Putnam City YOUR APPOINTMENT IS SCHEDULED FOR newsletter... · Esteban Barrios ... works. Treasure...

Volume 18 Issue 1 August 2016 Happy Birthday!! Look who is one year old! Esteban Barrios Ivylynn Gabila Jay Gibson Daniela Ruelas Look who is two years old! Adriel Baquera Merci Deffebaugh Daniel Deloera Everett Westendorf Look who is three years old! Jayden Avila Alijah Crouch Hassen Galvez Sophia Hamill The Little Caterpillar The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree, Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly, All through the winter he didn’t make a sound, He dreamt of his new life when he’d be flying all around. While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall. Winter came and went, Then he heard the robin’s call. Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon. Spread your wings and fly while I sing my tune. Growing Flowers Little flowers in the ground (Wiggle fingers on the floor) Watch the wind blow you round and round (Move fingers in circular motion) Grow up to the sky so tall, (Wiggle fingers slowly upward) If I don’t water you, you will fall (Quickly move fingers back to ground) The Apple Tree Way up high in the apple tree (raise arms over head) Two red apples smiled at me (make fists or circles with hands) I shook that tree as hard as I could (move hands as if shaking something) Down came the apples (falling motion with fists) Mmmmmmmm-were they good! (rub tummy) YOUR APPOINTMENT IS SCHEDULED FOR: __________________ Please call 491-7626 if you need to reschedule. Thanks! PARENT MEETING: August 26th “Library Time with Al- ma at the Library” 10:00am Warr Acres Library 5901 NW 63rd New Arrivals Nicolas Cornejo June 1, 2016 9lbs. 1oz. Proud Parents! Pilar & Jose Carlos Veda Bhavsar July 24, 2016 7lbs. 2oz. 21in. Proud BIG sister! Kavi FREE IMMUNIZATIONS! The Blue Cross Blue Shield Caring Van will be at PC Center Aug. 12, 15, & 17 from 9:00am —3:30pm offering free immunizations. Please bring a current immunization record. give your child a children are born learning The early years are precious. What a child learns during these early years depends on the experiences she has every day. The most important part of your child’s early learning is you! Parents are a child’s first and most influential teacher. Through interactions and experiences with loved and trusted adults, babies begin to make sense of the world. Early learning skills begin with everyday moments between babies and their parents. Parents can use simple, routine activities as “teachable moments” for their child. Daily routines like feeding, diaper changing, and bath time offer babies rich opportunities to have fun, connect with loved ones, and figure out how the world works. Treasure the early years with your little one. Every moment counts. Give your child a smart start. Read. Talk. Sing. Play. Hold. From: Smart Start Central Oklahoma Putnam City Contact Information: Putnam City Center 491-7626 Smart Start Phone Extensions: Kelly 1302 Diana 1312 Diane 1313 Mrs. Reimers 1311 Sylvia 1310 Susan 1321 Cassandra 1322

Transcript of Putnam City YOUR APPOINTMENT IS SCHEDULED FOR newsletter... · Esteban Barrios ... works. Treasure...

Volume 18 Issue 1 August 2016 Happy Birthday!!

Look who is one year old!

Esteban Barrios

Ivylynn Gabila

Jay Gibson

Daniela Ruelas

Look who is two years old!

Adriel Baquera

Merci Deffebaugh

Daniel Deloera

Everett Westendorf

Look who is three years old!

Jayden Avila

Alijah Crouch

Hassen Galvez

Sophia Hamill

The Little Caterpillar The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree,

Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly,

All through the winter he didn’t make a sound,

He dreamt of his new life when

he’d be flying all around.

While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall.

Winter came and went,

Then he heard the robin’s call.

Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon.

Spread your wings and fly while I sing my tune.

Growing Flowers Little flowers in the ground

(Wiggle fingers on the floor)

Watch the wind blow you round and round

(Move fingers in circular motion)

Grow up to the sky so tall,

(Wiggle fingers slowly upward)

If I don’t water you, you will fall

(Quickly move fingers back to


The Apple Tree Way up high in the apple tree

(raise arms over head)

Two red apples smiled at me

(make fists or circles with hands)

I shook that tree as hard as I could

(move hands as if shaking


Down came the apples

(falling motion with fists)

Mmmmmmmm-were they good!

(rub tummy)




Please call 491-7626

if you need to

reschedule. Thanks!


August 26th

“Library Time with Al-

ma at the Library”


Warr Acres Library

5901 NW 63rd

New Arrivals

Nicolas Cornejo

June 1, 2016

9lbs. 1oz.

Proud Parents!

Pilar & Jose Carlos

Veda Bhavsar

July 24, 2016

7lbs. 2oz. 21in.

Proud BIG sister!




The Blue Cross

Blue Shield Caring Van

will be at PC Center

Aug. 12, 15, & 17


9:00am —3:30pm


free immunizations.

Please bring a current

immunization record.

give your child a

children are born learning

The early years are precious. What a child

learns during these early years depends

on the experiences she has every day. The

most important part of your child’s early

learning is you! Parents are a child’s first

and most influential teacher. Through

interactions and experiences with loved

and trusted adults, babies begin to make

sense of the world.

Early learning skills begin with everyday

moments between babies and their

parents. Parents can use simple, routine

activities as “teachable moments” for their

child. Daily routines like feeding, diaper

changing, and bath time offer babies rich

opportunities to have fun, connect with

loved ones, and figure out how the world


Treasure the early years with your little

one. Every moment counts.

Give your child a smart start.

Read. Talk. Sing. Play. Hold.

From: Smart Start Central Oklahoma

Putnam City



Putnam City Center


Smart Start

Phone Extensions:

Kelly 1302

Diana 1312

Diane 1313

Mrs. Reimers 1311

Sylvia 1310

Susan 1321

Cassandra 1322

Flip Flop Ice Cream 1 pkg Junket Ice Cream Mix

1 1/2 cups milk

3/4 cup evaporated milk

Mix together (Makes about 1 quart)

Put 1 cup of the recipe in a sandwich freezer Ziploc bag. Make sure it is sealed.

Put ice in a gallon size freezer Ziploc bag. Place the small bag with ingredients inside the larger ice

bag. Sprinkle the ice with rock salt, generously. Make sure that both bags are sealed! Sit on the floor with a friend and

“flip” the bag back and forth on the floor. Watch it turn into ice cream!!! (about 10-15 minutes) Wow! Add sprinkles, M&M’s

or chocolate chips. Stir, Eat, and enjoy!

Building Baby’s Brain: Prime Times for Learning

Our bodies have different needs at different times. There is nothing like a cold glass of water when you are really thirsty,

or getting a full night’s sleep when you are tired to the bone.

We also know some things are learned easier at certain ages. Kids are expert at roller-blading after a few minutes, but

grandfathers take longer. Some adults never learn to set the DVR!

Different parts of the brain control how we act and feel. Your brain controls how you throw a ball and play the piano. It

also keeps you calm under stress and figures out a math problem. You can help the brain grow by “exercising” it.

Think about your muscles. Your brain, like your muscles, gets stronger when you exercise. If you run, your leg muscles

get stronger. You exercise your brain when you think. If you only watch TV and never talk, the part of your brain in

charge of talking may shrink! Listening to music is good for your brain. Playing music and dancing is even better for

your brain.

We learn some things most easily during certain times, called “windows of opportunity.” These are times when the brain

is most ready to learn something new. It is like a window in the brain opens for a while, then closes again. When the

window is open, it is easy to learn. When it is closed, you can still learn, but it is harder. Most of the brain windows open

and close during the first few years of life.


During this time, babies need to see shapes and colors. They need to see things that are close and far away, and things

that move. The brain has to learn how to see! That is why if your baby has anything wrong with his eyes, it should be

fixed early.


Babies are born ready to learn any language. They understand and babble the language they hear the most. The more

talking, singing, and reading a baby hears, the more words he will understand and use. Babies also learn how sentences

are put together so they make sense. This is the best time for babies to learn a second language.


The part of the brain that handles feelings learns very early. Feelings like happiness, hopefulness, and sadness begin

here. How you treat your baby shapes this growth. The feeling part of the brain keeps growing through the teenage years.

What happens early is most important for the brain’s feelings.


The part of the brain that hears music is the same part that does math. Listening to rich, complex music is good for a ba-

by’s brain.

This kind of music helps a baby learn the skills needed to do math. The earlier a child studies a musical instrument (like

the piano), the more of his brain is used for it. So, if you want your child to be good in math, give him music lessons too!


Every mother knows that babies can kick even before birth! During the first months after birth, your baby’s brain learns

to control his muscles. These muscles help him hold his head up, roll over and crawl. Active games and gentle exercise

help his brain learn these skills. Soon he will learn to use his small muscles to do things like pick up small toys and feed

himself. Be patient and encourage him to keep trying!


First, and most important, do not feel bad if you did not know these facts when your child was younger. All of us keep

learning all through life. Just think of all the musicians, athletes, and scientists. Their parents did not know these things.

But their brains work great!

From: The University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences

Los mejores momentos para aprender

Nuestros cuerpos necesitan diferentes cosas en diferentes momentos de nuestra vidas. No hay nada como tomar un vaso de agua fresca cuando tiene mucha sed. O dormir toda una noche cuando usted está muy cansado. También sabemos que algunas cosas se aprenden más fácil cuando se apren-den durante ciertas edades. Los niños aprenden a patinar muy bien después de haber tratado por sólo unos pocos minutos, pero los abuelos toman mucho más tiempo. ¡Algunos adultos nunca aprenden a programar la máquina de videos! LOS EJERCICIOS PARA DESARRO L LAR EL CEREBRO Varias partes del cerebro controlan la forma en que nos comportamos y la forma en que nos sentimos. Su cerebro controla la forma en que usted tira la pelota y toca el piano. Su cerebro también ayuda a calmar su ansiedad y a resolver problemas de matemáticas. Usted puede ayudarle a su cerebro a “ejercitarse.” Piense en sus músculos. Su cerebro, así como sus músculos, se fortalece cuando usted hace ejercicio. Si usted corre, los músculos en sus piernas se hacen más fuertes. Usted ejercita su cerebro cuando piensa. Si usted sólo ve la televisión y no habla con nadie, ¡la parte de su cerebro que se encarga del habla se puede encoger! Es muy bueno para su cerebro el escuchar música. Tocar música y bailar es aún mucho mejor para su cerebro. LOS MEJORES MOMENTOS PARA EL CRECIMIENTO DEL CEREBRO Nosotros aprendemos ciertas cosas con más facilidad durante ciertos momentos en nuestras vidas. Estos momentos se conocen cómo “ventanas de oportunidad.” Estos momentos ocurren cuando el cerebro está más preparado para aprender algo nuevo. Es como si una ventana en el cerebro se abre por un momento, y después se cierra. Cuando la ventana está abierta, es más fácil aprender. Cuando está cerrada, usted aún puede aprender, pero es más difícil. La mayoría de las ventanas del cerebro se abren y se cierran durante los primeros años de vida. Estas ventanas son “los mejores momentos” para el aprendizaje. Cada parte de su cerebro se amplía y se vuelve más activa dependiendo en lo que usted ve, en lo que oye, en lo que prueba, lo que siente, y lo que huele. Estos son algunos momentos importantes cuando el cerebro de su bebé está creciendo: Viendo las cosas: Desde el nacimiento hasta los 4 años. Durante éste tiempo, los bebés necesitan mirar muchas cosas de varios colores y de varias formas. Ellos necesitan ver las cosas que están cerca y lejos y las cosas que se mueven. ¡El cerebro debe aprender a controlar los ojos! Por eso, si su bebé tiene algún problema en los ojos, éste se debe resolver lo más pronto posible. Hablando y leyendo: Desde el nacimiento hasta los 10 años. Los bebés nacen preparados para aprender cualquier lenguaje. Ellos entienden y balbu-cean palabras del lenguaje que escuchan más a menudo. El bebé entenderá y usará más palabras mientras más se le hable, se le cante, y se le lea. De ésta forma los bebés también aprenden a crear oraciones que tienen sentido. Esta es la mejor oportunidad para que los bebés aprendan un segundo idioma. Lo más importante que debe recordar es que no se debe sentir mal si usted no sabía éstas cosas cuando su niño era más pequeño. Todos nosotros continuamos aprendiendo por el resto de nuestras vidas. Piense en todos los músicos,atletas y científicos. Sus padres tampoco sabían sobre éstas co-sas. ¡Pero aún así sus cerebros functionan muy bien! Cuando usted juegue con su bebé, observe como aprende sobre las cosas que están a su alrededor. Ofrézcale a su bebé el mejor hogar que le pueda dar, ya que las ventanas del aprendizaje al principio de la vida son muy importantes. Haga que su hogar sea seguro. Protéjalo de las cosas que lo puedan asustar. Hable mucho con su bebé, aún antes de que él le pueda contestar. Canten y bailen juntos. Demuéstrele que él puede confiar en usted. Recuerde, ¡Los primeros años de vida duran mucho tiempo! Pare: La Universidad de Georgia Facultad de Ciencias de la Familia y del Consumidor

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Crawl with your



Find the color



Play with



Go to the library


Play dress-up

with your child.


Go for a walk in

the cool evening.


Read: “School



Massage your



Paint with water

on the sidewalk


Make a tissue

paper collage.


Are your child’s




Have a tea party. 13

Read “Curious



Exercise with

your baby.


Look for circles. 16

Tummy Time! 17

Sing “The Wheels

On the Bus”.

18 Sort colors.


Practice your

family’s fire exit



Let your child

help water the



Practice “Parallel



String beads with

your child.


Play in the sand

and water. Meas-

ure with various



Play a matching

game with the



Draw with

sidewalk chalk.


Parent Meeting 10:00am

Warr Acres Library 5901 NW 63rd


Kick a ball with

your child.


Read: “Jump,

Frog, Jump” –

hop like a frog.


Take a “parent

time” – if only for

5 min.

30 Make a smoothie

with your child.


Practice cutting

playdoh with


Putnam City School District

Smart Start

P.C. Center

5604 N.W. 41st

Oklahoma City, OK 73122

A look back at 2015-2016….

More fun to come this year!