PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT L 2 Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2015.


Transcript of PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT L 2 Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2015.

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Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2015

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Beginning of the industrial revolution is dated from the 2nd half of 18th century. From it logically influences industrialisation (beginnings firstly in England). Basal pillars of industrialisation are mainly coal and steel and symbol is steam machine, invention of which is mistakenly attributed to J.Watt in the year 1785.

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Industrialisation consequences are mechanisation of production, lastly convert to series production, unusual increase of effectiveness, modernisation – at that time used English word progress. Negative consequences are especially economical crisis.

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Europe during the 19th century, despite all inner contradictions, national conflicts, revolutions, for example Big French revolution or so called European revolution in 1848, power conflicts, and wars, becomes in the eve of the 1st world war a collective world hegemonic, naturally thanks to asserting of imperialism and colonialism. At that time loom other new great powers – USA and Japan.

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The social ambience also progresses, new social groups crystallise (especially labour) and interest groups (divisions) and their new, socialist ideology, which radicalise them.

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All these facts returned also in media sphere. From these reasons starts to form newspapers for wide readers´ groups, its edition is increasing, in the USA issues from the year 1833 the mass The Sun, in England develops after gradual decrease of charge for newspapers fee stamp the penny press as a base of tabloids, which during years overgrows in global phenomenon. On the other side develops interest and especially parties´ press.

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Progress of polygraphy technology :

1811 – printing press propelled by steam (1500 sheets per hour)

1844 – rotating printer

1884 – Otto Merganthaler invented composing machine (linotype)

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Demand for new actual news also from abroad is the impulse to establish specialised press agencies, originally commercial oriented information were later supplemented with politics news : First press agencies were 1835 Agence Havas, 1846 Harbour News Associated Press, 1849 Wolffsches Telegraphenbüro, 1851 Reuters Telegraph Company in the 20th century were divided influence spheres (to mentioned acceded UPI and TASS).

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The primary purpose of advertising is to earn money, as the one of the first worked with advertising as a mean of profit of money E. de Gerandér in Le Monde. Beginning of promotion and advertising plays a basic role for economical sustainability of periodical.

From the 20th century grows importance of media, promotional and advertising agencies, proves influence on the USA.

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Radio is a telecommunication device for one way transmission of the sound on distance.

As transmission medium are used most often high-frequency electromagnetic (radio) waves, but are also used metallic lines (local radio, wire radio). Currently the radio broadcasts also with help of internet and from satellites.

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In the 2nd half of the 19th century was the communication sphere in motion (1844 – Morseus device telegraph, 1866 is put into operation undersea cable between America and Europe etc.).

New communication mean used the next tens of years get practically from the beginning strong competition – wireless sound transmission by electromagnetic waves.

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Marconi’s 1909 Noble Prize in physics.

This important international moment offers an occasion to reassess and revisit Marconi’s inventions at the dawn of a new wireless era of the Internet and mobile computing devices. In the past hundred years, we have moved from the presence of analogue-based stationary transmitters and receivers to the use of mobile digital devices – from a broadcasting model predicated on the movement of information from one to many to new modes of communication that are many to many and highly interactive.

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Marconi’s 1909 Noble Prize in physics.

It is precisely these reverberations, impulses and interactions that our research team seeks to investigate, interrogate and harness creatively for both exhibitions and academic purposes. For these reasons the project collaborators have chosen to with the metaphoric trajectory dubbed by Marshall McLuhan – the “Marconi Galaxy.”

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History of television

In 1933, FM radio was patented by inventor Edwin H. Armstrong. FM uses frequency modulation of the radio wave to reduce static and interference from electrical equipment and the atmosphere. In 1937, W1XOJ, the first experimental FM radio station, was granted a construction permit by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

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FM in EuropeAfter World War II, the FM radio broadcast was introduced in Germany. In 1948, a new wavelength plan was set up for Europe at a meeting in Copenhagen. Because of the recent war, Germany (which did not exist as a state and so was not invited) was only given a small number of medium-wave frequencies, which are not very good for broadcasting.

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First television company Television Ltd. Established in the year 1925 John Baird 1925. In the year 1926 showed to members of Royal Institute a mechanical television. But this mechanical system was unreliable, because it required high speed of disc rotation and had low quality. In the 30th years of the 20th century gets the dominance electronic principle. In England, Soviet Union, USA, France and Germany proceed first experimental TV broadcastings. On the 2nd November 1936 regularly starts to broadcast BBC (for 300 TV owners. Arisen new mean of mass communication.

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Colour television and digital

1953: NTSC compatible colour television introduced in the US.

1962: Telstar 1, the first communications satellite, relayed the first publicly available live transatlantic television signal.

Late 1960s: The US long-distance telephone network began to convert to a digital network, employing digital radios for many of its links.

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Colour television and digital

1970s: LORAN became the premier radio navigation system. Soon, the US Navy experimented with satellite navigation.

1987: The GPS constellation of satellites was launched.

Early 1990s: Amateur radio experimenters began to use personal computers with audio cards to process radio signals.

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Mobile phones

History of mobile phones

In 1947 AT&T commercialized the Mobile Telephone Service. From its start in St. Louis in 1946, AT&T then introduced Mobile Telephone Service to one hundred towns and highway corridors by 1948. Mobile Telephone Service was a rarity with only 5,000 customers placing about 30 000 calls each week. Because only three radio channels were available, only three customers in any given city could make mobile telephone calls at one time.

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Social Media and Targeted Audience

As millions of people use the Web for conducting detailed research on products and services, getting involved in political campaigns, joining music and film clubs, reviewing products and discussing hobbies and passions, they congregate in all kinds of online places.

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The technologies and tools, which many people now refer to as „social media“ all include ways for users to express their opinions online:

•Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin…., help people cultivate a community of friends and share information.•Blogs, personal web sites written by somebody who is passionate about a topic, provide a means to share that passion with the world and to foster an active community readers who provide comments on the author´s posts.

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• Video and photo sharing sites like YouTube, Flickr and…, greatly simplify the proces of sharing and commenting on photos and videos.

• Chat rooms and message boards serve as online meeting places where people meet and discuss topics of interest, with the main feature being that anyone can start a discussion thread.

• Listservs, similar to chat rooms, send messages out by e-mail to collection of registered members.

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• Wikis are web sites that anybody can edit and update.

• Social bookmarking sites allow users to suggest content to others and „vote“ on what is interesting.

Social media provides the way people share ideas, content, thoughts and relationships online. Social media differ from mainstream media in that anyone can create, comment on, and add to social media content. Social media can také the formo f text, audio, video, images and communities.

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The best way to think about social media is not in terms of the different technologies and tools, rather how those technologies and tools allow you to communicate directly with your customers in places they are congregating right now.

Social media is the superset and is how we refer to the various media that people use to communicate online in a social way. Social media include blogs, wikis, video and photo sharing and much more.

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Valuable places to Connect

At speciality sites of all kindes, like minded hobbyists, professionals, fans, supporters meet and discuss thr intricate nuances of subjects that interest them.

Many marketers have learned, ignoring forums can be hazardous to your brand. Participating as a member allows you to reap rewards.

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Reacting quickly and honestly in the same forums where the discussions are taking place is essential.

You may not be able to turn a negative situation around, but you are instantly be seen as a real person who gives a name and a personality. Just by participating you will contribute to make the situation right.

On the Web customers, stakeholders and the media can immediately see what is on peopel´s minds. There is never been so good an opportunity to monitor what is being said about you and your products.

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The internet is like a massive focus group with uninhibited customers offering up their thoughts for free.

Tapping this resource is simple – you have to monitor what is beeing said. Just having the presence on the blogs, forums, chat rooms that your customers frequent, shaws that you care about the people who spend money with your organization.

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Social media sites are places that people congregate to discuss things that are important to them. Where are people discussing your industry and the products and services you should monitor it and participate as appropriate.

Blogs, Blogging and Blogers

Blogs have burst onto the content scene becouse the technology is an easy and efficient way to get personal or organizational viewpoints out into market.

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Blogs are independent. Blogs are very different. Blogging provides experts and would-be with an easy way to make their voices heard in the web-based Marketplace of ideas. Companies that ignore independent product reviews and blog discussions about service quality are living dangerously.

Should you believe all you read on blogs – no. Consider the source and find out if the information comes from the government, newspaper, a big corporation, someone with an agenda. Blogs and bloggers are now important and valuble alternative sources of information.

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• To work with bloggers who write about your industry, company and products.

• To begin to shape those conversations by creating and writting your own blog.

Many organizations cultivate powerful relationships with bloggers who write about their industry. Reputation mangement is important and media measurment is a key part of what PR people do.

Companies are already measuring what is going on in the media, now they need to also measure what is going on with blogs.

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Audio content delivery through PodcastingInternet audio podcasting which is essentially free except for minimal hosting fees and some equipment.

A podcast show reaches a potentially wide audience allowing anyone to create shows and listen to them. The second major development was the availability of those podcast feeds through iTunes.

Now all iPod users can simply subscribe to a feed, usually at no cost and then every time they plug their iPod the new shows are automatically download and are copied to the iPod.

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With podcasting people instantly liberate themselves from the mainstream, hit-driven broadcast radio and can listen to shows based on their specific interests.

Now marketeres have a tool to efficiently create and deliver audio content to people who want to listen.

Marketers can easily develop a show that targets their buyers and can deliver updated content that is welcome and useful to the audience.

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Media market at the end of 20th century

In the second half of the 20th century some functions of media increased (entertainment), others were suppressed (educational) of modified (infotainment = connection of information function with entertainment or politainment = clearing of politician communication for benefit of entertainment contents, moreover often with inspiration in commercial marketing communications). In the media theory is talking about so called post-journalistic (resignation on primary aspects of journalistic role) or post-politic time (it proves for example in low electoral attendance).

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Editorial subjects  Media entrepreneurs, editorial houses and multimedia companies

Subjects on medial market (promotional agency, medial agency, research agency, PR agency, CRM agency medial agency etc.)

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On-line media:Internet is complex, global computer network, where are connected individual computers and computer systems. It can use communication elements – text, picture, speech, tone, video and there interconnect through different interaction levels into communication media.

In internet exist some different applications, i.e. services, the service www (World Wide Web) is generally considered for „Internet" itself.

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WWW works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and enables the global interconnection of hypertext documents. Hypertext is the text, which signed parts (underlined) represents, respectively refers to other objects, for example pictures. For indication of hypertext documents is used finder, so called browser.

Other services on Internet are:Especially electronic post, so called e-mails, chatting, web cameras, calling through Internet, e-business, in non-commercial sphere, for example in public administration and offices, e-government, e-learning, and e-collaboration.

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Providers of online services offer to disposal “Portals“ as access to information in www. Exist portals, about which is rather general interest, as for example Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AOL or in the CZ the most used “Seznam” and other portals aimed on special target groups.

The offer is usually free and is financed mainly from advertisement on the page of the portal.

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Advertisement forms on Internet:Advertisement elements o web (banners)Paid references in browsers (SEM), Google on the right at searched page Advertisement inserted in do e-mails (promotional bottoms)Advertisement in discuss groups and conferences Public Relations on Internet: the target is to introduce a firm Web sides of firms Press news to journalists Electronic newspapers and magazines

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The New York Times suggested that social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, helped people organize the political revolutions in Egypt where it helped certain classes of protesters organize protests, communicate grievances, and disseminate information.

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Many people use the World Wide Web to access news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book vacations and to find out more about their interests.

People use chat, messaging and email to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in the same way as some previously had pen pals.

The Internet has seen a growing number of Web desktops, where users can access their files and settings via the Internet.

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Over 6 million people use blogs or message boards as a means of communication and for the sharing of ideas.

The Internet has enabled entirely new forms of social interaction, activities, and organizing, thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access. In the first decade of the 21st century, the first generation is raised with widespread availability of Internet connectivity, bringing consequences and concerns in areas such as personal privacy and identity, and distribution of copyrighted materials.

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The Web has also enabled individuals and organizations to publish ideas and information to a potentially large audience online at greatly reduced expense and time delay.

Publishing a web page, a blog, or building a website involves little initial cost and many cost-free services are available. Publishing and maintaining large, professional web sites with attractive, diverse and up-to-date information is still a difficult and expensive proposition, however.

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Many computer scientists describe the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly engineered, yet highly complex system".

The Internet is heterogeneous; for instance, data transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely.

The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity.