PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....

PU'GE1 1 SOUND HERALD. AN INDEPE:O:DEST }'.\ll1t.Y TO THE O}' WASHINGTON TERRITORY. = VOL. I. STEILACOOM, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, FRIDAY, Sl<:I'TE.I\IIlER 24,1858. NO.29. SOUND HERALD.: IIlaotl or IIWlU"",, "lid Mgll ,:ul!h·.tivtl, r...-... ann. iolo & mn(ocliollf'rr. kf1llhl. uol 71>. Iflnl"IIt.. .......... "" ........... 8C' ............. uu.lII.t... __ . fhrtlng • promntur'O growth, lUld lea.' hArdy aT nuclll" _ old and purchased & r .... c1ga... i "I mil, don't &00" whkh 1101" MIt." laid YID hu two mlnlltea and a halI lo lin_.qc" I CHAllLKM PllOIClr, than if left tocomoot JOOr1I w:lb lho obstaeles "-1M'1d .........,.-111; Iipted 01100( IMm, alld COlllrtltnteol JaM },flny.... to her frielld 1brtln \f..ltD. allbe to 1IIliI_ to liab-ud & hair 10 In. .... u ...u a>td prtc...... of aD uncultinted QondiliOll. These cir. .w.. ... ; A, lrud , thloltietFlioftliobl,hCOlll1orJlIdp n:lllnlod r"...a.plelldklr-artl.ben 11I., .. u th.mIadltofth'-lllU1l1t.h.da .... --urV...Aa. A.In'.u:c:L 6 .. 1oft ... lot,.lIrorClllllo,...-1 L11l(h were in pl;l5uit or MID, and u he A. th. lldmtnd or allllllDlIftn. "Will. Of Bllt thepl'e It. not doep-lt II the ahi41JI "'Ift _• ",--. a1lrMl-. und 10 IU:lk. thera hiShll tcosi. r_ 0_ tlo. Wor, ... br.-n to ""II' Fm. Out or a hoet fIl aoI.-irus tb&l lle&lI of all. tIlad tba1...,b IlL Wha. tho u1. ..... _r- : -:: tl"toalle.:traofIJin1l.1'J lofttleDCl'll; aftd.lt 1."'1 atlu. elpt'.1Ill muttt:r tunet apiMt mr btllM, _ Ibtt I tuI aD bu kllOWDbaodthrowlthtlutCt.taJdutattbltMld ... ott-u. "upoa tbis bt'!ieC tb,twe 1'mture our ........ el; "The ..boIo ittknlaI put of 'ao," broaa:ht to 1111fHt, I han.edtdcodthelo. Thel Gl *eth he. It1t bCIId, &oil t!M cWt Ratn.c opinic,;n ID rdermco to the t21nD 0( the o1'il. '-I .. iU.I be, ")"aU _lrJw' tbtlare, ud ..... nrithon- ritb--both Olleclwith _tiID(OU oaIllina tbo t:r'OWII. at tboru _ ' , • , We Ibm, IhAl the lrt'O ubdu tilt '- __ ._ ; .J'O'l'D eet wakcd 01'''_ th&ll 1f",.J'OII .....,. ol ,- ••nd ... far upn:Nionaud emnaI TwooobaolO81l·· tbeiTnItlioaIbl J ... .. ""' ... -. .... - ....... ,-. ..tlon,andrerbapi a full ... ; dore-blutlUotioaaiU)1lUrpictt:n. fouje&t Sdtberh..,.eup"'" b1 tl1olik .Io1'.I=;'t.tto lhird. 11_ eJ:pllIUl"O to tho tuO'1 "'1'" Ul301 put (vtlh lu Dr.ut.lI,-1 ..ith thlt thild-tb.t'.. aU-&JMl if I don't od It in &tronc tm.--bat t1thuOlllr .... i tlot tbe Tb diJItaDeo of .... ' _,__ .. _ lJotr rou 10 kinpm --Iou _If I doD't... -'1 tt1toUrlgcmalt;111ll Ill"" 10 JlOrl the '. c:IUI. ". _ ..n . "U u ' 11 CImIIe" .... nnt n«'t'lSllrlll prematuro'y, but ,--.. ..... Ie • .- ....... The crowd••·hirh h.d UWlUblol1 round tb, qutIWD. To eilbfl' ml lor l u ll4l would HUa,J. of tmIt thfOU&h 'll'hieh ... 1'I1lD Illto tha c. _ •. I.""" __.1 ocrt.. eu,,; .,.. M.._ ""PO'<•• _ .........001 .. ,., _ ez with a ttuder. delicti. 1'r;;:llIi,rn, 1I1l1111td to ::.;..... IW; door. DOW ct&,llls1J, elite"" It.. _. and at \'loti,.. Tlle1 mar-it It aD U.ll.pnrralll rainbow Clf fllJO,lAe.llt !'Ul ..-..,.. willulalld uullljurt"l1lho.l!xtrcl»et o( ",IMI Iht; did fiG, JollA btpn 10 f10lltillh lUI cipr IDol l1IouSbt-bUl I cannot belp tllte.1..iaill( It, Ion rlll"o pf'CIptdll'l painten Ietd Il.\ poor, bt- 1\ Jj tura to whicll it J, 11Ibjcd.ed.. A dill or IUo- III w-"_ try: lUI (on1Ult, aad Dot lilt. Do lOU blow, lbttlo, ... ittbed tl'l'OU8h lbowboletbeatltor lite, J.tghcq II t. lSI,,1 or Warm mild .... ... ..,.., .,..,.110..-,_; ".rest 1eu tekh, 1lOW. It 10U 1t'1ourhaOOt I btl" atl'lllll tboIlCbtl of PQtt1llcthtlr Ion to ud lbeM lIttllOrr Qld Dope. "I"Iwt to advance and LrinS tbemto tbe orIlkr_=.::.."';' ; on -.1'11 Kud JOU ..hidin·. Ir thettttr' Do put to 10 WhaLever or theory or opioiOQ mtft mal Vfrl oondidon hlOIt likel1 to be .lfreted lu· 1' •• ok.... rod '" I"Tlbia'. I Joo't caN ror ., .... 1' .. 11_ ...... TOll oIu ii'" u-It. baY, or lbe uute.of tbe curl of tho peoeb juriollllrloJ·o.old. lIight-tbouCbnot ftt_ -"- _I'd ralbel' bo bJcnrod throuCh tlat root 01 thit "Jbayetboll&btol a ft1l· YOIII -,_. Y&n aboWd cart'J lifo lib a aplrIte4 fakoQ I. "bf ••11 .. 'lIt1l11:'l1 011 one )'Oiat, lbat ilttf:. 011. ....1&00_ "',_--..... thaD btrid I.had .COIl!iJIftbona appesed to be bis balldl, aI!oftiDl it to IDCIaDtlDtotha ethlr. fcdllo 1I1"f1 the ahnoat e11til"fl tle.trucdon of lbe them. lO'kJ.-illl u manl ..ann r-, ... Jut tpe«b bad. .Itnctcd tIK Itlf:Dtioft Ioat propatr .bkb bat awW a &Dol bdllCabio toa.D.ithad: .. .. ·bkb u1'; lholu,...anauddflilycbillod.tbelr :; .. ortbtol4 FI"IIl(!uuan. ..bobqmtolggk",'1 poor .... alI'dlCOlUUd ..... 10 M uultlsllotee:lil.l7. InflICt, " ... __ ........... -'1. ... enlinJll... lIo1Yal_ft1'utotho ...lIofme:laput ('lin be 11itenlful1y.lt ought to be Ibctr«llnttaeked .-iwo.C'OlJ011 iltlUlIg .. or "th, ..btt utyou &ball Ayi-blow do Y., but 1 0G hao1 ancI plIIlLi.....hich UwJ haTt bowD, u4 a fiollclrlty hu I be f from m bou.o ,,, proo& hi. deeea... ..hid" hI thlIlire, .t Ieut, thor IIt1't1' CI.II 1aIW; madokuolfnulmmrdlatdyupualbl", III it tllodr_pcpaill.orperlA!"1 exActIi3.o f'OO y Pot Itltk .• tbo pcath crop I' r.pldl)' becoming OtlO or oJi••;Mol do tlot flllll under. .... e1lI"'"' ... .-. ....... "J.Dl h Oldor hlnl," tIlejlldCC. whogtnt.'. "'1 tll'O Ct.1'0l"eI,I Illnra be atqu.I n led' ...lth lhe "" e .pau-ot,ultlwhll;hrull 81.111 the molllmporlAUt III the Siale. lllUld i but Ita cfrcct II Ibis, \\ull_t lliu _"'" .11, atttoded. the UtcUllO!\ of 11'- IIotlIttnCCl III &ct. IlIlucCore pllrpott 10 atatlln tho 01''' the IIIlcolll. a"Jatat ef th. Id-.l but U'I We b.t\.• rOllOh·tdseural albumunl WOOMWlIIJ' (orlfard Its ptniOOi "il, hok! or bim, fello.I'" thlt my ClIIWD It Dot 1kIlJ... aa 1lI = ..- IIwI to pall' of Dutehma.D'1 __ 00 tbot tilland d bed I f tho 'nMya-II'.. .,.lfout. "Stllldo6'l StaDdoll'l" John, ..t To"" 'p foratimeal1- , ":"':.I':.t.bulllltft' fOU,bbitb""o(lif .. oalholubjectoftbepmda leoJ curl; In 11 UDimlllll IUI-PYU ..pto 'hot7_ ... ..,. ...... ;;; ........ .... ; .... tho I ofW .. hhek! the oStr ..... - .. P l'omllWroIcAcn dcbi. lOra. of lhete, tbc:vnc. aro advtne'Cd to "" learos, It i, oqlllll, trve, tha1 ther etaM pro- op I... ,aa. op pow tAd 10 r.tUr. mto _pan-til" po1',", Itlsltid at"" 'II co. ·tehulJlI:I perl dabn t.ba d ICDd I bm. ill - hi.... Mol tlo<e eip.r ia tIM 1Ilbu. "0. that tlopl!ld ran!l the tnn!! cbancte1'. Ub ""'-tnlDed to pltJ trieb, COlIat (or tho d...... ; I.D Olberl, almp1r to 1 co ... t "P. to t AI --... '"_Ik_. JClIl _ this 't... ti&U. aIIlI thk 'uo poritr' &orathoflattrre.ra b ,. hocntht 7 ..... 1lIn'OIZIId8d. thqcu polthe._ll'eticlo aD Il:lrtI of 1ItraII. ... delCriptkln of its tft'«'b UPJG tIM lar lOr thtl prodltetk.cl of Dew wovet, or .. (I/Od t .w I _ .. _rv Jal.,JlN 1a71V'U 1wIdJ OIl tDI, tDd I'D ktch 11dt wiD ..t kut teIt ml ftimdL What tbmk ud lat'priaill; postT.lrf:I-ho.t the, ..... peraIJr anclflui:i botall"ukiDg lOr a I"tIDOdl en' IUr.tbe(ruit. '" ,.1 .• )'OG CCm 1plant" oathef0t4. '. •• 'I'be _nJlII.tioa and a morbid 1I'.1..-c_IlPt .. __ Ita_...... Woo Dita. )loa Din. enued \be old "E.lttUeot-try it bl aU me:lll.C." To-.ke \II haPPl nnoqu1rt I'tClt ZllUth lcaa W. bar. lMde lbo ,uhject of tho curl o( gro.lh II tho eGnlCllJ.Ul.'fIce. whkb (LQ,II, ro- "Go out of Inl houle, air-be· Theldca .... .ned Upoll, and 1t ...1 turioaI tomakluamianh!t., D<ltmuth thc pcadl Ja( alilld, (IIr1"Ara. "Voun aulla in t1i __, and 6 i1ropping ci'the lu( "-"' ... - .... u"s ...."',. ..... : wilh r.-,,. aod 1OUttlp....... bat I. to IN h01l' Jlna', .dalircn dr(lpptd 08"0116 b, _tbao oolhiD, ..1n aah. eumillc:ollt under e\'U1 .. riety of circnm. AIld fruit i thc 11Itt ... r. bowc!\"er. not frot.. di... .::..-;== ,1 OU blOW' ali up Pl1 011.. Uti' t ..o IomutillwailW UpoD b".t Dnt W.1tam to clliab bl keeplBI oiar e1et notClll aWI«'Iof !&QlI, c1illlSto.. hoat, CIl,)ld, m c\'ery usc. bUl fronl • poSIt'l·C lack of (\Xld In eo.m. sa \\ til, Icl "m Inn al' .Ione then. III blo" ill II" retlftDlelll.1D4 Janl '11"&1 PlotO p:w.lcd tlat hUll that lio bchiod. hut 00 t1.tI ZllOl:UltaioD 1'_ 111"0 bellcn', In wbicb It I, pouible (or uCj,ucnc:o o( Ih... 1011 of Ibe lear. 'Vo oIlIDGE QUTW1'I'T£D. all "'p .nd lIlyltlt todl htJ'.)re 111 be rid on tha.. uer ...hich 10 cl:_. Fre<klkll I:oIUeh', tbtl .... bcl'otoo ua. It 10 .00111" Itselr, not ollly with a 1'10.. ell .·ould ..ecount (vr tho I.ppd-rauoe or the a hi tleme .. cried t th ,WII io a abort time "-me lllOI"I no aneel'_ Llr,,, an opiwn; It ueittlllla UUlr &to &c, dix<tnring tho ClIu.tCl, but I( poeaIble I. p.... eurllD dilfc:cnt plrts of thu ...me orebard, . al'\ Ju,l;o broad Jadf;c ...:. tho allllt:: 1ha!ls,krlodfatbct..mt-'II'hIlcWUlilaStu- tDt:i then lcuuuulorP1, ..tt.r1. Tmti\'"c. or .... here two ,·,riaka of dOlI peacb &ftI JtlrVdlCliOfl.ln.nd.boattht1'IC,MyoCT---, cutocllo knI I wen cooataot. Whltbulifltoabowosbotthtp...doorof AtOUI' "loa." retnSfb, sro.non tbo .. .,. tftof' ••nd one (N)rtioa t'toriola.. Ho tool< an Upon _otthtlll b,.IeI, "y, d car)lila beano' Tbrou;bthisw._t!tetlcbathtul. it.ppear.lu Iarrordaard topjult ...brro ,rmed Illd tbe olbu not. upon tile aupposi .nd pUOI.btd all o€_ .. DOt. othtr- bC':r,cndutUll1rcw Yanl'tI'I, I J'O'I1ooI- In tht da,.. ty aDd thelll&bett!alia; but ItlHlotbpQ. it tbu.-, .:tId h/),,·beto ,,1M, aolUfllt.illll.'ll i,' La . b ·tb . II"i&t pro'kkd Jar lIy b... lI'o ml'onDahI1. Of' and t!:tI tnd of the nil na 'oeA cutaia; the or 1 0 a:r PfOlPl: nl l_nooDdtd u 1 00 1I'mI br Tho Datdl ue thtaF tditloQ or th Ott- titoU t t .. 11'11 . 10 '11'1 . _Me bek or praof paaiUl''', _ned tbt ,,:,,'rrit fI"OII\ tIoor. .,01 10""'11"110 wtf'IlIIlIlioent. r clid IIlIt due 011 uulud r ar:d witbol;t c: . Ilret1k..., nu. JC\1ol"lug Il t ...... aDd tbeu takiug (ound moretmllhye. nlOradllJlOMd lho I..likliom or b1llultlfIW'J mWooC JlWlIalt "UuoCO"o thna,"UdailDed Rodl""" dra... to yoa a paaioo .hkh r had eell fram ::. t-pt. PTU tho nea:t; or It 1I'1II11ull. OOIt uu", .. ·Lil.t ttloJ IlIUre to V. alTodt'oJ 101 c1'I.wI,C ...cnL Ir.o 10l1i,ldllal, h,aUT "" IItg tho cigu'from bb 1DOII1b, and 'PP 1 1 10 ; II tbe ..........nt I brtr;roo, and wbleb bu ...... _ all .round It CICllJIt." "'e an efeh go illOurflCC'S tban otbrN" Ir Ihe JIt':k"1a i,· not impr(lilrirl)· of conduct, r.:ooerN lai"""lr obnoJ· dOlI to Ihi hlrKlhrchieC The,. wu. .nd 1II'I'0cthtned 1l'hh all .tqualnlallce. SO.. TIM a:npIMUt o._ONp. . (liriher Ih.n Ihi,. by that wc b:m,! by llae curl JIC)'l)illQ:ltOllJ, it II litll. Jutle' I'Inch ...., 'Ufo Iu 'PI,lylllc conte- nlIh to Ihe cIoora, lllti. tonrumn of 1'0ice. cry. IIlat you an poor. hko the dill".:renco .\ •.chlld, pie., &lid Pl"tlUltal'l'ty 1I'ISI!, kno.. ·n inalAncet III .·bieb ono hnlr o( a Ire\' Illy bl-rnu4e thllt C('rh.in C\.ItulitlvlI vr "rvwtla 1·bo pv1llit conilltlltro lilt. j"dg.:·_ cnnd Ins Ollt, "Stop' Itop!"_" Doa't! do.,·t!"- which h:ld elle -'C!d 107lirl rl'Olll w.. em a bot thaHbe pool' ....ould havolhe cllrl, .... hll.t the ollter bilif f;o,·or.llblo to it. do....tvpmml .... hell ..lIt....:l jllr1. and just 10 .ure ....n h,dil'idll.. 1 uchcd IW1't ail cf whkhlltlgbt b3 bGlJ"l! Ibeulll Fl'I'Ilch. di,ul,ln, 017 burt', puaiOII, It n:tDti,ed. 1.111 too =1dJcd a'"'1. YIS ctItircly i nor dOC'll .tptJ!lUN UIIOII il,· the innlH!llcce ...( I:ea; IlIltl cuM .Iitl the rllblio l'oke agai..sl blm,Jw,;t 10 1111'1' bo .... Ulan tl')'ln, out, mllrdlre!" not.f1lueot. bllt I CJIl1'Upport )'011. with rapt'Ct· happia:. ell tho til brr tu ot (rom lho direct IIIJ·I of the Rill not Intcrv"'llo .....1 \fecll 1 he scuill;; ...r J..a( .. WtU," aid no.Jrn7, .. the trod diJpe:ned, abilily. It .. 1«, .• '1 our throulh &lid .parkI. in lho a:..1:..*'.' tluovP _,""'k .cnlencv of Ibe : \ . ..11......tl ...."eloo"r;y. ..1·dJlI>"t ... tieftMki!L."'lIutobtridoo.htalbtIld0Cle'll'.... .... -n1OU---1 "onot ..... accnl 10 £UTtm III III01'CI1Il"IIIt In lbe Jt'aJt. auu Ita .m,,1 .t a o( banlul.'b .n,,) _".. '" __ ... .:_, _.,. 1M lID""'" to JIOOIIld&r. "Tbe tun." Lt •.'- The f tho . .. ••• I "';el ..bo 11"'" the f1r5l ..... in .-. I ...... f1IU ..... Un' ..•. -.-..- ......ea be b .. cbutd •. . 0 bhgb.t 11 ....h:lt wewOIII.d gro"lb w..n; .It.rled h)' Ib.l1'JC1ul floridJl, but I ,....0 I'1'f'Olkrt wt...to h 1_ >Of tell J'OU _. two, W'O'enlllm., 10 htt- 'OG nuow.. ,\I leal 1 II"W tI'1lW;1'ft' toah't 10C1 Aid I t ikl, hal tbnn .... 1:1lh hiI hke to dltC01'eI'j (or uutll It II rClUnd it t",oJ.:t or c1llUtte. ItIlCft1l II"ereCtlf\l'e1Noutor .. l'ioJ rour ..-.t"'au.;uiDr,aad.J'Ollrdpr. \fiJI ua-." bcator .......ed bJllI"l1Ith. U5t:ksJ to toUt'lIlpt or proJlO'e I. We btolieT..., tben, Ihllt tbe prat'h ItlIf curl of T_ on tolin;lt ruil, th.t brin: Ibf'JIUI.Wa. "'1--. Nore!" "I belkn 1°U, WlniGo," aid Jl.llt. "&lid 11 Sooo att", - ....... a We do nnt thlnk·it it ncceflafllr Ihll I. proJucN I",· C'UhI ur IllCIlt in o.dl..."" n_ nut 1 I.. DOt IOr;ot. Btlt &deera -.10111tilt- too DOC' yoa wi!! It«pt a htsPr, "" IItD liltle bal. upoD tht alba' pointed "p..anI. &to. Aid . dr· [ btl 'iDa . 1M nit.. . he, "tbtnltalldthodotr-dropac\orloouirlUtt ur fl"lN I1pnn 1110 )'Dung It I. dnlc.,C\ t lat .... (lir lI. rellltC:II hi Ibt nn! linICl tbt Ilot JIIIl",,'''lCultlK1l c:ouW DGt 'l'ell nltn pos'l .pnet t W;I.. ooti k1'- Kti In'! Jc 11' -aDd be I !sII r. t loa)· Itt'm to prudlK'C it In 1101110 __ IIPI,Iit-IIbi!ity, I, without be .nd .. ·hen hi, uroC'<''' tIIJon 113d upllQ the L11l(h party "!.IJ not MO, IItkn" -" 1_...: thl:":. bc<-aUIO tho Clirl fl'«luellll,. IIr(lCllrl in 1110 IIi.. Culturillt. mod "lth. I'tti.>l.toco wbkh Ih\")" co.w not onr· 10 'll"llhdraw lu IIlY.IIC d"tI_ fr(lra his door. lie .ronE. efe.. rraoI10u.l.pt!. &hcu &h tha bat Ilbns u.rth ClIlitlcs wbero no froll CfCIturn-d. Thllt It I. '·."OIy or .............to"',.. c:otfte. Ibll Jert Ihe house, much to Ille ...Il,f or Ibe "Your rorlunca .. ·ilI not bl tLo lUl!on." n::'thela;:r tho \fOlk or 1I minule mkNllCOric A l-'Nmd. :o.griC'ultvrht, a.. ,fIf'. John Ro.J:tra .... ,hell to drink,.nd lIltl Frencbttl:lo; bllt uer ... tho tt'QII"d .ppralch. "Th.t tbe1 fit:" call. WhCD dTr.1I oa:r mar· and ltM. QOt be qok. Pl'O!I}.c::.ic worda; - . '101 r - . I _.. ,. r ,_. r II under IbolnllIlC'oCooltbcb..h'·atcr.l"" "·U,iA ",1. bO"'01l 1d l'r-preto.pp 1 rthl nateh. At al\trth .II" It o.n.. ·th'''-d-''-'' .. IIlSlIlg Allu J'C'llIOnlllG t 10 AI', auu rln, eprll 'ng 0 lno .,,\·MIII&CI" eu I I'atmg hiJI OWII ",ti_Liun lhe llIOl>t allrortllllllle min one Ii_ they approarhtl1 with IIllII'lt 1111111 .. ..e.:k 1f 1ou.i1l" - ,.' ICI'o t..._ "'. ...... Q>OOIO tbcreb,producil'SlImurbldgrowtb,111"' du anrietyo(fllrllll,MUcta,cloquellllya:t.l"li Ii.. . "'1-d'-..-dk1loll".delf:fmmatioft,ellCiwt!t.. therlltdptquiuMir ",\t,oIll'1ooIpnpbtrt'" bri&;blllfllothia carlrwlsdoal,naeul1a1lib ..... L_'· .b I \\' '11 . .. ,.. , lin;. "a lira 1 II qUItI. 1.01 .de.·.I-lDto_1'ftI. ...... "",,ltl1'"e; neat...,.- CllI w••un ute t to ......1 .. nlo upnn our :. tme'!I. wl!lto lutuic::t.IN 110 hcalDC -1 quam:1Ionxr "' .. hcud to .,-" BriDr tho n.il!" .. Xo, at tlot Iioll'I 01. trieod. c.n b- mr,· ......,. _ tbcp1i:doftho.fI'OC'UIattb'I'O<)t,Du"yettn 1'hat· .. my dC'l'kr. TIl:lt f3!lid loeomotioo "You tl')'ll," aidJobn, "andU'101l-doo'l .nd",frillpl'OC't'Odtorethn-tlIcn." ...... fllngi or lninut. \'C'J;('talolo paruite. &atilt; "'biell' 6111_ tbu wt>rtlJ, IDk'rfO;:llt'S 10 uoe:, and had I;Ol into OONfI'flUll quamtf, get iDto alooo-l·. Md, 11'11 be boca.,. a,...OlI·t AI t1IoI clal .ppoinled, WiU_ .... 1 .. re.di- .. J. pboe l'or eftI')'thillt aDd 10 Ita hi tbe .Ir and afliJiDg them.,ll"lIIl upon all c1inulC!:t-lu..t 'pirit vf In\·.-.tlg:tlion P' 0IIt of II"hicli he fiNd. bone.pbtol OD .....U blU1l pow.J"r, - OIind:' CletIo -.-panlcd bl FI"ftkrick EotiiA. 1llI,- pltc.-," ... tho patriarch iii hllducbtw. "s.- tha 1Nt, aoo prodllC'illg tbe ... 't we atf', .. ·hieb i. tbe C'h.1rlctcri.lic v( uar boy, who th\" br Jl<TpC'rinc The circle bepll cautiollb!,lotbl roullll biCl, .ert botb.urpriAd et tbemlpl5ctocc tl.JaJII,'. Ject. :r-..bo wiD 1M1'f:I' 5ttp.,. II until tho lar, no lonscr able tn_l:Iin itltlf. 11'111 concur lit concentrating upon our uloJ him with a filII ,h'r;;e or abot, Cnxo a iliwlio;:. but aa Jobn kDOfl;e.d ubn f.OUl blId;ar, at .. &IId lhou&ht it out or dlUaau wltb.her lOCI ..... llbt&stto &laIb droop! .. /hom dlM'lI'1O. ....11 Ihll Juun., I,rvd"di uu ••",otd",J rrum l'itcl!. 1'11e het.. ·«n t.hII rartic.. 110111'. the IIIUe lI,,:e proo.!lII.,tl& a lew ... p"para. tlrCulD1t.an.cn; but boll" "'lIcb mon .urJOrliod IQII: :';ow, Aid bt, - to "'.' llq Wu bclie\" Il to loa un nr tile treo., C'Outltri.'1l, Illd IO'hieb we ,hlllllimi UX':II1' 0""" p"'"nl.cd. an1 atrlOllS ulllIbII1>ciog done, tory to touchln,lt I. tliu p?lI'llc" be .... ap1D wc,. a"pplllC - 11'1110 .let. to - or h'- I.pptllll.tl" bo)ood the IQIl( ·UC!If. 1"bo ,.-,,), tree I '" " .• \•• ,.1,'". _,.." I"'-,bl, ..bl" .".,11 and 1Iul fur Ihe lteat d;'llroportion In III' -.Ill "'"tlcIT11 ld.•1oM. TIle IIIdlvklual who had J.nland Ehu, 14'1 "'C'" dnl'on toJauellofmtf bl'OOlD5lk1t to ca-lIlt. wiJI. TI>oyouna:1actJ .. I. r--..o, .III "V"" .ndage or lb•• lhodu.1 btlll"cell "orritd lIi_lfeonaiderabIY,b, CII'I'.r!!lg tho I'I'lIoJetlte,aodmndherullllbem!ltrtuml!tbt. tlIbjeCl to d1JlC'aac$,.l.lId .1JY'4I!: the 111'01'1\ II be O:O\'eroo with new like lhat or Ihe Joho .nd lhe rato-rickr ..ould hu. nil, io hit,uddeo n:lmltdalhtl1lt totba POllnd. heil'l'tl, and ltamed the plot br .bleh II.. hIld hand. Tb.,. pallid 6'lIID the ap&.did A!ooIlIO but thAycllow a diaealMl I, rich, it _ball enjoy II di eN-ilt of f\Kld. "hicl.o p.AcoJ oft ",Ithout notlcr II bon aooudaintinc, ., _lfll_ti&kill ,t.:at.OIt.ut/l· taItIlII tho I9nrs. TN.ay Enpilb thop,..; _ stoalbkd. 0ftI" tH bl'OOlNtick. diawnlinllted, and. al y. I .. wben il tho pl....:lg. 0( bc.slth, r,trtnglb, and coo. tOll'n.talk. boll"el'tJ", alld ...·JIlbII =1lIL":n; ti6.. !" tho of tho elll'Mll and hIa btuna ....... ooulow:" aDd othfnJ-pteI IL At 1e.1lIth .JOU1II Iadr buddllla It dODCl rrum a dituu«l tree to • tmtnll.'l')l. Unl(urnaity.... m.sy be tbrGu:11 thtr.trc<tJ., aDd .... Rodgt'ra SbIltaec:am.thoa healthyooe. Not IlO with :ho narl' .-e tho Kale that .·e _"n to it i' lbe 'll'oN.lof uhihitia( bit ..ou.:lIIo15-hlt ri,bt arm aIIIl haDd tnulJlphant. I'If I!lIdin&:out, ..... boliitied, II"ift.f .. h..... theupr.riment iI)' 'lul "')DlliIMlna: it it tlH: 'o( tho :O;ortb; bulng NftiVN Incral or I'" ebot-biitoAIlud 'l)1IS JIIll.. L11l(h. lor the U-, ... twtIttr .J'OII'" Io1'ed Ioryounelf Of lor 10lU he 1111 baabawl oIa prudmt, -s. ding fNma C'IoIfllea( U'OCl to a boe.hJa1 00. it It tho lIIi...rl or it i'tlMlNI"aOO tended 10 incrnM the --..I t1oo..-t II\U. __UGf"oflWl.llthorilT. "'1-. lon1y W-.. tDd ...... n. bzooc&hta bWot, ... .• '. Jw L h 1'IOt' t k cJc. and Ihe-,4ctcnoilK'tl-'ella_oCbitpo1l'Cl'. abt _loal'e-. t ,. .. oottUJ" &lid hl t1llplaciug portIollJ of a bootIthy tree, the C'ftMtlMll'Ql,'ll u( CUUyC'Ua, tho Co 111C .... IlOW' 0 e a The fol'.o..' IDOflIia buld JobD a dtlt ..bidI na lIDlkr tho II"ftJeK Pc___ and aurplylPJ III plaoc .. ·lth blIrk rNm a curl 1It'S3 of tho banxk.." CIlIOll In. til, (':1M', antl br'-e dtrk It cu eobc C1'U, £rom It ti fMh be.. II Let &IIr II"bo It dilhrut,oed.t the obNu.Iee 80th W'tto ricb and tIiCb e.orithetIlbe otha'. In(tma i but In no or hll1l1.f trellt- CItCO Ilodgon to nH; I>Cfn ..hhlo the jllri.. :tion :r J.,';p ..bkh thtylJuallll,lil In th' "-'1 of their 11:0. -mm'po.lbht,could it!;'..Uol< ....rAll..... n \"ll1I""n a ral t .t "11't. L 'uch or 'c- .'OridL pI'01'tnw:nt, rud the taIIowl"ll" and _ what pt_ WbenOen. Stanhope .... Sterdl"'ol St.lt!• ..IlIad 01 to Ii ti It W 'l11l1t Ihe Englt.h ohtllin !tU'ger crops (rom or an olh", men, II(rII4P' Jo;ollU Ilnd a "l:r.. ),. tknt ptl'lCnrinclndllllrl COIIII.«OIIlIlIWi: ho b\"Icfd tho lifo or a Stotch oobl'lIWI COlI' .chen" conve) one ree •rom. .0 Ihe IttrCI tlll'y rultil"ntll, tb.,n wo gcl on lIld tho grellell ncMon 10 "tiUill' 011 rail" "TfIlJ, '._" "I bmt<J rimllW'," ..lei William Cobbet\ C"fme.d 10 tht rebellion ef l'rU Th. <)I'(l IlIoorllln ••ide of tho AlllIl1lh', 011 the uC'r:tgC. III 100 lie would ralhcr baye die.! than 1\18",,1' auch .n To iIluwate tho_l1lon, of 00 .....t alight or .. wko I ...... a pri....t. IlIId1u Uab"lXlItuw1. nfulcdlL no thI'I'atened IOI'fdcu. TbC'T pilI.- . JUst whera thedllfl,M 'rpcara, In tbe Je.( gnneralll .d,u1t1N to 1"C')1Iire prouf. 11111\ indignill; and immNiattly oo·l'ft'Cil'inC thilJ In· crroncouJ VOUodt k'aDdaIoua 1'I'portI1DI1 be nto eelp or all hn1b Of' m1 e-rd.bf'd ...... Illy eel hit rtqutaL And IIrlhb C'nnwt actbe ...... Jtself, IlDd clse. eon.quently .·11 tbe, UIO moro ul.nare. 4IId bcotilow 11'101'0 la- uIIICCIlCf'. be moaln'd that h. II"o.dd IIlIl ba hurd. I kllOw an ltalia.n vnt!towl, .. hulol _to co IlIIdl ill; m1 kDlJllKll na all boak. dmzae4 .. bldirldoal tr- .lc.lb of 'Otittm hot .-doDOtgo .,01M! the Icaf, or direct tl,ftUt'llCC& bor lban wo do.. I. elao gMltnUy alMkntood. caullit hrtry 1O"Jnd." u. Iheo took l'lfti1'Cd a QOtur Iurltalioa rfVlll an l:op.b ladl Ct.IIj aDd _ bil 0( boanI "'1i.0Il 1'Dllap m1 had DO othe.r thlII thatl'lf IIsdwlol· upoa It, lbe CUM of tho diamw. Tho New &glaDd r..,'lDt'r ....ould thillk hi!! lIoDOtbtr lar£e driok, .""ann cltannchllthroal, of --.·ttllOdudiariathit-.J tabk. I had DO -, C4ptll'ChalletOo SdJow. _ NocxJlCllUft,noaituatioD,nolppueutout- Dt'iJl:h!M.H' InWat' ."bo WloIikl pi \"Jcw.td io a ..binin; r- 01 VoM:.: ....1, "TN1, !OlII'."looit it 10. rrMod, to.bm1 dks woil; ilI.-llI," ti_it ...... l'lIftlr that I .AD eWe.r1, aI&ide.D wilb a pride thonI .,,1nI coadi:KlII of the 1Ne, II D«'isurt to II Ii t tin 10Ilt1a /' .. ltWo - 011 • nilll WI." 111 be diet if J'.I h. ul'ftl'Jled h50 rr...... -t ....1""Juln IllKUt as "".Iit &rlUJ licttt llOU that of tM IIrt. 1oIld0lllJ beiq dtptlllltot up:IO. ..eaIlbkw nlatiocta, Rtirtd IDdlice tho e:l!ltmeo of tho evil. It y ;;rn . CII t; .;1 Ea I be rid 00 a raa Cor 1\1'.1' thocuand lIo1bn." lIuina:.uo'lfillincly aDd ulllnteot:oeWl, adaIntd allllU11 enD 0( that. To b07 apmor abcdof cbill to her challlhu 10 JII'" lor "a tI1IDfclrtabIt ....bueltlll"iJI,andwhcnltwUl. 'I1li.lelwDIi nura to Icre. U Itl Ig:u. 1Il0 "Wtll )'vu'lIbttl,rl"'t OI.II,thtn." All1lhe tlleCOO'llltllof Ltd,-·,heaI1. paptr.I ... _ptltllCJ,"'II'hkhlbtaln7,uplaiuedintb_ -uato belleYe !bllt we aboulll luok to tb. fUl1ullC'* hav. lIcen nllldo by lueb lin out- or tbe bar, ul1\1ld bock tha bottI. aid thl rrir""; ".hr I.dl Ji.lod, tboup 10 a &tau of 1tarT.1ioA. IIIId DO woN&, with _ IDOI'O dented 1'IItca: .. And !at, -ilt dl t h II Id h I ( lay on rmtt'd rt\tnls. nnl! Ihn cnonnou, and porf'C'd Ihe "pic" Iuto the drawer. "Judi" - .. 1IlIllUOlt rwe"td .od coned lfo:DIlllo IDOIIItlit of tlm......t I QCluld call.,owo; IJKlI 0 Lord thou Ibould,t !IlIt uodenltand .hat I 1'. eat IiII C'O UllOIl t ° e;a VI' 1A...:0Il of th3l thereby Illllt. Uno IIClY L)'nch h.. ""i,liL" En,t:land." had to I'Ud .nd writo talkinC, lallihill,. IDC&D, rour hundred a.rflil' paid '1" arlul l." pt!lJ,IItlOo. Le.\·u.re Ibe·JlInga o( U'Qeti (ann of l60 lIcrttr, ncar l.ondoll. wu rCllh.od "Well. nOll"I'D'i aot. a ",.in to be AnN no .. bowe1'ff,lbeproero[ 1D1IiUCrtion,·' IIf1iin;. whllllll.E. ud hawliog of at halla . . .. .., IUch tbcy are Ilh lboto of allim:als, ·or· (or 11,020 ptr Innum-vct Ibo ae- IlIch trick," Aid John. "JudI' L.rocll ba I'C'plit.'d Ill, ltaliall.. dra...illl rortb .1llU'cl1chil tclIlR of tbe moat thoucbtlCII or IIIC'nj andthat, A IIIlpiar =iIltarr -putl II hi suaaofdtlietle n:tdlt.nl,m,aDd IaLleto di... CIITDUltstt'd (rom·it by lilN.ftl oulla,s ha"K"'I." inritatiott to diOlltr, ud uhihilcd it II"ith ttl air too, in tho bouraof Ibrir from all _ ... the hi· 0"ll.lllutioa. ol\mtirau from .pparelllir lu -.::..... Iln: i... f1ll11.....ll4, ond tho emplUynlC'l'I' J"hn 1.3unttrrd out. tr)'int aI'III alulterin, I .. of triumph: ....bat 1i&11011 DOW! JOIl t:IfIIlOl trel ADd r tal, rr I, ulllkr CU'CU1IlAIaD* lib ,ta!' Ilripck. ·triTialC'l...... TbuI.UaucJJc.."IebangeaffOlD of So it.pr-rs tllat "I'D Iolow 'r", .U It_ if thel _ 1t1l"f'l1 doubt hft' 1wad!"-Lld1 m..lo&llIG·" tbftr. rould _Din' IIIItI O'I"tmltDOthiltIk. _1, Ct.l _ 'fbi, o.plUlt, Erm1n1"". btat to cold would be fjolto Ubl, to afl'cd. cro "hidrOllrCanllunratoo. e,en.. a proJoctin'aloout thiublJd." Idk:rlo 1talr... _ Is tIxrt. caa Ih\"n be., 10 tho ..bole world, a wclcba !J8 pooIIIII; tbt nm k II hljurtot.J1 their 4ebmte mcdwrbm, made DO aid (rom tho bun .X n. then IitrppN loto .lton.od purcbaMd It ila coaDOII relllUk Ilaat Ihua _D tIDr: C&II W aD utUII b thtI dI:lI;I'PUO b1c:ca- IDtD tbaD : ":i tI:lCIhtalaili\'". b tho· •. 1 .• fIIr.- tb1"COJlOIlIlIholpoto1kl' ••hkhhotialupln a IftOIt wbothlUleutiju5taafloop"* thd' _ .hilltbtara-. ---. ':& ,. 1 croodltilla. 01 h.sDcbome per etntlgc OD tDCHIeII01'C'$ler!:o pockct.lwIdk",chict A. It &:rt.. lo.-.rtli quack.ioji wbeG to pn$OII brlep aliP t It 1110 . Se._ DtOdIal061lJ 10 mucll .. lie wbo des- b11ll1U11lbu tr pclQDda, bdTlI cultlU't uti srowt!t) the IlJO O( chrk, John, II"ilb hit b:llldkuchicf UDd" his ... JUClIt. a:lJ pouods.

Transcript of PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....

Page 1: PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....




fUGh~ SOUND HERALD.: IIlaotl or IIWlU"",, "lid Mgll ,:ul!h·.tivtl, r...-... ann. ~'&1kcd iolo & mn(ocliollf'rr. kf1llhl. uol 71>. Iflnl"IIt.. • .........."" ........... 8C' .............uu.lII.t... __ . fhrtlng • promntur'O growth, lUld lea.' hArdy aT nuclll" _ old French~", and purchased & r.... c1ga... i "I mil, don't &00" whkh 1101" MIt." laid YID hu two mlnlltea and a halI lo lin_.qc"I

CHAllLKM PllOIClr, than if left tocomoot JOOr1I w:lb lho obstaeles "-1M'1d .........,.-111; Iipted 01100( IMm, alld COlllrtltnteol 5Illoki1l~. JaM },flny.... to her frielld 1brtln \f..ltD. allbe to 1IIliI_ to liab-ud & hair 10 ~TO-for In. ....u ...u a>td prtc...... of aD uncultinted QondiliOll. These cir. .."",_~• .w.. ...; A,lrud, thloltietFlioftliobl,hCOlll1orJlIdp n:lllnlod r"...a.plelldklr-artl.ben 11I.,..u th.mIadltofth'-lllU1l1t.h.da

....--urV...Aa. A.In'.u:c:L 6 ..1oft ... lot,.lIrorClllllo,...-1 L11l(h were in pl;l5uit or MID, and u he A. th. lldmtnd or allllllDlIftn. "Will. ~loD Of Bllt thepl'e It. not doep-lt II the ahi41JI"'Ift _• ",--. a1lrMl-. und 10 IU:lk. thera hiShll tcosi. r_~I 0_ tA~ ~1lO1 tlo. Wor, ... br.-n to ""II' Fm. ~ Out or a hoet fIl aoI.-irus tb&l lle&lI of all. tIlad tba1...,b IlL Wha. tho u1. ..... _r- • • : -:: tl"toalle.:traofIJin1l.1'J lofttleDCl'll; aftd.lt ~~==;"I 1."'1 atlu. elpt'.1Ill muttt:r tunet apiMt mr btllM, _ Ibtt I tuI aD ~ bu kllOWDbaodthrowlthtlutCt.taJdutattbltMld ...ott-u. "upoa tbis bt'!ieC ~klne tb,twe 1'mture our ........ el; "The ..boIo ittknlaI put of 'ao," broaa:ht to 1111fHt, I han.edtdcodthelo. Thel Gl ~o-lbnt *eth he. It1t bCIId, &oil t!M cWt

Ratn.c .u~I"", opinic,;n ID rdermco to the t21nD 0( the o1'il. '-I .. \'~" iU.I be, ")"aU _lrJw' tbtlare, ud ..... nrithon- ritb--both Olleclwith _tiID(OU oaIllina tbo t:r'OWII. at tboru ~ _ ~

'IlMC"wf'':-::Z'''':L-~, ' , • , ~: We ~lie1'e. Ibm, IhAl the lrt'O ubdu tilt '-__._ ; .J'O'l'D eet wakcd 01'''_ th&ll 1f",.J'OII .....,. ol ,-••nd ... far upn:Nionaud emnaI TwooobaolO81l·· tbeiTnItlioaIbl J ...~ ..""' ...-..... - .......,-. IIlO~oleulli,..tlon,andrerbapi a full ~~...~::...7 ; dore-blutlUotioaaiU)1lUrpictt:n. fouje&t tood~p,bothlonlllC'. Sdtberh..,.eup"'" b1 tl1olik.Io1'.I=;'t.tto lhird. 11_

eJ:pllIUl"O to tho tuO'1 "'1'" Ul301 put (vtlh lu Dr•.ut.lI,-1 ~ ..ith thlt thild-tb.t'.. aU-&JMl if I don't od It in &tronc tm.--bat t1thuOlllr ....itlot tbe Tb diJItaDeo of .... ' _,__ .._ lJotr rou 10 kinpm --Iou _If I doD't... -'1 tt1toUrlgcmalt;111ll Ill"" 10 JlOrl the '. ~ c:IUI. ~r'"

". _ ..n . "U u ' 11 CImIIe" .... J~,.OI, nnt n«'t'lSllrlll prematuro'y, but ,--.. ..... Ie • .-....... The crowd••·hirh h.d UWlUblol1 round tb, qutIWD. To eilbfl' ml lorlull4l would HUa,J. ~ of tmIt thfOU&h 'll'hieh ... 1'I1lD Illto thac. _ •. I.""" __.1 ocrt.. eu,,; .,..M .._ ""PO'<•• _ .........001 .. ,., _ ez with a ttuder. delicti. 1'r;;:llIi,rn, 1I1l1111td to ~=::,:;;,~,c;::.~::.;.....IW; door. DOW ct&,llls1J, elite"" It.. _. and at \'loti,.. Tlle1 mar-it It aD U.ll.pnrralll rainbow Clf fllJO,lAe.llt!'Ul ..-..,.. willulalld uullljurt"l1lho.l!xtrcl»et o( tem~cra. ",IMI ~I Iht; did fiG, JollA btpn 10 f10lltillh lUI cipr IDol l1IouSbt-bUl I cannot belp tllte.1..iaill( It, Ion rlll"o pf'CIptdll'l painten Ietd Il.\ poor, bt­

1\ • Jj ~ tura to whicll it J, 11Ibjcd.ed.. A dill or IUo- ~"..uo III w-"_ try: lUI (on1Ult, aad Dot lilt. Do lOU blow, lbttlo, ... ittbed IUorlal~ tl'l'OU8h lbowboletbeatltor lite, J.tghcq II t. ~Iv. lSI,,1 or Warm mild ....rat~r...rY~ ..,.., .,..,.110..-,_; ".rest 1eu tekh, 1lOW. It 10U 1t'1ourhaOOt I btl" atl'lllll tboIlCbtl of PQtt1llcthtlr Ion to ud lbeM l~ lIttllOrr Qld Dope.

"I"Iwt _.~aI'eut. to advance tb.len~ and LrinS tbemto tbe orIlkr_=.::.."';' ; on -.1'11 Kud JOU ..hidin·. Ir Ibil~JlDW' thettttr' Do put to d~tho ~pa.tcr 10 WhaLever or theory or opioiOQ mtft mal Vfrl oondidon hlOIt likel1 to be .lfreted lu· 1'•• ok.... rod '" I"Tlbia'. I Joo't caN ror .,....1' .. 11_ ...... TOll oIu ii'" u-It.

baY, or lbe uute.of tbe curl of tho peoeb juriollllrloJ·o.old. A~oJ lIight-tbouCbnot ftt_ -"- ~..... _I'd ralbel' bo bJcnrod throuCh tlat root 01 thit "Jbayetboll&btol a ft1l· YOIII -,_. Y&n aboWd cart'J lifo lib a aplrIte4 fakoQ I. "bf••11 ..'lIt1l11:'l1 011 one )'Oiat, lbat ilttf:. u~rl11 fl'fflli,,~ 011. ~UJl'l • ....1&00_ "',_--..... btnt.~' thaD btrid OQa~_~ htr~t I.had .COIl!iJIftbona appesed to be bis balldl, aI!oftiDl it to IDCIaDtlDtotha ethlr.

fcdllo 1I1"f1 the ahnoat e11til"fl tle.trucdon of lbe ~..,( them. lO'kJ.-illl u manl ..ann r-, ... ~! ~II. Jut tpe«b bad. .Itnctcd tIK Itlf:Dtioft Ioat ~~d ~ propatr .bkb bat awW a &Dol bdllCabio toa.D.ithad: ~toeartb,~.. ~btrOpuponrttarlyalltbetrtel(ltl...·bkb u1'; lholu,...anauddflilycbillod.tbelr :;..::-_~~.:.--- ortbtol4 FI"IIl(!uuan. ..bobqmtolggk",'1 poor ~ ....alI'dlCOlUUd ..... 10 M uultlsllotee:lil.l7. • i~Ot'C\III; aoth.tifal'C'mcdyorprcY('flll~ d~Ii('ltourgAnlutk'lllfet"l.ilJldTt'tU; InflICt, "...__ ........... _.~_l -'1. • ~U'b...enlinJll... lIo1Yal_ft1'utotho ...lIofme:laput ('lin be 'PI)li~ 11itenlful1y.lt ought to be Ibctr«llnttaeked .-iwo.C'OlJ011 iltlUlIg.. or l'.ml1,~~ "th, ..btt utyou &ball Ayi-blow ~lf do Y., but 1

0G ~~' hao1 ~IlU ancI plIIlLi.....hich UwJ ~r haTt bowD, u4 a fiollclrltyhu I be f from m bou.o ,,, proo& o~ hi. deeea... • ..hid" hI thlIlire, .t Ieut, thor IIt1't1' CI.II 1aIW;

madokuolfnulmmrdlatdyupualbl", III it tllodr_pcpaill.orperlA!"1 exActIi3.o :=":.::~:.::=:.~.,_. f'OO y • "lkllOII"lt.bulth.trOrldd~ootnorCI.II Pot Itltk .• • tbo pcath crop I' r.pldl)' becoming OtlO or IUNvf~bo oJi••;Mol ~'o do tlot flllll under. ....e1lI"'"' ... .-. ....... '~_1 "J.Dl hOldor hlnl," Al~ tIlejlldCC. whogtnt.'. "'1 tll'O Ct.1'0l"eI,I Illnra be atqu.Inled' ...lth lhe "" e .pau-ot,ultlwhll;hrull 81.111 the molllmporlAUt III the Siale. lllUld i but Ita cfrcct II Ibis, t~t \\ull_t lliu _"'" ~l .11, atttoded. the UtcUllO!\ of 11'- IIotlIttnCCl III &ct. IlIlucCore pllrpott 10 atatlln tho 01''' the IIIlcolll. a"Jatat ef th. Id-.l but U'I

We b.t\.• rOllOh·tdseural commUJIi~tionl albumunl WOOMWlIIJ' ~dlng (orlfard Its ptniOOi "il, hok! or bim, fello.I'" thlt my ClIIWD It Dot 1kIlJ... aa 1lI=..-IIwI to pall' of Dutehma.D'1 __ 00 tbot tilland d bed I f tho 'nMya-II'.. .,.lfout. "Stllldo6'l StaDdoll'l" tll~1Iltd John, ..t To"" 'p foratimeal1-,":"':.I':.t.bulllltft' fOU,bbitb""o(lif..

oalholubjectoftbepmda leoJ curl; In 11 UDimlllll IUI-PYU ..pto 'hot7_... ..,. ......;;; ........ ....;.... tho I ofW .. hhek! the oStr .....- .. P l'omllWroIcAcn dcbi. lOra. of lhete, tbc:vnc. aro advtne'Cd to "" learos, It i, oqlllll, trve, tha1 ther etaM pro- op I... ,aa. op pow tAd 10 r.tUr. mto _pan-til" po1',", Itlsltid at"" 'II co. ·tehulJlI:I

perl dabn t.ba d ICDd I bm. ::.::..~.:::-:::. ~,:;I_. ill - hi.... Mol tlo<e eip.r ia tIM 1Ilbu. "0. that tlopl!ld ~ ran!l ~ the tnn!! cbancte1'. Ub ""'-tnlDed to pltJ trieb,COlIat (or tho d...... ; I.D Olberl, almp1r to 1 co ...~ t "P. to t AI --... '"_Ik_. JClIl _ this 't... ti&U. aIIlI thk 'uo poritr' &orathoflattrre.ra b,.hocntht7 ..... 1lIn'OIZIId8d. thqcu polthe._ll'eticlo aD Il:lrtI of 1ItraII.... delCriptkln of its tft'«'b UPJG tIM lar lOr thtl prodltetk.cl of Dew wovet, or .. (I/Od t .w I _ .. _rv Jal.,JlN 1a71V'U 1wIdJ OIl tDI, tDd I'D ktch 11dt wiD ..t kut teIt ml ftimdL What tbmk ud lat'priaill; postT.lrf:I-ho.t the, ..... peraIJr anclflui:i botall"ukiDg lOr a I"tIDOdl en' IUr.tbe(ruit. '" ,.1 .~~.•Irldoa·~za:.cbdbumm.... )'OG CCm1plant" oathef0t4. 1'~'·~111'~.· '. • •• 'I'be _nJlII.tioa I~, and a morbid 1I'.1..-c_IlPt ..__ Ita_...... Woo Dita. )loa Din. enued \be old "E.lttUeot-try it bl aU me:lll.C." To-.ke \II haPPl nnoqu1rt I'tClt ZllUth lcaa

W. bar. lMde lbo ,uhject of tho curl o( gro.lh II tho eGnlCllJ.Ul.'fIce. whkb (LQ,II, ro- ::-'::'~~.:'"~~,,=&oI: F~n.. "Go out of Inl houle, air-be· Theldca .... .ned Upoll, and 1t ...1 turioaI tbao.~llI(i tomakluamianh!t., D<ltmuth thc pcadl Ja( alilld, (IIr1"Ara. "Voun aulla in t1i__, and 6 i1ropping ci'the lu( "-"' ... -.... u"s ...."',. .....: ~lIt wilh ~our r.-,,. aod 1OUttlp.......bat I. to IN h01l' Jlna', .dalircn dr(lpptd 08"0116 b, _tbao oolhiD, ..1n aah. eumillc:ollt under e\'U1 ..riety of circnm. AIld fruit i thc 11Itt...r. bowc!\"er. not frot.. di... t:~.~=;;:= .::..-;==~~~~~. d:~~lc,!-wlll ,1OU blOW' ali up Pl1 ProJlll~1'" 011.. Uti' t..o IomutillwailW UpoD b".t Dnt W.1tam to clliab bl keeplBI oiar e1et notClll aWI«'Iof !&QlI, c1illlSto.. hoat, CIl,)ld, m c\'ery usc. bUl fronl • poSIt'l·C lack of (\Xld In eo.m. s a \\ til, Icl "m Inn al' .Ione then. III blo" ill II" retlftDlelll.1D4 Janl '11"&1 PlotO p:w.lcd tlat hUll that lio bchiod. hut 00 t1.tI ZllOl:UltaioD1'_ 111"0 bellcn', In wbicb It I, pouible (or uCj,ucnc:o o( Ih... 1011 of Ibe lear. 'Vo oIlIDGE L\'~CII QUTW1'I'T£D. all ~r:- "'p .nd lIlyltlt todl htJ'.)re 111 be rid on tha.. uer ...hich 10 cl:_. Fre<klkll I:oIUeh', tbtl .... bcl'otoo ua. It 10 .00111" Itselr, not ollly with a 1'10.. ell .·ould ..ecount (vr tho I.ppd-rauoe or the a ~~ath hi tleme .. cried t th ,WII io a abort time "-me lllOI"I no aneel'_ Llr,,, an opiwn; It ueittlllla UUlr &to &c, dix<tnring tho ClIu.tCl, but I( poeaIble I. p.... eurllD dilfc:cnt plrts of thu ...me orebard, . ~!~ al'\ Ju,l;o L1~~~iDll'd.broad Jadf;c ...:. :a~~ tho ~II" allllt:: tU:~ 1ha!ls,krlodfatbct..mt-'II'hIlcWUlilaStu- tDt:i then lcuuuulorP1, ..tt.r1. ~.~ Tmti\'"c. or .... here two ,·,riaka of dOlI peacb &ftI JtlrVdlCliOfl.ln.nd.boattht1'IC,MyoCT---, cutocllo knI I wen cooataot. Whltbulifltoabowosbotthtp...doorof

AtOUI' ~rcncJelIIt "loa." retnSfb, sro.non tbo ...,. tftof'••nd one (N)rtioa t'toriola.. Ho tool< copW~oC an mal~ 'J'heC'1'OWd,wbkbbaol_t-~IDD_. Upon _otthtlll b,.IeI, "y, dcar)lila beano' Tbrou;bthisw._t!tetlcbathtul. it.ppear.lu Iarrordaard topjult ...brro ,rmed Illd tbe olbu not. upon tile aupposi .nd pUOI.btd all o€_ ..hIc~ ~t~ DOt. othtr- bC':r,cndutUll1rcw nlUodthe~~ Yanl'tI'I, I ba~~ J'O'I1ooI- In tht da,.. ty aDd thelll&bett!alia; but ItlHlotbpQ. it tbu.-, .:tId h/),,·beto ,,1M, aolUfllt.illll.'ll i,' La . b ·tb . II"i&t pro'kkd Jar lIy b... lI'o ml'onDahI1. Of' and t!:tI tnd of the nil na 'oeA cutaia; the or 10a:r PfOlPl:nll_nooDdtd u 100 1I'mI br Tho Datdl ue • thtaF tditloQ or th Ott­

titoU t t .. 11'11 .~ 10 '11'1 . ~_Me bek or praof paaiUl''', _ned tbt ,,:,,'rrit fI"OII\ tIoor. .,01 10""'11"110 wtf'IlIIlIlioent. r clid IIlIt due 011 uulud r ar:d witbol;t c: . Ilret1k..., nu. JC\1ol"lug Il t ...... aDd tbeu takiug (ound moretmllhye. nlOradllJlOMd to.C'OI~ lho I..likliom or b1llultlfIW'J mWooC JlWlIalt "UuoCO"o thna,"UdailDed Rodl""" dra... t4~ to yoa a paaioo .hkh r had eell fram ::. t-pt. PTU tho nea:t; or It 1I'1II11ull. OOIt uu", ..·Lil.t ttloJ IlIUre n~ely to V. alTodt'oJ 101 c1'I.wI,C ...cnL Ir.o 10l1i,ldllal, h,aUT lndi~l.lOll "" IItg tho cigu'from bb 1DOII1b, and 'PP1110; II tbe ..........nt I brtr;roo, and wbleb bu ...... _ all .round It CICllJIt." "'e an efeh go illOurflCC'S tban otbrN" Ir Ihe JIt':k"1a i,· not impr(lilrirl)· of conduct, r.:ooerN lai"""lr obnoJ· dOlI to Ihi hlrKlhrchieC The,. wu. ~uddcn .nd 1II'I'0cthtned 1l'hh all .tqualnlallce. SO.. TIM a:npIMUt o._ONp. . (liriher Ih.n Ihi,. by ~rtll1g that wc b:m,! 1{J'~dcd by llae curl JIC)'l)illQ:ltOllJ, it II litll. illll~, Jutle' I'Inch ...., 'Ufo Iu 'PI,lylllc conte- nlIh to Ihe cIoora, lllti. tonrumn of 1'0ice. cry. IIlat you an poor. hko m,..l~ the dill".:renco .\ delln~•.chlld, pie., &lid Pl"tlUltal'l'ty 1I'ISI!,

kno..·n inalAncet III .·bieb ono hnlr o( a Ire\' Illy bl-rnu4e thllt C('rh.in C\.ItulitlvlI vr "rvwtla 1"~. 1·bo pv1llit conilltlltro lilt. j"dg.:·_ cnnd Ins Ollt, "Stop' Itop!"_" Doa't! do.,·t!"- which h:ld elle h~nn'lrkally -'C!d 107lirl rl'Olll w.. ~OItIplailf.itlgem a bot mo~& thaHbe pool'

....ould havolhe cllrl, .... hll.t the ollter bilif f;o,·or.llblo to it. do....tvpmml .... hell ..lIt....:l jllr1. and just 10 .ure ....n h,dil'idll..1 uchcd IW1't ail cf whkhlltlgbt b3 bGlJ"l! Ibeulll Fl'I'Ilch. di,ul,ln, 017 burt', puaiOII, It n:tDti,ed. 1.111 =~~ bec~ too bu~=1dJcd a'"'1. YIS ctItircly "ll~mpt i nor dOC'll .tptJ!lUN UIIOII il,· the innlH!llcce ...( I:ea; IlIltl cuM .Iitl the rllblio l'oke agai..sl blm,Jw,;t 10 1111'1' bo .... Ulan tl')'ln, out, ")lun1a~! mllrdlre!" not.f1lueot. bllt I CJIl1'Upport )'011. with rapt'Ct· happia:. c1t.~~h:t; ell tho -~.= til brr tu ot (rom lho direct IIIJ·I of the Rill not Intcrv"'llo .....1\fecll 1he scuill;; ...r th~ J..a( ~~I~~IcdIoIG~""", .. WtU," aid no.Jrn7, .. the trod diJpe:ned, abilily. It ~.~~!.!" ..~~t 1«,.• '1our throulh &lid .parkI. in lho a:..1:..*'.'~ tluovP_,""'k .cnlencv of Ibe j~'V,

: \ . ..11......tl ...."eloo"r;y. ..1·dJlI>"t ... tieftMki!L."'lIutobtridoo.htalbtIld0Cle'll'.... ....-n1OU---1 "onot .....accnl 10 £UTtm III III01'CI1Il"IIIt In lbe Jt'aJt. auu Ita .m,,1 .t a I~O o( banlul.'b .n,,) _".. '" __ ... ~ .:_, _.,. 1M ~ lID""'" to JIOOIIld&r. "Tbe tun."Lt •.'-

The f tho . .. ••• I "';el ..bo 11"'" the f1r5l N;l-NJ~ ..... in .-. I...... f1IU ..... Un' ..•. ~. -.-..- ......ea • be b .. cbutd •. . ~- 0 bhgb.t 11 ....h:lt wewOIII.d gro"lb ~!ond w..n; .It.rled h)' Ib.l1'JC1ul floridJl, but I ,....0 I'1'f'Olkrt wt...to h 1_ >Of tell J'OU _. two, W'O'enlllm., 10 htt- 'OG nuow.. ,\I leal 1 II"W tI'1lW;1'ft' toah't 10C1 Aid I t ikl, hal tbnn ....1:1lh hiI

hke to dltC01'eI'j (or uutll It II rClUnd it l~ t",oJ.:t or c1llUtte. ItIlCft1l II"ereCtlf\l'e1Noutor tItt~lelimil .. l'ioJ rour..-.t"'au.;uiDr,aad.J'Ollrdpr. \fiJI ua-." bcator .......ed ~~ bJllI"l1Ith. U5t:ksJ to toUt'lIlpt or proJlO'e I. ~1lK"dJ·. We btolieT..., tben, Ihllt tbe prat'h ItlIf curl of T_ on tolin;lt ruil, th.t brin: Ibf'JIUI.Wa. 10C11r:a1'~ "'1--. Nore!" "I belkn 1°U, WlniGo," aid Jl.llt. "&lid 11 Sooo att", - ....... a ~.:~ We do nnt thlnk·it it ncceflafllr Ihll t"fI'~'Ct I. proJucN I",· C'UhI ur ~Iiuulic iIlB"e~; IllCIlt in o.dl..."" n_ nut 1 I..~o DOt IOr;ot. Btlt &deera -.10111tilt- too ~ DOC' yoa wi!! It«pt a htsPr, "" IItD liltle bal. upoD tht alba' pointed "p..anI. &to. Aid

. I· dr· [ btl 'iDa . 1M nit.. . he, "tbtnltalldthodotr-dropac\orloouirlUttur fl"lN I1pnn 1110 )'Dung IC.\·~_Ib.Ju;b It I. dnlc.,C\ t lat .... (lir lI. rellltC:II hi I;~'n''l'lil Ibt nn! linICl tbt Ilot JIIIl",,'''lCultlK1l c:ouW DGt 'l'ell nltn pos'l .pnet t W;I.. ooti k1'- Kti In'! Jc 11' -aDd be I !sII r. t loa)· Itt'm to prudlK'C it In 1101110 Inll:lll~__ IIPI,Iit-IIbi!ity, I, without IIrelllc<l)".-[e:..lIfu~. be tIl'tut~d, .nd ..·hen hi, n«llli~e uroC'<''' the~.J tIIJon 113d Il"C'1'~kd upllQ the L11l(h party "!.IJ not MO, oJ~,",I-:-1 ~.nJlOt IItkn" -" ~1~ ':~m'll"':'1_...: ~r ~~, thl:":. bc<-aUIO tho Clirl fl'«luellll,. IIr(lCllrl in 1110 IIi.. Culturillt. mod "lth. I'tti.>l.toco wbkh Ih\")" co.w not onr· 10 'll"llhdraw lu IIlY.IIC d"tI_ fr(lra his door. lie .ronE. efe.. rraoI10u.l.pt!. &hcu &h tha bat Ilbns u.rth ClIlitlcs wbero no froll CfCIturn-d. Thllt It I. '·."OIy or .............to"',.. c:otfte. Ibll Jert Ihe house, much to Ille ...Il,f or Ibe "Your rorlunca ..·ilI not 11I(f~r bl tLo lUl!on." b1oo~~~ ID~e..,.:n.:· n::'thela;:r ~,' tho \fOlk or 1I minule mkNllCOric in~1., A celcbl""t~..J l-'Nmd. :o.griC'ultvrht, a..,fIf'. John Ro.J:tra .... ,hell to drink,.nd wll~n lIltl Frencbttl:lo; bllt uer ... tho tt'QII"d .ppralch. "Th.t tbe1 fit:" call. WhCD dTr.1I oa:r mar· and ltM. QOt I~t be qok. Pl'O!I}.c::.ic worda;

- . '101 r • - . I _.. ,. r ,_. r II • under IbolnllIlC'oCooltbcb..h'·atcr.l"" "·U,iA ",1. bO"'01l1d l'r-preto.pp1rthl nateh. At li.lJCtaklp~! ~ al\trth .II" It o.n.. ·th'''-d-''-'' ..IIlSlIlg ~ Allu J'C'llIOnlllG t 10 AI', auu rln, eprll 'ng 0 lno .,,\·MIII&CI" eu I I'atmg hiJI OWII ",ti_Liun lhe llIOl>t allrortllllllle min one Ii_ they approarhtl1 with IIllII'lt tha~ 1111111 .. ~UI ..e.:k 1f 1ou.i1l" - ,.' ICI'o t..._ "'. ...... Q>OOIO

tbcreb,producil'SlImurbldgrowtb,111"' du anrietyo(fllrllll,MUcta,cloquellllya:t.l"li Ii.. ~.,,' . "'1-d'-..-dk1loll".delf:fmmatioft,ellCiwt!t.. therlltdptquiuMir ",\t,oIll'1ooIpnpbtrt'" bri&;blllfllothia carlrwlsdoal,naeul1a1lib ..... L_'· • ~_ .b I • \\' '11 . .. ,.. , lin;. "a lira 1 II qUItI. II"~, 1.01 • • .de.·.I-lDto_1'ftI. ...... "",,ltl1'"e; neat...,.- CllI w••un ute t to ......1 ..nlo upnn our :. tme'!I. wl!lto lutuic::t.IN 110 hcalDC -1 quam:1Ionxr ~III "'.. hcud to .,-"BriDr tho n.il!" .. Xo, at tlot Iioll'I 01. trieod. c.n b- mr,· ......,. _ tbcp1i:doftho.fI'OC'UIattb'I'O<)t,Du"yettn 1'hat·.. my dC'l'kr. TIl:lt f3!lid loeomotioo .ndw.~. o..Lbatob1.~bad.iIIlJuI~ "You tl')'ll," aidJobn, "andU'101l-doo'l .nd",frillpl'OC't'Odtorethn-tlIcn." ...... ~.'VUIoo fllngi or lninut. \'C'J;('talolo paruite. &atilt; "'biell' 6111_ tbu wt>rtlJ, wb~ IDk'rfO;:llt'S 10 uoe:, and had I;Ol into OONfI'flUll quamtf, get iDto alooo-l·. Md, 11'11 be boca.,. a,...OlI·t AI t1IoI clal .ppoinled, WiU_ .... 1.. re.di- .. J. pboe l'or eftI')'thillt aDd ~ 10 Ita hi tbe .Ir and afliJiDg them.,ll"lIIl upon all c1inulC!:t-lu..t 'pirit vf In\·.-.tlg:tlion P' 0IIt of II"hicli he fiNd. bone.pbtol OD .....U blU1l pow.J"r, - OIind:' CletIo -.-panlcd bl FI"ftkrick EotiiA. 1llI,- pltc.-," ... tho patriarch iii hllducbtw. "s.­tha 1Nt, aoo prodllC'illg tbe cfI"~...'t we atf', ..·hieb i. tbe C'h.1rlctcri.lic v( uar 19~1I boy, who rct~ th\" aII1IP'iza.,o~ br Jl<TpC'rinc The circle bepll cautiollb!,lotbl roullll biCl, .ert botb.urpriAd et tbemlpl5ctocc tl.JaJII,'. Ject. w.~:r-..bo wiD 1M1'f:I' 5ttp.,. II until tho lar, no lonscr able tn_l:Iin itltlf. 11'111 concur lit concentrating upon our uloJ him with a filII ,h'r;;e or abot, Cnxo a iliwlio;:. but aa Jobn kDOfl;e.d ~~ ubn f.OUl blId;ar, at .~IIrt, ..&IId lhou&ht it out or dlUaau wltb.her ~IL ~ lOCI ..... llbt&stto &laIb droop! .. /hom dlr~ dlM'lI'1O. ....11 Ihll Juun., I,rvd"diuu••",otd",J rrum l'itcl!. 1'11e "'iJILlIn~ het..·«n t.hII rartic.. 110111'. the IIIUe lI,,:e proo.!lII.,tl& a lew ~p...~ p"para. tlrCulD1t.an.cn; but boll" "'lIcb mon .urJOrliod IQII: :';ow, Aid bt, ~tIy, - to "'.' llq

Wu bclie\" Il to loa un di~" nr tile treo., ri~h C'Outltri.'1l, Illd IO'hieb we ,hlllllimi UX':II1' 0""" p"'"nl.cd. an1 atrlOllS ulllIbII1>ciog done, tory to touchln,lt I. tliu p?lI'llc" be .... ap1D wc,. the~ ~h'D, a"pplllC ~nto - etrt~re 11'1110 .let. to - or h'- 00IJl~ I.pptllll.tl" bo)ood the IQIl( ·UC!If. 1"bo ,.-,,), tree I '" " .• \•• ,.1,'". .~. _,.." I"'-,bl, ..bl" .".,11 and 1Iul fur Ihe lteat d;'llroportion In III' -.Ill "'"tlcIT11 ld.•1oM. TIle IIIdlvklual who had J.nland Ehu, 14'1 "'C'" dnl'on toJauellofmtf bl'OOlD5lk1t to ca-lIlt. wiJI. TI>oyouna:1actJ

.. I. r--..o, I~.. .III "V"" ,,'~ .ndage or lb••1Ia.r;oni,~ lhodu.1 btlll"cell "orritd lIi_lfeonaiderabIY,b, CII'I'.r!!lg tho I'I'lIoJetlte,aodmndherullllbem!ltrtuml!tbt. II"bo'll'i1I~WpowUthaUba"Uteorcrofllll tlIbjeCl to d1JlC'aac$,.l.lId .1JY'4I!: the 111'01'1\ II be O:O\'eroo with new Gi~: like lhat or Ihe Joho Uod~ .nd lhe rato-rickr ..ould hu. nil, io hit,uddeo n:lmltdalhtl1lt totba POllnd. heil'l'tl, and ltamed the plot br .bleh II.. hIld hand. Tb.,. pallid 6'lIID the ap&.did A!ooIlIO thoytllo~,; but thAycllow a diaealMl I, rich, it _ball enjoy II di eN-ilt of f\Kld. "hicl.o p.AcoJ oft",Ithout notlcr II bon aooudaintinc, ., _lfll_ti&kill ,t.:at.OIt.ut/l· taItIlII tho I9nrs. TN.ay l'~ Enpilb thop,..; _ stoalbkd. 0ftI" tH bl'OOlNtick. euil~ diawnlinllted, and. al y. I.. wben il tho pl....:lg. 0( bc.slth, r,trtnglb, and coo. tOll'n.talk. boll"el'tJ", alld ...·JIlbII =1lIL":n; ti6.. !" .~I~ tho alIf:IIIpt-th~·ntt of tho elll'Mll ~ and hIa btuna ....... ooulow:" aDd othfnJ-pteI IL At 1e.1lIth • .JOU1II Iadr buddllla It dODCl rrum a dituu«l tree to • tmtnll.'l')l. Unl(urnaity....~te,·cr m.sy be tbrGu:11 thtr.trc<tJ., ~ l'rll~. aDd ~_'all~tC'dhlse:taUlplr.kaf .... Rodgt'ra Cilr~~that..-_".IDtk,ltIJllllot ~udputltllllltaplaclL SbIltaec:am.thoa healthyooe. Not IlO with :ho narl' .-e tho Kale that .·e _"n to it i' lbe 'll'oN.lof uhihitia( bit ..ou.:lIIo15-hlt ri,bt arm aIIIl haDd tnulJlphant. I'If I!lIdin&:out, .....tlM~boliitied, II"ift.f .. tdllCJl.t.Id&od'll'Cll!thl~tDU,tDd h.....ereJlf'llt,.lI,l~ theupr.riment iI)' 'lul "')DlliIMlna: it it tlH: ~plc."Ctl 'o( tho :O;ortb; bulng NftiVN Incral or I'" ebot-biitoAIlud 'l)1IS JIIll.. L11l(h. lor the I!~ U-, ~t...twtIttr .J'OII'" Io1'ed Ioryounelf Of lor 10lU he 1111 baabawl oIa prudmt, iDd~ -s. ding fNma C'IoIfllea( U'OCl to a boe.hJa1 00. it It tho lIIi...rl or l~laIad· it i'tlMlNI"aOO tended lD~b 10 incrnM the u:rit~ol'pm.& --..I t1oo..-t II\U. __UGf"oflWl.llthorilT. "'1-. lon1y W-.. tDd......~_n. bzooc&hta bWot, ...

• .• '. • h· Jw L h 1'IOt' t k cJc. and Ihe-,4ctcnoilK'tl-'ella_oCbitpo1l'Cl'. abt _loal'e-. t ,.

.. oottUJ"&lid hl t1llplaciug portIollJ of a bootIthy tree, the C'ftMtlMll'Ql,'ll u( CUUyC'Ua, tho bomt'ald:..'~ Co 111C .... IlOW' 0 ~ e a The fol'.o..' IDOflIia buld JobD ~ a dtlt ..bidI na lIDlkr tho II"ftJeK ~Pc___ and aurplylPJ III plaoc ..·lth blIrk rNm a curl 1It'S3 of tho banxk.." CIlIOll In. til, (':1M', antl br'-e dtrk It cu eobc C1'U, a~ £rom It ti fMh be.. II Let &IIr II"bo It dilhrut,oed.t the obNu.Iee 80th W'tto ricb and tIiCb e.orithetIlbe otha'. In(tma i but In no in~tltnco, or hll1l1.f trellt- ~~Il CItCO OU\~t J~h~ Ilodgon to nH; I>Cfn ..hhlo the jllri..:tion :r J.,';p ..bkh thtylJuallll,lil In th' "-'1 of their 11:0. -mm'po.lbht,could thucurlletl(bedi~ll\ln. it!;'..Uol< ....rAll..... n \"ll1I""n a ral t .t "11't. L 'uch or 'c- .'OridL pI'01'tnw:nt, rud the taIIowl"ll" and _ what pt_ WbenOen. Stanhope .... Sterdl"'ol St.lt!• ..IlIad 01 .~ to Ii ti It W 'l11l1t Ihe Englt.h ohtllin !tU'ger crops (rom ~ow. or an olh", men, II(rII4P' Jo;ollU Ilnda"l:r.. ),. tknt ptl'lCnrinclndllllrl COIIII.«OIIlIlIWi: ho b\"Icfd tho lifo or a Stotch oobl'lIWI COlI' .chen" conve) one ree •rom. .0 Ihe IttrCI tlll'y rultil"ntll, tb.,n wo gcl on t~is lIld tho grellell ncMon 10 "tiUill' 011 • rail" "TfIlJ, '._" "I bmt<J rimllW'," ..lei William Cobbet\ C"fme.d 10 tht rebellion ef l'rU Th. alitl~1JY

• <)I'(l plaeolbe~tofIlIoorllln ~(thOd'••ide of tho AlllIl1lh', 011 the uC'r:tgC. III 100 lie would ralhcr baye die.! than 1\18",,1' auch .n To iIluwate tho_l1lon, of 00 .....t alight or .. wko I ...... a pri....t. IlIId1u Uab"lXlItuw1. nfulcdlL no thI'I'atened IOI'fdcu. TbC'T pilI.- .

~ JUst whera thedllfl,M 'rpcara, In tbe Je.( gnneralll .d,u1t1N to 1"C')1Iire prouf. 11111\ indignill; and immNiattly oo·l'ft'Cil'inC thilJ In· crroncouJ VOUodt k'aDdaIoua 1'I'portI1DI1 be nto eelp or all hn1b Of' m1 e-rd.bf'd ...... Illy eel hit rtqutaL And IIrlhb C'nnwt actbe ...... Jtself, IlDd ~wbrre clse. eon.quently .·11 tbe, UIO moro ul.nare. 4IId bcotilow 11'101'0 la- uIIICCIlCf'. be moaln'd that h. II"o.dd IIlIl ba hurd. I kllOw an ltalia.n vnt!towl, ..~ hulol _to co IlIIdl ill; m1 kDlJllKll na all boak. dmzae4 .. bldirldoal tr- .lc.lb of 'Otittm hot

.-doDOtgo .,01M! the Icaf, or direct tl,ftUt'llCC& bor lban wo do.. I. elao gMltnUy alMkntood. caullit "~D' hrtry 1O"Jnd." u. Iheo took l'lfti1'Cd a QOtur Iurltalioa rfVlll an l:op.b ladl Ct.IIj aDd _ bil 0( boanI "'1i.0Il 1'Dllap m1 had DO othe.r ~bnIxe thlII thatl'lf IIsdwlol· upoa It, l« lbe CUM of tho diamw. Tho New &glaDd r..,'lDt'r ....ould thillk hi!! lIoDOtbtr lar£e driok, .""ann cltannchllthroal, of i~hablt --.·ttllOdudiariathit-.J ~ tabk. I had DO-, C4ptll'ChalletOo SdJow. _

NocxJlCllUft,noaituatioD,nolppueutout- Dt'iJl:h!M.H' almo~t InWat' ."bo WloIikl • pi \"Jcw.td io a ..binin; r- 01 VoM:.: ....1, "TN1, !OlII'."looit it 10. rrMod, to.bm1 dks woil; ilI.-llI," ti_it ...... l'lIftlr that I .AD eWe.r1, aI&ide.D ~1. wilb a pride thonI .,,1nI coadi:KlII of the 1Ne, II D«'isurt to II Ii t •tin 10Ilt1a /' .. ltWo - 011 • nilll WI." 111 be diet if J'.I h. ul'ftl'Jled h50 rr......-t ....1""Juln IllKUt as "".Iit &rlUJ licttt llOU that of tM IIrt. 1oIld0lllJ beiq dtptlllltot up:IO. ..eaIlbkw nlatiocta, Rtirtd IDdlice tho e:l!ltmeo of tho evil. It ~met ~nua y ;;rn .CII t; .;1 ~n Ea I ~ ~. be rid 00 a raa Cor 1\1'.1' thocuand lIo1bn." lIuina:.uo'lfillincly aDd ulllnteot:oeWl, adaIntd allllU11 enD 0( that. To b07 apmor abcdof cbill to her challlhu 10 JII'" lor "a tI1IDfclrtabIt ....bueltlll"iJI,andwhcnltwUl. 'I1li.lelwDIi nura to Icre. U Itl Ig:u. 1Il0 "Wtll )'vu'lIbttl,rl"'t OI.II,thtn." All1lhe tlleCOO'llltllof Ltd,-·,heaI1. paptr.I ... _ptlWto~_~1'If_ptltllCJ,"'II'hkhlbtaln7,uplaiuedintb_ -uato belleYe !bllt we aboulll luok to tb. cff'~'Ctto fUl1ullC'* hav. lIcen nllldo by lueb lin out- ~otlcman or tbe bar, ul1\1ld bock tha bottI. "1~'I'CMible.," aid thl rrir""; ".hr I.dl Ji.lod, tboup 10 a &tau of 1tarT.1ioA. IIIId DO woN&, with _ IDOI'O dented 1'IItca: .. And !at, -ilt dl t h II Id h I ( lay on rmtt'd rt\tnls. nnl! Ihn cnonnou, and porf'C'd Ihe "pic" Iuto the drawer. "Judi" - .. 1IlIllUOlt rwe"td .od coned lfo:DIlllo IDOIIItlit of tlm......t I QCluld call.,owo; IJKlI 0 Lord thou Ibould,t !IlIt uodenltand .hat I

• n'~ 1'. ~r eat IiII C'O UllOIl t ° e;a VI' 1A...:0Il of th3l ~""lIntry thereby Illllt. Uno IIClY L)'nch h.. ""i,liL" En,t:land." had to I'Ud .nd writo ~ill talkinC, lallihill,. IDC&D, rour hundred a.rflil' paid '1"arlull." pt!lJ,IItlOo. Le.\·u.re Ibe·JlInga o( U'Qeti (ann of l60 lIcrttr, ncar l.ondoll. wu rCllh.od "Well. nOll"I'D'i aot. a ",.in to be AnN no "1I~rti .. bowe1'ff,lbeproero[ 1D1IiUCrtion,·' IIf1iin;. whllllll.E. ud hawliog of at I~t halla . . ~ ..

.., IUch tbcy are Ilh lboto of allim:als, ·or· (or 11,020 ptr Innum-vct Ibo tC'lI:tIl~ ae- IlIch trick," Aid John. "JudI' L.rocll ba I'C'plit.'d Ill, ltaliall.. dra...illl rortb .1llU'cl1chil tclIlR of tbe moat thoucbtlCII or IIIC'nj andthat, A IIIlpiar =iIltarr -putl II ~. hi suaaofdtlietle n:tdlt.nl,m,aDd IaLleto di... CIITDUltstt'd rl~bra (rom·it by lilN.ftl oulla,s ha"K"'I." inritatiott to diOlltr, ud uhihilcd it II"ith ttl air too, in tho bouraof Ibrir r~ from all _ )I~ Ob~, pop~111l~n ... the hi· 0"ll.lllutioa. ol\mtirau from .pparelllir lu -.::.....Iln: i...f1ll11.....ll4, ond tho emplUynlC'l'I' J"hn 1.3unttrrd out. tr)'int aI'III alulterin, I.. of triumph: ....bat 1i&11011 DOW! JOIl t:IfIIlOl trel ADd r tal, rr I, ulllkr CU'CU1IlAIaD* lib ,ta!' Ilripck. 1t00000000~ofprqlOltJlr-·triTialC'l...... TbuI.UaucJJc.."IebangeaffOlD of labo,e~ So it.pr-rs tllat hialsd~ "I'D Iolow 'r", .U It_ if thel _ 1t1l"f'l1 doubt hft' 1wad!"-Lld1 m..lo&llIG·" tbftr. rould _Din' IIIItI O'I"tmltDOthiltIk. _1, Ct.l _ 'fbi, o.plUlt, ~,. Erm1n1"". btat to cold would be fjolto Ubl, to afl'cd. cro "hidrOllrCanllunratoo. e,en.. ,~ a proJoctin'aloout thiublJd." Idk:rlo 1talr... _ Is tIxrt. caa Ih\"n be., 10 tho ..bole world, a wclcba !J8 pooIIIII; tbt nm Lin~~t k II hljurtot.J1 their 4ebmte mcdwrbm, made ~ DO aid (rom tho bun .X :.:~.ftO n. then IitrppN loto .lton.od purcbaMd It ila coaDOII relllUk Ilaat Ihua _D tIDr: ~~ C&II W aD utUII b thtI dI:lI;I'PUO b1c:ca- IDtD tbaD : :~~~~":i tI:lCIhtalaili\'". b tho· •. 1 .• fIIr.- tb1"COJlOIlIlIholpoto1kl'••hkhhotialupln a IftOIt wbothlUleutiju5taafloop"* thd' _ .hilltbtara-. • ---. ':&

,. 1 ~l&dal croodltilla. 01 h.sDcbome per etntlgc OD tDCHIeII01'C'$ler!:o ~i1k pockct.lwIdk",chict A. It &:rt.. lo.-.rtli quack.ioji wbeG to pn$OII brlep aliPt It 1110 .Se._ DtOdIal061lJ 10 mucll .. lie wbo des-~ b11ll1U11lbu tr pclQDda, "'UrdIlPC~ bdTlI ~ cultlU't uti srowt!t) the IlJO O( ~Um· m&QU~. chrk, John, II"ilb hit b:llldkuchicf UDd" his ...ter.~. JUClIt. a:lJ pouods.

Page 2: PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....

l'U<JET SOuMI H.EIU W, STEILACOO)[, W. T., SEPT. tt, 1858.

L. P. FISDER, In.lf "'..IlI"«'_' ,,~ ..... Pl'*n<1_ ~uan•• IIM",.ft,.1 ,l.lollOptI'lrI I.:.. .d.

_ ...d _ ....,_H ... ,..,..'\0( «'11«, •

.... rt<tlpcm, 1..__· ClIAIIW'IOFCtI,

Page 3: PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....

PUGET SOUND HERALD, STEILAC003I, W. '1'., SEPT. 24, 1858. ~hipping.l'UGET SOUND HERAIJ).

KOHLER'S, Nc..l78W~n.

'""o~ w.u.nca..........ocn...........,..

Q ............. .....­S£LECTIO~-S FROlI AtJ. TIlE OP~

K .... lUc.. a .... aT T1rt llIC1ft ~ CO"...:J'OISI:d,

Bl'.li.~Q llin'RllBNf8. TRO!IDONF.s, COlL'iETS,



CnlB.u.s. D.uuTO~"E!\


ROW tu& .an ..uca IUDIlL Ina cua, _.......-. ...... _ ..

as.- c.~dl&a ........­

Page 4: PU'GE1 SOUND HERALD. - WA Secretary of State · 2009-07-15 · r.... ~ ~....


PUJET SUL~J) JIElULD, STEILAC003(, W. T., SEPT. U, 18j8. ,¥usinm l[;nbs. 'lstful !IublitJliaus. ,$Jn !r;UUi5Ul.

""",=-= wi-rXi::Clrj':E~li H 0 U BE, .sAX Fit.-bYe/sea.

San ~r.lIU~-

=j)=n=.=L=J. CZAPKAY'S Orand ModIoaJ o.ndSw-gical InaUtute, .~"""_,,I.o> .""'0 "''''''" Jfu.'_"V'''J7~ r..,!t.J(~"

.""'...>Alp ~l"'., .. ":/IN•.s•• ~."'It<~.

£.tabll"u4 "' 111.», for I , t"1U'II" aUPrh... ' ••"dU ~nle Dl'"'-..

••11 " " .. ~....u.,.. ..