Putera Sampoerna Foundation Report Quarter 2 2010

Independence : Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow www.sampoernafoundaon.org 2 nd Quarter Report 2010


Putera Sampoerna Foundation Report Quarter 2 2010

Transcript of Putera Sampoerna Foundation Report Quarter 2 2010

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Independence :Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


2nd Quarter Report 2010

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation 2nd Quarter Report 2010

Table of Contents

Letter from the Managing Director

Dear Committed Stakeholders,

During August, Indonesia again celebrated its Independence Day (Hari Kemerdekaan) when we recall the struggle to end colonial rule and create the independent Republic of Indonesia. Since the announcement of Indonesia’s independence 65 years ago we have witnessed an emerging nation struggling to forge its identity.

If the nation’s founding fathers, Soekarno and Hatta were alive today, they would see that despite the many challenges along the way, the new generation of Indonesians has managed to embrace the spirit of change to build a more positive and equitable society.

Even better, in today’s independent Indonesia, leadership no longer consists of only those with the function of leading. Leadership is for everyone from all walks of life. We are on the bridge to a new form of independence.

We see, for example Widodo, a young student from a small village in East Java supporting a local community in Central Java while still completing his Agricultural studies at university.

As we create the independent Indonesia of tomorrow, we see teachers eagerly exploring opportunities for advancement, nationally and internationally.

We see more of the brightest minds from financially disadvantaged families now being able to receive quality education and demonstrate their ability to shine anywhere in the world. We see corporations, governments, communities, entertainers, socialites and individuals all joining hands and taking part in education improvement to free the country from its vicious cycle of poverty and ignorance.

Sampoerna School of Education’s Kongres Guru Indonesia (KGI) or Indonesian Teachers Congress entered its 4th year with remarkable progress in terms of support and participation from leading figures of education inside and outside the country.

We are more than pleased to say that Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s Sampoerna Academy marked this year’s intake recruitment with an increase in the number of qualified applicants, positive response from more institutions, individuals and local governments—even when realizing that more seats are still in demand to provide more bright young students with the quality education necessary for them to become future leaders.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation is most grateful to receive the ongoing commitment of donors including PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk., PT HM Sampoerna Tbk., PT Indika Energy Tbk., PT Jaya Readymix, Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC, PT Trakindo Utama, local government of Teluk Bintuni and many others. Thank you to all who contribute to changing the lives of those who are in need of continuous support.

And because it is Ramadhan, it is an appropriate time for us to reflect that the key to creating a better future for ourselves and those with whom we share this country is in “helping others”.

Allow us to also suggest you see how Bait Al-Kamil, one of our strategic partners, can help channel alms-giving specifically to education improvement for the economically disadvantaged.

Trusting you enjoy a safe and peaceful Ramadhan, and Happy Eid al-Fitr.

Nenny SoemawinataManaging Director

Letter from the Managing Director 2

The Pathway To Leadership 3• Saving Bright Minds to Become Compassionate Leaders

Insights 4 - 11• High Goals Set at 4th Indonesian Teachers Congress Sampoerna School of Education• SSE Lecturers Win Attention at International Conference Indonesian Perspective Heard in Valencia, Spain• SSE Seminars Aim for Technologically Advanced Teachers• 241 Students Embark on Leadership Path Sampoerna Academy• High Achieving Scholar Shines in Korea Scholars & Alumni

Partners 12 - 16• Students & Teachers Benefit in Holistic Approach PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk.• PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk. Provides Support in Central Kalimantan PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk.• Bringing Quality Education to Teluk Bintuni, West Papua• Improving School Development in Kayuagung,• Indika Energy Bintara Embarks on Education Program for East Kalimantan PT Indika Energy Tbk.• Trakindo Utama’s IDR 2.5 Billion Education Commitment Announced PT Trakindo Utama• Successful Business Gathering for Palembang Community Palembang Business Leaders Meet Sampoerna Academy Scholars• Leadership Training for Youths Lawrence Quahe & Woo, LLC • Opportunity to Work Together on Sampoerna Academy Bali Jakarta’s Balinese Business Leaders• Leading Corporate’s Long Term Investment in Education PT Jaya Readymix

Government Partners 17• Opening Pathways for International Education in Sulawesi and Jakarta

News & Events 18 - 19• Press Conference Showcases New Program Initiatives ‘Save a Teen’ Program Attracts More Partners• Fashionistas Embrace Compassionate Acts Socialites Show Support for ‘Save a Teen’• 14 Top Artists and Bands’ New Single “Rindu Bersatu” Leading Musicians Support ‘Save a Teen’ with Passion

Strategic Partner News 20• Family & Small Business Financial Workshops for Women Prove Popular Sahabat Wanita List Of Contributors 21

New Partners 22 - 23

Partners Galleries 24 - 25

Financial Highlights 26 - 27

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Insights 33Pathway to Leadership


The level of achievement of any individual in society is based upon many factors but no other factor is more critical to an individual’s success than education. The USA’s President Barack Obama is an example of an individual who has risen to the highest position of leadership in his country.

Yet 40 years ago, perhaps even ten years ago, it may have been impossible for many people to envisage the son of a Kenyan father and an American mother assuming the presidency of the world’s most powerful nation. One aspect of Barack Obama’s rise to leadership was the importance of achieving an outstanding education instilled in him by his mother, herself a world renowned anthropologist. From his relatively humble beginnings to his time at Harvard University, President Obama always strove to make the most of himself.

It was therefore fitting that during his opening remarks at the Presidential Summit in Washington DC, USA on April 20, 2010 President Obama acknowledged Indonesia’s social entrepreneurs including Putera Sampoerna and eight other representatives from Indonesia. In his remarks President Obama also stated “Real change comes from the bottom up, from the grassroots, starting with dreams and passions of single individuals serving their communities”.

Indonesia’s leaders of tomorrow, much like President Obama himself will need to work with the utmost diligence to achieve their goals. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) brings together the top students from across the archipelago and provides them with the tools to make a lasting contribution to society, with entrepreneurship as one main entry point.

One young man who has demonstrated his passion to grow and serve the community is Widodo, the son of a modest farmer from Madiun, East Java, who received a Putera Sampoerna Foundation scholarship to study Agricultural Engineering at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. With a group of friends at the university, Widodo gained the First Prize for Catering Service and Food Agribusiness in the 2009 Student Entrepreneurship Program.

Widodo then took that next critical step on the path to leadership, he used the prize to develop his knowledge and entrepreneurship skills by establishing Marantha Foods which cooperates with a group of local farmers in Bantul, Yogya-karta to produce healthy food products which are used as a supplement by people with diabetes. “It is part of my belief in giving back to the local community” said Widodo.

Indonesia needs such leaders who can begin to break the cycle of ignorance by overcoming their own sense of unawareness and work closely together with people at the grassroots level.To create such leaders a comprehensive support system consisting of quality education, family support and strong pub-lic-private partnership is required. It is time to act together and free the nation from ignoring the underprivileged.

We invite you to co-create those leaders.

Saving Bright Minds to Become Compassionate Leaders

US President Obama Acknowledges Leadership

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Sampoerna School of Education

The clock showed that it was almost 4 PM in the afternoon. Most of Jakarta’s office workers were probably preparing to finish their work for the day and make their way home. But Muhammad Nur, principal of MAN Sumbok School in Nibung, North Aceh remained in his seat in Balai Kartini plenary hall.

“The topic is interesting, and the speakers are inspiring. This is a really good opportunity to compare education methods and implementation in Aceh.” While the quality of Aceh students can compete with those in bigger cities, Mr. Nur admits that schools in his region still need to catch up in terms of facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, teachers should make an extra effort to complement the lack of infrastructure by implementing the best teaching methods possible.

This is Mr. Nur’s second time participating in the Indonesian Teachers Congress initiated by the Putera Sampoerna Foundation. Held in Jakarta on May 20, 2010, the 4th Indonesian Teachers Congress (Kongres Guru Indonesia) was attended by more than 1,000 teachers from across Indonesia and 40 international and local experts.

As the country’s only internationally recognized teachers congress, the Indonesia Teachers Congress which was first held in 2006, aims to provide teachers and principals with global insights to support improved practices in their schools and to raise government awareness of issues facing educators in Indonesia.

High Goals set at 4th Indonesian Teachers Congress

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Insights 5

Education for Sustainable Development

The 2010 Congress received support from the World Bank, ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia, Inc., ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Surumana Ltd., ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Mandar Ltd., Mobil Cepu Ltd., Oregon State University and the British Council.

Commemorating National Awakening Day under the theme “Preparing Educators for a Changing World: Education for Sustainable Development”, this year’s congress was attended by the National Education Minister Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Mohammad Nuh while speakers included former Environment Minister Prof. Dr. Emil Salim together with international speakers such as Dr. Mae Chu Chang, lead general educator for the World Bank (Indonesia); and Dan Hoynacki from Oregon State University, to name a few.

Preparing Educators for a Changing World:

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Zainal Abidin Koemadji can see that he is a part of the inter-national educators’ community. He can also see his students benefiting from what he learned and shared with hundreds of education specialists from around the globe. “My students are happy when I open mobile access to reach me anytime. Now I can analyze each of their unique learning behaviors and identify problems that affect their studies,” said the Mathematics lecturer at the Sampoerna School of Education.

SSE Lecturers Win Attention at International Conference

Indonesian Perspective Heard in Valencia, Spain

The inspiration came while he was representing Indone-sia at the INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) conference in Valencia, Spain from March 8 – 10, 2010. The conference attracted more than 400 participants and 295 presentations from 50 nations.

Besides learning about opportunities and recent develop-ment in today’s education, Zainal also attracted delegates from Austria, Rumania, Spain, Portugal and the USA to hear his paper “Perception of Freshmen on Mathematics Education: Mathematics and Mathematics Teacher” which was delivered at the “Research in Education” session. As a result, Zainal was invited to join the Scientific Advisory board for the upcoming International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation from November 15-17, 2010 in Madrid, Spain.

Another SSE lecturer Vera Syamsi also presented her paper entitled “Embedding Technology in Language Learning: A New Experience in Language Learning” (Students’ Responses Toward Studying at Home by Utilizing Information and Communication Technology at the Sampoerna School of Education, Jakarta, Indonesia).

After the INTED Conference in Spain, the SSE delegates visited the Mathematics Department of the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands where they discussed several possibilities relating to financial mathematics research with Dr Hans van der Weide.

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Insights 7

SSE Seminars Aim for Technologically Advanced Teachers

Emphasis on the need for teachers’ detailed attention to their students was discussed at the Teacher’s Training and Pedagogy Seminar held at the Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), Jakarta on June 24, 2010 which also provided important updates on the need for more technologically advanced teachers.

Expressing the need for teachers to embrace modern technology, Professor Fumihiko Shinohara of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Tokyo Gaku-gei University, Japan said “Teachers must be able to apply a teaching-learning method which is in line with the characteristics of their students. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) helps that process. For example when studying History, students have more options on which subject appealed most to them, and also various means to express their ideas through videos, music, blogs etc.”.

Commenting upon Professor Shinohara’s lecture, Professor Dr. Paulina Pannen, Dean of SSE said “ICT can open new perspectives and improve the skills of students and teachers alike. It is also part of SSE’s commitment towards education improvement to hold free-of-charge seminars to improve teachers’ professionalism and especially advancing their ICT knowledge”.

Prior to this event, on June 22, 2010 Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) held a discussion with education personnel working with the World Bank, USAID-DBE2, Microsoft Partners in Learning and the Swedish International Development Agency

together with leaders from the community of Education Workforce Education Institutes (LPTK) with the theme “Directions in the Changes of Pre-Service Teacher Training in Indonesia”.

Also in the second quarter of 2010, Sampoerna School of Education facilitated its Program Pengalaman Profesional (School Experience Program) which provides SSE students with real-life experience of teaching and learning through in the field observations.

Each of the SSE students is required to observe 16 classes of a partner school during their first and second semesters, where in return the partner school will be provided with opportunities for teachers’ professional development programs.

Drs. H. Ratiyono MM, M.Si from the Jakarta Education Office commented, “The School Experience Program is supported by the Jakarta Education Office by promotion to potential school partners from elementary to high school level”.

””Teachers must be able to

apply a teaching-learning method which is in line with

the characteristics of their students. Information and

Communications Technology (ICT) helps that process

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation 2nd Quarter Report 2010


Cahya, a 15 years old girl from Malang, could not help but cry when her mute brother hugged her after receiving news that Cahya had won a Sampoerna Academy scholarship. “My brother told me to keep my faith and maximize my potential,” said Cahya, translating the stammering voice which came from the mute young man.

Without the Sampoerna Academy scholarship, it would be almost impossible for Cahya to continue her education, let alone with an international standard curriculum.

Her father suffers from an illness that restrains him from working properly while her mother’s only income is earned from selling traditional herbs (jamu). Cahya’s brother works as a scavenger, and by sometimes helping her brother sorting garbage, Cahya has proposed a research idea to solve waste management issues in Indonesia.

Cahya represents those students who show leadership potential and can be considered the best of the brightest in most parts of Indonesia with an unfortunate family background.

241 Students Embark on Leadership PathInspired and Discovered

””A total of 150 students were selected for SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna

Academy) and 91 students were selected for SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna

Academy) in Palembang and are now ready to start their new life at the Academy

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Insights 9

Those who are selected for scholarships will have access to high quality education provided by properly qualified teachers following an international curriculum and undergo leadership development programs at Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s Sampoerna Academy.

The selection process itself has proven to be a daunting task, as seen during the 2010 student recruitment. The committee, consisting of Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s officers, teachers and other leading figures from the community, media and do-nors, was required to make heartbreaking decisions to choose scholarship recipients from thousands of applicants.

SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) in Palembang began the student recruitment process on March 16, 2010 with the challenging task of choosing scholarship recipients from 729 applicants from different regions inside and outside Sumatra.

It was an equally daunting task in Malang, East Java during the selection process for SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) which was conducted from April 27 – 29, 2010. The number of applicants from across East Java province for the 2010 intake was 3,015, a significant increase over the 2,600 applicants from 2009 which reflects the reputation and educational results Sampoerna Academy Malang has achieved within the region during its first year of operation.

As a result, a total of 150 students were selected for SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) and 91 students were selected for SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) in Palembang and are now ready to start their new life at the Academy.

Congratulations to all!

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High Achieving Scholar Shines in KoreaScholars & Alumni

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s support for financially disadvantaged students is not only limited to those in the Sampoerna Academy but also extends to other high achievers throughout Indonesia.

An example of this commitment is Chairil from North Sumatra, a 2008 intake student majoring in Electronic Engineering at the University of Indonesia who received a four year full boarding scholarship from the Putera Sampoerna Foundation. Chairil soon became recognized as a high achiever on his campus.

In 2009 Chairil and two friends won the 2nd Prize for an Electrification Essay Competition held by PT PLN (Persero), a state-owned electricity company. Titled “Equal and Effective Electricity Subsidies for the Prosperity of Indonesian People”, the essay won Chairil IDR 15 million.

In early 2010 Chairil was chosen to participate in an exchange program to Daejeon University, South Korea for one year. Recently Chairil has taken on an extra role in the DICC (Daejeon International Community Center) where his task is to provide computer training to Indonesians working in Korea in the Daejeon region and its surroundings. This program was created to hone the skills of the Indonesian workers so they can improve their standard of living in Korea.

Chairil (far right) with other Scholars and Andy F. Noya in a 2009 visit to Metro TV

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Insights 11

Yuliana (right) - Intake 2008 FEUI and a scholarship beneficiary of PSF Alumni Contribution Scheme

Another example of a high achieving scholar is Yuliana Safriani from Bogor who was part of the 2008 intake at the University of Indonesia, majoring in Economic Development. Initially Yuliana was a Putera Sampoerna Foundation scholarship recipient, but in 2009 she was further chosen to be a scholarship recipient from the Sampoerna Foundation Alumni Association (SFAA) through its program “Save Our Scholars”.

With her research paper entitled “Analysis on sulfur mining activities and local government role in the socio-economic life of people in Kawah Ijen, Banyuwangi, East Java”, together with four friends, Yuliana was the 1st prize winner of an Economics Science Competition PKM-P (Creative Program Student Research) which was held by the University of Indonesia. Because of her performance, Yuliana will represent the Faculty at the University of Indo-nesia’s Science Olympiad in October, 2010. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation congratulates Chairil and Yuliana on their achievements. They set an inspiring example for all Indonesian scholars.

Alumnus-Supported Scholar to Compete in Science Olympiad

Yuliana presenting her winning paper at the Economics Science Competition, 2010

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Insights12 Partners

The second quarter of 2010 saw continuing support for the advancement of education in Indonesia by PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS). For students, a practical, yet highly entertaining student blogging competition was the most recent step in the Personal Computer Donation Program from PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. entitled “Technology Brightens the Future” which is designed to support the education sector in Indonesia through adopting the latest developments in information technology.

The PC Donation Program began in 2008 and to date PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. has donated 250 PCs to nine high schools in Jakarta and 500 PCs to ten high schools and two universities in East Java through the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF).

In the blogging competition which was held from March– June, 2010 with the topic “Patriotisme Pemuda” (Indonesian Youth Patriotism) for batch 1 and “Youth Leadership” for batch 2, students were encouraged to express themselves through posting their writings, conducting research and discussing issues with fellow bloggers to improve their knowledge, experience and analytical skills. As well as improving the skills of students, significant progress is also being made in improving the skills of teachers.

Recently, Pasuruan, East Java became the first place in Indonesia to have a high quality and integrated quality development center for teachers at all levels of education.

This new Teachers Learning Center has been built to improve the quality of teachers throughout Indonesia and serve as the model for teacher development centers across Indonesia.

Supported by PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. through the Sampoerna School of Education, the Teachers Learning Center was officially launched in Pasuruan on April 15, 2010 by the Director General of Educator and Education Workforce Quality Improvement together with the Regent and Mayor of Pasuruan.

The Teachers Learning Center is also a part of the teachers and principals’ development program which is held in the three areas of Karawang, Surabaya and Pasuruan and which to date has seen the participation of 90 school principals and 2,270 teachers over the past three years.

Students & Teachers Benefit in Holistic Approach

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Supports Full Spectrum Education Improvement

Teachers giving their comments when trying the new computers facility for teaching and learning improvement in TLC Pasuruan

Blog writing competition winners with PSF and Mrs. Niken Rachmad from PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

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Insights 13

PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk. Provides Support in Central Kalimantan

Majority of Elementary Teachers Need Quality Improvement

Bringing Quality Education to Teluk Bintuni, West Papua

One thing that has to significantly improve in Indonesia is the quality of the teaching profession. According to data from the Ministry of National Education for the years 2007 - 2008, 77.85% of elementary teachers in Indonesia do not meet standard qualifications. The situation in Kotawaringin Barat regency in Central Kalimantan (Borneo) is even more dis-couraging where 95.5% of teachers do not meet the standard qualification. One company that is showing its commitment towards community improvement within its area of operation is PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk.

In cooperation with the Putera Sampoerna Foundation and local government of Kotawaringin Barat and Sukamara, PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk. held the Sampoerna Agro Expo on April 28-29, 2010 in Kotawaringin Barat and Sukamara, which consisted of a series of talk-shows on Education, entitled “Developing Education from within the Heart”.

At the Expo, certificates were awarded to teachers and principals from across Central Kalimantan who had completed the Adopt a Teacher for Professional Development (ATP) program.

On numerous occasions the outstanding minds of Irian Jaya Barat (West Papua) have proved that their province is a home to high achieving students, yet lack of development and proper facilities for its people remains a problem.

Beginning in 2009, this program includes training to improve teacher quality through mastering class management and effective teaching methods. The teachers who passed the selection will be able to continue their studies in the Teacher Education and Training (TETRA) program while the successful principals will join the Principal Education and Training (PETRA) program, followed by the Life Skill Education (LIFED) program.

Understanding the needs, the local government of Teluk Bintuni regency in Irian Jaya Barat together with Putera Sampoerna Foundation signed an agreement for EQUIP (Education Quality Improvement Program) in Teluk Bin-tuni on April 24, 2010.

The program includes Education Quality Improvement in Sumuri Junior High School (SMP Sumuri) in Tanah Merah Baru and an Education Community Development program for kindergarten, elementary and junior high schools in Tanah Merah Baru, Saengga and Onar, Teluk Bintuni, West Papua.

Working on areas such as senior team management, teachers, students and the community, the program is expected to address the needs of quality education in the Teluk Bintuni area and bring forward the true potential of West Papua.


Drg. Alfons Manibui, DESS as the regent of Teluk Bintuni in agreement signing with PSF’s Vira Soekardiman

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Government Partners14

Multi Scholarship Program for East Kalimantan

Indika Energy Bintara Embarks on Education Initiatives with PSF

PT Trakindo Utama’s IDR 2.5 Billion Education Commitment Announced

The 20 scholarships awarded in East Kalimantan recently was a demonstration of PT Indika Energy Tbk.’s commitment to improving the quality of education in Indonesia, At a ceremony held on May 25, 2010 at the East Kalimantan Regional Police Headquarters in Balikpapan, seventeen East Kalimantan Police Officers and three children of Police Officers from Bintara Level received undergraduate scholarships to universities in Balikpapan and Samarinda.

The scholarships were provided by PT Indika Energy Tbk. in cooperation with Putera Sampoerna Foundation.

The ceremony was attended by Rico Rustombi - Senior Vice President of PT. Indika Energy Tbk, Vira Soekardiman - Director of Sales Putera Sampoerna Foundation and Brigjen Pol Ngadino - Deputy Chief of East Kalimantan Regional Police.

The company has pledged to improve education by partnering with Putera Sampoerna Foundation in three worthwhile programs - School Refurbishment, Scholarships and Educator Empowerment Programs.

Five Primary Schools in five cities are involved in the project: Jakarta, Malang - East Java, Palembang - South Sumatra, Banjarmasin - South Kalimantan and Balikpapan - East Kalimantan. There will be three programs in each school and the project will last for one year.

A MOU Signing Ceremony was held at PT Trakindo Utama’s office in Jakarta on May 24, 2010 to celebrate the new partnership. The MOU was signed by Rachmat Sobari Hamami, President Director of PT Trakindo Utama and Vira Soekardiman, PSF Director of Sales.

Mr. Rachmat Sobari Hamami, President Director of PT Trakindo Utamawith PSF team

The national Education Improvement Program in Partner-ship with PSF and PT Trakindo Utama is doing its part in improving access to quality education in Indonesia and recently announced a major commitment to celebrate the company’s 40th Anniversary.


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Insights 15

With the aim of getting to know each other better a Business Gathering of Sampoerna Academy scholars and local business leaders took place in Palembang on May 21, 2010.

The Business Gathering which also aimed to promote the education goals of Sampoerna Academy was co-sponsored by BNI (Emerald) Palembang, Garuda Indonesia (Palembang), Hutchison CP Telecommunications (Three) and The Jayakarta Daira Palembang.

As part of the festivities, Sampoerna Academy Palembang students performed at the event and an auction of three paintings by Ms. Manohara Odelia Pinot and Mrs. Daisy Fajarina was held. Proceeds from the auction will be channeled towards sponsorships for Sampoerna Academy Palembang.

“Sharpen the Leader in Me” was the theme of the Student Leadership Camp in Dharma Agrowisata on March 30-April 1, 2010 which was fully supported by Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC.

Student Leadership Camp is a program designed to internalize the leadership values which are the core values of the school. Through the program, students are expected to exhibit good leadership which provides positive influence to people in their surroundings and leads the nation towards a better future. This first Student Leadership Camp involved students from SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) .

Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC supports improvement and internalizing the sense of leadership by providing learning opportunities and experience for students to work within a group, develop cohesion and cooperation and develop students’ entrepreneurship and leadership values.

Palembang Business Leaders Meet Sampoerna Academy Scholars

Successful Business Gathering for Palembang Community

Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC Helps Sharpen Leaders

Leadership Training for Youths

Sampoerna Academy Palembang students and teachers pictured with Ms. Manohara Odelia Pinot and Mrs. Daisy Fajarina in Business Gathering in Palembang

Sampoerna Academy Palembang students enjoyed their time at the Leadership Camp


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News & Event16

Jakarta’s Balinese Business Leaders Enthusiastic about Education Improvement

PSF Support for Jaya Readymix’s Employee Scholarships

Opportunity to Work Together on Sampoerna Academy Bali

Leading Corporate’s Long Term Investment in Education

Leading Balinese entrepreneurs and business people who live in Jakarta met with the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) recently at the Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Jakarta to receive updates on the new Sampoerna Academy in Bali.

When your employer provides scholarships for your children, employees most likely increase their loyalty and contribute more to the company’s success. One company which realizes the importance of community development and which is committed to support the education access of its employees’ families is PT Jaya Readymix.

PT Jaya Readymix, Indonesia’s first and largest supplier of concrete and a joint venture between Boral International Ltd. and PT Pembangunan Jaya, provides IDR 255,000,000 for 1 year junior high school scholarships to 200 of its employees’ children through the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF). The commitment was marked with a signing ceremony which took place at PSF’s offices on April 29, 2010.

PT Jaya Readymix ‘s Director Bapak Ibrahim, Corporate QHSE Manager Mr. Mark Jones, Boral Ltd. General Manager Environ-mental Services Mr. Richard Strautch and Putera Sampoerna

At the Bali Biz Gathering which was held at the Ritz Carlton’s Lobo Café, guests heard that an agreement has been signed between the Putera Sampoerna Foundation and the Provincial Government of Bali to build a Sampoerna Academy boarding school offering an enhanced curriculum of academic and non-academic skills including life skills, entrepreneurship and personality development.

The audience heard that Bali’s Provincial Government will support the establishment of the Sampoerna Academy Bali by providing five hectares of land for school buildings and dormitories in Kubu Tambahan, Buleleng.

As a sign of the enthusiasm with which guests at The Bali Biz Gathering received the news, IDR 32.5 million was raised to be channeled to the new Sampoerna Academy in Bali.

A proposal that another Bali Biz Gathering be held with more people attending was put forward by Mr. Ngurah Astaman, one of the guests.

Foundation’s Director of Sales Vira Soekardiman represented both parties for the signing.

Participants of the Bali Biz Gathering heard updates on the upcoming Bali Sampoerna Academy


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Insights 17

In an important development for education in the province, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) met with education stake-holders in South Sulawesi from May 24 – 25, 2010. A series of meetings were held with the Education Office of South Sulawesi Province and the District Education Offices of Maros, Gowa and Bone to discuss plans to establish a Sampoerna Academy in South Sulawesi. The meetings generated a great deal of positive comments and the importance of international boarding education provided by a Sampoerna Academy was confirmed by all stakeholders.

Sampoerna Academy Advances Across Indonesia

Opening Pathways for International Education in South Sulawesi and Jakarta

As a follow up to this meeting, South Sulawesi Regional Office Head Drs. H.A. Patabai Pabokori visited SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) to observe how PSF is managing an international standard boarding school, and was impressed by what Sampoerna Academy has achieved within a year.

On May 20, 2010 the PSF team also met with the Head of the Jakarta Education Office, Dr. H. Taufik Yudi Mulyanto, MPd, together with representatives of the Inter-Institution Relations Department of the Jakarta Education Office to present details for the establishment of a Sampoerna Academy in Jakarta. This meeting was a follow up to a previous meeting between Mr. Putera Sampoerna and the Governor of Jakarta Mr. Fauzi Bowo and Head of the Jakarta Education Office in early 2010.

PSF team met with representatives of local parliament (DPRD), Regional Education office, Bapedda (City’s Development Planning Board), Education Council, and Ministry of Rellgious Affairs from Gowa District, South Sulawesi.

Government Partners

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News & Event18

So far in 2010, an additional 45 brands and corporate partners have joined the “Save a Teen” Program with the commitment to encourage their customer bases to support the cause.

At the press conference the brands supporting the “Save a Teen” Program were announced and attendees were entertained by a team of Sampoerna School of Education scholars who presented vocal and dance performances. As a highlight of the event partners and PSF representative Vira Soekardiman signed a plaque of commitment to the “Save a Teen” Program.

Public donations for education are now more convenient, safer and more enjoyable thanks to recent innovations from the Putera Sampoerna Foundation “Save a Teen” Program.

“Save a Teen” is a fund-raising campaign from PSF which aims to channel financial support to high achieving young students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds. The PSF “Save a Teen” Program has successfully attracted more partners from industries such as banking, telecommunications, restaurants and entertainment who share the same vision to create equal opportunities for disadvantaged students to receive a quality education.

Press Conference Showcases New Program Initiatives

‘Save a Teen’ Program Attracts More Partners

PSF’s Vira Soekardiman holding plaque of commitment , posing with representatives from brands and corporate partners.

What can be more rewarding than doing the things you love and embracing social consciousness? “Save a Teen” has moved forward to provide donation opportunities to larger audience. An example of this new trend was the fund raising event held by upscale retailer Dolce & Gabbana on May 19, 2010 at Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta when Dolce & Gabbana presented its 2010 Spring/Summer collection. Fashion people met and had op-portunities to grab the latest fashion must-haves. Proceeds from the sales will be channeled to help provide funds for underprivileged students to receive an international standard education at the Sampoerna Academy.

Because of the excellent response Dolce & Gabbana extended the program from June 4 – 17, 2010. Following this trend and to mark the beginning of its donations to the “Save a Teen”

Program, Lennor Boutique launched its Lennor Batik Spring 2010 collection at a Private Sale from June 26 – 27, 2010 at Plaza Indonesia Jakarta. The socialites who attended both events were pleased to be supporting such a worthwhile cause.

Socialites Show Support for “Save a Teen”

Fashionistas Embrace Compssionate Acts

News & Events

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Insights 19

Media industry stakeholders, musicians and record companies of 14 famous Indonesian artists made an important state-ment to support education by collaborating on the new single “Rindu Bersatu”. Proceeds from the record will be donated to the ‘Save a Teen’ program.

The 14 top artists and bands are Gita Gutawa, ST12, Ungu, Changcutters, Rio Febrian, Kangen Band, Sherina, Nidji, D’masiv, Vierra, Kotak, Alexa, Geisha and Azura who together account for 80% of Indonesia’s national music market through the four biggest record labels – Warner Music, Musica Studio, Sony Music and Trinity.

The launching of the Single and Ring Back Tone of “Rindu Ber-satu” is part of the sustainable program “Indonesia Bersatu” which is geared toward developing the spirit of unity, national-ism, anti-violence, creativity and achievement amongst Indo-nesian youth.

PSF was chosen as a partner for its experience and commit-ment to create future Indonesian leaders with moral integrity through providing access to quality education. “This is the time for us to unite and develop a smarter generation of Indonesian youths” said Vira Soekardiman, Director of Sales for the Putera Sampoerna Foundation.

14 Top Artists and Bands New Single “Rindu Bersatu” Will Support Education

Leading Musicians Support ‘Save a Teen’ with Passion

Representatives from partners, music labels, artists and activists together with PSF’s Vira Soekardiman showing the pledge for ‘Save a Teen’.

”” Create future Indonesian leaders with moral integrity through providing access to quality education

News & Events

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News & Event20

Yayasan Sahabat Wanita (Friends of Women Association) is one of the strategic partners of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation and has as its goal to “Promote the empowerment of women and gender equality through training and economic development”.

A practical example of the way Yayasan Sahabat Wanita operates can be seen in the two recent Family & Small Business Financial Workshops held recently in Jakarta and West Java.

The first workshop was held on April 15, 2010 in the office of KOPWANI (Koperasi Wanita Indonesia) or Indonesian Women’s Cooperative in Jakarta and was attended by 50 KOPWANI members.

On May 12, 2010 50 members of KOMIDA (Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa) met for a training session in Cikalong, West Java. Yayasan Sahabat Wanita held both the workshops in association with Quantum Magna (QM) Financial, an independent financial planner.

The aim of the workshops was to help female members of the cooperatives to manage their small businesses better and improve family financial management.

Each of the two hour workshops consisted of exercises included in a manual book which the women were able to study. They also received a practical training kit including calculator, daily worksheet etc to help them implement the management and financial recommendations including easy and handy tips.

Most of the participants who own small businesses said that the workshop was extremely useful. “The workshop is really easy to understand and very practical. We hope we can join the next training from Yayasan Sahabat Wanita” said Ita Harini, a KOPWANI member and food stall entrepreneur.

Strategic Partner News



Family & Small Business Financial Workshops for Women Prove Popular

Sahabat Wanita Empowers Rural Women

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Insights 21

Corporate Contributors

Deutsche Bank AGDisDik PemKab OKUExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc.Give 2 AsiaMercy ReliefMobil Cepu LtdPemerintah Kabupaten LahatPemerintah Kota PrabumulihTambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk , PTTrakindo Utama, PTWeda Bay Nickel

Retail Contributors

Bank Mega Credit CardBursa Efek JakartaBlitz MegaplexCalifornia Pizza KitchenChopstix RestaurantChristian Dior Indonesia, PTHEMA Dutch RestoInfrastructure Asia 2010MAP HSBCMarkplus IncMenara ThamrinPapa Rons PizzaPlay FM RadioPlaza MandiriRed & White PublishingStaco Graha ParklaneStandard Chartered BankTony Romas

Individual Contributors IDR > 5.000.000Andrini HendrayaniBudiman GaniChandrika PurwarinEka Handaya WirahaEtza AnyasamovaFranky A WidjajaGlaudy HendarsaKarina Mochtar APINKathleen C.LiemManohara Adelia PinotNathalie HalimRio RidoRita Suzanna TheodoreRiyanda TaswarRobert Welty

IDR 1.000.000 - 5.000.000Alia Risyamaya DewiAndi EridanieAnggis Rakhmi IchsanAnindita RahardjoArfy FrisnantoArio WidiyantoAsmarawaty ZainiBudi MulyonoBudi SuryantoCatharina Palupi Ari DewiChika WardhaniDevara Atma HudoyoDewa Kadek WidhinugrahaEridanie ZulvErin SupriyantiEzekiel SutjiaminFarif MihartoFebriny RimentaFirman SumabrataGunawan SunjotoHalim Perdana KusumaHanindyo Putro IRIndra HastoadiIstiadi WijayaJ. Prima ThamarinaJastin IskandarJulianiJuni SoediroLeny WahyuniLinda Yanuar TandjungM.KurniawanMaharani Wuri PMarcelanyMaria EllenMarsal Irwan MasitaMelania Eka Widra DMoh Syafri PontohMythia BachsinNataya VidasagitaNova Liliana SitanggangPoedji ChurniawanRatih Sukma WirdhaniReagan HalimRhensi Margareth HutapeaRizki Imam ArdhiRonald RosantoRositaRyana KharismawatiSanty NeriaSri Mulyati RahayuStella Maris YappyVanda MeijerYufinah SuthariaVira Soekardiman

IDR < 1.000.000AdelinaAlda F SiregarAmelia SuhermanAndi Achmad ManoppoAndries SibaraniAnita PascallaAri Rachim MaricaAriantiArio Saptomo HediartoAstri Sri SulastriAuditya Nisa AndrianiAudry GazaliBernice CokrosaputroBeta NovandaruBilly YurikoCecillia HidayatCinantya Sriyono PCindy Lenggo GenieCitra SavitriCynthiaDanny KartaDeden RochmawatyDedi SetiawanDesiyana CHDian SaraswatiDian ArtatiDian PalupiDiar Endah WulandaDinda NawangwulanDoni ASDonny Bambang BintoroDwimayati KanadiaDwinanto SantosoEka Kusuma WardhaniEndahErliana TandokoEvita YuniartiFarani Harida PutriFarida LestariFernandaFitri AlfianiFitria HasanahGiovanni G WangidjajaGriya RufianneHendra CahyonoIndah ApriliaIndra ImansyahIwang MartonoJuddy AnugrahJuliana WisupenoJohny GunawanKartikasari BrynerioKhatarina SihombingKwee Nicholas

Lailly PrihatiningtyasLaksmi MaharaniLe NieLea Djamilah SriningsihLilyLily Wardani HoesinMatt Danalan saragihMike MeilaniN.P PratomoNabil ParkarNana Kurnia AstutiNurul BerlianOzal Thirafi UdayaPonky N. PudjiantoPriscilla MartadjajaPutu A F AndriyaniReda GaudiamoRedho YhophansaRenata MelvanoraRetnoasihRidwan TjitradjajaRina SuhastiRobby Naru SanusiRosaliaRosalia Heny ChrismawatiRudi OktobertaRudi Indra JayaRusmi RusdiSandrine Jezabel BSanjay N. BharwaniSantyShirley MelindaSisi SularsoSugiantoSyelvy HartonoSyifa FauziahTan MelanTheresia Gerungan STigor SimanjuntakTjatur SuharsoUun SuandaniVirginia RusliWandy JohnYahya PermanaYardin OktoraYobel HadikrisnoYuki WiyonoYurike Maeda

List of Contributors

If you would like to make a direct donation, please send it to:

Yayasan Putera SampoernaBank: ABN Amro KCP Bursa Efek JakartaA/C: 36 0052 3484 or 36 0052 3508 (USD)

Bank: BCA, KCP Bursa Efek JakartaA/C: 458 300 9992

Become a ContributorWe welcome your participation and commitment to support the work of Putera Sampoerna Foundation. If you would like to become a sponsor and need further information about our program, please contact us:

[email protected]

List of Contributors

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New Partners22

New Partners

Cibubur JunctionCibubur Junction, a member of Lippo Group, is among the malls that provide complimentary space for Save a Teen on May 10-16, 2010.

Kesekolah.comKesekolah.com provides through its Jakarta Education Festival 2010 a complimentary space for Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s awareness booth from November 3-7, 2010.

Graha SatriaGraha Satria is an office building giving a complimentary space for Save a Teen booth from June 21- 26, 2010.

MusicaMusica is one of the oldest and biggest names in local music industry, well-known for producing big hits and famous artists. Together with other major labels Musica contributes to channel fund-raising from song and RBT “Rindu Bersatu” for “Save a Teen” campaign.

PT First Jakarta InternationalBursa Efek Jakarta managed by PT First Jakarta International is an office space committed to support Save a Teen campaign by providing free space to PSF on April 26-30, 2010.

PT Jaya ReadymixA joint venture between Boral International Pty. Ltd. (Australia) and the Jaya Groups parent company PT. Pembangunan Jaya, PT Jaya Readymix is the first and the largest supplier of concrete in Indonesia. PT Jaya Readymix through PSF has committed to support 1 year scholarships for its 200 employees’ children in total IDR 255.000.000,-

PT Indika Energy Tbk.Founded in year 2000, PT Indika Energy Tbk. has grown into a leading integrated energy group that specializes in energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure. The Company operates through a number of subsidiaries and associated companies. PT Indika Energy Tbk. provides through PSF scholarships to 20 beneficiaries of regional police officers and their children in East Kalimantan.

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Insights 23New Partners

PT Exhibition Network IndonesiaPT Exhibition Network Indonesia or Xnet Creative Networking is an event organizer behind the success of international level exhibitions such as DEEP Indonesia 2007 & 2008 and SCOPE Indonesia 2010, later will be organized in two cities: (Sabuga, July 1-3, 2010) and Jakarta (JCC, November 12-14, 2010). Xnet Creative Networking gives Putera Sampoerna Foundation considerable support by providing free space for the Foundation to operate awareness booth during their exhibitions.

Radya TamaPT. Kerabat Dyan Utama or Radya Tama is an event organizer for the successful kids event Bobo Fair at JCC and committed to provide Putera Sampoerna Foundation a complimentary space on its fair from June 30 – July 4, 2010.

Sony Music Entertainment IndonesiaSony Music Entertainment Indonesia (SMEI) is an affiliation of Sony Music International which produces and distributes international albums in Indonesia. Sony Music is among the four major labels contributing through song and RBT “Rindu Bersatu” and its artists for “Save a Teen” campaign.

PT Trakindo UtamaPT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets. The company is committed to education improvement by partnering with Putera Sampoerna Foundation in School Refurbishment, Scholarships and Educator Empowerment Programs.

Warner Music IndonesiaWarner Music Indonesia is a major music label, an affiliation of Warner Music International with an array of best-selling hits and top artists. Warner Music contributes its part to produce song and RBT “Rindu Bersatu” along with other labels and its artists supporting Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s “Save a Teen” campaign.

Teluk Bintuni Local GovernmentThe local government of Teluk Bintuni regency in West Papua partnered with Putera Sampoerna Foundation for EQUIP (Education Quality Improvement Program) in Bintuni, West Papua.

Trinity Optima ProductionTrinity Optima Production is a local entertainment and music label, whose business specialization also includes artist management and branding management. Trinity is one of the four labels committed to produce song and RBT “Rindu Bersatu” which contributes its proceeds to support “Save a Teen” campaign.

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Partners Galleries24

Partners GalleriesEducation Program Partners

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Insights 25

Student Loan Partners

Strategic Alliances

Media Partners

Internship Provision Partnership

Corporate Channels

Partner Galleries

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation 2nd Quarter Report 2010

Financial Highlights26

New Expenses in 2010 Second Quarter

Entering the second quarter of 2010 with the launching of Sampoerna School of Business, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation managed to allocate the new expense and decrease Scholarship Expenses by 9.04%. The remaining of more than IDR 176 billion shows a fit balance to enter the year’s second semester.


IDR (In 000)









Scholarship Expenses

SF - Sampoerna Academy

Sampoerna School of Education

Sampoerna School of Business

Other - Non Scholarship Programs


Institutional Contributors 6,355,243 57,724,669

Individual Contributors 2,296,889 20,862,644

Other Income 923,985 8,392,551



PSF Sponsored Program Expenses

Scholarship Expenses 676,675 6,146,235

Sampoerna School of Education 1,080,818 9,817,074

SF - Sampoerna Academy 332,888 3,023,623

Student Loan 172,072 1,562,930

Other - Non Scholarship Programs 208,007 1,889,323

Total PSF Sponsored Program Expenses 2,470,460 22,439,186

Donors Sponsored Program

School Reconstruction, SF-USP, Sampoerna Academy, Computer Donation, Teacher Knowledge and Resource Centre Program-PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

2,308,165 20,965,065

School Construction & Educators Quality Improvement Program - Sampoerna Agro

200,817 1,824,025

Scholarship Astro 119,739 1,087,588

Education Quality Improvement Program - Mercy Relief

74,687 678,380

Scholarship, School Reconstruction and Adopt a Teacher Program - Standard Chartered BankTeacher Training and School Construction - Deutsche Bank





Teacher Training and Teacher Scholarship - Credit Suisse Foundation

45,208 410,628


Institutional Contributor

Individual Contributor

Other Income

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Insights 27

Education Quality Improvement Program - PT Weda Bay Nickel

32,607 296,167

Other Sponsored Programs** 210,645 1,913,285

Total Donors Sponsored Program 3,149,056 28,602,878

Total Program Expenses 5,619,516 51,042,064

General & Adm Expenses 2,006,839 18,228,117

Fundraising Expenses 156,202 1,418,782

TOTAL EXPENSES 7,782,557 70,688,963

Increase (Decrease) in Net Asset 1,793,559 16,290,901

Net Asset, Beginning Balance 17,672,457 160,518,927

NET ASSET, ENDING BALANCE 19,466,016 176,809,827

* Consists of Alumni Affairs, Research and Program Development, SEER (School Establishment & Education Recovery Program), and Unit Pelayanan Zakat (UPZ) - Bait Al-Kamil

** Consists of donor sponsored program expenses below 1% of total donors sponsored program expenses










School Reconstruction, SF-USP, Sampoerna Academy, Computer Donation, Teacher Knowledge and Resource Centre Program-PT HMS Tbk.

School Construction & Educators Quality Improvement Program - Sampoerna Agro

Scholarship Astro

Education Quality Improvement Program - Mercy Relief

Scholarship, School Reconstruction and Adopt a Teacher Program - Standard Chartered Bank

Teacher Training and School Construction - Deutsche Bank

Teacher Training and Teacher Scholarship - Credit Suisse Foundation

USP - Exxon Mobile

Education Quality Improvement - PT Weda Bay Nickel

Other Sponsored Programs**

Financial Highlights

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Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower, 27th floorJl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 45, Jakarta 12930Telp. (62-21) 577 2340 Fax. (61-21) 577 2341

E-mail: [email protected]: www.sampoernafoundation.org

Follow our Twitter @psfoundationFacebook fanpage : Sampoerna Foundation