou. l:!e11te IIIIIY be ae ourad for "uy perforw�uud lu tbe next ronr weelr•. ,

•••• of a Prl•ee••· I Princess Clementine Is a collector of Jlcture l>OStcards, and during her va· : tlou� jonrncya wllh her father, King : Leopold, she has pursued her hobby l wllh sueh energy and olillgence that l!he trosEeascs one of the best cnllec· tlons of the ldnd lli'"Rlurope. Her royal highness now lll'OilOHea 1o cullect post·

age stamps, and H is reported tllat she has commissioned a Belgian court\m

who Is an CXJlert vhilatellst to !HI!'· chase for. her lhe best collection that can Ue bad t'or money.

Jlow 'l'li iJOrN A d n•,.UHe, Yt ls an open seco·et that tailors

maln.� presents of elegant clothing to prominent persons, in conslderao..wn for wlricli the latter are expected to mention the malter, casually, to be sure, but as often as possible. Other f11·mo are 1cnown io mntJloy persons tvho, when occasion offers. say Jn a crowded strret car, cuuverse natural­ly, but quite audibly and energetic· alLy on the merits of their employer's es· tabllslrmeut.-Iuie!natlonal Quarterly.

lieU Girl•. If bell boys, wl.ly not "bell girls" !n

the hotels has been asl<ed rather fre· quently, since a shooting in a woman's hotel In which a bellboy participated. Tho same question was raised when a local theater tried the experiment ol women ushers. It appears to have es· caped notice generally that at least one hotel In New York has for months employed g!rls. The scheme thus far ls said to !rave worl<ed well.-N. Y. Post.

Pr .. uy (lnlek. "He's pretty quick, Isn't hef" "Quick? I should say he Is quick! A

man once fired a revolver at him at ten paces and he not only dodged the bullet, but turning round hastily he chased the missile and caught .It be­fore It had a chance to smash one of his library wladows."-cleveland Plain Dealer.

£,·@nln8' Up. He-Smith Is going to buy his wife

a tall<lng machine for Christmas. She-! shouldn't thin!< he'd need to

do that-she talks all the time any­way.

"That's just the reason. He's going to buy a machine that will talk back," -Detroit Free Press.

"Teh�·J•ty twna-A"et. A nugget of gold weighing 80 ounces

bas been found at Ballarat, Australia.

The POliDinr ltlen., According to the popu lar I den a phil·

antbropist Is an easy mark.

huttn.aut At S�hool. There are now 28,411 Indian puplll

tn go1•erumeut acllools.

"' 8TANOAftD 01' HIGHC8T MCfiiT,,. •

CHID fi,SIAN Os. ''\ It is an indisputable fact that the high esteem given to any work of Art must be founded upon merit. When the M11sical . Artist and the Horne Player are united in their high appreciation of the FISCHER PIANO, we take their verdict unquali­fiedly. Both have for years m aintained the supremacy of the FISCHER PIANO � because of its Tone-quality, its Artist� ' (11dlvlduality and its Durability, - .


A Clean Light

A P u re Light

An Ornam ental Light And an Up-to-Date Light is fur nished by the!

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and ( 'Ower. Come and see the station. It will cost you nothing. Talk matters over and

you may SAVE MON EV. Station and General Offi.ces,

71•77 Murray Street, ELIZABETH ! Telephone Connection.

��--=·��-�-=!!!1!!!!1_,1!'.,._.,.,��-"f�i'!tl�l!!!'l!��l!!!letlel![l N O RTH AVEN U E H OTEL,

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� EXCELLENT STAHLE AND SHED ROOM. fi 0Dposlte Standard Bulldln�r, Westneld, N. 1. �--�.J.-..:o.t�·;J��<il'� ..... .,�� .....

METZGER & CO. Westfield's Leading Butchers.


Highest Grade Meats "�at L.o-west Prices.

You save money on.all pu�chases. Look at these specials for the fiolid�ys.

Headquarters FOR

Sirloin Steak . . . . . . � . . . : Porterhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . Round Steak . . . . . . . . . � .. Chuck Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hambersar Steak . . . : · · I De Rib . Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �.:. . . 10 1 2�c . Rolled Pot Roast·no· bone. Be ·. Chuck Roallf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . :: . · · · .

· . .. ·

.. ···. · . • · _ ·· · - · · . . '. : . . . , . . . . . 9c • .

Plate Beef. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � , . . "·'. · .��:·: ,:' .� : . . ::<.,·�· . : � . . . . . . · . .. t • :.4c ·

LAJ\'IB and J\'.IU'1""''1""'0N.' Hind 0u11rter of Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ; . . . . • . . . � . . . . . · 1 iic Fore Quarters of Lamb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8�c Lamb Chops � � . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. � · · · · · · · • . \ , t � -· � ·· , , , , , , , , � , H · ,l�lC Hind

-�uarters of Mutton . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . ... . __ · ··

_: : :; ; .


. . . . . . ::.i.:' " I I �O · Fore . uarters of Mutton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7No S�ew .utto.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • . ·. : ,. , j ·, ; . . . . . . . ... .

Page 8: ·q - DigiFind-It · 2015-01-19 · THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDAR,D Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. -=:::c--=====:=====_:=====-----.. VOL.


CENTERS Lyuu Jlnsnne•lmltz1• E1111a;,• Should

Wet10il t�lll tu 'l'hlnkln.:-l'uiU!htUt

Shu-t \1JH4ll

TOTAL ASSETS : O N E :M I L L I O N D 0 L L A R s · Busy Cities i n New English Terri·

tory in Africa. Subjt>ch uf \'ital ln•port.auce to "'.-.L­tleld CiUZt!UIIo

.AutiD&JI)' \'bUC"d IJJ" Mllllnn• of Nt&• th·e• of the Dark Cuntlne11t-

�otable -"-ddltinu to Colo .. oial Euapire.

The other day Colon tal Secretary «:bamherlaln otllclally announced In .arllament that King Edward's uo­Jninlons In western Africa had !wen aug­Jnented by the annexation of a tract of 11ver 100,000 square miles of territory; that Is to say, of a district as large as the atates of New Yorl<, Pennsylvania and New Jersey combined. This addition to the British empire, reports the New York Tribune, has been accomplished by meanB of conquest, nnd wit�: c·am� paratively little loss of life to the Erig:;· llsh forces, whieh consisted entlrely,::of native troops commanded by; whititom�: ccrs, both commissioned· and,noii';com�

W ho would not wish to live 111 a tUWu w i tu all tll� tacilitiee aud . ue.autiad of wuu.�a·u iWlll'OVt-WtlllYY Every , lJer·. o;on worthy lu til� Jeust. dtG•·•e uf the llHW� c111zeu preft�r� Uvu�g lu a . towu

w hicll utfunl• all thtl cowlut·ts nnil nd­v.,utHge� ot wuU�•·u tiw�t�. A�1d Yt:!t. �t lies WhOJl)' Witnil thtl vuw•r of tbtl Cltl. z�un tbemReJvt�� to biiVt! evt�ry couveu­l�lJC� aut.l ull tbe tleatut:!t�S aud beauty of au Lh:H1 towu ; f(..r it itt uu� th iug to lutve a prefert:Htce autl auothtll' to bll\'8 a. de· sil•e t�trur,�g t:mun�IJ to secure tllu tluu�a

prcfel'l'cd. • . Tile greatest need of every toWD IK

goou citlZt'U�, l.:tni�ti11.u oitizer�s, Ult!U aud wuweu who stiiVtl so to [IVtl that

tluw Ult�..Y t•ais� th� Httillda.rti of ti'UI:' Uv· JUg hi�Uer i mt:�u and wowan �·lw b�vtt high illelil• uud eLde,.vor to hv• up to t11ttm. 1u H. tu\VU wttU sucll iubabit�t';lt�, uat.Ul'lllly eve1·y tnatt�rtt�..l .:uud WlH fol­loW,. but let "'" poiut out a fe w of \.\•Llt:�.t WlNht He tt:!fWtld-w�ll, cbarKCt�r­istic uect!l'l�itit:!s.

· -: -IttJ: P LA I N F I E LD · -.. · · ;:,;: :t·RUST CO M PA N Y



misloned. · '*. :f}f�V�����\i, The mere increase in the.size. of Eng� lm>d's possession In the'. dark'?contln·ent JB of small Importance, Iloi\cevert�om: pared 1o the immense, value:oUite cap, ture of Kana and of Solwtojrom:,'\ '?�m, mercia! point of view • . . For,KanoJs;'in-. cleed, the principal mark�t a�dcerite'l;,of t�ade in the Interior of 'Africa; and /riot cmiy that, but l lkewtse the center. orYitn !SOrts or African indu.stflJis:: Kana.} in" deed, having been frequenHl:..descrlbed as the Manchester and Birmingham combined- of ,: the' .. darlt· . : continent. Colonial Secretary, Chamberlain . de­clares that the annual attendance of the market af Kano exceeds a million per� Eons from all · pat"ts of Africa, while Col:

i il'he •treota of " town are telHal� lac· lots either ufthe wealth of "' to .vu 01" of ltd wau�g:eweut. A poot' �tre�t is svwe· Nntu excusnllltl lll Wilt vo•oibly th• towu Oii.Uuot t�..tford'twytlliug bettet·, . I.Jut au uutl<ly liUd dirty stretlt. ts libsolut.,Jy tuexcu8a1Jl�. lluw li ttlt' tjXptlu�e

wuu1Ll be to keep two or ttn·ee ; l"dtidi i:uuld 1u the most fr.t:!qUduted-· the aud lll)W · I WOLlltl ,

Mantell, the French explorer, and Ed" round D. Morren; tn .his "Affairs of.West

.Africa:" . estimates 'thatthe : number�of natives who visit Knrio;each . yea�' for al purposes. or · trade.: Is' a,F!ea'st. twice:, as 011.� ;��M::�;��������.;�, large. 'l'he. marlr.•t. is lield dally:tilrol.tgh'· of evenly, out the year,-'ii.rid'the''u1ost'be'wtldertni: tul'shad� tretlo set all uloug order, anil , diversity or.:a'r,ttcl�� �r,�:�!5X'¥�,s,'oD. sale·;. with we gutttlr5 ne .. tly cut .. ud ctuhetl, native cloths;f"·hich"ar<(produc[s .ofthe the whule wlll shuw uti wonderlnlly Hansas' , toom�.iiln�;'di,�.}ilt(sj 1\)it!k-em- w .. u . broidered r o · · •· ,and;brass ware, When a space occurs where two or weapon.·.s, €_,u)tiir,titn:imple: t bree road• come tugeth"r at sharp

t · n · -· · "ugles K grKss plo� ur a em .. u ftowtlr h•ll Jnen s;�:�s . . _ . . · . . ��rt·i9!fl:aments, �ll�t!d witl.l smnll curbiug 1M t1Ver 1!10 Ivory; · antl'motiy;·,, ()strtch�.featliers, live muull uictlt" thau ,. wud<ly puoidltl which atock ()f:.'evei:yl concelvable ' descriptlon, r.any weather iuva1·1,.b.y makes out of elaves, salt; cakes,'''1.nalrorl;.' European •ncb a ueglecced ·�•lice. AULI then tuere merchandise and 'animunitlon:C..all these t�re �ho•e·ui.l-boarlls, Tmly won mnet and a· thousind' things more are on sal.e h�ve tlmu11ht he .:ould iwvrov.; on Na­to this tnimeiis�··'city;,,w!licli,;hiciosed in tnre whtlu he put tho•" ll•miug, hid.,ous a lofty encompii.sslng :wall;?ts)reputed •iguo ul•· Tli•Y &ttl alway� lou!l ln color to be no less than 16'miles' tu· clrcumfer· .. uu coar�o lu tuought. 'l hey are au of ence. - J.:' � ·�·/.:'.,.:·�:��5::����\;·�f:·/.�·<·· ·; ltuse tu art1�t1c tHHt�;; uud vt:rucity . Do

Many ca�ava:�::.� r��t���)�Co'n,•erge at ��:i.i��t-����"�11.��;1!���������·ii���h XO:d KBno, and Jh.� :�pi'oCesSl.?.�'!fo.(;:· heavtly lH>�:�u't. it. l'let:m strat.u�e th1t.t in ai town

laden .camels an� . . ii.B���(�f rri8'�; m:o�ntecl of lle�:�.utitul tr.:es, gt·etu la\\lus aud evet•y. and on foot, ·or lialv·es;'\vo.men .and chil· thing else to wake tbe town Hl'l'•ar ple .. s­dren, seems ta c,be entlless::·;Tlie marltet IUlol that ttuse ev�surts shonltl rtmain has been hel d ' thus : daily on the same Htiirin" oue in ill" face llnd that tou on

· lite for ovef f;000 years, and at the time o btl IDIOill stretlt leading to the rllilroad when William u!e Conqueror fought the •u•itou wbel"e stran11er and citizeu must

pa•• dllily'l 'l'he) Kttl a nUisance and b&ttle' of :Hastings and established him· tbe sooue�· the)' "r" douo away with th., 1elf on the throne o! England It I• •ooner every one will btl pleased llnd the probable that the dally market was in towu'>l dignity raised. progress st Kana amid surroundings a!- For the ollfety of property, it is of most identical In form and appearance couro" uudor•tood by all thKt " fire dt­wlth those of the present day. purtwent is very .,...,utlll.l. But It i•

Each particular class o! goods has Its thtl •·ighL ktnil o! " l!r" depnrtw.,nt tb10t own special market, and thus. whereas '" nquireil. Alwo•t all small communi­In one quarter of Kana one finds noth- tie• hav .. some sort o! " lire lillhtiug ap­

Ing but leather on sale, In another dis- pdr�&tu• bn� only a volnute•r cowp .. uy, A volnuteercompany can do 1100d work trlct of the city the trade Is restricted out how wncu b��ter aud how mncb &l&f·

to cloth. Every imaginable type of •r It would be to h•ve a llrst cia•• lire "P African may be seen there. merchants par•tns with at lea•t " !'Hid obtef who from Egypt, 'l'unis, Tripoli and Moroc- would KiwKye be on baud lind who eo, from the eastern Soudan and from •voul<l se• th"t the lippdrRtns suoultl be

the shores of the Hell sea, as well as from in reodmeet fot ev .. ry emeq;ency. A the western eoaet. w hich is washed by mau wuo could have clmrg .. nnu who

the Atlantic. Even Zulus, oriental kuew bow to t�&ke ch .rge ol tlVtlrythlng. 'l'h� KllVtt.ut�t�� of such u. umu to u. vol Jews, East Indians and Malavs are seen untetlr cowv11ny woulil soon show itsolf there, and. strange to say, n�t only bas 1u the tffici"'"'J of tile service. As the

peace !rom time immemorial been pre- towu gr"w "nd the uecasslties d•mand­aerved among this strange medley of e<l, helpers could LJe adueil to the origin JlUrchasers and venders, but moreover. L&l lUau ijO thliL btl would really form the they likewise understand one another· u ut•lo.n• of a plild company. carrying on their bargalnings by means Oo•• it not ••em ll• thongh It would of signs. The traders have Indeed, a IUlil gre,.tly to the dignity ol the towu to 110rt o! language which beneath their 11aVtl the th·e del'lll"tment, tbtl police de·

l'"rtllltlllt, the towu bt&ll ami, In f10ct long sleeves is carried on by means o! nil town HifKil·• c"utt>t-.<l nuder one cl lverse grasps of one another's hands roof1 Tbio would Wtlau .. town b,.ll ol wrists and a•·mo, the deliberations being which the cit1Ztlll8 of >�� e•tlldd oonld be In this way concealed from the onlook· pt•uud. •r. and from the curious. · 'I'll., <lesire for stone slde-wallll u 1&

Gen. Sir Frederick Lugard, to whom lllKttllr of appeom•uc" btu! lllreiOdy been Kln��: F.dwP.rtl hi tndebted for thls notalJie llleUtlone!l . l'iow "" 1& w•ttllr of con­&ddltlon to hi• colonial empire, and v.uleuc•. A board walk id IIOWI!tbing

Who Is the governor general and high 11�������i�ftotb� 0j!�!,��:=�l&W.!'rd f:: commissioner of all Great Britain's pas- HoiOrti'-Wllllle wear out, br.,•k Vllry elisl· lesslons In western Africa and Nigeria ly �ml warp. How oltlln you lind a extending to the Anglo-Egyptian sou� L)()�i·ll tmned up just high enough to

. dan, JJrOpOHes to rul o the sultanates of CKtcb the toot when raised In walking, · Solmto au<l of Kano In the same way as or when you p�t your foot, down bow

the ot.bei· Hnusa states, that is through f o(ttlu you Kl"l!.llll!!!lippointtil lD not lind·

Dative emirs. ac:c;ordlng to native ideas, I �:;•t:�.������dt:�r�l ft�t;:!e a

t�:r; 1����! 10 as not Lo lntet·fere In any way with t ut·th•r down, vroves to he " l!rwPr ter· . the trade o! l<nno. which he hopes to de- rur ttu&n ynu aro looking for. Board· .velop still more hy rendering more fa- walks w"r11. Yon ha1·e seen ulce little Cllle Its lnlermur•e with the outer world. ltikea, or rat her you haven't """n tb•w He will mal<e no en'ort to proselyt lze, uut,il yon �teiJillltl lnto thew right In the nor will he eneourage missionary a<:- hollow of a lnrge W:"rped board. l:bw tlvlty, hut will endeavor to Inspire the plells�tnt I .J UHt " vtctllre, A stout mun aatlve• wll.b ermft<i<mce In his assur· comes otruttlng along, "ithe•· In " huny ance• th t 1 t t 11 b or otherwise, It makee uo dltf.,reuce, .�&nd • · no " emp IV I e made to •ulldtluly, r"i•ln!! his foot to s!A!t•, Cll.tch· n10lest lbelr various rel igions and lll"ac- "" it uu thtl •nll of an nvtorned stick. th:eo. 'l'll�rt• i• " •wall momentuw In bls body

'rhe only thing that he will endeavor nut �II•IIY checl<81l and-w.n, If It h88 1radnally t n , aut•llre•s ls the slave trad• jn•t r"hltl<l, Lhe clhnall lo r"llched WbtlU whlt!h I• lnderd the sole objectlonahl� ��� tlut•h•• his revolutlou• In oul! of fe&ture or L lu: Kano marltet. This wlli tllo.., •uudl h&k.,.. An occorro;nce of be ac�:ompllslwd by aegreeo, u In zan- thl• kind I• I J!reat str�&ln un ou" • IAIW·

zlbar. In en•lern Arrlca d 1 1 . poor •nd .mo&y Oll.USI! " ftuw of lalliiDllllll an n oL '"' uullt •tth�tr fer print or reolt.IOtlou part• or lite world where the Brltl•h Why , · opoke of " otont m1011 1 dun•i !lag llieo. Slave raiding Sir Frederi"k llnuw. 'Uiti oawe tblng van eully bap · Lug&rd will nnd•r no clrcumetances tol- Jlllll to " mo&u nt:urdhtllrY aa well 8tl uf erate, ln!l�e<l, lu snppro.•slon ha• beon "XIl"Hetr<llu"ry HIZtl. 'l'bla nti&y·MOtJIU jnot the •npromo ohjAut. or hl& eare•r In Nyu•- " hi till awu•lng to the ubtlerver but to nland, In IJ�anda anrl Rl�o In northern d .. wonotl"l&tl! It would he ratllllr ""rlono, Nl aerla, Wllhont nw slave raiding an<L a111l u lo •o ••riuu11 tbat It moat be tall• with a noo•&Llon or the pay mont 1 '1 11 1111 CHrll uf If our towu la to 11rnw, 8&<1ne

,Ute in the f<il"lll or Mill b th 0 .r I- Wo&liiH Will t\u IOWltJ With IIIIOb tbh1110•

ves Y 0 nnmerono W hHr• IM 11. th10t "" l&fe ooWIDI&ndetl ••••al chlol's to thn Fuianl rnlerR of nut tu jJRt una• IIKhta under a bnohl!l'l 1 · Kano and !lokoto, the ol&ve trade will don't r•m•••uiJ+Ir ;ln•t wbere it comt�o lu, Qlllr.itly dwindlf! »nd dllappear, and In tmt, <lu you not thlulc th"t W"otlleld , eonra• of tim� •lavery will In Ito turn br�t10ko tlt�tl 11owwandY Notlo.,, or Yanl•h. rllt.lltit',look ohllrpl)" and """ all tbl! li11btll

.,. ____ which are •tnclc lu 11n1nnr 'he tri!I!M, .h A ••,.•ololllle o0, W h7 l CKII ""Y without the 1-t f1111r of

Mlleo-Wby •li<ln't you get. a larger cnntntllutluu tb11t. ·yoa CliO · autunaoblle1 then1 "t Mil, Th" illlhtinll nf Dent-1 want•<! one 1 could pu1h 1111 and of ID"DJ tow111 ha tbiM ... 11.-TuWII Tupl�l. IIOWethiDI tllat 001bt tu be ·· · · · · .. ··· - · ud corrected ICOD,

rJ? ]j} s 0 [I f}? C E S Loans, demand and time, Bonds and Investments, �.!'1'::'."1 Bonds and Mortgages, Interest Accrued,

$s4r4SO,OO 2 75,240, 23 46,400.00

5·7 7.4·94 Cash on hand and in banks, 1 38,706 72

So much for that N O\V for llroveQJ.ent of 1m educatimut.l nat.ure.

I will P""s over the •u bject of schools sud cburcho•. bnt 1 l"l' !lreat emphasis on the ne..,•••ity of " pnbllc l ibmry, A Bite shouhl lJtj ch:,seil a.H t>ljll�tlly con· venient to all "" poHsi IJitl and nv<•ll that site a neat tttul 11rtistio library &hn nld be built. W hen bniltlin!£ why nntthink of the yonnger el.,m .... u t 'l A chihlreu'�t <lep•rtment with chi l<lren's books would be oue of the tluest thing• a library could have. l'he stu•i•nt• often lind it neceos11ry tu look up references In . their studies. Hitherto the li\.rary has been of little help to slutlents, and I think that a reference ""ll"rtmeot w lth cure. fnlly select••! reference books OU!(ht to be ou� of tht�- wain ftmt.ureti, A librn.ty of this kind won!Ll cnmmatHI gr e•tt<r support aut! more interest anti be enjoy. e:l by everybody.


Cheap clocks are often said bY watcb· lltalters to be not "'ortb repairing. In tllat case see what a good cleaning will d<>, for. oflen a clock gets too chol<eo with <lust to ,Pet·form Its duty anti will go pet'fectly when that dust has been removed·:- Screw off the baclt of th< clock and them immerse the worl<s in naphtha. When clean and dry, replact the works and probably your clock will &o as well as ever again.

Fnutl or l•botoar•ph••

A wealthy old lady who resides at Tulse Hill has one remarltable eccen. trlclty. Once every month she send• for a 11hotographer and has her !JhO· togra}lh taken. She orders only onE copy. for which she pays a sovereign One recent month she was ill with in· flnenza, but rather thon m Iss tht monthly visit of the photosrapher sht insisted on being photographed In bed She now has 43 of these monthly pho­tograuhs.

'l'he att.it.tHle of thP citizen.� towArd a town'<letermine•:it• fnllue. If the.towu lu1s the pro�1er · •ort of eitizen• it will tbriv� awl l_.Crow. J n�t aR snrdy as .thi� town bas all the ltliUlel'u improVeJneutt:.�o it •viii receive its fnll proportion of the ove1·ftowiug citieR nncl \V ill lwcmu� H stronK town sutl K tnwn worth livinJ.( in. But I sav as nt the outset t.lmt .. u tbeoe Improvement,, walt upon the }lllbllc Glnser.

evlrit and good will of tbe ci•i.-no In buying ginger avoid the brownish LYNN BaENNEHIIOLTZ. yellow dust, which comes from lnferiot

----• black ginger. 'l'he best ginger is tbt IJ<'oitraeth•. Jamaica or white ginger, which Is pre-

All Investigation of the great forest pared from the dried root, freed !rom fires of September, 1902, in Washing- the thin skin which covers it. White ton and Oregon, <llsclose.s a t otal loss pepper Is apt to be purer than the aggregating nearly .15,000,000. Most blad<. which Is hugely an admixture ot of the destruction was due to <·arless- . palJer shells, pep11er dust ancl othet :��s and might easily have been avold- ,1 adulterations.

Mll•l�w nn J.h••n. Mmlern Wlh.•her•t•. Mildew on linen Is easily reritoved The Madrid police the other day ar- Rub the spots well with so 11 th �ested an ,?ld woman who practiced 1 scrape a little chalk over t:e;.. a�� Witchcraft and made much money. put in the sun to blench As the linen Her assistant was a goat which, with dries, damp It a little. Leave It out all phosphorescent horne, Impersonated ilay and then 'wash with soap and wa· Satan at midnight. I ter. If the spots are still \'lsible a sec·

Cloe•p nanwa.,. 881.,.. ond application of soap and chalk will The Trans-Siberian railway glvea be necessary.

the cheapest rates In the world. rt '• I -------possible to buy an e�ngrant's ticket 5••d Worn• Ha• Sen•., nf TIMe.

covering 6,000 miles, nearly th� A sant� worm of th• northern nntl weeks' journey, for about 13. I

western coasts of France seems to havt a sense ot time. It is known as "Con·

Girl Lh"f!d Wltllo•t Bral••· voluta," and M. Behn states that 11

Doctors In Vienn& have cerllfled that . makes green spots on the sand at low a slx-ye11r-old girl, who bas just died, / tide Bill! disappears as the l lde rises. was born without a· bra.lo. She bad and conUnued this course during U never learned to eat o, move without I days In &n aquarium. us! stance.

Be••nr•• 8trlkf'",

Federal Dlotrtrt, The cripples and beggars of Gross-uMexlco. D. F., .. as tbe postmark OD 1Jecs1,erek, Austria, have gone out. on a

all Mcxlcau postal matter reads, means atrlke as the result of a new asylum "Distrlto Federal," or Federal District, having been built for them b�· the mag. and corresponds to our Washington, lstrates. They oay that the profession D. C. prefers to live In the open air and nb·

l!lare Teat.

"Why do you say be Is as true ae steel?" .. Because he never losvs bift temper.,.

-Philadelphia Bulletin. Berlin'• Water 8WJ11pl.,-.

Berlin uses for the most part filtered river water. To bring water from tbe Hartz mountains would colt, for tbe aqueduct, 120,000,000.

P•o•�eet•. J. mao's proepecUI, depend on the thlnp he reapecta,-ChiCIII'o Tribune.

•.. , •... �� ..... · It takes many new belllllnlngs to make a IIOl'IDUI endiDI.-CIIIIlBJCo Tribune,

"······ •• ••• v ....... . There 11 goocl In all lo the- man who 11 alt.oltther IOod,--<lhlcalo Tribune,

14••• T•••�"l• 'l'ho Frelburg tuooel ln O.rmany Ia a• IDllet lonJI, W•••• Duet••• Ia ••U•ta, Ther11 are Ut women dootora Ia Great Britain.

Wearaeoi Ia W•w \'urk, Thera are 10,000 lltii'CIQ 1111 Maabet.­... 111•114. ... - . . , ..... _-..&.....-... _

taln what It can from bouse-to-house vloitaUon.

Onl,.- 11 LllrllPP. Mn. Gotham-or course, when you

Bhare an apple with your little brother you never talte the lat•gest halt. Emerson (of Boston) - Certaln!7 not. There being but two halves to an apple, there is no 11largest," or course.

-catholic Statullud,

Pnblle Mclutnl 1'apll•. The annual report nl the national COmmiHBioller Of OdUcl\tlon mal!<B it known that last year there wnm 1 5,·

126,887 pupils eurolled In the puhllc achools of tho United States, an<! that the average d&ily attendance was 69 per cent,

ll"r•a .. h Cnntltlalllt, Mally complalnta are made In �'ranee becauoe Of the lnadC<JliRte number of poat&l, teleKraph and telephone omctaJe, !'here are only 77,000 in the wholo coun· try, whereaa England hao 179,000 and Germany 123,176.


Aa"l•nt Rllttllt• fur R•1dwtt1•, A recipe for baldnoee, &bout 4,000 Je&ra old, b•• be•n fountl lo 1\lgypt, It eon11111 In appl:rlnll lo the heat! nil 11 which do111' feet, olatet IDd donk'' hOOfl lla" beta \!OIIId,

Wonderful buying opportunities by the thousand-im. mense reserve stocks let us keep all lines complete, in spite of heavy holiday trade. so you're able to buy from unbroken

assortments the very gootls you want, at a•tonlshlncly low pril;es Cash, or "at:wmmodallon . "

$30 Parlor .Suit Offi,·epieces,cherry 24 00 frame, damask cover· •

lug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24 Bedroom Suit.

'l'ls of •olid o a k , 18 00 fancy . shape, French • plat� mirror • • • , • . . . , .

S l l Oak Dreeser Has large drawers &nd 8 69

Frcnc h plate nurror. . . . . •

$7 Enameled Bed Brass ralls, bead and 4 98 root, brass mounts and 1 centre ornaments, • • • . • . •

· $4 Parlor Rocker

Has splendid hack, 2, 98 saddle seat-a beauty . . . .•

$4 Parlor Tables

or .chet·ry, large top, 2 98 shelf.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $13 Extension Table

: : Of golden oak, e!egant 9 7 5 ,finish, hea\•y build:.:_-_·_·· __ • __ _

$20 Sideboards Ha\'e French plate 15 00 mirt ors. lots of closet • flHltl\ • • • : , . ·.:,·,:_· :,:· ·:_:·_:•,:_· :,:• •:,:•:_ ____ _

� $7 Velour Couch

Fine steel springs, rich 4 49 an d heavy fringe. . . . . . . •

$7 Chiffonier Golden oak, � drawers- 4 98 110\\' , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . •

$9 Hall Rat:k

In golde11 oak-now .• 6.98 516 Morris Chair

Rich velour _cu�bions J l . 98 -nn\v . • • • • . , , , , , , , , . . •


Body BrusHle

Ax· mlnstera


Extra Bruesels Brussels

All Wool lncralns

Heavy Ingrains


1.25 yd. up 98c yd. up 7Sc yd. up 6Sc yd •. up 52c yd. up 59c yd. up 35c yd. up 15c yd. up

The only Prac­tical Stove Hou.se in the State.

Only house employing a practical stove manager for the business !

'' Portland " Ranges and 40 other ki nds of Ranees just received-Oak, Parlor, Cylinder, Pot and L:aundl')' Stoves. Immense l.lne I

Repairs for aJI makes of stoves and ranges alwaylli in stock.

AMOS H. VAN HORN, Ltd. He �u!·e you \lee "No. i"S'' llnU lin;t nn.rne ••A�OH" b�fo.re entering our stor ..

������::_s 7 3 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. EASY Nenr Plane St., West of Broad St. PAYMENTS A/11,.,11,71 tra,.l,/ffl' lt�tn�,.IINr.

A Profitable Christmas or New Years Present

for tmy young m"n or yonng wonu1n is 11 S H O RTHA N D or B U S I N ESS C O U RSE

In the

ELIZABETH COMMERGIAL COLLEGE. Hersh Bulldlnl[, 3o7•3o9 Broad Street, .Elizabeth, N. J.·

Ja Sa I RVI NG . CO .. DEALERS I N Coal, Lumber,

'alldlna Matanals, Mouldings and Klndllnl Wood. Ferltllllis · Por Lawn, Cardon and Plold. Office and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossinr IIStfillll Orden by llail Will Receive Promps Attent.T;n.


"Vane,. •I Mes:leo.

The Valley of Mexico Is 75 mlleR Ia lengt.� and 45 miles In width. l..altc 'l'ex· coco, a large bod)" o( wat.er lying lmme· diatelj• to the """t of !he City of Mexlr•o Is only six feet lower than the level �j tbe street pa1•emcnts. In 1829 this lak• rose and Inundated the city, <lrownlus thonl!llnds of the Inhabitants. The wa· ters of the lalte covered the city to a .. 11th Of tlu·ee tll•t, and remalnetl so for O\'er four years. 'l'his danger is now ob· vlate<l by u great drul nug<l caual.

A ln'l•nt ltulu111 In Me.;��h•u. Mexico has many ancient ruins, IJar• tlcularly In tho states of Oaxaca, Chia· Pall, Yucatan and, Morella. '!'hose oJ MiliA, in Oaxaca: l'ahmqua, In Chtavus; Usmal,, ln Yn ctltan, and Xochlmllco, In Morell[, llt"e among tbe most famous and lntPrestlug. Some o! them rctlroaenl who!" llith1s and are MIIPtloscd to he from l.';o to three thousand yeara old, 'l'hcy al, •lww the most elaborate ca·rvtngs, which ulo•oly resemble the �IIYittluu

hleroglyi>h lcll, -·· ·--- --.,.,.pth•n CftiUu••

Amerltl&ll naanufai:tut·llrR requir·H an.

To Gat Pleasure out of. smoking you must first h�ve a pleasant cigar

to smoke. There is prob­ably not a cigar house

all Union County


Burkowltz I Pro• pcct Street,

JOHN OOL TRA. IIUally lLhout f7,rlOO,OOO wurlh of J<Jg)'ll· Uan cutton, To Kllpply tMa DL'P.!I till BJ!rlcnlhll"al detHLrtntcnt has growl! a Builder; 1\umber of ext••rlmont t•at<:la•M rrum va· Carpenter & r OUI l'lgyptlan seod•. Samttloa of fiber lfOWn la�t ;rear In theMe extmrlntenl JOBBING A SPECIAl :rY PRhlh&ll have heen Rubmlttel! to eX!IIlrl� ., ' 1� !:I• country and, l!luroJle, and aeveral . PlaDI Furoilbecl If, �h

• .::,mt �·ve been PrODOUIIUIId Bt�tlai ttl ne•ldonoo 1l!l . i•ar:k 1 IYPtlan, . . . , . . WUTI'II .. P1 IIIW olliiWIY. , .