' ^"^Pw^a. ••JJF...

llllli|«miii|iii'IWi|l)i!! mm % V 4 ««ffi " ; .fU ^jseanss S*5^I^^WfW*'S*P* " "• ***• •*•-. - - ; # ^ » « :•.- SSSSSSBSSSSSSSJ 5 •hi aw tv W •• tf •MB v.-- •W*:. v? "-•-'; '"~^p:^i^-^^. in -it j *»*.*, „,*4v ^fe^.^K* !£&•'£•: /i"•.' 'V.;""u : ' ' ' ^"^Pw^a. ••JJF ^s^aw ^^^^0Sf aaji^Bja^^B sfclrwas ass iiiiiLiiiwni ae BSttaaRseasap 91 A high mass wu celebrated last Thursday in honor of the feast of 8t. Joaeph. The funeral of Charles W. Wmm was held last Saturday morning at 9 o'clock fr«m the church. He was 23 years of age s*<i leaves hit mother and one brother to moorn Mar low. The faner*l of John Stash was held lest Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the church. XSottncaTSAR-BJLwaihai^tiwi regular meeting next Thursday even* ing, March 36th. The sermon last Wednesday even- ing was delivered by BevEmii QefeH .of the Cathedral. Eev. Joseph Miller of Webster, wiD deliver the sermon in German next Wednesday evening. ST. BX&aKr'S. The minion for the men of the parish, given by the Jomit Bathers, closed last Sunday evening. The •losing sermon was delivered by Father Gooding. The attendance at this minion was highly edifying. Over •even hundred men approached the sacraments- Fathers Gooding aid Casey bare gone to Buffalo to give a mission at It. Patrick's Franciscan church. A high mass of requiem, given by the Roiarysociety.waa offered for John B. Foley, last Monday morning at t o'clock. Mr. Foley was a member 'of the society. Miss Bridget MoBrien of Joseph Are., died last Sunday. Her funeral teak place Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. The Rosary society will meet next Sunday after vespers., Tde sshool collection will be taken up next Sunday. The Alumni met this week. The Cardinal Newman Beading Circle will meet next Ifonday evening. A paper on Constantinople, Port Said and the Suez Canal will be prepared by Miss S. B. Quinn. Miss Bertie O* Biurke will read selections from "the Priaoe of India.''Current topics, Miss Mary Halm. Election of omoers will take place. The meeting of Brandt 27, L-'C.B A. was held Friday evening. A very entertaining program was rendered St. Patrick's evening at St. Michael's hall, for the benefit of die erphsn's, under the direction of Miss Katharine Burns and Ifiss Caroline Cramer. Thursday was the feast of St. Joseph Mrs. Stephen Ranber of Gorham St has returned from a week's vi«it to Hew York Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Kennedy are rejoicing over the advent of a tittle daughter. Last Monday evening at Depew, KY.aSt.Patrick's concert was given at the town hall- Mr. Lsuis of Buffalo, gave a number of readings and musical selections. The concert was under the direction of Rev. Father Killeen. Solos were rendered by Miss Margaret F. Heveron and Mr. Joseph P. Mao- Sweeney. Miss Alice Connors was accompanist- A reading on St. Pat- rick was given bj Mr. William Dono- van, ths boy orator of Buffalo. ST. MABT'B The funeral of Fsederick Wirley took plaoe on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Thomas Kinsella,who died on Monday of this week, was buried at Brockport. Bev. Dr. Nolan of the Cathedral, preached the sermon on Wednesday evening. Tuesday of this week was the feast of8t. Patrick, masses were at 7 and 8 o'clock. A months mind mass was celebrat- ed on Monday morning for Mrs. Catherine Callihan. The. Ladies Aid Society will meet hereafter on Wednesday evenings after service. Oar choir gave tt concert at Coloaial hall on St. Patrick's night, for the benefit of the orphans. The program was well rendered. HOI>T APOSTLS8. The" echod children werp given a holiday on Tuesday, in honor of St. Patrick. An anniversary high mass was celebrated yesterday for Mrs. J. Weatherhead. At the Stations of the Cross, last evening, the congregation joined with .the choir in singing the Stabat Mater, a pleaaipg change. Bev. Dr. Banna delivered a,fine sermon at the services Wednesday evening.. The funeral of Mrs. Chas.Hendrick tged 74 years, was held Monday morning at 9 o'clock. She is survived j by for husband and sia daughters. { £.< month's mind reouisst high mass was celebrated on IfcawttyTsVlto. James Malay, who died at the family f»sia«Bi5e,120 Wooden Sfc.o© I&i{ $99%!iged^&j^ii*. •• • - i Wednesday evening the- sermon was delivered by Rev, Father Doran. The Ladies Aid society held their annual election of offioerson Thursday night. On Friday evening the** was ibe usual Stations of the Cross and sing- ing Dy the hoys choir. The concert under the direction of Mr. William Pwdmore for the benefit of the orphans was given Tuesday evening and was a ¥ery exoelient entertainment. John J. Molnerney gave an interesting lecture on "The Harp and Music of the Irish." Rev. A. M, O'NeH will delivers sermon on ••St, Patrick's JFaith" on *****pa*sex!a-massxsss*sx ^L^L^^ JST *** *"^ t ''^MPR*f*W jmm&*k*m« own W._ mmm above thessacristy, Last Uonday morning at f tfenm high ms* wasoeUbrnted {arCath«J« m^mr^imt^ Jacob AUaan^ .«t^Jllife<rtLAltr Tuesday at %$ 7i45 a, is was celebrated fer the na^m&ttim purgatory, e»peci«Ilj tbow <rf o w parish. Benediction was given sftwr m»«.. f High mass was celebrated on. Wecl- aetdar"*« JfttB» Wf^jflaaridiiy and Friday in honor of S t Jesjepht Bstur- day for Michael §aA ¥Cni\fionpAm, cisner. Branch 117, CM. 8, A.will ksve a meeting next Wednesday evening &i the school hall. Sunday evening. OOSJPDS oHMsn. * A high mass of requiem was cele- brated on Monday morning fox Thos. Mitchel, requested by Branch 139, 0. M. B.A.ofwhich he was a member. There will be devotions, a 1 »»!»'• sermon and benediction on Wednesday even- ing at 7:45 o'clock and Stations'of the Cross on Friday evaninf at the same hour. Branoh 189, G. M. B. A. will bold their regular meeting on Tuesday evening. The Jolly D and I Club enjoyed* theatre party and supper on St Pat- rick's night Although the- time for one fair is a number of weeks away interest in it is not wanting. The members of the carnival association are becoming more and more confident aa the time draws near. Every member of the congregation is taking an active in- terest in the plans. Among the many features of the fair is the contest for a handisme carriage horse between James Keelor a grocer and David Hunter a N.T.C. yard master in east Rochester. Other oontests will be an- nounced later. The donation committee acknowledges the receipt cf 150 articles sent in by leading business men of the city. Among the late contributions KaigatfS of CSchtsslsos. On Friday eveniDsj.RoclMHitftrCona. cU, No. 11 8, oonfered the first degree on twenty-seven members. _ C. R. at j3> A. Council 23, will meet next We3 nosday evening, afteariervioti, in their new rooms, In the French Hilton Pleasant 81 s ' &*>. i**i ^**o*W^«>^«^(fwfe#teS!i^«^t«^*< •fff i 1 H% *4i ^xtor»o4p4U»rj t W# ^it\^s\ 1 tiMs4#i% ^j^go^^ir ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j -^y WM win tamw&^i*^ *®L mi w^m wMt>4 ;a^%. ymm^ t ^k^^ « l *fVS*-r arethe|450pianodoiiBted by^rbbonr ~^t^^ ^LS^^^J^Si & a*— - i(»i no .i.^»l..v u and master of ceremonies, Mgr. llano- Stone and $100 phonograph by ^ wWle m mtgaIlgl a „^ BL ^ Mackie Piano and Organ Co The tickets on these articles axe selling rapidly. The concert given by our choir in St. Joseph haO on Tuesday evesstng was well attended. Following is the program rendered: Spring chorus, Ohoir; soprano solo, Hiss Laura Mallonsy; plane duet* Miss Genevieve Poirier and Katherine Buck- leyjeencr solo, TwlsaxdM Love You," Mr. Thomas SheU; recitation, "Edith's Burglar," Miss Esther Kraft; baritone aolo.' 'Will My Soul Pass Through Dear Old Ireland T"Mr. Ohss- Blesenback;piano solo.Mlse Maria M CuxraniBopraioaolo, "Beloved Queen," Miss Blanche Lay; mixed quartette, lira. Mary Vogfc, Mrs. W. J. O'Leary, Ifessre J. Klabertanz, Qua. Biesenbachibssasolo, Mr* Robert Hall; tenor solo, Mr. J. Elnbertanz^lto solo.Msa.W.J.O'Leary; piano solo, Ifiss Katherine Bnokley; aboru9,choir. ST. JOSEPH. To-morrow is Laetare Sunday. To-morrow will be communion and conference day for the married men of the Holy Family.' New members will be enrolled in the afternoon. To-morrow will be communion day for the girls of the christian doctrine clsss. To-morrow evening at 7:30 will be lenten sermon and benediction. Wednesday evening at 7:30 will be sermon on t he Passion and benediction. This course of English sermons ig meeting with popular approval for the church is crowded every Wednes- day evening, Friday evening at 7:30 will be Way-of the Cross and benediction. CATHEDRAL. High masB was celebrated Wednes- day morning for the happy repose of Anna 0'Conner. Pontifical high mass was celebrated by the Bight Rev. Bishop Tuesday, the occasion being the feast of St. Patrick, the patron of the Cathedral. The church was prettily decorated with the American, Papal and' Irish flags. The panegyric on St. Patrick delivered by Rev. James Keenan of Ithaca, was most attentively listened to end enjoyed by the large audience. The funeral of the late James Nolan tbok place in Lady Chapel, Wednes- day morning at 9 o'clock and was very largely attended. The services consisted of a requiem high mass of which Rev. Thomas Bickey, V. G., was celebrant,Rev. G V. ByrneB.deacon and Bev; Michael Krieg, sub-deacon. Interment was in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Next Sunday the members j>f the Boy's Sodality are invited to Holy Communion at the 8:30 mass. Monday meeting of C. W. B. L.; Wednesday, 0. M. B. A ; Thursday, C. Kf & B. A.; Friday, B. C. R. C. H0I.Y FAMII/P. '• mmm •B ACHE Ache all over. Throat sore, Eyes > and Nose rtmniajpj, aBggtt to^rhr 4 with chills; this is La Grippe. "PflinMWY taken in hot water* sweetened, ba> foregoing to bed, wlUlwsakMtJp if taken in time. _. Bow Le» XXII. Sara HM«. < The opinion prevails In many circle* In Borne taat the pc^pe no longer cel«* brates mass or else taat be celebrates the whole or at lease half of the mass In a sitting posture. This Is quite In- correct The pope esgrs mass every day and standing from beginning to end. The venerable pontiff in spite ot the burden of Ms advanced age performs every genuflection completely to tfae ground and reads toe liturgical prayers so accurately that he take* throe-quar- ters of an hour to celebrate. Be Is aa- priced ; _ ^ ana 11^0, , •*•» , *^ . v M SURE to see oar iew,lfotiftttT He^ Curtajnt nkU^sVAqii^ linl, while his personal servant, Oen tra, serves the mass. The holy father says Ws week day zssss In the little private chapel next to Ms bedroom,! trat on Sundays in th» domestic chapel t>ehlnd the apartment of the Noble guard. After mass -tie popr always bears another one said by Mgr. Mario- linL—London Tablet Omr Frm7«ri. Ah, well it is for w that God is a loving Father, who takes our/ very prayers and thanksa^vlngs rather fox what we mean than for what they ar% just as parents smile on the trailing weeds that their Ignorant little ones bring them for flowers. SHORT SERMONS. How shall a mar* find grace with God? How else except by lowliness of. mind? Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in life. Let us draw near to Jesus that in bis love and service we may find the hap- piness we have been looking for In yarn ail our lives. God knows everything. There axe volumes of comfort in that. God means everything. There is light for every darkness In that simple truth. The prayer that begins with trust* fulness and passes on Into waiting, even while in sorrorw and sore need, will always end in thankfulness and triumph and praise. ^ Imparting truth to others we give what outlives ourselves, survives death even and blossoms ha the tomb. Right- ly therefore is the gift of Christian doc- trine called the highest aims. $100 REWAUD, 9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is svt least one dreadful disease that science has- been able to cure in all its stages astd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cam is the only positive ewe now known so the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Gore is taken internally, acting direstly upon the Wood and. maeous earfaees of the system, thereby destroying ths foundations of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building no the constitution andaaflisfeingnatureindoitqr its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they oder one Hundred Dollars for any esse that it failstoeuro. Send for fist of testimonials. ' Address. F. X CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by damggiarta, 76«, Hall's Family Pills are the best. Nickel Plate Tourist Oars to accom- modate the demand for accommoda- tions in the famous Nickel Plate Transcontinental touzist sleepers which formerly left Boston every Monday and Wednesday noon, a Tri-Weekiy service has now been established leaving Boston every Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday noon via B, <$ M., W.S and Nickle Bate Bus. Oan be Joined at Utica,6yraeute\Kochesrtero* this charge Bafl'alo enroute. Second class and oftheSedemptorist Fathers, will open speoial Colonist's tickets availsMa. Sonday, March 22nd, and continue See local agents or write R.B.PSTBI •ntil April 5th. The Irst week wuVGJeVI, AgMW MwnELButoe,*; j! \'_ f H.* ;>, J..,,,, v-. •^,-Sf \*.r Carpets m$, Rpj^J*^*n y^ cleaned and m\m emmm Wm oper compifttt <?arp^t-et*an|iif ;^v^rft* ft .,. ,"••'» • ' ' . • * > round trip .Hoinafeakars^.f^eirsassi; tickets first and third Tneio^yi sas* month unUl AprU 1908 at sxs**«af low rates,- Thru Hrvioe from Wan t o r i city and interssediaU peUU yia D.L.& W.and W.8. Bofc Thxesfast thru^traias each way daily.' Intsske of local agents or write R. E. ?*J»% Gen. Agt.;a91 Main Bt,,Buflale,N.T. Clothing on Credit. HMW Tor lialies, Gento and <Shil4r«n. Ladies H*ts ( suits,»ilk vaists.skirti, etc. Mtnreaandhff nice plstttre iiven wlthtvetypmro! Ojmn Monday and Saturday srenlags. i.m. I I II«»>»II^'M i* O.W.BEELEB,40-«!Riyn«liltAt»«li MISS ELIZABETH HtCABTHY . TBicamor ~ VOICE CULTURE AND VlkXQ STUDIO 673 Powers Bldg- TPTBHCt ~*- i iniiiiiwir H, G. CHAPm* SuccessortoHenry Ansell, 133 Front St Fresh Oysters and Clam*. Scailopt ft Setion -Wholesale and Bejiijl,» ^ > Koch. Phone <*3fi0. forms Cash, liM|i^,,-n'ml,-?nt»ir«l , rt,fiVttjfi-tii Iff Fish Market £16 Cllfttoti Aye,_NotjSt Msh,03rste**a»ti*^i * Always cw h»a4 ,r 4 MARSH W. WAI^B^ vmmm ' ^ j ^ ' *" ,.•/; <* V 9»K!»svv-->;•• *•••••' Catholic Prater Boofes,^« , Wmmm Crmm$ *.*, ivy i -*-* - k ** Statues, z4 ^htrtpn 'Ai% % mmm *mmmmm)mmmmmmtilU*. %IIItlll||,|.iri^.fl1lr m4t ^Miiitfat •V* "V-T^JI •mill. Fire. Smptoyer^Wabttltjr,. PUte 2 Sstallisaea IMo. • ,• , ConoraJ Insurance, soi-so»EUwuiKer»ii( 17 Wochsstsr if *VWW^^nWr^ ifj» V , enspring arrlv«^and,in antiripation of yonrre<iuir« me at*we have the best assortefpil of garden tools to be mad anywhere. Made for work they are of the most durable and serviceable kind tX*e|tte|flOls and you will havs a most enccewfalKarden Bfnst & Softs, Ind 131 Mam St East tlltl^allii i * >ri M«%l,tymmfr**<**hi9*m<im* >*^«w WiM^iTi >A Jit'"** "7. .ITS

Transcript of' ^"^Pw^a. ••JJF...

Page 1:' ^"^Pw^a. ••JJF ^s^aw ^^^^0Sf aaji^Bja^^B sfclrwas ass iiiiiLiiiwni ae BSttaaRseasap 91 A high

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' ^"^Pw^a. ••JJF ^s^aw ^^^^0Sf aaji^Bja^^B sfclrwas ass


ae BSttaaRseasap 91

A high mass w u celebrated last Thursday in honor of the feast of 8t. Joaeph.

The funeral of Charles W. Wmm was held last Saturday morning at 9 o'clock fr«m the church. He was 23 years of age s*<i leaves hit mother and one brother to moorn Mar low.

The faner*l of John Stash was held lest Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the church.

XSottncaTSAR-BJLwaihai^tiwi regular meeting next Thursday even* ing, March 36th.

The sermon last Wednesday even­ing was delivered by BevEmii QefeH .of the Cathedral.

Eev. Joseph Miller of Webster, wiD deliver the sermon in German next Wednesday evening.

ST. BX&aKr'S.

The minion for the men of the parish, given by the Jomit Bathers, closed last Sunday evening. The •losing sermon was delivered by Father Gooding. The attendance at this minion was highly edifying. Over •even hundred men approached the sacraments-

Fathers Gooding aid Casey bare gone to Buffalo to give a mission at It . Patrick's Franciscan church.

A high mass of requiem, given by the Roiarysociety.waa offered for John B. Foley, last Monday morning at t o'clock. Mr. Foley was a member 'of the society.

Miss Bridget MoBrien of Joseph Are., died last Sunday. Her funeral teak place Tuesday morning at nine o'clock.

The Rosary society will meet next Sunday after vespers.,

Tde sshool collection will be taken up next Sunday.

The Alumni met this week. The Cardinal Newman Beading

Circle will meet next Ifonday evening. A paper on Constantinople, Port Said and the Suez Canal will be prepared by Miss S. B . Quinn. Miss Bertie O* Biurke will read selections from "the Priaoe of India.''Current topics, Miss Mary Halm. Election of omoers will take place.

The meeting of Brandt 27, L-'C.B A. was held Friday evening.

A very entertaining program was rendered St. Patrick's evening at St. Michael's hall, for the benefit of die erphsn's, under the direction of Miss Katharine Burns and Ifiss Caroline Cramer.

Thursday was the feast of St. Joseph Mrs. Stephen Ranber of Gorham

St has returned from a week's vi«it to Hew York

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Kennedy are rejoicing over the advent of a tittle daughter.

Last Monday evening at Depew, KY.aSt.Patrick's concert was given at the town hall- Mr. Lsuis of Buffalo, gave a number of readings and musical selections. The concert was under the direction of Rev. Father Killeen. Solos were rendered by Miss Margaret F. Heveron and Mr. Joseph P. Mao-Sweeney. Miss Alice Connors was accompanist- A reading on St. Pat­rick was given b j Mr. William Dono­van, ths boy orator of Buffalo.


The funeral of Fsederick Wirley took plaoe on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.

Mrs. Thomas Kinsella,who died on Monday of this week, was buried at Brockport.

Bev. Dr. Nolan of the Cathedral, preached the sermon on Wednesday evening.

Tuesday of this week was the feast of8t . Patrick, masses were at 7 and 8 o'clock.

A months mind mass was celebrat­ed on Monday morning for Mrs. Catherine Callihan.

The. Ladies Aid Society will meet hereafter on Wednesday evenings after service.

Oar choir gave tt concert at Coloaial hall on St. Patrick's night, for the benefit of the orphans. The program was well rendered.


The" echod children werp given a holiday on Tuesday, in honor of St. Patrick.

An anniversary high mass was celebrated yesterday for Mrs. J. Weatherhead.

At the Stations of the Cross, last evening, the congregation joined with .the choir in singing the Stabat Mater, a pleaaipg change.

Bev. Dr. Banna delivered a,fine sermon at the services Wednesday evening..

The funeral of Mrs. Chas.Hendrick tged 74 years, was held Monday morning at 9 o'clock. She is survived j by for husband and sia daughters. {

£.< month's mind reouisst high mass was celebrated on IfcawttyTsVlto. James Malay, who died at the family f»sia«Bi5e,120 Wooden Sfc.o© I & i { $99%!iged^&j^ii*. •• • - i

Wednesday evening the- sermon was delivered by Rev, Father Doran.

The Ladies Aid society held their annual election of offioerson Thursday night.

On Friday evening the** was ibe usual Stations of the Cross and sing­ing Dy the hoys choir.

The concert under the direction of Mr. William Pwdmore for the benefit of the orphans was given Tuesday evening and was a ¥ery exoelient entertainment. John J. Molnerney gave an interesting lecture on "The Harp and Music of the Irish."

Rev. A. M, O'NeH will delivers sermon on ••St, Patrick's JFaith" on


^ L ^ L ^ ^ JST *** *"^ t ' '^MPR* f*W

jmm&*k*m« own W._ mmm above thessacristy,

Last Uonday morning at f tfenm high ms* wasoeUbrnted {arCath«J« m^mr^imt^ Jacob AUaan^ .«t^Jllife<rtLAltr

Tuesday at


7i45 a, is was celebrated fer the na^m&ttim purgatory, e»peci«Ilj tbow <rf o w parish. Benediction was given sftwr m»«.. f

High mass was celebrated on. Wecl-aetdar"*« JfttB» Wf^jflaaridiiy and Friday in honor of S t Jesjepht Bstur-day for Michael §aA ¥Cni\fionpAm, cisner.

Branch 117, C M . 8, A.will ksve a meeting next Wednesday evening &i the school hall.

Sunday evening.

OOSJPDS oHMsn. * A high mass of requiem was cele-

brated on Monday morning fox Thos. Mitchel, requested by Branch 139, 0. M. B. A.ofwhich he was a member.

There will be devotions, a

1 » » ! » ' •

sermon and benediction on Wednesday even­ing at 7:45 o'clock and Stations'of the Cross on Friday evaninf at the same hour.

Branoh 189, G. M. B. A. will bold their regular meeting on Tuesday evening.

The Jolly D and I Club enjoyed* theatre party and supper on St Pat­rick's night

Although the- time for one fair is a number of weeks away interest in it is not wanting. The members of the carnival association are becoming more and more confident aa the time draws near. Every member of the congregation is taking an active in­terest in the plans. Among the many features of the fair is the contest for a handisme carriage horse between James Keelor a grocer and David Hunter a N.T.C. yard master in east Rochester. Other oontests will be an­nounced later. The donation committee acknowledges the receipt cf 150 articles sent in by leading business men of the city. Among the late contributions

KaigatfS of CSchtsslsos. On Friday eveniDsj.RoclMHitftrCona.

cU, No. 118, oonfered the first degree on twenty-seven members. _

C. R. at j3> A. Council 23, will meet next We3

nosday evening, afteariervioti, in their new rooms, In the French H i l t o n Pleasant 8 1 s '



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«l *fVS*-r

arethe|450pianodoiiBted by^rbbonr ~ ^ t ^ ^ ^LS^^^J^Si & a*— - i ( » i no . i . ^ » l . . v u and master of ceremonies, Mgr. llano-Stone and $100 phonograph by ^ w W l e m mtgaIlgl a„^BL ^ Mackie Piano and Organ Co The tickets on these articles axe selling rapidly.

The concert given by our choir in St. Joseph haO on Tuesday evesstng was well attended. Following is the program rendered:

Spring chorus, Ohoir; soprano solo, Hiss Laura Mallonsy; plane duet* Miss Genevieve Poirier and Katherine Buck-leyjeencr solo, TwlsaxdM Love You," Mr. Thomas SheU; recitation, "Edith's Burglar," Miss Esther Kraft; baritone aolo.' 'Will My Soul Pass Through Dear Old Ireland T"Mr. Ohss- Blesenback;piano solo.Mlse Maria M CuxraniBopraioaolo, "Beloved Queen," Miss Blanche Lay; mixed quartette, lira. Mary Vogfc, Mrs. W. J. O'Leary, Ifessre J. Klabertanz, Qua. Biesenbachibssasolo, Mr* Robert Hall; tenor solo, Mr. J. Elnbertanz^lto solo.Msa.W.J.O'Leary; piano solo, Ifiss Katherine Bnokley; aboru9,choir.


To-morrow is Laetare Sunday. To-morrow will be communion and

conference day for the married men of the Holy Family.' New members will be enrolled in the afternoon.

To-morrow will be communion day for the girls of the christian doctrine clsss.

To-morrow evening at 7:30 will be lenten sermon and benediction.

Wednesday evening at 7:30 will be sermon on t he Passion and benediction. This course of English sermons ig meeting with popular approval for the church is crowded every Wednes­day evening,

Friday evening at 7:30 will be Way-of the Cross and benediction.

CATHEDRAL. High masB was celebrated Wednes­

day morning for the happy repose of Anna 0'Conner.

Pontifical high mass was celebrated by the Bight Rev. Bishop Tuesday, the occasion being the feast of St. Patrick, the patron of the Cathedral. The church was prettily decorated with the American, Papal and' Irish flags. The panegyric on St. Patrick delivered by Rev. James Keenan of Ithaca, was most attentively listened to end enjoyed by the large audience.

The funeral of the late James Nolan tbok place in Lady Chapel, Wednes­day morning at 9 o'clock and was very largely attended. The services consisted of a requiem high mass of which Rev. Thomas Bickey, V. G., was celebrant,Rev. G V. ByrneB.deacon and Bev; Michael Krieg, sub-deacon. Interment was in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.

Next Sunday the members j>f the Boy's Sodality are invited to Holy Communion at the 8:30 mass.

Monday meeting of C. W. B. L.; Wednesday, 0. M. B. A ; Thursday, C. Kf & B. A.; Friday, B. C. R. C.



•B ACHE Ache all over. Throat sore, Eyes > and Nose rtmniajpj, aBggtt to^rhr4

with chills; this i s La Grippe.

"PflinMWY taken in hot water* sweetened, ba> foregoing to bed, wlUlwsakMtJp if taken in time. _.

B o w L e » XXII. Sara H M « . <

The opinion prevails In many circle* In Borne taat the pc pe no longer cel«* brates mass or else taat be celebrates the whole or at lease half of the mass In a sitting posture. This Is quite In­correct The pope esgrs mass every day and standing from beginning to end. The venerable pontiff in spite ot the burden of Ms advanced age performs every genuflection completely to tfae ground and reads toe liturgical prayers so accurately that he take* throe-quar­ters of an hour to celebrate. B e Is aa-

priced ; _ ^

ana 11^0, , •*•» , *^ . v

M SURE to see oar iew,lfotiftttT He^ Curtajnt

n k U ^ s V A q i i ^

linl, while his personal servant, Oen tra, serves the mass. The holy father says Ws week day zssss In the little private chapel next to Ms bedroom,! trat on Sundays in th» domestic chapel t>ehlnd the apartment of the Noble guard. After mass -tie popr always bears another one said by Mgr. Mario-linL—London Tablet

Omr F r m 7 « r i . Ah, well it is for w that God is a

loving Father, who takes our/ very prayers and thanksa^vlngs rather fox what we mean than for what they ar% just as parents smile on the trailing weeds that their Ignorant little ones bring them for flowers.


How shall a mar* find grace with God? How else except by lowliness of. mind?

Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in life.

Let us draw near t o Jesus that in bis love and service we may find the hap­piness we have been looking for In yarn ail our lives.

God knows everything. There axe volumes of comfort in that. God means everything. There i s light for every darkness In that simple truth.

The prayer that begins with trust* fulness and passes on Into waiting, even while in sorrorw and sore need, will always end in thankfulness and triumph and praise. ^

Imparting truth t o others we give what outlives ourselves, survives death even and blossoms ha the tomb. Right­ly therefore is the gift of Christian doc­trine called the highest aims.

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Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Nickel Plate Tourist Oars to accom­modate the demand for accommoda­tions in the famous Nickel Plate Transcontinental touzist sleepers which formerly left Boston every Monday and Wednesday noon, a Tri-Weekiy service has now been established leaving Boston every Monday, Wed­nesday and Friday noon via B, <$ M., W.S and Nickle Bate Bus. Oan be Joined at Utica,6yraeute\Kochesrtero* this charge Bafl'alo enroute. Second class and oftheSedemptorist Fathers, will open speoial Colonist's tickets availsMa. Sonday, March 22nd, and continue See local agents or write R . B . P S T B I •ntil April 5th. The Irst week wuVGJeVI, A g M W MwnELButoe,*; j!

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round trip .Hoinafeakars^.f^eirsassi; tickets first and third Tneio^yi sas* month unUl AprU 1908 at sxs**«af low rates,- Thru Hrvioe from Wan t o r i city and interssediaU peUU yia D.L.& W.and W . 8 . Bofc Thxesfast thru^traias each way daily.' Intsske of local agents or write R. E. ?*J»% Gen. Agt.;a91 Main Bt,,Buflale,N.T.

Clothing on Credit. HMW

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Mtnreaandhff nice plstttre i iven wlthtvetypmro! Ojmn Monday and Saturday srenlags.

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