Pure Sleep rnd 1

Dear Friend, George would go to bed dog-tired. He’d usually fall asleep pretty quickly. But he couldn’t stay asleep. Nearly every night, he’d wake up at 3 in the morning and his ‘busy brain’ would kick into high gear. He would start thinking about the bills he has to pay. The unpleasant conversation at work. His “to do” list for tomorrow. And whatever else was stressing him out. George tried everything to relax. He drank warm milk. He took melatonin. He tried chamomile tea and even over the counter sleeping remedies. And while they helped a little…his brain still wouldn’t shut off. It got to the point where he started worrying about getting a good night’s sleep hours before bedtime. This created a snowball effect that made his sleeping problems even worse. By the time George came to see me, he was desperate. His sleep problems were going on for several months — with no relief in sight. “I just can’t stand it anymore,” he told me. “I sleep for a few hours—then at 2 or 3 in the morning I’m wide awake. My mind starts spinning and I just can’t shut it down. When I finally get back to sleep a few hours later …its right before the alarm goes off!” George’s insomnia affected his days, too. He woke up Dr. Nan Fuchs’ Does Your “Busy Brain” Keep You Awake At Night? Thanks to a new breakthrough, you can fall asleep in minutes…and stay asleep INSIDE THIS ISSUE The ancient Chinese secret that shuts down the mental chatter keeping you awake. Page 3 Study: “reduces anxiety symptoms by 72%” and promotes deep, restful sleep. Page 4 The time-tested tea extract that soothes a stressful mind while improving your memory, too. Page 5 Tossing and turning all night? That’s a sign that levels of this “feel good” brain chemical are too low! Details, page 0 Page 7 These two minerals are crucial for a good night’s sleep. Yet few sleep remedies rarely include them! Page 8 By Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD Dr. Nan Fuchs (Continued inside…) Special Sleep Issue! May 2015 Issue • $6.95 Journal of Natural Health

Transcript of Pure Sleep rnd 1

Page 1: Pure Sleep rnd 1

Dear Friend,George would go to bed dog-tired.

He’d usually fall asleep pretty quickly. But he couldn’t stay asleep.

Nearly every night, he’d wake up at 3 in the morning and his ‘busy brain’ would kick into high gear. He would start thinking about the bills he has to pay. The unpleasant

conversation at work. His “to do” list for tomorrow. And whatever else was stressing him out.

George tried everything to relax. He drank warm milk. He took melatonin. He tried chamomile tea and even over the counter sleeping remedies. And while they helped a little…his brain still wouldn’t shut off.

It got to the point where he started worrying about getting a good night’s sleep hours before bedtime. This created a snowball effect that made his sleeping problems even worse.

By the time George came to see me, he was desperate. His sleep problems were going on for several months — with no relief in sight.

“I just can’t stand it anymore,” he told me. “I sleep for a few hours—then at 2 or 3 in the morning I’m wide awake. My mind starts spinning and I just can’t shut it down. When I finally get back to sleep a few hours later …its right before the alarm goes off!”

George’s insomnia affected his days, too. He woke up

Dr. Nan Fuchs’

Does Your “Busy Brain” Keep You Awake At Night? Thanks to a new breakthrough, you can fall asleep

in minutes…and stay asleep


■ The ancient Chinese secret that shuts down the mental chatter keeping you awake. Page 3

■ Study: “reduces anxiety symptoms by 72%” and promotes deep, restful sleep. Page 4

■ The time-tested tea extract that soothes a stressful mind while improving your memory, too. Page 5

■ Tossing and turning all night? That’s a sign that levels of this “feel good” brain chemical are too low! Details, page 0 Page 7

■ These two minerals are crucial for a good night’s sleep. Yet few sleep remedies rarely include them! Page 8

By Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD

Dr. Nan Fuchs

(Continued inside…)

Special Sleep Issue!

May 2015 Issue • $6.95

Journal of Natural Health

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2 Journal of Natural Health

groggy and irritable. And because he was so tired, he easily forgot things and wasn’t very productive at work, either.

I gave George a very simple all-natural remedy to take about 15 minutes before bedtime. Two weeks later, George told me felt like a new man. He slept like a baby all night through. His mental chatter disappeared. His memory and mood improved. He was more energetic and his work productivity shot through the roof.

And it was all due to a new, all-natural breakthrough I will tell you about in a just a moment.

What’s really causing that restless brain that ruins your nights — and days?

I’ll explain more in a moment, but first let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs. In 1976, I co-founded one of the first holistic health centers in the U.S. I’ve also written 8 health books, have published dozens of articles in medical journals, and appeared on over 100 television and radio programs.

One of the biggest problems I hear about from my patients and readers is sleeping through the night. So if you, too have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep—you’re not alone!

At night, your mind should shut down and unwind while you’re sleeping. But for many

people, the complete opposite happens. In fact, scientists say that a restless mind is the most common—and frustrating—sleep killer there is.

So why does your mind keep racing when you’re trying to get to sleep? It’s because your brain needs certain sleep-inducing chemicals to signal that it’s time for your body and mind to relax and go to sleep. The most important of these brain chemicals is an amino acid called gamma-aminobutryric acid, or GABA.

GABA acts like the “brakes” of your brain. It helps put a stop to those racing thoughts that make you feel anxious and stressed out at night. This was proven in a study at Harvard Medical School. The study found people with sleep problems had 30% less GABA in their brains than

those who slept normally.

Other research shows a GABA deficiency interferes with the deep “delta” sleep that usually begins within 45 minutes after bedtime.

Your brain produces less and less GABA as you age — and this can keep you from enjoying deep, restful sleep. Once you increase

levels of this crucial brain chemical, you’ll finally start getting the restful, rejuvenating sleep you’ve been missing.

Unfortunately, GABA supplements don’t work all that well. Besides, I believe it’s better to give your brain what it needs to raise GABA levels naturally.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD: Integrative Health Pioneer

As a young graduate student, Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs saw

the limitations of conventional medicine and embraced alternative healing. Always a pioneer, she

co-founded the first holistic healing center in California back in 1976.

In her years of practice, she found that most people misunderstand nutrition’s ability to heal and prevent disease. So she wrote a book explaining what doctors don’t tell us—and

what many doctors don’t know themselves.

Now, through her hugely successful newsletter, she educates tens of thousands each month in cutting-edge alternative health news and treatments.

Over the years, Dr. Fuchs has been sought after by the media as a leading health expert. Radio and television shows have invited her to provide advice on nutrition, supplements, herbs, acupuncture, stress reduction, and much more.

Dr. Fuchs is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for her work in formulating and endorsing this product.

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Call Toll-Free 1-800-791-3395 3

A Bad Night’s Sleep Not Only Makes You Miserable. It Can Destroy Your Health, too!Nighttime is when your

body starts to repair and rejuvenate itself. If you can’t sleep at night—your body doesn’t have a chance to do the healing it needs. That’s why chronic sleep problems are actually hazardous to your health! Here’s how…

• Your risk of cardiovascular issues skyrockets. Studies show that lack of sleep contributes to heart and blood pressure problems— especially in women

• You have higher levels of inflammation. That means more joint and muscle aches…as well as other types of inflammation that affects the health of your cells, organs and tissues.

• You experience memory loss. Losing sleep actually ages your brain! You can become more forgetful, have trouble learning new things and you can feel more anxious or depressed.

• Your immune system weakens. As a result, you catch a cold or virus more easily.

• Your metabolism slows, so you gain weight more easily. Insomnia can increase your appetite as well.

Research shows that certain nutrients can help you finally experience the restful, revitalizing sleep you’ve been missing … and even help improve your overall energy and vitality. Learn more about them starting on page 2 of this report.

The ancient Chinese nutrient that shuts off mental chatter and changes

the way you sleep forever…I recently became aware of a remarkable new

remedy that gently raises GABA levels in the brain — while shutting down the mental chatter that keeps you awake.

That remedy is called Honokiol (ho-no-KI-ol), and it’s an extract from magnolia bark.

Traditional Chinese doctors used honokiol for over 2,000 to treat anxiety,

stress and depression. And now, modern doctors discovered that it’s a surprisingly effective sleep-inducer, too.

One study showed that honokiol stimulates the GABA receptors in the brain to promote non-rapid eye movement (Non-REM) sleep. Non-REM is the type of sleep that helps calm your mind and soothe your body.1

Other studies showed that honokiol works just as well as some popular conventional

remedies to reduce the stress and anxiety that keeps you awake.2 And it won’t make you feel groggy or irritable the next day, either.

Plus, honokiol delivers other great health benefits: it’s a natural anti-inflammatory… it helps active bone-building osteoblast cells … and it supports healthy glucose metabolism, too.

Without a doubt, this ancient Chinese secret is one of the best ways to help you experience the restful night’s sleep you need.

So where can you find honokiol? My friend, Dr. Issac Eliaz — a medical doctor and expert on Chinese Medicine — has created a great formula that contains honokiol and several other natural sleep-enhancers. It combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine to help you sleep better than ever before!

Announcing Pure Sleep™ FormulaPure Sleep™ includes a concentrated, highly-

purified form of honokiol, as well as 17 additional nutrients to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. While each one of these ingredients provides

(Continued on next page…)

1 Qu WM, Yue XF, Sun Y, Fan K, Chen CR, Hou YP, Urade Y, Huang ZL. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Oct;167(3):587-98.2 Kuribara H, Stavinoha WB, Maruyama Y. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999 Jan;51(1):97-103.

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specific benefits, together their power is magnified.

Pure Sleep™ helps correct all the imbalances in your body and mind that are causing your sleep problems in the first place.

It calms and soothes. It supports your natural body rhythms. It shuts down mental chatter and helps your body cope with stress.

It eases tossing and turning. It supports healthy levels of key sleep-enhancing brain chemicals. And it even boosts your memory and mood.

Best of all, you won’t wake up feeling like a zombie. You’ll feel rested, refreshed and ready to take on the day!

Let me tell you about the next nutrient in Pure Sleep™. It was prescribed as a medicinal

herb in Ancient Greece to soothe agitation, relieve anxiety and ease pain. Even its name sounds calming!

“Reduced anxiety symptoms by 72%…”

It’s called Lemon balm. Used as a medicinal herb since Ancient Greece, today’s 21st century scientists confirm that it is particularly effective to help ease stress and soothe the brain. In fact, lemon balm is the remedy of choice in Europe for promoting deep sleep, while easing tension and irritability.

Here’s why.

In one study, 20 volunteers with sleep problems were divided into two groups. The first group took lemon balm twice a day, while the other group took a placebo.

After just 15 days, scientists said the group taking lemon balm had 39% fewer sleep problems and a whopping 72% reduction in their

The Problem with Conventional Sleep Aids

What can you do to solve your sleeping problems?

Sure, you can take a sleeping remedy or prescription sleep aid. But frankly, I’m uncomfortable with these options.

Over the counter sleep medications contain antihistamines — the same type of medicine used to treat allergies, hay fever and colds. However, tolerance to antihistamines builds up quickly and they lose their effectiveness as a sleep aid after just a few nights of use.

Other conventional remedies force you to sleep. However, many also give you a hangover that makes you feel groggy and irritable the next day. Plus, they could be habit forming!

Obviously, sleeping pills are not the answer.  But neither is letting your insomnia

go untreated. The best way to solve your

sleepless nights is to give your body what it needs to fall asleep and stay asleep naturally. Pure Sleep is a complex formula of traditional Chinese herbs, Western herbs, minerals, amino acids, and B vitamins. It is unlike any formula I’ve ever seen — or used.

It addresses the root causes of insomnia, anxiety, and sleeplessness — not just its symptoms. And all of its nutrients work synergistically to

support the organs and systems that improve sleep quality.

Take this special formula, and your entire body will feel relaxed and comfortable. You’ll ease off into gentle sleep…feel rejuvenated the next day, too! Turn to page 15 or call 800-791-3395 to order Pure Sleep now and remember, you’re completely protected by our “Down to the Last Capsule” guarantee.


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anxiety symptoms. Plus, they woke up refreshed and alert.

Compare that to the placebo group — who didn’t notice any significant difference in their sleep patterns at all.

Why is lemon balm so effective? It contains compounds that bond with the receptors in the brain that promote relaxation and positive feelings.

But lemon balm does more than reduce anxiety: it also improves mental clarity and the ability to learn and retain information. In another study volunteers taking lemon balm solved a series of math problems faster than the placebo group, with no reduction in accuracy.3 The volunteers also reported increased calmness and better overall memory, too.

Another critical compound in Pure Sleep™ is an herb that’s renowned as a natural sedative. I call it one of Mother Nature’s wonderful secrets for calming restlessness and frazzled nerves…

This natural “tranquilizer” helps you sleep like a baby

Passion flower has been used for centuries as a soothing solution for sleeplessness. It’s a mild relaxant that works on your central nervous system to induce sleep.

Like honokiol, passion flower helps increase GABA levels. And like lemon balm, it relieves stress and anxiety. However, passion flower has another benefit: it relieves muscle aches and other discomfort that could be keeping you awake. It helps soothe your aches and pains before you drift off to a blissful sleep.

Passion flower works best when it is combined with other calming herbs, such as lemon balm and honokiol. I made sure to include it in the Pure Sleep™ formula.

Are stressful days interfering with restful nights?

Then you will really appreciate the next nutrient in Pure Sleep™. It’s a compound that actually

shuts down your brain’s “worry mode” and eliminates the stress of the day.

If you drink green tea, you may have noticed how relaxed it makes you feel—despite the fact that it contains caffeine. That’s because green tea is a rich source of a unique amino acid called L-theanine. It’s is one of the few compounds that

(Continued on next page…)

7 Ways Pure Sleep™ Can Give You the Best

Sleep of Your Life

From the moment you

put your head on the pillow to the instant you wake up, you can count on Pure Sleep to deliver the most effective ingredients to help you get a great night’s sleep every night!

This exclusive formula combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine to help…

1. Promote deep, restful sleep

2. Normalize your sleep cycle

3. Shut off stress and anxiety

4. Ease tossing and turning

5. Relieve muscle aches other discomfort that keeps you awake

6. Wipe away the blues and improve mental clarity

7. Relax and rest, without morning drowsiness

Why toss and turn all night when you could be getting the most blissful; sleep of your life? Complete the Reservation Certificate on page 15 or call toll-free 1-800-791-3395 to order your Sleep Pure Savings Pack today. Remember, you’re completely protected by our “Down-to-the-Last-Capsule” guarantee.

3 Kennedy DO, Little W, Scholey AB. Psychosom Med. 2004 Jul;66(4):607-13.

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6 Journal of Natural Health

easily crosses the blood-brain barrier — allowing it to quickly reach brain cells so it can do its best work.

L-theanine helps your brain generate alpha waves.  That’s important, because alpha waves help relax the mind and reduce worry. In one study, researchers assigned a series of difficult mental arithmetic tasks to a group of participants. One group of subjects took L-theanine. Another group took a placebo. And a third group took nothing at all. During the math tests, scientists measured heart rate and other symptoms of anxiety.

Scientists were astonished to discover that the volunteers taking the L-theanine performed better, experienced a lower heart rate, and had far less stress than the groups taking placebo

or no supplement at all. So L-theanine can help protect the body and mind from the long-term effects of stress.4  

Other research shows that while L-theanine calms the mind, it also helps improve attention

and focus.5 Plus, this soothing boost happens in as little as 45 minutes!

Plus, L-theanine works perfectly with lemon balm to give you a gentle, yet effective antidote to the daily stresses that keep you up at night. Together, these two helps help you remain calm and relaxed … while giving

you a memory boost, too.

Now, if you travel a lot or work the night shift, you’ve probably heard of this next sleep enhancer. It’s a popular remedy to help reset your body clock and overcome jet lag. But here’s a way to make it even more effective…

Have You Tried Other Natural Sleep Aids and Were Disappointed by the Results?

Me too! I’ve tried many different

types of sleep remedies — without much success.

Melatonin made me groggy. Other natural sleep aids were simply too weak to help me sleep the entire night through.

And still others contained such low amounts of “bedtime” herbs that it took weeks for them to work—if they worked at all

Pure Sleep is different. It contains 18 of the most effective herbs, vitamins, amino acids and other sleep-enhancers from Traditional Eastern medicine… nutrients shown in multiple studies to help ease anxiety, promote healthy GABA levels, shut off a busy brain, and relax your body and mind. You simply sleep naturally and comfortably for as long as your body needs to.

You’ll notice a definite difference in your sleeping patterns from the very first night, even if nothing else has helped you before. And the results will get better and better as you continue to use it. Plus, Pure Sleep is completely

safe—and can use it night after night, without worrying about building a tolerance or losing its effectiveness.

Call 1- 800-791-3395 or complete the order form on page 15 to order Pure Sleep today and Remember, if you’re not convinced it helped you sleep better than you have in years… or if you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply return it at any time for a full refund of your purchase price. Even if the bottle is completely empty! No hassle, no questions asked!

4 Kimura K, Ozeki M, Juneja LR, Ohira H. Biol Psychol. 2007 Jan;74(1):39-45.5 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18296328

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The remarkable hormone that helps you relax, revive and rejuvenate

If you’re one of the millions of people with sleep problems, you probably tried melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate your day/night cycle, also known as your circadian rhythm. It’s a great remedy for helping people sleep. Unfortunately, it also makes some people feel groggy in the morning.

Thankfully, there’s a way to get the benefits of melatonin without the grogginess. All you have to do is take less melatonin that you’ve taken in the past.

A healthy person produces less than 0.3 mg of melatonin per day. Yet many melatonin supplements contain 10 to 20 times that amount! No wonder so many people who take those supplements feel groggy the next day.

Pure Sleep contains 0.5 mg of melatonin, the perfect amount to regulate your sleep cycle and help you enjoy a more refreshing night’s sleep. Indeed, a recent study showed that those taking this dosage of melatonin reported better “restfulness” the following day.

By the way, did you know that melatonin helps improve rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep? It’s true. REM is the most healing, restorative part of the sleep process. It’s crucial for a good memory and positive mood … and essential to help regulate your metabolism and protect your immune system.

Unfortunately, many people are cheated out of REM sleep. Harvard researchers say that by the time you reach age 65, you’re spending less

than 5% of your time each night getting deep, rejuvenating REM sleep. Melatonin can help!

One final thing: research shows that melatonin is even more effective when it is combined with niacinimide.

Also known as vitamin B3, niacinamide activates the same GABA receptors in your brain that most anti-anxiety medicine targets. Plus, niacinimide works along with melatonin to help get your sleep patterns back in line. Pure Sleep includes clinical levels of B3, so you can experience the most benefits.

Honokiol, lemon balm, passion flower … along with passion flower, melatonin and vitamin B3 flower … act in perfect synergy to help you drift off to dreamland fast. And if Pure Sleep contained just these nutrients, it would already be more effective than the majority of sleep supplements.

But we didn’t stop there. Pure Sleep also includes another amino acid that’s essential for experiencing a good night’s rest…

Increase that “feel good” brain chemical you need for a great night’s sleepSerotonin is one of the most important brain

chemicals for regulating the sleep/wake cycle. One of its main jobs is to signal your brain that you are sleepy. That’s one reason why low serotonin levels can disrupt your sleep or keep you from falling asleep altogether.

As if wrecking your sleep wasn’t bad enough, a shortage of serotonin can cause other problems.

(Continued on next page…)


Sleep Solution!

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Serotonin is your brain’s “feel good” chemical. Research shows that low serotonin levels can trigger depression and anxiety.

L-tryptophan is an amino acid that helps regulate our mood. It helps promote serotonin production, so it can help enhance your sleep quality. This is especially important in the winter months when less daylight can cause serotonin levels to plummet.

Several studies show that people with low levels of l-tryptophan have more sleep problems. Raise your levels of tryptophan, however, and you’ll fall asleep faster, wake up refreshed, and feel alert and more attentive during the day.

Sleep Pure includes clinical levels of L-tryptophan. And to promote healthy serotonin levels even further, we also added Vitamin B6. Research shows that B6 can increase serotonin production by as much as 60%.

There are also two minerals that I also recommend for good sleep. You need healthy levels of both for deep, rejuvenating sleep, especially as you age…

Yet typical sleep formulas rarely include them!

The first mineral is particularly helpful if aches and pains wake you up at night. It’s magnesium…a crucial nutrient that 80% of us don’t get enough of.  

Magnesium is called the “anti-stress” mineral and for good reason: it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Magnesium also promotes normal muscle and nerve function, so it helps ease any tense muscles in your body.

The second mineral is calcium. You know that calcium is important for your bones. But did you also know that’s it’s a natural relaxant that’s essential for good sleep? Even a minor calcium deficiency can lead to muscle tension and sleeplessness.

I’ve just told you about 11 natural sleep-enhancers work synergistically to relax your mind and body…so you can finally get the precious, rejuvenating sleep you deserve. They will help you fall asleep quickly, wake up less often and help you sleep more deeply.

But now, let me tell you about the final way Pure Sleep will be far more effective than other sleep formula you may have tried…

An exclusive blend of Traditional Chinese Herbs to

help you sleep soundly for life The nutrients I just told you about help

address many of the causes of sleep problems as you get older. But Dr. Eliaz and I wanted Pure Sleep to go above and beyond typical sleep supplements.

You see, according to the principles of

Enjoy the Difference a Great Night’s Sleep Makes  Thanks to Pure Sleep Formula!

▲ Other sleep aids make you groggy the next day. Pure Sleep won’t! You’ll wake up feeling clear-headed and full of energy.

▲ Restful nights mean you’re sharp and productive at work again

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Traditional Chinese Medicine, sleep problems are caused by certain imbalances in your body. For example, your liver functions best during the middle of the night—when you sleep most deeply. And your heart renews and rejuvenates during rest.

So we added a proprietary blend of Asian herbs that balance and support your organs and tissues. Together, this Chinese herbal blend improves your overall sleep quality and delivers real, long term relief of your sleeping problems. You’ll find...

◆ White Peony Root: At night, your liver stores more blood which aids in sleep. White peony helps your liver store nighttime blood, while also relieving any anxiety or discomfort that may be keeping you awake.

◆ Polygonium Vine Stem: In Chinese medicine, polygonium vine helps calm the heart and protect your brain. It also boosts natural serotonin levels and promotes healthy mood balance.

◆ Sweetflag Rhizome extract: The Chinese would also say that to sleep well requires clarity of the heart and lungs. We know that there is less breathing with sleep and as a result, less oxygen. Sweetflag Rhizome Extract clears the head and promotes deep restful breathing.

◆ Red Sage root: This is one of the most popular remedies in Chinese herbal medicine and for good reason. Red sage root promotes

blood circulation, eases the “heat” of inflammation, and relaxes the mind. It’s often used in combination with other herbs, such as peony, to enhance its benefits.

◆ Sacred Lotus Seed Sprout: Traditional Chinese doctors long used sacred lotus seed as a remedy for nervous disorders and insomnia. It’s also an all-around health tonic energizes the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and intestines.

◆ Chinese Arborvitae: this heart-calming herb soothes irritability, anxiety and forgetfulness triggered by stress.

◆ Chinese Date Seed: A powerful antioxidant and rich source of minerals, traditional healers use Chinese date seed to enhance muscle strength and promote healthy cardiovascular function

◆ Mimosa tree bark: Like Arborvitae and Sweetflag Rhizome, Mimosa tree bark helps calm the heart. And like white peony, it balances the liver. But mimosa also helps relieve the digestive woes caused by stress and nervous tension, which often interferes with sleep

Combined with the master herb honokiol and other nutrients in Pure Sleep™, this special Chinese Herbal Blend adds the finishing touch your body needs to make a good night’s sleep your new normal!

Enjoy the Difference a Great Night’s Sleep Makes  Thanks to Pure Sleep Formula!

▲ Enjoy a great evening out without leaving early because you are tired

▲ The exclusive blend of nutrients in Pure Sleep gives you a safe, natural solution to all your worst sleep problems!


(Continued on next page…)

▲ Feel energetic enough to play with your grandchildren again

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10 Journal of Natural Health

Fall Asleep in Minutes. Stay Asleep for Hours. Wake up

Refreshed and Ready! Imagine being able to fall asleep the minute

your head hits the pillow…and stay blissfully asleep all night long.

Imagine waking up refreshed, well-rested, and raring to go … instead of feeling groggy and irritable all day!

With Pure Sleep™, you’ll notice how much better you feel in the morning … and how

energetic you are during the day.

I guarantee that Pure Sleep™ will help you sleep blissfully every night, even if you’ve suffered with sleep problems for years.

Only Pure Sleep™ combines the wisdom of Eastern and Western medicine to help you sleep better than ever before. And it continues to improve your sleep all night long.

Best of all, there’s NO “hangover” effect to worry about, like there is with many other sleep remedies.

10 Ways We Guarantee That Advanced Bionutritionals Supplements Are

The Best Supplements Money Can Buy…

I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Advanced Bionutritionals,

we make sure that NEVER happens. In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees

purity, potency and quality 10 different ways: #1: We only use suppliers and growers that

we’ve known for years. #2: We only use ingredients that are shown

to be effective in scientific studies.#3: Our ingredients are included at levels

consistent with the amounts used in those studies.

#4: We use no artificial colors, artificial binders, artificial fillers, or artificial preservatives. We use non-GMO sources whenever available.

#5: Every supplier is qualified by testing three consecutive lots of material. The material is assayed for purity and screened for pathogens like mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella.

#6: Every batch of every ingredient is identity tested using FTIR spectrometers and compared to a purity index.

#7: Our manufacturing processes conform with U.S. FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), and standards set by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the state of California, and other regulatory agencies.

#8: Every batch of product undergoes rigorous disintegration tests in conformance with USP guidelines to ensure optimal breakdown in the

stomach and intestines so that ingredients are available for proper absorption.

#9: Every step of our manufacturing process is double or triple-checked and signed off by a quality control officer to ensure accuracy, purity, and potency.

#10: Every bottle is immediately safety sealed for lasting freshness and potency. And each bottle is marked with an expiration date.

For you, that means the best quality possible. In fact, we guarantee it.

If you’re unsatisfied with one of our products for any reasons whatsoever, simply return the empty bottle and we’ll refund every penny you paid, including shipping and handling.

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Plus Pure Sleep™ works fast…Let’s face it: when you’re struggling to fall

asleep and stay asleep — you want something that works. And works fast.

Many natural sleep remedies can several weeks to ‘kick in’ — if they work at all. With Pure Sleep, you’ll notice a difference in your sleep patterns starting from the very first night.

Over the next few days, your results will get even better. You’ll begin to fall asleep quickly … stay deeply asleep longer … awake rested and relaxed.

You’ll have energy that lasts all day long, and you’ll finally enjoy doing the things you love again. You won’t get tired early, and you’ll no longer have to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to sleep that night

Over the first week or two, you’ll notice that your overall mood is brighter and your mental clarity is faster. Your immune system will seem stronger, too — because studies show that people who sleep well at night don’t get sick as often.

You’ll also get the crucial REM sleep you’ve been missing! So not only will you feel rejuvenated when you wake up, you’ll feel sharp and focused all day long.

Unlike conventional sleep aids that knock you out, Pure Sleep helps your body sleep the way it is supposed to. You can take Pure Sleep™ every night, without worry. And it won’t leave you feeling like a zombie the next day, either! Just 2 capsules right before bedtime can make all the difference in the world.

Look, I could go on and on about how effective Pure Sleep™ is. But what really counts is how it will work for you. That’s why I urge you to give it a try. Best of all…

You Can Get a Great Night’s Sleep at a Very Affordable Price!

A One-Month Pure Sleep™ Starter Pack is just $39.95 plus $6.95 shipping. You’ll also immediately

receive my latest Report:

z Free Special Report #1: How to Enjoy a Great Night’s Sleep, Every Night (a $14.95 value)

This Special Report reveals how honokiol, passion flower, lemon balm, and the additional

nutrients in Pure Sleep can help you relax, fall asleep quickly and stay asleep. It includes the most recent clinical studies on these ingredients. It also reveals:

• What you should never do before you go to bed (it not only interferes with falling asleep—but also affects how alert you are the next day.

• 10 foods to avoid if you want a good night’s sleep [and many of them will surprise you!]

• Why a clock and an electric blanket can be your worst sleep enemies—plus 7 other tips to sleep peacefully every night.

• And much more — all in your free report.

The One-Month Starter Pack is a combined value of $54.90 for only $39.95 plus $6.95 shipping. That’s a total savings of $14.95!

But if you want to save more and make sure you have enough Pure Sleep™ on hand and save some money I suggest…

Order 3-month Pure Sleep Pack and save 10%

Try a 3-month supply of Pure Sleep™ and pay just $36.61 a bottle. That’s $107.85 plus $6.95 shipping — a $12.00 savings off the regular price.

You’ll also receive 2 FREE Special Reports:

z FREE Special Report #1: (a $14.95 value)

z FREE Special Report #2: Sharp as a Tack at Any Age. (A $14.95 value)

Are you embarrassed when you run into friends you’ve

known for years and you can’t remember their names? Are you tired of always searching for your car keys… your purse… your glasses? Are you forgetting more and remembering less?

Well here’s some great news. You don’t have to fall prey to these annoying “senior moments” as you age. You can stay sharp as a tack if you follow the simple advice in this report. For example…

• The “Good Fat” that gives you a super brain! Studies show it can boost your recall of names, faces, and telephone numbers in just 3 months. Where to find it, plus how much to take in your free report.

(Continued on next page…)



Page 12: Pure Sleep rnd 1

12 Journal of Natural Health

• The bone-restoring mineral (not calcium) that saves your memory, too. What’s more, as many as 75% of people are deficient!

• The amazing anti-inflammatory, detoxing nutrient that can stop Alzheimers! If you’re worried about memory loss, you need to know about this miracle remedy right now.

• How to get the most brain-boosting omega-3 fats from your eggs. Be sure to cook them this way… Makes it easier for your body to absorb.

• And much more.

Add this Special Report to your library today. It’s yours free when you order the three month pack. That’s a combined value of $149.75 for only $107.85+ $6.95 shipping—a total savings of $48.85

For the Biggest Savings and the Lowest Price per Bottle

try the Six Month Pack

Save $40.00 off the regular price and receive 3 FREE Reports

If you want the best deal, the biggest savings and the lowest price per bottle, I suggest our Six Month Pack. Order a six-month supply of Pure Sleep™ and you pay only $33.25 a bottle. Plus, you’ll also receive 3 free reports…

z FREE Special Report #1: How to Enjoy a Great Night’s Sleep, Every Night (a $14.95 value)

z FREE Special Report #2: Sharp as a Tack at Any Age (a $14.95 value)

z Free Special Report #3: The Ultimate Arthritis Cure (a $14.95 value)

Tired of waking up with stiff, swollen joints? Frustrated with pain and discomfort every time you climb steps or get out of a

chair? If this sounds familiar, I’ve got great news for you. You can say goodbye to joint pain and inflammation and experience an active lifestyle again! In this report, you’ll discover:

• Walking shoes are great for your joints, right? Wrong! Learn why in your free report.

• The inexpensive herb that stops back and knee pain in as little as one hour…without any side effects! Studies showed that it eased back pain by a whopping 95% and outperformed it’s OTC counterparts.

• The accidental discovery that eases inflammation and pain. A recent study shows that its one of the few nutrients that improves ease of motion and soothes pain, too. What it is and where to get it.

• The sugar-water treatment that actually rebuilds damaged ligaments and cartilage, so you can move pain-free again. No surgery required! What it is and where to get it in your free report.

• And much more!

Our Best Deal pack is a combined value of $284.55 for only $199.50+ $6.95 shipping— a savings of $48.85. That’s a total of $85.05 in discounts and free gifts!

Respond in the next seven days, I’ll add another “something extra” to thank you for your quick reply…

You Don’t Pay a Penny in Shipping!Normally you would have

to pay an additional $6.95 for shipping and handling. I’m told this barely covers the cost of packaging your bottles for safe, fresh,

secure arrival— especially if you order a six month supply.

But I’ve arranged for you to receive FREE shipping and handling when you request Pure Sleep. That’s right! You don’t pay a single penny.

Why have I done this? Because I want you to get this powerful formula into your hands as soon as possible—so you can start to finally get the good night’s sleep you need right away. Consider it my friendly little nudge to get you to act now. After all, you’re fully protected by my…

Save $40!


Page 13: Pure Sleep rnd 1

Call Toll-Free 1-800-791-3395 13

Down-to-the-Last Capsule Guarantee!That’s right—as with every Advanced

Bionutritionals product you’re completely protected by our unconditional “down-to-the-last-pill” guarantee. If you don’t agree that Pure Sleep™ has helped you enjoy the best sleep of your life… or if you’re not 100% satisfied with Pure Sleep™ at any time, simply send back the bottle to us. Even if it’s completely empty.

We’ll refund every penny you paid — including shipping.  No questions asked!

Just complete the Reservation Certificate on page 15 or call us toll-free at 1-800-791-3395 to have Pure Sleep™ sent right to your door.  Our health consultants are available to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Here’s to sleeping great — every night!Why toss and turn all night—when you can

be getting the deepest, most blissful sleep of your life? Simply order your risk-free supply of Pure Sleep today. It’s the easiest, safest, and most

effective way to help you experience the restful, relaxing sleep you deserve…and wake up ready to take on a bright new day.

Yours for better health,

Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD,

P.S. Only Pure Sleep™ delivers a potent blend of 18 nutrients to help you sleep fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and ease all the problems that keep you awake in the first place.

Remember, results may vary for you, but our Down-to-the-Last-Capsule Guarantee remains the same: If you are not 100% thrilled with Pure Sleep formula, or simply return the bottle—empty or not— for a no-hassle refund. That’s about as risk-free as it gets! And now you can get started for as little as $33.25 a bottle! Call toll-free 1-800-791-3395 to get Pure Sleep today.

Dr. Nan Fuchs is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for her work in endorsing this product.

(Continued on next page…)

I’m confident Pure Sleep will help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, give you a better quality sleep and help you wake up feeling ready to take on the day. That’s why we back it up with our unconditional, “Down to the Last Capsule” guarantee:

If Pure Sleep isn’t living up to your expectations …or if you’re unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever … simply return the bottle at any time, even if you’re down to the last capsule. We’ll immediately

send you a 100% refund of every penny you’ve paid. No questions asked! Whatever you decide, keep all the FREE special reports with my thanks just for trying out this exclusive formula.

Since you risk nothing…why not order today? You’ll be glad you did.

Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D.

You’re Completely Protected by My 100% “Down to the Last Capsule”


Page 14: Pure Sleep rnd 1

14 Journal of Natural Health

Start Sleeping Great All Night, Every Night!



Trial Offer: The One-Month Starter packz Pay $39.95z Receive 1 Special Report — $14.95 value!

GREAT VALUE: The Three-Month Savings packz Save $12.00 off the regular

pricez Receive 2 Special Reports —$ 29.90 value!

FREE SHIPPING When you order within the next 7 days!

Place your order today and the postage, the packaging, and the handling are all on us! Just order Pure Sleep in the next seven days

and we’ll waive all postage and handling charges. That’s like putting $6.95 right back in your pocket!

Call Toll-Free 1-800-791-3395 or return the Introductory Savings Certificate on Page 15 in the postage-paid envelope provided to order Pure Sleep today!

Three Easy Ways to Order!1. BY MAIL: Complete the Introductory Savings Certificate

and mail to: Advanced Bionutritionals, PO Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051.

2. BY FAX: 1-770-399-0815. Fill out the Introductory Savings Certificate and fax BOTH sides (so we have your name and

address) to 1-770-399-0815. Fax lines are open 24 hours a day.

3. PHONE for FASTEST SERVICE: Call Toll-Free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800-791-3395

FREE shipping if you hurry!


Act in the next 7 days!

BEST VALUE:Lowest price per bottle plus 3 Special ReportsThe Six-Month Savings packz Lowest price per bottle: Save $40.20 off the regular pricez Plus all 3 Special Reports —$44.85 value!

Lowest cost per bottle!



Three Affordable Pure Sleep Savings Packs to Choose From:

$6.95 savings!


Save $12

Save $40!


Page 15: Pure Sleep rnd 1


■ BEST VALUE! Six-Month Savings Pack. Send me a 6-month supply of Pure Sleep for just $199.50 plus $6.95 shipping and handling. I’ll also receive all 3 FREE special reports:

z How to Enjoy a Great Night’s Sleep, Every Nightz Sharp as a Tack at Any Agez Ultimate Arthritis Cure

That’s a total of $85.05 in discounts and free gifts.

■ GOOD DEAL: Three Month Savings Pack. Send me a 3-month supply of Pure Sleep for just $107.85 plus $6.95 shipping and handling — a savings of $12.00 off the regular price.

I also receive 2 FREE special reports: z How to Enjoy a Great Night’s Sleep, Every Nightz Sharp as a Tack at Any Age

That’s a total of $41.90 in discounts and free gifts!

■ TRIAL OFFER: The One-Month Starter Pack. Send me a one-month supply of Pure Sleep for just $39.95 + $6.95 shipping and handling. I also receive one free Special Report:

z How to Enjoy a Great Night’s Sleep, Every Night

■ FAST-RESPONSE BONUS: Respond within the next 7 days and get FREE SHIPPING. That’s another instant savings of $6.95!



Sleep Solution!

Here’s how I prefer to pay (check one):■ My check is enclosed for U.S. $_______________ (Make payable to Advanced Bionutritionals. Georgia residents add 7% sales tax. )

■ Please charge my: ■ ■ ■ ■

Card # _________________________________________________________________ Exp. _____/_____ Amount $____________

Signature ______________________________________________________________ Phone: (_________)_____________________ (in case we have a question about your order)

■ Yes! Also send me FREE email updates from Dr. Nan Fuchs, including updates on new health research, discoveries, warnings, and new product announcements. I understand I may unsubscribe at any time, and you’ll never share my email address with anyone.

E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________

☎ For Fastest Service, Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-791-3395Or complete this Savings Certificate and mail in the envelope provided

Lowest price per bottle! Just $24.95

Call toll-free 1-800-791-3395Pure SleepINTRODUCTORY SAVINGS CERTIFICATE Receive up to $85.05 in discounts and FREE gifts

■ YES, Dr. Fuchs! I want to enjoy a great night’s sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to begin the day! Please rush me Pure Sleep in the pack(s) I’ve

indicated below, along with my free gifts. I understand that if I am dissatisfied for any reason, I will receive a full and prompt refund under your “Last Capsule” Guarantee. Whatever I decide, the free reports are mine to keep!

Please check (z) the Pure Sleep Pack(s) and savings you prefer:



Page 16: Pure Sleep rnd 1


r May 2015 Issu


Nan K

athryn Fuchs, P


. Box 8051

Norcross, G

A 30091-8051











een SD


it No 47

Special Sleep Issue!