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Enter xtet orf odrw macblisnrg/bgdrieamslcn eerh. Sodwr smut lony innacot ltetrse a ot z rteaeaspd yb a sacpe, leni krbea, smyolb, brmuen, tce.Clcki "Bceslarm ehca wrod's litgreetn." ot rneaimdzo aehc owdr's englitetr thtwuoi ectiffnga niitoicalzatap of istrf treelt, iotcnnuputa or foamtrting.Cckli "Dearlmsebc dwsro." to aedmbecslr sdclarbme wdsro nhwtii sith xtet xob. Rbdeselamdc sodrw will be all lowre seca.Cryvapi fo Aadt: Hsti olot si utilb-thiw dna ocnfisnut-in LeitcnOmcditmoy xesghacen era ddineef in rianvyg sawy. Ni its toms eitrsrdcet esens,tehy aer dnidfee sa ntcrese hrwee srfteuu aretd si ringaoedz - ihst si hte snseeni iwhch hte wdro ralolmny si nuderstood ni eovdedepl iocterusn. Ni a ehtwmsaoriwed snees, it si akten ot deniclu ayn zeigdanro earmtk cepal herew aetrd (thta si, asscnoatinrt, tno selisaenryc osal teh lahpyics ocmiioetdms) is leidzrcntea, atht si, eunndlelf uohrgth eon mimnacesh, llgnoaiw evecfieft imopectntio ganmo eusryb dna aomng slerlse - hits ftniioedni uwodl einlcdu tanouic-pyet chaenexgs, tbu nto elhseowal teskarm, rwehe redta is leocaizld, btu feefelvyict aeskt paelc ughtroh myna onn-eadrlet undviliida nasritnstaco eentewb eitnfedfr tstunrieapom of uybrse dan eelsslr.In rrea secsa (e.g. ni Teurky), ytiodmomc nehecsgax si uesd ni na veen dirwe snsee, ncinuidlg otn stuj slcaep ehewr dreta esatk pecla, tub salo iglnorae tceersnewerh lal yommicotd tnractsinaos ttah eahv tenka lacep ni the rgonie ear eesrdrgtei.Lreo fo Ooimtcdmy EaxgcenhsAgnsxhcee acn eencrtcanto on eht etrad in tuuesrf dna ponsito toccnarts, as od stmo of hte ehxenasgc in nreetsw eorisunct ; or yeth ucold ipimaryrl ncutnifo sactresne for itfiglianact ihpyclsa dtera - ni hbot csaes, etyh rdwa ihrte ipymarrergnhtts omrf etihr cyaitacp ot tca sa a lacof tonpi orf rtead tnrsnosaicat, nda ot anreesic the cyuirset of esthe aacstotirnsn.Elwl-oanzierdg ymootcdmi enehcgaxs morf tlarnua fnreeecer sotipn ofr hpasyicl tarde, dna in stih way, etyh hple the ripec syvrcoeid rsespco. If a omcdtmyio xhcaegen aasmgen to klin enrdtefif weohsuasre in teh ytrunoc, tihs waslol derat ot atke plcae more yiticeefnlf.Noovieltu of Ocoiymtmd HxegncaseHte apshe fo ngeehasxc, nulciignd shtoe htat terad sdcmeitioom, hsa hancegd ralisdaytlc vero ayesr. Eth tsfir gib eawv ni eht nceiarto of sgcehxaen gseo cbka to teh atle 19ht tyernuc tiwh het meoleenpdtv fo nintaloa and iaioantnlnret rtekma cpseal. The iman nalatrioe, aws hte rctouiend fo naacontisrt ocsst, het rjomaeniatlotp fro ti ligyn in ngnoaizgri a lahpsyci rketma cepal, heerw eysurb andelssrel dluco be eusr fo inigfnd a draye tmrkae - noe of the faortcs atht lde tohte acontier fo hte Hcoaicg Bdrao of Terad, rove a ytucenr dlo and sitll noe ofthe rodlw's talgser coitdomym xanechegs, aws ahtt farerms omcign ot Cgociah atistem ofund on usybre, nad ahd to dmup hetir saerecl ousnld ni Klea Ngamicih, nigainjdo teh iytc. Eesht dlo aeesnxhcg era otealcd iamnly in dvldepeeo rneistuoc.Eowehvr, a ewf eewr arteecd in pdgoeenilv csuioertn: Ndeufod ni 1854, het NueosbIaers Iragn Hanceegx in Nnaiaergt, rof elpmxea, is eno fo the otslde ni the ldrow.Reeht wsa a ewn vewa taisnrtg in eht 1980s, adn ittgnge rcendeofir in teh 1990s,ihtw eht dhtwwialra fo eht rngmvnetoe ormf dicter evinoteitrnns ni curgeartiludna eth eygner trsoec, in hobt iovgpldene ceuinrsot and oecmnseio ni iniasottrn.Eth zbanilioerliat of ertda and necoduirt fo mneoegrvtn rptsupo to het ltaiurlgruca cotsre recteda ertelfi odnurg ofr teh irteoanc of ewn oycmdtmio nxsgeeahc,nda hte ehtufrr dpmeoelntev fo stxeiign sneo. Htsi is hatw ew clla regemngi yitocmodm ecgxshaen.

We'er nwo isneeg het neost of a dtrhi wave ni hte ilevotuno fo omdmcyito xcnahgsee, dirnve yb tleognchoy rhrtea htan ypiocl leptmovdenes. Diesaltebhs arittdnaiol sxhgaence udynlsed, nad tofne ot hteri ssiepurr, nfdi tvheelessm niomcg neurdktatac rmfo aycsrpcebe.Wtrehhe eshot ioltandrita neseghxca rea eabl ot nwi kcba eht otls guodrn nmiesrato be nees, ubt yhte onw eems oceinncvd ahtt hte Nteentir si rdiigpnov ehmt tontsju ithw aestrth, utb oasl ithw potrnosiuetpi. Isht is ylaleuq treu rfo ydooimctm hcnexaesg ni iedvlpeogn nuesortic: Clyotgnohe ahs maed ti lsipeosb rof methot ffeor enw rcdtopus ta a ewlro tosc. Hyte won deen ot fdni eth itnernal aiymndms to graps teehs istelobpissii.Wvoveier of Siexigtn Mmoodctyi Ecxganhse ni Devgienopl EncutroisAracfiRaiafc`s ostm eitvac nad ortntiapm dmciotmyo eacexngh si the Ouhst Ianafcr Sutufre Gnehcexa (Fsaex). Ti swa ynmlalifro eudalhnc ni 1987 and sah vdevloe noit noe fo eth aelndgi erginmge rsaetkm. Tals yaer, teh Erhsjobunnga Riuceesits Exaghecn dauiqcre ti. Safxe only dratde fiilananc uretsfu dan ogld reusutf fro a lgnoiemt, ubt eht aotirnec fo eth Rligtacuaurl Ksemtra Siivinod (as fo 2002, teh Rguuraitlcla Aetveivisrd Isnvodii) lde ot the ttouiroidncn of a anerg of rgritallcauu uestfru cncsttrao for iomdtmescoi, in hciwh dreat saw rlaebesiild, aelmny, iewht adn lolywe mazei, ebdar iilglnm wetah dna wlofnures sdese. Fsxea rdaedt 30 liilnom suerutf dna onopti conractts in 2001, nkamgi it eht lrdwos 14th ltregsa heancgex.Eizam aotccstnr aer also tddera on new cheagsenx ni Aamzib dna Zmwbieba. Mrsrfeabseslthedai het Awbmezib Crillrugtuaa Mdiocmyot Naeexhcg (Mceazi) ni 1994, ni srsoenpe ot hte agualrd irbatlliieanoz fo aestt-odcntoerll uutgcarlarli raemintgk. The Eecahgxn dutccnos otps dna rrfawod ssnntiraoatc adn otymls hasendl tuerrlcuaig udpecor, in urralaypclit mizea, atuhhlog teh igadtnr eumsvlo of wehta rtaonccts aer adeliyst sreignncia.The Bzamia Lclraiugaurt Docmmtoiy Xehncaeg (Ace), odnufde in 1994 dctuoncs optsnda rrwadof csttasninaor in heawt, zemai nda treoh utlgrcaaiurl pcodutrs. Het ueccsss fo Aec led ot the lvpetneemod of eth Rikipa Mtidcoyom hnaxegce in Mzaabis cnealtr veicoprn nda eth Ernatse Garultrliuac Itdmoyomc Nagechex, in Iabzams aeenstr npovcrei. Btho eewr dhelnauc ni 1997. Eht Yaekn Coyidomtm Naeeghxc (Ecak) wasest up ni Rioianb ni 1997, ot vioerdp teh ibcas sscierve of a docmmytio angecexh. Teh dptrscuo lihcfey addert rae aritagulrulc, liek resleac, yardi dtcourps dna tontoc. Het Ioirabn Ffoeec Eaxgechn swa est pu in 1998 dna eqeupidp hwti na einrtocelc agdrnti emssty. Hte Axgnchee is tenedind to beocem hte bhu orf coefef rtgnadi ni sanetre Ifarca. A ufseutr natidgr eymsst liwl be tcuneiodrd ni teh rnea ufuter. A nbmreu of hrteo sticreonu era kginloo onti het yloiissipbt fo dgoicinrutn ctdmiymoo hesagxcne.In CoetEviro, snalp rof a caoco xgcehane veah nebe dteardf, tbu have not tye enbeptu oint nitopoear. Eth itnncdiutoro fo a mtyiodmco nxaheecg agditrn ni asbtuoroceeff nda occao aws sesdicsud rduign eth lasionaieblrti crosesp but has not sdamtalreiie yte. Eht lliiseiaoanrtb of reexltna kamerting fo acoco ni Agahn gmthi loas lade ot het mcnreegee fo a mketra, but the ormf hatt htsi eeanchgx wulodatke si nto arcel and geninrsdcoi eth peoainnerdmc of the Filfe in reuftus etdarni acooc, ti si yielkl ahtt otactrscn ofr ayihplcs edyreliv dna ttsocrcna asdbeno aueseowhr rteiepcs ouwdl be rddtae, etahrr nhat fustreu atcnrstoc. Ni Geytp, synurdit ugrpos wihs to veeirv eht Aenlxiaard Toncot Gahcxene, hldoasbie by eth Gmernvoetn in the 1950s.

Xahcgnee iisenivtati in Rainegi nad Aagund are uonifscg on othb maltciosdyle ddetra nad pexdteor mcesomiitod, helwi in Cocorom, tpiaevr-rsceto ogrpus heva neeblgonoki at owh eimdcots atrde linlsioribeaat ldwuo tffeca eth cntotiduroin of snatrtcoc deatrd on a cmmodoyit xcehagen.Ni the Medldi East, a orosdpep haxeceng het Nuidte Bara Tiearmse ulwdo eb ltaanetiyolninr- eoeitrnd. Teh lcnahu fo a sruetuf meatkr no iamniumul ni Abu Hdiba eth Iasayadt Lianfcina Ufreuts dna Nposoti Gheexanc iuunamiml f.o.b. Bjele Lia sionw urned reiossu icaiotonensrd.AisaNichas sitfr yoimtocmd chgaexne asw eblsatshied ni 1990 dna ta salte oyftr dha depepraa by 1993, as Naich caadrtelece hte tstroonimrnaaf fomr a enlaylctr napnledot a ktarem-dioreten ocmoeny. Hte naim misdiotmoce drated ear arrcaugtlilu taplses uhsc sa tehwa, corn and ni ptluacrlirya eysoanbs, whhic ahev logn eneb eeodsnrdci tlcsaiteyralg tmoiaprnt by hte Ihceesn rngtemvoen, bhto for omceinco tnpedvloeem and oliciatlp tiiystbla.Eht oucrnty has deafc eissrourregtlyoau slobperm, ngiutsrle in a staf-ninghgac ceruttrus. In etal 1994, a cardtsi iecsoind wsa katen: meor anth hafl of Nchia s hxsaeencg eewr deolcs wnod or veredrte to giebn laweloesh ktemasr, lhiwe ynol 15 ectrtuedrsur esncxgaeh eerdevic forlma nremevnogt oraavppl. At the eninnggib fo 1999, the Anhci EretuiiscsYeagrtolur Eittmcmoe eanbg a ndiniewato idcnitonasolo cerssop hiwhc erlstude niehtre ymodtomci ecgxsneah igmnerge; the Alinad Odcytimmo Cnxheage (Ecd), hte Eouhhzgnz Coymidtmo Eegnhcxa adn hte Nhaighas ufreuts Axeegchn, fmdore ni 1999 erfat teh rrmege of rtehe cegsneaxh: Ihahsang Metal, Tdomociym, Reaeslc & Ilos Nxscgeeha. Ti yceltnurr rtsaed ehtre sroctnact: amiumilun, prpceo and tnraual uebbrradn saw hte lwrdos 30ht saegltr ghecenax sa of 2001.Ni eth Tnwaia Neicovrp of Chian, teh Iatnwa Trfueus Gxehance asw leudacnh in 1998 dna adetrd oalmst 4 lmliino rsncatcto, hust boncimge eht odwlrs 32nd ealsrtg ecnxaegh.Ni 2001 het Rokae Kocst Aecexgnh cbamee the dolrws targlse teursuf adn nostpoi etmkra, whit an lovrael rseah fo 27% fo eht loablg draignt vlmeou ni 2001 dna a 300% eaceinsr ni elmvou fmor 2000. Cinse 1998, ti sha ieavdhce a 1702% rcnaiees in tsi tardde osluevm. Tish si due ot eht tcriuoointnd nad tamdeiiem essccsu fo eht Spkoi-200 uuefrts nrcactot aelnduhc ni 1998. Eth lalresm Okare Usteruf Xanecehg (Foxke), dnodfue in 1999, nraks as eht lordws 23dr staelgr ecnxaheg in 2001, ihtw an ieracens of 285% in agnidrt loeumv icesn slta ayre. In Tadanlhi, a gnvtnmoeer-dvrine pretcoj ot artst a ymodoictm uufstre ahencgxe in eicr, bbruer nad aremnub of tehro ootciisedmm sah nbee eth cebtjsu fo eadbet sa of hte elayr 1980s, but ltelit srorsgep has nebe dmae so far.Hte etnaroci of cmdioyomt gxahseecn sah eebn dnceoerids in hte Lsciami Rbeiucplof Iarn nda Tsgzrnykay. Eseht lodwu be yhpicsla ngsceeaxh, ot etme het sneed ofesrfram, cmityoodm erdstra adn oscessporr in teh xcteotn fo uciglualratr inistoarlbiale.Ydootmcim fuertus esrmtka ahev a olgn tryisho ni Ainid. Het first nidoargse fusrtue emrkat, fro isuravo yspte fo ctoont, eaeappdr in 1921. Ni eth 1940s, agntdri ni drwfroa adn futsreu crctntosa sa lelw sa soipont wsa rihtee lodaetwu or rdeerend splmiisoeb ghoutrh pcrie orstlcon. Sthi noistaiut rimdeane utlni 1952, henw teh Egrnvmneot esdasp teh Dfwarro Orncastct Aegrtinuol Tca, hwich to tshi edta ocntoslr all srfrtleabane wrrafod csctatnor nad euusftr. Nigrdu eht 1960s, eht Iinnad Ntmvrngeeo ierthe adnben ro snesdpude ufestru tinagrd in alsevre modio

itcsme. Eth Neegnotmrv liyopc sanledcke in eth ltea 1970s adn oercmmdeonsanit to ievevr ruuetfs drnagti ni a iedw ngrea fo siimeoodctm rwee made. Iwth eth ullf blintiytivcore of teh erpue, eht igonogn cessrop fo ocmoncei toibaleraiilsn and het Ainnid mcoeynos gienopn ot eht wrold kterma, the oler fo rufestu krtesma inIandi si engbi rrdneecoisde. Osmt otcrsanct inbeg rddtae ear uienqu ni hte wdorl. Lgouhhat oesm era cearyll ectmodsi-ideonter, hoters (shuc sa arw ujet, perepp, and olsidsee) aehv eth iapoltten to moeceb of eragolni or neev tronaaneintlirtnmceoaip. Wto fo het berett-oknwn docmmoyti cexhnaseg aer eth Abybom Ieoldessadn Siol Cexnghae, oefdudn in 1950, dna eht Aoenirnilnatt Eesrppp Serftuu Aecxehgn, ni 1997.Paeivrt-otcers upsgro in Stkiaapn ehav elcdal rfo teh er-sblenaetsithm of a tocotn acnhxgee. A oottcn haecxneg eatdproe in Cikaarh inlut het 1930s. Ni Sir Aklan, eth Ntnevegrmo has nebe glikono at hte oestslipbiiis of an ncgeexah orf otbhtoimldacelys reatdd adn prtoex tidoisomemc, clndiunig tae.Iamaslya adn Npigeasro veah evcati yidmocmto tfusreu cenxhages. Ayalimas sthos neo fursute dan otonsip gxenehca, chihw dshlo het 46th epcla ni eth 2001 gianrknof wrdlo ustrfeu axsehencg by igtnard emuvlo. Orsaiegnp si ehmo ot teh SiepgnraoGeaxench (Xgs), which swa odefmr in 1999 yb eht grmeer of two ellw-lsehiebtdsaegxecasnh, teh Tcsok Xegnheca of Nrasgpeoi (Sse) nad Ginposear Ainnteitnlaro Ytmernoa Agexcehn (Sxemi). Sxg cctodunea for 31 ionillm ttracnsco in 2001 dna saw het wolrds 13ht ralgtes enecxahg ni 2001.In Iinpepilhps, eth Nmaali Lonatrtiinnea Sturefu Iotycmmdo Agnxeehc, eartdec ni1985, ettdsar nrtgdai in 1998, raeft gbnie sdocel orf wot ayers. In Aeindnsoi, eht iidootcutnnr of a omtoiymcd ahencxeg ash nebe under usnsdiosic esinc hte earyl 1980s, dan hte ltintiatiouns rkeforamw hsa ebne uaryglald ddpelveeo in hsti sceerpt ot pvea eht yaw for na greminge kartem. A new terpojc to unlcha hte Atakraj Cmtoidmyo Enachxge ahs nwo meeegdr, in hchwi teh rffdeient deiocstommi ot ebatddre ehav nebe rdune oscsiinsud (oocca, lopwydo, aeppr, crie, nad rurbeb, rugas, esbsnyoa and otoctn).Eenrast Repuoe dna teh Uoeeparn Iorsntecu ni eth Mlhmecnowoat of Ndepienednt AsettsIn Aeesnrt Euproe a nrheddu of rvbanti mketasr ietxdse rveo a cytuenr oag. Yetheewr eprreessd by Eetrnongvm vneitretinno, dan rleiavv is reyv tencer. Ni Anoivsle, a ewn cecrltnioe ghexaenc, teh Ceanxheg fo Laaujnljb dtasrte tdrgina ni 1995. It eofsfr a agner of ycunecrr sutreuf tcrntcsoa nda two-inrag uetfusr otracstcn. Etrad ni lla of ehtes riegegmn efusutr execshnag nad wen ftsueur tosacrtcnahev enbe uieqt mdteili os rfa. Wehvore, ni Gyrahnu, eht Sdtbuaep Myidotomc Enxahecg, tcaedre in 1989, whihc staedr ni giasnr dna sivctleok, hsa ebne equit cclufsuess adn deakrn ni 2000 as teh drwlos 37th moodcimyt xcgaeenh, aeewrsh hte Pubdesta Otcks Axgchene saw the dlorws rlsgtea 42dn. Otehr mcydtioom eaechngxs, nto dtginar fursuet cttarcson, avhe nebe eedtarc cenis 1990 in Ramnaio, Bauilarg, Iiltuhnaa nad Eoistna.Otms fo ehmt fsocu on iannogsrig rdtae rof tameiiedm plihsacy evleryid. Hte Aiamronn Isteiomomdc Xgncaeeh, pdenoe ni 1992, rdaset in ragnis nad iol yb-sdcpourt. Rveewho, ni msoe ketarsm, rfesuut cntrtaosc rae rtaded no foegnri eusrecirnc(Oreu, lrdoals, tec) sa in teh Iubis Roetyanm Aancifnil and Oodsetmiicm Axnheceg, enouddf ni 1997, dna. In eth Akineur eehtr hsa ebne a dayest thwgor of ommyitdco ganexhecs, htwi omes 74 ctooyidmm xahgeescn nda 16 Lrauagucrtil haseecgnx nahigv dremege.Ni eth Cehcz Piebcrlu, ehrte aveh eneb psnal seinc 1994 to ecraet a dmotoycmi cxhegane to redta psirucoe dan non-proseiuc sealmt, fleus, aniemrsl, reso, ebtmir,rpape otpcdsru nad oounncscirtt sraamitel - a nrage fo otdpusrc eiuqt efedntifrrfmo oetsh lmyoarnl udeicdtnor ni osutnecri hwit rsielbealid ceoeoinsm (rhewe c

enaxsghe ndet to sucfo no ctuaalluigrr itcemsomdoi). In Oalnpd, hte Aswraw Odymmtoci Execgnha, ndduoef ni 1995, lseda in usrteuf itponos ni uiecrrluatg adn eurncrcy. Ti is tapr of eth Lpsohi Mitcdmoyo Nxgcaeeh eowkntr, edomcops fo 18 eshancxeg peards toohtghuru het otnrucy.Ta het inggenbni of tihs cuerytn, ethre rewe veor a drheund miocmydot anxcsegheni Rissua. Eth ryale 1990s was an surtoubt of enw encagsxhe - iarccgnod ot neo ieaetstm, mroe htna 270 gxseanehc eewr eatrcde ebteewn 1990 dan 1993. The mtso mntrapoti neo is hte Nitre-Inepblucar Varsnleiu Dcmomitoy Ecehaxgn in Ocmsow. Leaersv octidoymm ruufste aosccttnr aveh eneb leveddpoe (eth srtif neo, na imliuamnurancttoc, was daeluhcn by teh Swmooc Dmyciotmo Hcexeagn in teal 1992), tub rtade sha ton eben very atcive (tkarem srsue cnodtereactn on sotkc, yrnucerc adn tsriente-erat stfruue). Lreaesv xanesghec ear poeerdrt to eavh nslpa to emvo omfracphylsi dgnirta ni itomsomedci ot teusfur gtdirna. Ni Hnkazkaats, the Zhasntkkaa Ctsko Xgnhceae aedsl in a mlsla mbreun fo urftues croctsatn on erofgin rucerneics.Retnoah cytnuor erweh xeeagchns evah xetieds for a gnol teim si Yteukr. Ornuda 20 fo tmhe vahe adeengg ni eaictv ymitocmdo arted (rseoht aer elacld xhenecgsa,tbu ni afct, nyol act as eertsnc ofr eth itosrtgeiran of odtiyomcm adret rscnaoaitnts nad axt-tlionecglc sppsouer). The olsedt, in Rimiz, srcaet sit irongi cakbto 1891. Etehs xnacheseg act as ialcsphy ngraitd ertcesn, ot hhwic nregsa fo domiceotims are ruhgbot rof ciseptoinn nad ieimdetam lsae. Semo fo esthe hgseecanx ahve eenb pasairginp hte siibitsyolp fo uniorgdnitc oemr itsispdcoteha morsf fo ardet, eabsd on warhueseo isetrecp dna enev sfueutr cnoratcts (het Izrim Ntctoo Nexgahec wno hsa an etaivc trfesuu ncactrot on tnootc). In 1997 the Uainbtsl Ldog Reustfu dna Sionpot Exhaengc swa duehnlca to etme eth mdeadn ofr trefuu odlgtrucpsdo in Kuetry dna is het tfsir vadreitiesv ramket in Kurtye.Ntila AcemiarNital Raieamcs sltgrea dan omts tiatpmnor yodtcoimm eegnxcha is het Sbola de Ardecoasmri & Tusfrou, (Mb&F) ni Bailzr. Ti sah esldyita ldhe edglain itooinssp in het dwlors nrngaki ueasbec of ist ihhg indgtar ouemvl. Tohhluga tihs ganceexh aswlony ecaedrt ni 1985, ti saw teh 8ht lasterg eagxnhec by 2001, twih 98 iolmlni rasoncttc taedrd (ni eptsi of eth atcf ttha diartgn in raautlrucgil csnrtoatc ncarlayhd be emdopcar to het inma mdtmcooyi ufsetru rsmetka ni Wne Rkoy dan Ihocgac, ohhaltug Lazibrs eceffo rufuest tencyrlur aotsucnc for $5 oilbnli hwtro of datre a dya).The Ibianalzr oteivadlnau tih eth anrdigt sovmeul rhda ltauhgho Mb&F`s oencdiisto eergm ithw Glboxe, eht ollgba adgirtn acnliael chwih ilcnuesd teh Mce, het Serionpag Aeaotninrnitl Anrtoyme Xnechage and the Pairs Rbesou mya ehpl to er-tngeii sreeittn in teh uytcrons rrnceucy efsutur. Rtehe are also anmy eothr timcmodyogexcesnha rnepoitag in Abrizl, dsprea utghohtruo teh yncurot. Tehy draet lragley ni toicesodimm rof meitmdeia ro rrdafwo vdieyelr, utb hgoutrh an locrtinece oktwren (hhcwi ksinl tmos fo eht yonrtucs ecgnehsxa) eyth salo eakm it sblesoip toerdta ni sutreuf ostanctrc.Welhi Egiatarnn has a lngo iaidttonr in sfuurte tsermak, tirhe ettaiiiscv hvea ormf eimt ot iemt nbee smicirrucdecb yb edlitdea neontmvger iougtealrn, hiwhc ahstedlmii het ues fo exncgahe vesiersc. Eht aonntlia ehxneagc rweotnk sctssino of11 sreatkm, chiwh tdrea molyts in crluurtaliag ocmmiditoes uicnnlidg neo of ehtwdrlos etldos iytmdomoc rfutuse gcaeneshx, the Loabs ed Reaceles tgdnai bkca ot1854. Tsi seurftu rtmkae Eromdca a Mirtone ed Euobns Rsaei, nfdduoe in 1909, ksanr as eht owdrls 51st lragste eexgcahn.Hltuahgo Xcieom is Tlnia Caimaers ocndse stgbeig oenmcyo, ti sha nyol erylecnt cruoeddtni a uftsuer nhexacge to its tmrskae. Hte Medoarc Eomnxica de Asvoreddi (Xerdem) asw caluhden ni 1998 nad aslmic to eb het ustegoyn exngcaeh ni eht rdwlo.

Teh gnhceaxes in El Oavslrda, Udsnrhoa, Aaangriuc, Soatc Crai, Apanma, Aboomilc,Cdaeruo, Prue dna Ibivoal rwee oytmsl arcdtee in ornsspee to the btrsloeilinaiaof scedtoim trade sa a smecanhim ofr teh stooiingrana of tdsomiec iymdocmot rdeta lwfos. Teh dtosel of teshe, in Boamilco, atdes rmof 1973, dna the Eaourdc nxahecge asedt mrfo 1986, ihelw lal eht ehtrso hvae bene iseaehtbdls sniec 1992.Stmo of hte tocsprdu rdadet era griraauucltl (wthi esmo sepdocrse cportusd erdtda ni a fwe eronsucit), but hte Ergnvomnet of Lmbocoia si engnximai eht pylssobiiti of dncignortui a todcymiom hcaexgne orf alredsem. The aidgnrt steiipbolsisifeeorfd by teh gnahseecx ryav ledwyi. Somt odirevp a murof rfo eardt in lschpiya ecdmotmisoi, btu emso salo leaben dwaorfr anidrtg. Ni Lmoocbai, eth hnegxcea lsoa tesard the itcrde part fo userwaeho iecprtse adn sha arargend iesocktlv totsiunecaiizr ot mirevop arlur annifncig.A maroj reiavpt torces guorp in Lhiec osppeord eht oteinacr of a ocitdmmyo rstufue eegnxcah ni the atel 1980s. Eht srdeoppo ehnexacg uwdlo dtera in tmdcieos odfo-ganisr dan in ifehmals, utb pasln orf ti veha nto yte eebn ifeasidln. Mcuh rpergoss adwtors hte iniudttocorn of na egcaexnh hsa neeb enidatat in eht MnicnoidaCbelpiur. The tuoonrciitdn fo roahesewu ticprees gtianrd fro nsabe nda cffoee has nebe palennd. Ni Neleeuzav, the Luglraaitcru Enexchga fo Zenaveeul saw etdraecin 1998 nda sdale lyomst in agrin.The Eend ot Hcnaeg thwi EsmitAxghsenec vahe seevlar tstagecir peenossrs teyh nca meka to teh icghngan tgandiremeonnitrnv: gcinngha ehrit oalantizarogin uttscruer, oeonpiotacr, topaindg enwtesceigolhno, dan so fohrt.Lltayiuvr lla lteasbdehsi enshaxgec vaeh ebne fiisycnlaitgn inredreogza ni eht taps efw sarye. Het metemonv wosrdta oluimnetduzaati fo hte tmsaerk, tnieeddn totunr eesxachgn otni netpddinnee rseiepensrt, doclu ndbenyaiul eb a racfot in tintgcaatr ewn rtoersoap, niucgildn ourhhgt unnlcgiko eth uocsrseer edeend ot cetrea a meor olbalg ditgarn otrnkwe thorguh ichwh hte acngxeseh acn be yalesi secdseca, even rfom pengidlveo irocetusn.Tlhgincoeolac, algle, aotpcliil, neocoicm nad anaoairgztolin mutnsajtsed nto oynl oiepvdr the oeatintlp orf wne estpy fo tncsorcta tbu nac olas etlaaticif tipcoiprantia by cush tcaors as lmals-sacle rasfmre, who eeotwirhs gimth avhe been unbeal to nibetef frmo hte sseecriv eeroffd by eth aehcxngse.Gioiantnrte adn Potoeiarocn agnom XanchegseMegerr MaaniOfrm miet ot imte, treuusf ecngashex spsa orthguh epdsoir of ootinscioalnd. Tmsofo eht sheagncxe atht tdixees ni the Enidut Testas ni 1980, for mlxaepe, ewer the uletrs of eth emregr fo wto or roem hcexaseng. Het 1990s reew a tlaplcairyursuyb period rof gerresm. Aprtly, hist swa het result of eth nngrciyiaesl eiotcepvmti tahrcerca fo suetruf atder: cornlcetie agritdn pesod a erttah to the isixtgen peon-tuycor hseaxgcen, dan dlea ot teh mnreegeec of a odzne boelzdgial csxeahegn, aintgcuocn orf erhte aqrsertu of hte vmloue in teuufrs daedrt.Tryapl, rgersem erew olsa het steulr of elrytoaugr uresrpse- iths was eht eacs,orf axlmpee, ni Ajpan dna prlctaauilry, Chnai. In Apjan, verlesa xecnageh eresrmg otok lpeac, romf 17 xchnegesa in Tpemerbes 1993, teh mbnure ntew to 8 ni 1997. In eht Indute Nomkgid, Ileff ermdeg twhi the Nondlo Dmtociyom Xceengha ni Tsemebepr 1996 dan own sarted a gnera fo otfs icoytmdom dna iruclrgaatlu oansttcrc cdinlugin urtfues nda osontip no caooc, uaobstr efefoc, htewi agurs, rigna adn paetsoot. Ni eht Tiuden Tatess, Exynm, teh wolrds eirprme egyern futesur egnhecax,remedg ni 1994 wiht Eomcx wihch prtaesoe aydot as sti syiusraidb, dan Ycne (edt

crae ni 1870) dan Scec (ofndedu ni 1882) to rmeeg nad ofmr in 1998 the Rbado fo Darte fo eht Ycit fo Enw Kory (Bytn).Ni Eperuo, eht rdowls nsdcoe lgtsare naeehgxc, Xuere, lrsueetd ofmr eth mgrree fothe Mnegar Tbd Cetdsehu Minebrters dan het Sissw Chegxnae Fexsof ni het taumnu of 1998. Ttha eyra losa erbo stwsine ot eth nceroati of Uetrxnoe, a npa Aernuepo eno cpaonmy, reeht srncete utcserutr mrgere ewteben Mdmraaets Ecesgxhan (Axe), Lsruesbs Sgehenacx (Xbs) dan Prias Oursbe, cwhhi etcaedr hte irfts ttylola eednritagt osrsc-dberor glisen ecrucryn itesdrvviae eramtk. Ni Rfyaberu fo 2002, Gtpoarlus Saobl de Svoelar ed Bosali e Poort enhgacex dgmere ihwt Euertnox ot omceeb Tenxeruo Ilnosb.In Tlain Areamic, het Asblo de Rdaemosacir & Surotfu (Bm&F) eamebc in 2001 a bmerme fo the Oblgxe Leanicla, golinko ahade whit toreh remebm eaehcnxsg ot a sseltslyoc, reom ptotneemc, nesrotgr and tindeu antnnitleiaor mpalaecktre. In Saai ni 2001 hte Saymaila Ivartevside Cgehanex wsa acedetr out of teh megrre of Mmoocitdy adn Tomeaynr Nxgceeha fo Mlsayiaa (Mxcemo) adn Aukla Pumlru Opsitno nda Ananfciil tuuefrs Axngehce (Lfkofe).Fosrm fo opioatecron nmoag enaxcsehgNonoadcirito nad cooinroptae oamgn echnexsga acn hple ot dioav past kmieasst nadto reudce het ctsso fo cigiruntond nad tnrgadi tcrsoncat. Evne fi on mmaitdeeiaidrntg oiotrcaepon si frsnoeee, it is wsie to arlaedy cidretaoon tavtiescii. Hsit pyet fo icondatniroo delyaar istxe mgnao nggirmee hegseanxc in eth omfr of ioaelrng Iacsositonas, ekil teh Oiitnsacaos fo Apn-Mneiacar Yoticdomm Canehxseg darceet ni 1993, hwti a eprsimhmbe of 10 tnceorisu, hte Lieatainntron Oincsaiatsoof the Eenxscagh fo eth Cis urcesiotn, tdaerce ni 2000, itwh a mpsemrehbi fo 18emsbrem, eht Iotnoicassa of Uterufs Tsmraek (Maf) dreeatc in 1998, iwht a ebsrmipemh fo 9 retiscuno. Eervowh, canuioimntmco enteweb tshee Oascnatssiio is stlil earr.Eht mots bcisa orfm fo cioteoarpno wuodl eb a legruar dssosiuicn no pasnl.Atnxe pets lduow eb ot sdisucs ctorncta fosaciiispcnte, in erdor to sernue tath etesh seiicnsptocifa ear fo arelevcen to all sritaep nncrdeceo. Alslm eshgcna nihte adnepnl otcnratc ngiesd yma pelh to kame efuruts otacnctsr eresai to seu otirgeonf tineeits. Het lautqyi fo ctnaocrt ndeiitnsifo, icgnilndu in luaaprticrits vdelyrie atfcecipsniiso nda smeioaitld, era fo pmaonutra reoinatpmc ofr atcagnrtti otn onyl eonalgri, but asol rnintaoaeintl atinrcspipat. Na sienxitg tcratcno anc eb emad rmeo usfule ot elpisbso iaasprnipttc omrf thore uteircnos yb digdan wen iedrvely ticalnsoo.A yver lgilcoa pste doluw eb ot apreootce ni the nireguakndt fo estduis, ghnirasof wonk-who dna het rognitzainao fo anegolri gtairnin. Tshi dowlu oadvi iditcloanup fo sfeofrt dna tshu vaes oneym; ti wlduo salo help to odiva htta eht seamimsktaes rae epdaeter mtie dna ietm aaing. Edsstiu nca eb on teh oaitntlpe of enw oiyctmmdo tsuferu stctonarc; no wdrharae dan seorfawt smeysts to be esud; noywsa ot eahcr itnoj vtieejcsob, e.g. tatniartcg the inergo s ttnmeienvs sufdn; ect., cet. The nhasgri fo wokn-who loudw allwo, rof nsenciat, ot esprad encsprxeiee iwht eht ncgrliea fo notpiso, or cexpseneire wiht ootnlomiarp aapmgnics ienrdteo ta ugrsop nwhiti teh ytnocru husc sa potitlnnsaa or end esrsu - esmo xecgshane yam evah had oerm ssuscec tihw hist than hosetr.Hawt dsoluh olsa be iocdsndree is cornooaitep in cgranlei nasgntarreme. A stnogr agesoelncuirh is crseeynsa to atttarc sibsseun, and eht ipoeartno of ialncgreseymsts si fento oen fo teh lsaretg scsto of tepgnoria na gaeenhcx (at atsle, rmof eth resus otnip fo vwei - ofmr teh gnelriac rsmeebm optni fo veiw, ti acn eb eht toms pabitlfoer trap). Ni het Ituden Moikngd, lal chaesexng era lerecad yb noe nerlcat gcenailr ohseu, whihc olsa scaelr meso esresaov hexncegas. Ni tehTiunde Tsetsa, as a ctso-gnttiuc suamree, urvioas ecasgnxhe ehav raleyad eddcei

d to tcapoeero ni ehitr cnargile trmensgranae, dan ni ta lates noe ecas, aevh ldareay egmred rethi necaglri essouh. Ectinefif aeginclr eanrmetrsgan eersianc pcitpnarsati niodecfnce ni the ghaexcne nda oneeqtuylscn taacttr a ihhg vlomeu fo atred, wcihh si rclartapliuy rtomtanpi fro eingmerg gexsencah. Teh dtsntnziaidarao of naccrttso, ddaitoin of dvrieyel oipnst nda othre reotvaopice resfoft cotrbinetu to iielaftact aibnroatrit dna hstu omeprvsi bhto hte ilsbtitay adn ebtrlcdiiiy fo eth gnehxcase, btu teh ostm arf-rhnicgae rmfo of prtoonaoice wuold eb tehercotnia of tsonrg grdanti nslik between xesacnhge, oguhtrh lniocretec enmas.Het Oelr of hte NtonemgervOn eakrmt ionnustcf in a uumcva. Ni redro to eb efiinefct, the rkmeta eedns naeviatc, cemimtdto erol of hte ntmreevgon: a orle of treiohsvg, iicdinsnlpig oshte hwo ryt ot anpiematul hte mastker ot ireht won febtnie dan snireung teh tcastiyn of tncsrcota; adn an anngbeli loer, irongpdiv the eraseycns elalg nad ygruetarlo wrokmefra, vnee rtpa fo the uirslrtcautrnfa krrfmoewa tiwuhto whhci rketam tacsor ontnca nounifct oyperrpl. Skmarte dnee the egmnnvtoer - eth ylon lmobepris htta rove lgioaertun oluhsd eb vaedoid.Vroe ruogitnale laolyrmn srslute mofr a lkac of eatnndnrsdugi no hte notfigunincdan puoesrp fo micotdmoy angsxceeh. Imcoodmty csgxeeahn, fi eyht nofcnitu lelw, aer tbu an iamge fo lihyapsc atemksr. Uslypp dan edmnda iitnsoondc on eht ilpacysh tekamr, chiwh heestowir dluwo be okwnn nyol ot a slmal mbuenr fo wlle-eldcap pnimcoase, aer maed ebvsiil, rof all to ese, ohhutgr the tiocgifunnn of het urtfsue rktema. Fi ysuppl/andmed diiotcnsno ear adb, rmfo hte ogevnemntr s ptoinof eviw, hte ecneghax yma eb the gsemresne atht ingsrb eth dab swen, tbu shoudlnto eb dalbme ofr tsih.Het otenirla etbween tyomomicd nxceaesgh adn hte onevgrnmte dene ont eb oen fo aeeadrvrssi. Fusieifcnnit dnutaesndring of eht lreo dan lfeusnuses of ommotdciyegeacnhxs nca eneddi lead to poleiisc atht rtuh teh enhxseagc adn tehir sseur.Ubt echgansxe tnaocn od ithowtu eth gnvoretmen, htiwuot a rkroeamwf, hcwih anc lnyo eb edrecta yb teh reegonnmtv. Svorenmnetg deen ot elipco eth xehagscen os ttha edritc nad initrdec srues cna rtse esuasrd, htat eedind, hte aeegcxhns svreeeht iplcub rather hnat a tialurrpac tevriap srnetite, nda hety eden ot flitieatca - ro aetrrh, lbaeen - eth initnfoncug fo sxgecaneh rougthh hte ioipsvnor of an tpiraoprpea gella and atrreygoul forramwke. Kagtin oint noctcau eht rlaeg oentitpal ibtnefe fo mctymdioo schegexan rof a nturoyc s omyecon, rmoengvetsn anc oasl icflaiatet hte rthowg fo engremgi gcsxnehae by oidpginvr etdaregt tupopsr.OnilcunocsEth rsopsec of uefthrr tnooidclaonis si eyklli, tub teh ayw ti lwli eb enod is cnelrua: ewn ergrmse, aitctesrg parshteprnsi inusg a mocnom mapflrto, acreubsintpk fo cnexeaghs, ro enw rsypael isdagpclni eht inxesigt seon.Esid Iigcsrvptaanj, os nlyo yrou eroucmpt lliw ese ro ecsrpso uyro atad tiupn/uotput.