Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1904-02-26 [p ]. · CHAS G DAYIS Genl Mgr PONTA CORD FLA...

ra- t tmi S M g M > > > Spring Goods are Daily Arriving will have one of the handsomest lines of Spriiij- fnbrfcs ever shown In South Florida Most of them now in Some of the most handsome patterns ever produced in the will be found here j and while nil cotton goods are way up we were fortunate in securing these goods at nn direct from the manufacturers at prices so ye are cimblcd to sell them at no advance Many of the staples indln linens tj wore fall before THE RISE and on these wo have just the and today they cannot be bought at selling prices CALL EARLY g SEE THEMe WINTER GOODS A BA MBUFW PBIOEI9 At Earnests fHONB H UeADOW BLOCK AT fA NfSTS E A- New I t 1 SPRJtRG FABRICS 1 r boughtlnst t t SAlLE OLD oil REMEMBERALL f Soon we are NEW 4a T 1 z a IRICEiiS KM mwmmmmmm vmwawim mi S lyURA WMr ldenj W II IMOWNJccV end Tre- mHE Wholeulo nnd Retail Dealers In j STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS PAINTS SHIP CHANDLERY AND BOAT EQUIPMENTS Farming Implements- and Fertilizers Extinguishers Mens Shoes Shirts and Overalls T The Bast QooJ at tlu LowdJt rids FLORIDA THE SOLANA PINERIES COMPANY CHAS G DAYIS Genl Mgr PONTA CORD FLA Gives special attention to raising fine flavored Pineapples under shed C Contracts for setting out and cultivating Piner ies for nonresidents O j Solicits correspondence from parties desiring Pineapple 1lants in large or small quantities + FIVE ACRES OF PINES UNDER ONE SHED ARE Execute orders great or small with and satisfaction to nil patrons Our stock is tit LARGEST m TIlE STATE And Prices Lowest For Good Material Write us TAMPA MONUMENTAL WORKS Tarawa SEND US YOUR ORDERS rob We Are to Do Work Promptly and Neatly And We Will Givo You Satisfaction Prices Reasonable THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD 1 i7iiITtI I TRADING nM ANJ I I i I I Stempel Fire J q v PUNTA GORDA r srIIDII W1IZ ilJ lJlflU- r I n J 1i i i T TAMP I M NUMENTAL WORKS TOA1i O promptness t I r I r GEVI US A TaXAL i W i I I lour J ntrtwo r Alai ria- I t t II1 IIIIC f di rz y n sY s t A t1N NM I kt Florida Pxi- oatir g r > ¬ < < = > ° FIRE HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE JOIIK H FAIIU1NUTON Aatntif- ililiiJiHr A ln ltiur tK Comn of JUrlford Conn nliPlr Ininr nciC0i ip lr l iirinoe0mriMriif N w Do jroilinew hilllKAITlf INSUIt mir b worth i w t Ihlngine mil btliifoimtUi LOCAL BREVITIES PERSONAL POINTEB3 PIT3ILT PRINTED Varloui Item Oitru reil From Tlili and FJoll Vlmt Our Next TuoRilny will bo March lit Money to loan IC 1 Hnrvoy n t- Oy lcrs nro nt Choir boat bolnx tot anil fl no- Flnost onndlos In town nt Now tomoi 8 Circuit court will moqt In Arcadia March 8 Illltbury flour boat ou tho mnr kotIit KowtoinoB 8 Town council will moot noxt Itios tiny night Faintly board f i a woolf Lemon flay nnd Qulf K II Hnrvoy nat BooontllianU boditoait for onto nt half Tttluo Tun UKUAM ofllco- Wttuohula furinorn Imvo plantod Try tho celebrated Illlibury flour for inlo by Ja A NOWHOIIIO ft The prelllrtt lino of fancy while gootli ever Lean at Earnest Capt A Itoo vlRltnd Ills ornngo- KrovontAithuriulnlo ln t Saturday Sovontyflvo tourists nro enjoying tho comforts of Hotel 1iintn Gordo No bottor flour to bo lintl than the Plllibury got it at JOR A Nownomo8 l j- I I tit 11 oL York Illdllt Company lit York It titer I lit leo noros In wwwwv Con a nd Caully Poop Are Iolna vatormo oi > > tho pant week rovlvliitf K rdona and roplonUhmg clttnrni Milk shakos find other cool drinks nt 0 V aatowoods 7 Furnished oottnao aitthoQnlfi to rout for soason K It Harvey Agt rho Show fatally party from nrrlvod Monday night and wont down mho boy noxt morning Lot of fresh groceries Just rooolvod by 0 W Qatowood 7 Set pretty new Sptln oodi the prettiest ever produced nt ICnrneitn If you moat have whlskoy order It front liowon t Co Ja ksonvlllo Flu Boo their In this Mens and boys straw Inks Just In tho latest ilmtios Klllott Mrs Swift loft on Tuosdiiy morn IIIR fur Wnyoroni tin whoro she will month her sot Try our premium oofTuanml nl0o ploco of orookory freo Kln Shirley otf Mrs Mary flandlln wont lo Tampa Tuesday for time purpose of having tier littlo son Vnro treated for somo trnublo In Ills hip The largest and bet elected line of ever icon in South Florida nt- Carnc ti Look out for tho now lists of tola- pliotio subscribers Ploy will bo dlstrlbutlojl by tlio end of noxt wook if not sooner For tho freshest vegetables and fruits call on or phone to King und Shirley Dado Jllockr6 Mr Chas A Deans superb yacht Aroostook and Dr R V IMoroos uowost stylos mud J n visiting Mnjllllls u hosiery ready for Chi- cago the pallor spend a got elegant Whlm Vliain wore In port lust Saturday Soo that beautiful lino of now em- broideries at Earnosti For pure confootlonerlos Slim etc go to Gatowoods 7 Mr Wm Crouoh tins just building a not aid roomy cottage oast of the railroad nnd In tho vicin- ity of tho Palmetto cigar factory New lino of mons fancy shirts and underwear the latest spring stylus Jist received nt Earnests MrsiU liar pretty 111 tlo daughter Josslo ruturnod last Saturday from n visit of several months to kindred And friends In Chicago Dont fall to sea our lino of em- broideries and laces lust arrived Now patterns and now Roods J R Klllott Freeman n picas ant visit of two mouths to her son lion A 0 Frooman and his family returned Monday to hor homo at I Wayside Gn What winter clothing wo have Is still going nt greatly reduced prices J It Elliott Hub 8owoM firma cow Iloauty died Monday dl 4 was the prettiest and probably cow In this suction Her loss Is a sad ono to Huh aril lira family Wo carry a omnpluto Him of pipes and smokers supplies NVndos drugstore Mr C P Handy otVlrglnla truest otIIotol Punta Qords holds the repord for bird shooting having killed fourtyfour la a tow hours Tuesday T O after a I ci- gars finished Dasebtt aid Mrs the finost 4 r ¬ ¬ < Tlio Baptist hellos will norrolc and coLc Thursday starch tho Exchange building opposite tho bank Boo that now and lino of spring goods at Earnests 5- Blilpmontsof fresh fish on too from Pnnta Cords for the week ending Vodnosday21th to direr solid cars In bnllc nnd 411 bar rots aggregating 100000 pounds Full nssortmotit National Blsout- Coinpanys goods vory freshest and nicest nt Klug A Shirleys Otf MIl Marlon WSargont n vary nt- trautlvo young lady from Avon Purlt has succeeded Mr Jerome Fitguto resigned as dork In tho postoflloo Wo have lust received a now lot of Watermans fountain pans at nil prices at Wadou drug store Mr K O Coram well known bore as a business man has bought out tho morcantllu business Knight Brothers In Oharlotto Harbor and has moved In from his farm mid bro I D- In hilt nll1ollntod band ono + taken charge Largo fresh stock of pure candles of all kinds just rocolvcd Nowsomofr 8 Mr Ooorgo Anderson yours ago a citizen of this place now of Mex- ico arrived Wednesday on a weeks visit to old friends who have boon greeting him cordially over since lio cane For time nicest purest plain and fanoy oamllns go send or phone to Jas A Ncwsoino H- At n spoolnl mooting of tho Mnson 10 lodgo Tuesday night Ray T J Purduo was olooted worshipful mill tar to succeed Oapt W H Johnson who holt promoted to district deputy grand master Dont lot yiur child roll ont Impure candy give thorn only the best such as you will find nt Nowsomoi 8 Mr JM Weeks with his pockets budging with returns from pies grown nnd shipped him loft Monday to enjoy his wealth mud squander n part of It visiting friends and rulatlvoBln his old homo Now IborlaLa nt been ¬ Candles of nil hinds fresh and pure big lot just received by Jni A Nowsomo 8 Hondryof Arcadia candidate for county trensuror spout Monday hero looking hftor his po- lltlonl Intorostf and ho Inoldontally- favorod tills odlon with a pleasant cull Ho fools greatly encouraged over his prospects lull to soo tour spring milli gory Ladlesand childrens readyto wear sailors amid walking hats train 25o upJ ItKlllott About twonty young people chap- eroned by Mrs Ir Vlnoont hail delightful oxoiirslon up time river to filvorpool last Friday night They wont on Cnpt Nat Jouollys rapid and oommodloini naphtha launch WllWach Wo have n now lot of stationery visiting cards tablets correspond onco earths tissue and oropo paper at Wados drug store That popular dry goods merchant Mr J It Klllott returned Moiidny from his trip to Baltlmoro nnd Now York Marring cold weather a railroad wreck In which ho WAS shakos up ho hind n pleasant trip and bought big lots of goods If you become a customer of Jni A Nowsomo you can got 20 pounds- of standard granulated sugar for Oapt Klvln Willis has sucoooded to tho command of Mr Dowoys steamer Ilioonlx in placoof Cape T A Bass resigned Tho latter will remove to Klssimmeo as soon as Mrs foes who Is will quite feeblo Is strong enough to bo moved Old newspapers suitable tor putting under carpets and ate may bo had nt Tun HRIIAID office for 20o per hundred Mr James h I ont n 1 II wrap- ping > Tim largely Increased and Increas- ing buulnvss which everybody can sec Is being enjoyed by James A Nowsomo and King Shirley may fairly attributed to lively odvor- tlslmrns well us to pleasant and sat Isfootory treatment of customers Wo arc headquarters for mlllluory If you want tho very latest In styles and tho best talent and taste In trim ming you will servo your Interest by patronizing R Clayt Porter took Mr W H Drown and Dr F 0 Latham out to the Burnt Store last week and they killed two door amid threo wild turkeys As they had to toto tho of the swamp and four miles to camp they lad to lonvo tho tur- keys behind which they did with tears In their oyos Other people may bn richer otlw stores larger but nono have bettor purer or moro reliable drugs and medicines or trent moro politely than W A Iloborts 12 The wild ducks In thobay appear to bo acquainted with tho otdl nanuos forbidding shooting In front of the city as they swim about amongst time docks nod under thn fish houses just as It they warn tame Instead of wild dunks Away from then trim front they are that a sportsman cannot get within gun- shot of them Our spring stock of coats nnil pants lug made beet fitting bOlt wearing clothes at Jow prices on the R Elliott Capt began Wednesday tearlnir the east of the building on corner of Xlarlnn usJ Elliott dooa nut tow I le now the bet null markotJ Watts the k 0uato hers an shy cloth ¬ ¬ avouuo and Cross street known as the Rookory Time corner part of tho building will bo allowed to Main Tlio tho oust portion Is with n vluw to fire protection Our mlllluory In ohargn of Miss Florence Millard will nrrlvo next weak It will pay you to wait and sue TliorolHnmovninonton foot among the merchants to oloso their stores at p m beginning Mnroh which nearly all bare agreed Trent your boat girl to soma of Nowsomo flno candles H In its appropriate pines today will bo found tho announcement of Judo Quo S Diirraiioo of Arcadia who Is n candidate before tho pit unities for county judge Ho hold tho ofllco In folk county for n num bor of yenta and discharged with credit to himself and to time satisfaction of tho people With I lift experience probity and ability ho IK woll prepared to fill tho ofllco removal wt It lit o J to Its him Earnusls du- ties ¬ Soo that beautiful now spring line of shirts mid underwear at Karnosts It pays n good preacher to Punta Garcia and give us n few good lormoiis Ono rodontly cane here and on finishing weeks work wai given 0707 In cash Of course he had no board to pay This might tempt seine editors to booomo preachers especially as eggs horo aro too high priced nUll valuable to clunk folks with aid there Is eon soquontly little danger to poor preachers Woliavo just rooolvod n now ship- ment of Jewelry consisting of solid gold with real stone settings also filled and plated sell nt Chi ongo prices mud every piece gunrnii teed ns represented J It Klllott A vory Interesting mooting of time whist oluboccurred homo of Mr amid Mrs J H Klllott Monday night Klogant refreshments were served and greatly enjoyed by nil present Bo absorbing was tho game that It continued until midnight Dr Latham won tho gentlemens first pulse anti Mrs time ladles Tho booby prlro was oapturod by that courtly Fronoli gentloman Mr f nt the J K OMarn- We were fortunate In securing six months ago n large lot of India llncni before they advanced In prices and are them now at whet they will cost todar lu produce Compare the qiiallljr with others und you will he A saving of 35 per cent st- Knrnests Mr PA Cook Is getting up nool Florida curiosities to ex- hibit nt tho St Louis exposition Amongst other things ho linn secured Knufmnns famous fivelogged oow tho thrcologgad hog of Harbor View A Mamitoo or n panther and somo rare nrnitliologt cal specimens Ho tins bought n largo Bliowtcnt In which to display his curiosities lie expects to make- n lot of money out of his enterprise At n conference of tho Baptist church Sunduy night nov John N Thompson tendered his resignation as pastor and It was accepted rime members then proceeded to call novo F C Edwards of M canopy ns pas- tor amid It Is understood that ho ins accepted mid will begin his work hero on tlio second Bunday In Mnroh Ho Is soul to bo nn nhlo pronohnr Mr Thompson will preach his fare- well sermon the coming Bunday night nod will leave next morning to spend weeks visiting friends and kindred in Tampa flout City atilt Dnrant JIo has not yotilccldod upon location Dont bo In to buy your spring and summer clothing ns tho winter Is nut quite over When his Baltlmoro house was burned out Blotint placed his order with another big concern und ho will soon have In a large stock of tho latest styles In clothinggonU furnishings oto Walt and soo them boforo buy It will pay able to sell lootloll of tin n tow hurry It- O Ipif ollowhllro you7 con- vinced son cow ¬ Contractor Keen has bogus build- Ing a new bridge microns Shell crook to take the place of the ono destroy cd by tho September flood Ho Is encountering much downy bemuse o cannot mo his being impossible to It from bridge Ho has a It on tho ferry boat but It Is doing and It Is to six weeks before tho bridge will bo for use tho lorry has suspended operations und can cross around by way Holmes turpen- tine still INTEL WHIST CMIItX Tho guests of Hotel Punta Gorda two whilst clubs which aro to moot at tho hotel on January lat of ouch to oluot of enjoy outings Mr C LynchbUrg- Va was elected Drum first mootlnu was hold on Monday Thoro were ton tables and a very lively game The n Mai II II Al llson or Indluna ladles first by Mrs 0 P Lynchburg booby Mr Indies Mrs B Hanna Largo North Dakota Tho Is having n royal time unuor the presidency of Dr Coiirtrund MAOKKKKL BLEAT nBlDllNKt The fleet of boats belonging lo- G6 T drown Co tot the three months In near MIAmi returned here week rel The rtuilllsry yacht Roy Capt W A Rush M Chi S Wallsee Jan L Willis R W N J Wallace Jno were very In have now to catch pompAno which are becoming plentiful waten ol Spanish mackerel have sliu appeared i I the I oroolo I I I I I I lint was won 1 I I been nlt ed catching mackerel on the fout I Capt Willis loW mackerel and come back y Impro- vised pllo goy first last T Rare ¬ ¬ OTHFL HXrEHW sprang i 5WIER Goods Arc Now Coming in and Will bo tho Best Ever shown in i PUNTA GOKDA Wu now have displayed the prettiest assortmeiitpff- UKTV fTA WUHD Ever seen here consisting1c Ladles and Childrens c L Nfl GOODS f 1 SallollJ1Jn 1lll VIiIIIVIII AU nod Children DEPARTMENT is for with every thing for the beautifying Summer Clothing IT Now in Wo do not hesitate to say our lino V of Summer Coats and Pants is the equal of any Stock in tho SOUTH ALL HIGH ART INSURED GOODS We Hove Just Received The Grandest Line of 4- lilllllimiJIilLlliO from manufacturers All goods coming in every day and the public Is cordially invited to inspect our 1 illuJjk J R ELLIOTT DPlxoaao 10 OF PUNTA GORDA J Can get on short notice aril at the lowest prices lnt3T Of IncludingFlorida and Western Beef Mutton and IfcvdCeats Sausage By ordering of JjABXES UlEWSOHK Who Keeps Also a Large and Varied Stock of Vogatabloa Fruit Poultry and X2ff- Speclnl l to Fill and Deliver Orders Correctly x and ilckly Jiving Only the Treat nnd Molt At the Lowest Prices obtainable Special Inducements to Regular James A Newsome ALL KINDS FEED STUFFS DESollaTol Fextlllzere Crate Materials HARNESS For Sale By Puivta Gorda Flax WOTITZKrS Mason Fruit Jars all Gents Handsomest ever line of Dreas First Olas Groceries Promptly delivered Chair Bottoms French Zinc ALL AT TOE LOWES PWCEU of fertilizer your soil needs consult us We nrc not in business for awhile but for nil time nnd therefore mitst hold your trade you kind of fertilizers satisfactory every way Sond for lllll r iafcf UrjBwm MILLI 1f1RY Street hnts n t l Caps Besides our lRIMMI1 G SPRING HATS of f ANI LAcr S ever seen direct u J n THf O l i L i Vj The erect Pork q 1 IPAMXLY w FANOY toamatarQ3 CUD ken GRAIN k f M Vonuur K MOWING MA DINE OE1 Furnishings shown tn Punta Gorda l b jWj1 and ibo ot5tzkys No 4122 Just the Kind Is time hind will get if iz that will results r c t jf out Booklet CI ell Florida Fertilizer Mfg Co rn mother a AND VICINI Freer a DiV t 1at S xes Shirts Paine a 4 rs IJai 1 r r give dhqesvnloFlz TA OIOIAATAa77S T J- r => > > ° >

Transcript of Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1904-02-26 [p ]. · CHAS G DAYIS Genl Mgr PONTA CORD FLA...

Page 1: Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1904-02-26 [p ]. · CHAS G DAYIS Genl Mgr PONTA CORD FLA Gives special attention to raising fine flavored Pineapples under shed C Contracts

ra-t tmi S M



> > >

Spring Goodsare Daily Arrivingwill have one of the handsomest lines of Spriiij-

fnbrfcs ever shown In South Florida Most of them

now in Some of the most handsome

patterns ever produced in the

will be found here j and while

nil cotton goods are way up we were

fortunate in securing these goods at nn

direct from the manufacturers at prices so ye are cimblcd

to sell them at no advance Many of the staples indln

linens tj wore fall before

THE RISEand on these wo have just the

and today they cannot be bought at selling prices



















Soon we



4a T 1 za


KM mwmmmmmm vmwawim miS lyURA WMr ldenj W II IMOWNJccV end Tre-


Wholeulo nnd Retail Dealers In j




Farming Implements-and Fertilizers Extinguishers

Mens Shoes Shirts and Overalls

T The Bast QooJ at tlu LowdJt rids




Gives special attention to raising fine flavoredPineapples under shed


Contracts for setting out and cultivating Pineries for nonresidents

O jSolicits correspondence from parties desiring

Pineapple 1lants in large or small quantities+




Execute orders great or small with andsatisfaction to nil patrons Our stock is tit

LARGEST m TIlE STATEAnd Prices Lowest For Good Material Write us


SEND US YOUR ORDERSrob We Are to Do Work

Promptly and Neatly

And We Will Givo You Satisfaction Prices ReasonableTHE PUNTA GORDA HERALD


i7iiITtI I






Stempel Fire



r srIIDII W1IZ ilJ lJlflU-




1i ii












lour J ntrtwor

Alai ria-




II1 IIIIC f di






A t1N NM


kt Florida

Pxi-oatir g










A ln ltiur tK Comn of JUrlfordConn

nliPlr Ininr nciC0i ip

lr l iirinoe0mriMriif N w

Do jroilinew hilllKAITlf INSUItmir b worth iw t Ihlngine mil




Varloui Item Oitru reil From Tlili andFJoll Vlmt Our

Next TuoRilny will bo March litMoney to loan IC 1 Hnrvoy n t-

Oy lcrs nro nt Choir boat bolnx totanil fl no-

Flnost onndlos In town nt Nowtomoi 8

Circuit court will moqt In ArcadiaMarch 8

Illltbury flour boat ou tho mnrkotIit KowtoinoB 8

Town council will moot noxt Itiostiny night

Faintly board f i a woolf Lemonflay nnd Qulf K II Hnrvoy nat

BooontllianU boditoait for onto nthalf Tttluo Tun UKUAM ofllco-

Wttuohula furinorn Imvo plantod

Try tho celebrated Illlibury flourfor inlo by Ja A NOWHOIIIO ft

The prelllrtt lino of fancy while gootliever Lean at Earnest

Capt A Itoo vlRltnd Ills ornngo-KrovontAithuriulnlo ln t Saturday

Sovontyflvo tourists nro enjoyingtho comforts of Hotel 1iintn Gordo

No bottor flour to bo lintl than thePlllibury got it at JOR A Nownomo8

l j-



tit11 oLYorkIlldllt Company lit






leo noros In



a nd Caully


Are Iolna

vatormo oi



tho pant week rovlvliitf K rdona androplonUhmg clttnrni

Milk shakos find other cool drinksnt 0 V aatowoods 7

Furnished oottnao aitthoQnlfi torout for soason K It Harvey Agt

rho Show fatally party fromnrrlvod Monday night and wont

down mho boy noxt morning

Lot of fresh groceries Just rooolvodby 0 W Qatowood 7

Set pretty new Sptln oodi theprettiest ever produced nt ICnrneitn

If you moat have whlskoy orderIt front liowon t Co Ja ksonvllloFlu Boo their In this

Mens and boys straw Inks Just Intho latest ilmtios


Mrs Swift loft on Tuosdiiy mornIIIR fur Wnyoroni tin whoro shewill month her sot

Try our premium oofTuanmlnl0o ploco of orookory freo KlnShirley otf

Mrs Mary flandlln wont lo TampaTuesday for time purpose of havingtier littlo son Vnro treated for somotrnublo In Ills hip

The largest and bet elected line ofever icon in South Florida nt-

Carnc tiLook out for tho now lists of tola-

pliotio subscribers Ploy will bodlstrlbutlojl by tlio end of

noxt wook if not sooner

For tho freshest vegetables andfruits call on or phone to King undShirley Dado Jllockr6

Mr Chas A Deans superb yachtAroostook and Dr R V IMoroos

uowost stylos mud

J n




ready for




spend a


elegant Whlm Vliainwore In port lust Saturday

Soo that beautiful lino of now em-broideries at Earnosti

For pure confootlonerlos Slimetc go to Gatowoods 7

Mr Wm Crouoh tins justbuilding a not aid roomy cottageoast of the railroad nnd In tho vicin-ity of tho Palmetto cigar factory

New lino of mons fancy shirtsand underwear the latest springstylus Jist received nt Earnests

MrsiU liar pretty 111

tlo daughter Josslo ruturnod lastSaturday from n visit of severalmonths to kindred And friends InChicago

Dont fall to sea our lino of em-broideries and laces lust arrivedNow patterns and now Roods J RKlllott

Freeman n picasant visit of two mouths to her sonlion A 0 Frooman and his familyreturned Monday to hor homo at I

Wayside Gn

What winter clothing wo have Isstill going nt greatly reduced prices

J It ElliottHub 8owoM firma cow Iloauty

died Monday dl 4 was the prettiestand probably cow In thissuction Her loss Is a sad ono toHuh aril lira family

Wo carry a omnpluto Him of pipesand smokers supplies NVndosdrugstore

Mr C P Handy otVlrglnlatruest otIIotol Punta Qords holdsthe repord for bird shooting havingkilled fourtyfour la a tow hoursTuesday

T O after





Dasebtt aid


the finost






Tlio Baptist hellos will norrolcand coLc Thursday starch

tho Exchange building oppositetho bank

Boo that now and linoof spring goods at Earnests 5-

Blilpmontsof fresh fish on too fromPnnta Cords for the week endingVodnosday21th to

direr solid cars In bnllc nnd 411 barrots aggregating 100000 pounds

Full nssortmotit National Blsout-Coinpanys goods vory freshest andnicest nt Klug A Shirleys Otf

MIl Marlon WSargont n vary nt-

trautlvo young lady from Avon Purlthas succeeded Mr Jerome Fitgutoresigned as dork In tho postoflloo

Wo have lust received a now lot ofWatermans fountain pans at nilprices at Wadou drug store

Mr K O Coram well known boreas a business man has bought outtho morcantllu business KnightBrothers In Oharlotto Harbor andhas moved In from his farm mid

bro I D-


hilt nll1ollntod

band ono+

taken charge

Largo fresh stock of pure candlesof all kinds just rocolvcdNowsomofr 8

Mr Ooorgo Anderson yours ago a

citizen of this place now of Mex-

ico arrived Wednesday on a

weeks visit to old friends whohave boon greeting him cordiallyover since lio cane

For time nicest purest plain andfanoy oamllns go send or phone toJas A Ncwsoino H-

At n spoolnl mooting of tho Mnson10 lodgo Tuesday night Ray T JPurduo was olooted worshipful milltar to succeed Oapt W H Johnsonwho holt promoted to districtdeputy grand master

Dont lot yiur child roll ont Impurecandy give thorn only the best suchas you will find nt Nowsomoi 8

Mr JM Weeks with his pocketsbudging with returns frompies grown nnd shipped him loftMonday to enjoy his wealth mud

squander n part of It visiting friendsand rulatlvoBln his old homo NowIborlaLa




Candles of nil hinds fresh andpure big lot just received by Jni ANowsomo 8

Hondryof Arcadiacandidate for county trensuror spoutMonday hero looking hftor his po-

lltlonl Intorostf and ho Inoldontally-favorod tills odlon with a pleasantcull Ho fools greatly encouragedover his prospects

lull to soo tour spring milligory Ladlesand childrens readytowear sailors amid walking hats train25o upJ ItKlllott

About twonty young people chap-eroned by Mrs Ir Vlnoont haildelightful oxoiirslon up time river tofilvorpool last Friday night Theywont on Cnpt Nat Jouollysrapid and oommodloini naphthalaunch WllWach

Wo have n now lot of stationeryvisiting cards tablets correspondonco earths tissue and oropo paperat Wados drug store

That popular dry goods merchantMr J It Klllott returned Moiidnyfrom his trip to Baltlmoro nnd NowYork Marring cold weather arailroad wreck In which ho WAS

shakos up ho hind n pleasant tripand bought big lots of goods

If you become a customer of JniA Nowsomo you can got 20 pounds-of standard granulated sugar for

Oapt Klvln Willis has sucooodedto tho command of Mr Dowoyssteamer Ilioonlx in placoof CapeT A Bass resigned Tho latter willremove to Klssimmeo as soon asMrs foes who Is will quite feebloIs strong enough to bo moved

Old newspapers suitable torputting under carpets and ate

may bo had nt Tun HRIIAID officefor 20o per hundred

Mr James h

I ont






Tim largely Increased and Increas-ing buulnvss which everybody cansec Is being enjoyed by James ANowsomo and King Shirley mayfairly attributed to lively odvor-tlslmrns well us to pleasant and satIsfootory treatment of customers

Wo arc headquarters for mlllluoryIf you want tho very latest In stylesand tho best talent and taste In trimming you will servo your Interest bypatronizing R

Clayt Porter took Mr W HDrown and Dr F 0 Latham out tothe Burnt Store last week andthey killed two door amid threo wildturkeys As they had to toto tho

of the swamp and four milesto camp they lad to lonvo tho tur-keys behind which they did withtears In their oyos

Other people may bn richer otlwstores larger but nono have bettorpurer or moro reliable drugs andmedicines or trent moropolitely than W A Iloborts 12

The wild ducks In thobay appearto bo acquainted with tho otdlnanuos forbidding shooting In frontof the city as they swim aboutamongst time docks nod under thnfish houses just as It they warn tameInstead of wild dunks Away fromthen trim front they are thata sportsman cannot get within gun-shot of them

Our spring stock of coats nnil pants

lug made beet fittingbOlt wearing clothes at Jow prices onthe R Elliott

Capt began Wednesdaytearlnir the east of thebuilding on corner of Xlarlnn

usJ Elliott

dooa nut

tow I

le nowthe bet null




0uato hers

an shy




avouuo and Cross street known asthe Rookory Time corner part oftho building will bo allowed to Main

Tlio tho oust portion Iswith n vluw to fire protection

Our mlllluory In ohargn ofMiss Florence Millard will nrrlvonext weak It will pay you to waitand sue

TliorolHnmovninonton foot amongthe merchants to oloso their stores at

p m beginning Mnroh whichnearly all bare agreed

Trent your boat girl to soma ofNowsomo flno candles H

In its appropriate pines todaywill bo found tho announcement of

Judo Quo S Diirraiioo of Arcadiawho Is n candidate before tho pitunities for county judge Ho holdtho ofllco In folk county for n numbor of yenta and discharged

with credit to himself and to time

satisfaction of tho people With I lift

experience probity and ability ho IK

woll prepared to fill tho ofllco

removal wt

It lit

o J to






Soo that beautiful now spring lineof shirts mid underwear at Karnosts

It pays n good preacher toPunta Garcia and give us n few good

lormoiis Ono rodontly cane hereand on finishing weeks work waigiven 0707 In cash Of course hehad no board to pay This mighttempt seine editors to booomopreachers especially as eggs horoaro too high priced nUll valuable toclunk folks with aid there Is eonsoquontly little danger to poorpreachers

Woliavo just rooolvod n now ship-ment of Jewelry consisting of solidgold with real stone settings alsofilled and plated sell nt Chiongo prices mud every piece gunrniiteed ns represented J It Klllott

A vory Interesting mooting of time

whist oluboccurred homo ofMr amid Mrs J H Klllott Mondaynight Klogant refreshments wereserved and greatly enjoyed by nilpresent Bo absorbing was tho gamethat It continued until midnight DrLatham won tho gentlemens firstpulse anti Mrs time ladlesTho booby prlro was oapturod bythat courtly Fronoli gentloman Mr


nt the

J K OMarn-

We were fortunate In securing sixmonths ago n large lot of India llncnibefore they advanced In prices and are

them now at whet they willcost todar lu produce Compare theqiiallljr with others und you will he

A saving of 35 per cent st-


Mr P A Cook Is getting up noolFlorida curiosities to ex-

hibit nt tho St Louis expositionAmongst other things ho linn securedKnufmnns famous fivelogged oowtho thrcologgad hog of HarborView A Mamitoo or npanther and somo rare nrnitliologtcal specimens Ho tins bought nlargo Bliowtcnt In which to displayhis curiosities lie expects to make-n lot of money out of his enterprise

At n conference of tho Baptistchurch Sunduy night nov John N

Thompson tendered his resignationas pastor and It was accepted rime

members then proceeded to call novoF C Edwards of M canopy ns pas-tor amid It Is understood that ho insaccepted mid will begin his workhero on tlio second Bunday In MnrohHo Is soul to bo nn nhlo pronohnrMr Thompson will preach his fare-

well sermon the coming Bundaynight nod will leave next morning tospend weeks visiting friendsand kindred in Tampa flout Cityatilt Dnrant JIo has not yotilccldodupon location

Dont bo In to buy yourspring and summer clothing ns thowinter Is nut quite over When hisBaltlmoro house was burned out

Blotint placed his order withanother big concern und ho will soonhave In a large stock of tho lateststyles In clothinggonU furnishingsoto Walt and soo them boforo buy

It will pay

able to sell

lootloll of


n tow




Ipif ollowhllro you7



son cow


Contractor Keen has bogus build-Ing a new bridge microns Shell crookto take the place of the ono destroycd by tho September flood Ho Is

encountering much downy bemuseo cannot mo his being

impossible to It frombridge Ho has

aIt on tho ferry boat but It Is doing

and It Is tosix weeks before tho bridge will bo

for use tho lorryhas suspended operations und

can crossaround by way Holmes turpen-


Tho guests of Hotel Punta Gordatwo whilst clubs

which aro to moot at tho hotel onJanuary lat of ouch to oluot of

enjoy outingsMr C LynchbUrg-

Va was electedDrum first mootlnu washold on Monday Thoro were tontables and a very lively game The

n Mai II II Alllson or Indluna ladles first byMrs 0 P Lynchburg

booby MrIndies Mrs B

Hanna Largo North DakotaTho Is having n royal

time unuor the presidency ofDr Coiirtrund

MAOKKKKL BLEAT nBlDllNKtThe fleet of boats belonging lo-

G6 T drown Cotot the three months In

near MIAmi returned hereweek rel The rtuilllsry yacht

Roy Capt W ARush M Chi S

Wallsee Jan L Willis R WN J

Wallace Jnowere very In

have nowto catch pompAno which are becomingplentiful waten

ol Spanish mackerel have sliuappeared



the I







lint was won

1 I I

beennlt ed

catching mackerel on the fout

ICapt Willis loW

mackerel and come back


Impro-vised pllo




T Rare




Goods Arc Now Coming in andWill bo tho Best Ever shown in i

PUNTA GOKDAWu now have displayed the prettiest assortmeiitpff-

UKTV fTA WUHD Ever seen here consisting1cLadles and Childrens

c L




SallollJ1Jn 1lll


AUnod Children

DEPARTMENT is forwith every thing for the beautifying

Summer Clothing IT

Now in Wo do not hesitate to say our lino V

of Summer Coats and Pants is theequal of any Stock in tho


We Hove Just Received The Grandest Line of 4-

lilllllimiJIilLlliO from manufacturers All goodscoming in every day and the public Is cordiallyinvited to inspect our 1 illuJjk

J R ELLIOTTDPlxoaao 10


JCan get on short notice aril at the lowest prices

lnt3T Of IncludingFlorida and WesternBeef Mutton

andIfcvdCeats Sausage

By ordering ofJjABXES UlEWSOHK

Who Keeps Also a Large and Varied Stock of

Vogatabloa Fruit Poultry and X2ff-Speclnl l to Fill and Deliver Orders Correctly xand ilckly Jiving Only the Treat nnd Molt

At the Lowest Prices obtainable Special Inducementsto Regular

James A NewsomeALL KINDS


DESollaTol FextlllzereCrate Materials HARNESS

For Sale By

Puivta Gorda Flax

WOTITZKrSMason Fruit Jarsall GentsHandsomest everline of Dreas

First Olas GroceriesPromptly delivered

Chair BottomsFrench Zinc


of fertilizer your soil needs

consult us We nrc not inbusiness for awhile but fornil time nnd therefore mitsthold your tradeyou kind of fertilizers

satisfactory every waySond for

lllll r iafcf UrjBwm

MILLI 1f1RY Street hnts n tl Caps Besides our lRIMMI1 G



ANI LAcr S ever seen direct

u J n

THf O li L

i Vj

The erectPork



IPAMXLY w FANOY toamatarQ3CUD ken





Furnishingsshown tn

Punta Gorda


and ibo

ot5tzkysNo 4122 Just the Kind

Is time hind will get if


that will results r


t jf

out BookletCI ell

Florida Fertilizer Mfg Corn






DiV t


S xes








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