PyCARBO en User


Transcript of PyCARBO en User

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We consider it our mission to

develop an industrial emission-free recycling-plant, working incontinuous operation andprocessing hydro- carbonic waste

and valuable resources.Therewith we contribute to theenvironmental protection, reducethe extraction of unlasting

resources and offer an attractiveinvestment possibility tooperators and investors.

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Our planet is reaching its limit and stillthe destruction of natural life

resources is proceeding. Our climate is heating up, the diversity

of species and the first-growth forestsdisappear.

Persistent toxic chemicals pollute thebiosphere.

Piles of garbage keep growingconsistently, the oceans are exploitedand polluted.

At the expense of future generations,we destroy our planet and consign allproblems to our progeny.

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Worldwide there are 14million tons of used tires

Storage in disposal areas

Shredding to worthless

stuffing Incineration under high

emission or simple export

4,5 million tons p.a. inGermany

Storage in disposal areas

Incineration: producing co²

emission Exported or shredded and


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We solve the problem sustainably!

Transformation of waste to usefull resources

Transformation and use of energy producedin the process

Pathbreaking for the containment and theremoval of further environmental damages

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In a closed reactor system on continuous operation

Precise control of temperature- und preassure courses

The whole proceeding is completely emissionfree

Regained ressources are used for most modern industrialpurposes

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Basically al proceedures are well-known. Their industrial and technicalrealisation on the other hand holds considerable deficiencies.

Without promotion the common

proceedures do not leave a profit

Proceedures are causing a highCO² - emission

Plants demand high investments

Invest in our new plant and operation technique !

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At first our pyrolysis plant is built and commissioned as a

reduced- scale- prototype installation for a later application inan industrial permanent operation. Thereby we assure anundisturbed use of the mass-produced large- scale plants.Recognized research laboratories attend the numerous test


In each particular production and construction step utilitymodels are built for all mechanical and electricalcomponents.

After the implementation of the prototype and the evaluationof input, process heat, generation of energy and the qualityof the output material, the utility models for the structuralcomponents as well as the entire plant are patented.

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Noble gas

Process- heat


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Propane, butane, ethane,

methane and hydrogen

Percentage of hydrogenprevails

Among other things, thegases are used for the supplyof an attached block heatingstation (40% internal

consumption/ 60% feeding inthe electric supply network)

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Crude petroleum sale or refinery to

diesel and/ or petrol

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Carbon is essential for the attainable returns

The quality depends on the character of the adopted waste

Using scrap tire, plastic waste, or wood- and botanical litter,carbon with a chemical purity of 85% to 95% is gained

Attainable prices depend on quality: from 200 €/t to 500 €/t

• Water filter

• Activated carbon filter

• Thermal insulation

• Water preparation

• Fire extinction

• Additive for building material

• Clearance of oil damages

• Carbon fibers for high-tech use

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   I  n   i   t   i  a   l  w  e   i  g   h   t

   S  a  m  p   l  e

   W  a   t  e  r  c  o  n   t  e  n

   t   i  n   %

   A  s   h  c  o  n   t  e  n   t

   i  n   %

   V  o   l  a   t   i   l  e   C  o  n   t  e  n   t   i  n   %

   C   (   f   i  x   )   i  n   %

   I  o   d   i  n  e  n  u  m   b  e  r   i  n  m  g   /  g

  p   H  -  v  a   l  u  e

Tank tracks 1 2,07 13,07 2,56 84,37 114 8,23

PET-bottles 2 0,99 3,95 20,57 75,48 56 z.w.M.

Sludge 3 3,88 76,42 5,17 18,41 217 7,71

Wheat straw 4 7,20 16,06 21,58 62,36 175 z.w.M.

Ungraded domesticwaste

5 6,33 25,40 10,87 63,73 67 z.w.M.

Railway sleeper  6 9,49 2,54 6,09 91,37 203 8,81

Rolled lumber wood 7 7,24 5,24 4,11 90,65 87 9,25

Scrap tire 8 2,43 12,34 2,27 55,08 51 9,21

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After years of research and development in different pyrolysis

operations we succeeded in designing a procedure forpermanent use which can be adopted highly profitable in theindustrial recycling economy.

, , -

technicians brought in their know- how to already enhance theprototype in the planning phase.

Economy institutes and advancement committees support our

enterprise regarding the raising of capital for a first large-scale plant.

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Product bulk/day bulk/month bulk/year

Carbon (Cfix) 4.500 Kg 112.500 Kg 1.350.000 Kg

Pyrolysis- oil 1.800 Kg 45.000 Kg 540.000 Kg

Pyrolysis- gas 450 Kg 11.500 Kg 135.000 Kg

Steel/spring steel 2.250 Kg 56.250 Kg 675.000 Kg

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Annual Quantity

Initial weight/ year / t 2.700 Energy content P.-gas KWh/ T 24.658

Carbon/ year / t 1.350nergy con en .-gas year


Pyrolysis- oil/ year/ t 540Allotment electricitygeneration KWh


Pyrolysis- gas/ year / t 135 Feeding KWh 540.000

Steel/year/ t 675 Other returns in EUR  28.500

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Number of shifts/ day 3 Number of employees 8

Days of operation/ year  300 Average gross wage €/ Mon. 2.700

Initial weight t/ day 9 Returns waste reception €/ t 18

Yield percentage carbon 50% Returns carbon €/ t 250

Yield percentage pyrolysis gas 5% Returns pyrolysis oil €/ t 250

Yield percentage pyrolysis oil 25% Returns steel €/ t 300

Yield percentage steel 20% Returns feeding €/ kWh 0,087

Energy content pyrolysis gas kJ/kg * 36.000 Energy overage pyrolysis gas 66,00%

Energy content pyrolysis oil kJ/ kgDegree of efficiency- block 

heating station (CHP)34,00%

* Conversion factor kWh/ kJ1 kWh=3600 kJ 3600 Degree of efficiency- fuel cell 70,00%

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1. Business year 2. Business year 3. Business year 

1 base plant (9T) Plant (18T) Plant (36T)

Returns waste reception 48.600 € 97.200 € 194.400 €

 e urns car on . . . .

Returns pyrolysis oil € 135.000 € 270.000 € 540.000 €

Returns steel € 202.500 € 405.000 € 810.000 €

Returns feeding € 46.980 € 93.960 € 187.920 €Amount of returns 838.080 € 1.676.160 € 3.352.320 €

./.Labor costs 259.200 € 518.400 € 1.036.800 €

Gross profit 578.880 € 1.157.760 € 2.315.520 €

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Invesment costs

Base plant * (1 reactor, 4 drum tanks) incl. development, installation, initialoperation, operating- company property & Hall, operator license

1.600.000 €


Band- conveyor and sorting technique - variable due to location - 200.000 €

Shipping costs(Base plant & additional equipment) – variable due to location 50.000 €

CHP (1.0 MW ) combined heat and power unit, initial operation (startup) 750.000 €

Investment costs* Delivery period amounts after order, based on the terms and conditions of business for plant engineering and construction, 12 month !

2.690.000 €

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By implementing a first base plant, multiple chances arise for youwhich go far beyond the prepared outlook:

There are high appropriations for projects with a positiveeco- audit.

The verification of the enormous profitability of our Pyrolysisplant will disclose the access to investment capital as well asgovernment interests.

This outlook did not account the possible savings on labor

costs. In reality the doubling of base plants will not requiredouble manpower.

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PyCARBO Recycling Technique GmbH

Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 23


Phone: 0049 (0) 561 – 5798398-9

Fax: 0049 (0) 561 – 5798398-8

E-Mail: [email protected]:

Project management: Michael Tappe,

Markus Blumenstein