Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but...

Bulletin Ohavay Zion Synagogue Ohavay Zion Synagogue Adar--Nisan 5780 March 2020 2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050 http://www.ozs.org Purim Events Friday March 8th Kids Shabbat getting ready for Purim 5:30PM Monday March 9 Community Purim Celebration at OZS 7:00pm Megillah reading in Hebrew and English Hamentaschen/Latke Debate Tuesday March 10 Purim Morning Service 7:30am Wednesday March 11 ShMotownat TAI 7:00pm A Motor City Musical Reimagining Of the Megillah Community Purim Spiel Sunday March 15 Religious School Megillah Reading 10:00am Purim Carnival * Pizza, Hamentashen, Sno Cones! * Bounce House, Games AND MORE! * Pie Contest! Bring a pie! * All Kids, or Kids-at-Heart are welcome!

Transcript of Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but...

Page 1: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

Bulletin Ohavay Zion Synagogue Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Adar--Nisan 5780 March 2020 2048 Edgewater Court

Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050


Purim Events

Friday March 8th Kids Shabbat getting ready for Purim 5:30PM Monday March 9 Community Purim Celebration at OZS 7:00pm Megillah reading in Hebrew and English Hamentaschen/Latke Debate Tuesday March 10 Purim Morning Service 7:30am Wednesday March 11 “ShMotown” at TAI 7:00pm A Motor City Musical Reimagining Of the Megillah Community Purim Spiel Sunday March 15 Religious School Megillah Reading 10:00am Purim Carnival * Pizza, Hamentashen, Sno Cones! * Bounce House, Games AND MORE! * Pie Contest! Bring a pie! * All Kids, or Kids-at-Heart are welcome!

Page 2: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

On February 15th, OZS experienced its first Lunch & Lead Shabbat. Lunch & Lead was conceived by Sheila Jelen as a way to engage more youth and families in Saturday morning services and hence, Sabbath observance. I am sure I speak for everyone who was there, our first event was indeed a success. Like any successful event, it takes a village and I would like to acknowledge those who made this event so meaningful. First, thank you to Ilona for finding a date for this event in an already overflowing Religious School calendar. Thanks to Liza Goldenberg and Amy Faust Mayer for your unwavering support of the event, making time for me in your Sunday classes and encouraging your students to participate. Thanks go to Emilie Tackett and Mark Klar for organizing our youths’ participation in all aspects of the service and to Beth Goldstein and Jon Glixon for the flexibility in welcoming this addition despite our late start. To my partners in crime- Tina Trent and Sheila Jelen, my heartfelt thanks for all of your hard work- there is something very special about working alongside one another in the kitchen that helps us connect and build relationships (and thanks Lisa Satin for helping on Saturday). To all the youth in the congregation who participated enthusiastically, from coming up with the menu, to preparing and serving the food, and of course, participating in the service- THANK YOU! And to all the parents who adjusted their schedules so their children could stay late on Sundays and be here Saturday- THANK YOU. To all the congregates able to join us THANK YOU. And finally, to all the educators of our synagogue who prepare our students to lead THANK YOU. I only have one regret- that we could not take pictures. But for those of us who were there, the sight of so many of our youth surrounding the Bima filled our hearts and eyes and left us with a picture in our minds that we will not forget. For me, my world just got a lot bigger as I made new friends and strengthened old ones. L’dor V’dor- our future is in great hands. Gilson Capilouto In addition to those listed in Gilson’s note, a special THANK YOU to Gilson for all she did to help make this such a BIG success! Ilona Szekely


What in us all makes us know right from wrong? I am not just talking breaking (or not) “The Law”. I am talking about how we treat one another as well. Torah tells us to treat others/strangers as WE would wish to be treated. I take this as giving due respect to anyone you meet until a time they prove unworthy (if that should ever happen). I try doing this in my daily life. There must be a Moral/Ethical center in each of us that tells our brain/gut we are doing right or wrong. We should know when something feels right or wrong. I think I do. Unfortunately this is something you would have to ask those around me if it is true. Since I am doing it, and thinking it is right, I could be wrong. Very tough to make these choices without second guessing yourself. One of the times I am glad I had this “sense” was meeting a person in 8th grade. At that time he was a total Red Neck and football player. Loved to fight just to let off steam. I was a young peacenic. One time he called me out of a house and accused me of trying to steal his girl. He had a knife and his friend a crow bar. He was serious. But also wrong. Since I am writing this you realize I was able to talk my out of getting clobbered and ended up hanging out with them the rest of the night. Somehow he and I kept ending up in the same places so we began to talk. Ended up being best of friends and hitch hiking all over the USA together. One other time I remember thinking about these things was being at a Radio Shack, 25 or so years ago, and buying a walkie talkie set (yes as an adult:) I got half way to the exit when I realized I had gotten charged for one walkie talkie and not a set. So I went back and told the clerk and got square with the deal. This was not the first time I had done such a thing but the first I ever thought about it. He told me that loss would have come out of his pay. It was a choice to go back. The deal was done, I had gotten out with a smoking deal and could have continued my life. However, once I noticed the mistake I went back. Why? That Moral/Ethical center infused in us all. This sense should keep us in a place to get along with others and be the nicest us’s we can be! Think about it and Be Nice! Sincerely, Ira Cooper

Page 3: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

Purim Carnival 3/15 The Religious School Purim Carnival will be on Sunday, March 15. Join us for food, games, and prizes. Admission: 4 tickets for $1 or $25 for a bracelet. There will also be a pie contest, so bring a pie and enter to win a Steve Davis-Rosenbaum pie plate! For more information contact Ilona.

OZS, TAI and the Havurah will join together at OZS for a community Megillah Reading in Hebrew and English, on March 9, at 7:00pm, to be followed by a hamentaschen/latke debate.

Community Megillah Reading 3/9

Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30pm in the OZS Library.

OZS Board Meeting 3/10

PJ Library Event 3/3 Bring your favorite baked Hamantaschen or special recipe cookies to this popular event at OZS sponsored by PJ Library of the Bluegrass! March 3 from 5:00pm-7:00pm. RSVP to [email protected]

March 6 - Friday Night Services at TAI at 7:00pm followed by Oneg. March 7 - Saturday morning services at OZS at 9:30am with Kiddush lunch to follow.

Hadassah Shabbat Zachor 3/6-3/7

Gods Pantry Backpacking 3/22

Join the Religious School students as they pack food for students at Mary Todd Elementary School on Sunday, March 22 at 10:30am. Volunteers needed! Please contact Debbie or Madeline with questions.

Join us as welcome the Stewart Home for a Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, March 27, at 6:00pm.

Kabbalat Shabbat with the Stewart Home 3/27

Rabbi Jessica Fisher interview weekend 3/13-15 As part of our Rabbi Search, Rabbi Jessica Fisher will take the pulpit the weekend of March 13-15. Watch your email for details.

Do you love baked goods? Come to the YBJ Bake Sale on Sunday, March 8 and Sunday, March 15, from 10:30am-1:00pm. Proceeds go directly to planning the 2nd Annual Shabbat weekend retreat for the Young Bluegrass Jews (YBJ), Federation’s young professionals group.

YJB Bake Sale 3/8 and 3/15

Community Purim Spiel 3/11 Wednesday, March 11 at 7:00pm at TAI. “ShMotown” is a Motor City musical reimaging of the megillah.

Purim Morning Service 3/10

Tuesday, March 10, at OZS, at 7:30am.

Wednesday, April 8 is the first night of Passover. Many OZS congregants have a tradition of gathering with family and friends for the first night seder. It is considered a great mitzvah to welcome in the stranger to such a gathering. Please let me know if you are planning to have a seder at your home for the first night, and if so, if you have room to invite any newcomer OZS congregants to your Passover table.

Thank you in advance for your welcoming kindness. Kathy Grossman Membership Chair [email protected]

Page 4: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four


It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four important mitzvot associated with the holiday, and two immediately before. Taanit Esther (The Fast of Esther; Monday, March 9): The Jews fasted the day before Haman’s campaign to kill them was to begin, as they always did before a war (although it takes its name from the fast decreed by Esther and Mordechai on Passover). It is a lenient fast, observed the day before Purim (except, like this year, when Purim begins at the end of Shabbat, when the fast is moved to the previous Thursday), from which pregnant women, nursing mothers, and others in a weakened state are exempt. Machatzit HaShekel: On erev Purim, there is a custom to give three coins to charity, to recall the half-shekel that was donated annually to the Temple treasury in the month of Adar. Each coin should be the denomination of half the standard currency in your country, that is, a half-dollar in the U.S. We give three because the tax is mentioned three times in the Torah. Interestingly, the coins can be recycled throughout the congregation, since they might be hard to find, with each person making the appropriate donation in another form, as well as depositing the coins, which will then be distributed to a worthy cause. This year we will set up a table at our Megillah reading on Monday evening so everyone can perform this mitzvah. Mikra Megillah (The Reading of the Megillah): The central mitzvah of Purim is the reading of the Megillah, the book of Esther. This should be done both at night and again in the day. One can satisfy the mitzvah either by reading it oneself or, and this is preferred, in public. Essential to the mitzvah is that every word should be heard, so readers and congregation should make sure that the sound of the groggers doesn’t cover up anything except Haman’s name. This year, we will read the megillah, jointly with TAI and the Havurah, on Monday evening, March 9 at 7:00 pm (alternating chapters in Hebrew and English), and again Tuesday morning at 7:30 am (all in Hebrew). Seudat Purim (Festive Purim Meal): One should have a festive meal, with wine, on the afternoon of Purim. This is because, as described in the Megillah, it was a day of “feasting and merrymaking,” and also in commemoration of the feast that Esther gave for Achashverosh. It includes wine because the miracles of Purim were facilitated by wine. At OZS this year, we will do our version of this celebration, including the traditional latke-hamentaschen debate, after the megillah reading on Monday evening. There will be a Purim Spiel, a comic play, this year in Motown style, at TAI on Wednesday evening, March 11, with members of both congregations performing. Mishloach Manot (Sending of Gifts): Megillah 9:22 says the Jews made Purim “an occasion for sending gifts to one another.” Since it says “gifts” in the plural, we should include at least two portions of something edible without further preparation (a favorite is 2-3 hamentaschen and 2 clementines). While most mitzvot should be carried out in person, since the Megillah says “sending,” these gifts should preferably be delivered by somebody else, traditionally a child. Matanot l’Evyonim (Gifts to the Poor): Megillah 9:22 also says the Jews sent “presents to the poor.” The mitzvah is to give at least two gifts of any kind to at least two poor people (one to each). Since this should be done in person, it is permissible to put money aside and give it at the next opportunity. Chag Purim Sameach! Jon Glixon

March 6 Shabbat at Home w/ Family & Friends

March 27 Kabbalat Shabbat - 6:00PM with Stewart Home

March 28 Shabbat - 9:30AM Vayikra

March 7 Shabbat - 9:30AM Tetzaveh

Birthday Aliyah

March 13 Shabbat at Home w/ Family & Friends

Shabbat Services: March 2020

March 14 Shabbat - 9:30AM Ki Tisa Rabbi J. Fisher here

March 20 Shabbat at Home w/ Family & Friends

March 21 Shabbat - 9:30AM Vayakhel/Pekude

Page 5: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

DONATIONS- Ohavay Zion Synagogue extends special thanks to those who have made contributions during the past month.


Michael Moran In Memory of Richard Reiss Jared and Shirley Bryan In Memory of Marty Solomon The Levy Family In Memory of Marty Solomon Simone and Art Salomon In Memory of Marty Solomon In Celebration of Mike Ades’ Birthday Teresa and Cal R. Sundine In Memory of Jack Westerman Robert Weller and Britney Weller In Memory of Jack Westerman Hanna and Rabbi Uri Smith In Honor of George and Laura Szekely’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Vera Dubilier In Memory of Jack Westerman Lana and Clarence Weddle In Honor of Rabbi Smith and Hanna Smith


Karen Barnes In Memory of my Loving Father, Lucian W. Barnes In Memory of Marty Solomon


Jae Nichter A Thoughtful Donation


Marilyn Robie and Art Shechet In Memory of Richard Reiss


Michelle Beard A Thoughtful Donation Gilson Capilouto In Memory of my Aunt ‘Bo’ - Beulah Capilouto Avzaradel


Debbie Aminoff and Steve Kraman A Thoughtful Donation for the bagel fund


Aylene Kovensky-Gard and John Gard In Honor of George and Laura Szekely’s 50th Wedding Anniversary and to celebrate our 21st Wedding Anniversary and Aylene’s Birthday Ana and Nathan Mandelbaum In Honor of George and Laura Szekely’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Dawn Vermey In Celebration of George and Laura Szekely’s 50th Wedding Anniversary

PRAYER BOOK FUND Marilyn Swan In Memory of Sylvia Singer Lana and Clarence Weddle In Honor of Rabbi Smith and Hanna Smith


Talmud Study Group A Thoughtful Donation

Ohavay Zion Synagogue Donation Form


Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ____________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________

In Honor____Memory____ of:

Name: __________________________________________

Occasion: _______________________________________

Please Notify:

Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ____________________________________

Paypal donation - please go to our website ozs.org for the link. To donate stock, securities or other assets please contact the office.

Donations may be made to the following:

___ General ___ Green Campership

___ Backpacking ___ High Holidays

___ Building ___ Kitchen/Kiddush

___ Caring Committee ___ Library

___ Chevra Kaddisha ___ Rabbi’s Discretionary

___ Cooper Security Fund ___ Social Action Committee

___ Education - Adult ___ Torah/Prayer Books

___ Education -Youth ___ Other ___________________

OZS Thanks you for your donation!

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Page 6: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

Mazal Tov to Sheila Jelen on publication of her book

Salvage Poetics: Post-Holocaust American Jewish Folk Ethnographies

Michael Ades 3/1

Travis Harrison 3/1

Lana Weddle 3/1

James Chavin 3/2

Marlyn Waford 3/4

Jonathan Stewart 3/6

Jennifer Gripshover 3/9

Jeffrey Westerman 3/10

David Adkins 3/11

Karen Edelstein 3/12

Roberta Miller 3/12

Jimmy Mischner 3/12

Joe Rosenberg 3/12

Arthur Salomon 3/12

Eva Shooter 3/12

Marc Plavin 3/13

Janice Brock 3/16

Adam Parritz 3/20

Noah Levitan 3/21

Susan Miller 3/21

Kathy Grossman 3/22

Alan Leavitt 3/22

Micah Baumfeld 3/23

Sheila Jelen 3/23

Rabbi Uriel Smith 3/23

Amia Kurs 3/27

Jeffrey Markowitz 3/27

Karen Shedlofsky 3/27

Lily Beck 3/28

Irmgard Gesund 3/28

Judy Kaplan 3/28

Julie Youkilis 3/28

Galadriel Stamm 3/29

Leanne Zimmerman 3/29

Karen Barnes 3/31

Benjamin Belin 3/31




Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav said: “Nine Tsaddikim (righteous ones) do not make a minyan, but one ordinary person joining them completes the minyan.” I don’t know how many tsadikkim there are here in Lexington, but we have plenty of ordinary folks, and it would be wonderful if a few more of us would come to weekday minyan. To help accomplish this, we have established the Ten-for-Ten Club.

Joining the Ten-for-Ten Club is very simple: all you have to do is commit to attending afternoon minyan ten times in the next year. There are no big prizes (other than spiritual ones), but those who complete this commitment will be recognized for their contributions to the OZS community. To join, or for more information, contact Jon Glixon


3/6 Erica Cohen & Jeremy Mash 9th anniversary

3/22 Rabbi Uriel & Hanna Smith 56th anniversary

3/26 Bruce & Liz Broudy 43rd anniversary

Jewish Studies in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Kentucky

JS presents its 2020 Spring Events in March. The events are free and open to the public. Free parking is available in the Boone Center lot (enter from Columbia Avenue, yes, it is gated, but the gate will be opened for exit and there will be tokens available from the Boone Center’s main desk). There will be a reception immediately following the lectures.

Dr. Eric Goldstein (Emory) “Jews and Whiteness in the Jim Crow South” Thursday March 12th, 7 pm (UK, Boone Center, 500 Rose St.) Geoffrey Levin (Harvard) "A Two State Solution: The Israeli and American Left, 1967-1977" Tuesday March 31st, 7pm (UK, Boone Center, 500 Rose St.) Dr. Raphael Finkel “Software for Yiddish” Wednesday, March 25th, 12pm-1:30pm (UK, Patterson Office Tower, 1045) (Lunch will be served)

Page 7: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four


Yahrzeit Observance

begins at sundown of the

previous evening

with lighting of the yahrzeit

candle. The traditional act of tzedaka,

honoring a loved one, is

often performed at this time.



Laurence Preston Gould February 15, 2020 - 20 Shevat 5780

Brother of Evalynne Elias

Dorothy Eerie Wright-Kash February 16, 2020 - 21 Shevat 5780

Grandmother of Tara Kash

Marian B. Hoseus February 21, 2020 - 26 Shevat 5780

Mother of Ginny Luftman

3/1 Zelde Alperin Adar 5

3/2 Sophie Bloomfield Adar 6

3/2 Otto Elias Adar 6

3/2 Cerka Cilly Farber Adar 6

3/2 Joseph Farber Adar 6

3/2 Bernard Levine Adar 6

3/3 Tobias Blaustein Adar 7

3/4 Isadore Bitensky Adar 8

3/4 Joseph Dworkin Adar 8

3/5 Trudy Broudy Adar 9

3/5 Viola Collins Adar 9

3/5 Maude Jacobson Adar 9

3/5 Leila Shapiro Adar 9

3/6 Morris Baker Adar 10

3/7 Sam Herman Adar 11

3/8 Harry (Uri) Greenfield Adar 12

3/8 Joseph Rudman Adar 12

3/9 Melvin Baskin Adar 13

3/9 Arnold (Mashie) Cooper Adar 13

3/9 Bernard Samuel Westerman Adar 13

3/10 Hya Bessie Green Adar 14

3/10 Jeanne Schennberg Adar 14

3/11 Abe Barrish Adar 15

3/11 Ethel Cenker Adar 15

3/11 Gene Doren Adar 15

3/11 Mollie Kamil Schwab Adar 15

3/12 Howard Berkowitz Adar 16

3/12 Elsie Gesund Adar 16

3/12 David Mayer Adar 16

3/12 Simon Ohayon Adar 16

3/13 Morris Goldben Adar 17

3/13 Louis Grossman Adar 17

3/13 Emanuel Sprei Adar 17

3/13 Beatrice Stein Adar 17

3/13 Leon Adolph Strauss Adar 17

3/14 Anne Altman Adar 18

3/14 Harris Friedman Adar 18

3/14 Yehiel Asser Herman Adar 18

3/15 Bennie Green Adar 19

3/15 Carlton Herman Adar 19

3/15 Chana Levy Adar 19

3/15 Lena Skuller Adar 19

3/16 Harry Cohen Adar 20

3/16 Julian Franklin Adar 20

3/16 Milton Herr Adar 20

3/16 Samuel Kaplan Adar 20

3/16 Faiga Mary (Fanny) Rosenkranz Adar 20

3/17 Harry Caller Adar 21

3/17 Jerilyn Faye Adar 21

3/17 Rose Rosenberg Goldwater Adar 21

3/18 Rose Waldorf Blumberg Adar 22

3/18 Virginia Epperly Adar 22

3/19 Ben Herman Adar 23

3/19 Judy Levine Adar 23

3/19 Ida Morris Adar 23

3/19 Abraham Rosenberg Adar 23

3/20 Martha Violet Rosenberg Adar 24

3/21 Joann Glickman Adar 25

3/21 Miriam Green Adar 25

3/21 M. Robert Koenig Adar 25

3/21 Bertram M. Neuman Adar 25

3/21 Carroll Robie Adar 25

3/21 Dr. Abraham Daniel Solomon Adar 25

3/22 Rose Berman Adar 26

3/22 Ruth Magen Adar 26

3/22 Dr. David Leon Wilson Adar 26

3/22 Betty Zimmerman Adar 26

3/23 Phillip Gall Adar 27

3/23 Edward Tucker Goldstein Adar 27

3/24 Sarah Fox Ades Adar 28

3/24 Charles Collins Adar 28

3/24 Bernard Kirschbaum Adar 28

3/25 Sarah Henrietta Blumberg Adar 29

3/25 Rebecca Davis Doukas Adar 29

3/25 Sidney Gall Adar 29

3/25 Anny Olbert Adar 29

3/25 Abraham Stein Adar 29

3/26 Frances Perel Nissan 1

3/27 Mae Bederman Nissan 2

3/27 Rosa Mathilde Pikholz Nissan 2

3/27 Zelda Sprei Nissan 2

3/28 Herbert Cantin Nissan 3

3/28 Louis Weinberg Nissan 3

3/29 Janice Wolf Capilouto Nissan 4

3/29 Hattie Fox Nissan 4

3/29 Rubin Salutsky Nissan 4

3/29 Israel Singer Nissan 4

3/30 Edward Levy Nissan 5

3/30 Richard Popkin Nissan 5

3/30 Lillian Rosenberg Nissan 5

3/31 Rhonda Friedman Nissan 6

3/31 Barbara Robie Nissan 6

3/31 Edward Rosenberg Nissan 6

Page 8: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 5 Adar

Religious School 9AM-Noon

Talmud for Everybody 10:30AM

2 6 Adar 3 7 Adar

Hebrew School


Minyan 5:45PM

PJ Library Purim Bake off 5:00PM

4 8 Adar

5 9 Adar 6 10 Adar

7 11 Adar

8 12 Adar 9 13 Adar 10 14 Adar 11 15 Adar

12 16 Adar

13 17 Adar

14 18 Adar

15 19 Adar 16 20 Adar 17 21 Adar 18 22 Adar

19 23 Adar 20 24 Adar

21 25 Adar

22 26 Adar 23 27 Adar 24 28 Adar 25 29 Adar

26 1 Nisan 27 2 Nisan

28 3 Nisan

29 4 Nisan

30 5 Nisan

31 6 Nisan

March 2020 5 Adar-6 Nisan

Wednesday Study Group Noon

Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Hadassah Shabbat Service 9:30AM

Birthday Aliyah

Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM

Rabbi Fisher here

Wednesday Study Group Noon

NO Wednesday Study Group

Hebrew School with

Megilla Reading 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM

Board Mtg 7:30PM

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Rabbi Fisher here

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Religious School 9AM-Noon

Rabbi Fisher here

Talmud for Everybody 10:30AM

Purim Carnival/Pie Contest 10:00AM

YBJ Bake Sale 0:30AM

Religious School 9AM-Noon

Talmud for Everybody


Social Action Comm. 10:30AM

YBJ Bake Sale


No Religious School SPRING BREAK

Thru April 5

Hebrew School


Minyan 5:45PM

Hebrew School


Minyan 5:45PM


Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Kabbalat Shabbat

with Stewart Home 6:00PM

Religious School 9AM-Noon

Talmud for Everybody


Backpacking 10:30AM

Wednesday Study Group Noon

Purim Spiel

“ShMotown” at TAI 7:00PM

Community Megillah Reading at OZS

With Hamentaschen/Latke Debate

7:00 PM

Page 9: Purim Events - Ohavay Zion Synagogue · The Mitzvot of Purim It’s sometimes hard to remember, but Purim is not just all about hamentaschen, costumes, and groggers! There are four

Thank you to those who have been using AmazonSmile and have designated Ohavay Zion Congregation as the charitable organization to receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases. We just received our disbursement for the October 1-December 31, 2019 period; $47.33 was just deposited into our bank account! Please continue to support Ohavay Zion! smile.amazon.com/ch/61-0649672 Have questions about AmazonSmile? Please contact Debbie Aminoff, treasurer, via email: [email protected] or phone: 859-317-3839


Web Sites: Schennberg.com Schennbergrealty.com

Kroger Community Rewards

Thank you to our OZS Supporters who are members of our Kroger Community Rewards Program. Last August through November, 2019, 74 OZS supporters “gave” us donations of $501.09. We appreciate YOU!

If you haven’t signed up yet but are a Kroger shopper you can help OZS earn fundraising dollars at NO COST TO YOU!!!! All you will have to do is present your Kroger Plus card and then we get the proceeds. Please go on line now to krogercommunityrewards.com to register, be sure to have your Kroger Plus Card and OZS #WI315. If you have any questions about it please call or email the office.


Cindy M. Derer, P.L.L.C.

Cindy M. Derer, D.M.D. Family Dentistry

698 Perimeter Drive, Suite 102 Lexington, Kentucky 40517

859.268.9090 www.cindydererdmd.com

[email protected]

Thank You

For your Support!