Putting the Pieces Together:Great ILL Service and Your Library

Putting the Pieces Together: Great ILL Service and Your Library Christine Barth, ILL Coordinator, RL&LL Maureen Welch, Reference & ILL Coordinator, IFLS 4/21/2015 1

Transcript of Putting the Pieces Together:Great ILL Service and Your Library

Putting the Pieces Together:Great ILL Service and Your Library

Christine Barth, ILL Coordinator, RL&LL

Maureen Welch, Reference & ILL Coordinator, IFLS

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ILL Puzzle

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What is your ILL policy?

• National http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/interlibrary

with explanatory statement http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/interlibraryloancode

• State http://rl3.dpi.wi.gov/wiscill2012

• System http://www.iflsweb.org/ill/policies

• Library - Does your library have an interlibrary loan policy and where is it?

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WISCAT Lending Policies in Participant Record

Encouraging Reciprocity

• Libraries are encouraged to lend as freely as possible.

• A library will only borrow what it is willing to lend.

The Wisconsin Puzzle

• Wisconsin Libraries– Public, Academic, School &


• Library Systems

• RL & LL (Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning)

• Minitex (MN, ND & SD)

• Out-of-state (OS)

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Requesting Library Responsibilities

• Train patrons to use their local or shared online catalog.

• Review requests before submitting them to determine if the item will likely circulate.

• Too new/popular?

Limitations to Borrowing

• Reference materials

• Loose-leaf materials

• Rare books

• Periodicals

• Genealogical materials

• Electronic resources

• Textbooks

Lending Library Responsibilities

• Lending library acts on requests promptly

• Due dates allow time for reasonable use and delivery

• Renewals are granted whenever possible

• Label in a way to help borrowing library identify & to get returned safely to lender.


Patron Interview

Patron Service

• Are all staff aware of ILL service & policies?

• Do staff actively promote use of the service if patrons need materials/info not located in the library?

• Is it convenient and easy for patrons to request titles?

How easy is it for patrons to request?

Creating User Accounts

& Giving ILL Permissions

Circulation of ILL Materials

• Do you check out ILL materials on your circulation system?

• Can patrons easily find what ILL materials they have checked out and when they are due?

Collection Development

• Does your library consider ILL requests as suggestions for purchase?

• Do your selectors know what comes in via ILL?

• Are regularly requested items used to consider collection development needs?

Essential Puzzle Piece for WI ILL

How are you doing?

Each year over 9.4 million

items are shared between

libraries to fill requests

for materials not available locally.

Wisconsin continues to rank 1st

nationally in per capital

interlibrary loans.

Rethinking Resource SharingWisconsin Style
