Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica

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  • 7/29/2019 Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica


    Pumps and pipesin theory and practice

    The anatomy of a comfortableand cost-efficient indoor climate

  • 7/29/2019 Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica



    Creating a comfortable indoor climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Basic pump theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Regulating the pump flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Pump economy and environmental care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Pipe work design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Floor heating systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Solar panel systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Chiller systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    Hot water systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    Pumps used in heating/chiller systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Choosing the right pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    For owners or administrators of a building, the comfort of tenants is notthe only concern. Long-term economy and environmental aspects are every bitas important. And, if you are a building contractor or a consultant, your customerwill surely trust you to share this responsible approach.

    This guide aims to answer some fundamental questions about heat distributionand circulation systems from basic pump theory and energy conservation to

    pipe work design and how to choose the right pump for the job.

    Our main aim is to provide general information about conventional heating systems,but we will also touch on topics such as floor heating, solar panel systems, andchiller systems.

    For detailed information you are always welcome to visit www.lowara.comor contact your nearest ITT representative.



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  • 7/29/2019 Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica


    There are several ways to ensure a comfortable indoorclimate. This brochure describes closed heating/chillersystems where the preferred room temperature is achieved

    by circulating hot or cold water in pipes around thebuilding.

    Such systems typically comprise a boiler or chiller, pipework, fittings, a pump, emitters (e.g. radiators) and acontrol system. As water expands when the temperaturerises, the system must also contain a large enoughexpansion tank to hold the variable volume of waterin the system.

    The capacity of the system must be sufficient to compen-sate for any heat or cooling loss in the building. This loss

    essentially depends on the indoor/outdoor temperature,the insulation of the building, and the area/indoor volumeto be heated.

    Determining the required flow

    The flow needed in a heating/chiller system isdependent on

    the difference in temperature between the pressurepipe and the return pipe.

    the heat requirement, which varies throughout the year

    and around the clock due to both indoor and outdoorconditions.

    In climate zones with varying temperatures, the fullcapacity of the system is only needed during a very shortperiod each year (see load profile diagram). The mostcost-effective way to handle such variations is by com-bining thermostatically regulated emitters and speed-controlled pumps. A load profile can be used to calculatethe energy consumption of a heat pump and to performan LCC (life cycle cost) analysis.

    Creating a comfortable indoor climate


    Heat gains and losses in a buildingThe need for heating and chilling varies anddifferent factors affect the indoor climate:outdoor temperature, sunshine, the numberof people in the room, heat emitters (lamps,televisions, etc.).

    Load profileThe dark area shows the real need for pumpingduring the year. By using speed-controlled pumps,

    unnecessary pumping is avoided and energysaved. This profile is based on an average heatingsystem in northern Europe. Good pump economymeans matching pump operation to requirementsas much as possible.



    100 %

    50 %

    30 %

    0 %

    19 22 6 3 2

    75 %

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    Determining the required head

    When dimensioning a heating or chiller system, both

    system pressure and pressure losses have to be takeninto account.

    The system pressure is the part of the pressure not createdby the pump. It is generated instead by the weight ofthe water column in the system and additional pressurecreated by the pressure vessel (expansion tank). If thispressure is too low, it can generate noise in the pipe systemand cause cavitations in the pump, especially at hightemperatures. It must also be verified that the pumpcan withstand the maximum system pressure.

    The system pressure is determined by

    the height of the building the temperature of the liquid the preset pressure in the expansion tank the density of the liquid.

    In a loop system, the pump need only produce sufficientpressure to compensate for the pressure loss, as there is nogeodetic head to overcome. (Geodetic head = the differ-ence in height between the average water level in the pipework and the highest point of the system.) All water thatgoes up to the top comes down again.

    The pump must compensate for any loss of pressure inthe system. Losses are dependent on the size of the systemand any system components. (See the System curve sectionoverleaf.)

    Open and closed loop systems

    Most heating/chiller systems are closed loops, which meansthat the same water is circulated in the pipe work againand again, and that the expansion tank is pressurized.A rubber membrane separates the compressed gas from

    the water in the system.

    Open systems are very rare but are preferable if the heatsource is, for example, a solid fuel boiler. In such cases,the system pressure is determined by the water columnin the expansion tank.


    Closed loop systemThis general design is used in mostmodern buildings.

    Open loop systemThis design is mostly used with solid fuelboilers and similar heat sources.


    Return pipe

    Expansion tank(encased, pressurized gas)


    Return pipe

    Expansion tank(open, atmospheric pressure)


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    Thesystem curve describes the resistance thatexists in the pipe system, i.e. all losses in the pipework. Since a circulation system is usually

    a closed loop system, there is no geodetic headto overcome, only friction losses. The frictionlosses in a pipe increase as the square of thevelocity increases. This is why it is important tochoose the right pipe, with the right dimensionsrelative to the flow.

    In a loop system, the weight of liquid on the wayup is balanced by the liquid on the way down.Therefore, when the system is filled, the geo-

    detic head for the building is zero, regardless ofthe height of the building. The required pumpcapacity is determined instead by the totallength, diameter and routing of the pumpsystem. See the Ferris wheel illustration below.

    Basic pump theory


    Ferris wheelThe principle can beillustrated with a Ferriswheel. When the wheelrotates, the ascendingbaskets are balanced bythose on the way down,and the motor only needsto overcome the friction.

    QH curveThe pump curve (QH curve) shows thepumps properties and indicates the flowthat it produces at a particular pressure.

    How much power do you need?The efficiency/power requirementindicates the pumps efficiency, i.e. howwell a pump unit converts the suppliedelectric power into produced output.

    Duty pointThe point at which the pump curveand the system curve intersect is calledthe duty point.

    3000 rpm

    1500 rpm

    1000 rpm





    Duty point

    Pump curve

    System curve





    The hydraulic power is calculatedas follows:


    Q = the pumps flowH = the pumps head = the densityg = the gravitational constant






    P1 P2 Phydr

    Efficiency/power requirement:Another way of linkingpower concepts is by examiningthe power losses in the motorand the pump.

    The outputs relate to each other

    as follows:

    P1=P2 P2=

    Phydr motor hydrwhere

    P1 = supplied powerP2 = shaft outputPhydr = useful output (transferred by

    the pump impeller to the water)motor = motor efficiencyhydr = pump efficiency

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    How much energy is lost inthe pipe work?

    In order to calculate a system curve, you mustfirst calculate the friction losses (hf) in the pipework. These occur at bends and in valves (knownas point losses or hfp), as well as in straight pipesections (hfr). Point losses depend on the numberof bends and valves in the pipe system, andincrease with liquid velocity. Losses in straightpipe sections depend on the liquid velocity andthe length, diameter and surface smoothnessof the pipe.

    Efficiency and best efficiency point

    The best efficiency point (BEP), or nominal point,

    is the point at which the maximum level ofefficiency is achieved. The efficiency curve showshow the efficiency varies at different flows.

    When dimensioning the pump, two parametersare essential in order to achieve cost-effectivepumping: the power requirement and the dutypoint (see previous page). This is particularlytrue when the pump is to be dimensioned forseveral different duty points, for example, aheating system that is not used all year round.


    If the pump only operates at half speed:

    The flow is cut by 50 % The head is cut by 75 % But the power consumption is cut by 87.5 %

    Q1 n1Q2 n2

    =H1 n 2

    H2 n2= )(

    P1 n1 3

    P2 n2= )(






    Affinity lawsThe term affinity laws refers to the known relationshipthat always exists between speed of rotation, flow,head and required power. This relationship gives you aninstant indication of what is happening in a system whenthe duty point is altered in variable speed-controlledpump systems, for example.





    n1 n2







    Best efficiency point (BEP)The BEP is often indicated by a narrowangle on the QH curve.

    Components Pressure loss

    Boiler 1 5 kPa

    Compact boiler 5 15 kPa

    Heat exchanger 10 20 kPa

    Heat meter 15 20 kPaWater heater 2 10 kPa

    Heat pump 10 20 kPa

    Radiator 0.5 kPa

    Convector 2 20 kPa

    Radiator valve 10 kPa

    Regulating valve 10 20 kPa

    Clack valve 5 10 kPa

    Filter (clean) 15 20 kPa

    Example of approximate point losses for heating systemcomponents. See specs from supplier for exact data.

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    The capacity of a circulation system can beregulated in different ways, using pumps withspeed control, throttle valves, a bypass system

    or reduced impeller diameter.

    Speed control

    Variable speed can either be achieved manuallywith fixed multi-speed pumps or automatically,using electronically controlled pumps. Apart fromreducing energy consumption, a speed-controlledpump will always run at optimal differentialpressure. This will minimize the noise in the pipesystem and increase living comfort.

    In pumps where the speed is controlled manually,the flow has to be regulated manually by selectingone of the fixed speeds. The flow will never exactlymeet the need.

    With electronically controlledpumps the speedis automatically adjusted to the speed required toachieve the required flow (variable speed control).The pressure generated by the pump is monitoredcontinually, and the pump speed is adjusted to

    deliver the required pressure.

    When demand increases, the pressure will start

    to drop and the pump will increase its speed tocompensate. When demand drops, the pressurewill increase and the pump will reduce speed tomaintain the right level of pressure.

    There are different ways to regulate the pumps:

    Aconstant pressure (pc)mode will deliverthe same pressure all the way up to its maximumspeed, regardless of flow.

    Alinearvariable pressure (pv)mode willdeliver the preset pressure at maximum speed.When the speed (and flow) is reduced, thepressure also drops. This is to simulate the pumpsystem curve. When the flow is low, demandfor pressure is also lower.

    The fully variable pressure (pv)curve is the sameas a linear one, except that the pressure will followa second degree (rather than linear) curve, whichwill further reduce energy consumption, and bettermeet the actual need.

    Regulating the pump flow


    Linear variable pressure

    Full speedpump curve




    Fully variable pressure

    Full speedpump curve




    Constant pressure

    Full speedpump curve




    Pressure regulation curvesThe relationship between different modes when regulating pressure.

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    Other ways to regulate the flow

    Here are a few other ways to control the flow

    in your system without using a speed controlunit. This will give you a lower initial cost,but lowering the flow will not reduce energyconsumption, and the life cycle cost will notbe reduced.

    Throttling the flow with a valve alters the lossesin the system and thereby the flow from thepump. At a low flow the pump will produce a lotof unnecessary head, which leads to excessiveenergy consumption (as shown in the figurebelow).

    In a bypass system the pump is always runningat full speed. The flow has a bypass loop, and theflow is controlled by routing some of the flow

    from the pressure side of the pump back to thesuction side. In certain chiller systems a bypassloop is needed to avoid problems with the chiller.

    With a reduced impeller diameterboth headand flow decrease in proportion to the reduction.Energy consumption is significantly reduced witha smaller impeller diameter, as the affinity lawsapply. The drawback compared to speed controlis that it is not possible to adjust the flow in thesystem once the diameter is fixed, the pumpwill always deliver the same output.











    Reduced Full size

    Bypass systemThe flow is controlled through a bypasscircuit that runs directly to the suction side

    of the system.

    ThrottlingAs the valve closes, the duty point shifts withthe system curve along the pump curve.

    Reduced impeller diameterAs the impeller diameter is reduced,the curve shifts and the flow is reduced.

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    The total cost of pumping is largely determinedat the very outset, i.e. when the circulation system isdesigned. Intelligent system design can help to min-

    imize the resistance of components and friction in thepipes that must be overcome by the pump. This in turnreduces the amount of energy required to circulate thewater. This is, by far, your best opportunity to optimizepump economy. To give you an example, the frictionloss increases as the square of the velocity increases.This means that a pipe with a small diameter will havea much higher friction loss than one with a largerdiameter.

    The real cost of oversized pumps

    Many building owners and operators install over-sized pumps to be on the safe side. This is anextremely costly strategy, as such pumps generatefar more head and flow than required, but withoutadding any heat to the room. The diagram belowshows how a 10 % flow increase will only increase heatoutput by 2 %. While doubling the flow only increasesthe heat output by 12 %. The higher flow also createsmore noise in the pipe work. Fortunately, as shownoverleaf, there are far more effective solutions.

    Equally important is the fact that additional energy

    used to control the indoor climate has a substantialimpact on our environment. Fully 30 % of all electricityconsumed in EU countries is used by electric motors,and millions of these motors are used in circulationsystems. Considering the immediate and long-termthreats to our climate, the huge potential of effectivesystem design and optimal pump selection becomeseven more important.

    The only sensible perspective:Life cycle cost (LCC)

    The LCC is the total cost for a pump over a periodof time, including costs associated with purchase,installation, commissioning, power consumption,operation, downtime, maintenance and decommissio-ning. There are several ways to minimize the LCC:

    Reducing power consumption costs

    Electricity will be the largest single cost during thepumps life time; therefore the biggest gain can beachieved by reducing power consumption:

    Pump economy and environmental care


    Save money with speed controlBuying a pump without a speed controlunit means a lower initial cost. But whencomparing life cycle costs, the benefits ofspeed control are obvious. 85 % of the totalcost over a 10-year period is attributableto energy consumption (for a pump runningat full speed all the time).

    Radiator curveIncreasing the heat output by increasingthe flow is not cost-effective.

    Energy consumption in the EUFully 30 % of all electrical energyconsumed in the EU is attributable toelectric motors. A large proportion ofthese are installed in circulation systems.




    0 %

    50 % 100 % 200 %

    83 %

    100 %

    112 %

    Q Flow

    Electricalmotors:30 %

    Electronicallycontrolled pumpwith variable speed

    Manuallycontrolled pumpwith fixed speeds




    50 %

    100 %


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    1. Use pumps with variable speed control, as theyuse up to 70 % less energy than an uncontrol-led pump running at full speed all the time.

    This is the single most effective way to reducethe total operating cost the payback time foran investment in speed control is often lessthan two years.

    2. Look for high-efficiency pumps and motors.For example, EFF1 motors (supplied by ITT) are3 5 % more efficient than EFF2 motors.Another vital factor is efficient hydraulics,which can be even more important for energyefficiency than the pump motor. ITTs in-houseexperts invest considerable effort to maintaina leading position in this area, both in product

    development and modern manufacturingmethods.

    3. Stop the pump when no heating or coolingis needed.

    Reducing installation and commissioning costs

    When using pumps with integrated controllerswith variable speed drive, such as ITTs Hydrovar,the cost for installation and commissioning islower compared with using a system with separatevariable speed drive (VSD). The difference is that theintegrated unit already features components such

    as VSD, pressure transmitters, control software, etc.When using a separate variable speed drive all thosefunctions must be performed by separate units,which requires a more complex and costly procedurefor installation and commissioning.Reducing maintenance costs

    As a speed-controlled pump seldom operatesat full speed, there is less mechanical stress,comparedto full speed operation. This will resultin longer maintenance intervals, as pump andmotor components last longer. Turning off the

    pump when it is not needed will further reducemaintenance costs.


    Standard of referenceThis book provides further informationon the subject. It is the result of

    collaboration between Hydraulic Instituteand Europump, which also involvedemployees from ITT.

    Lowara Hydrovar break even in a yearThe Lowara Hydrovar speed controlunit saves you money and has lessenvironmental impact through reducedenergy consumption.

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    In the early stages of the design process itis necessary to consider potential zoning needs,alternative heating or cooling sources, and

    operating and control strategies. Based on theinformation gathered about the building you alsoneed to calculate space heat losses and assessthe hot water system demand, as well as variousventilation aspects. Before designing the pipework you must also determine that you haveselected the most suitable emitters and connec-tions for each position and consider the bestdistribution layout, taking into account all neces-sary balancing and regulating requirements.

    Two-pipe systemsIn a two-pipe system the supply pipe is usedto supply the heated or cooled water to theemitters, while the return pipe transports usedwater back to the heating or chiller source.

    One major advantage of two-pipe systems is thatyou can vary and control the water flow to savepump power. Another is that all radiators receivewater of the same temperature, as the supplypipe feeds directly from the boiler. (When feedingfrom the previous radiator, some heat is emitted

    and the water may cool slightly.)

    Steam traps should be checked frequently. If theystick open, steam will flow through the radiatorand down the return pipe preventing efficientheat transfer and perhaps also disturbing thebalance of the entire distribution system.

    Depending on the need for heating, a thermo-static valve is used to regulate the flow throughthe radiator. When the valve closes, the pressurein the system will increase and a speed-controlledpump is a good way to compensate for thisincrease.

    Solutions in large buildings

    In hybrid systems, the principle is that there isa low loss head circuit and separate heatingcircuits, each with its own pump. Such systemsare used to separate hydronic systems. Thismakes it easier to extend existing hydronicsystems without changing the pressureconditions, as the different sub-systems areindependent of each other. Another advantage

    is the fact that some boilers are sensitive to lowtemperatures and have a minimum flow limit. Inorder to minimize the time it takes for the waterto reach the desired temperature, the water iscirculated only in the low loss head circuit. Whenthe desired temperature is reached, the radiatorcircuit opens. The 3-way valve regulates the floweither to the radiator circuit(s) or to the boiler.Another way to save energy is to change thesystem to a throttle system by using a 2-wayvalve in the radiator circuit and using speed-controlled pumps.

    Pipe work design

    Two-pipe systemThe basic two-pipe system makesit possible to vary and control thewater flow to save pump power.It distributes the heat more evenlythan a single-pipe system.

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    Constant or variable flow

    The two-pipe category can be divided into systems withconstantor variable flow, and either system can be designedforsingle ormultiple loads.

    A two-pipe multi-load system with constant flow offers bettercontrol of temperature and the temperature to each coil remainsthe same. Energy can also be saved by using variable speed withtemp/diff pressure sensors. The main advantages of a variableflow are that you can use a smaller pump and have bettercontrol of temperature and humidity. Each coil is also suppliedwith the same temperature.

    Two-pipe hybrid systemThe main benefit of the hybrid system is that the primarylow head loss loop makes it easy to expand the system.The 3-way valve will close and send water back up throughthe system if it is still hot enough to heat the emitters.The valve will open when the water requires reheating.

    Two-pipe reverse return systemThe main benefit of the reverse returnsystem is that the head loss will be thesame in all circuits.

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    In a floor heating system, heat is transferred from the pipesto the floor structure. Such a system can be self-sufficient orcombined with conventional radiator heating.

    The main difference between radiator and floor heatingsystems is the temperature of pumped media. Radiatorsystems can be designed for working temperatures up to80 C, and a differential temperature of 20 40 K. In a floorheating system the working temperature should never exceed40 C and the differential temperature should be kept at5 8 K. The floor heating system should always include amixing loop to avoid too high a supply temperature.

    A floor heating system can be designed in many differentways, and manufacturers each have their own guidelines

    that must be observed, but some principles are universal,for example:

    Each room should have its own control system.

    All circuits should be balanced to give the same head lossand the pump should be specified and selected based onthe circuit with the highest head loss.

    A pipe circuit should never exceed 120 m.

    A floor heating system requires a higher pump capacitythan a radiator system for the same size building. Thereason is the relatively high head losses and low differentialtemperature in floor heating systems.

    Floor heating systems


    A floor heating systemEach room requires its own regulatory system

    and all pipe circuits must be balanced to generatethe same head loss.


    Like the systems described above, solar panel systems arewater based and require a circulator. They operate at a higherand more variable temperature compared to normal heatingapplications. As solar panels are placed on the roof, itscommon to use some kind of antifreeze agent in the water.The most common antifreeze agent is glycol. The additionof glycol increases the density and viscosity of water, whichmust be taken into account when choosing a pump.

    For the foreseeable future, solar panels are mainly of interestas a supplement to regular water circulation systems.

    Solar panel systems

    A solar panel systemThe solar panel supplements the regularheat source.

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    The design of a chiller system depends to a large degree onthe choice of cooling agent. Different cooling agents havedifferent densities and generate different levels of friction inthe pipes. Therefore, you must also take the cooling agentinto account when choosing a pump.The most common cooling agents used are salinated waterand water mixed with glycol. As the cooling agent gets colderit will generate more friction in the pipes. This will have tobe taken into account when the pump is being dimensioned.

    Information on required pump dimensions for different cool-ing agents can be obtained together with the cooling agent.

    A chiller system is usually a hybrid system. Chiller systemsoften require a certain minimum flow, for example 30 %,to eliminate the risk of ice build-up. As valves close, thedifferential head across the evaporator is reduced. A controllersenses this and opens the bypass valve to maintain a minimumflow, mixing cold supply water with warm return water.

    Chiller systems

    The most obvious difference in hot water systems, comparedto most heating systems, is that they are open systems.To ensure quick delivery of hot water to any tap in a building,

    the hot water system is often designed as a loop system,with a secondary return pipe. This also saves hot water and,consequently, energy.

    The return circuit flow is generally very low, so a small pumpis sufficient. Selecting an oversized pump will consume moreenergy and cause noise in the system due to unnecessarilyhigh water velocity.

    Always use pump housings made of bronze or stainless steelto prevent corrosion. Fresh water, which is always present inhot water circuits, contains oxygen.

    Hot water systems


    A chiller systemThe chiller system operates the same wayas a hybrid heating system, but circulates

    cold media instead of hot.

    A hot water systemA secondary return system ensures betteruser comfort by providing hot waterimmediately.

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    Pumps used in heating/chiller systems


    A dry motor pump



    Mechanical face seal

    Pump housing

    A wet rotor pump

    Slide bearing




    Pump housing

    Rotor wheel

    Wet rotor pumps the cheap and easy choice

    In a wet rotor or canned motor pump, the pumpmedia is circulated inside the rotor can, coolingthe motor and lubricating the bearings. Wet rotorpumps are simple, leak-free, and the purchase priceis relatively low. With a comparably short lifetimeand low energy efficiency, however, the final cal-culation is not necessarily favorable. Furthermore,wet rotor pumps are sensitive to debris in the pumpliquid, and cannot handle aggressive media.

    Wet rotor pumps must always be installed with themotor shaft in a horizontal position. This is becausethe motor is lubricated by the pump medium, andvertical installation may result in insufficient lubrica-tion. Furthermore, to prevent clogging, this type ofpump must be operated at least every second week.In general, wet rotor pumps have a lower initial

    cost, but will be less energy efficient compared todry motor pumps. The EU has decided on an energyclassification system for wet rotor circulators up to2.5 kW. Class A options are available but usuallycome at a higher price.

    Dry motors the cost-effective choice

    The motor is a standard air-cooled IEC motor, eitherwith an extended shaft to which the impeller isdirectly attached, or a stub shaft with a couplingor shaft extension. The pump shaft is sealed by amechanical face seal, comprising two rings and a

    spring that presses the rings together. A thin filmof water lubricates and cools the seal.

    In a heating or chiller system a centrifugal pump is used tomove the liquid from the generator to emitters around the building,overcoming the flow resistance in the pipe system.

    The pump essentially comprises the pump housing,an impeller and an electric motor.

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    0 %

    50 % 100 %

    83 %

    100 %

    112 %




    Radiator curveIt is possible to achieve 83 % of maximumheat output using just one of the pumps.

    The Lowara FCT twin head pump

    Efficiency comparison(approximate values)

    Wet rotor pumps

    Rated power Typical





    < 100 W 15 % 25 %

    100 500 W 30 % 40 %

    500 2500 W 40 % 50 %

    Dry motor pumps

    Rated power Typical




    < 1.5 kW 55 % 65 %

    1.5 7.5 kW 65 % 75 %

    > 7.5 kW 70 % 80 %

    The purchase price of these pumps is higher, butremember: the purchase price is typically a mere5 % of the total life cycle cost. Dry motors are more

    energy efficient and reliable and have a longerbearing life. Also, since the pumped liquid is keptout of the motor, this design is less sensitive todebris and aggressive media.

    All in all, dry motors have a more robust design andmore favorable long-term economy.

    Twin head pumps more thanjust a backup solution

    Both wet rotor pumps and dry motor pumps areavailable in twin head versions. In-line circulators aregenerally available in single and twin versions.

    Historically, twin head pumps were mainly used toensure backup capacity in case of pump failure.Today, the twin version is more often used to ensureimproved economy and minimal environmentalimpact, as the second pump will be activated atpeak load only. Todays premium pumps rarely failbut, just in case, the backup is already in place.And, even though the one pump only provides alittle more than half the flow required to maintainthe indoor climate on the coldest days, heat outputcan still satisfy 83 % of demand (see radiator curvebelow). The pump control for a twin head pumpalternates the running pump to ensure equalrunning hours.

    There are also savings to be made in the pipe workscompared to using two single head pumps. In thecase of a twin head pump, only one set of pipesis required, while single head pumps require twicethe pipe work. Also, as the twin head pump has ahigher capacity than a single pump, it is possible

    to upgrade the system with only minor changesto the pipe work.In chiller systems or systems with liquid tem-peratures below 10 C it is not advisable to usetwin head pumps. As the pump housing is larger,increased condensation could lead to ice build-upin the pump housing, seal area, etc.

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    Choose pumps based on the required flow and pipe resistance.When using speed-controlled pumps, always select a pumpwhere the duty point is as close to the best efficiency point as

    possible. Often several alternatives are available and a goodrule of thumb is to choose a pump within 10 % of the bestefficiency point. When using a speed-controlled pump the dutypoint should always be within 10 % of the best efficiency point.This is to ensure a broad-enough flow area to play with whenregulating the pump. Do not oversize the pumps the heatexchange is almost the same, but the pumps consume a lotmore energy. (See radiator diagram.)

    In heating systems the consequence of a pump failing is a lesscomfortable indoor climate. Therefore, in large buildings, itis recommended that several pumps be used instead of one

    to ensure a backup and a certain level of comfort, even if onepump fails. Either one pump is capable of handling the totalflow and the other pump acts as backup. Or the total flow ishandled by several pumps which all operate at full efficiencyonly when required.

    Selection software

    Using qualified pump selection software, it is easy to identifythe most efficient pump for the job. Lowara offers the Loop 4Uselection software package to identify your specific needs.This software enables you to calculate the right pump system

    specifications, find the optimal pump solution, and providesthe documentation required to build and maintain the system.

    Replacing old pumps

    Water velocity/pipe noise can indicate that installed pumpsneed to be replaced. Always ask if the building has beenmodified or renovated since the old pump was installed.New windows with better insulation may, for example, havebeen installed. If so, the heat requirement is lower and asmaller, more energy-efficient pump can be used. Motortechnology has also developed, providing the required flow

    in a more energy-efficient way. Complete replacement guidesare available in catalogues and on the web.

    Upgrading old systems

    Sometimes upgrading old pumps can be more cost-effectivethan simply replacing them. In such cases pumps can easilybe upgraded with an electronic pump control unit. Regulatingpump speed and reducing unnecessary pumping will save a lotof money and reduce the environmental load. Lowara Hydrovaris a pump control unit that can easily be mounted on the oldpump. It fits perfectly on any standard IEC motor and the pay-back period is often less than two years.

    Choosing the right pump


    An upgraded systemThe Lowara Hydrovar is an easy and cost-effectiveway of modernizing an old system.

    Best efficiency point (BEP)The BEP is often indicated by a narrowangle on the QH curve. The duty point ofthe pump should be as close to the BEP

    as possible.







  • 7/29/2019 Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica



    Type of system System designTLC/







    Small systems Single-pipe system Two-pipe system Floor heating system Solid fuel boilers Solar panel systems Geothermal systems

    Large systems Single-pipe system Primary pumps Secondary pumps

    Two-pipe system Primary pumps Secondary pumps

    Solid fuel boilers Ventilation Shunt pumps Heat recirculation

    Hot watercircuits

    Small systems Circulation system Large systems Circulation system Chillersystems

    Primary pumps Secondary pumps Cooling towers Chillers

    Lowara pumps used in domestic buildings

    For buildings up to a certain size, we recommend using the following pumps:

    Lowara pumps used in circulation systems

    Larger buildings contain more complex systems and careful analysis is requiredto determine the best pump solution.

    = Most suitable= Suitable

    Area to beheated

    Radiator system Floor heating system

    Standard pump Electronic pump Standard pump Electronic pump

    80 200 m2 Lowara TLC xx-4 Lowara EA xx/40 Lowara TLC xx-6 Lowara EA xx/60

    150 200 m2 Lowara TLC xx-4 Lowara EA xx/40 Lowara TLCH xx-7

    200 250 m2 Lowara TLC xx-6 Lowara EA xx/60 Lowara TLC xx-8

  • 7/29/2019 Pumps and Pipes Teoria y Practica



    For additional addresses, please visitwww.lowara.com

    Lowara reserves the right to make modificationswithout prior notice.

    cod. 191000071 P 09/09

    ITT Lowara part of ITT Corporation and headquarters of Residential and Commercial Water EMEA.World leading in offering high reliable fluid handling solutions for Building Services, Irrigation and Industrial applications.We provide a complete range of high quality pumps, packaged systems and controls and are specialized in engineeringand manufacturing stainless steel products.ITT Lowara is headquartered in Vicenza, Italy and operates in more than 80 countries across the world with own plantsin Italy, Austria, Poland and Hungary.The company has 1.300 employees and generated 2008 sales exceeding $440 million. ITT Lowara is wholly owned bythe ITT Corporation of White Plains, New York, and is the EMEA headquarter of ITTs Residential and Commercial Waterdivision. ITT Corporation is a high-technology engineering and manufacturing company operating on al l seven continentsin three vital markets: water and fluids management, global defense and security, and motion and flow control. ITTCorporation generated 2008 sales of $11.7 billion.


    LOWARA S.r.l.Via Dott. Lombardi, 1436075 Montecchio MaggioreVicenza ItalyTel. (+39) 0444 707111Fax (+39) 0444 492166e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.com


    ITT AUSTRIA GmbHA-2000 StockerauErnst Vogel Strae 2

    Tel. (+43) 02266 604Fax (+43) 02266 65311e-mail: [email protected]://www.ittaustria.com


    LOWARA FRANCE S.A.S.BP 5731137073 Tours Cedex 2Tel. (+33) 02 47 88 17 17Fax (+33) 02 47 88 17 00e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.fr



    Biebigheimer Strae 12D-63762 GroostheimTel. (+49) 0 60 26 9 43 - 0Fax (+49) 0 60 26 9 43 - 2 10e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.de


    ITT IRELAND50 Broomhill CloseAirton Road, TallaghtDublin 24Tel. (+353) 01 4524444Fax (+353) 01 4524795e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.ie


    LOWARA NEDERLAND B.V.Zandweistraat 224181 CG WaardenburgTel. (+31) 0418 655060Fax (+31) 0418 655061e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.nl



    PL 57-100 Strzelinul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 5Tel. (+48) 071 769 3900Fax (+48) 071 769 3909e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara-vogel.pl


    ITT PORTUGAL, LdaPraeta da Castanheira, 384475-019 BarcaTel. (+351) 22 9478550Fax (+351) 22 9478570e-mail: [email protected]://www.itt.pt


    LOWARA RUSSIAKalanchevskaya st. 11 b.2, off. 334107078 MoscowTel. (+7) 495 631 55 15Fax (+7) 495 631 59 72e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.ru



    Millwey Rise, Industrial EstateAxminster Devon EX13 5HU UKTel. (+44) 01297 630200Fax (+44) 01297 630270e-mail: [email protected]://www.lowara.co.uk