purpose peculiar perhaps popular position possible ...

Monday Spelling These are the statutory words that you need to practise this week: As always, practise your spellings daily by writing them out in joined up handwriting then have a go at the tasks below: Task1: Fill in the missing words - some might work for more than one sentence! 1. “ I ________ to work hard on my homework,” said Jack. 2. The cross little girl slammed the door on _________. 3. Sarah was _________ the fastest runner in the class. 4. _________ I will go to the park at the weekend. 5. Leicester City is the most _________ football team at Merton School. 6. She stood up from her seated __________. 7. The yellow and pink spotty car looked very _________. 8. “We should go as soon as __________!” said Holly. Task 2: Write your own sentences using this week’s words. purpose peculiar perhaps popular position possible probably promise For each word, identify the tricky part: Silent letters Unusual spellings

Transcript of purpose peculiar perhaps popular position possible ...

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Monday Spelling

These are the statutory words that you need to practise this week:

As always, practise your spellings daily by writing them out in joined up handwriting then have a go at the tasks below:


Fill in the missing words - some might work for more than one sentence!

1. “ I ________ to work hard on my homework,” said Jack.

2. The cross little girl slammed the door on _________.

3. Sarah was _________ the fastest runner in the class.

4. _________ I will go to the park at the weekend.

5. Leicester City is the most _________ football team at Merton School.

6. She stood up from her seated __________.

7. The yellow and pink spotty car looked very _________.

8. “We should go as soon as __________!” said Holly.

Task 2: Write your own sentences using this week’s words.

purpose peculiar

perhaps popular

position possible

probably promise

For each word, identify the tricky part:

Silent letters

Unusual spellings

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Tuesday Reading Comprehension

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat: They took some honey, and plenty of money Wrapped up in a five-pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, "O lovely Pussy, O Pussy, my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl, How charmingly sweet you sing! Oh! let us be married; too long we have tarried, But what shall we do for a ring?" They sailed away, for a year and a day, To the land where the bong-tree grows; And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood, With a ring at the end of his nose, His nose, His nose, With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will." So they took it away, and were married next day By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon.

First, read the poem below. You may also follow the link to watch the video on YouTube.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpwAP36-w7E If possible, then read it out loud to an adult using lots of expression.

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Tuesday continued Task 1:Vocabulary Check There are some very unusual words in the poem. Find and underline the words below in the poem. Then, match them up with one of the pictures below to help you to understand their meaning. One has been done for you. a) You elegant fowl - (beautiful bird) b) too long we have tarried - (stayed) c) are you willing to sell for one shilling - (old fashioned coin) d) slices of quince (type of fruit, like a pear) e) which they ate with a runcible spoon - (a fork curved like a spoon)

Task 2: Summarise Summarise what happens in the poem in one sentence. Remember, in a summary you must say: Who - it is about Where - the main action takes place What - is the most important thing to happen Task 3: Retrieval 1. Which character sang to a small guitar? 2. How long did the Owl and the Pussycat sail away for? 3. What did they wrap up inside a five pound note? 4. Who got married? 5. What did they use for a wedding ring? 6. What was the Turkey’s role in the poem? 7. Find two words the Owl uses to describe the Pussycat. Go deeper 1. Which words in the poem are made up? What might they mean? 2. Draw a picture of the Owl and the Pussycat getting married in the “land where the

bong-tree grows.” Read the poem very carefully and highlight the information which tells you what it looks like (e.g. there is a hill where the turkey lives).


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Wednesday Reading Comprehension

What did Pirates Eat?

Pirates were often at sea for months at a time. This meant they needed to take food with them which wouldn’t go rotten too quickly. Fresh fruit, vegetables and meat would not last very long on board a ship. Bread also goes mouldy very quickly which is why sailors (and pirates) ate something called hardtack biscuits. These biscuits were rolled out thinly and baked very slowly until they were extremely hard and dry. This helped to preserve them for as long as possible. If cooked properly, these biscuits are a challenge for even the healthiest of teeth! The pirates must have softened them in some liquid to be able to eat them. However, maybe the maggots helped to break them down. As voyages progressed, the food would become infested with worms, maggots and other creatures. One famous sailor once said, "Food had become so wormy that sailors waited until it was dark to eat … so they could not see the maggots."

How to make hardtack biscuits - the ultimate survival bread!

Method First, measure your ingredients carefully. Next, mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Top tip - make sure you remove any rings

from your fingers as hardtack dough gets very sticky! After you have mixed the dry ingredients together, begin to add the water in small

amounts. Knead the dough together for several minutes until it forms a solid ball. If it gets too

sticky, add a little bit of extra flour. Roll the dough until it is less than 1cm thick. Cut the dough into individual portions. You could use a cookie cutter

and make circular biscuits or a knife to make square shapes. Next, poke lots of small holes into your dough. This stops them from

rising and helps to make them as dry as possible. Bake the dough for 25-35 minutes at 190°C until they begin to brown on the surface. Take the biscuits out of the oven and allow them to cool completely before storing

them in an airtight container.


340g flour

235ml water

Teaspoon of salt

Equipment List

Large mixing bowl Rolling Pin Weighing Scales

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Wednesday continued

Vocabulary Check

Read the definitions of the words below, then find and underline them in the text.

Preserve - to keep something as it originally was (not rotten)

Infested - contains lots of unwanted animals or creatures

Knead - when you mix flour and water together with your hands

Task 1: Reading Retrieval

1. Why did sailors need to eat hardtack biscuits?

2. Why are hardtack biscuits a challenge for your teeth?

3. How would pirates or sailors soften the biscuits?

4. What does the text say you must do to preserve the biscuits for as long as possible?

5. Why did some sailors wait until it was dark to eat their food?

6. In the recipe, why does it say it is important to remove your rings?

7. In instruction nine of the recipe, why do you think the word completely is in bold?

Task 2: Features of a Recipe

We have learnt about instructions before in school. What features can you see in this recipe that are common in most recipes? I have started you off.

1. Ingredients list

Task 3: Imperative Verbs

Instructions always contain imperative verbs. These are verbs which order you to do something. Sometimes we call them bossy verbs.

Watch this video for a more detailed explanation:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oApd0goKJDM Read the instructions again (or ask an adult to) and act out what they are telling you to do. The verb is the action you are doing.

Make a list of all of the imperative verbs which are used in the recipe.

If you have some spare flour, why not ask your parents if you can have a go at making some hardtack biscuits of your own? Then you can experience eating some real pirate food!

Don’t forget to ask your parents to email us any pictures at [email protected]

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Thursday Instructions

The instructions below explain how to correctly follow the map to find the hidden treasure! Read them carefully.

1. When you first get off your boat, you must creep very carefully around the large, green tree. Be very quiet or the old hag who lives there will hear you. Do NOT get too close or you will be gobbled alive by the swamp monster!

2. Next walk south, passing by a haunted giant’s skull. Keep your eyes peeled for evil monkeys and don’t let them steal your food!

3. When you reach the shipwreck, travel north again. You will pass a pond which might look like a nice place to rest but beware of flying beasts - many strong pirates have been lost here.

4. After this, turn towards the east. You must ignore the mermaids who are very beautiful but are certainly not friendly.

5. When you see the tall tower, it is time to start moving south again. It is essential that you run as fast as you can past the giant mud python because if it catches you, you don’t stand a chance.

6. If you made it past alive, keep walking slowly and keep your eyes peeled for a large chest that looks like it might contain treasure.

Congratulations young pirate!

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Thursday continued

Task 1: Imperative Verbs

Recap: Instructions always contain imperative verbs. These are verbs which order you to do something. Sometimes we call them bossy verbs.

If you need to, watch this video again for a more detailed explanation:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oApd0goKJDM Can you find at least five imperative verbs which are used in the instructions?

Task 2: Quick questions

1. Why do you need to creep quietly around the large, green tree?

2. Why is the pond not a nice place to rest?

3. What adjectives are used to describe the mermaids?

4. Which part of the journey do you think is the most dangerous? Explain why.

Task 3: Planning Your Own Instructions

Tomorrow, you will be writing your own set of instructions to help a pirate find hidden treasure. You can choose to use the same map as the one on the previous page, use your own map that you drew last week, or create another.

Decide on the route that should be taken to find the treasure and write very simple instructions such as: 1. First, swim past the mermaids. 2. Next, climb up the mountain.

Use the word bank below to help you include different time adverbials and imperative verbs.

Time adverbials Imperative Verbs



After this,

Before long,












Tip toe







After a while,

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Friday Writing Instructions

Yesterday you planned your instructions to find hidden treasure. Today, you will add more detail to give extra information and make them more interesting to read.

For example

1. Yesterday you might have written:

First, swim past the mermaids.

Today, you might improve that to:

First, you must swim quickly and carefully around the beautiful mermaids. Don’t let their lovely appearance and wonderful singing voice fool you into thinking they are your friend!

2. Yesterday you might have written:

Next, climb up the mountain.

Today, you might improve that to:

When you reach dry land, look north towards the huge, towering mountain. Do not be tempted to walk around it or you will be gobbled up by the mountain lions. You must climb all the way up and over it!

If you are struggling, use the instructions I wrote for yesterday’s lesson to help you.

Don’t forget to ask your parents to send us a photo of your completed work to [email protected]. We love to see what you are doing!

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Tuesday answers Task 1:Vocabulary Check

Task 2: Summarise For example: The Owl and the Pussy sail away to a faraway land and get married. Task 3: Retrieval 1. The Owl 2. A year and a day 3. Honey and money 4. The Owl and the Pussycat 5. Piggy-wig’s nose ring 6. Turkey married them 7. Beautiful and lovely Go deeper 1. Bong-tree is made up. It is an imaginary tree in an imaginary land.

a e c d b

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Wednesday answers

Task 1: Reading Retrieval

1. Fresh food would go rotten very quickly.

2. They are very hard.

3. By softening them in liquid.

4. Roll them out thinly and bake them slowly.

5. So they couldn’t see the maggots.

6. Because the dough is very sticky.

7. Because it is important and it makes it stand out.

Task 2: Features of a Recipe

Example answers:

1. Ingredients list

2. Equipment list

3. Numbered instructions

Task 3: Imperative Verbs






4. Imperative (bossy) verbs

5. Time adverbials

6. A picture.





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Thursday aswers

Task 1

For example:








Task 2:

1. So the old hag doesn't hear you.

2. There are flying beasts there.

3. Beautiful, not-friendly.

4. For example: I think the most dangerous part of the journey is passing the giant mud python because if it catches you then you don’t stand a chance of escaping alive!