putra cd intro

5 UPM students who discovered & developed their potential through an international youth organization


putracd intro for FLY conference 2008

Transcript of putra cd intro

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5 UPM students who

discovered & developed their potential

through an international youth organization

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3 Nov 2007

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san sansan san

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“I wanted to join AIESEC in my first year

but somehow did not. Then in my 2nd

year, I told myself that I must check it out.

So I went to AIESEC Nite and saw people

shouting and dancing away on the stage

so ever crazily… strange but true!”

- san san

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“He was saying something about

internationalism and the so-called

acronym of AIESEC –`Alcohol in excess, sex

in every conference’ and exchange. That

got my attention because I was and still

am interested in cultural exchanges.”

- jamie

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“In the beginning, I thought it is I & Z. She

explains to me about AIESEC - an

international society, is doing student

exchange, culture sharing, working abroad

as an intern. I think it is quite an

interesting club. ”

- seanz

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“Staring at the notice board, started

reading and the word `exchange’ caught

my eye! Whitsney, the AIESEC President

saw me and my friend and invited us into

the AIESEC room, shared with us about

AIESEC and what it’s all about.”

- nicole

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renren changchang

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“I’ve heard stories of the AIESEC national

conference from a friend and found it

quite interesting! Told myself that I am

attending AIESEC Nite in my 2nd year even

I had no friends to accompany me. ”

- ren chang

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local leadership development seminarlocal leadership development seminar

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“LLDS was great! I made many friends and

found out I could go to another country to

`work’ or organize events. What other

society can do that? And also AIESEC is the

world largest student run organization.

So, why not?”

- san san

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“It was something different than any other

student organization. I want to know more

of what they can do and what they have

to offer. Most importantly, it was because

of my interest in exchange and


- jamie

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“Although all of my friends in my group

who were with me to attend LLDS

dropped out, I decided to stay on as I saw

what AIESEC could provide, an

opportunity to learn, develop and lead.”

- nicole

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“… as I have talk to myself, I need to pick

up my English. Thanks to them - they did

not look down at me. Whenever I have

any words that I don’t understand, they’re

willing to explain to me”

- seanz

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“It’s just amazing how we manage to work

together so well though from different

backgrounds and studies.

Somehow each of our strengths

complements someone else’s weakness.”

- ren chang

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Ren Chang, San San, Jamie, Seanz &

Nicole's story is just five of the

28,000 lived each year by members

across AIESEC's 100-country network

They were UPM students just like you.

Would you like to live a similar story?