Publiceye 12 7 13small

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  • July 12, 2013 - Page 3Public Eye


    Awell-known Moun-tain Rise businessman may, police suspect, be the mystery mastermind who orchestrated and paid for the cold-blooded murder of family prac-titioner Dr. Bhavish Sewram in May this year.

    According to sources close to the investigation, the arrest of the Mountain Rise businessman is imminent.

    High profi le attorney Naren Sangham this week disclosed he has been retained by the Mountain Rise businessman.

    Based on the instructions received from me, my client denies all involvement in the mur-der. If requested to do so my client will fully cooperate with police in their investigations, said Sang-ham. See sidebar.

    Over the weekend investigators arrested former policeman Brian Basil Treasurer (53) who is sus-pected of hiring and driving the hit men to Sewrams Chota Mot-ala Road surgery where the doctor was shot three times. He appeared in court briefl y on Tuesday.

    In a surprise twist Treasurer was released on R50 000 bail after the state refused to oppose his bail application. Magistrate Bhekizitha Phoswa said he found it strange that bail was unop-posed considering the allega-tions against Treasurer, that of involvement in premeditated mur-der which is a Schedule 6 offence, were very serious.

    Detective warrant offi cer Yoga Naidoo testifi ed that the task team investigating the case believed a hit had been ordered on the doctor and that Treasurer was the alleged driver of the car that fer-ried Sabelo Advocate Dlamini, (24), and Mfanseni Wiseman Nxu-malo, (34) to the scene. Dlamini (suspected of being the trigger-man) and Nxumalo (suspected of recruiting Dlamini) were arrested last week.

    He (Treasurer) does not know the witnesses in this case and his release on bail will not jeopard-ize the case which is already in its advanced stages, Naidoo tes-tifi ed.

    A well-placed legal expert says

    the surprise twist in the states decision not to oppose bail sug-gests Treasurer may be cooperat-ing with the investigation.

    Brian Bazil Treasurer, 53, of Eastwood, a pensioner and cur-rently unemployed said he man-aged to raise the bail money with the help of family.

    Treasurer told the court that he is currently busy with the building of a crche and board-ing house in Cope-sville and that co-accused, Nxumalo was employed as the security guard of the building site.

    Treasur-ers bail con-ditions include reporting to the Mountain Rise Police Sta-tion weekly on a Monday and Fri-day, surrendering his ID, and not committing any crime. The matter was adjourned to July 26 for legal aid attorneys to be confi rmed.

    Top lawyer steps in for businessman

    One of the citys fore-most legal experts this week entered the fray following last weeks dramatic arrest of three suspects, one a for-mer policeman, implicated in the murder of Dr Bhavish Sewram. Following the arrest rumours abounded that a well-known Mountain Rise businessman was wanted in connection with the matter and was evading arrest.

    Attorney Naren Sangham this week confi rmed he has been retained to represent the business-man.

    I wish to state, from the instructions I have received, that my client categorically denies any involvement in the murder. I wish to dispel suggestions that my cli-ent has been evading arrest. I con-tacted Brigadier Clifford Marion last week and offered to pre-sent my client to the investigat-ing team should they feel a need to speak to him. Brigadier Marion informed me that the task team is not looking for my client and that the investigations were still on-going. I requested from Brigadier Marion that should they require

    my client, I be contacted and that I will present him to police, stated Sangham.

    My client will fully cooper-ate with the investigation. With-out wishing to reveal too much at this stage, we believe our cooper-ation will reveal an entirely new sinister dimension to this case, in which my client is not the suspect but a victim, said Sangham. He refused to elaborate.

    See SMS above, sent to Brigadier Marion.

    Arrest of mystery suspect imminent

    Above: Former policeman Brian Basil Treasurer (53) was granted R50 000 bail

    Above from left: Mfanseni Wiseman Nxumalo and

    Sabelo Advocate Dlamini at court this week



    Dear Brigadier Marion.

    I hope you are well. I tried calling you

    from my other line but I got no answer. I

    have been instructed to act for Mr (name

    deleted). There are rumours abound that

    he is being sought by you and that he is

    evading arrest. I wish to place on record

    that he is not evading arrest and that he

    has not once been approached by the

    police directly. The purpose of my call was

    to make arrangements with you to hand

    him over to you should you require him. I

    am prepared to bring him to your offi ces

    tomorrow morning or any time that you

    specify. There is no need to sensationalize

    an arrest as he is willing to hand himself

    over. Please make contact with me so that

    suitable arrangements can be made.

    Kind regards.

    Naren Sangham




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  • July 12, 2013 - Page 7Public Eye

    7letters to the editor

    South Africa is wasting bil-lions of rand on its poor education system. This can be seen in the average pass rate for undergraduate students in 2011, which was just over 15%.

    As far as education is con-cerned we facing a critical crisis in our country. Since the appoint-ment of Angie Motshekga as Min-ister of Education and Blade Nzi-mande now the Minister of Higher Education, things have got worse. Both of them must be replaced before our education system becomes disastrous. It appears that the state spends 20% of its total budget on education. The out-comes ranged from poor to among

    the lowest in the world. It was fur-ther stated that the problem was not at university level only but with tertiary and primary teaching.

    It is very sad that students are taking two years to complete their fi rst year, as this encourages the idea that it is acceptable to fail.

    My plea to the Education

    authorities is to bring back from retirement all the professors, academics, HODs and other members of the teaching frater-nity so that they can commence with teaching programmes. Let us not wait for the disaster to happen.

    J.J. Pillay

    I think you guys need to report on the traffi c con-gestion we are experienc-ing between 4pm and 6:30pm on weekdays.

    Although the new Chota Motala Road Interchange has helped to alleviate the traffi c con-gestion in the mornings, the after-noons are a disaster. Our local newspapers have (in several arti-cles) reported on the improvement to the traffi c problem facing resi-dents in the northern areas.

    This did not last very long. It takes up to an hour to get from Liberty Mall to Raisethorpe when all three lanes are open. Traffi c is backed up on the N3 going past the mall.

    A survey needs to be under-taken during peak hours as men-tioned above to realise the seri-ousness of this problem. Although it is appreciated that the Chota Motala Road interchange was con-structed, something needs to be done to accommodate the large

    volume of traffi c that travels to the northern areas.

    The robot at Mountain Rise school is currently non functional. On the odd occasion you will fi nd traffi c offi cers manning the inter-section. They are not there in the evenings when traffi c travelling to the northern areas is at its peak.

    I am sure that there are a num-ber of frustrated motorists who share the same sentiment.

    Minnesh Parmanand

    Taking the limited powers religious or theological bodies have over their constituents, especially when it comes to resolving marital, main-tenance, child custody and inheri-tance disputes, I would like to rec-ommend to parents and families to have open and healthy discussions around these issues.

    To-day, religious beliefs, val-ues and compassion are no more regarded as sacred. Greed, mate-rialism and satisfying of desires have become dear and are regarded as the norm.

    In the absence of the Muslim personal law or regulation govern-ing Muslim marriages, women go

    through a great deal of misery and challenge just to obtain a divorce or a reasonable maintenance from her husband.

    One of the major challenges facing Muslim women is that the right to divorce rests wholly and solely with the husband. Should a woman not be happy in a marriage she has to obtain a divorce from her husband. And if he behaves in a spiteful and malicious manner she becomes entangled in a long and bitter struggle to obtain her divorce. Here the theological bod-ies powers are very limited.

    Mohamed SaeedChurch Street

    Marriage is suffering

    Traffic congestion frustrating motorists

    SA wasting money on poor education

    The letter written by Babs Sitherpersad of the Msunduzi Ratepayers Forum has reference.

    Unfortunately Mr. Sitherper-sad has once again demonstrated his inability to gather his thoughts and his facts before putting pen to paper. The introduction of the new parking meter system has been a most welcome boon to the CBD of our city. After years of law-lessness the regulation of parking is benefi tting motorists and con-sumers, businesses and fi nally the citys coffers. Business Against Crime recently heaped praise on

    the new system. According to what has been reported the system cost the city nothing and all of the capital investment required was funded by Panzascore. All the city has to do is provide parking war-dens and ensure the bays are well maintained. Sitherpersads claim that the system cost Msunduzi R1.2million is entirely a fi gment of his ailing imagination.

    Instead of continually being a doomsayer he should account to the few remaining members of the MRF where is the R280 000 raised to launch a legal challenge against the city on high property

    rates. This money should be either returned to the individuals or used for what it was intended for in the fi rst place.

    Mr. Sitherpersad should give serious consideration to step-ping down to make room for more competent leadership that will benefi t ratepayers, unless of course the MRF is a one-man band!

    Sunny GayadinChairman: National Union of

    Residents and Ratepayers Associ-ations of South Africa.

    MRF needs more competent leadership

  • July 12, 2013 - Page 10Public Eye


    Midlands Hindu Society in partnership with the Sana-than Dharma Sabha of South Africa and the Sanathan Dharma Sabha Purohit Mundal is hosting a Sanathan Priests Workshop and Sathyanarayan Vrat Katha in Pietermaritzburg from 20 to 21 July.

    The workshop is open to the public and will assist in the drive by Midlands Hindu Society to educate all Hindus about the diversity that is practiced within Hinduism so that all Hindus have a common understanding and respect of each others practices within Hinduism.

    Attendance is by registration since course material has to be pre-pared for each attendee. Should you be interested, kindly register by e-mailing [email protected] or by sending an sms ,with your name and contact number, to 082 498 4867 as soon as possible as seats are limited.

    There will also be prayer books on sale at the workshop.

    Workshop on Sanathan Prayers

    Mama Ntombis Commu-nity Projects (MNCP) wishes to express deep and sincere gratitude to everyone who opened their hearts and wal-lets to assist those in desperate need of the basic necessities in life. As a result of the Please help those in need this winter appeal in the Pub-lic Eye of 21 June MNCP has been amazed at the generosity of Public Eye readers.

    We wish to thank everyone who donated cash, clothes, blankets, bags of mealie meal and other food items, said Sandra Pillay of MNCP.

    We are so grateful to peo-ple like Marian who has been knit-ting blankets every spare moment she has since she came to know about the work we are doing. This past weekend we handed out ten such blankets adding to the ten we received in May.

    The needs are great out there especially where we see aged grand-mothers who now have the respon-sibility thrust upon them to care for their orphaned grandchildren. We can all make a difference by sharing just a little bit of what we have to brighten someone elses life.

    Public Eye appeal helps those in need!

    Gogos Mchunu, Thibane and Nzimande with MNCP board member Martin Sibisi singing and dancing in

    jubilation on receiving their beautifully knitted blankets.

    Shree Sanathan Dharma Sabha of South Africa,

    Shree Sanathan Dharma Sabha of South Africa Purohit Mandal


    Midlands Hindu Society Affiliated to the South African Hindu Maha Sabha

    NPO 046 308

    IInnvviitteess HHiinndduu PPrriieessttss && PPuubblliicc ttoo aa FFrreeeeWWoorrkksshhoopp

    on Sandhya, Anthyesti (Funerals) & related Shraadh ceremonies.

    Thiluk, Hurdee & Vivah Sanskar (Wedding). Shashti Puja (Chatti, birth-related puja).

    Sri Sathyanarayan Katha & Hanuman Puja (practical).

    Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st July 2013 Starting at 8 am

    Aryan Hall - Khan Road, Pietermaritzburg Registration is essential: Send Name & Contact Nos.

    to e-mail [email protected] / sms 0824984867

    Workshop material and Refreshments will be provided Donations Welcome

    Contact: Ranjiv Nirghin on 0824423835 Puja books will be on sale to the public.

    (in the Devnagari & Roman transliteration)

    KwaZulu-Natal ANC chairperson Senzo Mchunu has extended best wishes to Muslims in KZN, South Africa and around the world,

    saying the ruling party appreciates the role played by

    Muslims. The ANC and its government enjoy a very good relationship with the Mus-lim community which has not only played an important role during our liberation struggle but also played a key role in post-apartheid South Africa.

    This Mchunu led a provincial ANC dele-gation to what he labeled a fruitful meeting in Durban with the

    Minara Chamber of Commerce, an organ-isation that represent South African Muslim businesses, mainly to wish the Muslim com-munity well during its month long journey of intense devotion, fasting and prayer.

    Our organisations agreed to create a platform for continuous engagement to strengthen the cooperation between the ANC and the Muslim community which plays a huge role in assisting the poorest of the poor during diffi cult times such as the natural disasters, said Mchunu.

    He said through the month of prayer, prac-tise of self-discipline, self-control, sacrifi ce and empathy for those who are less fortunate, the Muslim community presents a lesson that can enrich the nation.

    ANC-KZN Sends Ramadaan wishes

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  • July 12, 2013 - Page 16Public Eye

    16 NEWS

    The old premises of Jewel of India in the Invesco Centre at 16 Chatterton Road have been transformed into one of Piet-ermaritzburgs leading Indian cuisine restaurants, Swaadisht Foods Family Restaurant and Take-away.

    It is the fourth Swaadisht restaurant opened in KwaZulu Natal by Durban business-man Jay Rambulip and his son, Sanjay. By the end of the year there will be six, several of them as part of the chain of Shell service stations owned by the Rambulip family.

    In September last year the Rambulips Swaadisht restaurants won KwaZulu Natals Sunday Times Coca Cola Bunny Chow contest in which three independent judges visited restaurants and outlets unannounced across the province. The Swaadisht bunny chows were found to be consistently good, tasty, generous and attractively presented.

    But bunny chows are only a small part of the Swaadisht menu. While they prepare a wide variety of food, and even Chinese cuisine, their spciality is their fl ame-grilled tandoori chicken prepared in their imported special tandoori oven. They also bake their own varieties of naan bread to go with their dishes.

    The Chatterton Road Swaadisht restau-rant, which can cater for up to 150 people at a sitting, has become a favourite family dining-out restaurant for all cultures.

    We are well-known for our take-aways, but a good 60 percent of our business is sit-in. We have lovely dcor, high quality

    furniture and wonderful, friendly service. Our chefs go to great trouble to fi nd out exactly what kind of food diners are look-ing to experience, Rambulip senior told Public Eye.

    He is proud that his familys venture into catering has proved so successful.

    It is all about belief, believing that you can succeed if you work hard to prepare good food well at a very reasonable price, he added.

    Although only having opened in May this year, the Chatterton Swaadisht Foods restaurant is already proving successful.

    A glance at the menu and the various specials on offer on different days shows why that is so. The two specialist Bangla-deshi chefs and their assistant chefs have 117 reasonably priced dishes on the menu , including their speciality tandoori chicken, schwarmas, roti rolls, burgers, Chinese cuisine, curries and a wide variety of other dishes ranging from mild to very spicy, depending on your preference.

    On Wednesday evenings (from 6pm

    to 9pm) and Sunday afternoons (from 12pm to 4pm) Swaadisht serves its famous eat all you can buffet for only R89 per person. You can choose from four start-ers (samoosas, chilli bites, papad and green salad), four main meals (lamb biryani, roast chicken and roast potatoes, prawn curry, tandoori chicken, beans curry and mixed vegetables), and four desserts (ice cream and chocolate sauce, fruit salad, soji, custard and jelly). All served with rice, naan bread and roti.

    On Fridays their popular chick-en biryani is on special for only

    R25 between 10am and 2pm.Since one is always hungry during

    winter, Swaadisht offer two winter specials: a three for the price of two on regular burgers, and a chicken tikka leg with any two chicken tikkas.

    A standing special is a free 330ml coke with purchases of chicken, mutton or kebab bunny chows, as well as with any chinese cuisine, or mutton, fi sh or prawn biryani.

    They also cater for birthdays, engage-ments and any other special functions, large or small, to help make a special event memorable. Free undercover parking for 90 minutes is also provided.

    You can call Swaadisht on 033 3420 334 or 072 818 7752 for further informa-tion and bookings.

    Ramadaan Ifthaar Take Away Special

    Free Bombay crush valued at R32 with order of R120 or Free Bombay Crush

    valued at R32 + Free milk shake valued at R26 with order of R180.

    Swaadisht Foods opens in Pietermaritzburg

    Mohamed Nawaaz (Tandoori Chef), Jay Rambulip (Owner), Mohamed Monir Hossain (Head Chef), Segren Rungasamy (Manager).

    The theme Blood on the Dance Floor fundraising event will be held at Kaskaade, Shop 2, at 9 Armitage Road, Pietermaritzburg on Sat-urday 13 July from 8pm

    The entrance fee of R50 is in aid of raising funds for Venash Singh, who was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leu-kemia (AML) in August 2011.

    The Lincoln Meade father of three is making an urgent appeal for funds to assist him in securing umbilical cord blood from Russia and Germany. The blood is rich in stem cells which are needed to treat the relatively rare form of blood cancer, Acute Myelogenous Leuke-

    mia (AML), from which he suffers. Cost of shipping the two sets of stem

    cells to Groote Schuur Memorial Hospital in Cape Town, where the procedure is to take place is R660 000, excluding insur-ance and transport. On top of that he has to spend a month in ICU after the pro-cedure, followed by a 6 month recovery period in close proximity to the hospital should there be any adverse reaction. The associated costs are also not funded by Medical Aid, said Singh.

    A special account has been set up for Singhs appeal, managed by a registered Chartered Accountant.

    Any contribution will be greatly appreciated. The road to recov-ery starts with one small step, pleaded Singh.

    Banking Details are as fol-lows: Standard Bank Account Name: The Leu-kaemia Stem Cell Fund; Branch Code: 04-07-27; Account number: 331853744

    Contact Venash Singh on: 0836530555 or be e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]

    Blood on the Dance Floor appeal



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  • Maritzbur g

    12 July 201312 July 2013Your weekly motoring guide with attitude 031-716 4444Contact us: Lisinda 031-716 4451 [email protected]: 031-716 4419 [email protected]

    Audi TT RS

    Gets the pulses racingBy Gavin Foster

    I really found myself betwixt and betweenwhen I looked at the specification sheetthat came with the evaluation Audi TT RScoup. Is this a super car, but too expensive?Or is it a competitively priced Supercar with acapital S?

    After a week driving it and revelling in thethrust and sound of the 2.5-litre intercooled andturbocharged 2.5-litre five cylinder engine at fullcry I'm inclined to go for the latter.

    The RS version of the TT is a superbly crafteddrivers' car that makes every trip a pleasure, evenat legal speeds. Well, almost legal.

    The TT RS hasn't changed much since itarrived in South Africa three years ago, exceptthat it's now available only with the 7-speed STronic transmission. Buyers of the coup androadster versions previously had the choice ofsix-speed S tronic or manual gearboxes, but thenew seven-speed unit has replaced both.

    The engine in the RS was developed fromscratch, with five cylinders crammed into an

    overall length of just 49 centimetres to keep itcompact and light - weight of the motor is only183kg.

    Audi has a long history of aurally delightfulturbocharged five cylinder motors, and this one issuperb. Along with its 250kW of power it servesup a mammoth 450Nm of torque from 1,600rpmright up to 5,300rpm to deliver a huge wave ofsurge whenever you get on the gas, no matter howfast the crankshaft is spinning at the time.

    The test car sent for evaluation was loaded withextras to the value of R62,590, bringing the priceup to a hefty R810,590. These included a re-programming of the car's top speed limit from thestandard 250km/h to 280km/h for a rather steepR20,600 and sports exhaust system (R12,900). Inever got around to finding out if the new top-speed limiter works, but I can vouch for thequality of the sports exhaust's sound.

    The RS version of the TT is 10mm lower-slungthan the standard versions, and there are anumber of styling cues to imply that this is notwhat used to unkindly be called a hairdressers'

    model.There's a larger grille, deeper sills, two large

    oval tailpipes poking out on each side of the tail,and a large rear wing on the boot lid. RS badginginside and out also makes sure the point is taken.The massive 370mm front brake and 310mm rearventilated discs are clamped by four-pistoncalipers, also bearing the RS logo.

    Performance is exhilarating. The TT can reach100km/h in a claimed 4,9 seconds, and sometesters have even recorded slightly better times.Handling is superb, thanks to the Quattro four-wheel-drive system and tuned suspension, andthe brakes and gearbox don't let the side down.

    One of the best things about the Audi's engine- along with the shove in the back when the gaspedal's stamped on - is the way it sounds. I don'tknow what the standard exhaust sounds like, butthe sports system fitted to the test car soundedgorgeous, with some gorgeous popping and

    crackling during the lightning-quick gearchangeswhen the car's driven aggressively.

    If you want more you can take a poke at the"Sport" button to quicken up the throttle actionand open up a flap in the left tailpipe, allowing theengine to breath better and wail louder.

    The Audi TT RS is expensive but not un-reasonably priced for what it is. It looks good,sounds great, is well built and above all, itdelivers performance that few cars on the roadcan match at the price.

    Handling is superb,thanks to the Quattrofour-wheel-drive systemand tuned suspension

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  • 2 PIETERMARITZBURG 12 July 2013Two Wheels

    First Pirelli SA Bike of the Year competitiongets off the mark

    By Gavin Foster

    Last month saw the birth of the inauguralPirelli Bike of the Year competition, with adozen or so experienced South Africanmotorcycle journalists evaluating 14 all-newmodels over two days of testing at Midvaalracetrack and on the roads of Gauteng. Now thatthe votes are in, the scorecards will be assessedand the overall winner announced at the end ofAugust.

    The competition, organised by Mat Durrans andHarry Fisher, took into account each bike's com-petitiveness within its own sector of the market.

    The winner would have to be somewhat morethan merely a "good bike" - it needed to stand outfrom the crowd and be really special.

    With entrants ranging from the budget-friendlyR39,500 Suzuki Inazuma 250 twin with its buzzylittle 24 horsepower engine to the mighty KTM1190 Adventure (147hp, and R152,999) there wasplenty of variety.

    The entry list included the majestic 1380cc MotoGuzzi California Touring (R195,995), the exquisite1731cc Victory Boardwalk cruiser (R235,000), theversatile Aprilia Caponord 1200 (R185,500), thelatest BMW R1200GS adventure bike (R140,800),Yamaha's FJR 1300 (R179,900) and XJ6 Diversion(R84,950), and the well-received Kawasaki Z800street fighter (R99,995).

    Adding to as disparate a collection of mo-torcycles as you'll ever get to see in one place,Honda included their automatic NC700X DCT(R79,900) and a scooter version of the samemachine, while Triumph was represented by theBritish marque's comprehensively equipped 1215ccTrophy tourer (R169,500) alongside their race-ready Daytona 675 sports machine (R129,500).Korean manufacture Hyosung, newly returned toSouth Africa, threw their hat into the ring with theirR49,000 GT650R V-twin engine in a neat sports-

    bike package.Finally, there was the MV Agusta Brutale street-

    fighter, a feisty little bike that assaults the rider with125 aggressive horses for R109,900, and the sim-ilarly styled built-in-China Benelli BJ600(R65,000).

    For those who're wondering what would beproved by hammering some of these machinesaround a racetrack, the intention was not to comparelap times, but to safely see how each would copewith the winding roads that motorcyclists love somuch. The 300km or so of road riding from theovernight stop at Lake Avenue Inn at Deneysville -home of South Africa's finest historic motorcycle

    museum - was very useful in getting beneath the

    skin of the machines and finding out just how good- or bad - they are in everyday conditions.

    So what's going to come out on top? Allimpressed in different ways, but at the end of thetwo days, after riding all the bikes and listening tothe debate, I believe that any one of three bikes willemerge as the SA Pirelli Bike of the year 2013.

    These are (in alphabetic order) the BMW R1200GS, the KTM 1190 Adventure and the TriumphDaytona 675.

    The intention was not tocompare lap times, but tosafely see how each wouldcope with the winding roadsthat motorcyclists loveso much

    Gavin Foster on theAprilia Caponord.

  • July 12, 2013 - Page 19Public Eye


    The Pietermaritzburg Truro Quilters Guild made a fundraising quilt in order to raise funds for the club. The quilt, made from scratch, fi ts a double bed took three months for the

    members to complete and was won by Viraal Bridgelal. The PMB Truro Quilters Guild meets monthly at the Eddels Sport Club and often donates

    their designs to Hospice, Community Chest and Aryan Benevolent Homes. Pictured from left, standing: Jakie Edwards, Mona Singh, Sudha Hargovan, Angie

    Padayachee, Rani Naidoo, Sally Munian. Seated: Marie Chetty, Roma Singh, Kerith Charlmers, Prakash Kalika and Lallie Moodley. Not pictured: Saro Pillay, Kay Hiralal,

    Zubie Haniff, Bibi Khan, Asha Soni, Salo Harlchu, Niri Naicker.

    Quilting for a cause

    From left: Mike Hart (Director of Reading to Learn), Kate Bold (PGCE student from UKZN), Carl Hendriks (Settlers School, Limpopo), Nokuthulo Zondi (Maqonqo Primary School), Louise Nel (St Nicholas Diocesan School), Kelly Ingles (Ridge Junior Primary), Dee Rudling (Ridge Junior Primary), Nelly Mkhize (Philani Primary), Mabu Makhatini

    (Sambangangani Primary), Sandra Pretorius (Ridge Junior Primary), and Deb Avery (RTL Trainer)

    Reading to learn

    A course on a new methodology of teaching called Reading to Learn was held in Pietermaritz-burg recently. This innovative way of teach-ing reading and writing has the potential to raise literacy levels in classrooms when used by teachers across the phases.

    Ten very enthusiastic teachers from around South Africa attended this course. Anyone interested in fi nding out more about Reading to Learn can visit the web page

    The South African National Blood Services (SANBS) urges citizens to donate blood, especially this winter. Current blood stocks are at a criti-cally low level as a result of normal donors at local schools and universities being away on holiday.

    With the fl u season here, people on med-ication are not allowed to give blood, so this creates a further problem. However, if someone is in critical need of a transfusion, we will fi nd the blood. But if someone is not critical then we cannot help them and no hospital wants to say that to a patient, said a marketing department spokesperson for Edendale Hospital.

    The collection of blood has drastically dropped to a daily average of about 1.7 days of supply available. This is alarmingly less than the required 5 day stock. SANBS

    needs to collect on average 3 000 units a day to meet the demand. Since the start of the winter holidays, they have not achieved this.

    Some hospitals are taking swift action to stay ahead of the problem like Mid-lands Medical Centre Private Hospital that hosted a South African National Blood Ser-vice (SANBS) blood clinic in early July as part of its Staff Wellness Day.

    SANBS is requesting that the public takes the initiative to donate blood. One donation can save up to three lives.

    Minimum requirements to be a donor:Be between the ages of 16 - 65 yearsWeigh more than 50kgsBe in good healthLive a sexually safe lifestyleTo fi nd your nearest donor centre call

    0800 11 9031 or visit

    South African National Blood Services in crisisSarah Sarabjiet

  • July 12, 2013 - Page 20Public Eye

    20 NEWS

    This is the fi nal week to get a ticket to the much awaited new Dingalings adult comedy Full Of Ship. Set aboard a cruise liner the crew, Din-galings favourites Henry Ramkis-soon, Koobeshen Naidoo, Senzo Mthethwa, Ravi Subramoney, Melvyn Davids, and newcomer Pamela Naidoo are all set to take you on a laugh a minute journey back to the good old days.

    Audiences can expect the usual zany off the wall comedy with mistaken identity, confusion, prob-lems with the fairer sex and all your favourite tunes. The show is for one day only on Saturday 13 July at the Golden Horse Confer-ence Centre at 5pm and 8.30pm. Tickets at R100 can be purchased from the guest relations desk at the casino. Enquiries [email protected]

    Dingalings adult comedy at Casino on SaturdayADVERTORIAL

    Ahmed Haffejee, the courteous lively, highly respected co-owner of Haffejees Service Station at 561 Church Street in Pietermaritzburg, who died at the age of 75 earlier this year, led a double life.He lived as Ahmed Haffejee for the fi rst 14 years of his life in Piet-ermaritzburg, where he was born in Church Street in 1938, and attended Woodlands School.

    Then his father died and he

    went to live with the Choonara family in Sophiatown. Because of the new apartheid laws, which restricted population movement of black, coloured and Indian people, he found he was in Johannesburg illegally. He assumed the name Achmed Choonara, after his host family.

    Life was tough but the slight, wiry youngster proved more than a match for opponents in street fi ghts. It was while dealing with a

    group of gangsters that his fi ght-ing skill caught the attention of a boxing enthusiast Dawood Mohi-deen who introduced him to the idea of boxing as a career. He joined Yanks Amateur Club in Fordsburg, Johannesburg under the tutelage of H. Mia.

    His boxing career offi cially started when he was 18, in 1956. In 1959 he won his fi rst amateur fi ght in the bantamweight division and went on to win his next fi ve fi ghts before switching to feather-weight. Undefeated as an amateur he then switched to professional bantamweight boxing. In a profes-sional career that would last until 1973 he fought 15 professional fi ghts winning 12 of them.

    He fought all over South Africa: from the Springbok Hall in Vrededorp to Curries Fountain in Durban to Cape Towns City Hall. When ordinary Indians were scared to enter Soweto, he entered the boxing rings of Soweto to fi ght the best the township had

    to offer. His boxing journey took him to the township community halls of Mamelodi, Witbank, and the Bantu Mens Social Centre in Johannesburg.

    He did not travel with an entou-rage when fi ghting in the town-ships, in fact, very few of his sup-porters dared venture into the black townships during the height of apartheid. But Ahmed soon won the support of black boxing enthusiasts who nicknamed him the Fighting Maharaj. In Lena-sia he enjoyed legendary status as the only Indian boxer of note from Lenasia. His career was closely monitored by The Lenasia Times.

    Possibly concerned about his growing popularity, which attracted a large multi-racial fol-lowing, the Transvaal Boxing Board of Control, without stated reason or explanation, withdrew his professional boxing licence in 1973.

    He decided to return home with his family to Pietermaritzburg and

    opened Haffejees Service Centre with his brothers as partners.

    Boxer Haffajee as he then became known toiled in the busi-ness like a boxer training for a fi ght to ensure the business sur-vived through tough economic times. He is survived by his busi-ness partner and brother, Ismail who together with Boxer formed a business partnership of approx-imately 37 years, something very rare in todays business climate.

    Boxer lived for his family. He and his wife Zubeida, whom he married in 1961, had 4 sons and 14 grandchildren.

    He died on 23 April this year at the age of 75.

    In the ring he had the heart of a lion, but in business he had a heart of gold. He always was obliging and helpful. He never said no to anyone in need of help. His aim in business was never to accumulate wealth but to earn an honest living through hard work, recalls Ismael Haffajee.

    Pietermaritzburgs Fighting Maharaj

    While the rest of the world holds its breath and says its prayers for former President Nel-son Mandela, a new local singing duo from Pietermaritzburg called Kamina sing a tribute, Madala Madala, to his life and all he has done for the country.

    Kamina are Londiwe Mel-ody Ngcamu from Sobantu and

    Nhlanhla Zion Buthelezi from Imbali.

    Raruka Records, a local record label has released the duos trib-ute track. It was written by the recording studios producer, Sam-uel Paulo Dlamini, who was inspired by the many hurdles that Mandela and South Africa had overcome in the struggle for free-dom and equality. The music was

    composed by Maclin SmithDlamini grew up in Mozam-

    bique but relocated to Pieter-maritzburg.

    Director of Raruka Records, Claude Charles, said they had plans to meet with radio stations to promote the track on air to give the duo exposure.

    We want to honour Madiba and at the same time showcase Pietermaritzburg talent. After Samuel had written the song he said to me, Claude, I wrote this song but remember, I didnt write it for myself, I wrote it for the people of Pietermaritzburg, said Charles.

    Backing vocals are supplied by the children of the Pietermaritz-burg Childrens Home.

    Sarah Sarabjiet

    Local group Kaminas tribute to Madiba

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    Outside stall holders welcome! Please call Angela 033 - 3869267

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    Pietermaritzburgs Fighting Maharaj in action in Lenasia in the 1950s

  • July 12, 2013 - Page 21Public Eye


    While he aims to build character, conquer human misery and fi nd spiritual freedom, Jay Paday-achee emphasises that the impor-tance of karate-do (karate) is to balance training for self-defence with training the mind. It is vital to cultivate intellect before strength.

    There are different karate styles, each with unique character-istics. Padayachee has focused for a number of years on Goju-Ryu, which is an offi cial traditional style of the sport, practised locally

    and internationally. In doing so, he has made our city proud.

    Padayachee, who is a world acclaimed karate-do expert, jets off to Omagari in Japan this weekend to represent the country at the World Goju-Ryu Seminar from 17 July to 8 August. He is presently the vice-president of the J.K.F.

    Gojukai Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Seiwa-Kai Association of South Africa. In 2010 he passed his 6th Dan (degree) Black Belt in the art of Goju-Ryu. And, while he is in Japan, Padayachee will undergo an intensive training programme which will prepare him for his 7th Dan Black Belt. He will then, become one of the highest ranked karate-do experts in the country.

    Born in Pietermaritzburg, Padayachee attended the St Pauls and Marian Primary schools before matriculating from Wood-lands High School. He gradu-

    ated as an educator, with an Hon-ours Degree in Human Movement (Physical Education) from the University of Durban-Westville. Karate was offered as part of the curriculum at the university.

    During his student years, Padayachee became the founder member of Santhan Karate-Do Goju-Kai under the tutorship of Sensei Selva Pillay. The club focused on the traditional side of karate-do with the intention of obtaining the technical know-how for the purpose of exami-nations and gradings. Due to the double standard resolution of the non-racial sports movement, no competitive sports contact was executed. Padayachee taught at schools from Phoenix to Umlazi, promoting karate-do.

    He returned to Pietermaritz-burg upon his promotion as Prin-cipal of Ramatha Road Primary School. Padayachee introduced

    karate into the curricu-lum at his school. More-over, he promoted the art of karate-do in a number of neighbouring schools, including Trustfeed Sec-ondary in Wartburg.

    Perhaps, the greatest hon-our that was bestowed upon him, was being awarded his 5th Dan Black Belt by the great Japanese grandmaster, Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi ( 9th Dan Black Belt ) of the International Karate-Do Goju-Kai Association.

    Padayachee is presently a rec-ognised international examiner and serves on the international disciplinary and mediation board. He has been appointed to the Shi-hankai of the Japanese Karate Federation. This federation has also conferred upon Padayachee the title of Renshi Shihan.

    The 2nd World Goju-Ryu Karate Championships is sched-

    uled to take place in Stellenbosch in Cape Town from 9 to 15 Sep-tember. Padayachee has been selected to represent South Africa at the championships. A remark-able achievement for a man who, over the past 40 years, has over-come discrimination and oppres-sion in this sport.

    Padayachees vision is to pro-mote the art of karate-do among adults, especially women and he also aims to produce at least 50 black belts in the U-25 year sec-tion in the Midlands region. He is the technical advisor for the local Saizen Goju-Ryu Karate-Do

    The Sports Veterans Associ-ation extends its best wishes to Renshi Shihan Jay on his trip to Japan.

    Renshi Shihan Jay Padayachee

    martial arts expert


    Specialising in the printing of newspapers and newsprint lea ets, Guardian Web based in Pietermaritzburg, is seeking to appoint a general manager to run the day-to-day operations of the plant.

    The ideal candidate will have proven managerial and technical expertise and experi-ence in a coldest web printing environment, inter alia, be pro cient in the control of stock (paper, ink, plates and consumables), have the required technical acumen to ensure the safe, smooth running of the plant in terms of maintenance and repairs, experience in production planning within a deadline driven environment and experience in estimation and costing.

    As a growing newspaper printing company with established and secure print contracts with leading publishing houses, Guardian Web is offers an industry related remunera-tion package, on-going training and staff development as well as the ability to grow and develop within the Capital Media Group.


    Specialising in the printing of newspapers and newsprint lea ets, Guardian Web based in Pietermaritzburg, is seeking to appoint a press captain to manage the companys web coldest printing press which consists of two four high towers and two folders. The ideal candidate will have the proven technical expertise, experience and quali ca-tions in the running of the above mentioned machinery, have the required technical acumen/industry networks to ensure the safe, smooth running of the plant, mainte-nance and repairs, have experience in production planning, have the required level of experience to manage stock (paper, ink, plates and other consumables). It is imperative the press captain is able to lead by example, is willing to work alongside his team to ensure the products we print are of high quality, production deadlines are met and that the operation is run as ef ciently as possible. As a growing newspaper printing company with established and secure print contracts with leading publishing houses, Guardian Web is offers an industry related remunera-tion package, on-going training and staff development as well as the ability to grow and develop within the Capital Media Group.

    To apply, please send a detailed CV together with contactable references to:

    The HR Manager: Guardian WebPO Box 965, Luxmi, 3207

    Alternately, CVs can be physically dropped off at 373 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

    The closing date for applications is Tuesday 16 July 2013.





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